public static JPanel createSeparator(String message) { JPanel panel = new JPanel(new GridBagLayout()); GridBagConstraints c = new GridBagConstraints(); c.anchor = GridBagConstraints.WEST; c.insets = new Insets(LARGE_SIZE, 0, LARGE_SIZE, 0); panel.add(createLabel(message), c); c.weightx = 1.0; c.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL; c.insets = new Insets(LARGE_SIZE, LARGE_SIZE, LARGE_SIZE, 0); panel.add(new JSeparator(), c); return panel; }
/** * in jedem Konstruktor verwendete Initialisationsmethode * @param song * @param midiPlayer * @param songChanger */ void initialize(Song song, MidiPlayer midiPlayer, ISongChanger songChanger){ player = midiPlayer; songChanger.addSongChangeObserver(this); openMenu = new JMenuItem("Öffnen"); saveMenu = new JMenuItem("Speichern"); separator = new JSeparator(); exitMenu = new JMenuItem("Beenden"); ActionHandler aH = new ActionHandler(); openMenu.addActionListener(aH); saveMenu.addActionListener(aH); exitMenu.addActionListener(aH); add(openMenu); add(saveMenu); add(separator); add(exitMenu); songChange( song ); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override protected void addREFUnits() { final Specification spec = getSpecification(); final Player player = getMyPlayer(); final Nation refNation = player.getNation().getREFNation(); reportPanel.add(new JLabel(Messages.getName(refNation)), SPAN_SPLIT_2); reportPanel.add(new JSeparator(JSeparator.HORIZONTAL), "growx"); List<AbstractUnit> refUnits = player.getREFUnits(); if (refUnits != null) { for (AbstractUnit au : refUnits) { if (au.getType(spec).isNaval()) { reportPanel.add(createUnitTypeLabel(au), "sg"); } } } }
private void buildHelpMenu() { setOnlineDocumentationOption(new JMenuItem("Documentation")); setSourceCodeOption(new JMenuItem("Source Code")); setAboutOption(new JMenuItem("About")); getOnlineDocumentationOption().addActionListener(new HelpOptionListener()); getSourceCodeOption().addActionListener(new HelpOptionListener()); getAboutOption().addActionListener(new HelpOptionListener()); setHelpMenu(new JMenu()); getHelpMenu().setMnemonic(KeyEvent.VK_H); //getHelpMenu().add(getOnlineDocumentationOption()); getHelpMenu().add(getSourceCodeOption()); getHelpMenu().add(new JSeparator()); getHelpMenu().add(getAboutOption()); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override protected void addOwnUnits() { final Player player = getMyPlayer(); reportPanel.add(Utility.localizedLabel(player.getForcesLabel()), NL_SPAN_SPLIT_2); reportPanel.add(new JSeparator(JSeparator.HORIZONTAL), "growx"); for (UnitType unitType : getSpecification().getUnitTypeList()) { if (!isReportable(unitType)) continue; AbstractUnit au = new AbstractUnit(unitType, Specification.DEFAULT_ROLE_ID, getCount("naval", unitType)); reportPanel.add(createUnitTypeLabel(au), "sg"); } }
private void addPresenter(JComponent presenter) { if (!showIcons && presenter instanceof AbstractButton) { ((AbstractButton) presenter).setIcon(null); } boolean isSeparator = presenter == null || presenter instanceof JSeparator; if (isSeparator) { if (!wasSeparator) { shouldAddSeparator = true; wasSeparator = true; } } else { if (shouldAddSeparator) { addSeparator(); shouldAddSeparator = false; } add(presenter); wasSeparator = false; } }
private List<JComponent> createMenuItems(Lookup context) { if (fileObjectList.isEmpty()) { return Collections.emptyList(); } List <JComponent> result = new ArrayList<JComponent>(fileObjectList.size() + 1); result.addAll(retrieveMenuItems(fileObjectList, context)); if (!result.isEmpty()) { // add separator at beginning of the context menu if (result.get(0) instanceof JSeparator) { result.set(0, null); } else { result.add(0, null); } } return result; }
private void loadActions(List<Action> actions, DataFolder df) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException { DataObject[] dob = df.getChildren(); int i; int k = dob.length; for (i = 0; i < k; i++) { InstanceCookie ic = dob[i].getCookie(InstanceCookie.class); if (ic == null) { LOG.log(Level.WARNING, "Not an action instance, or broken action: {0}", dob[i].getPrimaryFile()); continue; } Class clazz = ic.instanceClass(); if (JSeparator.class.isAssignableFrom(clazz)) { actions.add(null); } else { actions.add((Action)ic.instanceCreate()); } } }
/** * Accepts only cookies that can provide <code>Menu</code>. * @param cookie an <code>InstanceCookie</code> to test * @return true if the cookie can provide accepted instances */ protected @Override InstanceCookie acceptCookie(InstanceCookie cookie) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException { // [pnejedly] Don't try to optimize this by InstanceCookie.Of // It will load the classes few ms later from instanceCreate // anyway and more instanceOf calls take longer Class c = cookie.instanceClass(); boolean action = Action.class.isAssignableFrom (c); if (action) { cookie.instanceCreate(); } boolean is = Presenter.Menu.class.isAssignableFrom (c) || JMenuItem.class.isAssignableFrom (c) || JSeparator.class.isAssignableFrom (c) || action; return is ? cookie : null; }
static void checkSeparators(Component[] menuones, JPopupMenu parent) { boolean wasSeparator = false; for (int i = 0; i < menuones.length; i++) { Component curItem = menuones[i]; if (curItem != null) { boolean isSeparator = curItem instanceof JSeparator; if (isSeparator) { boolean isVisible = curItem.isVisible(); if (isVisible != !wasSeparator) { //MACOSX whenever a property like enablement or visible is changed, need to remove and add. // could be possibly split to work differetly on other platform.. parent.remove(i); JSeparator newOne = createSeparator(); newOne.setVisible(!wasSeparator); parent.add(newOne, i); } } if (!(curItem instanceof InvisibleMenuItem)) { wasSeparator = isSeparator; } } } }
public LabelSeparator(JLabel label) { JSeparator separator = new JSeparator(); final int height1 = label.getPreferredSize().height; final int height2 = separator.getPreferredSize().height; final int height3 = (height1 - height2) / 2; final int width1 = label.getPreferredSize().width; final int[] rows = {height3, height2, height3,}; final int[] cols = {width1, TableLayout.FILL,}; setLayout(new TableLayout(rows, cols)); add(label, new Rectangle(0, 0, 1, 3)); add(separator, new Rectangle(1, 1, 1, 1)); }
public void addSeparator() { if (!UIUtils.isMetalLookAndFeel()) { super.addSeparator(); } else { final JSeparator separator = new JSeparator(JSeparator.VERTICAL); final int WDTH = separator.getPreferredSize().width; final Dimension SIZE = new Dimension(new JToolBar.Separator().getSeparatorSize().width, 12); JPanel panel = new JPanel(null) { public Dimension getPreferredSize() { return SIZE; } public Dimension getMaximumSize() { return SIZE; } public Dimension getMinimumSize() { return SIZE; } public void doLayout() { int x = (getWidth() - WDTH) / 2; int y = (getHeight()- SIZE.height) / 2; separator.setBounds(x, y, WDTH, SIZE.height); } }; panel.setOpaque(false); panel.add(separator); super.add(panel); } }
protected void fireItemStateChanged(ItemEvent e) { switch (e.getStateChange()) { case ItemEvent.SELECTED: if (e.getItem() instanceof JSeparator) { SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() { public void run() { selectNextItem(); } }); } break; case ItemEvent.DESELECTED: if (!(e.getItem() instanceof JSeparator)) { lastSelectedIndex = model.getIndexOf(e.getItem()); } break; } super.fireItemStateChanged(e); }
@Override protected void addOwnUnits() { final Player player = getMyPlayer(); reportPanel.add(Utility.localizedLabel(player.getForcesLabel()), NL_SPAN_SPLIT_2); reportPanel.add(new JSeparator(JSeparator.HORIZONTAL), "growx"); for (UnitType unitType : getSpecification().getUnitTypeList()) { if (unitType.isAvailableTo(player) && (unitType.canCarryUnits() || unitType.canCarryGoods())) { AbstractUnit unit = new AbstractUnit(unitType, Specification.DEFAULT_ROLE_ID, getCount("carriers", unitType)); reportPanel.add(createUnitTypeLabel(unit), "sg"); } } }
/** * The constructor that will add the items to this panel. * * @param freeColClient The {@code FreeColClient} for the game. */ public ReportIndianPanel(FreeColClient freeColClient) { super(freeColClient, "reportIndianAction"); Player player = getMyPlayer(); reportPanel.setLayout(new MigLayout("wrap 6, fillx, insets 0", "[]20px[center]", "[top]")); boolean needsSeperator = false; for (Player opponent : CollectionUtils.transform(getGame().getLiveNativePlayers(), p -> player.hasContacted(p))) { if (needsSeperator) { reportPanel.add(new JSeparator(JSeparator.HORIZONTAL), "newline 20, span, growx, wrap 20"); } buildIndianAdvisorPanel(player, opponent); needsSeperator = true; } scrollPane.getViewport().setOpaque(false); reportPanel.setOpaque(true); reportPanel.doLayout(); }
public static void addSeperator(JPanel panel, GridBagConstraints c) { Insets orig_insets = c.insets; c.insets = new Insets(0, 0, 0, 0); c.gridwidth = 2; c.gridheight = 1; c.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL; c.anchor = GridBagConstraints.CENTER; c.gridx = 0; panel.add(Box.createVerticalStrut(5), c); c.gridx = 0; c.gridy++; panel.add(new JSeparator(), c); c.gridx = 0; c.gridy++; panel.add(Box.createVerticalStrut(5), c); c.insets = orig_insets; return; }
private void addTrayIcon(Image image) { systemTray = SystemTray.get(); if (systemTray == null) { throw new RuntimeException("Unable to load SystemTray!"); } systemTray.setImage(image); systemTray.getMenu().add(new MenuItem("Show", a -> { frame.setVisible(true); })); systemTray.getMenu().add(new JSeparator()); systemTray.getMenu().add(new MenuItem("Quit", a -> { exit(); })).setShortcut('q'); // case does not matter }
@Override public void paint(Graphics g, JComponent c) { JSeparator sep = (JSeparator) c; Dimension dim = sep.getSize(); g.setColor(sep.getForeground()); if( sep.getOrientation() == SwingConstants.VERTICAL ) { int x = dim.width / 2; g.drawLine(x, 0, x, dim.height); } else { int y = dim.height / 2; g.drawLine(0, y, dim.width, y); } }
/** * Force separators to be the same width as the JPopupMenu. * This is because the MenuLayout make separators invisible contrary * to the default JPopupMenu layout manager. * @param aFlag true if the popupmenu is visible */ @Override public void setVisible(boolean aFlag) { super.setVisible(aFlag); if (!aFlag) { return; } MenuLayout layout = (MenuLayout) getLayout(); for (int i = 0; i < getComponents().length; i++) { Component component = getComponents()[i]; if (component instanceof JSeparator) { JSeparator separator = (JSeparator) component; int column = layout.getColumnForComponentIndex(i); int preferredWidth = layout.getPreferredWidthForColumn(column); // use the popupmenu width to set the separators width separator.setPreferredSize(new Dimension( preferredWidth, separator.getHeight())); } } revalidate(); }
/** * Shows the size configuration dialog */ protected static final void configureSize(){ JPanel pconfig = new JPanel(new BorderLayout()); JSpinner s = new JSpinner(new SpinnerNumberModel(config.size * 100, 50, Integer.MAX_VALUE, 1)); JLabel info = new JLabel("<html>Change how big the displayed window is.<br>" + "The precentage specifies how big the window is in<br>" + "comparison to the default size of the window.<html>"); pconfig.add(info, BorderLayout.PAGE_START); pconfig.add(new JSeparator(), BorderLayout.CENTER); JPanel line = new JPanel(); line.add(new JLabel("Size: ")); line.add(s); line.add(new JLabel("%")); pconfig.add(line, BorderLayout.PAGE_END); if(0 == JOptionPane.showOptionDialog(null, pconfig, "Keys per second", 0, JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE, null, new String[]{"OK", "Cancel"}, 0)){ config.size = ((double)s.getValue()) / 100.0D; } }
private JComponent createNorth() { final JLabel nameLabel = new JLabel(CurrentLocale.get("")); //$NON-NLS-1$ final JLabel ownerLabel = new JLabel(CurrentLocale.get("com.tle.admin.workflow.stepstab.owner")); //$NON-NLS-1$ nameField = new I18nTextField(BundleCache.getLanguages()); owner = new SingleUserSelector(clientService.getService(RemoteUserService.class)); moveLive = new JCheckBox(CurrentLocale.get("")); //$NON-NLS-1$ final int height1 = owner.getPreferredSize().height; final int width1 = ownerLabel.getPreferredSize().width; final int[] rows = {height1, height1, height1, height1,}; final int[] cols = {width1, TableLayout.FILL, TableLayout.FILL,}; final JPanel north = new JPanel(new TableLayout(rows, cols)); north.add(nameLabel, new Rectangle(0, 0, 1, 1)); north.add(nameField, new Rectangle(1, 0, 1, 1)); north.add(ownerLabel, new Rectangle(0, 1, 1, 1)); north.add(owner, new Rectangle(1, 1, 1, 1)); north.add(moveLive, new Rectangle(0, 2, 3, 1)); north.add(new JSeparator(), new Rectangle(0, 3, 3, 1)); return north; }
protected void removeSection(JComponent section) { for( int i = 0, count = getComponentCount(); i < count; i++ ) { Component c = getComponent(i); if( c.equals(section) ) { remove(i); // Remove next component too if it's a JSeparator if( i < count && getComponent(i) instanceof JSeparator ) { remove(i); } } } }
private void setupGUI() { JComponent whoCanPanel = createWhoCanPanel(); JComponent modePanel = createModePanel(); container = new JPanel(new GridLayout(1, 1)); JSeparator separator = new JSeparator(); final int height1 = whoCanPanel.getPreferredSize().height; final int height2 = modePanel.getMinimumSize().height; final int height3 = separator.getPreferredSize().height; final int[] rows = {height1, height2, height3, TableLayout.FILL,}; final int[] cols = {TableLayout.DOUBLE_FILL, TableLayout.FILL,}; setLayout(new TableLayout(rows, cols)); add(whoCanPanel, new Rectangle(0, 0, 1, 1)); add(modePanel, new Rectangle(0, 1, 2, 1)); add(separator, new Rectangle(0, 2, 2, 1)); add(container, new Rectangle(0, 3, 2, 1)); }
/** * Builds a separator for the node parâmetros * * @return JComponent */ private JComponent buildSeparator() { JSeparator separator = new JSeparator(JSeparator.HORIZONTAL); separator.setBorder(new EmptyBorder(0, 0, 0, 25)); separator.setForeground(new Color(0xAAAAAA)); separator.setBackground(new Color(0xAAAAAA)); JPanel container = new JPanel(new BorderLayout()); container.setBorder(new EmptyBorder(0, 10, 0, 10)); container.add(separator); container.setAlignmentX(JLabel.LEFT_ALIGNMENT); container.setOpaque(false); return container; }
public static boolean isNonMenuJSeparator(RADComponent comp) { if(comp == null) return false; if(JSeparator.class.isAssignableFrom(comp.getBeanClass())) { RADComponent parent = comp.getParentComponent(); if(parent != null && JMenu.class.isAssignableFrom(parent.getBeanClass())) { return false; } return true; } return false; }
public static boolean isMenuRelatedComponentClass(Class clas) { if(clas == null) return false; if(JMenuItem.class.isAssignableFrom(clas)) return true; if(JMenu.class.isAssignableFrom(clas)) return true; if(JSeparator.class.isAssignableFrom(clas)) return true; if(JMenuBar.class.isAssignableFrom(clas)) return true; return false; }
private boolean shouldRedispatchToHandle() { if(!USE_JSEPARATOR_FIX) return false; if(dragop.isStarted() && dragop.isPickAndPlop()) { if(dragop.getDragComponent() instanceof JSeparator /*&& dropTargetLayer.getDropTargetComponent() == null*/) { return true; } } return false; }
/** * The constructor that will add the items to this panel. * * @param freeColClient The {@code FreeColClient} for the game. * @param key the report name key * @param showColonies Whether to show colonies with no selected units. */ protected ReportUnitPanel(FreeColClient freeColClient, String key, boolean showColonies) { super(freeColClient, key); this.showColonies = showColonies; reportPanel.setLayout(new MigLayout("fillx, wrap 12", "", "")); gatherData(); addREFUnits(); addOwnUnits(); reportPanel.add(new JSeparator(JSeparator.HORIZONTAL), "newline, span, growx, wrap 40"); // Colonies first, sorted according to user preferences for (Colony colony : freeColClient.getMySortedColonies()) { handleLocation(colony, colony.getName(), inColonies.get(colony)); } // Europe next Europe europe = getMyPlayer().getEurope(); if (europe != null) { handleLocation(europe, Messages.getName(europe), inEurope); } // Finally all other locations, sorted alphabetically. forEach(mapEntriesByKey(inLocations), e -> handleLocation(null, e.getKey(), e.getValue())); revalidate(); repaint(); }
private static void resolveInstance(Object instance, List<JComponent> result) throws IOException { if (instance instanceof Presenter.Popup) { JMenuItem temp = ((Presenter.Popup) instance).getPopupPresenter(); result.add(temp); } else if (instance instanceof JSeparator) { result.add(null); } else if (instance instanceof JComponent) { result.add((JComponent) instance); } else if (instance instanceof Action) { Actions.MenuItem mi = new Actions.MenuItem((Action) instance, true); result.add(mi); } else { throw new IOException(String.format("Unsupported instance: %s, class: %s", instance, instance.getClass())); // NOI18N } }
/** * Display the header area for the concise panel. * * @param market A {@code Market} to check goods arrears * status with. */ private void conciseHeaders(Market market) { reportPanel.add(new JSeparator(JSeparator.HORIZONTAL), "newline, span, growx"); reportPanel.add(newLabel("", null, null, stpld("")), "newline"); reportPanel.add(newLabel("report.colony.grow.header", null, null, stpld("report.colony.grow"))); reportPanel.add(newLabel("report.colony.explore.header", null, null, stpld("report.colony.explore"))); for (TileImprovementType ti : this.spec.getTileImprovementTypeList()) { if (ti.isNatural()) continue; String key = "report.colony.tile." + ti.getSuffix() + ".header"; reportPanel.add(newLabel(key, null, null, stpld(key))); } for (GoodsType gt : this.goodsTypes) { ImageIcon icon = new ImageIcon(this.lib.getSmallIconImage(gt)); JLabel l = newLabel(null, icon, null, stpl("report.colony.production.header") .addNamed("%goods%", gt)); l.setEnabled(market == null || market.getArrears(gt) <= 0); reportPanel.add(l); } final UnitType type = spec.getDefaultUnitType(getMyPlayer()); ImageIcon colonistIcon = new ImageIcon(this.lib.getTinyUnitImage(type, false)); reportPanel.add(newLabel(null, colonistIcon, null, stpld("report.colony.birth"))); reportPanel.add(newLabel("report.colony.making.header", null, null, stpld("report.colony.making"))); reportPanel.add(newLabel("report.colony.improve.header", null, null, stpld("report.colony.improve"))); reportPanel.add(new JSeparator(JSeparator.HORIZONTAL), "newline, span, growx"); }
private void refreshMenu() { if (menuItems != null && menuItems.length > 0) { firstIndex = Math.max(topFixedCount, firstIndex); firstIndex = Math.min(menuItems.length - bottomFixedCount - scrollCount, firstIndex); upItem.setEnabled(firstIndex > topFixedCount); downItem.setEnabled(firstIndex + scrollCount < menuItems.length - bottomFixedCount); menu.removeAll(); for (int i = 0; i < topFixedCount; i++) { menu.add(menuItems[i]); } if (topFixedCount > 0) { menu.add(new JSeparator()); } menu.add(upItem); for (int i = firstIndex; i < scrollCount + firstIndex; i++) { menu.add(menuItems[i]); } menu.add(downItem); if (bottomFixedCount > 0) { menu.add(new JSeparator()); } for (int i = menuItems.length - bottomFixedCount; i < menuItems.length; i++) { menu.add(menuItems[i]); } JComponent parent = (JComponent) upItem.getParent(); parent.revalidate(); parent.repaint(); } }
private static void registerCommentUncommentToolbarButtons(LayerBuilder b, String mimeType) { File f = instanceFile(b, "Editors/" + mimeType + "/Toolbars/Default", "Separator-before-comment", JSeparator.class, null); //NOI18N f.position(30000); f.write(); f = b.file("Editors/" + mimeType + "/Toolbars/Default/comment"); //NOI18N f.position(30100); f.write(); f = b.file("Editors/" + mimeType + "/Toolbars/Default/uncomment"); //NOI18N f.position(30200); f.write(); // // // Toolbar // if (linePrefix != null && linePrefix.length() > 0) { // // Yes, found line comment prefix - register comment/uncomment toolbar buttons! // Element toolbarFolder = mkdirs(mimeFolder, "Toolbars/Default"); // NOI18N // // item = createFile(doc, toolbarFolder, "Separator-before-comment.instance"); // NOI18N // setFileAttribute(doc, item, "instanceClass", STRINGVALUE, "javax.swing.JSeparator"); // NOI18N // setFileAttribute(doc, item, "position", INTVALUE, "30000"); // NOI18N // // item = createFile(doc, toolbarFolder, "comment"); // NOI18N // setFileAttribute(doc, item, "position", INTVALUE, "30100"); // NOI18N // // item = createFile(doc, toolbarFolder, "uncomment"); // NOI18N // setFileAttribute(doc, item, "position", INTVALUE, "30200"); // NOI18N // } }
private void addToBar(JComponent comp, int pos, boolean priority, boolean separator) { JPanel panel = getPanel(pos); JSeparator sep = new JSeparator(SwingConstants.VERTICAL); sep.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(3, image.getIconHeight())); comp.setBorder(new EmptyBorder(0, 5, 0, 5)); boolean sepFirst = false; int loc = -1; // This could all be done nicer, but who cares if it works? if( pos == SwingConstants.RIGHT ) { if( priority ) { sepFirst = true; } else { loc = 0; } } else { if( priority ) { loc = 0; sepFirst = true; } } if( sepFirst && separator ) { panel.add(sep, loc); } panel.add(comp, loc); if( !sepFirst && separator ) { panel.add(sep, loc); } }
/** Overridden to set focusable to false for any AbstractButton * subclasses which are added */ @Override protected void addImpl(Component c, Object constraints, int idx) { //issue 39896, after opening dialog from toolbar button, focus //remains on toolbar button. Does not create an accessibility issue - //all standard toolbar buttons are also available via the keyboard if (c instanceof AbstractButton) { c.setFocusable(false); ((JComponent) c).setOpaque(false); if (isMetalLaF) { //metal/ocean resets borders, so fix it this way ((AbstractButton) c).setBorderPainted(false); ((AbstractButton) c).setOpaque(false); } //This is active for GTK L&F. It should be fixed in JDK //but it is not fixed in JDK 6.0. if (!isMetalLaF) { ((AbstractButton) c).setMargin( emptyInsets ); } if( null != label && c != label ) { remove( label ); label = null; } } else if( c instanceof JToolBar.Separator ) { JToolBar.Separator separator = (JToolBar.Separator)c; if (getOrientation() == VERTICAL) { separator.setOrientation(JSeparator.HORIZONTAL); } else { separator.setOrientation(JSeparator.VERTICAL); } } super.addImpl (c, constraints, idx); }
/** * This test checks whether the JSeparator added from the configuration * file is reflected in the resulting popup. * The tests performs following steps: * <OL><LI> Create an instance of ExtensibleNode with folder set to "test" * <LI> No actions should be returned by getActions since the "test" folder * is not there * <LI> Create two actions in the testing folder separated by JSeparator * <LI> getActions should return 3 elements - null element for the separator * <LI> Popup is created from the actions array - the null element * should be replaced by a JSeparator again * </OL> */ public void testAddingSeparators() throws Exception { Node en1 = node; assertEquals("No actions at the start", 0, en1.getActions(false).length); FileObject test = root; FileObject a1 = test.createData("1[org-openide-actions-PropertiesAction].instance"); FileObject sep = test.createData("2[javax-swing-JSeparator].instance"); FileObject a2 = test.createData("3[org-openide-actions-CutAction].instance"); Action[] actions = en1.getActions(false); assertEquals("Actions array should contain 3 elements: "+Arrays.asList(actions), 3, actions.length); assertNull("separator should create null element in the array", actions[1]); javax.swing.JPopupMenu jp = Utilities.actionsToPopup(actions, Lookups.singleton(en1)); assertEquals("Popup should contain 3 components", 3, jp.getComponentCount()); assertTrue("Separator should be second", jp.getComponent(1) instanceof JSeparator); }
public ToolbarAqua() { super( new BorderLayout() ); JSeparator sep = new JToolBar.Separator(); sep.setOrientation(JSeparator.VERTICAL); sep.setForeground(UIManager.getColor("NbSplitPane.background")); //NOI18N add( sep, BorderLayout.CENTER ); dim = new Dimension (GRIP_WIDTH, GRIP_WIDTH); max = new Dimension (GRIP_WIDTH, Integer.MAX_VALUE); setBorder(BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(4, 0, 2, 0)); }
private void addMenuItem(JPopupMenu menu, Object o) { if (o instanceof JSeparator) { menu.add((JSeparator) o); } else if (o instanceof Action) { Action a = (Action) o; if (isBooleanStateAction(a)) { JCheckBoxMenuItem item = new JCheckBoxMenuItem(a); item.setSelected((Boolean) a.getValue(BOOLEAN_STATE_ENABLED_KEY)); menu.add(item); } else { menu.add((Action) o); } } }