Java 类javax.enterprise.inject.spi.Decorator 实例源码

项目:deltaspike    文件   
 * Listener to ProcessBean event to locate handlers.
 * @param processBean current {@link AnnotatedType}
 * @param beanManager  Activated Bean Manager
 * @throws TypeNotPresentException if any of the actual type arguments refers to a non-existent type declaration
 *                                 when trying to obtain the actual type arguments from a
 *                                 {@link java.lang.reflect.ParameterizedType}
 * @throws java.lang.reflect.MalformedParameterizedTypeException
 *                                 if any of the actual type parameters refer to a parameterized type that cannot
 *                                 be instantiated for any reason when trying to obtain the actual type arguments
 *                                 from a {@link java.lang.reflect.ParameterizedType}
public <T> void findHandlers(@Observes final ProcessBean<?> processBean, final BeanManager beanManager)
    if (!isActivated)

    if (processBean.getBean() instanceof Interceptor || processBean.getBean() instanceof Decorator ||
            !(processBean.getAnnotated() instanceof AnnotatedType))

    AnnotatedType annotatedType = (AnnotatedType)processBean.getAnnotated();

    if (annotatedType.getJavaClass().isAnnotationPresent(ExceptionHandler.class))
        final Set<AnnotatedMethod<? super T>> methods = annotatedType.getMethods();

        for (AnnotatedMethod<? super T> method : methods)
            if (HandlerMethodImpl.isHandler(method))
                if (method.getJavaMember().getExceptionTypes().length != 0)
                    processBean.addDefinitionError(new IllegalArgumentException(
                        String.format("Handler method %s must not throw exceptions", method.getJavaMember())));

                //beanManager won't be stored in the instance -> no issue with wls12c
                registerHandlerMethod(new HandlerMethodImpl(processBean.getBean(), method, beanManager));
项目:tapestry-jpa-transactions    文件   
public List<Decorator<?>> resolveDecorators(Set<Type> types, Annotation... qualifiers)
    // TODO Auto-generated method stub
    return null;
项目:jbromo    文件   
public List<Decorator<?>> resolveDecorators(final Set<Type> arg0,
        final Annotation... arg1) {
    return this.beanManager.resolveDecorators(arg0, arg1);