public JSONObject toJSONObject() { JSONObject obj = new JSONObject(); if (username != null) obj.put("username", username); if (avatarUrl != null) obj.put("avatar_url", avatarUrl); if (content != null) obj.put("content", content); if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(embeds)) { JSONArray array = new JSONArray(); .map(e -> (MessageEmbedImpl) e) .forEach(e -> array.put(e.toJSONObject())); obj.put("embeds", array); } return obj; }
@Override public boolean execute(User user, TextChannel channel, String command, List<String> parameters, Message message) throws Exception { if (parameters.size() < 1) { channel.sendMessage("You need to specify a series of time ranges to create a napchart. For example: `" + NapBot.CONFIGURATION.messagePrefix + "create 03:00-05:00 08:00-08:20 14:00-14:20 21:00-23:00`").complete(); return true; } PayloadInner payloadInner = new PayloadInner(); for (String parameter : parameters) { Matcher matcher = this.TIMESTAMP_PATTERN.matcher(parameter); if (matcher.matches()) { int startH = Integer.parseInt(; int startM = Integer.parseInt(; int endH = Integer.parseInt(; int endM = Integer.parseInt(; payloadInner.addSleepBlock(startH, startM, endH, endM); } else { channel.sendMessage("`" + parameter + "` doesn't seem to be a valid time range.\n\nYou need to specify a series of time ranges to create a napchart. For example: `" + NapBot.CONFIGURATION.messagePrefix + "create 03:00-05:00 08:00-08:20 14:00-14:20 21:00-23:00`").complete(); return true; } } payloadInner.finalize(); Payload payload = new Payload(payloadInner); String napchartID = Communicator.basicJsonMessage("Generate napchart", "", payload, PayloadResponse.class, false).id; try { NapchartHandler.getNapchart(napchartID); } catch (IOException e) { // yay. e.printStackTrace(); } MessageBuilder b = new MessageBuilder(); MessageEmbedImpl embedimpl = new MessageEmbedImpl(); embedimpl.setTitle("" + napchartID); embedimpl.setUrl("" + napchartID); embedimpl.setImage(new ImageInfo(NapBot.CONFIGURATION.napchartUrlPrefix + napchartID + "?" + NapBot.RESYNC_ID, null, 560, 560)); embedimpl.setFields(new ArrayList<MessageEmbed.Field>()); b.setEmbed(embedimpl); channel.sendMessage(; return true; }