private void createLetter(String c) { final Text letter = new Text(c); letter.setFill(Color.BLACK); letter.setFont(FONT_DEFAULT); letter.setTextOrigin(VPos.TOP); letter.setTranslateX((getWidth() - letter.getBoundsInLocal().getWidth()) / 2); letter.setTranslateY((getHeight() - letter.getBoundsInLocal().getHeight()) / 2); getChildren().add(letter); // over 3 seconds move letter to random position and fade it out final Timeline timeline = new Timeline(); timeline.getKeyFrames().add( new KeyFrame(Duration.seconds(3), new EventHandler<ActionEvent>() { @Override public void handle(ActionEvent event) { // we are done remove us from scene getChildren().remove(letter); } }, new KeyValue(letter.translateXProperty(), getRandom(0.0f, getWidth() - letter.getBoundsInLocal().getWidth()),INTERPOLATOR), new KeyValue(letter.translateYProperty(), getRandom(0.0f, getHeight() - letter.getBoundsInLocal().getHeight()),INTERPOLATOR), new KeyValue(letter.opacityProperty(), 0f) ));; }
public void show() { textArea = new JFXTextArea(bodyText); JFXDialogLayout content = new JFXDialogLayout(); content.setHeading(new Text(headingText)); content.setBody(textArea); content.setPrefSize(dialogWidth, dialogHeight); StackPane stackPane = new StackPane(); stackPane.autosize(); JFXDialog dialog = new JFXDialog(stackPane, content, JFXDialog.DialogTransition.LEFT, true); JFXButton button = new JFXButton("Okay"); button.setOnAction(new EventHandler<ActionEvent>() { @Override public void handle(ActionEvent event) { dialog.close(); } }); button.setButtonType(com.jfoenix.controls.JFXButton.ButtonType.RAISED); button.setPrefHeight(32); button.setStyle(dialogBtnStyle); content.setActions(button); pane.getChildren().add(stackPane); AnchorPane.setTopAnchor(stackPane, (pane.getHeight() - content.getPrefHeight()) / 2); AnchorPane.setLeftAnchor(stackPane, (pane.getWidth() - content.getPrefWidth()) / 2);; }
private void displayText(final String s, final String title) { final Scene scene = new Scene(new Pane()); String text = s; if (s == null || s.isEmpty()) { text = "Whoops! Nothing to see here"; } final Text textItem = new Text(text); final Button okButton = new Button("OK"); final GridPane grid = new GridPane(); grid.setVgap(4); grid.setHgap(10); grid.setPadding(new Insets(5, 5, 5, 5)); grid.add(textItem, 0, 0); grid.add(okButton, 1, 0); final Pane root = (Pane) scene.getRoot(); root.getChildren().add(grid); if (rootModel.darkModeProperty().get()) { scene.getStylesheets().add("root/darkMode.css"); textItem.getStyleClass().add("text"); } final Stage stage = new Stage(); stage.setScene(scene); stage.setTitle(title);; okButton.setOnAction(e -> { stage.close(); }); }
public void makeAndAuditExpression() { // make and audit expression StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (Node node : expressionTextFlow.getChildren()) { if (node instanceof Text) { sb.append(((Text) node).getText()); } } String fullText = makeStringFromTextFlow(); if (fullText.trim().length() > 0) { Expression exp = squidProject.getTask().generateExpressionFromRawExcelStyleText( "Editing Expression", fullText.trim().replace("\n", ""), false); expressionAuditTextArea.setText(exp.produceExpressionTreeAudit()); } else { expressionAuditTextArea.setText(""); } }
/** * Create a table cell that wraps the text inside. * * @param param the table column * @return a table cell that wraps the text inside */ TableCell<Annotation, String> wrappableTableCell(final TableColumn<Annotation, String> param) { return new TableCell<Annotation, String>() { @Override protected void updateItem(final String item, final boolean empty) { super.updateItem(item, empty); if (item == null || empty) { setGraphic(null); return; } final Text text = new Text(item); text.setWrappingWidth(param.getWidth()); setPrefHeight(text.getLayoutBounds().getHeight()); setGraphic(text); } }; }
public MonsterAdder(AllPossibleMonsters possibleMonsters) { myPossibleMonsters = possibleMonsters; loadMonster = new Button(LOAD_A_MONSTER_FROM_FILE); loadMonster.setOnAction(click -> { XStreamHandler xstream = new XStreamHandler(); SpriteMakerModel monster = (SpriteMakerModel) xstream.getAttributeFromFile(); myPossibleMonsters.loadFromFile(monster); }); refresh = new Button("Refresh"); refresh.setOnAction(click -> { myPossibleMonsters.getMonstersOnScreen(); }); this.getChildren().addAll(new Text(CREATE_A_SPAWNER), loadMonster, //refresh, numberOfMonsters); }
private void setRadarValuesLabels() { Text startValueText = new Text(xCenter - 20, yCenter, String.valueOf(minValue)); startValueText.setFill(Color.RED); startValueText.setFont(Font.font(15)); Text middleValueText = new Text(xCenter - 20, yCenter - radius / 2, String.valueOf(maxValue / 2)); middleValueText.setFill(Color.RED); middleValueText.setFont(Font.font(15)); Text maxValueText = new Text(xCenter - 20, yCenter - radius, String.valueOf(maxValue)); maxValueText.setFill(Color.RED); maxValueText.setFont(Font.font(15)); getChildren().addAll(startValueText, middleValueText, maxValueText); }
private List<Text> createText(PlayerStatsModel playerStatsModel, Player player) { List<Text> statsLabels = new ArrayList<Text>(); playerStatsModel.getWealth(player).ifPresent((wealthMap) -> { for (WealthType type: wealthMap.keySet()) { statsLabels.add(new Text(type + ": " + wealthMap.get(type))); } }); //TODO map to resource file playerStatsModel.getLives(player).ifPresent((life) -> { statsLabels.add(new Text(LIVES + life)); }); // playerStatsModel.getScore(player).ifPresent((score) -> { // statsLabels.add(new Text("Scores:" + score)); // }); return statsLabels; }
public void init() { button.setTooltip(new Tooltip(toolBox.getI18nBundle().getString("buttons.delete"))); MaterialIconFactory iconFactory = MaterialIconFactory.get(); Text deleteIcon = iconFactory.createIcon(MaterialIcon.DELETE, "30px"); button.setText(null); button.setGraphic(deleteIcon); button.setDisable(true); toolBox.getEventBus() .toObserverable() .ofType(AnnotationsSelectedEvent.class) .subscribe(e -> { User user = toolBox.getData().getUser(); boolean enabled = (user != null) && e.get().size() > 0; button.setDisable(!enabled); }); toolBox.getEventBus() .toObserverable() .ofType(DeleteAnnotationsMsg.class) .subscribe(m -> apply()); button.setOnAction(e -> apply()); }
public static Node createIconContent() { Text htmlStart = new Text("<html>"); Text htmlEnd = new Text("</html>"); htmlStart.setFont(Font.font(null, FontWeight.BOLD, 20)); htmlStart.setStyle("-fx-font-size: 20px;"); htmlStart.setTextOrigin(VPos.TOP); htmlStart.setLayoutY(11); htmlStart.setLayoutX(20); htmlEnd.setFont(Font.font(null, FontWeight.BOLD, 20)); htmlEnd.setStyle("-fx-font-size: 20px;"); htmlEnd.setTextOrigin(VPos.TOP); htmlEnd.setLayoutY(31); htmlEnd.setLayoutX(20); return new Group(htmlStart, htmlEnd); }
public InnerShadowSample() { Text sample = new Text(0,100,"Shadow"); sample.setFont(Font.font("Arial Black",80)); sample.setFill(Color.web("#BBBBBB")); final InnerShadow innerShadow = new InnerShadow(); innerShadow.setRadius(5d); innerShadow.setOffsetX(2); innerShadow.setOffsetY(2); sample.setEffect(innerShadow); getChildren().add(sample); // REMOVE ME setControls( new SimplePropertySheet.PropDesc("Text Fill", sample.fillProperty()), new SimplePropertySheet.PropDesc("Inner Shadow Radius", innerShadow.radiusProperty(), 0d,60d), new SimplePropertySheet.PropDesc("Inner Shadow Offset X", innerShadow.offsetXProperty(), -10d, 10d), new SimplePropertySheet.PropDesc("Inner Shadow Offset Y", innerShadow.offsetYProperty(), -10d, 10d), new SimplePropertySheet.PropDesc("Inner Shadow Color", innerShadow.colorProperty()) ); // END REMOVE ME }
private void configureDigits() { for (int i : numbers) { digits[i] = new Text("0"); digits[i].setFont(FONT); digits[i].setTextOrigin(VPos.TOP); digits[i].setLayoutX(2.3); digits[i].setLayoutY(-1); Rectangle background; if (i < 6) { background = createBackground(Color.web("#a39f91"), Color.web("#FFFFFF")); digits[i].setFill(Color.web("#000000")); } else { background = createBackground(Color.web("#bdbeb3"), Color.web("#FF0000")); digits[i].setFill(Color.web("#FFFFFF")); } digitsGroup[i] = new Group(background, digits[i]); } }
private void initGraphics() { background = new Region(); background.getStyleClass().setAll("background"); upBar = new Region(); upBar.getStyleClass().setAll("up-bar"); downBar = new Region(); downBar.getStyleClass().setAll("down-bar"); barRotate = new Rotate(ANGLE_IN_CLOSED_POSITION); mobileBar = new Region(); mobileBar.getStyleClass().setAll("mobile-bar"); mobileBar.getTransforms().add(barRotate); name = new Text(getSkinnable().getName()); name.getStyleClass().setAll("name-text"); pane = new Pane(background, upBar, downBar, mobileBar, name); getChildren().add(pane); resize(); }
private void makeStatsPane(Map<String, String> stats) { myStats = new VBox(5); for(String statName : stats.keySet()){ Text nameAndValue = new Text(statName + ": " + stats.get(statName)); //TODO: set text size TextFlow wrapper = new TextFlow(nameAndValue); wrapper.setTextAlignment(TextAlignment.LEFT); wrapper.getStylesheets().add("resources/socialStyle.css"); wrapper.getStyleClass().add("textfill"); myStats.getChildren().add(wrapper); } myStats.getStylesheets().add("resources/socialStyle.css"); myStats.getStyleClass().add("statsbox"); }
public ColorPickerSample() { final ColorPicker colorPicker = new ColorPicker(Color.GRAY); ToolBar standardToolbar = ToolBarBuilder.create().items(colorPicker).build(); final Text coloredText = new Text("Colors"); Font font = new Font(53); coloredText.setFont(font); final Button coloredButton = new Button("Colored Control"); Color c = colorPicker.getValue(); coloredText.setFill(c); coloredButton.setStyle(createRGBString(c)); colorPicker.setOnAction(new EventHandler() { public void handle(Event t) { Color newColor = colorPicker.getValue(); coloredText.setFill(newColor); coloredButton.setStyle(createRGBString(newColor)); } }); VBox coloredObjectsVBox = VBoxBuilder.create().alignment(Pos.CENTER).spacing(20).children(coloredText, coloredButton).build(); VBox outerVBox = VBoxBuilder.create().alignment(Pos.CENTER).spacing(150).padding(new Insets(0, 0, 120, 0)).children(standardToolbar, coloredObjectsVBox).build(); getChildren().add(outerVBox); }
public static void _showMessageDialog(Window parent, String message, String title, AlertType type, boolean monospace) { Alert alert = new Alert(type); alert.initOwner(parent); alert.setTitle(title); alert.setHeaderText(title); alert.setContentText(message); alert.initModality(Modality.APPLICATION_MODAL); alert.setResizable(true); if (monospace) { Text text = new Text(message); alert.getDialogPane().setStyle("-fx-padding: 0 10px 0 10px;"); text.setStyle(" -fx-font-family: monospace;"); alert.getDialogPane().contentProperty().set(text); } alert.showAndWait(); }
private void initCheckList() { ToolBar toolBar = new ToolBar(); toolBar.getItems().add(new Text("Check Lists")); toolBar.setMinWidth(Region.USE_PREF_SIZE); leftPane.setTop(toolBar); checkListElements = checkListInfo.getCheckListElements(); checkListView = new ListView<CheckListForm.CheckListElement>(checkListElements); checkListView.getSelectionModel().selectedItemProperty().addListener((observable, oldValue, newValue) -> { CheckListElement selectedItem = checkListView.getSelectionModel().getSelectedItem(); if (selectedItem == null) { doneButton.setDisable(true); return; } Node checkListForm = getChecklistFormNode(selectedItem, Mode.DISPLAY); if (checkListForm == null) { doneButton.setDisable(true); return; } doneButton.setDisable(false); ScrollPane sp = new ScrollPane(checkListForm); sp.setFitToWidth(true); sp.setPadding(new Insets(0, 0, 0, 10)); rightPane.setCenter(sp); }); leftPane.setCenter(checkListView); }
private Node timeoutSelection( ProgrammerSettingDetails settingDetails ) { HBox hBox = new HBox(); Text receiveTimeoutLabel = new Text("Receive timout (ms): "); receiveTimeoutLabel.setId(UIConstants.TEXT_COLOR); TextField receiveTimeoutTextField = new TextField(); receiveTimeoutTextField.setText(settingDetails.getReceiveTimeoutMilliseconds()); receiveTimeoutTextField.textProperty().addListener(( observable, oldValue, newValue ) -> { if ( !newValue.isEmpty() ) UIStyle.applyError(VerifyUtil.simpleIntegerCheck(newValue), receiveTimeoutTextField); }); receiveTimeoutSelectionModel = receiveTimeoutTextField.textProperty(); hBox.getChildren().addAll(receiveTimeoutLabel, receiveTimeoutTextField); return hBox; }
/** * 向DragBox添加一般性节点时调用 * * @param node 一般节点 * @param onBuildListener 在构建节点时使用监听器可以使代码更加简洁 */ public void setContentNode(Node node, OnBuildListener onBuildListener) { this.node = node; getChildren().add(0, node); if (onBuildListener != null) { onBuildListener.onBuild(node, this); } if (this.node instanceof Ellipse) { this.type = SHAPE.TYPE.ELLIPSE; } else if (this.node instanceof Rectangle) { this.type = SHAPE.TYPE.RECT; } else if (this.node instanceof Text) { this.type = SHAPE.TYPE.TEXT; } else if (this.node instanceof SVGPath) { this.type = SHAPE.TYPE.SVG; } else if (this.node instanceof Line) { this.type = SHAPE.TYPE.LINE; } initNode(); }
/** * Truncates text to fit into the EditableLabel * * @param text The text that needs to be truncated * @return The truncated text with an appended "..." */ private String calculateClipString(String text) { double labelWidth = editableLabel.getWidth(); Text layoutText = new Text(text); layoutText.setFont(editableLabel.getFont()); if (layoutText.getLayoutBounds().getWidth() < labelWidth) { return text; } else { layoutText.setText(text+"..."); while ( layoutText.getLayoutBounds().getWidth() > labelWidth ) { text = text.substring(0, text.length()-1); layoutText.setText(text+"..."); } return text+"..."; } }
public Mesazhi(String titulli, String titulli_msg, String mesazhi){ stage.setTitle(titulli); stage.initModality(Modality.APPLICATION_MODAL); stage.setResizable(false); HBox root = new HBox(15); VBox sub_root = new VBox(10); HBox btn = new HBox(); Text ttl = new Text(titulli_msg); ttl.setFont(Font.font(16)); Button btnOk = new Button("Ne rregull"); btn.getChildren().add(btnOk); btn.setAlignment(Pos.CENTER_RIGHT); btnOk.setOnAction(e -> stage.close()); btnOk.setOnKeyPressed(e -> { if (e.getCode().equals(KeyCode.ENTER)) stage.close(); else if (e.getCode().equals(KeyCode.ESCAPE)) stage.close(); }); root.setPadding(new Insets(20)); sub_root.getChildren().addAll(ttl, new Label(mesazhi), btn); if (titulli == "Gabim") root.getChildren().add(new ImageView(new Image("/sample/foto/error.png"))); else if (titulli == "Sukses") root.getChildren().add(new ImageView(new Image("/sample/foto/success.png"))); else if (titulli == "Informacion") root.getChildren().add(new ImageView(new Image("/sample/foto/question.png"))); else if (titulli == "Info") root.getChildren().add(new ImageView(new Image("/sample/foto/info.png"))); root.getChildren().add(sub_root); root.setAlignment(Pos.TOP_CENTER); Scene scene = new Scene(root, 450, 150); scene.getStylesheets().add(getClass().getResource("/sample/style.css").toExternalForm()); stage.setScene(scene);; }
private ToolBar getToolBar() { if (toolBar == null) { MaterialIconFactory iconFactory = MaterialIconFactory.get(); Text icon = iconFactory.createIcon(MaterialIcon.SAVE, "30px"); String tooltip = toolBox.getI18nBundle().getString(""); Button saveBtn = new JFXButton(); saveBtn.setTooltip(new Tooltip(tooltip)); saveBtn.setGraphic(icon); saveBtn.setOnAction(evt -> saveImage(imageStage.getOwner())); toolBar = new ToolBar(saveBtn); } return toolBar; }
private String makeStringFromTextFlow() { // make and audit expression StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (Node node : expressionTextFlow.getChildren()) { if (node instanceof Text) { sb.append(((Text) node).getText()); } } return sb.toString(); }
public List<Node> toolbarControlsFactory() { List<Node> controls = new ArrayList<>(); JavaScriptPlot javaScriptPlot = (JavaScriptPlot) plot; Text loadingIndicator = new Text("Loading..."); javaScriptPlot.getLoadFuture().thenRunAsync(() -> { loadingIndicator.visibleProperty().bind( javaScriptPlot.getWebEngine().getLoadWorker() .stateProperty().isEqualTo(Worker.State.RUNNING)); }, Platform::runLater ); Button saveToSVGButton = new Button("Save as SVG"); saveToSVGButton.setOnAction(mouseEvent -> { new SVGSaver().save(javaScriptPlot.displayAsSVGDocument()); }); Button recenterButton = new Button("Re-center"); recenterButton.setOnAction(mouseEvent -> { javaScriptPlot.recenter(); }); controls.add(loadingIndicator); controls.add(saveToSVGButton); controls.add(recenterButton); return controls; }
/** * 设置图形节点外框宽度 * * @param lineWidth */ public void setLineWidth(double lineWidth) { this.strokeWidth = lineWidth; if (this.node instanceof Ellipse) { ((Ellipse) this.node).setStrokeWidth(lineWidth); } else if (this.node instanceof Rectangle) { ((Rectangle) this.node).setStrokeWidth(lineWidth); } else if (this.node instanceof SVGPath) { ((SVGPath) this.node).setStrokeWidth(lineWidth); } else if (this.node instanceof Text) { ((Text) this.node).setStrokeWidth(lineWidth); } else if (this.node instanceof Line) { ((Line) this.node).setStrokeWidth(lineWidth); } }
private void initGraphics() { background = new Region(); background.getStyleClass().setAll("background"); load = new Region(); load.getStyleClass().addAll("load-shape"); name = new Text(getSkinnable().getName()); name.getStyleClass().setAll("name-text"); pane = new Pane(background, load, name); getChildren().add(pane); resize(); }
private void show() { BorderPane bp = new BorderPane(); bp.setPadding(new Insets(10,50,50,50)); HBox hb = new HBox(); hb.setPadding(new Insets(20,20,20,30)); //Implementing Nodes for GridPane Label lblUserName = new Label("Username"); Label lblPassword = new Label("Password"); Label lblLanguage = new Label("Language"); Button btnReset = createButton("Reset", "btnLogin"); Button btnRegister = createButton("Register", "btnReset"); Button btnLogin = createButton("Login", "btnReset"); //Adding GridPane GridPane gridPane = createGridPane(lblUserName, lblPassword, lblLanguage, btnLogin, btnReset, btnRegister); gridPane.setId("root"); Text text = createText("Game Login"); text.setId("text"); //Adding text to HBox hb.getChildren().add(text); //Add ID's to Nodes bp.setId("bp"); //Add HBox and GridPane layout to BorderPane Layout bp.setTop(hb); bp.setCenter(gridPane); //Adding BorderPane to the scene and loading CSS scene = new Scene(bp); scene.getStylesheets().setAll(CSS_LOCATION); //Action for btnLogin btnLogin.setOnAction(e -> buttonLoginAction()); //Action for btnReset btnReset.setOnAction(e -> buttonResetAction()); //Action for btnRegister btnRegister.setOnAction(p -> { tempCheckUser = txtUserName.getText().toString(); tempCheckPw = pf.getText().toString(); if(tempCheckUser.length() < LENGTH_OF_USER || tempCheckPw.length() < LENGTH_OF_PASSWORD ){ MessageShowing unsuccess = new MessageShowing();"failure"); tempCheckUser=""; tempCheckPw = ""; buttonResetAction(); return; } usersModel.addUser(tempCheckUser, tempCheckPw); writer.write(tempCheckUser, tempCheckPw); ((PopUpMessage) p).show("success"); buttonResetAction();}); scene.setOnKeyPressed(e -> handleKeyInput(e.getCode())); }
/** * Draw square on canvas with given message. * * @param message text to display in middle of square * @param x upper left x of square * @param y upper left y of square * @param squareFill {@link Color} fill of background of square * @param textFill {@link Color} fill of text in square */ private void drawSquare(final String message, final double x, final double y, final Color squareFill, final Color textFill) { graphicsContext.setStroke(squareFill); graphicsContext.strokeRoundRect(x, y, SQUARE_WIDTH, SQUARE_HEIGHT, ARC_SIZE, ARC_SIZE); final Text messageText = new Text(message); messageText.setFont(graphicsContext.getFont()); final double textWidth = messageText.getBoundsInLocal().getWidth(); graphicsContext.setStroke(textFill); graphicsContext.fillText( message, x + SQUARE_WIDTH / 2 - textWidth / 2, y + SQUARE_HEIGHT * TEXT_HEIGHT_PORTION_OFFSET); }
public Node createPiece(int piece, int column, int row) { StackPane pane = new StackPane(); Rectangle background = new Rectangle(0, 0, 60, 60); background.setFill(((column + row) % 2) == 0 ? Color.WHITE : Color.GRAY); pane.getChildren().add(background); if (piece >=0 && piece < 8) { Circle circle = new Circle(30, 30, 25); if (piece / 4 == 1) { circle.setStrokeWidth(3); } else { circle.setStrokeWidth(0); } if ((piece % 4) / 2 == 0) { circle.setFill(Color.WHITE); circle.setStroke(Color.BLACK); } else { circle.setFill(Color.BLACK); circle.setStroke(Color.WHITE); } pane.getChildren().add(circle); if ((piece % 4) % 2 == 1) { Text text = new Text("♔"); text.setFont(new Font(32)); text.setFill(((piece % 4) / 2 == 0) ? Color.BLACK : Color.WHITE); text.setBoundsType(TextBoundsType.VISUAL); pane.getChildren().add(text); } } return pane; }
public static void makeText(Stage ownerStage, String toastMsg, int time) { Platform.runLater(() -> { Stage toastStage = new Stage(); toastStage.initOwner(ownerStage); toastStage.setResizable(false); toastStage.initStyle(StageStyle.TRANSPARENT); Text text = new Text(toastMsg); text.setFont(Font.font("Verdana", 20)); text.setFill(Color.WHITE); StackPane root = new StackPane(text); root.setStyle("-fx-background-radius: 20; -fx-background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5); -fx-padding: 25px;"); root.setOpacity(0); Scene scene = new Scene(root); scene.setFill(Color.TRANSPARENT); toastStage.setScene(scene);; Timeline fadeInTimeline = new Timeline(); KeyFrame fadeInKey1 = new KeyFrame(Duration.millis(200), new KeyValue(toastStage.getScene().getRoot().opacityProperty(), 1)); fadeInTimeline.getKeyFrames().add(fadeInKey1); fadeInTimeline.setOnFinished((ae) -> new Thread(() -> { try { Thread.sleep(time); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } Timeline fadeOutTimeline = new Timeline(); KeyFrame fadeOutKey1 = new KeyFrame(Duration.millis(200), new KeyValue(toastStage.getScene().getRoot().opacityProperty(), 0)); fadeOutTimeline.getKeyFrames().add(fadeOutKey1); fadeOutTimeline.setOnFinished((aeb) -> toastStage.close());; }).start());; }); }
/** * Ritorna il crea il componente grafico testo utilizzando la stringa passata come parametro * @param s testo da visualizzare * @return testo creato come componente grafico. */ private Text createText(String s) { Text t = new Text(); t.setText(s); t.setFont(new Font(16)); t.setBoundsType(TextBoundsType.VISUAL); t.setStroke(Color.BLACK); this.centerText(t); return t; }
public void addTooltipRow(Object... objects) { Node[] labels = .map(Object::toString) .map(Text::new) .peek(text -> { text.fontProperty().bind(fOpts.toolTipFont); text.fillProperty().bind(fOpts.toolTipFontFill); }) .toArray(Node[]::new); appendRow(labels); }
private void connectLeftChild(Pane pane, double x1, int y1, double x2, int y2) { double d = Math.sqrt(vPane * vPane + (x2 - x1) * (x2 - x1)); //起始坐标 int x11 = (int)(x1 - radius * (x1 - x2) / d); int y11 = (int)(y1 - radius * vPane / d); //结束坐标 int x21 = (int)(x2 + radius * (x1 - x2) / d); int y21 = (int)(y2 + radius * vPane / d); Line line = new Line(x11, y11, x21, y21); Text text = new Text((x11 + x21) / 2 , (y11 + y21) / 2 + 2, "0"); pane.getChildren().addAll(line, text); }
private double calcTextWidth(final Font FONT, final String TEXT) { Text text = new Text(TEXT); text.setFont(FONT); double width = text.getBoundsInParent().getWidth(); text = null; return width; }
private void updateMonthLabels() { monthLabelPositions = new int[WEEKS]; fill(monthLabelPositions, -1); String[] monthStrings = getSkinnable().getMonths(); monthLabels = new Text[12]; for (int month = 0; month < MONTHS; month++) { monthLabels[month] = new Text(monthStrings[month]); monthLabels[month].getStyleClass().add("week-activity-label-month"); getChildren().addAll(monthLabels[month]); } }
public void updateStatus(String status, StatusIndicator indicator, String item) { // This will avoid a InvalidState Exception to ensure we are within the JavaFX thread Platform.runLater(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { if ( !item.isEmpty() ) ric.setText(item); ObservableList<Node> nodes = statusText.getChildren(); Text time = new Text(); time.setId("status-time"); // Defined in CSS time.setText(new SimpleDateFormat(" ").format(new java.util.Date())); Text txt = new Text(); txt.setText(status + SpeedGuide.NEWLINE); switch (indicator) { case REQUEST: txt.setId("status-request"); // Defined in CSS break; case RESPONSE_SUCCESS: txt.setId("status-response-success"); // Defined in CSS break; case RESPONSE_ERROR: txt.setId("status-response-error"); // Defined in CSS break; } nodes.add(0, txt); nodes.add(0, time); } }); }
public static Node createIconContent() { Text sample = new Text("FX"); sample.setFont(Font.font(Font.getDefault().getFamily(), FontWeight.BOLD,80)); sample.setStyle("-fx-font-size: 80px;"); sample.setFill(Color.web("#333333")); final GaussianBlur GaussianBlur = new GaussianBlur(); GaussianBlur.setRadius(15); sample.setEffect(GaussianBlur); return sample; }
private void initGraphics() { background = new Region(); background.getStyleClass().setAll("background"); transformer = new Region(); transformer.getStyleClass().addAll("transformer-shape"); name = new Text(getSkinnable().getName()); name.getStyleClass().setAll("name-text"); pane = new Pane(background, transformer, name); getChildren().add(pane); resize(); }