@Test public void test30() throws Exception { long expectedPos = 3; // starting offset is 1 vs 0 byte[] pattern = new byte[]{6, 8}; SerialBlob sb = new SerialBlob(new StubBlob()); long pos = sb.position(pattern, 2); assertEquals(pos, expectedPos); }
@SneakyThrows public AuditFuture saveRequest(Buffer requestBuffer) { Audit audit = new Audit() .setGateway(gatewayManager.getCurrentGateway()) .setTid(getTid()) .setAlias(getAlias()) .setUri(context.request().absoluteURI()) .setHeaders(getHeaders()) .setRequestContent(new SerialBlob(requestBuffer.getBytes())); persist(audit, res -> { if(res.succeeded()){ createFuture.complete(res.result()); }else{ createFuture.fail(res.cause()); } }); return this; }
@SneakyThrows public void saveResponse(Record record, Buffer responseBuffer) { createFuture.setHandler(res -> { try { Audit audit = res.result(); audit .setRecord(record.toJson()) .setResponseCode(context.response().getStatusCode()) .setResponseContent(new SerialBlob(Optional.ofNullable(responseBuffer) .orElse(Buffer.buffer()).getBytes() )); persist(audit, this::notifyAuditResult); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Fail to save response"); } }); }
private void saveAttachmentEntity() throws SQLException { AttachmentContentEntity attachment = new AttachmentContentEntity(); attachment.setSize(123456); attachment.setHashSha1("SHA-1"); attachment.setContent(new SerialBlob("A simple blob with value".getBytes())); Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance(); calendar.set(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, calendar.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH)-2); attachment.setInclusionDate(calendar.getTime()); attachmentContentDao.insert(attachment); AttachmentEntity entity = new AttachmentEntity(); entity.setCreationDate(calendar.getTime()); entity.setHashSha1("SHA1"); entity.setName("name"); entity.setSize(3512); entity.setCodContent(attachment.getCod()); attachmentDao.insert(entity); }
@Override public Blob getBlob(int columnIndex) throws SQLException { checkColumnBounds(columnIndex); try { return new SerialBlob(table.getStringAsBytes(columnIndex - 1)); } catch (Exception x) { throw SQLError.get(x); } }
public StoredDocumentControllerNoDeleteTests() throws SQLException { documentContent = new DocumentContent(new SerialBlob("some xml".getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8))); documentContentVersion = DocumentContentVersion.builder() .id(id) .mimeType("text/plain") .originalDocumentName("filename.txt") .storedDocument(StoredDocument.builder().id(id).folder(Folder.builder().id(id).build()).build()) .documentContent(documentContent).build(); storedDocument = StoredDocument.builder().id(id) .folder(Folder.builder().id(id).build()).documentContentVersions( Stream.of(documentContentVersion) .collect(Collectors.toList()) ).build(); }
public String param(SerialBlob blVal) { if(m_arrParams == null) m_arrParams = new ArrayList<ColValue>(); ColValue colVal = new ColValueBlob("", blVal); m_arrParams.add(colVal); return "?"; }
public SQLClause paramInsert(String csName, SerialBlob blVal) { if(m_arrInsertParams == null) m_arrInsertParams = new ArrayList<ColValue>(); ColValue colVal = new ColValueBlob(csName, blVal); m_arrInsertParams.add(colVal); return this; }
public static Blob toBlob(String s) { if (s == null || "".equals(s)) { return null; } else { try { return new SerialBlob(s.getBytes()); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error(e.getMessage(), e); } return null; } }
public static Blob toClob(String s) { if (s == null || "".equals(s)) { return null; } else { try { return new SerialBlob(s.getBytes()); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error(e.getMessage(), e); } return null; } }
@DataProvider(name = "testAdvancedParameters") private Object[][] testAdvancedParameters() throws SQLException { byte[] bytes = new byte[10]; Ref aRef = new SerialRef(new StubRef("INTEGER", query)); Array aArray = new SerialArray(new StubArray("INTEGER", new Object[1])); Blob aBlob = new SerialBlob(new StubBlob()); Clob aClob = new SerialClob(new StubClob()); Reader rdr = new StringReader(query); InputStream is = new StringBufferInputStream(query);; brs = new StubBaseRowSet(); brs.setBytes(1, bytes); brs.setAsciiStream(2, is, query.length()); brs.setRef(3, aRef); brs.setArray(4, aArray); brs.setBlob(5, aBlob); brs.setClob(6, aClob); brs.setBinaryStream(7, is, query.length()); brs.setUnicodeStream(8, is, query.length()); brs.setCharacterStream(9, rdr, query.length()); return new Object[][]{ {1, bytes}, {2, is}, {3, aRef}, {4, aArray}, {5, aBlob}, {6, aClob}, {7, is}, {8, is}, {9, rdr} }; }
@Test(enabled = true) public void test05() throws Exception { Blob b = new StubBlob(); outImpl.writeBlob(b); SerialBlob sb = (SerialBlob) results.get(0); assertTrue(Arrays.equals( b.getBytes(1, (int) b.length()), sb.getBytes(1, (int) sb.length()))); }
@Test public void test11() throws Exception { byte[] expected = new byte[]{1, 2, 3}; SerialBlob sb = new SerialBlob(bytes); InputStream is = sb.getBinaryStream(1, 3); for (byte b : expected) { byte val = (byte) is.read(); assertTrue(b == val, val + " does not match " + b); } }
@Test public void test18() throws Exception { SerialBlob sb = new SerialBlob(bytes); SerialBlob sb2 = (SerialBlob) sb.clone(); assertTrue( Arrays.equals(sb.getBytes(1, (int) sb.length()), sb2.getBytes(1, (int) sb2.length())), "arrays do not match "); }
@Test(expectedExceptions = SerialException.class) public void test19() throws Exception { SerialBlob sb = new SerialBlob(bytes); sb.free(); SerialBlob sb2 = (SerialBlob) sb.clone(); InputStream is = sb2.getBinaryStream(1, 3); }
@Test public void test22() throws Exception { byte[] diff = new byte[]{7, 8, 9}; byte[] expected = new byte[]{1, 7, 8, 9, 5}; SerialBlob sb = new SerialBlob(bytes); int written = sb.setBytes(2, diff); assertEquals(written, diff.length); assertTrue( Arrays.equals(sb.getBytes(1, (int) sb.length()), expected), "arrays do not match "); }
@Test public void test23() throws Exception { int bytesToWrite = 3; byte[] diff = new byte[]{7, 8, 9, 0}; byte[] expected = new byte[]{1, 8, 9, 0, 5}; SerialBlob sb = new SerialBlob(bytes); int written = sb.setBytes(2, diff, 1, bytesToWrite); assertEquals(written, bytesToWrite); assertTrue( Arrays.equals(sb.getBytes(1, (int) sb.length()), expected), "arrays do not match "); }
@Test public void test25() throws Exception { byte[] expected = bytes; SerialBlob sb = new SerialBlob(bytes); InputStream is = sb.getBinaryStream(); for (byte b : expected) { byte val = (byte) is.read(); assertTrue(b == val, val + " does not match " + b); } }
@Test public void test27() throws Exception { long expectedPos = 3; // starting offset is 1 vs 0 byte[] pattern = new byte[]{3, 4}; SerialBlob sb = new SerialBlob(bytes); long pos = sb.position(pattern, 1); assertEquals(pos, expectedPos); }
@Test public void test28() throws Exception { long expectedPos = 3; // starting offset is 1 vs 0 byte[] pattern = new byte[]{3, 4, 5}; SerialBlob sb = new SerialBlob(bytes); long pos = sb.position(pattern, 2); assertEquals(pos, expectedPos); }
@Test public void test29() throws Exception { long expectedPos = 2; // starting offset is 1 vs 0 byte[] pattern = new byte[]{4, 6}; SerialBlob sb = new SerialBlob(new StubBlob()); long pos = sb.position(pattern, 1); assertEquals(pos, expectedPos); }
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { SerialBlob blob = new SerialBlob(new byte[0]); try { blob.setBinaryStream(0); } catch (SerialException e) { System.out.println("Test PASSED"); } }