public void copyData() { Quat4d dat = panel.getRender().getRotationAttr().getValue(); // Transform3D rot = new Transform3D(); // rot.setRotation(dat); AxisAngle4d rot = new AxisAngle4d(); rot.set(dat); int rotX = (int) (dat.x * steps); int rotY = (int) (dat.y * steps); int rotZ = (int) (dat.z * steps); int rotW = (int) (dat.w * steps); setAllowUpdate(false); xSlide.setValue(rotX); ySlide.setValue(rotY); zSlide.setValue(rotZ); wManualSlide.setValue(rotW); setAllowUpdate(true); }
/** * Setzt Heading * @param headingInWorldCoord Heading in Welt-Koordinaten */ public final synchronized void setHeading(Vector3d headingInWorldCoord) { // Optimierung (Transform-Kram ist teuer) if (this.headingInWorldCoord.equals(headingInWorldCoord)) { return; } /* * Sinn der Methode: Transform3D aktualisieren, das von Bot- nach * Weltkoordinaten transformiert. (Dieses steckt in unserer * TransformGroup.) */ this.headingInWorldCoord = headingInWorldCoord; // Winkel zwischen Welt pos. y-Achse und Bot pos. y-Achse double angleInRad = radiansToYAxis(headingInWorldCoord); Transform3D t = new Transform3D(); transformgrp.getTransform(t); t.setRotation(new AxisAngle4d(0, 0, 1, angleInRad)); transformgrp.setTransform(t); }
/** * Builds the appropriate quaternion to rotate around the given orthogonalAxis. */ public static Quat4f rotationForAxis(EnumFacing.Axis axis, double degrees) { Quat4f retVal = new Quat4f(); switch (axis) { case X: retVal.set(new AxisAngle4d(1, 0, 0, Math.toRadians(degrees))); break; case Y: retVal.set(new AxisAngle4d(0, 1, 0, Math.toRadians(degrees))); break; case Z: retVal.set(new AxisAngle4d(0, 0, 1, Math.toRadians(degrees))); break; } return retVal; }
/** * Get the mapping from view to world coordinates * @param trans */ public void getViewTransform( Matrix4d matrix, double angle ) { Point3d eyePoint = new Point3d( mLookAtPoint ); Vector3d dir = new Vector3d( mLookDirection ); if ( angle != 0d ) { double[] rotMat = new double[16]; AxisAngle4d rotAA = new AxisAngle4d( mUpDirection, angle ); set( rotAA, rotMat ); transform( rotMat, dir ); } dir .scale( -mDistance ); eyePoint .add( dir ); double[] mat = new double[16]; lookAt( mat, eyePoint, mLookAtPoint, mUpDirection ); matrix .set( mat ); }
public void setC1(int n) { Rotation r = new Rotation(); List<Integer> permutation = new ArrayList<Integer>(n); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { permutation.add(i); } r.setPermutation(permutation); Matrix4d m = new Matrix4d(); m.setIdentity(); r.setTransformation(m); r.setAxisAngle(new AxisAngle4d()); r.setFold(1); r.setScores(new QuatSymmetryScores()); rotations.add(r); pointGroup = "C1"; }
/** * Invoked when the user enters or leaves an area. * * @param visible true when the user enters the area * @param position The position of the user on entry/exit * @param orientation The orientation of the user there * @param localPosition The vworld transform object for the class * that implemented this listener */ public void visibilityStateChange(boolean visible, Point3d position, AxisAngle4d orientation, Transform3D localPosition) { if(visible) { vfEnterTime = vrmlClock.getTime(); hasChanged[FIELD_ENTER_TIME] = true; fireFieldChanged(FIELD_ENTER_TIME); vfIsActive = true; hasChanged[FIELD_IS_ACTIVE] = true; } else { vfExitTime = vrmlClock.getTime(); hasChanged[FIELD_EXIT_TIME] = true; fireFieldChanged(FIELD_EXIT_TIME); vfIsActive = false; hasChanged[FIELD_IS_ACTIVE] = true; } fireFieldChanged(FIELD_IS_ACTIVE); }
public static Quat4f parseAxisRotation(JsonElement e) { if (!e.isJsonObject()) throw new JsonParseException("Axis rotation: object expected, got: " + e); JsonObject obj = e.getAsJsonObject(); if (obj.entrySet().size() != 1) throw new JsonParseException("Axis rotation: expected single axis object, got: " + e); Map.Entry<String, JsonElement> entry = obj.entrySet().iterator().next(); Quat4f ret = new Quat4f(); try { if (entry.getKey().equals("x")) { ret.set(new AxisAngle4d(1, 0, 0, Math.toRadians(entry.getValue().getAsNumber().floatValue()))); } else if (entry.getKey().equals("y")) { ret.set(new AxisAngle4d(0, 1, 0, Math.toRadians(entry.getValue().getAsNumber().floatValue()))); } else if (entry.getKey().equals("z")) { ret.set(new AxisAngle4d(0, 0, 1, Math.toRadians(entry.getValue().getAsNumber().floatValue()))); } else throw new JsonParseException("Axis rotation: expected single axis key, got: " + entry.getKey()); } catch(ClassCastException ex) { throw new JsonParseException("Axis rotation value: expected number, got: " + entry.getValue()); } return ret; }
/** * Create a matrix that rotates around the specified axis by the specified angle. * * @param axis The axis * @param radians The angle in radians * @return The rotation matrix */ public static Matrix3d getRotationMatrix(EnumFacing.Axis axis, double radians) { final Vec3i axisDirectionVector = AXIS_DIRECTION_VECTORS.get(axis); final AxisAngle4d axisAngle = new AxisAngle4d(axisDirectionVector.getX(), axisDirectionVector.getY(), axisDirectionVector.getZ(), radians); final Matrix3d rotationMatrix = new Matrix3d(); rotationMatrix.set(axisAngle); return rotationMatrix; }
public Matrix(int poolSize) { Preconditions.checkArgument(poolSize >= 0, "poolSize must be greater or equal to zero"); this.matrixPool = new Pool<>(Matrix4d::new, poolSize); this.vectorPool = new Pool<>(Vector3d::new, poolSize); this.axisAnglePool = new Pool<>(AxisAngle4d::new, poolSize); this.matrixStack = new Stack<>(); Matrix4d mat = new Matrix4d(); mat.setIdentity(); this.matrixStack.push(mat); }
public void rotate(double angle, double x, double y, double z) { Matrix4d mat = this.matrixStack.peek(); Matrix4d rotation = this.getMatrix(); rotation.setIdentity(); AxisAngle4d axisAngle = this.getAxisAngle(x, y, z, angle); rotation.setRotation(axisAngle); this.freeAxisAngle(axisAngle); mat.mul(rotation); this.freeMatrix(rotation); }
public void updateRotation() { double xRot = xSlide.getValue() / (double) (steps); double yRot = ySlide.getValue() / (double) (steps); double zRot = zSlide.getValue() / (double) (steps); double wRot = wManualSlide.getValue() / (double) (steps); wRot *= 3.14; // System.out.println(steps); // System.out.println(xSlide.getValue() + " - " + xRot); // System.out.println(ySlide.getValue() + " - " + yRot); // System.out.println(zSlide.getValue() + " - " + zRot); // System.out.println(wManualSlide.getValue() + " - " + wRot); Transform3D tra = new Transform3D(); AxisAngle4d rotation = new AxisAngle4d(); rotation.setX(xRot); rotation.setY(yRot); rotation.setZ(zRot); rotation.setAngle(wRot); tra.set(rotation); Quat4d dat = new Quat4d(); tra.get(dat); // System.out.println("\nSetting Values\n" + dat.x); // System.out.println(dat.y); // System.out.println(dat.z); // System.out.println(dat.w); panel.getRender().getRotationAttr().set(tra); panel.getRender().restoreXform(); }
/** * Zeichnet eine Box zu Debug-Zwecken, indem sie zu TestBG hinzugefuegt wird * @param x Groesse in X-Richtung * @param y Groesse in Y-Richtung * @param z Groesse in Z-Richtung * @param transform Transformation, die auf die Box angewendet werden soll * @param angle Winkel, um den die Box gedreht werden soll */ public void showDebugBox(final double x, final double y, final double z, Transform3D transform, double angle) { final Box box = new Box((float) x, (float) y, (float) z, null); transform.setRotation(new AxisAngle4d(0, 0, 1, angle)); TransformGroup tg = new TransformGroup(); tg.setTransform(transform); tg.addChild(box); BranchGroup bg = new BranchGroup(); bg.setCapability(BranchGroup.ALLOW_DETACH); bg.addChild(tg); testBG.addChild(bg); }
private void trackballRolled( MouseEvent e ) { // get the new coordinates int newX = e .getX(); int newY = e .getY(); // the angle in degrees is just the pixel differences int angleX = newX - oldX; int angleY = newY - oldY; // set the old values oldX = newX; oldY = newY; double radians = ((double) angleY) * mSpeed; AxisAngle4d yAngle = new AxisAngle4d( new Vector3d( 1d, 0d, 0d ), radians ); radians = ((double) angleX) * mSpeed; AxisAngle4d xAngle = new AxisAngle4d( new Vector3d( 0d, 1d, 0d ), radians ); Matrix4d x = new Matrix4d(); x.set( xAngle ); Matrix4d y = new Matrix4d(); y.set( yAngle ); x .mul( y ); Quat4d q = new Quat4d(); x .get( q ); trackballRolled( q ); }
public void turn(Vector3d axis, int stroke, GFigure figure) { double angle = stroke * GCameraSpinner.SPIN_ANGLE; AxisAngle4d axisAngle = new AxisAngle4d(axis, angle); Matrix3d rotMatrix = new Matrix3d(); rotMatrix.set(axisAngle); rotMatrix.mulNormalize(attitude); attitude.set(rotMatrix); figure.cameraTurned(); }
public static Matrix3d defaultAttitude() { AxisAngle4d axisAngle1 = new AxisAngle4d(1, 1, 1, -Math.PI * 2 / 3); Matrix3d m1 = new Matrix3d(); m1.set(axisAngle1); AxisAngle4d axisAngle2 = new AxisAngle4d(0, 1, 0, Math.PI / 7); Matrix3d m2 = new Matrix3d(); m2.set(axisAngle2); AxisAngle4d axisAngle3 = new AxisAngle4d(1, 0, 0, Math.PI / 15); Matrix3d m3 = new Matrix3d(); m3.set(axisAngle3); m2.mul(m1); m3.mul(m2); return m3; }
/** * Rotates this coordinate about the input vector through the input angle * (radians - because we usually use this internally) * * @param vecAxis * The axis of rotation * @param ang * The angle of rotation (in radians) */ // public Vector3d rotate( Vector3d vecAxis, double ang ) // { // Vector3d vec1 = new Vector3d(vecAxis); // vec1.normalize(); // Vector3d vec2 = new Vector3d(); // vec2.cross(vec1, ecfVector); // Vector3d vec3 = new Vector3d(); // vec3.cross(vec2, vec1); // // double ang_sin = Math.sin(ang); // double ang_cos = Math.cos(ang) - 1.0; // // Vector3d result = new Vector3d(); // result.x = ecfVector.x + ang_cos*vec3.x + ang_sin*vec2.x; // result.y = ecfVector.y + ang_cos*vec3.y + ang_sin*vec2.y; // result.z = ecfVector.z + ang_cos*vec3.z + ang_sin*vec2.z; // // return result; // } public Vector3d rotate( final Vector3d rotAxis, final double angle ) { final Vector3d thisVec = new Vector3d( ecfVector); final Vector3d axis = new Vector3d( rotAxis); axis.normalize(); final Matrix3d trans = new Matrix3d(); trans.set(new AxisAngle4d( axis, angle)); trans.transform(thisVec); return thisVec; }
/** * Determines if two symmetry axis are equivalent inside the error * threshold. It only takes into account the direction of the vector where * the rotation is made: the angle and translation are not taken into * account. * * @param axis1 * @param axis2 * @param epsilon * error allowed in the axis comparison * @return true if equivalent, false otherwise */ @Deprecated public static boolean equivalentAxes(Matrix4d axis1, Matrix4d axis2, double epsilon) { AxisAngle4d rot1 = new AxisAngle4d(); rot1.set(axis1); AxisAngle4d rot2 = new AxisAngle4d(); rot2.set(axis2); // rot1.epsilonEquals(rot2, error); //that also compares angle // L-infinite distance without comparing the angle (epsilonEquals) List<Double> sameDir = new ArrayList<Double>(); sameDir.add(Math.abs(rot1.x - rot2.x)); sameDir.add(Math.abs(rot1.y - rot2.y)); sameDir.add(Math.abs(rot1.z - rot2.z)); List<Double> otherDir = new ArrayList<Double>(); otherDir.add(Math.abs(rot1.x + rot2.x)); otherDir.add(Math.abs(rot1.y + rot2.y)); otherDir.add(Math.abs(rot1.z + rot2.z)); Double error = Math.min(Collections.max(sameDir), Collections.max(otherDir)); return error < epsilon; }
/** * Add E operation to the highest order rotation axis. By definition * E belongs to the highest order axis. */ private void setEAxis() { Rotation e = rotations.get(0); Rotation h = rotations.get(principalAxisIndex); e.setAxisAngle(new AxisAngle4d(h.getAxisAngle())); e.getAxisAngle().angle = 0.0; e.setFold(h.getFold()); }
private Rotation createSymmetryOperation(List<Integer> permutation, Matrix4d transformation, AxisAngle4d axisAngle, int fold, QuatSymmetryScores scores) { Rotation s = new Rotation(); s.setPermutation(new ArrayList<Integer>(permutation)); s.setTransformation(new Matrix4d(transformation)); s.setAxisAngle(new AxisAngle4d(axisAngle)); s.setFold(fold); s.setScores(scores); return s; }
private void solve() { initialize(); Vector3d trans = new Vector3d(subunits.getCentroid()); trans.negate(); List<Point3d[]> traces = subunits.getTraces(); // Point3d[] x = SuperPosition.clonePoint3dArray(traces.get(0)); //; // Point3d[] y = SuperPosition.clonePoint3dArray(traces.get(1)); //; Point3d[] x = CalcPoint.clonePoint3dArray(traces.get(0)); CalcPoint.translate(trans, x); Point3d[] y = CalcPoint.clonePoint3dArray(traces.get(1)); CalcPoint.translate(trans, y); // TODO implement this piece of code using at origin superposition Quat4d quat = UnitQuaternions.relativeOrientation( x, y); AxisAngle4d axisAngle = new AxisAngle4d(); Matrix4d transformation = new Matrix4d(); transformation.set(quat); axisAngle.set(quat); Vector3d axis = new Vector3d(axisAngle.x, axisAngle.y, axisAngle.z); if (axis.lengthSquared() < 1.0E-6) { axisAngle.x = 0; axisAngle.y = 0; axisAngle.z = 1; axisAngle.angle = 0; } else { axis.normalize(); axisAngle.x = axis.x; axisAngle.y = axis.y; axisAngle.z = axis.z; } CalcPoint.transform(transformation, y); // if rmsd or angle deviation is above threshold, stop double angleThresholdRadians = Math.toRadians(parameters.getAngleThreshold()); double deltaAngle = Math.abs(Math.PI-axisAngle.angle); if (deltaAngle > angleThresholdRadians) { rotations.setC1(subunits.getSubunitCount()); return; } // add unit operation addEOperation(); // add C2 operation int fold = 2; combineWithTranslation(transformation); List<Integer> permutation = Arrays.asList(1,0); QuatSymmetryScores scores = QuatSuperpositionScorer.calcScores(subunits, transformation, permutation); scores.setRmsdCenters(0.0); // rmsd for superposition of two subunits centers is zero by definition if (scores.getRmsd() > parameters.getRmsdThreshold() || deltaAngle > angleThresholdRadians) { rotations.setC1(subunits.getSubunitCount()); return; } Rotation symmetryOperation = createSymmetryOperation(permutation, transformation, axisAngle, fold, scores); rotations.addRotation(symmetryOperation); }
private void addEOperation() { List<Integer> permutation = Arrays.asList(new Integer[]{0,1}); Matrix4d transformation = new Matrix4d(); transformation.setIdentity(); combineWithTranslation(transformation); AxisAngle4d axisAngle = new AxisAngle4d(); QuatSymmetryScores scores = new QuatSymmetryScores(); int fold = 1; // ?? Rotation rotation = createSymmetryOperation(permutation, transformation, axisAngle, fold, scores); rotations.addRotation(rotation); }
private static Rotation createSymmetryOperation(List<Integer> permutation, Matrix4d transformation, AxisAngle4d axisAngle, int fold, QuatSymmetryScores scores) { Rotation s = new Rotation(); s.setPermutation(new ArrayList<Integer>(permutation)); s.setTransformation(new Matrix4d(transformation)); s.setAxisAngle(new AxisAngle4d(axisAngle)); s.setFold(fold); s.setScores(scores); return s; }
/** * Given a rotation matrix calculates the rotation axis and angle for it. * The angle is calculated from the trace, the axis from the eigenvalue * decomposition. * If given matrix is improper rotation or identity matrix then * axis (0,0,0) and angle 0 are returned. * @param m * @return * @throws IllegalArgumentException if given matrix is not a rotation matrix (determinant not 1 or -1) */ public static AxisAngle4d getRotAxisAndAngle(Matrix3d m) { double determinant = m.determinant(); if (!(Math.abs(determinant)-1.0<DELTA)) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Given matrix is not a rotation matrix"); AxisAngle4d axisAndAngle = new AxisAngle4d(new Vector3d(0,0,0),0); double[] d = {m.m00,m.m10,m.m20, m.m01,m.m11,m.m21, m.m02,m.m12,m.m22}; Matrix r = new Matrix(d,3); if (!deltaComp(r.det(), 1.0, DELTA)) { // improper rotation: we return axis 0,0,0 and angle 0 return axisAndAngle; } EigenvalueDecomposition evd = new EigenvalueDecomposition(r); Matrix eval = evd.getD(); if (deltaComp(eval.get(0, 0),1.0,DELTA) && deltaComp(eval.get(1, 1),1.0,DELTA) && deltaComp(eval.get(2, 2),1.0,DELTA)) { // the rotation is an identity: we return axis 0,0,0 and angle 0 return axisAndAngle; } int indexOfEv1; for (indexOfEv1=0;indexOfEv1<3;indexOfEv1++) { if (deltaComp(eval.get(indexOfEv1, indexOfEv1),1,DELTA)) break; } Matrix evec = evd.getV(); axisAndAngle.set(new Vector3d(evec.get(0,indexOfEv1), evec.get(1, indexOfEv1), evec.get(2, indexOfEv1)), Math.acos((eval.trace()-1.0)/2.0)); return axisAndAngle; }
/** * Test {@link UnitQuaternions#relativeOrientation(Point3d[], Point3d[])} on * a real structure. Test recovering of the angle applied. * * @throws StructureException * @throws IOException */ @Test public void testRelativeOrientation() throws IOException, StructureException { // Get points from a structure. Structure pdb = StructureIO.getStructure("4hhb.A"); Point3d[] cloud = Calc.atomsToPoints(StructureTools .getRepresentativeAtomArray(pdb)); Point3d[] cloud2 = CalcPoint.clonePoint3dArray(cloud); // Test orientation angle equal to 0 at this point double angle = UnitQuaternions.orientationAngle(cloud, cloud2, false); assertEquals(angle, 0, 0.001); // Apply a 30 degree rotation to cloud AxisAngle4d axis = new AxisAngle4d(new Vector3d(1,1,1), Math.PI / 6); Matrix4d transform = new Matrix4d(); transform.set(axis); CalcPoint.transform(transform, cloud); angle = UnitQuaternions.orientationAngle(cloud, cloud2, false); angle = Math.min(Math.abs(2 * Math.PI - angle), angle); // Test that angle was recovered assertEquals(angle, Math.PI / 6, 0.001); }
/** * Notification that the object is still visible, but that the * viewer reference point has changed. Ignored for this implementation. * * @param position The new position of the user * @param orientation The orientation of the user there * @param localPosition The vworld transform object for the class * that implemented this listener */ public void viewPositionChanged(Point3d position, AxisAngle4d orientation, Transform3D localPosition) { // Needs to account for vfCenter localPosition.get(translation); translation.sub(position); double total_d = translation.lengthSquared(); // look through the range array and see if this matches. Only change // the visible object if they don't match. int active_now = rangeLen; for(int i = 0; i < rangeLen; i++) { if(total_d <= rangeSquared[i]) { active_now = i; break; } } if(active_now != activeObject) { viewableChild.clear(activeObject); viewableChild.set(active_now); implSwitch.setWhichChild(Switch.CHILD_MASK); implSwitch.setChildMask(viewableChild); activeObject = active_now; setLevelChanged(activeObject); } }
/** * Create a new default instance of the manager. It will only register a * handler for TimeSensors. Anything other than that will require the end * user code to register an appropriate manager. */ public DefaultSensorManager() { super(); inputHandler = new DefaultUserInputHandler(); inputHandler.setVRMLClock(timeSensors); keyEvents = new KeyEvent[DEFAULT_EVENT_SIZE]; vpMatrix = new Transform3D(); localMatrix = new Transform3D(); t3dPosition = new Vector3d(); position = new Point3d(); orientation = new Vector3d(); oriAxisAngle = new AxisAngle4d(); visibilityHandler = new VisibilityManager(); areaHandler = new AreaManager(); tmpTextures = new Texture2D[6]; tmpTextureFlags = new boolean[6]; tmpColor = new float[24]; tmpAngle = new float[7]; mat = new Matrix4d(); orthoWarning = false; }
/** * Transform the orientation of the object to one in the local coordinate * system. */ private void getLocalOrientation(double[] position, AxisAngle4f axis) { posVec.x = position[0]; posVec.y = position[1]; posVec.z = position[2]; double norm = posVec.x * posVec.x + posVec.y * posVec.y + posVec.z * posVec.z; if(norm != 0) { norm = 1 / Math.sqrt(norm); posVec.x *= norm; posVec.y *= norm; posVec.z *= norm; } else { posVec.x = 0.0f; posVec.y = 1.0f; posVec.z = 0.0f; } // Align Y and X axis double angle = YUP.angle(posVec); posVec.cross(YUP, posVec); axis.x = (float) posVec.x; axis.y = (float) posVec.y; axis.z = (float) posVec.z; axis.angle = (float) angle; angle = XUP.angle(posVec); posVec.cross(XUP, posVec); Quat4d orig = new Quat4d(); orig.set(axis); Quat4d rot = new Quat4d(); rot.set(new AxisAngle4d(posVec.x, posVec.y, posVec.z, angle)); orig.mul(rot); axis.set(orig); }
@Override public Pair<? extends IBakedModel, Matrix4f> handlePerspective(ItemCameraTransforms.TransformType cameraTransformType) { Pair<? extends IBakedModel, Matrix4f> perspective = parent.handlePerspective(cameraTransformType); double r = (EnderIO.proxy.getTickCount() % 360) + Minecraft.getMinecraft().getRenderPartialTicks(); TRSRTransformation transformOrig = new TRSRTransformation(perspective.getRight()); Quat4f leftRot = transformOrig.getLeftRot(); Quat4f yRotation = new Quat4f(); yRotation.set(new AxisAngle4d(0, 1, 0, Math.toRadians(r * speed))); leftRot.mul(yRotation); TRSRTransformation transformNew = new TRSRTransformation(transformOrig.getTranslation(), leftRot, transformOrig.getScale(), transformOrig.getRightRot()); return Pair.of(perspective.getLeft(), transformNew.getMatrix()); }
private AxisAngle4d getAxisAngle(double x, double y, double z, double angle) { AxisAngle4d axisAngle = this.axisAnglePool.getInstance(); axisAngle.set(x, y, z, angle); return axisAngle; }
private void freeAxisAngle(AxisAngle4d axisAngle) { this.axisAnglePool.freeInstance(axisAngle); }
/** * Sets the value of this transform to the matrix conversion * of the double precision axis-angle argument; all of the matrix * values are modified. * @param a1 the axis-angle to be converted (x, y, z, angle) */ private static void set( AxisAngle4d a1, double[] mat ) { double mag = Math.sqrt( a1.x*a1.x + a1.y*a1.y + a1.z*a1.z); if (almostZero(mag)) { setIdentity( mat ); } else { mag = 1.0/mag; double ax = a1.x*mag; double ay = a1.y*mag; double az = a1.z*mag; double sinTheta = Math.sin(a1.angle); double cosTheta = Math.cos(a1.angle); double t = 1.0 - cosTheta; double xz = ax * az; double xy = ax * ay; double yz = ay * az; mat[0] = t * ax * ax + cosTheta; mat[1] = t * xy - sinTheta * az; mat[2] = t * xz + sinTheta * ay; mat[3] = 0.0; mat[4] = t * xy + sinTheta * az; mat[5] = t * ay * ay + cosTheta; mat[6] = t * yz - sinTheta * ax; mat[7] = 0.0; mat[8] = t * xz - sinTheta * ay; mat[9] = t * yz + sinTheta * ax; mat[10] = t * az * az + cosTheta; mat[11] = 0.0; mat[12] = 0.0; mat[13] = 0.0; mat[14] = 0.0; mat[15] = 1.0; } }
/** * Locate a coordinate at a specific distance (km), elevation angle * (radians), and heading (radians) from this one. */ public EarthVector findPoint( final double distanceKM, final double azimuth, final double elevAngle ) { // convert distance to radians // final double distR = distanceKM / KMPerDegree() / DPR; final double lon = getLongitude(); final double lat = getLatitude(); // convert local enu to ecf to get east and north vectors // east vector final Vector3d eastVec = new Vector3d( 1, 0, 0); final Vector3d northVec = new Vector3d( 0, 1, 0); final double sinLon = Math.sin(lon); final double cosLon = Math.cos(lon); final double sinLat = Math.sin(lat); final double cosLat = Math.cos(lat); final Matrix3d enuToEcf = new Matrix3d(); enuToEcf.m00 = -sinLon; enuToEcf.m01 = -(sinLat * cosLon); enuToEcf.m02 = cosLat * cosLon; enuToEcf.m10 = cosLon; enuToEcf.m11 = -(sinLat * sinLon); enuToEcf.m12 = cosLat * sinLon; enuToEcf.m20 = 0; enuToEcf.m21 = cosLat; enuToEcf.m22 = sinLat; enuToEcf.transform(eastVec); enuToEcf.transform(northVec); eastVec.normalize(); northVec.normalize(); northVec.scale(distanceKM); final Matrix3d elevTrans = new Matrix3d(); elevTrans.set(new AxisAngle4d( eastVec, elevAngle)); elevTrans.transform(northVec); final Matrix3d azTrans = new Matrix3d(); final Vector3d unitEcf = new Vector3d( ecfVector); unitEcf.normalize(); azTrans.set(new AxisAngle4d( unitEcf, azimuth)); azTrans.transform(northVec); final Vector3d transformedEcf = new Vector3d(); transformedEcf.add( ecfVector, northVec); final EarthVector transformedEv = new EarthVector( transformedEcf); return transformedEv; }
public static void getAxisAngle(int index, AxisAngle4d axisAngle) { quat.set(orientations[index]); axisAngle.set(quat); }
private boolean evaluatePermutation(List<Integer> permutation) { // permutate subunits for (int j = 0, n = subunits.getSubunitCount(); j < n; j++) { transformedCoords[j].set(originalCoords[permutation.get(j)]); } int fold = PermutationGroup.getOrder(permutation); // TODO implement this piece of code using at origin superposition Quat4d quat = UnitQuaternions.relativeOrientation( originalCoords, transformedCoords); AxisAngle4d axisAngle = new AxisAngle4d(); Matrix4d transformation = new Matrix4d(); transformation.set(quat); axisAngle.set(quat); Vector3d axis = new Vector3d(axisAngle.x, axisAngle.y, axisAngle.z); if (axis.lengthSquared() < 1.0E-6) { axisAngle.x = 0; axisAngle.y = 0; axisAngle.z = 1; axisAngle.angle = 0; } else { axis.normalize(); axisAngle.x = axis.x; axisAngle.y = axis.y; axisAngle.z = axis.z; } CalcPoint.transform(transformation, transformedCoords); double subunitRmsd = CalcPoint.rmsd(transformedCoords, originalCoords); if (subunitRmsd <parameters.getRmsdThreshold()) { // transform to original coordinate system combineWithTranslation(transformation); QuatSymmetryScores scores = QuatSuperpositionScorer.calcScores(subunits, transformation, permutation); if (scores.getRmsd() < 0.0 || scores.getRmsd() > parameters.getRmsdThreshold()) { return false; } scores.setRmsdCenters(subunitRmsd); Rotation symmetryOperation = createSymmetryOperation(permutation, transformation, axisAngle, fold, scores); rotations.addRotation(symmetryOperation); return true; } return false; }
/** * @return the axisAngle */ public AxisAngle4d getAxisAngle() { return axisAngle; }
/** * @param axisAngle the axisAngle to set */ public void setAxisAngle(AxisAngle4d axisAngle) { this.axisAngle = axisAngle; }