protected void createRenderChunks(IRenderChunkFactory renderChunkFactory) { int i = this.countChunksX * this.countChunksY * this.countChunksZ; this.renderChunks = new RenderChunk[i]; int j = 0; for (int k = 0; k < this.countChunksX; ++k) { for (int l = 0; l < this.countChunksY; ++l) { for (int i1 = 0; i1 < this.countChunksZ; ++i1) { int j1 = (i1 * this.countChunksY + l) * this.countChunksX + k; this.renderChunks[j1] = renderChunkFactory.create(, this.renderGlobal, j++); this.renderChunks[j1].setPosition(k * 16, l * 16, i1 * 16); } } } }
@Override public void onBlockRenderInLoop(final RenderChunk renderChunk, final Block block, final IBlockState state, final BlockPos pos) { if(renderers != null) try { renderers.computeIfPresent(renderChunk, (chk, info) -> info.compute(() -> { GeometryTessellator tess = info.getTessellator(); if (tess != null && FastReflection.Fields.BufferBuilder_isDrawing.get(tess.getBuffer(), false)) { BlockEntry blockEntry = options.get(state); if(blockEntry != null && blockEntry.getReadableProperty(BoundProperty.class).isWithinBoundaries(pos.getY())) { AxisAlignedBB bb = state.getSelectedBoundingBox(Helper.getWorld(), pos); GeometryTessellator.drawLines( tess.getBuffer(), bb.minX, bb.minY, bb.minZ, bb.maxX, bb.maxY, bb.maxZ, GeometryMasks.Line.ALL, blockEntry.getReadableProperty(ColorProperty.class).getAsBuffer() ); info.incrementRenderCount(); } } })); } catch (Exception e) { handleException(renderChunk, e); } }
public void renderChunkLayer(BlockRenderLayer layer) { if (this.initialized) { for (RenderChunk renderchunk : this.renderChunks) { ListedRenderChunk listedrenderchunk = (ListedRenderChunk)renderchunk; GlStateManager.pushMatrix(); this.preRenderChunk(renderchunk); GlStateManager.callList(listedrenderchunk.getDisplayList(layer, listedrenderchunk.getCompiledChunk())); GlStateManager.popMatrix(); } GlStateManager.resetColor(); this.renderChunks.clear(); } }
protected void createRenderChunks(IRenderChunkFactory renderChunkFactory) { int i = this.countChunksX * this.countChunksY * this.countChunksZ; this.renderChunks = new RenderChunk[i]; int j = 0; for (int k = 0; k < this.countChunksX; ++k) { for (int l = 0; l < this.countChunksY; ++l) { for (int i1 = 0; i1 < this.countChunksZ; ++i1) { int j1 = (i1 * this.countChunksY + l) * this.countChunksX + k; BlockPos blockpos = new BlockPos(k * 16, l * 16, i1 * 16); this.renderChunks[j1] = renderChunkFactory.makeRenderChunk(, this.renderGlobal, blockpos, j++); } } } }
public void renderChunkLayer(EnumWorldBlockLayer layer) { if (this.initialized) { for (RenderChunk renderchunk : this.renderChunks) { VertexBuffer vertexbuffer = renderchunk.getVertexBufferByLayer(layer.ordinal()); GlStateManager.pushMatrix(); this.preRenderChunk(renderchunk); renderchunk.multModelviewMatrix(); vertexbuffer.bindBuffer(); this.setupArrayPointers(); vertexbuffer.drawArrays(7); GlStateManager.popMatrix(); } OpenGlHelper.glBindBuffer(OpenGlHelper.GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0); GlStateManager.resetColor(); this.renderChunks.clear(); } }
private void updateChunkLight(RenderChunk p_updateChunkLight_1_, Set<BlockPos> p_updateChunkLight_2_, Set<BlockPos> p_updateChunkLight_3_) { if (p_updateChunkLight_1_ != null) { CompiledChunk compiledchunk = p_updateChunkLight_1_.getCompiledChunk(); if (compiledchunk != null && !compiledchunk.isEmpty()) { p_updateChunkLight_1_.setNeedsUpdate(true); } BlockPos blockpos = p_updateChunkLight_1_.getPosition(); if (p_updateChunkLight_2_ != null) { p_updateChunkLight_2_.remove(blockpos); } if (p_updateChunkLight_3_ != null) { p_updateChunkLight_3_.add(blockpos); } } }
public void renderChunkLayer(BlockRenderLayer layer) { if (this.initialized) { for (RenderChunk renderchunk : this.renderChunks) { net.minecraft.client.renderer.vertex.VertexBuffer vertexbuffer = renderchunk.getVertexBufferByLayer(layer.ordinal()); GlStateManager.pushMatrix(); this.preRenderChunk(renderchunk); renderchunk.multModelviewMatrix(); vertexbuffer.bindBuffer(); this.setupArrayPointers(); vertexbuffer.drawArrays(7); GlStateManager.popMatrix(); } OpenGlHelper.glBindBuffer(OpenGlHelper.GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0); GlStateManager.resetColor(); this.renderChunks.clear(); } }
public void updateChunkPositions(double viewEntityX, double viewEntityZ) { int i = MathHelper.floor(viewEntityX) - 8; int j = MathHelper.floor(viewEntityZ) - 8; int k = this.countChunksX * 16; for (int l = 0; l < this.countChunksX; ++l) { int i1 = this.getBaseCoordinate(i, k, l); for (int j1 = 0; j1 < this.countChunksZ; ++j1) { int k1 = this.getBaseCoordinate(j, k, j1); for (int l1 = 0; l1 < this.countChunksY; ++l1) { int i2 = l1 * 16; RenderChunk renderchunk = this.renderChunks[(j1 * this.countChunksY + l1) * this.countChunksX + l]; renderchunk.setPosition(i1, i2, k1); } } } }
private RenderGlobal.ContainerLocalRenderInformation allocateRenderInformation(RenderChunk p_allocateRenderInformation_1_, EnumFacing p_allocateRenderInformation_2_, int p_allocateRenderInformation_3_) { RenderGlobal.ContainerLocalRenderInformation renderglobal$containerlocalrenderinformation; if (renderInfoCache.isEmpty()) { renderglobal$containerlocalrenderinformation = new RenderGlobal.ContainerLocalRenderInformation(p_allocateRenderInformation_1_, p_allocateRenderInformation_2_, p_allocateRenderInformation_3_); } else { renderglobal$containerlocalrenderinformation = (RenderGlobal.ContainerLocalRenderInformation)renderInfoCache.pollLast(); renderglobal$containerlocalrenderinformation.initialize(p_allocateRenderInformation_1_, p_allocateRenderInformation_2_, p_allocateRenderInformation_3_); } renderglobal$containerlocalrenderinformation.cacheable = true; return renderglobal$containerlocalrenderinformation; }
public void updateChunkPositions(double viewEntityX, double viewEntityZ) { int i = MathHelper.floor_double(viewEntityX) - 8; int j = MathHelper.floor_double(viewEntityZ) - 8; int k = this.countChunksX * 16; for (int l = 0; l < this.countChunksX; ++l) { int i1 = this.getBaseCoordinate(i, k, l); for (int j1 = 0; j1 < this.countChunksZ; ++j1) { int k1 = this.getBaseCoordinate(j, k, j1); for (int l1 = 0; l1 < this.countChunksY; ++l1) { int i2 = l1 * 16; RenderChunk renderchunk = this.renderChunks[(j1 * this.countChunksY + l1) * this.countChunksX + l]; renderchunk.setPosition(i1, i2, k1); } } } }
private void updateChunkLight(RenderChunk p_updateChunkLight_1_, Set<BlockPos> p_updateChunkLight_2_, Set<BlockPos> p_updateChunkLight_3_) { if (p_updateChunkLight_1_ != null) { CompiledChunk compiledchunk = p_updateChunkLight_1_.getCompiledChunk(); if (compiledchunk != null && !compiledchunk.isEmpty()) { p_updateChunkLight_1_.setNeedsUpdate(false); } BlockPos blockpos = p_updateChunkLight_1_.getPosition().toImmutable(); if (p_updateChunkLight_2_ != null) { p_updateChunkLight_2_.remove(blockpos); } if (p_updateChunkLight_3_ != null) { p_updateChunkLight_3_.add(blockpos); } } }
public void updateChunks(long finishTimeNano) { this.displayListEntitiesDirty |= this.renderDispatcher.runChunkUploads(finishTimeNano); if (!this.chunksToUpdate.isEmpty()) { Iterator<RenderChunk> iterator = this.chunksToUpdate.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { RenderChunk renderchunk = (RenderChunk); boolean flag; if (renderchunk.isNeedsUpdateCustom()) { flag = this.renderDispatcher.updateChunkNow(renderchunk); } else { flag = this.renderDispatcher.updateChunkLater(renderchunk); } if (!flag) { break; } renderchunk.clearNeedsUpdate(); iterator.remove(); long i = finishTimeNano - System.nanoTime(); if (i < 0L) { break; } } } }
@SubscribeEvent public void onLoadRenderers(LoadRenderersEvent event) { try { setRenderers(new Renderers()); setCache(new TesselatorCache(VERTEX_BUFFER_COUNT, VERTEX_BUFFER_SIZE)); // allocate all space needed for (RenderChunk renderChunk : event.getViewFrustum().renderChunks) { renderers.register(renderChunk); } } catch (Exception e) { handleException(null, e); } }
public void deleteGlResources() { for (RenderChunk renderchunk : this.renderChunks) { renderchunk.deleteGlResources(); } }
public void updateChunkPositions(double viewEntityX, double viewEntityZ) { int i = MathHelper.floor_double(viewEntityX) - 8; int j = MathHelper.floor_double(viewEntityZ) - 8; int k = this.countChunksX * 16; for (int l = 0; l < this.countChunksX; ++l) { int i1 = this.func_178157_a(i, k, l); for (int j1 = 0; j1 < this.countChunksZ; ++j1) { int k1 = this.func_178157_a(j, k, j1); for (int l1 = 0; l1 < this.countChunksY; ++l1) { int i2 = l1 * 16; RenderChunk renderchunk = this.renderChunks[(j1 * this.countChunksY + l1) * this.countChunksX + l]; BlockPos blockpos = new BlockPos(i1, i2, k1); if (!blockpos.equals(renderchunk.getPosition())) { renderchunk.setPosition(blockpos); } } } } }
protected RenderChunk getRenderChunk(BlockPos pos) { int i = MathHelper.bucketInt(pos.getX(), 16); int j = MathHelper.bucketInt(pos.getY(), 16); int k = MathHelper.bucketInt(pos.getZ(), 16); if (j >= 0 && j < this.countChunksY) { i = i % this.countChunksX; if (i < 0) { i += this.countChunksX; } k = k % this.countChunksZ; if (k < 0) { k += this.countChunksZ; } int l = (k * this.countChunksY + j) * this.countChunksX + i; return this.renderChunks[l]; } else { return null; } }
public void updateChunks(long finishTimeNano) { this.displayListEntitiesDirty |= this.renderDispatcher.runChunkUploads(finishTimeNano); if (!this.chunksToUpdate.isEmpty()) { Iterator<RenderChunk> iterator = this.chunksToUpdate.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { RenderChunk renderchunk = (RenderChunk); if (!this.renderDispatcher.updateChunkLater(renderchunk)) { break; } renderchunk.setNeedsUpdate(false); iterator.remove(); long i = finishTimeNano - System.nanoTime(); if (i < 0L) { break; } } } }
public void updateLitChunks(RenderGlobal p_updateLitChunks_1_) { for (BlockPos blockpos : this.setLitChunkPos) { RenderChunk renderchunk = p_updateLitChunks_1_.getRenderChunk(blockpos); this.updateChunkLight(renderchunk, (Set<BlockPos>)null, (Set<BlockPos>)null); } }
public void renderChunkLayer(EnumWorldBlockLayer layer) { if (this.initialized) { if (this.renderChunks.size() == 0) { return; } for (RenderChunk renderchunk : this.renderChunks) { ListedRenderChunk listedrenderchunk = (ListedRenderChunk)renderchunk; GlStateManager.pushMatrix(); this.preRenderChunk(renderchunk); GL11.glCallList(listedrenderchunk.getDisplayList(layer, listedrenderchunk.getCompiledChunk())); GlStateManager.popMatrix(); } if (Config.isMultiTexture()) { GlStateManager.bindCurrentTexture(); } GlStateManager.resetColor(); this.renderChunks.clear(); } }
public void updateChunkPositions(double viewEntityX, double viewEntityZ) { int i = MathHelper.floor_double(viewEntityX) - 8; int j = MathHelper.floor_double(viewEntityZ) - 8; int k = this.countChunksX * 16; for (int l = 0; l < this.countChunksX; ++l) { int i1 = this.func_178157_a(i, k, l); for (int j1 = 0; j1 < this.countChunksZ; ++j1) { int k1 = this.func_178157_a(j, k, j1); for (int l1 = 0; l1 < this.countChunksY; ++l1) { int i2 = l1 * 16; RenderChunk renderchunk = this.renderChunks[(j1 * this.countChunksY + l1) * this.countChunksX + l]; BlockPos blockpos = renderchunk.getPosition(); if (blockpos.getX() != i1 || blockpos.getY() != i2 || blockpos.getZ() != k1) { BlockPos blockpos1 = new BlockPos(i1, i2, k1); if (!blockpos1.equals(renderchunk.getPosition())) { renderchunk.setPosition(blockpos1); } } } } } }
private RenderChunk func_181562_a(BlockPos p_181562_1_, RenderChunk p_181562_2_, EnumFacing p_181562_3_) { BlockPos blockpos = p_181562_2_.getPositionOffset16(p_181562_3_); if (blockpos.getY() >= 0 && blockpos.getY() < 256) { int i = MathHelper.abs_int(p_181562_1_.getX() - blockpos.getX()); int j = MathHelper.abs_int(p_181562_1_.getZ() - blockpos.getZ()); if (Config.isFogOff()) { if (i > this.renderDistance || j > this.renderDistance) { return null; } } else { int k = i * i + j * j; if (k > this.renderDistanceSq) { return null; } } return this.viewFrustum.getRenderChunk(blockpos); } else { return null; } }
public RenderChunk getRenderChunk(RenderChunk p_getRenderChunk_1_, EnumFacing p_getRenderChunk_2_) { if (p_getRenderChunk_1_ == null) { return null; } else { BlockPos blockpos = p_getRenderChunk_1_.func_181701_a(p_getRenderChunk_2_); return this.viewFrustum.getRenderChunk(blockpos); } }
/** * Returns RenderChunk offset from given RenderChunk in given direction, or null if it can't be seen by player at * given BlockPos. */ @Nullable private RenderChunk getRenderChunkOffset(BlockPos playerPos, RenderChunk renderChunkBase, EnumFacing facing) { BlockPos blockpos = renderChunkBase.getBlockPosOffset16(facing); return MathHelper.abs_int(playerPos.getX() - blockpos.getX()) > this.renderDistanceChunks * 16 ? null : (blockpos.getY() >= 0 && blockpos.getY() < 256 ? (MathHelper.abs_int(playerPos.getZ() - blockpos.getZ()) > this.renderDistanceChunks * 16 ? null : this.viewFrustum.getRenderChunk(blockpos)) : null); }
private ContainerLocalRenderInformation(RenderChunk renderChunkIn, EnumFacing facingIn, int counterIn) { this.setFacing = EnumSet.noneOf(EnumFacing.class); this.renderChunk = renderChunkIn; this.facing = facingIn; this.counter = counterIn; }
public void renderChunkLayer(BlockRenderLayer layer) { if (this.initialized) { if (this.renderChunks.size() == 0) { return; } for (RenderChunk renderchunk : this.renderChunks) { ListedRenderChunk listedrenderchunk = (ListedRenderChunk)renderchunk; GlStateManager.pushMatrix(); this.preRenderChunk(renderchunk); GlStateManager.callList(listedrenderchunk.getDisplayList(layer, listedrenderchunk.getCompiledChunk())); GlStateManager.popMatrix(); } if (Config.isMultiTexture()) { GlStateManager.bindCurrentTexture(); } GlStateManager.resetColor(); this.renderChunks.clear(); } }
@Nullable public RenderChunk getRenderChunk(BlockPos pos) { int i = pos.getX() >> 4; int j = pos.getY() >> 4; int k = pos.getZ() >> 4; if (j >= 0 && j < this.countChunksY) { i = i % this.countChunksX; if (i < 0) { i += this.countChunksX; } k = k % this.countChunksZ; if (k < 0) { k += this.countChunksZ; } int l = (k * this.countChunksY + j) * this.countChunksX + i; return this.renderChunks[l]; } else { return null; } }
@Nullable /** * Returns RenderChunk offset from given RenderChunk in given direction, or null if it can't be seen by player at * given BlockPos. */ private RenderChunk getRenderChunkOffset(BlockPos playerPos, RenderChunk renderChunkBase, EnumFacing facing) { BlockPos blockpos = renderChunkBase.getBlockPosOffset16(facing); if (blockpos.getY() >= 0 && blockpos.getY() < 256) { int i = playerPos.getX() - blockpos.getX(); int j = playerPos.getZ() - blockpos.getZ(); if (Config.isFogOff()) { if (Math.abs(i) > this.renderDistance || Math.abs(j) > this.renderDistance) { return null; } } else { int k = i * i + j * j; if (k > this.renderDistanceSq) { return null; } } return renderChunkBase.getRenderChunkOffset16(this.viewFrustum, facing); } else { return null; } }