Java 类javax.swing.tree.TreePath 实例源码

项目:Cognizant-Intelligent-Test-Scripter    文件   
public static TreeSearch installForOR(JTree tree) {
    return new TreeSearch(tree) {
        public void selectAndSrollTo(TreeNode node) {
            if (node instanceof ORObjectInf) {
                TreePath path = ((ORObjectInf) node).getTreePath();
            } else {
项目:CodeGenerate    文件   
private boolean areSiblingsSelected(TreePath path) {
    TreePath parent = path.getParentPath();
    if (parent == null) {
        return true;
    Object node = path.getLastPathComponent();
    Object parentNode = parent.getLastPathComponent();

    int childCount = model.getChildCount(parentNode);
    for (int i = 0; i < childCount; i++) {
        Object childNode = model.getChild(parentNode, i);
        if (childNode == node) {
        if (!isPathSelected(parent.pathByAddingChild(childNode))) {
            return false;
    return true;
项目:incubator-netbeans    文件   
private boolean toggle( TreePath treePath ) {

    if( treePath == null )
        return false;

    Node node = Visualizer.findNode( treePath.getLastPathComponent() );
    if( node == null )
        return false ;

    ElementNode.Description description = node.getLookup().lookup(ElementNode.Description.class);
    if (description != null ) {
        if( description.isSelectable()  ) {
            description.setSelected( !description.isSelected() );
            return true;
        } else {
            boolean newState = !description.isSelected();
            toggleChildren( description.getSubs(), newState );
            // first toggle children, then itself. If children were not expanded,
            // the self-toggle will fire appropriate events and controls will be reevaluated.

    return false;
项目:incubator-netbeans    文件   
void selectPath(TreePath path, boolean scrollToVisible) {
        internal = true;
        try {
//            tree.expandPath(path); // actually should not be needed, automatically expands the node further down
            // Clear and select again to make sure the underlying tree is ready
        } finally {
            internal = false;

        if (scrollToVisible) {
            Rectangle bounds = tree.getPathBounds(path);
            if (bounds != null) scrollRectToVisible(bounds);
项目:rapidminer    文件   
 * Opens all paths in the given node and all nodes below that.
 * @param path
 *            the tree path to the node to expand
 * @param treeModel
 *            the tree model
 * @see JTree#expandPath(TreePath)
protected void expandAllPaths(TreePath path, TreeModel treeModel) {
    final Object node = path.getLastPathComponent();
    final int n = treeModel.getChildCount(node);
    for (int index = 0; index < n; index++) {
        final Object child = treeModel.getChild(node, index);
项目:ISO8583    文件   
public static void sortTree(PnlGuiConfig pnlGuiConfig, DefaultMutableTreeNode root, JTree treeTypes) {
    if (root != null) {
        Enumeration e = root.depthFirstEnumeration();
        while (e.hasMoreElements()) {
            DefaultMutableTreeNode node = (DefaultMutableTreeNode) e.nextElement();
            if (!node.isLeaf()) {
                sort(node);   //selection sort

        //Atualizando a arvore
        if (updateTree) {
            TreePath treePath = treeTypes.getSelectionPath();
            DefaultTreeModel model = (DefaultTreeModel) treeTypes.getModel();
            updateTree = false;

项目    文件   
 * @return {@link List} of the currently selected nodes
public List<String> getSelectedNodes() {
    TreePath[] paths = tree.getSelectionPaths();
    List<String> selectedNodes = new ArrayList<String>();
    if (paths != null) {
        for (TreePath path : paths) {
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
            Object[] pathArray = path.getPath();
            for (Object o : pathArray) {
                String nodeName = o.toString();
                if (nodeName.length() > 0) {
    return selectedNodes;
项目:JavaGraph    文件   
 * Constructs a tree, with cell renderer and editor set by
 * {@link #createRenderer()} and {@link #createEditor()}.
public CheckboxTree() {
    // make sure the checkbox never selects the label
    // note that the BasicTreeUI may not be what is used in the current LAF,
    // but I don't know any other way to modify the selection behaviour
    BasicTreeUI ui = new BasicTreeUI() {
        protected void selectPathForEvent(TreePath path, MouseEvent event) {
            if (!isOverCheckBox(path, event.getPoint().x)) {
                super.selectPathForEvent(path, event);
    // initialise the tree model
    this.topNode = new DefaultMutableTreeNode();
    this.treeModel = new DefaultTreeModel(this.topNode);
    // set selection mode
项目:incubator-netbeans    文件   
/** Synchronize the explored context from the manager of this Explorer.
final void synchronizeExploredContext() {
    final Node n = manager.getExploredContext();
    if (n == null) {

    // run safely to be sure all preceding events are processed (especially VisualizerEvent.Added)
    // otherwise VisualizerNodes may not be in hierarchy yet (see #140629)
    VisualizerNode.runSafe(new Runnable() {
        public void run() {
            final TreePath tp = getTreePath(n);
            LOG.log(Level.FINE, "synchronizeExploredContext {0} path {1}", new Object[] { n, tp });
项目:Tarski    文件   
/** Construct a Tree object with the given font size. */
public OurTree(int fontSize) {
   Font font = OurUtil.getVizFont().deriveFont((float)fontSize);
   OurTreeRenderer renderer = new OurTreeRenderer(fontSize);
   setRowHeight(0); // To allow variable row height on Mac OS X
   setBorder(new EmptyBorder(8, 8, 2, 2));
   putClientProperty("JTree.lineStyle", "Angled");
   addTreeSelectionListener(new TreeSelectionListener() {
      public void valueChanged(TreeSelectionEvent e) {
         TreePath path = OurTree.this.getSelectionPath();
         if (path!=null), Listener.Event.CLICK, path.getLastPathComponent());
项目:incubator-netbeans    文件   
public void valueChanged(TreeSelectionEvent ev) {
    TreePath[] paths = tree.getSelectionPaths();

    if (paths == null) {
        // part of bugfix #37279, if DnD is active then is useless select a nearby node
        if (ExplorerDnDManager.getDefault().isDnDActive()) {

        callSelectionChanged(new Node[0]);
    } else {
        // we need to force no changes to nodes hierarchy =>
        // we are requesting read request, but it is not necessary
        // to execute the next action immediatelly, so postReadRequest
        // should be enough
        readAccessPaths = paths;
项目:Logisim    文件   
public boolean canPerformAction(JTree targetTree, Object draggedNode, int action, Point location) {
    TreePath pathTarget = targetTree.getPathForLocation(location.x, location.y);
    if (pathTarget == null) {
        return false;
    if (action == DnDConstants.ACTION_COPY) {
        return false;
    } else if (action == DnDConstants.ACTION_MOVE) {
        Object targetNode = pathTarget.getLastPathComponent();
        return canMove(draggedNode, targetNode);
    } else {
        return false;
项目:incubator-netbeans    文件   
public void treeNodesRemoved(TreeModelEvent e) {
    // called to removed from JTree.expandedState

    boolean wasSelected = removedNodeWasSelected;
    removedNodeWasSelected = false;

    // part of bugfix #37279, if DnD is active then is useless select a nearby node
    if (ExplorerDnDManager.getDefault().isDnDActive()) {
    if (wasSelected && tree.getSelectionCount() == 0) {
        TreePath path = findSiblingTreePath(e.getTreePath(), e.getChildIndices());

        // bugfix #39564, don't select again the same object
        if ((path == null) || e.getChildIndices().length == 0) {
        } else if (path.getPathCount() > 0) {
项目:featurea    文件   
 * Applies a force to the given body if the user accepts the input.
private void applyForceAction() {
    // the current selection should have the body selected
    TreePath path = this.tree.getSelectionPath();
    // make sure that something is selected
    if (path != null) {
        // getProperty the currently selected node
        DefaultMutableTreeNode node = (DefaultMutableTreeNode) path.getLastPathComponent();
        // make sure the selected node is a body
        if (node.getUserObject() instanceof SandboxBody) {
            // getProperty the body from the node
            SandboxBody body = (SandboxBody) node.getUserObject();
            // show the force input dialog
            Vector2 f =;
            // make sure the user accepted the input
            if (f != null) {
                synchronized (Simulation.LOCK) {
项目:jmt    文件   
public AvailableTreeTable() {
    setTreeTableModel(new AvailableTreeTableModel(data.getRoot()));

    addTreeSelectionListener(new TreeSelectionListener() {
        public void valueChanged(TreeSelectionEvent e) {
            TreePath path = e.getPath();
            TreeTableNode node = (TreeTableNode) path.getLastPathComponent();
            if ("template".equals(node.getType())) {
            } else {
项目:openjdk-jdk10    文件   
private boolean haveCompleteNode(JTree tree) {
    int[] selRows = tree.getSelectionRows();
    TreePath path = tree.getPathForRow(selRows[0]);
    DefaultMutableTreeNode first = (DefaultMutableTreeNode)
    int childCount = first.getChildCount();
    // first has children and no children are selected.
    if (childCount > 0 && selRows.length == 1) {
        return false;
    // first may have children.
    for (int i = 1; i < selRows.length; i++) {
        path = tree.getPathForRow(selRows[i]);
        DefaultMutableTreeNode next = (DefaultMutableTreeNode)
        if (first.isNodeChild(next)) {
            // Found a child of first.
            if (childCount > selRows.length - 1) {
                // Not all children of first are selected.
                return false;
    return true;
项目:rapidminer    文件   
private boolean areSiblingsSelected(TreePath path) {
    TreePath parent = path.getParentPath();
    if (parent == null) {
        return true;
    Object node = path.getLastPathComponent();
    Object parentNode = parent.getLastPathComponent();

    int childCount = model.getChildCount(parentNode);
    for (int i = 0; i < childCount; i++) {
        Object childNode = model.getChild(parentNode, i);
        if (childNode == node) {
        if (!isPathSelected(parent.pathByAddingChild(childNode))) {
            return false;
    return true;
项目:incubator-netbeans    文件   
/** Make a path visible.
* @param path the path
private void showPathWithoutExpansion(TreePath path) {
    Rectangle rect = tree.getPathBounds(path);
    if (rect != null) { //PENDING
        TreeUI tmp = tree.getUI();
        int correction = 0;
        if (tmp instanceof BasicTreeUI) {
            correction = ((BasicTreeUI) tmp).getLeftChildIndent();
            correction += ((BasicTreeUI) tmp).getRightChildIndent();
        rect.x = Math.max(0, rect.x - correction);
        rect.y += rect.height;
        if (rect.y >= 0) { //#197514 - do not scroll to negative y values
项目:Logisim    文件   
public boolean hasSelectedItems() {
    TreePath[] sel = getSelectionPaths();
    if (sel == null || sel.length == 0)
        return false;

    for (int i = 0; i < sel.length; i++) {
        Object last = sel[i].getLastPathComponent();
        if (last instanceof OptionNode) {
            return true;
        } else if (last instanceof ComponentNode) {
            if (((ComponentNode) last).opts == null)
                return true;
    return false;
项目:featurea    文件   
 * Shows an edit body dialog.
 * <p>
 * If the user clicks the save button, the selected body is updated with the new values.
private void editBodyAction() {
    // getProperty the currently selected body
    TreePath path = this.tree.getSelectionPath();
    // make sure something is selected
    if (path != null) {
        // getProperty the selected node
        DefaultMutableTreeNode node = (DefaultMutableTreeNode) path.getLastPathComponent();
        // make sure its a body that is selected
        if (node.getUserObject() instanceof SandboxBody) {
            // getProperty the body from the node
            SandboxBody body = (SandboxBody) node.getUserObject();
            // pass the body to the edit dialog
            synchronized (Simulation.LOCK) {
      , body);
项目:incubator-netbeans    文件   
public void setSelectionPaths(TreePath[] treePaths) {
    ArrayList<TreePath> paths = new ArrayList<>(treePaths.length);
    for (TreePath treePath : treePaths) {
        Object lastPathComponent = treePath.getLastPathComponent();
        if (lastPathComponent instanceof DefaultMutableTreeNode) {
            Object obj = ((DefaultMutableTreeNode) lastPathComponent).getUserObject();
            if (obj != MODULEPATH && obj != CLASSPATH) {
    if (treePaths.length > 0 && paths.isEmpty()) {
    super.setSelectionPaths(paths.toArray(new TreePath[paths.size()]));
项目:incubator-netbeans    文件   
 * Compute real table row indices of nodes that are affected by the event.
 * @param e Event description.
 * @return Indices of rows in the table where the nodes (affected by the
 * event) are displayed, or null if they are not available.
private int[] computeRowIndices(TreeModelEvent e) {
    int[] rowIndices;
    int parentRow = getLayout().getRowForPath(e.getTreePath());
    if (e.getChildren() != null) {
        rowIndices = new int[e.getChildren().length];
        for (int i = 0; i < e.getChildren().length; i++) {
            TreePath childPath =
            int index = getLayout().getRowForPath(childPath);
            rowIndices[i] = index < 0
                    // child node is not shown yet, compute child row from
                    // parent row and index of the child
                    ? parentRow + e.getChildIndices()[i] + 1
                    : index;
    } else {
        rowIndices = null;
    return rowIndices;
项目:incubator-netbeans    文件   
/** Set whether or not the root is visible */
public void setRootVisible (boolean val) {
    if (getOutlineModel() == null) {
        cachedRootVisible = val ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE;
    if (val != isRootVisible()) {
        if( getLayoutCache().getRowCount() > 0 ) {
            TreePath rootPath = getLayoutCache().getPathForRow(0);
            if( null != rootPath )
                getLayoutCache().treeStructureChanged(new TreeModelEvent(this, rootPath));
        firePropertyChange("rootVisible", !val, val); //NOI18N
项目:rapidminer    文件   
private void dimensionConfigChanged(PlotConfigurationChangeEvent change) {
    PlotConfigurationTreeNode rootNode = (PlotConfigurationTreeNode) root;
    DimensionConfigChangeEvent dimensionChange = change.getDimensionChange();
    DimensionConfigTreeNode dimensionConfigNode = (DimensionConfigTreeNode) rootNode.getChild(dimensionChange


    if (dimensionChange.getType() == DimensionConfigChangeType.COLUMN) {
        // change selection path
        TreePath path = new TreePath(getPathToRoot(dimensionConfigNode));
项目:JavaGraph    文件   
private void maybeShowPopup(MouseEvent evt) {
    if (evt.isPopupTrigger()) {
        TreePath selectedPath = getPathForLocation(evt.getX(), evt.getY());
        TreeNode selectedNode =
            selectedPath == null ? null : (TreeNode) selectedPath.getLastPathComponent();
        createPopupMenu(selectedNode).show(evt.getComponent(), evt.getX(), evt.getY());
项目    文件   
public void valueChanged(TreeSelectionEvent e) {
    TreePath[] paths = e.getPaths();
    for (TreePath path : paths) {
        boolean appended = false;
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        Object[] pathArray = path.getPath();
        for (Object o : pathArray) {
            if (o != null) {
                String nodeName = o.toString();
                if (nodeName != null) {
                    if (nodeName.length() > 0) {
                        appended = true;
                        sb.append("/"); //$NON-NLS-1$
        if (appended) {
    for (int i = 0; i < needsReload.size(); i++) {
        this.needsReload.set(i, true);
项目:scorekeeperfrontend    文件   
private void processSelection()
    TreePath tp = getSelectionPath();
    if (tp == null)

    DefaultMutableTreeNode lf = (DefaultMutableTreeNode)tp.getLastPathComponent();
    Object o = lf.getUserObject();
    if (o instanceof Entrant)
        Entrant entrant = (Entrant)lf.getUserObject();
        Messenger.sendEvent(MT.CAR_ADD, entrant.getCarId());
项目:Logisim    文件   
public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) {
    if (e.getClickCount() == 2) {
        TreePath path = getPathForLocation(e.getX(), e.getY());
        if (path != null && listener != null) {
            listener.doubleClicked(new Event(path));
项目:truevfs    文件   
private TreePath substPath(
        final TreePath tp,
        final TreePath oldPath,
        final TreePath path) {
    final TFile file = (TFile) tp.getLastPathComponent();
    if (file.equals(oldPath.getLastPathComponent())) {
        return path;
    } else {
        final TreePath parent = substPath(tp.getParentPath(), oldPath, path);
        return parent.pathByAddingChild(
                new parent.getLastPathComponent(),
项目:marathonv5    文件   
private String getPathText(JTree tree, TreePath path) {
    Object lastPathComponent = path.getLastPathComponent();
    if (lastPathComponent == null) {
        return "";
    return getTextForNodeObject(tree, lastPathComponent);
项目:incubator-netbeans    文件   
StringArraySubPathChooser(TreePath parentPath, String[] arr, int[] indices, JTreeOperator.StringComparator comparator) {
    this.arr = arr;
    this.comparator = comparator;
    this.indices = indices;
    this.parentPath = parentPath;
    this.parentPathCount = parentPath.getPathCount();
项目:alevin-svn2    文件   
public SelectionTreeItemListener(SelectionPanel owner) {
    if (owner == null)
        throw new IllegalArgumentException();
    this.owner = owner;

    TreeModel model = owner.getTree().getModel();
    Object root = owner.getTree().getModel().getRoot();

    ePath = new TreePath(new Object[] { root, model.getChild(root, 0) });
    vPath = new TreePath(new Object[] { root, model.getChild(root, 1) });
项目:rapidminer    文件   
public void valueChanged(TreeSelectionEvent e) {
    TreePath newLeadSelectionPath = e.getNewLeadSelectionPath();
    if (newLeadSelectionPath != null) {
        if (newLeadSelectionPath.getLastPathComponent() instanceof DimensionConfigTreeNode) {
项目:freecol    文件   
public void valueChanged(TreeSelectionEvent event) {
    TreePath path = event.getPath();
    if (path.getPathCount() >= 2) {
        DefaultMutableTreeNode node
            = (DefaultMutableTreeNode)path.getPathComponent(1);
        this.selected = (OptionGroup)node.getUserObject();
项目:incubator-netbeans    文件   
public String pathToString(TreePath path) {
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
    Object[] items = path.getPath();
    for (int i=1; i<items.length; i++) {
    if (sb.length() > 0) {
    String value = sb.toString().trim();
    return "null".equals(value) ? "null" : designSupport.elWrap(sb.toString()); // NOI18N
项目:incubator-netbeans    文件   
public TreePath getTreePath() {
    List<RegistryNode> nodes = new LinkedList<RegistryNode>();

    RegistryNode node = this;
    while (node != null) {
        nodes.add(0, node);
        node = node.getParent();

    return new TreePath(nodes.toArray());
项目:incubator-netbeans    文件   
    * Test if the tree path is visible (the parent path is expanded).
    * @param path The tree path to test
    * @return <code>true</code> if the path is visible, <code>false</code> otherwise.
   public boolean isVisible(TreePath path) {
       if(path != null) {
    TreePath parentPath = path.getParentPath();

    if(parentPath != null) {
    return isExpanded(parentPath);
    // Root.
    return true;
       return false;
项目:JAddOn    文件   
public static void expandPaths(JTree tree, ArrayList<String> paths_expanded) {
    for(int i = 0; i < tree.getRowCount(); i++) {
        TreePath tp = tree.getPathForRow(i);
        if(paths_expanded.contains(tp.toString())) {
项目:Equella    文件   
 * Notifies all listeners that have registered interest for notification on
 * this event type. The event instance is lazily created using the
 * parameters passed into the fire method.
 * @param source the node being changed
 * @param path the path to the root node
 * @param childIndices the indices of the changed elements
 * @param children the changed elements
 * @see EventListenerList
private void fireTreeNodesInserted(TreePath path, int[] childIndices, Object[] children)
    TreeModelListener[] listeners = listenerList.getListeners(TreeModelListener.class);
    if( listeners != null && listeners.length > 0 )
        TreeModelEvent e = new TreeModelEvent(this, path, childIndices, children);
        for( TreeModelListener listener : listeners )
项目:featurea    文件   
 * Default constructor.
public SimulationTreePanel() {
    this.root = new DefaultMutableTreeNode(null, true);
    this.model = new DefaultTreeModel(this.root);
    this.tree = new JTree(this.model);
    this.tree.setCellRenderer(new Renderer());
    this.tree.setBorder(new EmptyBorder(5, 0, 0, 0));

    // the bounds
    this.bounds = new DefaultMutableTreeNode(new NullBounds());
    this.model.insertNodeInto(this.bounds, this.root, this.root.getChildCount());
    this.tree.expandPath(new TreePath(this.bounds).getParentPath());

    // folder to contain the bodies
    this.bodyFolder = new DefaultMutableTreeNode(Messages.getString("panel.tree.bodyFolder"));
    this.model.insertNodeInto(this.bodyFolder, this.root, this.root.getChildCount());
    this.tree.expandPath(new TreePath(this.bodyFolder.getPath()).getParentPath());

    // folder to contain the joints
    this.jointFolder = new DefaultMutableTreeNode(Messages.getString("panel.tree.jointFolder"));
    this.model.insertNodeInto(this.jointFolder, this.root, this.root.getChildCount());
    this.tree.expandPath(new TreePath(this.jointFolder.getPath()).getParentPath());

    // folder to contain the rays
    this.rayFolder = new DefaultMutableTreeNode(Messages.getString("panel.tree.rayFolder"));
    this.model.insertNodeInto(this.rayFolder, this.root, this.root.getChildCount());
    this.tree.expandPath(new TreePath(this.rayFolder.getPath()).getParentPath());

    this.scroller = new JScrollPane(this.tree);

    this.setLayout(new BorderLayout());

