private void snoopOnUnregister(NotificationResult nr) { Set<IdAndFilter> delegateSet = listenerMap.get(MBeanServerDelegate.DELEGATE_NAME); if (delegateSet == null || delegateSet.isEmpty()) { return; } for (TargetedNotification tn : nr.getTargetedNotifications()) { Integer id = tn.getListenerID(); for (IdAndFilter idaf : delegateSet) { if ( == id) { // This is a notification from the MBeanServerDelegate. Notification n = tn.getNotification(); if (n instanceof MBeanServerNotification && n.getType().equals(MBeanServerNotification.UNREGISTRATION_NOTIFICATION)) { MBeanServerNotification mbsn = (MBeanServerNotification) n; ObjectName gone = mbsn.getMBeanName(); synchronized (listenerMap) { listenerMap.remove(gone); } } } } } }
void dispatchNotification(TargetedNotification tn, Integer myListenerID, Map<Integer, ClientListenerInfo> listeners) { final Notification notif = tn.getNotification(); final Integer listenerID = tn.getListenerID(); if (listenerID.equals(myListenerID)) return; final ClientListenerInfo li = listeners.get(listenerID); if (li == null) { logger.trace("NotifFetcher.dispatch", "Listener ID not in map"); return; } NotificationListener l = li.getListener(); Object h = li.getHandback(); try { l.handleNotification(notif, h); } catch (RuntimeException e) { final String msg = "Failed to forward a notification " + "to a listener"; logger.trace("NotifFetcher-run", msg, e); } }
public void apply(List<TargetedNotification> targetedNotifs, ObjectName source, Notification notif) { // We proceed in two stages here, to avoid holding the listenerMap // lock while invoking the filters (which are user code). final IdAndFilter[] candidates; synchronized (listenerMap) { final Set<IdAndFilter> set = listenerMap.get(source); if (set == null) { logger.debug("bufferFilter", "no listeners for this name"); return; } candidates = new IdAndFilter[set.size()]; set.toArray(candidates); } // We don't synchronize on targetedNotifs, because it is a local // variable of our caller and no other thread can see it. for (IdAndFilter idaf : candidates) { final NotificationFilter nf = idaf.getFilter(); if (nf == null || nf.isNotificationEnabled(notif)) { logger.debug("bufferFilter", "filter matches"); final TargetedNotification tn = new TargetedNotification(notif, idaf.getId()); if (allowNotificationEmission(source, tn)) targetedNotifs.add(tn); } } }
private void snoopOnUnregister(NotificationResult nr) { List<IdAndFilter> copy = null; synchronized (listenerMap) { Set<IdAndFilter> delegateSet = listenerMap.get(MBeanServerDelegate.DELEGATE_NAME); if (delegateSet == null || delegateSet.isEmpty()) { return; } copy = new ArrayList<>(delegateSet); } for (TargetedNotification tn : nr.getTargetedNotifications()) { Integer id = tn.getListenerID(); for (IdAndFilter idaf : copy) { if ( == id) { // This is a notification from the MBeanServerDelegate. Notification n = tn.getNotification(); if (n instanceof MBeanServerNotification && n.getType().equals(MBeanServerNotification.UNREGISTRATION_NOTIFICATION)) { MBeanServerNotification mbsn = (MBeanServerNotification) n; ObjectName gone = mbsn.getMBeanName(); synchronized (listenerMap) { listenerMap.remove(gone); } } } } } }
public NotificationResult fetchNotifications(long clientSequenceNumber, int maxNotifications, long timeout) throws IOException { if (logger.debugOn()) logger.debug("fetchNotifications", "connectionId=" + connectionId +", timeout=" + timeout); if (maxNotifications < 0 || timeout < 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal negative argument"); final boolean serverTerminated = serverCommunicatorAdmin.reqIncoming(); try { if (serverTerminated) { // we must not call fetchNotifs() if the server is // terminated (timeout elapsed). // return new NotificationResult(0L, 0L, new TargetedNotification[0]); } final long csn = clientSequenceNumber; final int mn = maxNotifications; final long t = timeout; PrivilegedAction<NotificationResult> action = new PrivilegedAction<NotificationResult>() { public NotificationResult run() { return getServerNotifFwd().fetchNotifs(csn, t, mn); } }; if (acc == null) return; else return AccessController.doPrivileged(action, acc); } finally { serverCommunicatorAdmin.rspOutgoing(); } }
private static boolean sameTargetedNotifs(TargetedNotification[] tn1, TargetedNotification[] tn2) { if (tn1.length != tn2.length) { System.out.println("Not same length"); return false; } for (int i = 0; i < tn1.length; i++) { TargetedNotification n1 = tn1[i]; TargetedNotification n2 = tn2[i]; if (n1.getNotification() != n2.getNotification() || !n1.getListenerID().equals(n2.getListenerID())) return false; } return true; }
private static NotificationBufferFilter makeFilter(final Integer id, final ObjectName pattern, final NotificationFilter filter) { return new NotificationBufferFilter() { public void apply(List<TargetedNotification> notifs, ObjectName source, Notification notif) { if (pattern.apply(source)) { if (filter == null || filter.isNotificationEnabled(notif)) notifs.add(new TargetedNotification(notif, id)); } } }; }