public ConfigurationSubscriptionDto update(long id, ConfigurationSubscriptionDto delta) throws ConflictException, NotFoundException { try { return new TransactionalExecutor<ConfigurationSubscriptionDto>(createEntityManager()).execute((manager) -> { ConfigurationSubscriptionDto existingSubscription = findInternal(id, manager); if (existingSubscription == null) { throw new NotFoundException(Messages.CONFIGURATION_SUBSCRIPTION_NOT_FOUND, id); } ConfigurationSubscriptionDto result = merge(existingSubscription, delta); manager.merge(result); return result; }); } catch (RollbackException e) { ConfigurationSubscriptionDto subscription = merge(find(id), delta); throw new ConflictException(e, Messages.CONFIGURATION_SUBSCRIPTION_ALREADY_EXISTS, subscription.getMtaId(), subscription.getAppName(), subscription.getResourceName(), subscription.getSpaceId()); } }
private static void endTransaction(EntityTransaction tx) { if (tx != null && tx.isActive()) { if (tx.getRollbackOnly()) { tx.rollback(); } else { try { tx.commit(); } catch (RollbackException e) { if (tx.isActive()) { tx.rollback(); } throw e; } } } }
protected void endTransaction() { entityManager.ifPresent(em -> { EntityTransaction tx = em.getTransaction(); if (tx != null && tx.isActive()) { if (tx.getRollbackOnly()) { tx.rollback(); } else { try { tx.commit(); } catch (RollbackException e) { if (tx.isActive()) { tx.rollback(); } throw e; } } } }); }
public boolean incrementSyncCount(String domain, String id, long currentCount) { try { _main.updateItem(getHashKey(domain), id.toLowerCase()) .set("syc", currentCount+1) .when((expr) -> { if ( 0 == currentCount ) { return expr.or(expr.eq("syc", 0), expr.and(expr.exists("id"), expr.not(expr.exists("syc")))); } else { return expr.eq("syc", currentCount); } }); return true; } catch ( RollbackException ex ) { return false; } }
public void addPart(String blobId, int partIndex, RegistryBlobPart partId, byte[] oldMDState, byte[] newMDState) throws EntityNotFoundException, ConcurrentModificationException { try { _main.updateItem(blobId, null) .listSet(ATTR_PART_IDS, partIndex, AttrType.MAP, partId) .set(ATTR_MD_ENCODED_STATE, AttrType.BIN, newMDState) .when((expr) -> expr.and( expr.exists(ATTR_BLOB_ID), ( null == oldMDState ) ? expr.not(expr.exists(ATTR_MD_ENCODED_STATE)) : expr.eq(ATTR_MD_ENCODED_STATE, oldMDState))); } catch ( RollbackException ex ) { // Doesn't exist, then throw EntityNotFoundException? RegistryBlob blob = _main.getItemOrThrow(blobId, null); throw new ConcurrentModificationException( "Expected mdState="+(null==oldMDState?"null":printHexBinary(oldMDState))+", but got="+ (null == blob.getMdEncodedState()?"null":printHexBinary(blob.getMdEncodedState()))); } }
public void finishUpload(String blobId, byte[] currentMDState, String digest, long size, String mediaType) { try { UpdateItemBuilder<RegistryBlob> builder = _main.updateItem(blobId, null) .remove(ATTR_PART_IDS) .remove(ATTR_MD_ENCODED_STATE) .remove(ATTR_UPLOAD_ID) .set(ATTR_DIGEST, digest.toLowerCase()) .set(ATTR_SIZE, size); if ( null != mediaType ) { builder.set(ATTR_MEDIA_TYPE, mediaType); } builder.when((expr) -> expr.eq(ATTR_MD_ENCODED_STATE, currentMDState)); } catch ( RollbackException ex ) { throw new ConcurrentModificationException( "attempt to finish upload of "+blobId+", but the digest state did not match"); } }
public Long addReference(String digest, String manifestId) { digest = digest.toLowerCase(); for ( int retry=0;;retry++ ) { RegistryBlob blob = getRegistryBlobByDigest(digest); if ( null == blob ) return null; try { return _main.updateItem(blob.getBlobId(), null) .setAdd(ATTR_MANIFEST_IDS, AttrType.STR, manifestId) .returnAllNew() .when((expr) -> expr.exists(ATTR_BLOB_ID)) .getSize(); } catch ( RollbackException ex ) {, ex); // Give up! if ( retry > 10 ) return null; continue; } } }
@RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.POST, value = "/create") public UserRequestTO create(@RequestBody final UserTO userTO) throws UnauthorizedRoleException { if (!isCreateAllowedByConf()) { LOG.error("Create requests are not allowed"); throw new UnauthorizedRoleException(-1L); } LOG.debug("Request user create called with {}", userTO); try { dataBinder.testCreate(userTO); } catch (RollbackException e) { } UserRequest request = new UserRequest(); request.setUserTO(userTO); request =; return dataBinder.getUserRequestTO(request); }
@PreAuthorize("isAuthenticated()") @RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.POST, value = "/update") public UserRequestTO update(@RequestBody final UserMod userMod) throws NotFoundException, UnauthorizedRoleException { LOG.debug("Request user update called with {}", userMod); try { dataBinder.testUpdate(userMod); } catch (RollbackException e) { } UserRequest request = new UserRequest(); request.setUserMod(userMod); request =; return dataBinder.getUserRequestTO(request); }
@PreAuthorize("isAuthenticated()") @RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.POST, value = "/delete") public UserRequestTO delete(@RequestBody final Long userId) throws NotFoundException, UnauthorizedRoleException { LOG.debug("Request user delete called with {}", userId); try { dataBinder.testDelete(userId); } catch (RollbackException e) { } UserRequest request = new UserRequest(); request.setUserId(userId); request =; return dataBinder.getUserRequestTO(request); }
/** * Renames the current document to the given name. * * @param renameRequest - the renaming request including id and new name. * @return a response with no content if renaming was successful, HTTP 404 if document was not * found or 500 if an error occurred. */ @PUT @Consumes(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) public Response putDocument(DocumentRenameRequest renameRequest) { Response response = null; try { Document affectedDocument = documentDao.findById(id); affectedDocument.getMetadata().setTitle(renameRequest.getName()); affectedDocument.getMetadata().setIsUserDefinedTitle(true); documentDao.update(affectedDocument); response = Response.noContent().build(); } catch (EntityNotFoundException enfe) { throw new WebApplicationException(enfe, Response.status(Response.Status.NOT_FOUND).build()); } catch (RollbackException re) { throw new WebApplicationException(re); } return response; }
@ExceptionHandler public void tratarHibernatePostgreSQL(RollbackException e) { PersistenceException persistenceException = (PersistenceException) e .getCause(); /* * Desde aquí ya no es estándar JEE6, estas son clases específicas de * Hibernate y PostgreSQL dependiendo del proveedor JPA y del motor que * se utilice esto habrá que adaptar */ ConstraintViolationException constraintViolationException = (ConstraintViolationException) persistenceException .getCause(); BatchUpdateException batchUpdateException = (BatchUpdateException) constraintViolationException .getCause(); Exception psqlException = batchUpdateException.getNextException(); String msg = psqlException.getLocalizedMessage(); logger.error("Error al realizar el update: " + msg); FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().addMessage(null, new FacesMessage(FacesMessage.SEVERITY_ERROR, msg, null)); }
public void commit() { status = Status.STATUS_NO_TRANSACTION; stubCalls.add("commit()"); if (failCommit) { throw new RollbackException(); } }
@Override public void commit() { status = Status.STATUS_NO_TRANSACTION; stubCalls.add("commit()"); if (failCommit) { throw new RollbackException(); } }
public ConfigurationSubscriptionDto add(ConfigurationSubscriptionDto subscription) throws ConflictException { try { return new TransactionalExecutor<ConfigurationSubscriptionDto>(createEntityManager()).execute((manager) -> { manager.persist(subscription); return subscription; }); } catch (RollbackException e) { throw new ConflictException(e, Messages.CONFIGURATION_SUBSCRIPTION_ALREADY_EXISTS, subscription.getMtaId(), subscription.getAppName(), subscription.getResourceName(), subscription.getSpaceId()); } }
public ConfigurationEntryDto add(ConfigurationEntryDto entry) throws ConflictException { try { return new TransactionalExecutor<ConfigurationEntryDto>(createEntityManager()).execute((manager) -> { manager.persist(entry); return entry; }); } catch (RollbackException e) { throw new ConflictException(e, Messages.CONFIGURATION_ENTRY_ALREADY_EXISTS, entry.getProviderNid(), entry.getProviderId(), entry.getProviderVersion(), entry.getTargetOrg(), entry.getTargetSpace()); } }
public ContextExtension add(ContextExtension entry) throws ConflictException { try { return new TransactionalExecutor<ContextExtension>(createEntintyManager()).execute((manager) -> { manager.persist(entry); return entry; }); } catch (RollbackException e) { throw new ConflictException(e, Messages.CONTEXT_EXTENSION_ENTRY_ALREADY_EXISTS, entry.getProcessId(), entry.getName(), entry.getValue()); } }
@Override protected ExceptionPresentation getExceptionPresentation(RollbackException exception) { if (exception.getCause() != null) { return new ExceptionPresentation(exception.getCause()); } return super.getExceptionPresentation(exception); }
@Test public void testTransactionCommitWithRollbackException() { given(manager.getTransaction()).willReturn(tx); given(tx.getRollbackOnly()).willReturn(true); willThrow(new RollbackException()).given(tx).commit(); final List<String> l = new ArrayList<String>(); l.add("test"); assertTrue(!TransactionSynchronizationManager.hasResource(factory)); assertTrue(!TransactionSynchronizationManager.isSynchronizationActive()); try { Object result = tt.execute(new TransactionCallback() { @Override public Object doInTransaction(TransactionStatus status) { assertTrue(TransactionSynchronizationManager.hasResource(factory)); EntityManagerFactoryUtils.getTransactionalEntityManager(factory).flush(); return l; } }); assertSame(l, result); } catch (TransactionSystemException tse) { // expected assertTrue(tse.getCause() instanceof RollbackException); } assertTrue(!TransactionSynchronizationManager.hasResource(factory)); assertTrue(!TransactionSynchronizationManager.isSynchronizationActive()); verify(manager).flush(); verify(manager).close(); }
@Test(expected= TransactionSystemException.class) public void shouldBeFailToUpdateWithoutDescription() { try { Task task = Task("Test")); task.setDescription(null);; } catch (TransactionSystemException e) { ((ConstraintViolationException)((RollbackException)e.getCause()).getCause()).getConstraintViolations().forEach(c -> { c.getPropertyPath().forEach(f -> Assert.assertEquals("description", f.getName())); }); throw e; } }
@ExceptionHandler(Exception.class) @ResponseBody public ResponseEntity<?> handleErrors(Exception ex) { if (ex.getCause() instanceof RollbackException && ex.getCause().getCause() instanceof ConstraintViolationException) { ConstraintViolationException constraintViolationException = (ConstraintViolationException) ex.getCause().getCause(); return new ResponseEntity<List<ValidationMessage>>(getValidationErrorResponse(constraintViolationException), HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST); } else { LOG.error("Got unknown error", ex); // fallback to server error return new ResponseEntity<Message>(new Message(ex.getMessage()), HttpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR); } }
@Test public void updateFails() { Task updateTask = entityManager.createQuery("SELECT t FROM Task t", Task.class).getSingleResult(); try { entityManager.getTransaction().begin(); updateTask.setStatus(null); entityManager.getTransaction().commit(); fail("expected SecurityException"); } catch (RollbackException e) { assertThat(e.getCause(), is(instanceOf(SecurityException.class))); } }
private boolean updateItem(IndexKey key, String updateExpression, String conditionalExpression, Map<String, String> expressionNames, Map<String, Object> expressionValues) { try { updateItem(new UpdateItemSpec() .withPrimaryKey(toPrimaryKey(key)) .withUpdateExpression(updateExpression) .withConditionExpression(conditionalExpression) .withNameMap(expressionNames) .withValueMap(expressionValues)); return true; } catch ( RollbackException ex ) { return false; } }
private <V> V updateItem(UpdateItemSpec updateItemSpec, Class<V> type) { try { return maybeBackoff(false, () -> fromItem(_encryption.decrypt(_updateItem.updateItem(updateItemSpec).getItem()), type)); } catch ( ConditionalCheckFailedException ex ) { throw new RollbackException(ex); } }
public <V> V when(FilterCondFn updateCondFn, Class<V> type) throws RollbackException { FilterCondExprImpl condExpr = (FilterCondExprImpl) FilterCondBuilderImpl(_encryption)); if ( null != condExpr ) { _spec.withConditionExpression(condExpr.eval(this::addExprName, this::addExprValue)); } return always(type); }
@Override public void deleteItem(Object hk, Object rk, FilterCondFn filterCondFn) throws RollbackException { MysqlFilterCondExpr expr = ( null == filterCondFn ) ? null : (MysqlFilterCondExpr); int count = deleteItems(expr, new IndexKey().withHashKey(hk).withRangeKey(rk)); if ( null != expr && count < 1 ) { throw new RollbackException(); } }
@Override public <V> V when(FilterCondFn updateCondFn, Class<V> type) throws RollbackException { MysqlFilterCondExpr condExpr = null; if ( null != updateCondFn ) { condExpr = (MysqlFilterCondExpr) MysqlFilterCondBuilder()); } return _updateItem.updateItem(_hk, _rk, type, _returnValue, _defaultJson, this::updateExpr, condExpr); }
@Test @Ignore("duplicate deletion throws exception in comparison to hibernate") public void testDeleteWithTransaction() { try { new TransactionalAspectMethods().testDeleteWithTransaction(); } catch (final TransactionSystemException e) { Assertions.assertThat(Throwables.isCausedByType(e, RollbackException.class)).isTrue(); } }
@Test public void testDeleteWithTransaction() { try { new TransactionalAspectMethods().testDeleteWithTransaction(); } catch (final TransactionSystemException e) { Assertions.assertThat(Throwables.isCausedByType(e, RollbackException.class)).isTrue(); } }
@Ignore("Dunno why sometimes em.persist() worx and sometimes it doesnt...") @Test public void testDeleteWithTransaction() { try { new TransactionalAspectMethods().testDeleteWithTransaction(); } catch (final TransactionSystemException e) { Assertions.assertThat(Throwables.isCausedByType(e, RollbackException.class)).isTrue(); } }
public Object get(AjaxRequest ajaxRequest, EuropaRequestContext requestContext) { String token = ajaxRequest.getParam("token", true); //throw if missing try { _tokenAuthDb.deleteToken(requestContext.getRequesterDomain(), token); } catch(RollbackException rbe) { throw(new AjaxClientException("Cannot Delete active Token", AjaxErrors.Codes.TokenIsActive, 400)); } return JsonSuccess.Success; }
public void setContainerRepo(String pipelineId, String domain, String containerRepoId) { pipelineId = pipelineId.toLowerCase(); try { _main.updateItem(pipelineId, CID_FOR_PIPELINE) .set("dom", domain) .set("crid", containerRepoId) .when((expr) -> expr.exists("id")); } catch ( RollbackException ex ) { throw new EntityNotFoundException("Invalid pipelineId="+pipelineId); } }
public void movePipelineComponent(String pipelineId, String componentId, String beforeComponentId) { pipelineId = pipelineId.toLowerCase(); long idx = allocateIdxBefore(pipelineId, beforeComponentId); try { _main.updateItem(pipelineId, componentId) .set("idx", idx) .when((expr) -> expr.exists("id")); } catch ( RollbackException ex ) { throw new EntityNotFoundException("Invalid pipelineId="+pipelineId+" componentId="+componentId); } }
private void incrementIdx(PKIdx item, long amount) { try { _main.updateItem(, item.cid) .increment("idx", amount) .when((expr) -> expr.exists("idx")); } catch ( RollbackException ex ){} }
public void deleteToken(String domain, String token) throws RollbackException { _main.deleteItem(token, null, (expr) -> expr.and(expr.eq("stat", "INACTIVE"), expr.eq("dom", domain.toLowerCase()))); }
public void setUploadId(String blobId, String uploadId) { try { _main.updateItem(blobId, null) .set(ATTR_UPLOAD_ID, AttrType.STR, uploadId) .when((expr) -> expr.exists(ATTR_BLOB_ID)); } catch ( RollbackException ex ) { throw new EntityNotFoundException("blobId="+blobId+" does not exist"); } }
public void removeReference(String digest, String manifestId) { digest = digest.toLowerCase(); for ( PageIterator it : new PageIterator() ) { for ( RegistryBlob blob : _byDigest.queryItems(digest, it).list() ) { try { _main.updateItem(blob.getBlobId(), null) .setRemove(ATTR_MANIFEST_IDS, AttrType.STR, manifestId) .when((expr) -> expr.exists(ATTR_BLOB_ID)); } catch ( RollbackException ex ) { // ignored, just don't want to create a "blank" record. } } } }