Java 类javax.persistence.criteria.FetchParent 实例源码

项目:jpasearch    文件   
public <E, F> Path<F> getPath(Root<E> root, List<Attribute<?, ?>> attributes) {
    Path<?> path = root;
    for (Attribute<?, ?> attribute : attributes) {
        boolean found = false;
        if (path instanceof FetchParent) {
            for (Fetch<E, ?> fetch : ((FetchParent<?, E>) path).getFetches()) {
                if (attribute.getName().equals(fetch.getAttribute().getName()) && (fetch instanceof Join<?, ?>)) {
                    path = (Join<E, ?>) fetch;
                    found = true;
        if (!found) {
            if ((attributes.indexOf(attribute) != (attributes.size() - 1)) && (attribute instanceof Bindable)
                    && Identifiable.class.isAssignableFrom(((Bindable<?>) attribute).getBindableJavaType()) && (path instanceof From)) {
                path = ((From<?, ?>) path).join(attribute.getName(), JoinType.LEFT);
            } else {
                path = path.get(attribute.getName());
    return (Path<F>) path;
项目:jpasearch    文件   
@SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" })
public <E> void fetches(SearchParameters<E> sp, Root<E> root) {
    for (jpasearch.repository.query.Path<E, ?> path : sp.getFetches()) {
        FetchParent<?, ?> from = root;
        for (Attribute<?, ?> arg : metamodelUtil.toAttributes(root.getJavaType(), path.getPath())) {
            boolean found = false;
            for (Fetch<?, ?> fetch : from.getFetches()) {
                if (arg.equals(fetch.getAttribute())) {
                    from = fetch;
                    found = true;
            if (!found) {
                if (arg instanceof PluralAttribute) {
                    from = from.fetch((PluralAttribute) arg, JoinType.LEFT);
                } else {
                    from = from.fetch((SingularAttribute) arg, JoinType.LEFT);
项目:bootstrap    文件   
 * Fetch association.
private <T> void fetchAssociation(final Root<T> root, final Map.Entry<String, JoinType> entry, final JoinType joinType) {
    final String[] propertiesToFetch = StringUtils.split(entry.getKey(), '.');
    FetchParent<?, ?> previouslyFetched = root;
    for (final String property : propertiesToFetch) {
        previouslyFetched = getFetchedAssoc(previouslyFetched, joinType, property);
项目:bootstrap    文件   
private Fetch<?, ?> getFetchedAssoc(final FetchParent<?, ?> parent, final JoinType joinType, final String propertyToFetch) {

        // Search within current fetches
        for (final Fetch<?, ?> fetch : parent.getFetches()) {
            if (fetch.getAttribute().getName().equals(propertyToFetch)) {
                return fetch;

        // Create a new one
        return parent.fetch(propertyToFetch, joinType);
项目:metaworks_framework    文件   
public List<Product> readProductsByIds(List<Long> productIds) {
    if (productIds == null || productIds.size() == 0) {
        return null;
    if (productIds.size() > 100) {
        logger.warn("Not recommended to use the readProductsByIds method for long lists of productIds, since " +
                "Hibernate is required to transform the distinct results. The list of requested" +
                "product ids was (" + productIds.size() +") in length.");
    // Set up the criteria query that specifies we want to return Products
    CriteriaBuilder builder = em.getCriteriaBuilder();
    CriteriaQuery<Product> criteria = builder.createQuery(Product.class);
    Root<ProductImpl> product = criteria.from(ProductImpl.class);

    FetchParent fetchParent = product.fetch("defaultSku", JoinType.LEFT);
    if (!dialectHelper.isOracle() && !dialectHelper.isSqlServer()) {
        fetchParent.fetch("skuMedia", JoinType.LEFT);

    // We only want results that match the product IDs
            sandBoxHelper.mergeCloneIds(em, ProductImpl.class,
                    productIds.toArray(new Long[productIds.size()]))));
    if (!dialectHelper.isOracle() && !dialectHelper.isSqlServer()) {

    TypedQuery<Product> query = em.createQuery(criteria);
    query.setHint(QueryHints.HINT_CACHEABLE, true);
    query.setHint(QueryHints.HINT_CACHE_REGION, "query.Catalog");

    return query.getResultList();
项目:SparkCommerce    文件   
public List<Product> readProductsByIds(List<Long> productIds) {
    if (productIds == null || productIds.size() == 0) {
        return null;
    if (productIds.size() > 100) {
        logger.warn("Not recommended to use the readProductsByIds method for long lists of productIds, since " +
                "Hibernate is required to transform the distinct results. The list of requested" +
                "product ids was (" + productIds.size() +") in length.");
    // Set up the criteria query that specifies we want to return Products
    CriteriaBuilder builder = em.getCriteriaBuilder();
    CriteriaQuery<Product> criteria = builder.createQuery(Product.class);
    Root<ProductImpl> product = criteria.from(ProductImpl.class);

    FetchParent fetchParent = product.fetch("defaultSku", JoinType.LEFT);
    if (!dialectHelper.isOracle() && !dialectHelper.isSqlServer()) {
        fetchParent.fetch("skuMedia", JoinType.LEFT);

    // We only want results that match the product IDs
            sandBoxHelper.mergeCloneIds(em, ProductImpl.class,
                    productIds.toArray(new Long[productIds.size()]))));
    if (!dialectHelper.isOracle() && !dialectHelper.isSqlServer()) {

    TypedQuery<Product> query = em.createQuery(criteria);
    query.setHint(QueryHints.HINT_CACHEABLE, true);
    query.setHint(QueryHints.HINT_CACHE_REGION, "query.Catalog");

    return query.getResultList();
项目:SparkCore    文件   
public List<Product> readProductsByIds(List<Long> productIds) {
    if (productIds == null || productIds.size() == 0) {
        return null;
    if (productIds.size() > 100) {
        logger.warn("Not recommended to use the readProductsByIds method for long lists of productIds, since " +
                "Hibernate is required to transform the distinct results. The list of requested" +
                "product ids was (" + productIds.size() +") in length.");
    // Set up the criteria query that specifies we want to return Products
    CriteriaBuilder builder = em.getCriteriaBuilder();
    CriteriaQuery<Product> criteria = builder.createQuery(Product.class);
    Root<ProductImpl> product = criteria.from(ProductImpl.class);

    FetchParent fetchParent = product.fetch("defaultSku", JoinType.LEFT);
    if (!dialectHelper.isOracle() && !dialectHelper.isSqlServer()) {
        fetchParent.fetch("skuMedia", JoinType.LEFT);

    // We only want results that match the product IDs
            sandBoxHelper.mergeCloneIds(em, ProductImpl.class,
                    productIds.toArray(new Long[productIds.size()]))));
    if (!dialectHelper.isOracle() && !dialectHelper.isSqlServer()) {

    TypedQuery<Product> query = em.createQuery(criteria);
    query.setHint(QueryHints.HINT_CACHEABLE, true);
    query.setHint(QueryHints.HINT_CACHE_REGION, "query.Catalog");

    return query.getResultList();
项目:hibernate-semantic-query    文件   
private void bindFetches(FetchParent<?, ?> lhs, SqmNavigableReference lhsBinding, SqmFromElementSpace space) {
    if ( !SqmNavigableSourceReference.class.isInstance( lhsBinding ) ) {
        if ( !lhs.getFetches().isEmpty() ) {
            throw new ParsingException( "Attempt to bind fetches against a NavigableBinding that is not also a NavigableSourceBinding " );
        else {

    final SqmNavigableSourceReference sourceBinding = (SqmNavigableSourceReference) lhsBinding;

    for ( Fetch<?, ?> fetch : lhs.getFetches() ) {
        final JpaFetch<?,?> jpaFetch = (JpaFetch<?, ?>) fetch;

        final SqmAttributeReference attrBinding = (SqmAttributeReference) parsingContext.findOrCreateNavigableBinding(

        // todo : handle treats

        final SqmAttributeJoin sqmFetch = querySpecProcessingStateStack.getCurrent().getFromElementBuilder().buildAttributeJoin(
                interpretAlias( jpaFetch.getAlias() ),
                // todo : this is where treat would be applied
                convert( fetch.getJoinType() ),
        space.addJoin( sqmFetch );
        bindFetches( fetch, sqmFetch.getBinding(), space );
        jpaPathResolutionMap.put( jpaFetch, sqmFetch.getBinding() );
项目:blcdemo    文件   
public List<Product> readProductsByIds(List<Long> productIds) {
    if (productIds == null || productIds.size() == 0) {
        return null;
    if (productIds.size() > 100) {
        logger.warn("Not recommended to use the readProductsByIds method for long lists of productIds, since " +
                "Hibernate is required to transform the distinct results. The list of requested" +
                "product ids was (" + productIds.size() +") in length.");
    // Set up the criteria query that specifies we want to return Products
    CriteriaBuilder builder = em.getCriteriaBuilder();
    CriteriaQuery<Product> criteria = builder.createQuery(Product.class);
    Root<ProductImpl> product = criteria.from(ProductImpl.class);

    FetchParent fetchParent = product.fetch("defaultSku", JoinType.LEFT);
    if (!dialectHelper.isOracle() && !dialectHelper.isSqlServer()) {
        fetchParent.fetch("skuMedia", JoinType.LEFT);

    // We only want results that match the product IDs
                    productIds.toArray(new Long[productIds.size()]))));
    if (!dialectHelper.isOracle() && !dialectHelper.isSqlServer()) {

    TypedQuery<Product> query = em.createQuery(criteria);
    query.setHint(QueryHints.HINT_CACHEABLE, true);
    query.setHint(QueryHints.HINT_CACHE_REGION, "query.Catalog");

    return query.getResultList();
项目:query-utils    文件   
public static Iterable<Fetch<?,?>> getAllFetches(FetchParent<?, ?> parent) {
    return flatMap(new Transformer<Fetch<?,?>,Iterable<Fetch<?,?>>>() {
        public Iterable<Fetch<?, ?>> transform(Fetch<?, ?> source) {
            return cons(source, getAllFetches(source));
    }, parent.getFetches());
项目:query-utils    文件   
private static void copyFetches(FetchParent<?, ?> from, FetchParent<?, ?> to) {
    for (Fetch<?, ?> fetch : sort(fetchComparator, from.getFetches())) {
        Attribute<?, ?> attr = fetch.getAttribute();
        @SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" })
        Fetch<?, ?> f = attr instanceof SingularAttribute ? to.fetch((SingularAttribute) fetch.getAttribute(), fetch.getJoinType()) :
            attr instanceof CollectionAttribute ? to.fetch((CollectionAttribute) fetch.getAttribute(), fetch.getJoinType()) :
            attr instanceof SetAttribute ? to.fetch((SetAttribute) fetch.getAttribute(), fetch.getJoinType()) :
            attr instanceof ListAttribute ? to.fetch((ListAttribute) fetch.getAttribute(), fetch.getJoinType()) :
            attr instanceof MapAttribute ? to.fetch((MapAttribute) fetch.getAttribute(), fetch.getJoinType()) :
            to.fetch((CollectionAttribute) fetch.getAttribute(), fetch.getJoinType());
        copyFetches(fetch, f);