Java 类javax.persistence.MapsId 实例源码

项目:org.fastnate    文件   
 * Resolves the column for the {@code id property} of this entity class.
 * @param attribute
 *            the referencing attribute (for evaluating annotations)
 * @return the column name
 * @throws IllegalStateException
 *             if the id property is not singular and no MapsId is given
GeneratorColumn getIdColumn(final AttributeAccessor attribute) {
    if (this.idProperty instanceof SingularProperty) {
        return ((SingularProperty<?, ?>) this.idProperty).getColumn();
    if (this.idProperty instanceof EmbeddedProperty) {
        final MapsId mapsId = attribute.getAnnotation(MapsId.class);
        if (mapsId != null && mapsId.value().length() > 0) {
            final Property<?, ?> property = ((EmbeddedProperty<E, ?>) this.idProperty).getEmbeddedProperties()
            if (property instanceof SingularProperty) {
                return ((SingularProperty<?, ?>) this.idProperty).getColumn();
        throw new ModelException(attribute + " misses MapId for a singular property in " + this.entityClass);
    if (this.idProperty == null && this.parentEntityClass != null) {
        // It seems we are still building the hierarchy
        this.idProperty = this.context.getDescription(this.parentEntityClass).getIdProperty();
        if (this.idProperty != null) {
            return getIdColumn(attribute);

    throw new ModelException(attribute + " does not reference an ID column in " + this.entityClass);
项目:lams    文件   
public void addPropertyAnnotatedWithMapsId(XClass entityType, PropertyData property) {
    Map<String, PropertyData> map = propertiesAnnotatedWithMapsId.get( entityType );
    if ( map == null ) {
        map = new HashMap<String, PropertyData>();
        propertiesAnnotatedWithMapsId.put( entityType, map );
    map.put( property.getProperty().getAnnotation( MapsId.class ).value(), property );
项目:lams    文件   
 * Adds a @MapsId annotation to the specified annotationList if the specified element has the
 * maps-id attribute set. This should only be the case for many-to-one or one-to-one
 * associations.
private void getMapsId(List<Annotation> annotationList, Element element) {
    String attrVal = element.attributeValue( "maps-id" );
    if ( attrVal != null ) {
        AnnotationDescriptor ad = new AnnotationDescriptor( MapsId.class );
        ad.setValue( "value", attrVal );
        annotationList.add( AnnotationFactory.create( ad ) );
项目:engerek    文件   
@ForeignKey(name = "none")
@ManyToOne(fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
        @JoinColumn(name = COLUMN_RECORD_ID, referencedColumnName = "id")
public RAuditEventRecord getRecord() {
    return record;
项目:org.fastnate    文件   
 * Creates a new instance of {@link EntityProperty}.
 * @param context
 *            the generator context.
 * @param containerTable
 *            the table that contains our column
 * @param attribute
 *            the accessor of the attribute
 * @param override
 *            optional {@link AttributeOverride} configuration.
public EntityProperty(final GeneratorContext context, final GeneratorTable containerTable,
        final AttributeAccessor attribute, @Nullable final AssociationOverride override) {
    this.context = context;

    // Initialize the target class description
    this.targetClass = context.getDescription((Class<T>) attribute.getType());

    // Initialize according to the *ToOne annotations
    final MappingInformation mapping = new MappingInformation(attribute);
    this.required = !mapping.isOptional();
    this.mappedBy = mapping.getMappedBy().length() == 0 ? null : mapping.getMappedBy();
    final MapsId mapsId = attribute.getAnnotation(MapsId.class);
    this.idField = mapsId != null ? mapsId.value() : null;

    // Initialize the column name
    if (this.mappedBy == null) {
        final JoinColumn joinColumn = override != null && override.joinColumns().length > 0
                ? override.joinColumns()[0]
                : attribute.getAnnotation(JoinColumn.class);
        if (joinColumn != null && > 0) {
            this.column = containerTable.resolveColumn(;
        } else {
            this.column = containerTable.resolveColumn(attribute.getName() + "_"
                    + (this.targetClass == null ? "id" : this.targetClass.getIdColumn(attribute)));
    } else {
        this.column = null;

    // Initialize ANY meta information
    final String anyColumnName = mapping.getAnyMetaColumn();
    if (anyColumnName != null) {
        this.anyColumn = containerTable.resolveColumn(anyColumnName);
        fillMetaDefs(attribute, context.getDialect());
    } else {
        this.anyColumn = null;
项目:BCDS    文件   
@ManyToOne(fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
@JoinColumn(name = "PROCESS_ID", insertable = false, updatable = false)
public ModelRatingResults getModelRatingResults() {
    return this.modelRatingResults;
项目:celerio-angular-quickstart    文件   
@JoinColumn(name = "ID2", nullable = false)
@MapsId(value = "id2")
public UseCase2 getId2() {
    return id2;
项目:org.fastnate    文件   
private static String findMappedId(final AttributeAccessor attribute) {
    final MapsId mapsId = attribute.getAnnotation(MapsId.class);
    return mapsId == null || mapsId.value().length() == 0 ? null : mapsId.value();
项目:jbromo    文件   
 * Return true if MapsId annotation is define on a field.
 * @param field the field
 * @return true/false.
public static boolean isMapsId(final Field field) {
    return field.getAnnotation(MapsId.class) != null;
项目:jbromo    文件   
 * Get field name from MapsId annotation.
 * @param field the field
 * @return the field name.
public static String getMapsIdValue(final Field field) {
    final MapsId m = field.getAnnotation(MapsId.class);
    return m == null ? null : m.value();