private void checkIcons(CMessage message, String[] args) { TextChannel channel = message.getChannel(); if (args.length != 3) { sendUsage(message, "!discord icons <guild id|this>"); return; } String guild = args[2]; Guild targetGuild = null; if (guild.equals("this")) { targetGuild = message.getGuild(); } else { targetGuild = this.charrizard.getDiscordAPI().getGuildById(args[2]); } if (targetGuild == null) { sendError(message, "This guild does not exists!"); return; } if (targetGuild.getEmotes().size() == 0) { sendError(message, "This server does not have any own icons!"); return; } channel.sendMessage("**Icons**:").queue(); targetGuild.getEmotes().forEach(icon -> channel.sendMessage(icon.getAsMention() + " - " + icon.getImageUrl()).queue()); }
public void createGuild(Guild guild) { if (guild == null) { return; } if (getGuild(guild) != null) { return; } CGuild cGuild = new CGuild(guild, charrizard); for (TextChannel channel : guild.getTextChannels()) { cGuild.createTextChannel(channel); } for (VoiceChannel voiceChannel : guild.getVoiceChannels()) { cGuild.createVoiceChannel(voiceChannel); } guildCache.put(guild.getId(), cGuild); }
public Trivia(TextChannel channel, TLongSet players, OpenTriviaDatabase.Question question) { super(channel, players, question.correctAnswer, (question.incorrectAnswers.size() + 1) / 2); List<String> options = new ArrayList<>(question.incorrectAnswers); options.add(question.correctAnswer); int triesLeft = options.size()/2; totalOptions = options.size(); correctOptionIndex = options.indexOf(question.correctAnswer); Collections.shuffle(options); int[] idx = {1}; channel.sendMessage(new EmbedBuilder() .setDescription("**" + question.question + "**") .addField("Options",>idx[0]++ + " - " + o).collect(Collectors.joining("**\n**", "**", "**")), false) .addField("Difficulty", question.difficulty, true) .addField("Category", question.category, true) .setFooter(triesLeft + " tries left | Answer with the option number", null) .build() ).queue(); }
@Command( name = "doge", description = "Sends doge images with custom texts", usage = "`>>doge wow \"such doge\"`", permission = CommandPermission.USER, category = CommandCategory.IMAGE ) public static void doge(@Argument("event") GuildMessageReceivedEvent event, @Argument("args") String[] args, @Argument("channel") TextChannel channel) { checkVerification(event); String url = "" + String.join("/", args).replace("\n", "%20").replace(" ", "%20") + ".png?split=false"; channel.sendMessage(new EmbedBuilder() .setColor(Color.YELLOW) .setTitle("Doge", "") .setImage(url) .build()).queue(); }
@Command( name = "pokemonguess", description = "Guess which pokemon it is", usage = "`>>pokemonguess`: Play pokemon guess solo\n" + "`>>pokemonguess @Someone @SomeoneElse ...`: Play pokemon guess with your friends (if you have any)", permission = CommandPermission.USER, category = CommandCategory.GAME ) public static void pokemonguess(@Argument("channel") TextChannel channel, @Argument("author") User author, @Argument("message") Message message) { if(check(channel)) return; TLongSet players = new TLongHashSet(); players.add(author.getIdLong()); for(User u : message.getMentionedUsers()) players.add(u.getIdLong()); EventManagerThread.current().newThread(()->{ try { Thread.sleep(100); } catch(InterruptedException e) { return; } InteractiveOperations.create(channel.getIdLong(), 120, new Pokemon(channel, players)); }, "Game Starter").start(); }
public final TextChannel getTextChannel(int index, boolean consume) { if (guild == null) { return null; } final String temp = getRaw(index); if (temp == null) { return null; } final Matcher matcher = PATTERN_MARKDOWN_CHANNEL.matcher(temp); if (!matcher.matches()) { return null; } if (consume) { consumeRaw(index); } return guild.getTextChannelById(; }
public void voteskip(long userId) { TextChannel tc = guildMusicPlayer.textChannel; int votes = getRequiredVotes(guildMusicPlayer.voiceChannel); if(voteskips.contains(userId)) { voteskips.remove(userId); tc.sendMessage("Your vote has been removed! " + (votes-voteskips.size()) + " more to skip").queue(); } else { voteskips.add(userId); if(voteskips.size() >= votes) { tc.sendMessage("Reached required number of votes, skipping song").queue(); nextTrack(); } else { tc.sendMessage("Your vote has been added! " + (votes-voteskips.size()) + " more to skip").queue(); } } }
@Override protected void execute(CommandEvent event) { if(event.getArgs().isEmpty()) event.replyError("Please include a text channel or NONE"); else if(event.getArgs().equalsIgnoreCase("none")) { db.setLeaveChannel(event.getGuild(), null); event.replySuccess("Leave channel disabled"); } else { List<TextChannel> list = FinderUtil.findTextChannels(event.getArgs(), event.getGuild()); if(list.isEmpty()) event.replyWarning("No Text Channels found matching \""+event.getArgs()+"\""); else if (list.size()>1) event.replyWarning(FormatUtil.listOfTcChannels(list, event.getArgs())); else { db.setLeaveChannel(event.getGuild(), list.get(0)); event.replySuccess("The message configured will be sent in "+list.get(0).getAsMention()); } } }
public TextChannel getModlogChannel(Guild guild) { try { Statement statement = connection.createStatement(); statement.closeOnCompletion(); TextChannel tc; try (ResultSet results = statement.executeQuery(String.format("SELECT modlog_id FROM GUILD_SETTINGS WHERE GUILD_ID = %s", guild.getId()))) { if( tc = guild.getTextChannelById(Long.toString(results.getLong("modlog_id"))); else tc=null; } return tc; } catch(SQLException e) { LOG.warn(e.toString()); return null; } }
public TextChannel getServerlogChannel(Guild guild) { try { Statement statement = connection.createStatement(); statement.closeOnCompletion(); TextChannel tc; try (ResultSet results = statement.executeQuery(String.format("SELECT serverlog_id FROM GUILD_SETTINGS WHERE GUILD_ID = %s", guild.getId()))) { if( tc = guild.getTextChannelById(Long.toString(results.getLong("serverlog_id"))); else tc=null; } return tc; } catch(SQLException e) { LOG.warn(e.toString()); return null; } }
public void sendMessage(String channel, String message) { TextChannel textChannel = resolveChannel(channel); if (textChannel != null) { try { com.gmt2001.Console.out.println("[DISCORD] [#" + textChannel.getName() + "] [CHAT] " + message); textChannel.sendMessage(message).queue(); } catch (NullPointerException ex) { com.gmt2001.Console.err.println("Failed to send a message to Discord [" + ex.getClass().getSimpleName() + "]: " + ex.getMessage()); channelMap.clear(); userMap.clear(); roleMap.clear(); users.clear(); botId = jdaAPI.getSelfUser().getId(); getTextChannels(); getUserNames(); getRoles(); textChannel = resolveChannel(channel); if (textChannel != null) { textChannel.sendMessage(message).queue(); } } } }
private void blockChannel(CommandManager.ParsedCommandInvocation parsedCommandInvocation) { Message message = parsedCommandInvocation.getMessage(); if (message.getMentionedChannels().isEmpty()) { message.getTextChannel().sendMessage(EmbedUtil.error("Unknown channel", "Please mention the textchannel that should be blacklisted").build()).queue(msg -> msg.delete().queueAfter(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS)); return; } TextChannel channel = message.getMentionedChannels().get(0); if (RubiconBot.getMySQL().isBlacklisted(channel)) { message.getTextChannel().sendMessage(EmbedUtil.error("Blacklisted channel", "That channel is already blacklisted").build()).queue(msg -> msg.delete().queueAfter(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS)); return; } String oldEntry = RubiconBot.getMySQL().getGuildValue(message.getGuild(), "blacklist"); String newEntry; if (oldEntry.equals("")) newEntry = channel.getId(); else newEntry = oldEntry + "," + channel.getId(); RubiconBot.getMySQL().updateGuildValue(message.getGuild(), "blacklist", newEntry); message.getTextChannel().sendMessage(EmbedUtil.success("Blacklisted channel!", "Successfully added channel to blacklist").build()).queue(msg -> msg.delete().queueAfter(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS)); }
private void addTextChannel(CommandEvent e) { String arg = e.getArgs(); java.util.List<TextChannel> tcArray = mcb.getRelayChannels(); String response; boolean withID = StringUtils.isNumeric(arg) && e.getJDA().getTextChannelById(arg) != null; TextChannel tc; if (withID) { tc = e.getJDA().getTextChannelById(arg); } else { java.util.List<TextChannel> result = FinderUtil.findTextChannel(arg, e.getGuild()); tc = result.size() > 0 ? result.get(0) : null; } if (tc != null) { tcArray.add(tc); configsManager.getChatConfig().set("Relay_Channels", asStringList(tcArray)); configsManager.getChatConfig().saveConfig(); } else { response = Locale.getCommandsMessage("textchannel.invalid-tc").finish(); respond(e, String.format(response, arg), ResponseLevel.LEVEL_3); return; } response = Locale.getCommandsMessage("textchannel.added-tc").finish(); respond(e, String.format(response, arg), ResponseLevel.LEVEL_1);"Added text channel " + arg); }
@Override protected Message execute(CommandManager.ParsedCommandInvocation parsedCommandInvocation, UserPermissions userPermissions) { Message message = parsedCommandInvocation.getMessage(); if (message.getMentionedUsers().isEmpty()) return new MessageBuilder().setEmbed("Usage", "mute <@User>").build()).build(); Member target = message.getGuild().getMember(message.getMentionedUsers().get(0)); if (!message.getGuild().getSelfMember().canInteract(target)) return new MessageBuilder().setEmbed(EmbedUtil.error("No permission", "Sorry i can't mute this user! His/her role is higher than yours.").build()).build(); TextChannel channel = message.getTextChannel(); if (channel.getPermissionOverride(target) == null) channel.createPermissionOverride(target).complete(); if (channel.getPermissionOverride(target).getDenied().contains(Permission.MESSAGE_WRITE)) return new MessageBuilder().setEmbed(EmbedUtil.error("Already muted", "This user is already muted.").build()).build(); message.getGuild().getTextChannels().forEach(c -> { if (c.getPermissionOverride(target) == null) c.createPermissionOverride(target).complete(); c.getPermissionOverride(target).getManager().deny(Permission.MESSAGE_WRITE).queue(); }); PrivateChannel targetch = target.getUser().openPrivateChannel().complete(); targetch.sendMessage("Muted", "You got muted on `" + message.getGuild().getName() + "` by " + message.getAuthor().getAsMention()).build()).queue(); return new MessageBuilder().setEmbed(EmbedUtil.success("Muted", "Successfully muted " + target.getAsMention()).build()).build(); }
public void onGuildMemberJoin(GuildMemberJoinEvent e) { if (!RubiconBot.getMySQL().ifUserExist(e.getUser())) { RubiconBot.getMySQL().createUser(e.getUser()); } try { String joinMessage = RubiconBot.getMySQL().getGuildValue(e.getGuild(), "joinmsg"); if (joinMessage.equals("0")) { return; } else { TextChannel messageChannel = e.getJDA().getTextChannelById(RubiconBot.getMySQL().getGuildValue(e.getGuild(), "channel")); if (messageChannel == null) return; joinMessage = joinMessage.replace("%user%", e.getMember().getAsMention()); joinMessage = joinMessage.replace("%guild%", e.getGuild().getName()); messageChannel.sendMessage(joinMessage).queue(); } } catch (NullPointerException ex) { //Channel does not exits } }
@Override public void onTextChannelDelete(TextChannelDeleteEvent e) { String portalStatus = RubiconBot.getMySQL().getGuildValue(e.getGuild(), "portal"); if(portalStatus.equalsIgnoreCase("closed") || portalStatus.equalsIgnoreCase("waiting")) return; if(portalStatus.equalsIgnoreCase("open")) { TextChannel channel = e.getJDA().getTextChannelById(RubiconBot.getMySQL().getPortalValue(e.getGuild(), "channelid")); if(e.getChannel().getId() != channel.getId()) return; Guild partnerGuild = e.getJDA().getGuildById(RubiconBot.getMySQL().getPortalValue(e.getGuild(), "partnerid")); RubiconBot.getMySQL().deletePortal(e.getGuild()); RubiconBot.getMySQL().deletePortal(partnerGuild); RubiconBot.getMySQL().updateGuildValue(e.getGuild(), "portal", "closed"); RubiconBot.getMySQL().updateGuildValue(partnerGuild, "portal", "closed"); sendPortalNotification(e.getGuild(), "Portal was closed."); sendPortalNotification(partnerGuild, "Portal was closed on the other side."); } }
@Override public void onGuildMemberLeave(GuildMemberLeaveEvent event) { if (bannedUsers.contains(event.getUser().getIdLong())) { return; } if (!isEventEnabled(event.getGuild(), LogEventKeys.BAN)) return; TextChannel textChannel = getLogChannel(event.getGuild()); if (textChannel == null) return; EmbedBuilder embedBuilder = new EmbedBuilder(); embedBuilder.setAuthor("A member left the server", null, event.getMember().getUser().getAvatarUrl()); embedBuilder.setDescription("**" + event.getMember().getEffectiveName() + " (" + event.getMember().getUser().getId() + ")** left the server"); embedBuilder.setColor(evLeaveColor); sendLog(textChannel, embedBuilder); }
@Override protected void execute(CommandEvent event) { if (!StringUtils.isBlank(event.getArgs())) { String arg = event.getArgs().trim(); List<TextChannel> textChannels = event.getJDA().getTextChannelsByName(arg, true); if (!textChannels.isEmpty()) { BTBGuild guild = GuildManager.getGuild(event.getGuild()); guild.setLogChannelID(textChannels.get(0).getId()); JDAManager.sendMessage(event, "Log channel has been set to %s.", arg); } else { JDAManager.sendMessage(event, "I can't find the channel named %s. Please ensure it exists and that I have read & write priveleges for it.", arg); } } else { JDAManager.sendMessage(event, "Missing arguments from command!"); } }
@Override public void onInvoke(Guild guild, TextChannel channel, Member invoker, Message message, String[] args) { int shardId = Integer.parseInt(args[1]); channel.sendMessage(TextUtils.prefaceWithName(invoker, " Reviving shard " + shardId)).queue(); FredBoat.getInstance(shardId).revive(); }
@Command( name = "shutdown", description = "Makes me go offline :(", usage = "`>>shutdown`\n" + "`>>shutdown savemusic`", permission = CommandPermission.OWNER, category = CommandCategory.OWNER ) public static void shutdown(@Argument("channel") TextChannel channel, @Argument("args") String[] args) { if (args.length > 0 && args[0].equals("savemusic")) { GabrielBot.getInstance().registry.commands().remove("play"); JedisDataManager jdm = GabrielData.guilds(); int[] i = new int[1]; GabrielBot.getInstance().getPlayers().forEachValue(p->{ if(p == null) return true; if(p.scheduler.currentTrack() == null) { p.leave(); return true; } p.player.setPaused(true); List<Track> allTracks = new ArrayList<>(); allTracks.add(p.scheduler.currentTrack()); allTracks.addAll(p.scheduler.tracks()); p.leave(); if(p.textChannel.canTalk()) { p.textChannel.sendMessage("I'll be rebooting soon, but your queue has been saved and will be restored after I reboot").queue(); } SerializedPlayer sp = new SerializedPlayer(, allTracks.get(0).track.getPosition(), p.guildId, p.textChannel.getIdLong(), p.voiceChannel.getIdLong()); jdm.set("p_" + p.guildId, Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(KryoUtils.serialize(sp))); i[0]++; return true; });;"Serialized tracks for {} guilds", i[0]); }; channel.sendMessage("*Goes to sleep...*").complete(); -> s.getJDA().shutdown()); System.exit(0); }
/** * Constructs a text channel from the given parameter * @param textChannel the text channel to construct this UI around */ public UITextChat(TextChannel textChannel) { super(); = textChannel; this.messageHistory = textChannel.getHistory(); //Set up gridbag to add new messages c = new GridBagConstraints(); c.gridwidth = GridBagConstraints.REMAINDER; c.weightx = 1; c.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL; //Get some message history and add it to the message list //Message history in order from newest to oldest messageHistory.retrievePast(20).queue(messages -> { newestGroup = oldestGroup = new UIMessageGroup(messages.get(0)); messageList.add(oldestGroup,c,0); //Going from newest to oldest... for (int i = 1; i < messages.size(); i++) { if (oldestGroup.canAddMessage(messages.get(i))) { oldestGroup.addMessage(messages.get(i)); } else { oldestGroup = new UIMessageGroup(messages.get(i)); messageList.add(oldestGroup,c,0); } } refresh(); scrollToBottom(); doneLoad = true; }); add(new UITitleBar("<html>" + textChannel.getGuild().getName() + "<br>#" + channel.getName() + "</html>", TransparentDiscord.chatWindow), BorderLayout.NORTH); }
/** * Add a list of TextChannels to the UI * @param channels the TextChannels to add */ public void addTextChannels(List<TextChannel> channels) { for (UIChannelListItem item : UIChannelListItem.loadTextChannels(channels)) { channelList.add(item, c, channelList.getComponentCount()); channelItems.put(item.getID(), item); } }
public void update(Message message) { if (!(message.getChannel() instanceof TextChannel)) { UIChannelListItem item = channelItems.get(message.getChannel().getId()); channelList.remove(item); channelList.add(item,c,0); item.updatePreview(message); refresh(); } }
@Override public boolean onMessage(DiscordBot bot, DiscordShard shard, GuildMessageReceivedEvent event) { shard.getThreadPool().submit(() -> { DSLContext database = bot.getDatabase(); Guild guild = event.getGuild(); SettingsRecord guildSettings = DatabaseUtils.getGuildSettings(database, guild); if (!guildSettings.getStatistics()) { return; } Message message = event.getMessage(); TextChannel channel = event.getChannel(); String content = message.getRawContent(); User user = event.getMember().getUser(); int wordCount = content.split(" ").length; MessagesRecord record = database.newRecord(Tables.MESSAGES); record.setMessageid(message.getId()); record.setUserid(user.getId()); record.setChannelid(channel.getId()); record.setGuildid(guild.getId()); record.setDate(DiscordUtils.getCreationTime(message.getId())); record.setWordcount(wordCount); record.setSize(content.length());; }); return false; }
WebhookMessage toWebhook(TextChannel channel) { return new WebhookMessage( formatText(message.webhook, channel),, this.avatarUrl ); }
@Command( name = "save", description = "Flushes data to db", usage = "`>>save`", permission = CommandPermission.OWNER, category = CommandCategory.OWNER ) public static void save(@Argument("channel") TextChannel channel) {; channel.sendMessage("Successfully saved").queue(); }
@Override public boolean onCommand(Message message, String[] args) { TextChannel channel = message.getTextChannel(); if (!message.getMentionedChannels().isEmpty()) { channel = message.getMentionedChannels().get(0); } MessageFactory.makeSuccess(message, ":user :id: of the :channel channel is `:targetChannel`") .set("targetChannel", channel.getId()).queue(); return true; }
@Override public void onInvoke(Guild guild, TextChannel channel, Member invoker, Message message, String[] args) { try { GuildPlayer player = PlayerRegistry.get(guild); player.setCurrentTC(channel); player.leaveVoiceChannelRequest(channel, false); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Something caused us to not properly leave a voice channel!", e); guild.getAudioManager().closeAudioConnection(); } }
@Override public boolean execute(User user, TextChannel channel, String command, List<String> parameters, Message message) throws Exception { if (parameters.isEmpty()) return false; message.delete().queue(); channel.sendMessage(StringUtils.join(parameters, " ")).complete(); return true; }
private void waitForWinners(CommandEvent event, TextChannel tchan, int seconds) { waiter.waitForEvent(GuildMessageReceivedEvent.class, e -> e.getAuthor().equals(event.getAuthor()) && e.getChannel().equals(event.getChannel()), e -> { if(e.getMessage().getRawContent().equalsIgnoreCase("cancel")) { event.replyWarning("Alright, I guess we're not having a giveaway after all..."+CANCEL); } else { try { int num = Integer.parseInt(e.getMessage().getRawContent().trim()); if(num<1 || num>15) { event.replyWarning("Hey! I can only support 1 to 15 winners!"+WINNERS); waitForWinners(event, tchan, seconds); } else { event.replySuccess("Ok! "+num+" winners it is! Finally, what do you want to give away?"+PRIZE); waitForPrize(event, tchan, seconds, num); } } catch(NumberFormatException ex) { event.replyWarning("Uh... that doesn't look like a valid number."+WINNERS); waitForWinners(event, tchan, seconds); } } }, 2, TimeUnit.MINUTES, () -> event.replyWarning("Uh oh! You took longer than 2 minutes to respond, "+event.getAuthor().getAsMention()+"!"+CANCEL)); }
private void waitForPrize(CommandEvent event, TextChannel tchan, int seconds, int winners) { waiter.waitForEvent(GuildMessageReceivedEvent.class, e -> e.getAuthor().equals(event.getAuthor()) && e.getChannel().equals(event.getChannel()), e -> { if(e.getMessage().getRawContent().equalsIgnoreCase("cancel")) { event.replyWarning("Alright, I guess we're not having a giveaway after all..."+CANCEL); } else { String prize = e.getMessage().getRawContent(); if(prize.length()>250) { event.replyWarning("Ack! That prize is too long. Can you shorten it a bit?"+PRIZE); waitForPrize(event, tchan, seconds, winners); } else { Instant now =; if(bot.startGiveaway(tchan, now, seconds, winners, prize)) { event.replySuccess("Done! The giveaway for the `"+e.getMessage().getRawContent()+"` is starting in "+tchan.getAsMention()+"!"); } else { event.replyError("Uh oh. Something went wrong and I wasn't able to start the giveaway."+CANCEL); } } } }, 2, TimeUnit.MINUTES, () -> event.replyWarning("Uh oh! You took longer than 2 minutes to respond, "+event.getAuthor().getAsMention()+"!"+CANCEL)); }
public List<Giveaway> getGiveaways(TextChannel channel) { List<Giveaway> list = new LinkedList<>(); try (Statement statement = getConnection().createStatement(); ResultSet results = statement.executeQuery(selectAll( { while( list.add(new Giveaway(MESSAGE_ID.getValue(results), CHANNEL_ID.getValue(results), GUILD_ID.getValue(results), END_TIME.getValue(results), NUM_WINNERS.getValue(results), PRIZE.getValue(results))); } catch( SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return list; }
/** * Creates a new game. * Removes players in-game from other queues. * Sends notification to the pug channel and to each player in queue. */ private void popQueue() { String names = ""; List<User> players = new ArrayList<User>(playersInQueue); TextChannel pugChannel = ServerManager.getServer(guildId).getPugChannel(); // Send alert to players and compile their names for(User u : players){ names += u.getName() + ", "; PrivateChannel c = u.openPrivateChannel().complete(); c.sendMessage(String.format("`Your game: %s has started!`", name)).queue(); } names = names.substring(0, names.lastIndexOf(",")); // Create Game and add to the list of active games Game newGame = new Game(guildId, name, players); games.add(newGame); // Remove players from all other queues ServerManager.getServer(guildId).getQueueManager().purgeQueue(players); // Generate captain string String captainString = ""; if(ServerManager.getServer(guildId).getSettings().randomizeCaptains()){ captainString = String.format("**Captains:** <@%s> & <@%s>", newGame.getCaptains()[0].getId(), newGame.getCaptains()[1].getId()); } // Send game start message to pug channel pugChannel.sendMessage(Utils.createMessage(String.format("Game: %s starting%n", name), String.format("%s%n%s", names, captainString), Color.YELLOW)).queueAfter(2, TimeUnit.SECONDS); /*String servers = new CmdPugServers().getServers(guildId, null); if(!servers.equals("N/A")){ pugChannel.sendMessage(Utils.createMessage("`Pug servers:`", servers, true)).queueAfter(2, TimeUnit.SECONDS); }*/ }
private java.util.List<String> asStringList(java.util.List<TextChannel> tcs) { java.util.List<String> strs = new ArrayList<>(); for(TextChannel c : tcs) { strs.add(c.getId()); } return strs; }
@Command( name = "volume", description = "Changes volume for this server", usage = "`>>volume <new volume>`: Changes the volume\n" + "`>>volume 100`: Resets the volume", permission = CommandPermission.PREMIUM, category = CommandCategory.MUSIC ) public static void volume(@Argument("this") CommandReference thiz, @Argument("event")GuildMessageReceivedEvent event, @Argument("args") String[] args, @Argument("channel") TextChannel channel, @Argument("guild") Guild guild) { if(checkVC(event)) return; if(args.length == 0) { thiz.onHelp(event); return; } int i; try { i = Integer.parseInt(args[0]); } catch(NumberFormatException e) { channel.sendMessage(args[0] + " is not a valid integer").queue(); return; } if(i < 0) { i = 100; } else if (i > 150) { i = 150; } GuildMusicPlayer gmp = GabrielBot.getInstance().getPlayer(guild.getIdLong()); if(gmp == null) { channel.sendMessage("I'm not playing any music").queue(); return; } gmp.player.setVolume(i); channel.sendMessage("Volume set to " + i).queue(); }
/** * Load a song * @param channel The channel to send the alert in. * @param trackUrl The song URL * @param voiceChannel the voice channel to play the music in. */ public void loadAndPlay(final TextChannel channel, final String trackUrl, VoiceChannel voiceChannel) { GuildMusicManager musicManager = getGuildAudioPlayer(channel.getGuild()); playerManager.loadItemOrdered(musicManager, trackUrl, new AudioLoadResultHandler() { @Override public void trackLoaded(AudioTrack track) { channel.sendMessage("Adding to queue " + track.getInfo().title).queue(); play(channel.getGuild(), musicManager, track, voiceChannel); } @Override public void playlistLoaded(AudioPlaylist playlist) { AudioTrack firstTrack = playlist.getSelectedTrack(); if (firstTrack == null) { firstTrack = playlist.getTracks().get(0); } channel.sendMessage("Adding to queue " + firstTrack.getInfo().title + " (first track of playlist " + playlist.getName() + ")").queue(); play(channel.getGuild(), musicManager, firstTrack, voiceChannel); } @Override public void noMatches() { channel.sendMessage("Nothing found by " + trackUrl).queue(); } @Override public void loadFailed(FriendlyException exception) { channel.sendMessage("Could not play: " + exception.getMessage()).queue(); } }); }
private void getUserNames() { for (TextChannel channel : channelMap.values()) { for (Member member : channel.getMembers()) { addUserToMap(member); } } }
public static List<TextChannel> getTextChannels() { Set<TextChannel> channels = new LinkedHashSet<TextChannel>(); for (JDA jda : Bot.shards) { channels.addAll(jda.getTextChannels()); } return new ArrayList<TextChannel>(channels); }
@Override public boolean execute(User user, TextChannel channel, String command, List<String> parameters, Message message) throws Exception { Member member = channel.getGuild().getMember(user); NapSchedule schedule = CommonPolyStuff.determineScheduleFromMemberName(member.getEffectiveName()); List<Role> nmoRole = channel.getGuild().getRolesByName("NMO Watch Group", true); boolean inWatchGroup = false; for (Role role : member.getRoles()) { if (nmoRole.contains(role)) { inWatchGroup = true; break; } } if (inWatchGroup) { channel.getGuild().getController().removeRolesFromMember(member, nmoRole).complete(); channel.sendMessage(member.getAsMention() + " You have been removed from the NMO Watch Group.").complete(); } else if (schedule == null) { channel.sendMessage(member.getAsMention() + " You must set a sleep schedule before you can join the NMO Watch Group").complete(); } else { channel.getGuild().getController().addRolesToMember(member, nmoRole).complete(); channel.sendMessage(member.getAsMention() + " You have been added to the NMO Watch Group.").complete(); } return true; }
/** * Get a text channel from an ID from all shards * @param channelId Channel ID * @return TextChannel if found, null if not */ public TextChannel getTextChannelById(long channelId) { for (JDA j : jdaClients) { TextChannel t; if ((t = j.getTextChannelById(channelId)) != null) { return t; } } return null; }