public Result testNotWritable() throws Exception { MBeanServer server = MBeanServerFactory.createMBeanServer(); ObjectName unitName = new ObjectName("a:b=c"); server.registerMBean(new Unit(), unitName); RelationService rService = new RelationService(true); server.registerMBean(rService, new ObjectName("a:b=d")); /* Role is not readable */ RoleInfo[] rInfo = { new RoleInfo("role", classPath, true, false) }; rService.createRelationType("relationType", rInfo); RoleList unitRoles = new RoleList(); unitRoles.add(new Role("role", Collections.singletonList(unitName))); try { rService.createRelation("relation", "relationType", unitRoles); return passed(); } catch (Throwable t) { return failed(t.toString()); } }
public Result testNotRegisteredException() throws Exception { /* Initialisation without registering */ MBeanServer server = MBeanServerFactory.createMBeanServer(); ObjectName unitName = new ObjectName("a:b=c"); server.registerMBean(new Unit(), unitName); RelationService rService = new RelationService(true); RoleInfo[] rInfo = { new RoleInfo("role", classPath) }; rService.createRelationType("relationType", rInfo); RoleList unitRoles = new RoleList(); unitRoles.add(new Role("role", Collections.singletonList(unitName))); /* catch RelationServiceNotRegisteredException */ try { rService.createRelation("relation", "relationType", unitRoles); return failed(""); } catch (RelationServiceNotRegisteredException e) { return passed(); } catch (Throwable t) { return failed(t.toString()); } }
public Result testNullRelationName() throws Exception { MBeanServer server = MBeanServerFactory.createMBeanServer(); ObjectName unitName = new ObjectName("a:b=c"); server.registerMBean(new Unit(), unitName); RelationService rService = new RelationService(true); server.registerMBean(rService, new ObjectName("a:b=d")); RoleInfo[] rInfo = { new RoleInfo("role", classPath) }; rService.createRelationType("relationType", rInfo); RoleList unitRoles = new RoleList(); unitRoles.add(new Role("role", Collections.singletonList(unitName))); /* set null relation name */ try { rService.createRelation(null, "relationType", unitRoles); return failed(""); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { return passed(); } catch (Throwable t) { return failed(t.toString()); } }
public Result testNumberOfMBeanLessThanNeed() throws Exception { MBeanServer server = MBeanServerFactory.createMBeanServer(); ObjectName unitName = new ObjectName("a:b=c"); server.registerMBean(new Unit(), unitName); RelationService rService = new RelationService(true); server.registerMBean(rService, new ObjectName("a:b=d")); RoleInfo[] rInfo = { new RoleInfo("role", classPath) }; rService.createRelationType("relationType", rInfo); RoleList unitRoles = new RoleList(); /* The Number of MBeans is less than default (1) */ unitRoles.add(new Role("role", new ArrayList())); try { rService.createRelation("relation", "relationType", unitRoles); return failed(""); } catch (InvalidRoleValueException e) { return passed(); } catch (Throwable t) { return failed(t.toString()); } }
public Result testMBeanNotRegistered() throws Exception { MBeanServer server = MBeanServerFactory.createMBeanServer(); ObjectName unitName = new ObjectName("a:b=c"); RelationService rService = new RelationService(true); server.registerMBean(rService, new ObjectName("a:b=d")); RoleInfo[] rInfo = { new RoleInfo("role", classPath) }; rService.createRelationType("relationType", rInfo); RoleList unitRoles = new RoleList(); /* Referenced MBean hasn't registered */ unitRoles.add(new Role("role", Collections.singletonList(unitName))); try { rService.createRelation("relation", "relationType", unitRoles); return failed(""); } catch (InvalidRoleValueException e) { return passed(); } catch (Throwable t) { return failed(t.toString()); } }
public Result testNotReadable() throws Exception { MBeanServer server = MBeanServerFactory.createMBeanServer(); ObjectName unitName = new ObjectName("a:b=c"); server.registerMBean(new Unit(), unitName); RelationService rService = new RelationService(true); server.registerMBean(rService, new ObjectName("a:b=d")); /* Role is not readable */ RoleInfo[] rInfo = { new RoleInfo("role", classPath, false, true) }; rService.createRelationType("relationType", rInfo); RoleList unitRoles = new RoleList(); unitRoles.add(new Role("role", Collections.singletonList(unitName))); try { rService.createRelation("relation", "relationType", unitRoles); return passed(); } catch (Throwable t) { return failed(t.toString()); } }
/** * This test verifies that minimum role value also can be infinite */ public Result testRoleInfoInfinity() throws Exception { try { new RoleInfo("usualRole", classPath, true, true, RoleInfo.ROLE_CARDINALITY_INFINITY, 4, "Unit role"); new RoleInfo("usualRole", classPath, true, true, RoleInfo.ROLE_CARDINALITY_INFINITY, RoleInfo.ROLE_CARDINALITY_INFINITY, "Unit role"); new RoleInfo("usualRole", classPath, true, true, 0, RoleInfo.ROLE_CARDINALITY_INFINITY, "Unit role"); } catch (Exception e) { return failed(e.toString()); } return passed(); }
public SimplePersonalLibrary(String relationTypeName) { super(relationTypeName); try { RoleInfo ownerRoleInfo = new RoleInfo("owner", // the name of the MBean class of which all members must be an instance. "", true, //read true, //write 1, // only one owner 1, "Owner"); addRoleInfo(ownerRoleInfo); RoleInfo booksRoleInfo = new RoleInfo("books", "", true, true, 1, // feeling nasty can only own max 4 books and no fewer than 1 4, "Books"); addRoleInfo(booksRoleInfo); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new RuntimeException(ex.getMessage()); } }
/** * This test verifies that MBeans don't have to be registered before * creation of role. */ public Result testMBeansDoNotHaveTo() throws Exception { MBeanServer mBeanServer = MBeanServerFactory.createMBeanServer(); // Register Relation Service RelationService relationService = new RelationService(true); ObjectName relationServiceName = new ObjectName( "mBeanServer:type=RelationService,name=rs"); mBeanServer.registerMBean(relationService, relationServiceName); // Create Role Information Array RoleInfo[] roleInfo = new RoleInfo[1]; roleInfo[0] = new RoleInfo("unitRole", classPath, true, true, 1, 2, "Unit role"); // Creating an Internal Relation Type relationService.createRelationType("internalRelationType", roleInfo); ObjectName unit1Name = new ObjectName( "mBeanServer:type=Unit,name=Unit1"); // Create RoleLists for single unit and double unit relations ArrayList unitList = new ArrayList(); unitList.add(unit1Name); Role unitRole = new Role("unitRole", unitList); return !unitRole.getRoleValue().contains(unit1Name) ? failed("") : passed(); }
public Result testRoleNotFound() throws Exception { MBeanServer server = MBeanServerFactory.createMBeanServer(); ObjectName unitName = new ObjectName("a:b=c"); server.registerMBean(new Unit(), unitName); RelationService rService = new RelationService(true); server.registerMBean(rService, new ObjectName("a:b=d")); RoleInfo[] rInfo = { new RoleInfo("role", classPath) }; rService.createRelationType("relationType", rInfo); RoleList unitRoles = new RoleList(); /* role name differs from role info contains */ unitRoles.add(new Role("another role", Collections .singletonList(unitName))); /* catch RoleNotFoundException */ try { rService.createRelation("relation", "relationType", unitRoles); return failed(""); } catch (RoleNotFoundException e) { return passed(); } catch (Throwable t) { return failed(t.toString()); } }
public Result testIdAlreadyUsed() throws Exception { MBeanServer server = MBeanServerFactory.createMBeanServer(); ObjectName unitName = new ObjectName("a:b=c"); server.registerMBean(new Unit(), unitName); RelationService rService = new RelationService(true); server.registerMBean(rService, new ObjectName("a:b=d")); RoleInfo[] rInfo = { new RoleInfo("role", classPath) }; rService.createRelationType("relationType", rInfo); RoleList unitRoles = new RoleList(); unitRoles.add(new Role("role", Collections.singletonList(unitName))); rService.createRelation("relation", "relationType", unitRoles); /* now try to create another relation with the same name */ /* create another relation type for clearance */ rService.createRelationType("another relationType", rInfo); try { rService.createRelation("relation", "another relationType", unitRoles); return failed(""); } catch (InvalidRelationIdException e) { return passed(); } catch (Throwable t) { return failed(t.toString()); } }
public Result testTheSameRoleName() throws Exception { MBeanServer server = MBeanServerFactory.createMBeanServer(); ObjectName unitName = new ObjectName("a:b=c"); ObjectName unitName2 = new ObjectName("a:b=c2"); server.registerMBean(new Unit(), unitName); server.registerMBean(new Unit(), unitName2); RelationService rService = new RelationService(true); server.registerMBean(rService, new ObjectName("a:b=d")); RoleInfo[] rInfo = { new RoleInfo("role", classPath) }; rService.createRelationType("relationType", rInfo); RoleList unitRoles = new RoleList(); /* Add 2 roles with the same name */ unitRoles.add(new Role("role", Collections.singletonList(unitName))); unitRoles.add(new Role("role", Collections.singletonList(unitName2))); try { rService.createRelation("relation", "relationType", unitRoles); return failed(""); } catch (InvalidRoleValueException e) { return passed(); } catch (Throwable t) { return failed(t.toString()); } }
public Result testNumberOfMBeanMoreThanNeed() throws Exception { MBeanServer server = MBeanServerFactory.createMBeanServer(); ObjectName unitName = new ObjectName("a:b=c"); ObjectName unitName2 = new ObjectName("a:b=c2"); server.registerMBean(new Unit(), unitName); server.registerMBean(new Unit(), unitName2); RelationService rService = new RelationService(true); server.registerMBean(rService, new ObjectName("a:b=d")); RoleInfo[] rInfo = { new RoleInfo("role", classPath) }; rService.createRelationType("relationType", rInfo); RoleList unitRoles = new RoleList(); /* The Number of MBeans is more than default (1) */ ArrayList units = new ArrayList(); units.add(unitName); units.add(unitName2); unitRoles.add(new Role("role", units)); try { rService.createRelation("relation", "relationType", unitRoles); return failed(""); } catch (InvalidRoleValueException e) { return passed(); } catch (Throwable t) { return failed(t.toString()); } }
public Result testDifferentTypeMBean() throws Exception { MBeanServer server = MBeanServerFactory.createMBeanServer(); ObjectName unitName = new ObjectName("a:b=c"); /* MBean class is NotUnit */ server.registerMBean(new NotUnit(), unitName); RelationService rService = new RelationService(true); server.registerMBean(rService, new ObjectName("a:b=d")); RoleInfo[] rInfo = { new RoleInfo("role", classPath) }; rService.createRelationType("relationType", rInfo); RoleList unitRoles = new RoleList(); /* Referenced MBean hasn't registered */ unitRoles.add(new Role("role", Collections.singletonList(unitName))); try { rService.createRelation("relation", "relationType", unitRoles); return failed(""); } catch (InvalidRoleValueException e) { return passed(); } catch (Throwable t) { return failed(t.toString()); } }
public Result testExistenceAfterException() throws Exception { MBeanServer server = MBeanServerFactory.createMBeanServer(); ObjectName unitName = new ObjectName("a:b=c"); server.registerMBean(new Unit(), unitName); RelationService rService = new RelationService(true); server.registerMBean(rService, new ObjectName("a:b=d")); RoleInfo[] rInfo = { new RoleInfo("role", classPath), new RoleInfo("another role", classPath) }; rService.createRelationType("relationType", rInfo); RoleList unitRoles = new RoleList(); /* * "anotherRole is incorrect - the number of MBeans is less than * default" */ unitRoles.add(new Role("role", Collections.singletonList(unitName))); unitRoles.add(new Role("another role", new ArrayList())); try { rService.createRelation("relation", "relationType", unitRoles); System.out.println("existenceAfterExceptions test failed"); } catch (InvalidRoleValueException e) { /* this exception should be caught */ } catch (Throwable t) { System.out.println("existenceAfterExceptions test failed: " + t.toString()); } /* now verify is relation exists */ if (!rService.getAllRelationIds().contains("relation")) { return passed(); } return failed(""); }
public Result testPurgeRemains() throws Exception { MBeanServer server = MBeanServerFactory.createMBeanServer(); ObjectName[] unitNames = { new ObjectName("a:b=c"), new ObjectName("a:b=c2") }; server.registerMBean(new Unit(), unitNames[0]); server.registerMBean(new Unit(), unitNames[1]); RelationService rService = new RelationService(true); server.registerMBean(rService, new ObjectName("a:b=d")); /* This role remains after unregister one of unit */ RoleInfo[] rInfo = { new RoleInfo("role", classPath, true, true, 1, 2, "role") }; rService.createRelationType("relationType", rInfo); RoleList unitRoles = new RoleList(); Role role = new Role("role", Arrays.asList(unitNames)); unitRoles.add(role); rService.createRelation("relation", "relationType", unitRoles); /* now remove one of MBeans */ server.unregisterMBean(unitNames[0]); /* verify relation is exist */ if (!rService.getAllRelationIds().contains("relation")) { return failed(""); } return passed(); }
public Result testPurgeRemoves() throws Exception { MBeanServer server = MBeanServerFactory.createMBeanServer(); ObjectName[] unitNames = { new ObjectName("a:b=c"), new ObjectName("a:b=c2") }; server.registerMBean(new Unit(), unitNames[0]); server.registerMBean(new Unit(), unitNames[1]); RelationService rService = new RelationService(true); server.registerMBean(rService, new ObjectName("a:b=d")); /* This role remains after unregister one of unit */ RoleInfo[] rInfo = { new RoleInfo("role", classPath, true, true, 2, 2, "role") }; rService.createRelationType("relationType", rInfo); RoleList unitRoles = new RoleList(); Role role = new Role("role", Arrays.asList(unitNames)); unitRoles.add(role); rService.createRelation("relation", "relationType", unitRoles); /* now remove one of MBeans */ server.unregisterMBean(unitNames[0]); /* verify relation is exist */ if (rService.getAllRelationIds().contains("relation")) { return failed(""); } return passed(); }
/** * This test verifies that rolelist can be null in relation creation */ public Result testRoleListCanBeNull() throws Exception { // Create MBean Server MBeanServer mBeanServer = MBeanServerFactory.createMBeanServer(); // Register Relation Service RelationService relationService = new RelationService(true); ObjectName relationServiceName = new ObjectName( "mBeanServer:type=RelationService,name=rs"); mBeanServer.registerMBean(relationService, relationServiceName); UnitMBean unit1 = new Unit(); ObjectName unitName = new ObjectName("mBeanServer:type=Unit,name=Unit1"); mBeanServer.registerMBean(unit1, unitName); RoleInfo[] roleInfo = new RoleInfo[1]; roleInfo[0] = new RoleInfo("Role", classPath, true, true, 1, 1, "The Role can contain any number of MBeans"); relationService.createRelationType("internalRelationType", roleInfo); try { relationService.createRelation("relationId", "internalRelationType", null); } catch (Exception e) { return failed("Role list can be null: " + e.toString()); } return passed(); }
/** * Step by step for verification that then MBean is unregistered Role * becomes incorrect * <ul> * <li>a. Create relation * <li>b. Unregister referenced MBean * <li>c. Verify that relation becomes incorrect * </ul> * */ public Result testInfluenceMBeanUnregToRole() throws Exception { MBeanServer mBeanServer = MBeanServerFactory.createMBeanServer(); RelationService relationService = new RelationService(true); ObjectName relationServiceName = new ObjectName( "mBeanServer:type=RelationService,name=rs"); mBeanServer.registerMBean(relationService, relationServiceName); UnitMBean unit1 = new Unit(); ObjectName unitName = new ObjectName("mBeanServer:type=Unit,name=Unit1"); mBeanServer.registerMBean(unit1, unitName); RoleInfo[] roleInfo = new RoleInfo[1]; roleInfo[0] = new RoleInfo("usualRole", classPath); relationService.createRelationType("internalRelationType", roleInfo); ArrayList unitList = new ArrayList(); unitList.add(unitName); Role usualRole = new Role("usualRole", unitList); mBeanServer.unregisterMBean(unitName); if (relationService.checkRoleWriting(usualRole, "internalRelationType", Boolean.TRUE).byteValue() != 7) { return failed("unregisterMBean influence to Role incorrect"); } return passed(); }
/** * This test verifies getAllRelationTypeNames method */ public Result testGetAllRelationTypeNames() throws Exception { MBeanServer mBeanServer = MBeanServerFactory.createMBeanServer(); RelationService relationService = new RelationService(true); ObjectName relationServiceName = new ObjectName( "mBeanServer:type=RelationService,name=rs"); mBeanServer.registerMBean(relationService, relationServiceName); RoleInfo[] roleInfo = { new RoleInfo("JustRole", classPath) }; relationService.createRelationType("RelationType0", roleInfo); relationService.addRelationType(new RelationTypeSupport( "RelationType1", roleInfo)); relationService.addRelationType(new ERelationType("RelationType2", roleInfo)); try { relationService.addRelationType(new ERelationType("RelationType3")); } catch (Exception e) { /* Correct state */ } for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if (!relationService.getAllRelationTypeNames().contains( "RelationType" + i)) { return failed("getAllRelationTypeNames missed data"); } } if (relationService.getAllRelationTypeNames().contains( "RelationType" + 3)) { return failed("Incorrect Relation Type Added"); } return passed(); }
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { MBeanServer mbs = MBeanServerFactory.newMBeanServer(); ObjectName relSvcName = new ObjectName("a:type=relationService"); RelationServiceMBean relSvc = JMX.newMBeanProxy(mbs, relSvcName, RelationServiceMBean.class); mbs.createMBean("", relSvcName, new Object[] {Boolean.TRUE}, new String[] {"boolean"}); final BlockingQueue<Notification> q = new ArrayBlockingQueue<Notification>(100); NotificationListener qListener = new NotificationListener() { public void handleNotification(Notification notification, Object handback) { q.add(notification); } }; mbs.addNotificationListener(relSvcName, qListener, null, null); RoleInfo leftInfo = new RoleInfo("left", ""); RoleInfo rightInfo = new RoleInfo("right", ""); relSvc.createRelationType("typeName", new RoleInfo[] {leftInfo, rightInfo}); ObjectName timer1 = new ObjectName("a:type=timer,number=1"); ObjectName timer2 = new ObjectName("a:type=timer,number=2"); mbs.createMBean("", timer1); mbs.createMBean("", timer2); Role leftRole = new Role("left", Arrays.asList(new ObjectName[] {timer1})); Role rightRole = new Role("right", Arrays.asList(new ObjectName[] {timer2})); RoleList roles = new RoleList(Arrays.asList(new Role[] {leftRole, rightRole})); final int NREPEAT = 10; for (int i = 0; i < NREPEAT; i++) { relSvc.createRelation("relationName", "typeName", roles); relSvc.removeRelation("relationName"); } Notification firstNotif = q.remove(); long seqNo = firstNotif.getSequenceNumber(); for (int i = 0; i < NREPEAT * 2 - 1; i++) { Notification n = q.remove(); long nSeqNo = n.getSequenceNumber(); if (nSeqNo != seqNo + 1) { throw new Exception( "TEST FAILED: expected seqNo " + (seqNo + 1) + "; got " + nSeqNo); } seqNo++; } System.out.println("TEST PASSED: got " + (NREPEAT * 2) + " notifications " + "with contiguous sequence numbers"); }
/** * This testcase verifies MBeanToUnregister field in notifications. */ public Result testRemovalNotification() throws Exception { incorrectNotificationFlag = false; MBeanServer mBeanServer = MBeanServerFactory.createMBeanServer(); RelationService relationService = new RelationService(true); ObjectName relationServiceName = new ObjectName( "mBeanServer:type=RelationService,name=rs"); mBeanServer.registerMBean(relationService, relationServiceName); NotificationFilterSupport filter = new NotificationFilterSupport(); filter.enableType("jmx.relation"); relationService.addNotificationListener(this, filter, null); checkNotifications = true; RoleInfo[] roleInfo = new RoleInfo[1]; roleInfo[0] = new RoleInfo("unitRole", classPath, true, true, 1, 2, "Unit role"); // Creating an Internal Relation Type relationService.createRelationType("internalRelationType", roleInfo); UnitMBean unit = new Unit(); ObjectName unitName = new ObjectName("mBeanServer:type=Unit,name=Unit"); mBeanServer.registerMBean(unit, unitName); ArrayList unitList = new ArrayList(); unitList.add(unitName); Role unitRole = new Role("unitRole", unitList); RoleList unitRoles = new RoleList(); unitRoles.add(unitRole); // Now Create relations between unit MBeans // Notification Data relationNotification = new RelationNotificationForCompare( "jmx.relation.creation.basic", relationService, 1, 10, "Creation of relation internalRelation", "internalRelation", "internalRelationType", null, null); relationService.createRelation("internalRelation", "internalRelationType", unitRoles); // Notification Data relationNotification = new RelationNotificationForCompare( "jmx.relation.removal.basic", relationService, 2, 10, "Removal of relation internalRelation", "internalRelation", "internalRelationType", null, new ArrayList()); relationService.removeRelation("internalRelation"); if (incorrectNotificationFlag) { return failed("IncorrectNotifications (see log for more information)"); } return passed(); }
/** * Step by step for verification that relation is removed as soon as its * relation type is removed. * <ul> * <li>a. Create relation * <li>b. Remove relation type * <li>c. Check that relation isn't present in relation service * </ul> */ public Result testRemoveRelationType() throws Exception { MBeanServer mBeanServer = MBeanServerFactory.createMBeanServer(); RelationService relationService = new RelationService(true); ObjectName relationServiceName = new ObjectName( "mBeanServer:type=RelationService,name=rs"); mBeanServer.registerMBean(relationService, relationServiceName); RoleInfo[] roleInfo = new RoleInfo[1]; roleInfo[0] = new RoleInfo("unitRole", classPath, true, true, 1, 2, "Unit role"); /* Creating an Internal Relation Type */ relationService.createRelationType("internalRelationType", roleInfo); /* 2 MBean objects to be associate */ UnitMBean unit1 = new Unit(); ObjectName unit1Name = new ObjectName( "mBeanServer:type=Unit,name=Unit1"); mBeanServer.registerMBean(unit1, unit1Name); /* Create Role */ ArrayList unitList = new ArrayList(); unitList.add(unit1Name); Role unitRole = new Role("unitRole", unitList); RoleList unitRoles = new RoleList(); unitRoles.add(unitRole); /* Now Create relations between unit MBeans */ relationService.createRelation("internalRelation", "internalRelationType", unitRoles); ERelation externalRelation = new ERelation("externalRelation", relationServiceName, mBeanServer, "internalRelationType", unitRoles); mBeanServer.registerMBean(externalRelation, externalRelation .getRelationON()); /* Relations created. Now Remove Relation type */ relationService.removeRelationType("internalRelationType"); /* Check relations are removed */ if (relationService.hasRelation("internalRelation").booleanValue() && relationService.hasRelation("externalRelation") .booleanValue()) { return failed("Relation type had been removed, but relation is not"); } return passed(); }
/** * Test creates 2 relation types with equals names and RoleInfos, but * referred to different relation services. Test checks that when first * relation type creates relation, second relation type is not affected */ public Result testTheSameRelationType() throws Exception { MBeanServer mBeanServer = MBeanServerFactory.createMBeanServer(); RelationService firstRelationService = new RelationService(true); RelationService secondRelationService = new RelationService(true); ObjectName firstRelationServiceName = new ObjectName( "mBeanServer:type=RelationService,name=first"); ObjectName secondRelationServiceName = new ObjectName( "mBeanServer:type=RelationService,name=second"); mBeanServer.registerMBean(firstRelationService, firstRelationServiceName); mBeanServer.registerMBean(secondRelationService, secondRelationServiceName); RoleInfo roleInfo = new RoleInfo("usualRole", classPath, true, true, 1, 1, "usual role"); ERelationType eRelationType = new ERelationType("relationType", roleInfo); firstRelationService.addRelationType(eRelationType); secondRelationService.addRelationType(eRelationType); UnitMBean unit1 = new Unit(); ObjectName unit1Name = new ObjectName( "mBeanServer:type=Unit,name=Unit1"); mBeanServer.registerMBean(unit1, unit1Name); ArrayList unitList = new ArrayList(); unitList.add(unit1Name); Role singleUnitRole = new Role("usualRole", unitList); RoleList singleunitRoles = new RoleList(); singleunitRoles.add(singleUnitRole); firstRelationService.createRelation("relation", "relationType", singleunitRoles); if (secondRelationService.hasRelation("relation").booleanValue()) { return failed("RelationType Mismatch"); } return passed(); }
/** * In this test External relation unregistered MBeans by itself. After this * verified relation service consistency. */ public Result testSelfUnregistration() throws Exception { MBeanServer mBeanServer = MBeanServerFactory.createMBeanServer(); RelationService relationService = new RelationService(true); ObjectName relationServiceName = new ObjectName( "mBeanServer:type=RelationService,name=rs"); mBeanServer.registerMBean(relationService, relationServiceName); RoleInfo[] roleInfo = new RoleInfo[1]; roleInfo[0] = new RoleInfo("unitRole", classPath, true, true, 1, 2, "Unit role"); // Creating an Internal Relation Type relationService.createRelationType("internalRelationType", roleInfo); // Registering 2 MBean objects UnitMBean unit1 = new Unit(); ObjectName unit1Name = new ObjectName( "mBeanServer:type=Unit,name=Unit1"); mBeanServer.registerMBean(unit1, unit1Name); ArrayList unitList = new ArrayList(); unitList.add(unit1Name); Role unitRole = new Role("unitRole", unitList); RoleList unitRoles = new RoleList(); unitRoles.add(unitRole); ERelation externalRelation = new ERelation("externalRelation", relationServiceName, mBeanServer, "internalRelationType", unitRoles); mBeanServer.registerMBean(externalRelation, externalRelation .getRelationON()); relationService.addRelation(externalRelation.getRelationON()); externalRelation.unregisterMBean(unit1Name); if (relationService.hasRelation("externalRelation").booleanValue()) { return failed("Consistency Failed"); } return passed(); }
/** * This test verifies findReferencingRelations method */ public Result testRelationIdMap() throws Exception { MBeanServer mBeanServer = MBeanServerFactory.createMBeanServer(); // Register Relation Service RelationService relationService = new RelationService(true); ObjectName relationServiceName = new ObjectName( "mBeanServer:type=RelationService,name=rs"); mBeanServer.registerMBean(relationService, relationServiceName); // Create Role Information Array RoleInfo[] roleInfo = new RoleInfo[1]; roleInfo[0] = new RoleInfo("unitRole", classPath, true, true, 1, 2, "Unit role"); // Creating an Internal Relation Type relationService.createRelationType("internalRelationType", roleInfo); // Registering 2 MBean objects UnitMBean unit1 = new Unit(); ObjectName unit2Name = new ObjectName( "mBeanServer:type=Unit,name=Unit2"); mBeanServer.registerMBean(unit1, unit2Name); ObjectName unit1Name = new ObjectName( "mBeanServer:type=Unit,name=Unit1"); mBeanServer.registerMBean(unit1, unit1Name); // Create RoleLists for single unit and double unit relations ArrayList unitList = new ArrayList(); unitList.add(unit1Name); Role singleUnitRole = new Role("unitRole", unitList); unitList.add(unit2Name); Role doubleUnitRole = new Role("unitRole", unitList); RoleList singleunitRoles = new RoleList(); singleunitRoles.add(singleUnitRole); RoleList doubleunitRoles = new RoleList(); doubleunitRoles.add(doubleUnitRole); // Create 2 Internal Relations relationService.createRelation("internalRelationSingle", "internalRelationType", singleunitRoles); relationService.createRelation("internalRelationDouble", "internalRelationType", doubleunitRoles); ERelation externalRelation = new ERelation("externalRelation", relationServiceName, mBeanServer, "internalRelationType", doubleunitRoles); mBeanServer.registerMBean(externalRelation, externalRelation .getRelationON()); relationService.addRelation(externalRelation.getRelationON()); if ((!relationService.findReferencingRelations(unit2Name, "internalRelationType", "unitRole").containsKey( "internalRelationDouble")) || (!relationService.findReferencingRelations(unit1Name, "internalRelationType", "unitRole").containsKey( "internalRelationDouble")) || (!relationService.findReferencingRelations(unit1Name, "internalRelationType", "unitRole").containsKey( "internalRelationSingle")) || (!relationService.findReferencingRelations(unit1Name, "internalRelationType", "unitRole").containsKey( "externalRelation")) || (!relationService.findReferencingRelations(unit2Name, "internalRelationType", "unitRole").containsKey( "externalRelation"))) {, "internalRelationType", "unitRole").toString()); return failed("findReferencingRelations method is incorrect"); } return passed(); }
/** * This test verifies getRoles method */ public Result testGetRoles() throws Exception { MBeanServer mBeanServer = MBeanServerFactory.createMBeanServer(); RelationService relationService = new RelationService(true); ObjectName relationServiceName = new ObjectName( "mBeanServer:type=RelationService,name=rs"); mBeanServer.registerMBean(relationService, relationServiceName); UnitMBean unit1 = new Unit(); ObjectName unit1Name = new ObjectName( "mBeanServer:type=Unit,name=Unit1"); mBeanServer.registerMBean(unit1, unit1Name); RoleInfo[] roleInfo = new RoleInfo[1]; roleInfo[0] = new RoleInfo("unitRole", classPath, true, true, 0, 2, "usual role"); relationService.createRelationType("RelationType", roleInfo); ArrayList unitList = new ArrayList(); unitList.add(unit1Name); Role unitRole = new Role("unitRole", unitList); RoleList unitRoles = new RoleList(); unitRoles.add(unitRole); String[] roleNameArray = { "unitRole" }; ERelation externalRelation = new ERelation("externalRelation", relationServiceName, mBeanServer, "RelationType", unitRoles); mBeanServer.registerMBean(externalRelation, externalRelation .getRelationON()); relationService.addRelation(externalRelation.getRelationON()); try { relationService.getRoles("externalRelation", roleNameArray); } catch (Exception e) { return failed(e.toString()); } return passed(); }
public ERelationType(String name, RoleInfo[] roleInfo) throws InvalidRelationTypeException, IllegalArgumentException { super(name); for (int i = 0; i < roleInfo.length; i++) { addRoleInfo(roleInfo[i]); } }