public void addDefaultSchedules() { for (int i = 0; i < defaultSchedules.getSize(); i++) { String name = defaultSchedules.getName()[i]; String start = defaultSchedules.getStart()[i]; String end = defaultSchedules.getEnd()[i]; String frequency = defaultSchedules.getFrequency()[i]; String cron = defaultSchedules.getCron()[i]; Boolean runOnce = Boolean.valueOf(defaultSchedules.getRunOnce()[i]); Schedule schedule = new Schedule(name, start, end, frequency, cron, runOnce); try { scheduleClient.add(schedule); } catch (ClientErrorException e) { // Ignore if the schedule is already present // schedule.setId(scheduleClient.scheduleForName(name).getId()); // scheduleClient.update(schedule); } } }
@Override public void onUnsubscribeFromProduct(VOTriggerProcess triggerProcess, String subId) { try { TriggerProcess process = ds.getReference(TriggerProcess.class, triggerProcess.getKey()); Query q = ds.createNamedQuery("Subscription.findByBusinessKey"); q.setParameter("subscriptionId", subId); q.setParameter("organizationKey", new Long(process .getTriggerDefinition().getOrganization().getKey())); Subscription sub = (Subscription) q.getSingleResult(); Product prod = sub.getProduct(); handleRequest(process, sub, prod); } catch (ObjectNotFoundException | ClientErrorException e) { throw new SaaSSystemException( "Failed to send notification to rest endpoint"); } }
public String QuerryBillStatus(String merchant_trans_id, String good_code, String trans_id, String merchant_code, String secure_hash) throws ClientErrorException { WebTarget resource = webTarget; if (merchant_code != null) { resource = resource.queryParam("merchant_code", merchant_code); } if (good_code != null) { resource = resource.queryParam("good_code", good_code); } if (merchant_trans_id != null) { resource = resource.queryParam("merchant_trans_id", merchant_trans_id); } if (secure_hash != null) { resource = resource.queryParam("secure_hash", secure_hash); } if (trans_id != null) { resource = resource.queryParam("trans_id", trans_id); } resource = resource.path("QuerryBillStatus"); return resource.request(; }
public String QuerryBillStatus(String merchant_trans_id, String good_code, String trans_id, String merchant_code, String secure_hash) throws ClientErrorException { WebTarget resource = webTarget; if (merchant_code != null) { resource = resource.queryParam("merchant_code", merchant_code); } if (good_code != null) { resource = resource.queryParam("good_code", good_code); } if (merchant_trans_id != null) { resource = resource.queryParam("merchant_trans_id", merchant_trans_id); } if (secure_hash != null) { resource = resource.queryParam("secure_hash", secure_hash); } if (trans_id != null) { resource = resource.queryParam("trans_id", trans_id); } resource = resource.path("QuerryBillStatus"); return resource.request(; }
@Override public Response toResponse(Throwable throwable) { // IF this is a client error simply pas through the original response if (throwable instanceof ClientErrorException) { return ((ClientErrorException) throwable).getResponse(); } else if (BiliomiContainer.getParameters().isDebugMode()) { ServerErrorResponse response = new ServerErrorResponse(); response.setErrorMessage(throwable.getMessage()); if (throwable.getCause() != null) { response.setCausedBy(throwable.getCause().getMessage()); } return Responses.serverError(response); } else { return Responses.serverError(); } }
private void changeVersionStatus(String text){ Storage storage = Storage.getInstance(); String pages = getPagesString(); String[] pageList = pages.split(","); if (!pages.equals("") && pageList.length >= 1){ for (String page : pageList){ int pageNr = Integer.valueOf(page); int colId = storage.getCurrentDocumentCollectionId(); int docId = storage.getDocId(); int transcriptId = storage.getPage().getCurrentTranscript().getTsId(); try { storage.getConnection().updatePageStatus(colId, docId, pageNr, transcriptId, EditStatus.fromString(text), "test"); } catch (SessionExpiredException | ServerErrorException | ClientErrorException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } } }
public static void revokeOAuthToken(final String refreshToken, final OAuthProvider prov) throws IOException{ final String uriStr; switch (prov) { case Google: uriStr = ""; break; default: throw new IOException("Unknown OAuth Provider: " + prov); } CloseableHttpClient client = HttpClients.custom().setSSLHostnameVerifier(new NoopHostnameVerifier()).build(); HttpGet get = new HttpGet(uriStr + refreshToken); HttpResponse response = client.execute(get); final int status = response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode(); if (status != 200) { String reason = response.getStatusLine().getReasonPhrase(); logger.error(reason); throw new ClientErrorException(reason, status); } }
@Test public void testCreateException() { assertExceptionType(Response.Status.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, InternalServerErrorException.class); assertExceptionType(Response.Status.NOT_FOUND, NotFoundException.class); assertExceptionType(Response.Status.FORBIDDEN, ForbiddenException.class); assertExceptionType(Response.Status.BAD_REQUEST, BadRequestException.class); assertExceptionType(Response.Status.METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED, NotAllowedException.class); assertExceptionType(Response.Status.UNAUTHORIZED, NotAuthorizedException.class); assertExceptionType(Response.Status.NOT_ACCEPTABLE, NotAcceptableException.class); assertExceptionType(Response.Status.UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE, NotSupportedException.class); assertExceptionType(Response.Status.SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE, ServiceUnavailableException.class); assertExceptionType(Response.Status.TEMPORARY_REDIRECT, RedirectionException.class); assertExceptionType(Response.Status.LENGTH_REQUIRED, ClientErrorException.class); assertExceptionType(Response.Status.BAD_GATEWAY, ServerErrorException.class); assertExceptionType(Response.Status.NO_CONTENT, WebApplicationException.class); }
/** * When client error exception has been thrown */ @Test public void testCreateNotificationChannelScenario4() { resetAll(); // test data final CreateNotificationChannelRequest request = getHelper().getCreateNotificationChannelRequest(); final CronofyResponse<CreateNotificationChannelResponse> expectedResponse = new CronofyResponse<>( ErrorTypeModel.UNPROCESSABLE ); // expectations expect( ClientErrorException(Response.Status.CONFLICT)); replayAll(); final CronofyResponse<CreateNotificationChannelResponse> result = cronofyClient.createNotificationChannel(request); getHelper().assertResultResponse(expectedResponse, result); verifyAll(); }
/** * When client error exception has been thrown */ @Test public void testListCalendarsScenario5() { resetAll(); // test data final ListCalendarsRequest request = getHelper().getListCalendarsRequest(); final CronofyResponse<ListCalendarsResponse> expectedResponse = new CronofyResponse<>( ErrorTypeModel.UNPROCESSABLE ); // expectations expect( ClientErrorException(Response.Status.CONFLICT)); replayAll(); final CronofyResponse<ListCalendarsResponse> result = cronofyClient.listCalendars(request); getHelper().assertResultResponse(expectedResponse, result); verifyAll(); }
public List<String> analyzeLayoutOnCurrentTranscript(List<String> regIds, boolean doBlockSeg, boolean doLineSeg, boolean doWordSeg, boolean doPolygonToBaseline, boolean doBaselineToPolygon, String jobImpl, String pars) throws SessionExpiredException, ServerErrorException, ClientErrorException, IllegalArgumentException, NoConnectionException, IOException { checkConnection(true); if (!isRemoteDoc()) { throw new IOException("No remote doc loaded!"); } int colId = getCurrentDocumentCollectionId(); DocumentSelectionDescriptor dd = new DocumentSelectionDescriptor(getDocId()); PageDescriptor pd = dd.addPage(getPage().getPageId()); if (regIds != null && !regIds.isEmpty()) { pd.getRegionIds().addAll(regIds); } pd.setTsId(getTranscriptMetadata().getTsId()); List<DocumentSelectionDescriptor> dsds = new ArrayList<>(); dsds.add(dd); List<String> jobids = new ArrayList<>(); List<TrpJobStatus> jobs = conn.analyzeLayout(colId, dsds, doBlockSeg, doLineSeg, doWordSeg, doPolygonToBaseline, doBaselineToPolygon, jobImpl, pars); for (TrpJobStatus j : jobs) { jobids.add(j.getJobId()); } return jobids; }
/** * When client error exception has been thrown */ @Test public void testFreeBusyScenario5() { resetAll(); // test data final FreeBusyRequest request = getHelper().getFreeBusyRequest(); final CronofyResponse<FreeBusyResponse> expectedResponse = new CronofyResponse<>( ErrorTypeModel.UNPROCESSABLE ); // expectations expect( ClientErrorException(Response.Status.CONFLICT)); replayAll(); final CronofyResponse<FreeBusyResponse> result = cronofyClient.freeBusy(request); getHelper().assertResultResponse(expectedResponse, result); verifyAll(); }
@Override public Response toResponse(final ClientErrorException exception) { final Response response = exception.getResponse(); final RestError error = new RestError(exception.getMessage(), "Given request is not acceptable", null, response.getStatus()); return Response.fromResponse(response).type(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_TYPE).entity(error).build(); }
@Override public void onSubscribeToProduct(VOTriggerProcess triggerProcess, VOSubscription subscription, VOService product, List<VOUsageLicense> users) { try { TriggerProcess process = ds.getReference(TriggerProcess.class, triggerProcess.getKey()); Subscription sub = new Subscription(); sub.setKey(0); sub.setSubscriptionId(subscription.getSubscriptionId()); ParameterSet set = new ParameterSet(); List<Parameter> params = new ArrayList<Parameter>(); for (VOParameter vop : product.getParameters()) { Parameter p = new Parameter(); ParameterDefinition pd = new ParameterDefinition(); pd.setParameterId(vop.getParameterDefinition().getParameterId()); p.setParameterDefinition(pd); p.setValue(vop.getValue()); params.add(p); } set.setParameters(params); Product prod = new Product(); prod.setProductId(product.getServiceId()); prod.setParameterSet(set); handleRequest(process, sub, prod); } catch (ObjectNotFoundException | ClientErrorException e) { throw new SaaSSystemException( "Failed to send notification to rest endpoint"); } }
@Override public void onModifySubscription(VOTriggerProcess triggerProcess, VOSubscription subscription, List<VOParameter> modifiedParameters) { try { TriggerProcess process = ds.getReference(TriggerProcess.class, triggerProcess.getKey()); Subscription sub = ds.getReference(Subscription.class, subscription.getKey()); Product prod = new Product(); prod.setProductId(sub.getProduct().getProductId()); ParameterSet set = new ParameterSet(); List<Parameter> params = new ArrayList<Parameter>(); for (VOParameter vop : modifiedParameters) { Parameter p = new Parameter(); ParameterDefinition pd = new ParameterDefinition(); pd.setParameterId(vop.getParameterDefinition().getParameterId()); p.setParameterDefinition(pd); p.setValue(vop.getValue()); params.add(p); } set.setParameters(params); prod.setParameterSet(set); handleRequest(process, sub, prod); } catch (ObjectNotFoundException | ClientErrorException e) { throw new SaaSSystemException( "Failed to send notification to rest endpoint"); } }
/** * Log the exception if it is not NotFoundException and only use warn if it is a * client error. * * @param exception */ private void log(final Throwable exception) { if (exception instanceof ClientErrorException) { if (!(exception instanceof NotFoundException)) { LOG.warn("uri={} message={}", uriInfo.getRequestUri(), exception.getMessage(), exception); } } else { LOG.error("uri={} message={}", uriInfo.getRequestUri(), exception.getMessage(), exception); } }
@Override public APIError convert(ClientErrorException exception) { Response response = exception.getResponse(); int status = response.getStatus(); return new APIErrorImpl( exception, "General server error", "client-error", status); }
@DELETE @Path("{id}") @Transactional @Consumes(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) @Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) public Response delete(@PathParam("id") UUID id, Course course) { if(!id.equals(course.getId())) throw new ClientErrorException("Course ID error", 400); return Response.status(200).entity(courseProvider.get().delete(course)).build(); }
protected void setup_layout_recognition(String pages) throws SessionExpiredException, ServerErrorException, ClientErrorException, IllegalArgumentException, NoConnectionException { LayoutAnalysisDialog laD = new LayoutAnalysisDialog(shell); laD.create(); //all selected pages are shown as default and are taken for segmentation laD.setPageSelectionToSelectedPages(pages); int ret =; if (ret == IDialogConstants.OK_ID) { try { List<String> jobIds = Storage.getInstance().analyzeLayoutOnLatestTranscriptOfPages(laD.getPages(), laD.isDoBlockSeg(), laD.isDoLineSeg(), laD.isDoWordSeg(), false, false, laD.getJobImpl(), null); if (jobIds != null && mw != null) { logger.debug("started jobs: "+jobIds.size()); String jobIdsStr = mw.registerJobsToUpdate(jobIds); Storage.getInstance().sendJobListUpdateEvent(); mw.updatePageLock(); DialogUtil.showInfoMessageBox(getShell(), jobIds.size()+ " jobs started", jobIds.size()+ " jobs started\nIDs:\n "+jobIdsStr); } } catch (Exception e) { mw.onError("Error", e.getMessage(), e); } } }
private void updateHtrs() { List<TrpHtr> uroHtrs = new ArrayList<>(0); try { uroHtrs = store.listHtrs("CITlab"); } catch (SessionExpiredException | ServerErrorException | ClientErrorException | NoConnectionException e1) { DialogUtil.showErrorMessageBox(getShell(), "Error", "Could not load HTR model list!"); logger.error(e1.getMessage(), e1); return; } htw.refreshList(uroHtrs); }
/** * Create contents of the dialog. * @param parent */ @Override protected Control createDialogArea(Composite parent) { Composite container = (Composite) super.createDialogArea(parent); container.setLayout(new GridLayout(1, true)); pageLocksGroup = new Group(container, 0); pageLocksGroup.setLayout(new FillLayout()); pageLocksGroup.setText("Opened pages per collection"); pageLocksGroup.setLayoutData(new GridData(GridData.FILL_BOTH)); pageLockTable = new PageLockTablePagination(pageLocksGroup, 0, 25); // pageLockTable.setLayoutData(new GridData(GridData.FILL_BOTH)); /* * shows the users with a open session in TranskribusX (WebUI, rest service users are not included) */ Label users = new Label(container, 0); try { int users_nr = Storage.getInstance().getConnection().countUsersLoggedIn(); String user = ( (users_nr > 0 && users_nr == 1)? "user" : "users"); users.setText( users_nr + " " + user + " currently working with TranskribusX."); } catch (SessionExpiredException | ServerErrorException | ClientErrorException | IllegalArgumentException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } return container; }
private void updateHtrs() { List<TrpHtr> uroHtrs = new ArrayList<>(0); try { uroHtrs = store.listHtrs("CITlab"); } catch (SessionExpiredException | ServerErrorException | ClientErrorException | NoConnectionException e1) { DialogUtil.showErrorMessageBox(this.getParentShell(), "Error", "Could not load HTR model list!"); logger.error(e1.getMessage(), e1); return; } htw.refreshList(uroHtrs); }
public static void main(String[] args) throws ClientErrorException, Exception { Storage s = Storage.getInstance(); s.login(TrpServerConn.SERVER_URIS[0], args[0], args[1]); ApplicationWindow aw = new ApplicationWindow(null) { @Override protected Control createContents(Composite parent) { // getShell().setLayout(new FillLayout()); getShell().setSize(600, 600); PageLockTablePagination w = new PageLockTablePagination(getShell(), 0, 25); // Button btn = new Button(parent, SWT.PUSH); // btn.setText("Open upload dialog"); // btn.addSelectionListener(new SelectionAdapter() { // @Override public void widgetSelected(SelectionEvent e) { // (new UploadDialogUltimate(getShell(), null)).open(); // } // }); SWTUtil.centerShell(getShell()); return parent; } }; aw.setBlockOnOpen(true);; Display.getCurrent().dispose(); }
/** * TODO allow to filter jobs by collection in REST API * * @return * @throws SessionExpiredException * @throws ServerErrorException * @throws ClientErrorException * @throws IllegalArgumentException */ private List<TrpJobStatus> getKwsJobs() throws SessionExpiredException, ServerErrorException, ClientErrorException, IllegalArgumentException { //final int colId = getCurrentCollection().getColId(); Integer docId = store.getDocId(); // Integer docId = null; // if(SCOPE_DOC.equals(getSelectedScope())) { // docId = store.getDocId(); // } List<TrpJobStatus> jobs = new ArrayList<>(0); if (store != null && store.isLoggedIn()) { jobs = store.getConnection().getJobs(true, null, "CITlab Keyword Spotting", docId, 0, 0, null, null); } return jobs; }
/** * Check that users accessing the resource are well authenticated. * A {@link ClientErrorException} will be raised if a user is not authenticated. * This error is usually interpreted by Jersey, * so an appropriate {@link Response} will be sent to the user. * * @return The authenticated user object */ public U requireAuthentication(ContainerRequestContext requestContext) { Credentials credentials = parseBasicHeader( requestContext.getHeaderString(HttpHeaders.AUTHORIZATION) ); if(credentials == null) { throw new ClientErrorException( Response .status(Status.UNAUTHORIZED) .header( HttpHeaders.WWW_AUTHENTICATE, // currently Firefox does not support UTF-8 encoding for Basic Auth // see "Basic realm=\""+realm+"\", charset=\"UTF-8\"" ) .build() ); } U authenticatedUser = authenticator.apply(credentials); if(authenticatedUser == null) { throw new ForbiddenException(); } return authenticatedUser; }
@Override public void doubleClick(DoubleClickEvent event) { TrpMainWidget mw = TrpMainWidget.getInstance(); TrpJobStatus jobStatus = jw.getFirstSelected(); logger.debug("double click on transcript: "+jobStatus); if (jobStatus!=null) { logger.debug("Loading doc: " + jobStatus.getDocId()); int col = 0; TrpDocMetadata el = null; try { List<TrpDocMetadata> docList = storage.getConnection().findDocuments(0, jobStatus.getDocId(), "", "", "", "", true, false, 0, 0, null, null); if (docList != null && docList.size() > 0){ col = docList.get(0).getColList().get(0).getColId(); el = docList.get(0); } } catch (SessionExpiredException | ServerErrorException | ClientErrorException | IllegalArgumentException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } String pages = jobStatus.getPages(); int pageNr = ( (pages == null || pages.equals("") || pages.contains("-") ) ? 0 : Integer.parseInt(pages)); mw.loadRemoteDoc(jobStatus.getDocId(), col, pageNr-1); } }
private void movePage(int fromPageNr, int toPageNr) { try { Storage.getInstance().movePage(tw.getDoc().getCollection().getColId(), tw.getDoc().getId(), fromPageNr, toPageNr); } catch (SessionExpiredException | ServerErrorException | ClientErrorException | NoConnectionException e) { logger.error(e.toString()); } }
private PulsarAdminException getLookupApiException(Exception e) { if (e instanceof ClientErrorException) { return new PulsarAdminException((ClientErrorException) e, e.getMessage()); } else { return getApiException(e); } }
public PulsarAdminException getApiException(Throwable e) { if (e instanceof ServiceUnavailableException) { if (e.getCause() instanceof { return new ConnectException(e.getCause()); } else { return new HttpErrorException(e); } } else if (e instanceof WebApplicationException) { // Handle 5xx exceptions if (e instanceof ServerErrorException) { ServerErrorException see = (ServerErrorException) e; return new ServerSideErrorException(see); } // Handle 4xx exceptions ClientErrorException cee = (ClientErrorException) e; int statusCode = cee.getResponse().getStatus(); switch (statusCode) { case 401: case 403: return new NotAuthorizedException(cee); case 404: return new NotFoundException(cee); case 405: return new NotAllowedException(cee); case 409: return new ConflictException(cee); case 412: return new PreconditionFailedException(cee); default: return new PulsarAdminException(cee); } } else { return new PulsarAdminException(e); } }
public SimpleDocSearchComposite(Composite parent, int style, int collectiondId, CollectionManagerDialog colDialog) { super(parent, style); try{ colId = collectiondId; this.colDialog = colDialog; userDocs = store.getConnection().getAllDocsByUser(0, -1, null, null); createContents(); //updateCollections(); } catch (ServerErrorException | IllegalArgumentException | SessionExpiredException | ClientErrorException e) { TrpMainWidget.getInstance().onError("Error loading documents", e.getMessage(), e); } }
private void deletePage(TrpPage page) { try { Storage.getInstance().deletePage(colId, page.getDocId(), page.getPageNr()); } catch (SessionExpiredException | ServerErrorException | ClientErrorException | NoConnectionException e) { logger.error(e.toString()); } }
public void login(String serverUri, String username, String password) throws ClientErrorException, LoginException { logger.debug("Logging in as user: " + username); if (conn != null) conn.close(); conn = new TrpServerConn(serverUri); user = conn.login(username, password); logger.debug("Logged in as user: " + user + " connection: " + conn); sendEvent(new LoginOrLogoutEvent(this, true, user, conn.getServerUri())); }
@POST @Path("/import") @Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) public List<ChangeEvent> importIntegration(@Context SecurityContext sec, InputStream is) { try (ZipInputStream zis = new ZipInputStream(is)) { HashSet<String> extensionIds = new HashSet<>(); ArrayList<ChangeEvent> changeEvents = new ArrayList<>(); while (true) { ZipEntry entry = zis.getNextEntry(); if( entry == null ) { break; } if (EXPORT_MODEL_FILE_NAME.equals(entry.getName())) { ModelExport models = Json.mapper().readValue(new DontClose(zis), ModelExport.class); changeEvents.addAll(importModels(sec, models)); for (ChangeEvent changeEvent : changeEvents) { if( changeEvent.getKind().get().equals("extension") ) { extensionIds.add(changeEvent.getId().get()); } } } // import missing extensions that were in the model. if( entry.getName().startsWith("extensions/") ) { for (String extensionId : extensionIds) { if( entry.getName().equals("extensions/" + Names.sanitize(extensionId) + ".jar") ) { String path = "/extensions/" + extensionId; InputStream existing = extensionDataManager.getExtensionDataAccess().read(path); if( existing == null ) { extensionDataManager.getExtensionDataAccess().write(path, zis); } else { existing.close(); } } } } zis.closeEntry(); } if (changeEvents.isEmpty()) {"Could not import integration: No integration data model found."); throw new ClientErrorException("Does not look like an integration export.", Response.Status.BAD_REQUEST); } return changeEvents; } catch (IOException e) { if (LOG.isInfoEnabled()) {"Could not import integration: " + e, e); } throw new ClientErrorException("Could not import integration: " + e, Response.Status.BAD_REQUEST, e); } }
public String sendOrder(String return_url, String version, String current_locale, String currency_code, String command, String merchant_trans_id, String country_code, String good_code, String xml_description, String net_cost, String ship_fee, String tax, String merchant_code, String service_code, String secure_hash, String desc_1, String desc_2, String desc_3, String desc_4, String desc_5, String internal_bank) throws ClientErrorException { WebTarget resource = webTarget; if (return_url != null) { resource = resource.queryParam("return_url", return_url); } if (version != null) { resource = resource.queryParam("version", version); } if (current_locale != null) { resource = resource.queryParam("current_locale", current_locale); } if (currency_code != null) { resource = resource.queryParam("currency_code", currency_code); } if (command != null) { resource = resource.queryParam("command", command); } if (country_code != null) { resource = resource.queryParam("country_code", country_code); } if (xml_description != null) { resource = resource.queryParam("xml_description", xml_description); } if (net_cost != null) { resource = resource.queryParam("net_cost", net_cost); } if (ship_fee != null) { resource = resource.queryParam("ship_fee", ship_fee); } if (tax != null) { resource = resource.queryParam("tax", tax); } if (service_code != null) { resource = resource.queryParam("service_code", service_code); } if (desc_1 != null) { resource = resource.queryParam("desc_1", desc_1); } if (desc_2 != null) { resource = resource.queryParam("desc_2", desc_2); } if (desc_3 != null) { resource = resource.queryParam("desc_3", desc_3); } if (desc_4 != null) { resource = resource.queryParam("desc_4", desc_4); } if (desc_5 != null) { resource = resource.queryParam("desc_5", desc_5); } if (internal_bank != null) { resource = resource.queryParam("internal_bank", internal_bank); } if (merchant_code != null) { resource = resource.queryParam("merchant_code", merchant_code); } if (good_code != null) { resource = resource.queryParam("good_code", good_code); } if (merchant_trans_id != null) { resource = resource.queryParam("merchant_trans_id", merchant_trans_id); } if (secure_hash != null) { resource = resource.queryParam("secure_hash", secure_hash); } resource = resource.path("sendOrder"); return resource.request(; }