public AffineTransform3D(double[] coeficients) { matrix = new Matrix4d(); if (coeficients.length==9) { matrix.set(new Matrix3d(coeficients)); } else if (coeficients.length==12) { double[] extendedCoeficients = new double[16]; for (int i=0; i<coeficients.length; ++i) { extendedCoeficients[i] = coeficients[i]; } extendedCoeficients[12] = 0; extendedCoeficients[13] = 0; extendedCoeficients[14] = 0; extendedCoeficients[15] = 1; matrix.set(extendedCoeficients); } }
public AffineTransform3D( double xx, double yx, double zx, double tx, double xy, double yy, double zy, double ty, double xz, double yz, double zz, double tz ) { matrix = new Matrix4d(); matrix.m00 = xx; matrix.m01 = yx; matrix.m02 = zx; matrix.m03 = tx; matrix.m10 = xy; matrix.m11 = yy; matrix.m12 = zy; matrix.m13 = ty; matrix.m20 = xz; matrix.m21 = yz; matrix.m22 = zz; matrix.m23 = tz; matrix.m30 = 0; matrix.m31 = 0; matrix.m32 = 0; matrix.m33 = 1; }
public static Prof buildProfile( Line3d oLine, Point3d cen ) { Matrix4d to2D = new Matrix4d(); Vector3d c2 = oLine.dir(), c3 = new Vector3d(); c2.normalize(); c3.cross( c2, UP ); to2D.setIdentity(); to2D.setRow( 0, c3.x, c3.y, c3.z, 0 ); to2D.setRow( 1, UP.x, UP.y, UP.z, 0 ); to2D.setRow( 2, c2.x, c2.y, c2.z, 0 ); { Point3d start = new Point3d( cen.x, 0, cen.z ); to2D.transform( start ); to2D.m03 = -start.x; to2D.m13 = -start.y; to2D.m23 = -start.z; to2D.m33 = 1; } Prof monotonic = new Prof(to2D, c2); return monotonic; }
private boolean inBounds( Matrix4d mini, List<double[]> bounds ) { // mini matrix is in mini-mesh format: a translation from a 255^3 cube in the first quadrant // trans.offset is a transform from that space, into jme rendered space (cartesian in meters, around the origin) Matrix4d m = new Matrix4d(); m.mul( Jme3z.fromMatrix ( trans.offset ), mini ); for (Point2d p : cubeCorners ).map( c -> { Point3d tmp = new Point3d(); m.transform( c, tmp ); return new Point2d(tmp.x, tmp.z); }).collect( Collectors.toList() ) ) { for (double[] bound : bounds) { if ( bound[0] < p.x && bound[1] > p.x && bound[2] < p.y && bound[3] > p.y ) return true; } } return false; }
@Override public void writeTo(VirtualInstanceCollection virtualInstanceCollection, Class<?> type, Type genericType, Annotation[] annotations, MediaType mediaType, MultivaluedMap<String, Object> httpHeaders, OutputStream entityStream) throws UnsupportedEncodingException { String charSet = "UTF-8"; JsonGenerator jg = Json.createGenerator(new OutputStreamWriter(entityStream, charSet)); jg.writeStartArray(); Matrix4d gM = new Matrix4d(); gM.setIdentity(); PartLink virtualRootPartLink = getVirtualRootPartLink(virtualInstanceCollection); List<PartLink> path = new ArrayList<>(); path.add(virtualRootPartLink); InstanceBodyWriterTools.generateInstanceStreamWithGlobalMatrix(productService, path, gM, virtualInstanceCollection, new ArrayList<>(), jg); jg.writeEnd(); jg.flush(); }
static Matrix4d combineTransformation(Matrix4d matrix, Vector3d translation, Vector3d rotation) { Matrix4d gM = new Matrix4d(matrix); Matrix4d m = new Matrix4d(); m.setIdentity(); m.setTranslation(translation); gM.mul(m); m.setIdentity(); m.rotZ(rotation.z); gM.mul(m); m.setIdentity(); m.rotY(rotation.y); gM.mul(m); m.setIdentity(); m.rotX(rotation.x); gM.mul(m); return gM; }
private static void writeLeaf(List<PartLink> currentPath, List<Integer> copyInstanceIds, PartIteration partI, Matrix4d combinedMatrix, JsonGenerator jg) { String partIterationId = partI.toString(); List<InstanceAttributeDTO> attributes = new ArrayList<>(); for (InstanceAttribute attr : partI.getInstanceAttributes()) { attributes.add(, InstanceAttributeDTO.class)); } jg.writeStartObject(); jg.write("id", Tools.getPathInstanceAsString(currentPath, copyInstanceIds)); jg.write("partIterationId", partIterationId); jg.write("path", Tools.getPathAsString(currentPath)); writeMatrix(combinedMatrix, jg); writeGeometries(partI.getSortedGeometries(), jg); writeAttributes(attributes, jg); jg.writeEnd(); jg.flush(); }
public Matrix4 set(Matrix4d mat) { m00 = mat.m00; m01 = mat.m01; m02 = mat.m02; m03 = mat.m03; m10 = mat.m10; m11 = mat.m11; m12 = mat.m12; m13 = mat.m13; m20 = mat.m20; m21 = mat.m21; m22 = mat.m22; m23 = mat.m23; m30 = mat.m30; m31 = mat.m31; m32 = mat.m32; m33 = mat.m33; return this; }
/** * Multiply this transform by t1. This transform will be update * and the result returned * * @param transform * @return this */ public CellTransform mul(CellTransform in) { // This does not work when scale!=1 // this.scale *= in.scale; // this.translation.addLocal(rotation.mult(in.translation).multLocal(in.scale)); // this.rotation.multLocal(in.rotation); // Correctly calculate the multiplication. Quat4d q = new Quat4d(rotation.x, rotation.y, rotation.z, rotation.w); Vector3d t = new Vector3d(translation.x, translation.y, translation.z); Matrix4d m = new Matrix4d(q,t,scale); Quat4d q1 = new Quat4d(in.rotation.x, in.rotation.y, in.rotation.z, in.rotation.w); Vector3d t1 = new Vector3d(in.translation.x, in.translation.y, in.translation.z); Matrix4d m1 = new Matrix4d(q1,t1,in.scale); m.mul(m1); m.get(q); m.get(t); scale = (float)m.getScale(); rotation.set((float)q.x, (float)q.y, (float)q.z, (float)q.w); translation.set((float)t.x, (float)t.y, (float)t.z); return this; }
static public DoubleBuffer getDoubleBuffer(final Matrix4d matrix) { final DoubleBuffer result = DoubleBuffer.allocate(16); result.put(0, matrix.m00); result.put(1, matrix.m01); result.put(2, matrix.m02); result.put(3, matrix.m03); result.put(4, matrix.m10); result.put(5, matrix.m11); result.put(6, matrix.m12); result.put(7, matrix.m13); result.put(8, matrix.m20); result.put(9, matrix.m21); result.put(10, matrix.m22); result.put(11, matrix.m23); result.put(12, matrix.m30); result.put(13, matrix.m31); result.put(14, matrix.m32); result.put(15, matrix.m33); return result; }
static public double[] getDoubleArray(final Matrix4d matrix) { final double[] result = new double[16]; result[0] = matrix.m00; result[1] = matrix.m01; result[2] = matrix.m02; result[3] = matrix.m03; result[4] = matrix.m10; result[5] = matrix.m11; result[6] = matrix.m12; result[7] = matrix.m13; result[8] = matrix.m20; result[9] = matrix.m21; result[10] = matrix.m22; result[11] = matrix.m23; result[12] = matrix.m30; result[13] = matrix.m31; result[14] = matrix.m32; result[15] = matrix.m33; return result; }
/** * Make rotate input vector with Yaw(Z),Pitch(Y) and Roll(X) unreal rotation * values in the YXZ UT Editor coordinate system. * +00576.000000,+01088.000000,+00192.000000 -> * -00192.000000,+00064.000000,+00192.000000 * * @param v * @param pitch * Pitch in Unreal Value (65536 u.v. = 360°) * @param yaw * Yaw * @param roll * @return */ public static Vector3d rotate(Vector3d v, double pitch, double yaw, double roll) { pitch = UE12AngleToDegree(pitch); yaw = UE12AngleToDegree(yaw); roll = UE12AngleToDegree(roll); // TODO only divide by 360 if rotation values comes from Unreal Engine // 1/2 double rot_x = ((roll) / 360D) * 2D * Math.PI; // Roll=Axis X with // Unreal Editor double rot_y = (((pitch)) / 360D) * 2D * Math.PI; // Pitch=Axis Y with // Unreal Editor double rot_z = ((yaw) / 360D) * 2D * Math.PI; // Yaw=Axis Z with Unreal // Editor double tmp[] = new double[] { v.x, v.y, v.z, 1D }; Matrix4d m4d = getGlobalRotationMatrix(rot_x, rot_y, rot_z); tmp = getRot(tmp, m4d); v.x = tmp[0]; v.y = tmp[1]; v.z = tmp[2]; return v; }
/** * * @param rot_x * @param rot_y * @param rot_z * @return */ private static Matrix4d getGlobalRotationMatrix(double rot_x, double rot_y, double rot_z) { Matrix4d m4d; // Checked Matrix4d m4d_x = new Matrix4d(1D, 0D, 0D, 0D, 0D, Math.cos(rot_x), -Math.sin(rot_x), 0D, 0D, Math.sin(rot_x), Math.cos(rot_x), 0D, 0D, 0D, 0D, 1D); // Checked Matrix4d m4d_y = new Matrix4d(Math.cos(rot_y), 0D, Math.sin(rot_y), 0D, 0D, 1D, 0D, 0D, -Math.sin(rot_y), 0, Math.cos(rot_y), 0D, 0D, 0D, 0D, 1D); // Checked Matrix4d m4d_z = new Matrix4d(Math.cos(rot_z), Math.sin(rot_z), 0D, 0D, -Math.sin(rot_z), Math.cos(rot_z), 0D, 0D, 0D, 0D, 1D, 0D, 0D, 0D, 0D, 1D); m4d_x = updateMatrix(m4d_x); m4d_y = updateMatrix(m4d_y); m4d_z = updateMatrix(m4d_z); m4d = m4d_x; m4d.mul(m4d_y); m4d.mul(m4d_z); return m4d; }
private static double[] getRot(double[] d2, Matrix4d m4d) { double d[] = new double[] { d2[0], d2[1], d2[2], 1D }; double dx = m4d.m00 * d[0] + m4d.m10 * d[1] + m4d.m20 * d[2] + m4d.m30 * d[3]; double dy = m4d.m01 * d[0] + m4d.m11 * d[1] + m4d.m21 * d[2] + m4d.m31 * d[3]; double dz = m4d.m02 * d[0] + m4d.m12 * d[1] + m4d.m22 * d[2] + m4d.m32 * d[3]; if (Math.abs(dx) < 0.00001D) { dx = 0D; } if (Math.abs(dy) < 0.00001D) { dy = 0D; } if (Math.abs(dz) < 0.00001D) { dz = 0D; } return new double[] { dx, dy, dz }; }
public TrackballRenderingViewer( CameraController.Viewer delegate ) { this .delegate = delegate; this .translation = new Vector3d(); Matrix4d matrix = new Matrix4d(); Camera defaultCamera = new Camera(); defaultCamera .setMagnification( 1.0f ); defaultCamera .getViewTransform( matrix, 0d ); matrix .get( translation ); // save the default translation to apply on every update below // set the perspective view just once double near = defaultCamera .getNearClipDistance(); double far = defaultCamera .getFarClipDistance(); double fov = defaultCamera .getFieldOfView(); this .delegate .setPerspective( fov, 1.0d, near, far ); }
/** * @param v[] * @param colors * @param lights * @param model */ public Java2dExporter( Camera view, Colors colors, Lights lights, RenderedModel model ) { super( view, colors, lights, model ); this .view = view; Matrix4d viewMatrix = new Matrix4d(); this .view .getViewTransform( viewMatrix, 0d ); this .viewTransform = new Transform3D( viewMatrix ); for ( int i = 0; i < lightDirs.length; i++ ) { lightDirs[ i ] = new Vector3f(); // the next line fills in the direction, as well as returning the color... bad style! lightColors[ i ] = new Color( mLights .getDirectionalLight( i, lightDirs[ i ] ) .getRGB() ); // the lights stay fixed relative to the viewpoint, so we must not apply the view transform lightDirs[ i ] .normalize(); lightDirs[ i ] .negate(); } ambientLight = new Color( mLights .getAmbientColor() .getRGB() ); }
/** * Given a point in world coordinates, adjust it in place to be in * screen coordinates (after projection). * * @param point */ public void mapWorldToScreen( Camera view, Point3f point ) { Matrix4d viewMatrix = new Matrix4d(); this .view .getViewTransform( viewMatrix, 0d ); Transform3D viewTrans = new Transform3D( viewMatrix ); viewTrans .transform( point ); // point is now in view coordinates Vector4f p4 = new Vector4f( point.x, point.y, point.z, 1f ); Transform3D eyeTrans = new Transform3D(); if ( ! view .isPerspective() ) { double edge = view .getWidth() / 2; eyeTrans .ortho( -edge, edge, -edge, edge, view .getNearClipDistance(), view .getFarClipDistance() ); } else eyeTrans .perspective( view .getFieldOfView(), 1.0d, view .getNearClipDistance(), view .getFarClipDistance() ); // TODO - make aspect ratio track the screen window shape eyeTrans .transform( p4 ); point .project( new Point4f( p4 ) ); }
private void updateViewersTransformation() { if ( mViewers .size() == 0 ) return; Matrix4d trans = new Matrix4d(); model .getViewTransform( trans, 0d ); trans .invert(); for ( int i = 0; i < mViewers .size(); i++ ) mViewers .get( i ) .setViewTransformation( trans, Viewer .MONOCULAR ); model .getStereoViewTransform( trans, Viewer .LEFT_EYE ); trans .invert(); for ( int i = 0; i < mViewers .size(); i++ ) mViewers .get( i ) .setViewTransformation( trans, Viewer .LEFT_EYE ); model .getStereoViewTransform( trans, Viewer .RIGHT_EYE ); trans .invert(); for ( int i = 0; i < mViewers .size(); i++ ) mViewers .get( i ) .setViewTransformation( trans, Viewer .RIGHT_EYE ); }
/** * Applies a mirror operation to this transform. * * @param plane the plane that defines the mirror operation * * @return this transform */ public Transform mirror(Plane plane) { System.err.println("WARNING: I'm too dumb to implement the mirror() operation correctly. Please fix me!"); double nx = plane.normal.x; double ny = plane.normal.y; double nz = plane.normal.z; double w = plane.dist; double elemenents[] = { (1.0 - 2.0 * nx * nx), (-2.0 * ny * nx), (-2.0 * nz * nx), 0, (-2.0 * nx * ny), (1.0 - 2.0 * ny * ny), (-2.0 * nz * ny), 0, (-2.0 * nx * nz), (-2.0 * ny * nz), (1.0 - 2.0 * nz * nz), 0, (-2.0 * nx * w), (-2.0 * ny * w), (-2.0 * nz * w), 1 }; m.mul(new Matrix4d(elemenents)); return this; }
/** * Get the mapping from view to world coordinates * @param trans */ public void getViewTransform( Matrix4d matrix, double angle ) { Point3d eyePoint = new Point3d( mLookAtPoint ); Vector3d dir = new Vector3d( mLookDirection ); if ( angle != 0d ) { double[] rotMat = new double[16]; AxisAngle4d rotAA = new AxisAngle4d( mUpDirection, angle ); set( rotAA, rotMat ); transform( rotMat, dir ); } dir .scale( -mDistance ); eyePoint .add( dir ); double[] mat = new double[16]; lookAt( mat, eyePoint, mLookAtPoint, mUpDirection ); matrix .set( mat ); }
protected void setDefaults( CPUAlgebraicSurfaceRenderer asr ) { asr.getCamera().loadProperties( defaults, "camera_", "" ); Util.setOptimalCameraDistance( asr.getCamera() ); for( int i = 0; i < AlgebraicSurfaceRenderer.MAX_LIGHTS; i++ ) { asr.getLightSource( i ).setStatus(LightSource.Status.OFF); asr.getLightSource( i ).loadProperties( defaults, "light_", "_" + i ); } asr.setBackgroundColor( BasicIO.fromColor3fString( defaults.getProperty( "background_color" ) ) ); // identity.setIdentity(); // asr.setTransform( BasicIO.fromMatrix4dString( defaults.getProperty( "rotation_matrix" ) ) ); Matrix4d scaleMatrix = new Matrix4d(); scaleMatrix.setIdentity(); scaleMatrix.setScale( 1.0 / Double.parseDouble( defaults.getProperty( "scale_factor" ) ) ); asr.setSurfaceTransform( scaleMatrix ); asr.setAntiAliasingMode( AntiAliasingMode.ADAPTIVE_SUPERSAMPLING ); asr.setAntiAliasingPattern( AntiAliasingPattern.RG_2x2 ); }
public void setMatrix(Matrix4d p) { this.spinner11.setValue(p.m00); this.spinner12.setValue(p.m01); this.spinner13.setValue(p.m02); this.spinner14.setValue(p.m03); // this.spinner21.setValue(p.m10); this.spinner22.setValue(p.m11); this.spinner23.setValue(p.m12); this.spinner24.setValue(p.m13); // this.spinner31.setValue(p.m20); this.spinner32.setValue(p.m21); this.spinner33.setValue(p.m22); this.spinner34.setValue(p.m23); }
/** * Creates a new instance of Camera * * @param eyePoint * the eyePoint in world coordinates. Origin of the rays. * @param lookAtPoint * the point we look at world coordinates. * @param upVector * the vector giving the up direction. * @param dist * distance between eyepoint and view plane. * @param size * height of the view plane. */ public Camera(Point3d eyePoint, Point3d lookAtPoint, Vector3d upVector, double dist, double size) { super(); eye = eyePoint; lookAt = lookAtPoint; up = upVector; Point3d nouveau = ((Point3d) eye.clone()); nouveau.sub(lookAt); n = new Vector3d(-nouveau.x, -nouveau.y, -nouveau.z); n.normalize(); u = new Vector3d(); u.cross(up, n); u.normalize(); v = new Vector3d(); v.cross(n, u); matrix = new Matrix4d(u.x, u.y, u.z, -1 * Vector3d(eye.x, eye.y, eye.z)), v.x, v.y, v.z, -1 * Vector3d(eye.x, eye.y, eye.z)), n.x, n.y, n.z, -1 * Vector3d(eye.x, eye.y, eye.z)), 0, 0, 0, 1); distanceEyeVpn = dist; heightVpn = size; eyeFixed = false; lookAtFixed = false; ; }
/** * Update the parameters of the camera when points have been changed. */ public void updateParameters() { // update paramaters Point3d nouveau = ((Point3d) eye.clone()); nouveau.sub(lookAt); n = new Vector3d(-nouveau.x, -nouveau.y, -nouveau.z); n.normalize(); u = new Vector3d(); u.cross(up, n); u.normalize(); v = new Vector3d(); v.cross(n, u); matrix = new Matrix4d(u.x, u.y, u.z, -1 * Vector3d(eye.x, eye.y, eye.z)), v.x, v.y, v.z, -1 * Vector3d(eye.x, eye.y, eye.z)), n.x, n.y, n.z, -1 * Vector3d(eye.x, eye.y, eye.z)), 0, 0, 0, 1); }
/** superimpose and get rmsd * * @param pro1 * @param pro2 * @param strLen Number of atoms from pro1 and pro2 to use * @param storeTransform Store rotation and shift matrices locally * @return RMSD * @throws StructureException */ public double calc_rmsd(Atom[] pro1, Atom[] pro2, int strLen, boolean storeTransform) throws StructureException { Atom[] cod1 = getAtoms(pro1, strLen,false); Atom[] cod2 = getAtoms(pro2, strLen,true); Matrix4d trans = SuperPositions.superpose(Calc.atomsToPoints(cod1), Calc.atomsToPoints(cod2)); Matrix matrix = Matrices.getRotationJAMA(trans); Atom shift = Calc.getTranslationVector(trans); if ( storeTransform) { r = matrix; t = shift; } for (Atom a : cod2) Calc.transform(a.getGroup(), trans); return Calc.rmsd(cod1, cod2); }
/** * Get a list of N 4*4 matrices from a single list of doubles of length 16*N. * @param ncsOperMatrixList the input list of doubles * @return the list of 4*4 matrics */ public static Matrix4d[] getNcsAsMatrix4d(double[][] ncsOperMatrixList) { if(ncsOperMatrixList==null){ return null; } int numMats = ncsOperMatrixList.length; if(numMats==0){ return null; } if(numMats==1 && ncsOperMatrixList[0].length==0){ return null; } Matrix4d[] outList = new Matrix4d[numMats]; for(int i=0; i<numMats; i++){ outList[i] = new Matrix4d(ncsOperMatrixList[i]); } return outList; }
/** * Sets the value of this matrix to that of the Matrix4d provided. * * @param m1 * the source matrix */ public final void set(Matrix4d m1) { // This implementation is in 'no automatic size grow' policy. // When size mismatch, exception will be thrown from the below. elementData[0] = (float) m1.m00; elementData[1] = (float) m1.m01; elementData[2] = (float) m1.m02; elementData[3] = (float) m1.m03; elementData[nCol] = (float) m1.m10; elementData[nCol + 1] = (float) m1.m11; elementData[nCol + 2] = (float) m1.m12; elementData[nCol + 3] = (float) m1.m13; elementData[2 * nCol] = (float) m1.m20; elementData[2 * nCol + 1] = (float) m1.m21; elementData[2 * nCol + 2] = (float) m1.m22; elementData[2 * nCol + 3] = (float) m1.m23; elementData[3 * nCol] = (float) m1.m30; elementData[3 * nCol + 1] = (float) m1.m31; elementData[3 * nCol + 2] = (float) m1.m32; elementData[3 * nCol + 3] = (float) m1.m33; }
/** * Return the rmsd of the CAs between the input pro and this protein, at * given positions. quite similar to transPdb but while that one transforms * the whole ca2, this one only works on the res1 and res2 positions. * * Modifies the coordinates in the second set of Atoms (pro). * * @return rmsd of CAs */ private static double calCaRmsd(Atom[] ca1, Atom[] pro, int resn, int[] res1, int[] res2) throws StructureException { Atom[] cod1 = getAtoms(ca1, res1, resn, false); Atom[] cod2 = getAtoms(pro, res2, resn, false); if (cod1.length == 0 || cod2.length == 0) {"length of atoms == 0!"); return 99; } Matrix4d transform = SuperPositions.superpose(Calc.atomsToPoints(cod1), Calc.atomsToPoints(cod2)); for (Atom a : cod2) Calc.transform(a.getGroup(), transform); return Calc.rmsd(cod1, cod2); }
@Test public void testVecmathTransformation() { Atom atom = getAtom(1.0, 1.0, 1.0); //Identity transform Matrix4d ident = new Matrix4d(); ident.setIdentity(); Calc.transform(atom, ident); Point3d expected = new Point3d(1.0, 1.0, 1.0); Point3d actual = atom.getCoordsAsPoint3d(); assertEquals(expected, actual); //Sample transform Matrix4d sample = getSampleTransform(); Calc.transform(atom, sample); expected = new Point3d(2.0, 7.0, -1.3); actual = atom.getCoordsAsPoint3d(); assertEquals(expected, actual); }
/** * The symmetry axes of each level are recovered after the symmetry analysis * iterations have finished, using the stored MultipleAlignment at each * symmetry level. * @return SymmetryAxes */ private SymmetryAxes recoverAxes(CeSymmResult result) { SymmetryAxes axes = new SymmetryAxes(); for (int m = 0; m < levels.size(); m++) { MultipleAlignment align = levels.get(m).getMultipleAlignment(); Matrix4d axis = align.getBlockSet(0).getTransformations().get(1); SymmetryType type = levels.get(m).getAxes().getElementaryAxis(0).getSymmType(); int order = align.size(); axes.addAxis(axis, order, type); } return axes; }
/** * Test to check the conversion of BioassemblyInfo to a primitive map. */ @Test public void testMakePrimitiveBioasembly() { double[] testData = new double[] {0.0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 2.0, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 3.0, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3}; BioAssemblyInfo bioAssemblyInfo = new BioAssemblyInfo(); List<BiologicalAssemblyTransformation> transforms = new ArrayList<>(); BiologicalAssemblyTransformation biologicalAssemblyTransformation = new BiologicalAssemblyTransformation(); biologicalAssemblyTransformation.setChainId("C"); biologicalAssemblyTransformation.setTransformationMatrix(new Matrix4d(testData)); transforms.add(biologicalAssemblyTransformation); bioAssemblyInfo.setTransforms(transforms); // Map the chain to the second index Map<String, Integer> chainIdToIndexMap = new HashMap<>(); chainIdToIndexMap.put("C", 2); // Now do the conversion and test they are the same Map<double[], int[]> transMap = MmtfUtils.getTransformMap(bioAssemblyInfo, chainIdToIndexMap); assertArrayEquals(testData, (double[]) transMap.keySet().toArray()[0], 0.0); assertArrayEquals(new int[] {2} , (int[]) transMap.values().toArray()[0]); }
/** * Test the conversion of a matrix to an array of doubles. */ @Test public void testConvertToDoubleArray() { Matrix4d matrix4d = new Matrix4d(); matrix4d.m00 = 0.0; matrix4d.m01 = 0.1; matrix4d.m02 = 0.2; matrix4d.m03 = 0.3; matrix4d.m10 = 1.0; matrix4d.m11 = 1.1; matrix4d.m12 = 1.2; matrix4d.m13 = 1.3; matrix4d.m20 = 2.0; matrix4d.m21 = 2.1; matrix4d.m22 = 2.2; matrix4d.m23 = 2.3; matrix4d.m30 = 3.0; matrix4d.m31 = 3.1; matrix4d.m32 = 3.2; matrix4d.m33 = 3.3; double[] testData = new double[] {0.0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 2.0, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 3.0, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3}; assertArrayEquals(testData,MmtfUtils.convertToDoubleArray(matrix4d), 0.0); }
/** * Convert a bioassembly information into a map of transform, chainindices it relates to. * @param bioassemblyInfo the bioassembly info object for this structure * @param chainIdToIndexMap the map of chain ids to the index that chain corresponds to. * @return the bioassembly information (as primitive types). */ public static Map<double[], int[]> getTransformMap(BioAssemblyInfo bioassemblyInfo, Map<String, Integer> chainIdToIndexMap) { Map<Matrix4d, List<Integer>> matMap = new HashMap<>(); List<BiologicalAssemblyTransformation> transforms = bioassemblyInfo.getTransforms(); for (BiologicalAssemblyTransformation transformation : transforms) { Matrix4d transMatrix = transformation.getTransformationMatrix(); String transChainId = transformation.getChainId(); if (!chainIdToIndexMap.containsKey(transChainId)){ continue; } int chainIndex = chainIdToIndexMap.get(transformation.getChainId()); if(matMap.containsKey(transMatrix)){ matMap.get(transMatrix).add(chainIndex); } else{ List<Integer> chainIdList = new ArrayList<>(); chainIdList.add(chainIndex); matMap.put(transMatrix, chainIdList); } } Map<double[], int[]> outMap = new HashMap<>(); for (Entry<Matrix4d, List<Integer>> entry : matMap.entrySet()) { outMap.put(convertToDoubleArray(entry.getKey()), CodecUtils.convertToIntArray(entry.getValue())); } return outMap; }
public static AffineTransform3D createRotationOx(double theta) { Matrix3d matrix3d = new Matrix3d(); matrix3d.rotX(theta); Matrix4d matrix4d = new Matrix4d(); matrix4d.set(matrix3d); return new AffineTransform3D(matrix4d); }
public static AffineTransform3D createRotationOy(double theta) { Matrix3d matrix3d = new Matrix3d(); matrix3d.rotY(theta); Matrix4d matrix4d = new Matrix4d(); matrix4d.set(matrix3d); return new AffineTransform3D(matrix4d); }
public static AffineTransform3D createRotationOz(double theta) { Matrix3d matrix3d = new Matrix3d(); matrix3d.rotZ(theta); Matrix4d matrix4d = new Matrix4d(); matrix4d.set(matrix3d); return new AffineTransform3D(matrix4d); }