Java 类javax.persistence.metamodel.IdentifiableType 实例源码

项目:redg    文件   
private void analyzeAttributes(ManagedType<?> managedType, String targetTableName) {
    managedType.getSingularAttributes().forEach(attribute -> {
        ManagedType<?> targetEntity = managedTypesByClass.get(attribute.getJavaType());
        if (targetEntity != null && attribute.getType() instanceof EmbeddableType) {
            analyzeAttributes((EmbeddableType) attribute.getType(), targetTableName);
        } else if (targetEntity != null && attribute.getType() instanceof IdentifiableType) { // this is a relation
            Map<String, String> referenceColumnNamesMap =
                    getReferenceColumnNamesMapForReferenceAttribute(attribute, targetEntity);
                    new ForeignKeyRelation(targetTableName, getTableName(targetEntity.getJavaType()), referenceColumnNamesMap),
        } else {
            String columnName = getSingularAttributeColumnName(attribute);
            singularAttributesByColumnName.put(new QualifiedColumnName(targetTableName, columnName), attribute);
项目:kc-rice    文件   
    * {@inheritDoc}
protected synchronized void initializeMetadata(Collection<Class<?>> types) {"Initializing JPA Metadata from " + entityManager);

    // QUESTION: When is JPA loaded so this service can initialize itself?
    // Build and store the map

    for ( IdentifiableType<?> identifiableType : entityManager.getMetamodel().getEntities() ) {
           //Only extract the metadata if EntityType and not a MappedSuperClass
           if(identifiableType instanceof EntityType<?>){
               EntityType<?> type = (EntityType<?>)identifiableType;
               try {
                   masterMetadataMap.put(type.getBindableJavaType(), getMetadataForClass(type.getBindableJavaType()));
                   if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
                       LOG.debug("Added Metadata For: " + type.getBindableJavaType());
               } catch (Exception ex) {
                   LOG.error("Error obtaining JPA metadata for type: " + type.getJavaType(), ex);
项目:rice    文件   
    * {@inheritDoc}
protected synchronized void initializeMetadata(Collection<Class<?>> types) {"Initializing JPA Metadata from " + entityManager);

    // QUESTION: When is JPA loaded so this service can initialize itself?
    // Build and store the map

    for ( IdentifiableType<?> identifiableType : entityManager.getMetamodel().getEntities() ) {
           //Only extract the metadata if EntityType and not a MappedSuperClass
           if(identifiableType instanceof EntityType<?>){
               EntityType<?> type = (EntityType<?>)identifiableType;
               try {
                   masterMetadataMap.put(type.getBindableJavaType(), getMetadataForClass(type.getBindableJavaType()));
                   if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
                       LOG.debug("Added Metadata For: " + type.getBindableJavaType());
               } catch (Exception ex) {
                   LOG.error("Error obtaining JPA metadata for type: " + type.getJavaType(), ex);
项目:screensaver    文件   
 * Test that the entity is versioned, that the name of the version property is "version",
 * and that the version property is not nullable.
private void testIsVersioned()

  org.hibernate.annotations.Entity entityAnnotation =
  if (entityAnnotation != null && ! entityAnnotation.mutable()) {
  if (_entityClass.getAnnotation(Immutable.class) != null) {

  ManagedType<? extends AbstractEntity> type = _entityManagerFactory.getMetamodel().managedType(_entityClass);
  SingularAttribute id = ((IdentifiableType) type).getId(((IdentifiableType) type).getIdType().getJavaType());
  assertTrue("hibernate class is versioned: " + _entityClass, ((IdentifiableType) type).hasVersionAttribute());

  assertFalse("version property is not nullable: " + _entityClass, ((IdentifiableType) type).getVersion(Integer.class).isOptional());
项目:bootstrap    文件   
 * Return the ORM path from the given rule.
 * @param root
 *            root
 * @param path
 *            path
 * @param <U>
 *            The entity type referenced by the {@link Root}
protected <U, T> Path<T> getOrmPath(final Root<U> root, final String path) {
    PathImplementor<?> currentPath = (PathImplementor<?>) root;
    for (final String pathFragment : path.split(DELIMITERS)) {
        currentPath = getNextPath(pathFragment, (From<?, ?>) currentPath);

    // Fail safe identifier access for non singular target path
    if (currentPath instanceof SingularAttributeJoin) {
        currentPath = getNextPath(((IdentifiableType<?>) currentPath.getModel()).getId(Object.class).getName(), (From<?, ?>) currentPath);
    return (Path<T>) currentPath;
项目:ibankapp-base    文件   
 * 获取按ID集合进行实体查询的Predicate.
 * @param root 实体类ROOT
 * @param query 条件查询
 * @param cb 查询构建器
public Predicate toPredicate(Root<T> root, CriteriaQuery<?> query, CriteriaBuilder cb) {

  ManagedType type = em.getMetamodel().managedType(entityClass);

  IdentifiableType identifiableType = (IdentifiableType) type;

  Path<?> path = root.get(identifiableType.getId(identifiableType.getIdType().getJavaType()));

  parameter = cb.parameter(Iterable.class);
项目:ibankapp-base    文件   
 * 构造函数.
 * @param source id类型
IdMetadata(IdentifiableType<T> source) {

  this.attributes = (Set<SingularAttribute<? super T, ?>>) (source.hasSingleIdAttribute()
      ? Collections.singleton(source.getId(source.getIdType().getJavaType()))
      : source.getIdClassAttributes());
项目    文件   
/** Get the id attribute for an entity, or null if it doesn't have one */
SingularAttribute<?,?> getSingleIdAttribute(IdentifiableType<?> type) {
    if (type.hasSingleIdAttribute()) {
        // This throws when id is a primitive
        //SingularAttribute<?,?> idAttr = idmeta.getId(idType.getJavaType());
        for (SingularAttribute<?,?> testAttr : type.getDeclaredSingularAttributes()) {
            if (testAttr.isId()) {
                return testAttr;
    return null;
项目    文件   
/** Get the column names for the ID attribute of the given type */
List<String> getIdAttributeColumnNames(IdentifiableType<?> type) {
    Attribute idattr = getSingleIdAttribute(type);
    if (idattr != null) {
        return getAttributeColumnNames(idattr);
    } else {
        List<String> names = new ArrayList<String>();
        for (Attribute id: type.getIdClassAttributes()) {
        return names;
项目:screensaver    文件   
 * Test that the identifier getter method is public, the identifier getter method is private,
 * both are instance, and the arg/return types match.
private void testIdentifierAccessorModifiers()
  if (ModelIntrospectionUtil.isEntitySubclass(_entityClass)) {
    // entity subclasses depend on their superclass for identifier methods,
    // which will be tested when that superclass is tested

  String identifierPropertyName;
  ManagedType<? extends AbstractEntity> type = _entityManagerFactory.getMetamodel().managedType(_entityClass);
  Class idType = ((IdentifiableType) type).getIdType().getJavaType();
  SingularAttribute id = ((IdentifiableType) type).getId(idType);
  identifierPropertyName = id.getName();

  Method identifierGetter = ModelIntrospectionUtil.getGetterMethodForPropertyName(_entityClass, identifierPropertyName);
  assertTrue("public entity ID getter for " + _entityClass,
  assertFalse("instance entity ID getter for " + _entityClass,

  Type identifierType = identifierGetter.getGenericReturnType();
  assertNotNull("identifier getter returns type", identifierType);

  Method identifierSetter =
    ModelIntrospectionUtil.getSetterMethodForPropertyName(_entityClass, identifierPropertyName, (Class) identifierType);
  assertTrue("private entity ID setter for " + _entityClass,
  assertFalse("instance entity ID setter for " + _entityClass,
项目:screensaver    文件   
private void testIdentifierMetadata()
  if (ModelIntrospectionUtil.isEntitySubclass(_entityClass)) {
    // entity subclasses depend on their superclass for identifier methods
    // TODO: run this test on the superclasses

  ManagedType<? extends AbstractEntity> type = _entityManagerFactory.getMetamodel().managedType(_entityClass);
  assertTrue("hibernate class has an identifier: " + _entityClass, ((IdentifiableType) type).hasSingleIdAttribute());

  Class idType = ((IdentifiableType) type).getIdType().getJavaType();
  String idName = ((IdentifiableType) type).getId(idType).getName();
  testGeneratedValueAppropriateness(_entityClass.toString(), idName);
项目:rise    文件   
public Class<?> getIdType(ManagedType<?> managedType) {
    return ((IdentifiableType<?>) managedType).getIdType().getJavaType();
项目:olingo-odata2    文件   
public IdentifiableType<? super X> getSupertype() {
  return null;
项目:spearal-jpa2    文件   
private Object resolve(PartialObjectProxy partialObject, List<Reference> references, Map<PartialObjectProxy, Object> resolved) {
    Class<?> entityClass = partialObject.getClass().getSuperclass();
    Object entity = newInstance(entityClass);

    for (Property property : partialObject.$getDefinedProperties())
        setPropertyValue(entity, property, getPropertyValue(partialObject, property));

    if (partialObject.$hasUndefinedProperties()) {
        ManagedType<?> managedType = getManagedType(entityClass);

        switch (managedType.getPersistenceType()) {
            case BASIC: case MAPPED_SUPERCLASS:
                throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Internal error: " + entityClass.getName() + " - " + managedType.getPersistenceType());

            case ENTITY:  {
                Object id = getId(partialObject, (IdentifiableType<?>)managedType);
                if (id != null) {
                    Object loaded = entityManager.find(managedType.getJavaType(), id);
                    if (loaded != null) {
                        for (Attribute<?, ?> attribute : managedType.getAttributes()) {
                            if (!partialObject.$isDefined(attribute.getName())) {
                                Accessor accessor = getAttributeAccessor(attribute);
                                accessor.setter.setValue(entity, accessor.getter.getValue(loaded));

            case EMBEDDABLE: {
                throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Partial Embeddable: " + entityClass.getName());

    for (Reference reference : references)
        reference.set(resolved, entity);

    resolved.put(partialObject, entity);
    return entity;
项目    文件   
 * Add the metadata for an entity or mapped superclass.  
 * Embeddables are skipped, and only added when they are the property of an entity.
 * @param meta
void addClass(ManagedType<?> meta) {
    if (!(meta instanceof IdentifiableType)) return; // skip embeddable types until they are encountered via an entity

    Class type = meta.getJavaType();

    String classKey = getEntityTypeName(type);
    HashMap<String, Object> cmap = new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>();

    cmap.put("shortName", type.getSimpleName());
    cmap.put("namespace", type.getPackage().getName());

    IdentifiableType<?> idmeta = (IdentifiableType) meta;
    IdentifiableType superMeta = idmeta.getSupertype();
    if (superMeta != null) {
        Class superClass = superMeta.getJavaType();
        cmap.put("baseTypeName", getEntityTypeName(superClass));

    String genType = "None";
    if (idmeta.hasSingleIdAttribute()) {
        SingularAttribute<?,?> idAttr = getSingleIdAttribute(idmeta);

        Member member = idAttr.getJavaMember();
        GeneratedValue genValueAnn = ((AnnotatedElement)member).getAnnotation(GeneratedValue.class);
        if (genValueAnn != null) {
            // String generator = genValueAnn.generator();
            GenerationType strategy = genValueAnn.strategy();
            if (strategy == GenerationType.SEQUENCE || strategy == GenerationType.TABLE) 
                genType = "KeyGenerator";
            else if (strategy == GenerationType.IDENTITY || strategy == GenerationType.AUTO)
                genType = "Identity";  // not sure what to do about AUTO

            cmap.put("autoGeneratedKeyType", genType);

    String resourceName = pluralize(type.getSimpleName()); // TODO find the real name
    cmap.put("defaultResourceName", resourceName);
    _resourceMap.put(resourceName, classKey);

    ArrayList<HashMap<String, Object>> dataArrayList = new ArrayList<HashMap<String, Object>>();
    cmap.put("dataProperties", dataArrayList);
    ArrayList<HashMap<String, Object>> navArrayList = new ArrayList<HashMap<String, Object>>();
    cmap.put("navigationProperties", navArrayList);

    addClassProperties(meta, dataArrayList, navArrayList);
项目:cloud-odata-java    文件   
public IdentifiableType<? super X> getSupertype() {
  return null;
项目:ibankapp-base    文件   
 * 构造函数.
 * @param domainClass 实体类CLASS
 * @param metamodel 模型元数据,可从jpa的实体管理器EntityManage获取
public EntityInformation(Class<T> domainClass, Metamodel metamodel) {

  ManagedType<T> type = metamodel.managedType(domainClass);

  this.entityName = ((EntityType<?>) type).getName();

  IdentifiableType<T> identifiableType = (IdentifiableType<T>) type;

  this.idMetadata = new IdMetadata<T>(identifiableType);