/** * Determines the reference to a web service provided by a technical * service. * * @param <T> * The type of service obtained. * @param localWsdlUrl * The URL to a local service-related WSDL. The WSDL should be * provided as file in a bundled .jar file. * @param serviceClass * The service class implemented by the WSDL. * @return The web service reference. * @throws ParserConfigurationException * @throws WebServiceException * Has to be caught by a caller, although it's a runtime * exception */ public <T> T getPort(URL localWsdlUrl, Class<T> serviceClass) throws ParserConfigurationException, WebServiceException { Service service = getService(localWsdlUrl, serviceClass); //EndpointReference epr = determineEndpointReference(); T port = service.getPort(serviceClass); BindingProvider bindingProvider = (BindingProvider) port; Map<String, Object> clientRequestContext = bindingProvider .getRequestContext(); clientRequestContext.put(BindingProvider.ENDPOINT_ADDRESS_PROPERTY, details.getEndpointURL()); if (requiresUserAuthentication(userName, password)) { // BindingProvider bindingProvider = (BindingProvider) port; // Map<String, Object> clientRequestContext = bindingProvider // .getRequestContext(); clientRequestContext.put(BindingProvider.USERNAME_PROPERTY, userName); clientRequestContext.put(BindingProvider.PASSWORD_PROPERTY, password); } return port; }
Properties loadPropertiesFile(String fileName) { ClassLoader classLoader = classLoader(); Properties p = new Properties(); try { InputStream is = null; if (classLoader == null) { is = ClassLoader.getSystemResourceAsStream(fileName); } else { is = classLoader.getResourceAsStream(fileName); } if (is != null) { p.load(is); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new WebServiceException(e); } return p; }
@Override public <T> T getPort(Class<T> portInterface, WebServiceFeature... features) { //get the portType from SEI QName portTypeName = RuntimeModeler.getPortTypeName(portInterface, getMetadadaReader(new WebServiceFeatureList(features), portInterface.getClassLoader())); WSDLService tmpWsdlService = this.wsdlService; if (tmpWsdlService == null) { // assigning it to local variable and not setting it back to this.wsdlService intentionally // as we don't want to include the service instance with information gathered from sei tmpWsdlService = getWSDLModelfromSEI(portInterface); //still null? throw error need wsdl metadata to create a proxy if(tmpWsdlService == null) { throw new WebServiceException(ProviderApiMessages.NO_WSDL_NO_PORT(portInterface.getName())); } } //get the first port corresponding to the SEI WSDLPort port = tmpWsdlService.getMatchingPort(portTypeName); if (port == null) { throw new WebServiceException(ClientMessages.UNDEFINED_PORT_TYPE(portTypeName)); } QName portName = port.getName(); return getPort(portName, portInterface,features); }
public TubelineFeature parse(XMLEventReader reader) throws WebServiceException { try { final StartElement element = reader.nextEvent().asStartElement(); boolean attributeEnabled = true; final Iterator iterator = element.getAttributes(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { final Attribute nextAttribute = (Attribute) iterator.next(); final QName attributeName = nextAttribute.getName(); if (ENABLED_ATTRIBUTE_NAME.equals(attributeName)) { attributeEnabled = ParserUtil.parseBooleanValue(nextAttribute.getValue()); } else if (NAME_ATTRIBUTE_NAME.equals(attributeName)) { // TODO use name attribute } else { // TODO logging message throw LOGGER.logSevereException(new WebServiceException("Unexpected attribute")); } } return parseFactories(attributeEnabled, element, reader); } catch (XMLStreamException e) { throw LOGGER.logSevereException(new WebServiceException("Failed to unmarshal XML document", e)); } }
/** * Verifies whether the given primaryWsdl contains the given serviceName. * If the WSDL doesn't have the service, it throws an WebServiceException. */ private static void verifyPrimaryWSDL(@NotNull SDDocumentSource primaryWsdl, @NotNull QName serviceName) { SDDocumentImpl primaryDoc = SDDocumentImpl.create(primaryWsdl,serviceName,null); if (!(primaryDoc instanceof SDDocument.WSDL)) { throw new WebServiceException(primaryWsdl.getSystemId()+ " is not a WSDL. But it is passed as a primary WSDL"); } SDDocument.WSDL wsdlDoc = (SDDocument.WSDL)primaryDoc; if (!wsdlDoc.hasService()) { if(wsdlDoc.getAllServices().isEmpty()) throw new WebServiceException("Not a primary WSDL="+primaryWsdl.getSystemId()+ " since it doesn't have Service "+serviceName); else throw new WebServiceException("WSDL "+primaryDoc.getSystemId() +" has the following services "+wsdlDoc.getAllServices() +" but not "+serviceName+". Maybe you forgot to specify a serviceName and/or targetNamespace in @WebService/@WebServiceProvider?"); } }
/** * Checks if the PolicyMap has only single alternative in the scope. * * @param policyMap * PolicyMap that needs to be validated. */ private void validateServerPolicyMap(PolicyMap policyMap) { try { final ValidationProcessor validationProcessor = ValidationProcessor.getInstance(); for (Policy policy : policyMap) { // TODO: here is a good place to check if the actual policy has only one alternative... for (AssertionSet assertionSet : policy) { for (PolicyAssertion assertion : assertionSet) { Fitness validationResult = validationProcessor.validateServerSide(assertion); if (validationResult != Fitness.SUPPORTED) { throw new PolicyException(PolicyMessages.WSP_1015_SERVER_SIDE_ASSERTION_VALIDATION_FAILED( assertion.getName(), validationResult)); } } } } } catch (PolicyException e) { throw new WebServiceException(e); } }
/** * Handelt het verzoek af. * @param request het verzoek * @return het response. */ @Bedrijfsregel(Regel.R1978) @Bedrijfsregel(Regel.R1979) @Override public final DOMSource invoke(final DOMSource request) { Thread.currentThread().setName("Synchronisatie Service"); LOGGER.debug("SynchronisatieService aangeroepen"); try { schemaValidatorService.valideer(request, SCHEMA); } catch (SchemaValidatorService.SchemaValidatieException schemaValidatieException) { LOGGER.debug("SynchronisatieService aangeroepen met invalide xml", schemaValidatieException); throw new Fault(schemaValidatieException.getCause()); } BrpNu.set(DatumUtil.nuAlsZonedDateTime()); return AlgemeneFoutHandler .doeBijFout(e1 -> { LOGGER.error("Algemene fout", e1); throw new WebServiceException("Er is iets fout gegaan bij het verwerken van het verzoek."); }).voerUit(() -> maakResponse(request)); }
protected void readWrappedRequest(Message msg, Object[] args) throws JAXBException, XMLStreamException { if (!msg.hasPayload()) { throw new WebServiceException("No payload. Expecting payload with "+wrapperName+" element"); } XMLStreamReader reader = msg.readPayload(); XMLStreamReaderUtil.verifyTag(reader,wrapperName); reader.nextTag(); while(reader.getEventType()==XMLStreamReader.START_ELEMENT) { // TODO: QName has a performance issue QName name = reader.getName(); WrappedPartBuilder part = wrappedParts.get(name); if(part==null) { // no corresponding part found. ignore XMLStreamReaderUtil.skipElement(reader); reader.nextTag(); } else { part.readRequest(args,reader, msg.getAttachments()); } XMLStreamReaderUtil.toNextTag(reader, name); } // we are done with the body reader.close(); XMLStreamReaderFactory.recycle(reader); }
public Object getPayload(JAXBContext context) { if (context == null) { return getPayload(defaultJaxbContext); } if (context == null) throw new WebServiceException("JAXBContext parameter cannot be null"); Object o; if (lm == null) { try { o = packet.getMessage().copy().readPayloadAsJAXB(context.createUnmarshaller()); } catch (JAXBException e) { throw new WebServiceException(e); } } else { o = lm.getPayload(context); lm = new JAXBLogicalMessageImpl(context, o); } return o; }
private Document createDOM(SDDocument doc) { // Get infoset ByteArrayBuffer bab = new ByteArrayBuffer(); try { doc.writeTo(null, resolver, bab); } catch (IOException ioe) { throw new WebServiceException(ioe); } // Convert infoset to DOM Transformer trans = XmlUtil.newTransformer(); Source source = new StreamSource(bab.newInputStream(), null); //doc.getURL().toExternalForm()); DOMResult result = new DOMResult(); try { trans.transform(source, result); } catch(TransformerException te) { throw new WebServiceException(te); } return (Document)result.getNode(); }
/** * This should be used only in ServerMUPipe * * @param notUnderstoodHeaders * @return Message representing a SOAPFault * In SOAP 1.1, notUnderstoodHeaders are added in the fault Detail * in SOAP 1.2, notUnderstoodHeaders are added as the SOAP Headers */ final Message createMUSOAPFaultMessage(Set<QName> notUnderstoodHeaders) { try { String faultString = MUST_UNDERSTAND_FAULT_MESSAGE_STRING; if (soapVersion == SOAP_11) { faultString = "MustUnderstand headers:" + notUnderstoodHeaders + " are not understood"; } Message muFaultMessage = SOAPFaultBuilder.createSOAPFaultMessage( soapVersion,faultString,soapVersion.faultCodeMustUnderstand); if (soapVersion == SOAP_12) { addHeader(muFaultMessage, notUnderstoodHeaders); } return muFaultMessage; } catch (SOAPException e) { throw new WebServiceException(e); } }
private static boolean skipDuringOrgJvnetWsToComOracleWebservicesPackageMove( final Method builderMethod, final Object annotationFieldValue) { final Class<?> annotationFieldValueClass = annotationFieldValue.getClass(); if (! annotationFieldValueClass.isEnum()) { return false; } final Class<?>[] builderMethodParameterTypes = builderMethod.getParameterTypes(); if (builderMethodParameterTypes.length != 1) { throw new WebServiceException("expected only 1 parameter"); } final String builderParameterTypeName = builderMethodParameterTypes[0].getName(); if (! builderParameterTypeName.startsWith("com.oracle.webservices.internal.test.features_annotations_enums.apinew") && ! builderParameterTypeName.startsWith("com.oracle.webservices.internal.api")) { return false; } return false; }
public static WSEndpointReference getReplyTo(@NotNull MessageHeaders headers, @NotNull AddressingVersion av, @NotNull SOAPVersion sv) { if (av == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(AddressingMessages.NULL_ADDRESSING_VERSION()); } Header h = getFirstHeader(headers, av.replyToTag, true, sv); WSEndpointReference replyTo; if (h != null) { try { replyTo = h.readAsEPR(av); } catch (XMLStreamException e) { throw new WebServiceException(AddressingMessages.REPLY_TO_CANNOT_PARSE(), e); } } else { replyTo = av.anonymousEpr; } return replyTo; }
/** * Voert het verzoek uit. * @param request de ingaande request * @return het response */ @Bedrijfsregel(Regel.R1978) @Bedrijfsregel(Regel.R1979) @Bedrijfsregel(Regel.R1984) @Override public final DOMSource invoke(final DOMSource request) { Thread.currentThread().setName("OnderhoudAfnemerindicatie"); LOGGER.debug("AfnemerindicatiesService aangeroepen"); try { schemaValidatorService.valideer(request, OnderhoudAfnemerindicatiesWebServiceImpl.SCHEMA); } catch (SchemaValidatorService.SchemaValidatieException schemaValidatieException) { LOGGER.debug("AfnemerindicatiesService aangeroepen met invalide xml", schemaValidatieException); throw new Fault(schemaValidatieException.getCause()); } BrpNu.set(DatumUtil.nuAlsZonedDateTime()); return AlgemeneFoutHandler.doeBijFout( e1 -> { LOGGER.error("Algemene fout", e1); throw new WebServiceException("Er is iets fout gegaan bij het verwerken van het verzoek."); } ).voerUit(() -> getDomSource(request)); }
/** * Creates a new {@link Dispatch} stub that connects to the given pipe. * * @param portName * see {@link Service#createDispatch(QName, Class, Service.Mode)}. * @param owner * see <a href="#param">common parameters</a> * @param binding * see <a href="#param">common parameters</a> * @param clazz * Type of the {@link Dispatch} to be created. * See {@link Service#createDispatch(QName, Class, Service.Mode)}. * @param mode * The mode of the dispatch. * See {@link Service#createDispatch(QName, Class, Service.Mode)}. * @param next * see <a href="#param">common parameters</a> * @param epr * see <a href="#param">common parameters</a> * TODO: are these parameters making sense? */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static <T> Dispatch<T> createDispatch(QName portName, WSService owner, WSBinding binding, Class<T> clazz, Service.Mode mode, Tube next, @Nullable WSEndpointReference epr) { if (clazz == SOAPMessage.class) { return (Dispatch<T>) createSAAJDispatch(portName, owner, binding, mode, next, epr); } else if (clazz == Source.class) { return (Dispatch<T>) createSourceDispatch(portName, owner, binding, mode, next, epr); } else if (clazz == DataSource.class) { return (Dispatch<T>) createDataSourceDispatch(portName, owner, binding, mode, next, epr); } else if (clazz == Message.class) { if(mode==Mode.MESSAGE) return (Dispatch<T>) createMessageDispatch(portName, owner, binding, next, epr); else throw new WebServiceException(mode+" not supported with Dispatch<Message>"); } else if (clazz == Packet.class) { return (Dispatch<T>) createPacketDispatch(portName, owner, binding, next, epr); } else throw new WebServiceException("Unknown class type " + clazz.getName()); }
/** * Parses a binding ID string into a {@link BindingID} object. * * <p> * This method first checks for a few known values and then delegate * the parsing to {@link BindingIDFactory}. * * <p> * If parsing succeeds this method returns a value. Otherwise * throws {@link WebServiceException}. * * @throws WebServiceException * If the binding ID is not understood. */ public static @NotNull BindingID parse(String lexical) { if(lexical.equals(XML_HTTP.toString())) return XML_HTTP; if(lexical.equals(REST_HTTP.toString())) return REST_HTTP; if(belongsTo(lexical,SOAP11_HTTP.toString())) return customize(lexical,SOAP11_HTTP); if(belongsTo(lexical,SOAP12_HTTP.toString())) return customize(lexical,SOAP12_HTTP); if(belongsTo(lexical,SOAPBindingImpl.X_SOAP12HTTP_BINDING)) return customize(lexical,X_SOAP12_HTTP); // OK, it's none of the values JAX-WS understands. for( BindingIDFactory f : ServiceFinder.find(BindingIDFactory.class) ) { BindingID r = f.parse(lexical); if(r!=null) return r; } // nobody understood this value throw new WebServiceException("Wrong binding ID: "+lexical); }
protected static final String buildAction(String name, EditableWSDLOperation o, boolean isFault) { String tns = o.getName().getNamespaceURI(); String delim = SLASH_DELIMITER; // TODO: is this the correct way to find the separator ? if (!tns.startsWith("http")) delim = COLON_DELIMITER; if (tns.endsWith(delim)) tns = tns.substring(0, tns.length()-1); if (o.getPortTypeName() == null) throw new WebServiceException("\"" + o.getName() + "\" operation's owning portType name is null."); return tns + delim + o.getPortTypeName().getLocalPart() + delim + (isFault ? o.getName().getLocalPart() + delim + "Fault" + delim : "") + name; }
@Override public void doRecycle(XMLStreamWriter r) { if (r instanceof HasEncodingWriter) { r = ((HasEncodingWriter)r).getWriter(); } if(zephyrClass.isInstance(r)) { // this flushes the underlying stream, so it might cause chunking issue try { r.close(); } catch (XMLStreamException e) { throw new WebServiceException(e); } pool.set(r); } if(r instanceof RecycleAware) ((RecycleAware)r).onRecycled(); }
Object toReturnValue(Packet response) { try { Unmarshaller unmarshaller = jaxbcontext.createUnmarshaller(); Message msg = response.getMessage(); switch (mode) { case PAYLOAD: return msg.<Object>readPayloadAsJAXB(unmarshaller); case MESSAGE: Source result = msg.readEnvelopeAsSource(); return unmarshaller.unmarshal(result); default: throw new WebServiceException("Unrecognized dispatch mode"); } } catch (JAXBException e) { throw new WebServiceException(e); } }
void callHandlersOnResponse(MessageUpdatableContext context, boolean handleFault) { //Lets copy all the MessageContext.OUTBOUND_ATTACHMENT_PROPERTY to the message Map<String, DataHandler> atts = (Map<String, DataHandler>) context.get(MessageContext.OUTBOUND_MESSAGE_ATTACHMENTS); AttachmentSet attSet = context.packet.getMessage().getAttachments(); for (Entry<String, DataHandler> entry : atts.entrySet()) { String cid = entry.getKey(); if (attSet.get(cid) == null) { // Otherwise we would be adding attachments twice Attachment att = new DataHandlerAttachment(cid, atts.get(cid)); attSet.add(att); } } try { //SERVER-SIDE processor.callHandlersResponse(HandlerProcessor.Direction.OUTBOUND, context, handleFault); } catch (WebServiceException wse) { //no rewrapping throw wse; } catch (RuntimeException re) { throw re; } }
/** * Packs a bunch of arguments intoa {@link WrapperComposite}. */ WrapperComposite buildWrapperComposite(Object[] methodArgs, Object returnValue) { WrapperComposite cs = new WrapperComposite(); cs.bridges = parameterBridges; cs.values = new Object[parameterBridges.length]; // fill in wrapped parameters from methodArgs for( int i=indices.length-1; i>=0; i-- ) { Object v; if (indices[i] == -1) { v = getters[i].get(returnValue); } else { v = getters[i].get(methodArgs[indices[i]]); } if(v==null) { throw new WebServiceException("Method Parameter: "+ children.get(i).getName() +" cannot be null. This is BP 1.1 R2211 violation."); } cs.values[i] = v; } return cs; }
private <T> T createEndpointIFBaseProxy(@Nullable WSEndpointReference epr, QName portName, Class<T> portInterface, WebServiceFeatureList webServiceFeatures, SEIPortInfo eif) { //fail if service doesnt have WSDL if (wsdlService == null) { throw new WebServiceException(ClientMessages.INVALID_SERVICE_NO_WSDL(serviceName)); } if (wsdlService.get(portName)==null) { throw new WebServiceException( ClientMessages.INVALID_PORT_NAME(portName,buildWsdlPortNames())); } BindingImpl binding = eif.createBinding(webServiceFeatures, portInterface); InvocationHandler pis = getStubHandler(binding, eif, epr); T proxy = createProxy(portInterface, pis); if (serviceInterceptor != null) { serviceInterceptor.postCreateProxy((WSBindingProvider)proxy, portInterface); } return proxy; }
@Override public final void getProblemActionDetail(String action, Element element) { ProblemAction pa = new ProblemAction(action); try { createMarshaller().marshal(pa, element); } catch (JAXBException e) { throw new WebServiceException(e); } }
/** * Convert a {@link WebServiceException} into a * {@link TechnicalServiceOperationException} and return it. * * @param subscription * the subscription of the technical product which was called * @param e * the caught {@link WebServiceException} * @return the {@link TechnicalServiceOperationException} to throw */ private TechnicalServiceOperationException convertWebServiceException( Subscription subscription, WebServiceException e) { TechnicalServiceOperationException ex = new TechnicalServiceOperationException( ERROR_WS_CALL, new Object[] { subscription.getSubscriptionId(), e.getMessage() }); logger.logWarn(Log4jLogger.SYSTEM_LOG, ex, LogMessageIdentifier.WARN_TECH_SERVICE_WS_EXCEPTION, subscription.getSubscriptionId(), e.getClass().getName() + ": " + e.getMessage()); return ex; }
private <T extends BaseResult> T setRcAndDesc(T result) throws WebServiceException { result.setRc(returnCode); if (returnCode == RC_OK) { result.setDesc("Ok"); } else if (returnCode == RC_NULL) { return null; } else if (returnCode == RC_EXCEPTION) { throw new WebServiceException("Test"); } else { result.setDesc("Error"); } return result; }
@Test(expected = TechnicalServiceOperationException.class) public void getOperationParameterValues_WebServiceException() throws Exception { when(operationPort.getParameterValues(anyString(), anyString(), anyString())).thenThrow(new WebServiceException()); TechnicalProductOperation tpo = createTechnicalProductOperation("op1", REQUEST_SELECT); Subscription sub = createSubscription(false); am.getOperationParameterValues(USER_ID, tpo, sub); }
@Test public void testSecuredWS_Modify_DigestValue() throws Exception { idS = ServiceFactory.getSTSServiceFactory().getIdentityService( "MockSTSTest_DigestValue", "admin123"); try { invokeWSMethod(); fail(); } catch (WebServiceException e) { assertThat(e.getMessage(), containsString(EXCEPTION_SUBSTRING)); } }
private static JAXBContext getMSJaxbContext() { try { return JAXBContext.newInstance(MemberSubmissionEndpointReference.class); } catch (JAXBException e) { throw new WebServiceException("Error creating JAXBContext for MemberSubmissionEndpointReference. ", e); } }
@Override public @NotNull URI getAddress(String baseAddress) { String adrs = baseAddress+getValidPath(); try { return new URI(adrs); } catch (URISyntaxException e) { // this is really a bug in the container implementation throw new WebServiceException("Unable to compute address for "+endpoint,e); } }
public @NotNull String getEPRAddress(Packet request, WSEndpoint endpoint) { //return WSHttpHandler.getRequestAddress(httpExchange); PortAddressResolver resolver = adapter.owner.createPortAddressResolver(getBaseAddress(), endpoint.getImplementationClass()); String address = resolver.getAddressFor(endpoint.getServiceName(), endpoint.getPortName().getLocalPart()); if(address==null) throw new WebServiceException(WsservletMessages.SERVLET_NO_ADDRESS_AVAILABLE(endpoint.getPortName())); return address; }
/** * Creates a {@link EndpointResponseMessageBuilder} from a {@link WrapperParameter}. */ public DocLit(WrapperParameter wp, SOAPVersion soapVersion) { super(wp, soapVersion); bindingContext = wp.getOwner().getBindingContext(); wrapper = (Class)wp.getXMLBridge().getTypeInfo().type; dynamicWrapper = WrapperComposite.class.equals(wrapper); children = wp.getWrapperChildren(); parameterBridges = new XMLBridge[children.size()]; accessors = new PropertyAccessor[children.size()]; for( int i=0; i<accessors.length; i++ ) { ParameterImpl p = children.get(i); QName name = p.getName(); if (dynamicWrapper) { parameterBridges[i] = children.get(i).getInlinedRepeatedElementBridge(); if (parameterBridges[i] == null) parameterBridges[i] = children.get(i).getXMLBridge(); } else { try { accessors[i] = (dynamicWrapper) ? null : p.getOwner().getBindingContext().getElementPropertyAccessor( wrapper, name.getNamespaceURI(), name.getLocalPart() ); } catch (JAXBException e) { throw new WebServiceException( // TODO: i18n wrapper+" do not have a property of the name "+name,e); } } } }
@Override public boolean bindingOperationElements(EditableWSDLBoundOperation operation, XMLStreamReader reader) { EditableWSDLBoundOperation edit = (EditableWSDLBoundOperation) operation; QName anon = reader.getName(); if (anon.equals(AddressingVersion.W3C.wsdlAnonymousTag)) { try { String value = reader.getElementText(); if (value == null || value.trim().equals("")) { throw new WebServiceException("Null values not permitted in wsaw:Anonymous."); // TODO: throw exception only if wsdl:required=true // TODO: is this the right exception ? } else if (value.equals("optional")) { edit.setAnonymous(ANONYMOUS.optional); } else if (value.equals("required")) { edit.setAnonymous(ANONYMOUS.required); } else if (value.equals("prohibited")) { edit.setAnonymous(ANONYMOUS.prohibited); } else { throw new WebServiceException("wsaw:Anonymous value \"" + value + "\" not understood."); // TODO: throw exception only if wsdl:required=true // TODO: is this the right exception ? } } catch (XMLStreamException e) { throw new WebServiceException(e); // TODO: is this the correct behavior ? } return true; // consumed the element } return false; }
public Object getPayload(BindingContext context) { try { Source payloadSrc = getPayload(); if (payloadSrc == null) return null; Unmarshaller unmarshaller = context.createUnmarshaller(); return unmarshaller.unmarshal(payloadSrc); } catch (JAXBException e) { throw new WebServiceException(e); } }
/** * This method should be called after freezing the WSDLModel * @return true if all wsdl required extensions on Port and Binding are understood */ public boolean areRequiredExtensionsUnderstood() { if (notUnderstoodExtensions.size() != 0) { StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder("Unknown WSDL extensibility elements:"); for (UnknownWSDLExtension extn : notUnderstoodExtensions) buf.append('\n').append(extn.toString()); throw new WebServiceException(buf.toString()); } return true; }
protected Tube createDefault(ClientTubeAssemblerContext context) { // default built-in transports String scheme = context.getAddress().getURI().getScheme(); if (scheme != null) { if(scheme.equalsIgnoreCase("http") || scheme.equalsIgnoreCase("https")) return createHttpTransport(context); } throw new WebServiceException("Unsupported endpoint address: "+context.getAddress()); // TODO: i18n }
private ExecutionEngineService() throws ExecutionEngineServiceException { executorService = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(5); try { clientService = new WebServiceHelper().getClientService(); } catch (WebServiceException e) { throw new ExecutionEngineServiceException(e); } }
public void writePayloadTo(XMLStreamWriter sw) { try { if (payload != null) DOMUtil.serializeNode(payload, sw); } catch (XMLStreamException e) { throw new WebServiceException(e); } }