String getPropertyName(final InjectionPoint point, final String propertyName) { if (!propertyName.isEmpty()) { return propertyName; } Member member = point.getMember(); final String name; if (member instanceof Executable) { Annotated annotated = point.getAnnotated(); int p = ((AnnotatedParameter<?>) annotated).getPosition(); name = member.getName() + ".arg" + p; } else { name = member.getName(); } return name; }
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private InjectionPoint mockInjectionPoint(Property property, Type type, Class<? extends Member> memberType, String memberName, int memberPosition) { InjectionPoint injectionPoint = mock(InjectionPoint.class); Member member = mock(memberType); when(injectionPoint.getType()).thenReturn(type); when(injectionPoint.getMember()).thenReturn(member); when(member.getName()).thenReturn(memberName); @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") Bean mockBean = mock(Bean.class); when(injectionPoint.getBean()).thenReturn(mockBean); when(mockBean.getBeanClass()).thenReturn(getClass()); AnnotatedParameter<?> annotated = mock(AnnotatedParameter.class); when(annotated.getPosition()).thenReturn(memberPosition); when(injectionPoint.getAnnotated()).thenReturn(annotated); when(annotated.getAnnotation(Property.class)).thenReturn(property); return injectionPoint; }
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private InjectionPoint mockInjectionPoint(Property property, Class<? extends Member> memberType, String memberName, int memberPosition) { InjectionPoint injectionPoint = mock(InjectionPoint.class); Member member = mock(memberType); when(injectionPoint.getMember()).thenReturn(member); when(member.getName()).thenReturn(memberName); @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") Bean mockBean = mock(Bean.class); when(injectionPoint.getBean()).thenReturn(mockBean); when(mockBean.getBeanClass()).thenReturn(getClass()); AnnotatedParameter<?> annotated = mock(AnnotatedParameter.class); when(annotated.getPosition()).thenReturn(memberPosition); when(injectionPoint.getAnnotated()).thenReturn(annotated); when(annotated.getAnnotation(Property.class)).thenReturn(property); return injectionPoint; }
/** * Checks if any property resolver method parameter is annotated with * more than one of the following: {@link PropertyKey}, {@link PropertyBundle}, * {@link PropertyLocale} */ private void checkMultipleAnnotationParameter() { int count; for (final AnnotatedParameter<?> parameter : propertyResolverMethod.getParameters()) { count = 0; if (parameter.isAnnotationPresent(PropertyKey.class)) { count++; } if (parameter.isAnnotationPresent(PropertyBundle.class)) { count++; } if (parameter.isAnnotationPresent(PropertyLocale.class)) { count++; } if (count > 1) { throw new ExtensionInitializationException( "A property resolver method parameter must not be annotated with more than one of the following: " + PropertyKey.class.getSimpleName() + ", " + PropertyBundle.class.getSimpleName() + " or " + PropertyLocale.class.getSimpleName()); } } }
/** * Generates a unique string representation of a list of * {@link AnnotatedParameter}s. */ public static <X> String createParameterListId(List<AnnotatedParameter<X>> parameters) { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); builder.append("("); for (int i = 0; i < parameters.size(); ++i) { AnnotatedParameter<X> ap = parameters.get(i); builder.append(createParameterId(ap)); if (i + 1 != parameters.size()) { builder.append(','); } } builder.append(")"); return builder.toString(); }
/** * Compares two annotated elements to see if they have the same annotations */ private static boolean compareAnnotatedParameters(List<? extends AnnotatedParameter<?>> p1, List<? extends AnnotatedParameter<?>> p2) { if (p1.size() != p2.size()) { return false; } for (int i = 0; i < p1.size(); ++i) { if (!compareAnnotated(p1.get(i), p2.get(i))) { return false; } } return true; }
/** * Remove an annotation from the specified parameter. * * @param parameter the parameter to remove the annotation from * @param annotationType the annotation type to remove * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the annotationType is null, if the * callable which declares the parameter is not currently declared * on the type or if the parameter is not declared on either a * constructor or a method */ public AnnotatedTypeBuilder<X> removeFromParameter(AnnotatedParameter<? super X> parameter, Class<? extends Annotation> annotationType) { if (parameter.getDeclaringCallable().getJavaMember() instanceof Method) { Method method = (Method) parameter.getDeclaringCallable().getJavaMember(); return removeFromMethodParameter(method, parameter.getPosition(), annotationType); } if (parameter.getDeclaringCallable().getJavaMember() instanceof Constructor<?>) { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Constructor<X> constructor = (Constructor<X>) parameter.getDeclaringCallable().getJavaMember(); return removeFromConstructorParameter(constructor, parameter.getPosition(), annotationType); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot remove from parameter " + parameter + " - cannot operate on member " + parameter.getDeclaringCallable().getJavaMember()); } }
/** * Add an annotation to the specified parameter. If the callable which * declares the parameter is not already present, it will be added. If the * parameter is not already present on the callable, it will be added. * * @param parameter the parameter to add the annotation to * @param annotation the annotation to add * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the annotation is null or if the * parameter is not declared on either a constructor or a method */ public AnnotatedTypeBuilder<X> addToParameter(AnnotatedParameter<? super X> parameter, Annotation annotation) { if (parameter.getDeclaringCallable().getJavaMember() instanceof Method) { Method method = (Method) parameter.getDeclaringCallable().getJavaMember(); return addToMethodParameter(method, parameter.getPosition(), annotation); } if (parameter.getDeclaringCallable().getJavaMember() instanceof Constructor<?>) { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Constructor<X> constructor = (Constructor<X>) parameter.getDeclaringCallable().getJavaMember(); return addToConstructorParameter(constructor, parameter.getPosition(), annotation); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot remove from parameter " + parameter + " - cannot operate on member " + parameter.getDeclaringCallable().getJavaMember()); } }
/** * Override the declared type of a parameter. * * @param parameter the parameter to override the type on * @param type the new type of the parameter * @throws IllegalArgumentException if parameter or type is null */ public AnnotatedTypeBuilder<X> overrideParameterType(AnnotatedParameter<? super X> parameter, Type type) { if (parameter.getDeclaringCallable().getJavaMember() instanceof Method) { Method method = (Method) parameter.getDeclaringCallable().getJavaMember(); return overrideMethodParameterType(method, parameter.getPosition(), type); } if (parameter.getDeclaringCallable().getJavaMember() instanceof Constructor<?>) { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Constructor<X> constructor = (Constructor<X>) parameter.getDeclaringCallable().getJavaMember(); return overrideConstructorParameterType(constructor, parameter.getPosition(), type); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot remove from parameter " + parameter + " - cannot operate on member " + parameter.getDeclaringCallable().getJavaMember()); } }
@Test public void modifyAnnotationsOnConstructorParameter() throws NoSuchMethodException { final AnnotatedTypeBuilder<Cat> builder = new AnnotatedTypeBuilder<Cat>(); builder.readFromType(Cat.class, true); builder.removeFromConstructorParameter(Cat.class.getConstructor(String.class, String.class), 1, Default.class); builder.addToConstructorParameter(Cat.class.getConstructor(String.class, String.class), 1, new AnyLiteral()); final AnnotatedType<Cat> catAnnotatedType = builder.create(); Set<AnnotatedConstructor<Cat>> catCtors = catAnnotatedType.getConstructors(); assertThat(catCtors.size(), is(2)); for (AnnotatedConstructor<Cat> ctor : catCtors) { if (ctor.getParameters().size() == 2) { List<AnnotatedParameter<Cat>> ctorParams = ctor.getParameters(); assertThat(ctorParams.get(1).getAnnotations().size(), is(1)); assertThat((AnyLiteral) ctorParams.get(1).getAnnotations().toArray()[0], is(new AnyLiteral())); } } }
/** * Determines if the given method is a handler by looking for the {@link Handles} annotation on a parameter. * * @param method method to search * @return true if {@link Handles} is found, false otherwise */ public static boolean isHandler(final AnnotatedMethod<?> method) { if (method == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Method must not be null"); } for (AnnotatedParameter<?> param : method.getParameters()) { if (param.isAnnotationPresent(Handles.class) || param.isAnnotationPresent(BeforeHandles.class)) { return true; } } return false; }
public static AnnotatedParameter<?> findHandlerParameter(final AnnotatedMethod<?> method) { if (!isHandler(method)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Method is not a valid handler"); } AnnotatedParameter<?> returnParam = null; for (AnnotatedParameter<?> param : method.getParameters()) { if (param.isAnnotationPresent(Handles.class) || param.isAnnotationPresent(BeforeHandles.class)) { returnParam = param; break; } } return returnParam; }
/** * Obtain all the injection points for the handler * * @param bm a BeanManager to use to obtain the beans */ public Set<InjectionPoint> getInjectionPoints(final BeanManager bm) { if (injectionPoints == null) { injectionPoints = new HashSet<InjectionPoint>(handler.getParameters().size() - 1); for (AnnotatedParameter<?> param : handler.getParameters()) { if (!param.equals(handlerParameter)) { injectionPoints.add( new ImmutableInjectionPoint(param, bm, getDeclaringBean(), false, false)); } } } return new HashSet<InjectionPoint>(injectionPoints); }
private Resource getResourceAnnotation(InjectionPoint injectionPoint) { Annotated annotated = injectionPoint.getAnnotated(); if (annotated instanceof AnnotatedParameter<?>) { annotated = ((AnnotatedParameter<?>) annotated).getDeclaringCallable(); } return annotated.getAnnotation(Resource.class); }
public void process(Set<AnnotatedType<?>> discoveredTypes) { for(AnnotatedType<?> at : discoveredTypes) { for(AnnotatedMethod<?> am : at.getMethods()) { boolean hasObserver = am.getParameters().stream().anyMatch(ap -> ap.getAnnotation(ObservesReactor.class) != null); if(hasObserver) { AnnotatedParameter<?> observerType = am.getParameters().stream().filter(ap -> ap.isAnnotationPresent(ObservesReactor.class)).findFirst().orElseThrow(() -> new RuntimeException("No observer found")); Class<?> returnType = null; Type genericReturnType = am.getJavaMember().getGenericReturnType(); boolean returnsPublisher = false; if(genericReturnType instanceof ParameterizedType) { ParameterizedType type = (ParameterizedType)genericReturnType; if(Publisher.class.isAssignableFrom((Class<?>) type.getRawType())) { returnsPublisher = true; returnType = (Class<?>) type.getActualTypeArguments()[0]; } else { throw new RuntimeException("Method "+am+" should either return a concrete type or an instance of "+Publisher.class.getName()); } } else { returnType = (Class)genericReturnType; } Class<?> eventType = observerType.getJavaParameter().getType(); Set<Annotation> annotations = new LinkedHashSet<>(asList(observerType.getJavaParameter().getAnnotations())); methods.add(new ReactorMethod(at,am,returnType,eventType,annotations,returnsPublisher)); } } } }
@Override public Publisher<T> get(Object event) { CDI<Object> cdi = CDI.current(); List<InstanceHolder> instanceHolders = new ArrayList<>(); List<Object> parameters = new ArrayList<>(); for(AnnotatedParameter<?> ap : annotatedMethod.getParameters()) { if(ap.isAnnotationPresent(ObservesReactor.class)) { parameters.add(event); } else { InstanceHolder holder = getReference(cdi, ap.getJavaParameter().getType(), ap.getAnnotations()); instanceHolders.add(holder); parameters.add(holder.instance); } } InstanceHolder eventReceiver = getReference(cdi,annotatedType.getJavaClass(), findQualifiers(annotatedType.getAnnotations())); Object[] params = parameters.toArray(); try { Object result = targetMethod.invoke(eventReceiver.instance, params); if(returnsPublisher) { return (Publisher<T>) result; } else { return Mono.just((T)result).doAfterTerminate(() -> instanceHolders.forEach(InstanceHolder::destroy)); } } catch (IllegalAccessException | InvocationTargetException e) { return Mono.fromSupplier(() -> { throw new RuntimeException(e); }); } finally { eventReceiver.destroy(); } }
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") protected <T extends Annotation> InjectionPoint mockInjectionPoint(Class<T> annotationType, T annotation, Type type, Class<? extends Member> memberType, String memberName, int memberPosition) { InjectionPoint injectionPoint = mock(InjectionPoint.class); Member member = mock(memberType); when(injectionPoint.getType()).thenReturn(type); when(injectionPoint.getMember()).thenReturn(member); when(member.getName()).thenReturn(memberName); @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") Bean mockBean = mock(Bean.class); when(injectionPoint.getBean()).thenReturn(mockBean); when(mockBean.getBeanClass()).thenReturn(getClass()); AnnotatedParameter<?> annotated = mock(AnnotatedParameter.class); when(annotated.getPosition()).thenReturn(memberPosition); when(injectionPoint.getAnnotated()).thenReturn(annotated); when(annotated.getAnnotation(annotationType)).thenReturn(annotation); return injectionPoint; }
private boolean hasEventParameter(AnnotatedMethod<?> annotatedMethod) { for (AnnotatedParameter<?> param : annotatedMethod.getParameters()) { if (param.isAnnotationPresent(Observes.class)) { return true; } } return false; }
private static boolean hasInjectionPointMetadata(AnnotatedMember<?> member) { if (!(member instanceof AnnotatedMethod)) { return false; } AnnotatedMethod<?> method = (AnnotatedMethod<?>) member; for (AnnotatedParameter<?> parameter : method.getParameters()) { if (parameter.getBaseType().equals(InjectionPoint.class)) { return true; } } return false; }
@Override public String of(InjectionPoint ip) { Annotated annotated = ip.getAnnotated(); if (annotated instanceof AnnotatedMember) { return of((AnnotatedMember<?>) annotated); } else if (annotated instanceof AnnotatedParameter) { return of((AnnotatedParameter<?>) annotated); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unable to retrieve metric name for injection point [" + ip + "], only members and parameters are supported"); } }
private String of(AnnotatedParameter<?> parameter) { if (parameter.isAnnotationPresent(Metric.class)) { Metric metric = parameter.getAnnotation(Metric.class); String name = ( ? getParameterName(parameter) : of(; return metric.absolute() | parameters.contains(MetricsParameter.useAbsoluteName) ? name :, name); } else { return parameters.contains(MetricsParameter.useAbsoluteName) ? getParameterName(parameter) :, getParameterName(parameter)); } }
private String getParameterName(AnnotatedParameter<?> parameter) { try { Method method = Method.class.getMethod("getParameters"); Object[] parameters = (Object[]) method.invoke(parameter.getDeclaringCallable().getJavaMember()); Object param = parameters[parameter.getPosition()]; Class<?> Parameter = Class.forName("java.lang.reflect.Parameter"); if ((Boolean) Parameter.getMethod("isNamePresent").invoke(param)) { return (String) Parameter.getMethod("getName").invoke(param); } else { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Unable to retrieve name for parameter [" + parameter + "], activate the -parameters compiler argument or annotate the injected parameter with the @Metric annotation"); } } catch (NoSuchMethodException | IllegalAccessException | InvocationTargetException | ClassNotFoundException cause) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Unable to retrieve name for parameter [" + parameter + "], @Metric annotation on injected parameter is required before Java 8"); } }
/** * see {@link ResolverParameterExtractor#extract(AnnotatedParameter)} */ @Override public T extract(AnnotatedParameter<?> parameter) { if (parameter.isAnnotationPresent(parameterType)) { return resolverParameter; } return null; }
/** * See {@link ResolverMethodVerifier#verify()} */ @Override public void verify() { for (final AnnotatedParameter<?> parameter : resolverMethod.getParameters()) { if (checkDependentScope((Class<?>) parameter.getBaseType())) { checkPropertyField((Class<?>) parameter.getBaseType(), (Class<?>) parameter.getBaseType()); } } }
/** * Checks if any property resolver method parameter is annotated with * {@link PropertyLocale} */ private void checkLocaleResolverParameterAnnotations() { for (final AnnotatedParameter<?> parameter : localeResolverMethod.getParameters()) { if (parameter.isAnnotationPresent(PropertyLocale.class)) { throw new ExtensionInitializationException( "A Locale resolver method parameter must not be annotated with: " + PropertyLocale.class.getSimpleName()); } } }
/** * Checks if there is at least one property resolver method parameter annotated with {@link PropertyKey} */ private void checkPropertyKeyExists() { boolean foundKeyProperty = false; for (final AnnotatedParameter<?> parameter : propertyResolverMethod.getParameters()) { if (parameter.isAnnotationPresent(PropertyKey.class)) { foundKeyProperty = true; break; } } if (!foundKeyProperty) { throw new ExtensionInitializationException( "At least one parameter of the custom property resolver must represent de property key, annotated with " + PropertyKey.class.getName()); } }
/** * Checks if the given parameter type exists in more than a single property resolver * method parameter * @param annotation * The parameter type being checked */ private void checkRepeatedParameterType(Class<? extends Annotation> annotation) { int count = 0; for (final AnnotatedParameter<?> parameter : propertyResolverMethod.getParameters()) { if (parameter.isAnnotationPresent(annotation)) { count++; } } if (count > 1) { throw new ExtensionInitializationException("There must be only a single param annotated with " + annotation.getSimpleName() + " in the property resolver method"); } }
private static boolean hasInjectionPoints(AnnotatedMember<?> member) { if (!(member instanceof AnnotatedMethod)) return false; AnnotatedMethod<?> method = (AnnotatedMethod<?>) member; for (AnnotatedParameter<?> parameter : method.getParameters()) { if (parameter.getBaseType().equals(InjectionPoint.class)) return true; } return false; }
@Override public String of(InjectionPoint ip) { Annotated annotated = ip.getAnnotated(); if (annotated instanceof AnnotatedMember) return of((AnnotatedMember<?>) annotated); else if (annotated instanceof AnnotatedParameter) return of((AnnotatedParameter<?>) annotated); else throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unable to retrieve metric name for injection point [" + ip + "], only members and parameters are supported"); }
private String of(AnnotatedParameter<?> parameter) { if (parameter.isAnnotationPresent(Metric.class)) { Metric metric = parameter.getAnnotation(Metric.class); String name = ( ? getParameterName(parameter) : of(; return metric.absolute() | parameters.contains(useAbsoluteName) ? name :, name); } else { return parameters.contains(useAbsoluteName) ? getParameterName(parameter) :, getParameterName(parameter)); } }
private String getParameterName(AnnotatedParameter<?> parameter) { try { Method method = Method.class.getMethod("getParameters"); Object[] parameters = (Object[]) method.invoke(parameter.getDeclaringCallable().getJavaMember()); Object param = parameters[parameter.getPosition()]; Class<?> Parameter = Class.forName("java.lang.reflect.Parameter"); if ((Boolean) Parameter.getMethod("isNamePresent").invoke(param)) return (String) Parameter.getMethod("getName").invoke(param); else throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Unable to retrieve name for parameter [" + parameter + "], activate the -parameters compiler argument or annotate the injected parameter with the @Metric annotation"); } catch (NoSuchMethodException | IllegalAccessException | InvocationTargetException | ClassNotFoundException cause) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Unable to retrieve name for parameter [" + parameter + "], @Metric annotation on injected parameter is required before Java 8"); } }
/** * Creates a deterministic signature for a {@link Method}. * * @param method The method to generate the signature for * @param annotations The annotations to include in the signature * @param parameters The {@link AnnotatedParameter}s to include in the * signature */ public static <X> String createMethodId(Method method, Set<Annotation> annotations, List<AnnotatedParameter<X>> parameters) { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); builder.append(method.getDeclaringClass().getName()); builder.append('.'); builder.append(method.getName()); builder.append(createAnnotationCollectionId(annotations)); builder.append(createParameterListId(parameters)); return builder.toString(); }
/** * Creates a deterministic signature for a {@link Constructor}. * * @param constructor The constructor to generate the signature for * @param annotations The annotations to include in the signature * @param parameters The {@link AnnotatedParameter}s to include in the * signature */ public static <X> String createConstructorId(Constructor<X> constructor, Set<Annotation> annotations, List<AnnotatedParameter<X>> parameters) { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); builder.append(constructor.getDeclaringClass().getName()); builder.append('.'); builder.append(constructor.getName()); builder.append(createAnnotationCollectionId(annotations)); builder.append(createParameterListId(parameters)); return builder.toString(); }
private static <X> boolean hasMethodParameters(AnnotatedCallable<X> callable) { for (AnnotatedParameter<X> parameter : callable.getParameters()) { if (!parameter.getAnnotations().isEmpty()) { return true; } } return false; }
/** * Instantiate a new {@link InjectionPoint} based upon an * {@link AnnotatedParameter}. * * @param parameter the parameter for which to create the injection point * @param qualifiers the qualifiers on the injection point * @param declaringBean the declaringBean declaring the injection point * @param isTransient <code>true</code> if the injection point is transient * @param delegate <code>true</code> if the injection point is a delegate * injection point on a decorator */ public ImmutableInjectionPoint(AnnotatedParameter<?> parameter, Set<Annotation> qualifiers, Bean<?> declaringBean, boolean isTransient, boolean delegate) { annotated = parameter; member = parameter.getDeclaringCallable().getJavaMember(); this.qualifiers = new HashSet<Annotation>(qualifiers); this.isTransient = isTransient; this.delegate = delegate; this.declaringBean = declaringBean; type = parameter.getBaseType(); }
/** * Instantiate a new {@link InjectionPoint} based upon an * {@link AnnotatedParameter}, reading the qualifiers from the annotations * declared on the parameter. * * @param parameter the parameter for which to create the injection point * @param declaringBean the declaringBean declaring the injection point * @param isTransient <code>true</code> if the injection point is transient * @param delegate <code>true</code> if the injection point is a delegate * injection point on a decorator */ public ImmutableInjectionPoint(AnnotatedParameter<?> parameter, BeanManager beanManager, Bean<?> declaringBean, boolean isTransient, boolean delegate) { annotated = parameter; member = parameter.getDeclaringCallable().getJavaMember(); qualifiers = BeanUtils.getQualifiers(beanManager, parameter.getAnnotations()); this.isTransient = isTransient; this.delegate = delegate; this.declaringBean = declaringBean; type = parameter.getBaseType(); }
private static <X, Y extends Member> List<AnnotatedParameter<X>> getAnnotatedParameters( AnnotatedCallableImpl<X, Y> callable, Class<?>[] parameterTypes, Type[] genericTypes, Map<Integer, AnnotationStore> parameterAnnotations, Map<Integer, Type> parameterTypeOverrides) { List<AnnotatedParameter<X>> parameters = new ArrayList<AnnotatedParameter<X>>(); int len = parameterTypes.length; for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) { AnnotationBuilder builder = new AnnotationBuilder(); if (parameterAnnotations != null && parameterAnnotations.containsKey(i)) { builder.addAll(parameterAnnotations.get(i)); } Type over = null; if (parameterTypeOverrides != null) { over = parameterTypeOverrides.get(i); } AnnotatedParameterImpl<X> p = new AnnotatedParameterImpl<X>( callable, parameterTypes[i], i, builder.create(), genericTypes[i], over); parameters.add(p); } return parameters; }
/** * Given a method, and the bean on which the method is declared, create a * collection of injection points representing the parameters of the method. * * @param <X> the type declaring the method * @param method the method * @param declaringBean the bean on which the method is declared * @param beanManager the bean manager to use to create the injection points * @return the injection points */ public static <X> List<InjectionPoint> createInjectionPoints(AnnotatedMethod<X> method, Bean<?> declaringBean, BeanManager beanManager) { List<InjectionPoint> injectionPoints = new ArrayList<InjectionPoint>(); for (AnnotatedParameter<X> parameter : method.getParameters()) { InjectionPoint injectionPoint = new ImmutableInjectionPoint(parameter, beanManager, declaringBean, false, false); injectionPoints.add(injectionPoint); } return injectionPoints; }
@Override public List<AnnotatedParameter<T>> getParameters() { return wrapped.getParameters(); }
@Override public List<AnnotatedParameter<X>> getParameters() { return decoratedMethod.getParameters(); }