Java 类javax.lang.model.util.ElementScanner7 实例源码

项目:groovy-cps    文件   
 * Transforms a single class.
public void translate(String fqcn, String outfqcn, String sourceJarName) throws JClassAlreadyExistsException {
    final JDefinedClass $output = codeModel._class(outfqcn);
    $output.annotate(Generated.class).param("value", Translator.class.getName()).param("date", new Date().toString()).param("comments", "based on " + sourceJarName);
    $output.annotate(SuppressWarnings.class).param("value", "rawtypes");

    CompilationUnitTree dgmCut = getDefaultGroovyMethodCompilationUnitTree(parsed, fqcn);

    ClassSymbol dgm = (ClassSymbol) elements.getTypeElement(fqcn);
    dgm.accept(new ElementScanner7<Void,Void>() {
        public Void visitExecutable(ExecutableElement e, Void __) {
            if (translatable.contains(fqcn + "." + e)) {
                overloadsResolved.put(mangledName(e), e);
            // System.err.println("Not translating " + e.getAnnotationMirrors() + " " + e.getModifiers() + " " + fqcn + "." + e);
            // TODO else if it is public and has a Closure argument, translate to a form that just throws UnsupportedOperationException when called in CPS mode
            return null;
    // TODO verify that we actually found everything listed in translatables
    overloadsResolved.forEach((overloadResolved, e) -> {
        try {
            translateMethod(dgmCut, e, $output, fqcn, overloadResolved);
        } catch (Exception x) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Unable to transform " + fqcn + "." + e, x);

        private static MethodLocation loc(String methodName) {
            return new MethodLocation(CpsDefaultGroovyMethods.class,methodName);

    JClass $MethodLocation = codeModel.ref("com.cloudbees.groovy.cps.MethodLocation");
    $output.method(JMod.PRIVATE|JMod.STATIC, $MethodLocation, "loc").tap( m -> {
        JVar $methodName = m.param(String.class, "methodName");

    // Record the fqcn we've already translated for possible use later.
    otherTranslated.put(fqcn, $output);