Java 类net.minecraft.client.particle.EntityDiggingFX 实例源码

项目:IlluminatedBows    文件   
public boolean addDestroyEffects(World world, int x, int y, int z, int meta, EffectRenderer effectRenderer)
    int max = 4;

    for (int xOffset = 0; xOffset < max; ++xOffset)
        for (int yOffset = 0; yOffset < max; ++yOffset)
            for (int zOffset = 0; zOffset < max; ++zOffset)
                double pX = (double) x + ((double) xOffset + 0.5D) / (double) max;
                double pY = (double) y + ((double) yOffset + 0.5D) / (double) max;
                double pZ = (double) z + ((double) zOffset + 0.5D) / (double) max;
                Minecraft.getMinecraft().effectRenderer.addEffect((new EntityDiggingFX(world, pX, pY, pZ, pX - (double) x - 0.5D, pY - (double) y - 0.5D, pZ - (double) z
                        - 0.5D, ((TileIllumination) world.getTileEntity(x, y, z)).camoBlock, meta)).applyColourMultiplier(x, y, z));

    return true;
项目:RuneCraftery    文件   
public void func_78871_a(int p_78871_1_, int p_78871_2_, int p_78871_3_, int p_78871_4_, int p_78871_5_) {
   if(p_78871_4_ != 0) {
      Block var6 = Block.field_71973_m[p_78871_4_];
      byte var7 = 4;

      for(int var8 = 0; var8 < var7; ++var8) {
         for(int var9 = 0; var9 < var7; ++var9) {
            for(int var10 = 0; var10 < var7; ++var10) {
               double var11 = (double)p_78871_1_ + ((double)var8 + 0.5D) / (double)var7;
               double var13 = (double)p_78871_2_ + ((double)var9 + 0.5D) / (double)var7;
               double var15 = (double)p_78871_3_ + ((double)var10 + 0.5D) / (double)var7;
               this.func_78873_a((new EntityDiggingFX(this.field_78878_a, var11, var13, var15, var11 - (double)p_78871_1_ - 0.5D, var13 - (double)p_78871_2_ - 0.5D, var15 - (double)p_78871_3_ - 0.5D, var6, p_78871_5_)).func_70596_a(p_78871_1_, p_78871_2_, p_78871_3_));

项目:Statues    文件   
public static void spawnSculptEffect(int x, int y, int z, Block block, byte meta) {
    if(block==null) return;

    World world = Minecraft.getMinecraft().theWorld;
    for (int side = 0; side < 6; side++) {
        for (int j = 0; j < 32; j++) {
            EntityDiggingFX fx = addBlockHitEffects(Minecraft.getMinecraft().theWorld, x, y, z, block, meta, side);
            if(fx==null) return;

            fx.multipleParticleScaleBy(0.25f + 0.5f * rand.nextFloat());
            fx.multiplyVelocity(0.3f * rand.nextFloat());

    Minecraft.getMinecraft().theWorld.playSound(x + 0.5, y + 0.5, z + 0.5, block.stepSound.getBreakSound(), 1.0f, 0.6f + 0.4f * rand.nextFloat(), true);
项目:carpentersblocks    文件   
 * Produces block destruction particles at coordinates.
public static void addDestroyEffect(World world, int x, int y, int z, ItemStack itemStack, EffectRenderer effectRenderer)
    byte factor = 4;

    for (int posX = 0; posX < factor; ++posX)
        for (int posY = 0; posY < factor; ++posY)
            for (int posZ = 0; posZ < factor; ++posZ)
                double dirX = x + (posX + 0.5D) / factor;
                double dirY = y + (posY + 0.5D) / factor;
                double dirZ = z + (posZ + 0.5D) / factor;

                EntityDiggingFX particle = new EntityDiggingFX(world, dirX, dirY, dirZ, dirX - x - 0.5D, dirY - y - 0.5D, dirZ - z - 0.5D, BlockProperties.toBlock(itemStack), itemStack.getItemDamage());
                effectRenderer.addEffect(particle.applyColourMultiplier(x, y, z));
项目:IlluminatedBows    文件   
public boolean addHitEffects(World world, MovingObjectPosition target, EffectRenderer effectRenderer)
    int side    = target.sideHit;
    int x       = target.blockX;
    int y       = target.blockY;
    int z       = target.blockZ;

    if (getMaterial() != Material.air)
        float offset = 0.1F;
        double pX = (double)x + world.rand.nextDouble() * (getBlockBoundsMaxX() - getBlockBoundsMinX() - (double)(offset * 2.0F)) + (double)offset + getBlockBoundsMinX();
        double pY = (double)y + world.rand.nextDouble() * (getBlockBoundsMaxY() - getBlockBoundsMinY() - (double)(offset * 2.0F)) + (double)offset + getBlockBoundsMinY();
        double pZ = (double)z + world.rand.nextDouble() * (getBlockBoundsMaxZ() - getBlockBoundsMinZ() - (double)(offset * 2.0F)) + (double)offset + getBlockBoundsMinZ();

        ForgeDirection dir = ForgeDirection.getOrientation(side);

        pX = dir.offsetX == 0 ? pX : x + Math.max(0, dir.offsetX) + (offset * dir.offsetX);
        pY = dir.offsetY == 0 ? pY : y + Math.max(0, dir.offsetY) + (offset * dir.offsetY);
        pZ = dir.offsetZ == 0 ? pZ : z + Math.max(0, dir.offsetZ) + (offset * dir.offsetZ);

        effectRenderer.addEffect((new EntityDiggingFX(world, pX, pY, pZ, 0.0D, 0.0D, 0.0D, ((TileIllumination)world.getTileEntity(x, y, z)).camoBlock, world.getBlockMetadata(x, y, z)).applyColourMultiplier(x, y, z).multiplyVelocity(0.2F).multipleParticleScaleBy(0.6F)));

    return true;
项目:Chisel-1.7.2    文件   
public static void spawnChiselEffect(int x, int y, int z, String sound) {
    World world = Minecraft.getMinecraft().theWorld;
    for (int side = 0; side < 6; side++) {
        for (int j = 0; j < 16; j++) {
            EntityDiggingFX fx = addBlockHitEffects(Minecraft.getMinecraft().theWorld, x, y, z, side);
            if(fx==null) return;

            fx.multipleParticleScaleBy(0.25f + 0.5f * rand.nextFloat());
            fx.multiplyVelocity(0.3f * rand.nextFloat());

    GeneralClient.playChiselSound(world, x, y, z, sound);
项目:Chisel    文件   
public static void spawnChiselEffect(int x, int y, int z, String sound) {
    World world = Minecraft.getMinecraft().theWorld;
    for (int side = 0; side < 6; side++) {
        for (int j = 0; j < 16; j++) {
            EntityDiggingFX fx = addBlockHitEffects(Minecraft.getMinecraft().theWorld, x, y, z, side);
            if (fx == null) return;

            fx.multipleParticleScaleBy(0.25f + 0.5f * rand.nextFloat());
            fx.multiplyVelocity(0.3f * rand.nextFloat());

    GeneralClient.playChiselSound(world, x, y, z, sound);
项目:Privatizer    文件   
public boolean addDestroyEffects(World world, int x, int y, int z, int meta, EffectRenderer effectRenderer)
    if(world.getBlockMetadata(x, y, z) == 2 || world.getBlockMetadata(x, y, z) == 10)
        TileEntity te = world.getTileEntity(x, y, z);
        if(te instanceof IAdaptableTile)
            IAdaptableTile tileAdaptable = (IAdaptableTile)te;
            if(tileAdaptable.getBlockForTexture() != null)
                byte b0 = 4;

                for(int i1 = 0; i1 < b0; ++i1)
                    for(int j1 = 0; j1 < b0; ++j1)
                        for(int k1 = 0; k1 < b0; ++k1)
                            double d0 = (double)x + ((double)i1 + 0.5D) / (double)b0;
                            double d1 = (double)y + ((double)j1 + 0.5D) / (double)b0;
                            double d2 = (double)z + ((double)k1 + 0.5D) / (double)b0;
                            effectRenderer.addEffect((new EntityDiggingFX(world, d0, d1, d2, d0 - (double)x - 0.5D, d1 - (double)y - 0.5D, d2 - (double)z - 0.5D, tileAdaptable.getBlockForTexture(), tileAdaptable.getBlockMetadataForTexture())).applyColourMultiplier(x, y, z));
                return true;
    return super.addDestroyEffects(world, x, y, z, meta, effectRenderer);
项目:Chisel-2    文件   
public static void spawnChiselEffect(int x, int y, int z, String sound) {
    World world = Minecraft.getMinecraft().theWorld;
    for (int side = 0; side < 6; side++) {
        for (int j = 0; j < 16; j++) {
            EntityDiggingFX fx = addBlockHitEffects(Minecraft.getMinecraft().theWorld, x, y, z, side);
            if (fx == null)

            fx.multipleParticleScaleBy(0.25f + 0.5f * rand.nextFloat());
            fx.multiplyVelocity(0.3f * rand.nextFloat());

    GeneralClient.playChiselSound(world, x, y, z, sound);
项目:Chisel-2    文件   
public static void spawnAutoChiselFX(TileEntityAutoChisel te, ItemStack base) {
    if (base != null && Minecraft.getMinecraft().gameSettings.particleSetting == 0) {
        for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
            EntityDiggingFX particle = new EntityDiggingFX(te.getWorldObj(), te.xCoord + 0.5, te.yCoord + 0.95, te.zCoord + 0.5, 0, 0, 0, Block.getBlockFromItem(base.getItem()),
            particle.setVelocity((te.getWorldObj().rand.nextDouble() / 4) - 0.125, te.getWorldObj().rand.nextDouble() / 8, (te.getWorldObj().rand.nextDouble() / 4) - 0.125);
        String sound = Carving.chisel.getVariationSound(base.getItem(), base.getItemDamage());
        GeneralClient.playChiselSound(te.getWorldObj(), te.xCoord, te.yCoord, te.zCoord, sound);
项目:ElConQore    文件   
public static boolean addBlockDestroyEffects(World world, int x, int y, int z, int meta, EffectRenderer effectRenderer, Block block, int metadata, int side) {
    byte size = 4;
    for(int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
        for(int j = 0; j < size; j++) {
            for(int k = 0; k < size; k++) {
                double xx = (double) x + ((double) i + 0.5D) / (double) size;
                double yy = (double) y + ((double) j + 0.5D) / (double) size;
                double zz = (double) z + ((double) k + 0.5D) / (double) size;
                effectRenderer.addEffect((new EntityDiggingFX(world, xx, yy, zz, xx - (double) x - 0.5D, yy - (double) y - 0.5D, zz - (double) z - 0.5D, block, metadata, side)).applyColourMultiplier(x, y, z));
    return true;
项目:ElConQore    文件   
public static boolean addBlockHitEffects(World world, MovingObjectPosition target, EffectRenderer effectRenderer, int metadata, int side) {
    int x = target.blockX;
    int y = target.blockY;
    int z = target.blockZ;
    int sideHit = target.sideHit;
    Block block = world.getBlock(x, y, z);

    float f = 0.1F;
    double xx = (double) x + world.rand.nextDouble() * (block.getBlockBoundsMaxX() - block.getBlockBoundsMinX() - (double) (f * 2.0F)) + (double) f + block.getBlockBoundsMinX();
    double yy = (double) y + world.rand.nextDouble() * (block.getBlockBoundsMaxY() - block.getBlockBoundsMinY() - (double) (f * 2.0F)) + (double) f + block.getBlockBoundsMinY();
    double zz = (double) z + world.rand.nextDouble() * (block.getBlockBoundsMaxZ() - block.getBlockBoundsMinZ() - (double) (f * 2.0F)) + (double) f + block.getBlockBoundsMinZ();
    if(sideHit == 0) {
        yy = (double) y + block.getBlockBoundsMinY() - (double) f;
    if(sideHit == 1) {
        yy = (double) y + block.getBlockBoundsMaxY() + (double) f;
    if(sideHit == 2) {
        zz = (double) z + block.getBlockBoundsMinZ() - (double) f;
    if(sideHit == 3) {
        zz = (double) z + block.getBlockBoundsMaxZ() + (double) f;
    if(sideHit == 4) {
        xx = (double) x + block.getBlockBoundsMinX() - (double) f;
    if(sideHit == 5) {
        xx = (double) x + block.getBlockBoundsMaxX() + (double) f;
    effectRenderer.addEffect((new EntityDiggingFX(world, xx, yy, zz, 0.0D, 0.0D, 0.0D, block, metadata, side)).applyColourMultiplier(x, y, z).multiplyVelocity(0.2F).multipleParticleScaleBy(0.6F));
    return true;
项目:GardenCollection    文件   
public boolean addDestroyEffects (World world, int x, int y, int z, int meta, EffectRenderer effectRenderer) {
    TileEntityWoodProxy te = getTileEntity(world, x, y, z);
    BlockThinLog block = getBlock(world, x, y, z);

    if (te == null || block == null)
        return false;

    int protoMeta = te.getProtoMeta();
    Block protoBlock = te.getProtoBlock();
    if (protoBlock == null) {
        protoBlock = Blocks.log;
        protoMeta = world.getBlockMetadata(x, y, z);

    try {
        byte count = 4;
        for (int ix = 0; ix < count; ++ix) {
            for (int iy = 0; iy < count; ++iy) {
                for (int iz = 0; iz < count; ++iz) {
                    double xOff = (double)x + ((double)ix + 0.5D) / (double)count;
                    double yOff = (double)y + ((double)iy + 0.5D) / (double)count;
                    double zOff = (double)z + ((double)iz + 0.5D) / (double)count;

                    EntityDiggingFX fx = new EntityDiggingFX(world, xOff, yOff, zOff, xOff - (double) x - 0.5D, yOff - (double) y - 0.5D, zOff - (double) z - 0.5D, this, meta);
                    fx.setParticleIcon(block.getIcon(world.rand.nextInt(6), te.composeMetadata(protoBlock, protoMeta)));

                    effectRenderer.addEffect(fx.applyColourMultiplier(x, y, z));
    catch (Exception e) { }

    return true;
项目:GardenCollection    文件   
public boolean addDestroyEffects (World world, int x, int y, int z, int meta, EffectRenderer effectRenderer) {
    TileEntityWoodProxy te = getTileEntity(world, x, y, z);
    BlockThinLogFence block = getBlock(world, x, y, z);

    if (te == null || block == null)
        return false;

    int protoMeta = te.getProtoMeta();
    Block protoBlock = te.getProtoBlock();
    if (protoBlock == null) {
        protoBlock = Blocks.log;
        protoMeta = world.getBlockMetadata(x, y, z);

    try {
        byte count = 4;
        for (int ix = 0; ix < count; ++ix) {
            for (int iy = 0; iy < count; ++iy) {
                for (int iz = 0; iz < count; ++iz) {
                    double xOff = (double)x + ((double)ix + 0.5D) / (double)count;
                    double yOff = (double)y + ((double)iy + 0.5D) / (double)count;
                    double zOff = (double)z + ((double)iz + 0.5D) / (double)count;

                    EntityDiggingFX fx = new EntityDiggingFX(world, xOff, yOff, zOff, xOff - (double) x - 0.5D, yOff - (double) y - 0.5D, zOff - (double) z - 0.5D, this, meta);
                    fx.setParticleIcon(block.getIcon(world.rand.nextInt(6), te.composeMetadata(protoBlock, protoMeta)));

                    effectRenderer.addEffect(fx.applyColourMultiplier(x, y, z));
    catch (Exception e) { }

    return true;
项目:Metallurgy-Bees    文件   
public static boolean addBlockDestroyEffects(World world, int x, int y, int z, int meta, EffectRenderer effectRenderer, Block block, int metadata) {
    byte size = 4;
    for(int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
        for(int j = 0; j < size; j++) {
            for(int k = 0; k < size; k++) {
                double xx = (double) x + ((double) i + 0.5D) / (double) size;
                double yy = (double) y + ((double) j + 0.5D) / (double) size;
                double zz = (double) z + ((double) k + 0.5D) / (double) size;
                effectRenderer.addEffect((new EntityDiggingFX(world, xx, yy, zz, xx - (double) x - 0.5D, yy - (double) y - 0.5D, zz - (double) z - 0.5D, block, metadata)).applyColourMultiplier(x, y, z));
    return true;
项目:Metallurgy-Bees    文件   
public static boolean addBlockHitEffects(World world, MovingObjectPosition target, EffectRenderer effectRenderer, int metadata) {
    int x = target.blockX;
    int y = target.blockY;
    int z = target.blockZ;
    int sideHit = target.sideHit;
    Block block = world.getBlock(x, y, z);

    float f = 0.1F;
    double xx = (double) x + world.rand.nextDouble() * (block.getBlockBoundsMaxX() - block.getBlockBoundsMinX() - (double) (f * 2.0F)) + (double) f + block.getBlockBoundsMinX();
    double yy = (double) y + world.rand.nextDouble() * (block.getBlockBoundsMaxY() - block.getBlockBoundsMinY() - (double) (f * 2.0F)) + (double) f + block.getBlockBoundsMinY();
    double zz = (double) z + world.rand.nextDouble() * (block.getBlockBoundsMaxZ() - block.getBlockBoundsMinZ() - (double) (f * 2.0F)) + (double) f + block.getBlockBoundsMinZ();
    if(sideHit == 0) {
        yy = (double) y + block.getBlockBoundsMinY() - (double) f;
    if(sideHit == 1) {
        yy = (double) y + block.getBlockBoundsMaxY() + (double) f;
    if(sideHit == 2) {
        zz = (double) z + block.getBlockBoundsMinZ() - (double) f;
    if(sideHit == 3) {
        zz = (double) z + block.getBlockBoundsMaxZ() + (double) f;
    if(sideHit == 4) {
        xx = (double) x + block.getBlockBoundsMinX() - (double) f;
    if(sideHit == 5) {
        xx = (double) x + block.getBlockBoundsMaxX() + (double) f;
    effectRenderer.addEffect((new EntityDiggingFX(world, xx, yy, zz, 0.0D, 0.0D, 0.0D, block, metadata)).applyColourMultiplier(x, y, z).multiplyVelocity(0.2F).multipleParticleScaleBy(0.6F));
    return true;
项目:RuneCraftery    文件   
public void func_78867_a(int p_78867_1_, int p_78867_2_, int p_78867_3_, int p_78867_4_) {
   int var5 = this.field_78878_a.func_72798_a(p_78867_1_, p_78867_2_, p_78867_3_);
   if(var5 != 0) {
      Block var6 = Block.field_71973_m[var5];
      float var7 = 0.1F;
      double var8 = (double)p_78867_1_ + this.field_78875_d.nextDouble() * (var6.func_83007_w() - var6.func_83009_v() - (double)(var7 * 2.0F)) + (double)var7 + var6.func_83009_v();
      double var10 = (double)p_78867_2_ + this.field_78875_d.nextDouble() * (var6.func_83010_y() - var6.func_83008_x() - (double)(var7 * 2.0F)) + (double)var7 + var6.func_83008_x();
      double var12 = (double)p_78867_3_ + this.field_78875_d.nextDouble() * (var6.func_83006_A() - var6.func_83005_z() - (double)(var7 * 2.0F)) + (double)var7 + var6.func_83005_z();
      if(p_78867_4_ == 0) {
         var10 = (double)p_78867_2_ + var6.func_83008_x() - (double)var7;

      if(p_78867_4_ == 1) {
         var10 = (double)p_78867_2_ + var6.func_83010_y() + (double)var7;

      if(p_78867_4_ == 2) {
         var12 = (double)p_78867_3_ + var6.func_83005_z() - (double)var7;

      if(p_78867_4_ == 3) {
         var12 = (double)p_78867_3_ + var6.func_83006_A() + (double)var7;

      if(p_78867_4_ == 4) {
         var8 = (double)p_78867_1_ + var6.func_83009_v() - (double)var7;

      if(p_78867_4_ == 5) {
         var8 = (double)p_78867_1_ + var6.func_83007_w() + (double)var7;

      this.func_78873_a((new EntityDiggingFX(this.field_78878_a, var8, var10, var12, 0.0D, 0.0D, 0.0D, var6, this.field_78878_a.func_72805_g(p_78867_1_, p_78867_2_, p_78867_3_))).func_70596_a(p_78867_1_, p_78867_2_, p_78867_3_).func_70543_e(0.2F).func_70541_f(0.6F));
项目:Statues    文件   
public static EntityDiggingFX addBlockHitEffects(World world, int x, int y, int z, Block block, int meta, int side) {
    EffectRenderer renderer = Minecraft.getMinecraft().effectRenderer;

    if(block==null) return null;

    float f = 0.1F;
    double d0 = x + rand.nextDouble() * (block.getBlockBoundsMaxX() - block.getBlockBoundsMinX() - f * 2.0F) + f + block.getBlockBoundsMinX();
    double d1 = y + rand.nextDouble() * (block.getBlockBoundsMaxY() - block.getBlockBoundsMinY() - f * 2.0F) + f + block.getBlockBoundsMinY();
    double d2 = z + rand.nextDouble() * (block.getBlockBoundsMaxZ() - block.getBlockBoundsMinZ() - f * 2.0F) + f + block.getBlockBoundsMinZ();

    switch (side) {
    case 0:
        d1 = y + block.getBlockBoundsMinY() - f;
    case 1:
        d1 = y + block.getBlockBoundsMaxY() + f;
    case 2:
        d2 = z + block.getBlockBoundsMinZ() - f;
    case 3:
        d2 = z + block.getBlockBoundsMaxZ() + f;
    case 4:
        d0 = x + block.getBlockBoundsMinX() - f;
    case 5:
        d0 = x + block.getBlockBoundsMaxX() + f;

    EntityDiggingFX res = new EntityDiggingFX(world, d0, d1, d2, 0.0D, 0.0D, 0.0D, block, meta, side);
    res.motionX = d0 - (x + 0.5);
    res.motionY = d1 - (y + 0.5);
    res.motionZ = d2 - (z + 0.5);


    return res;
项目:Statues    文件   
public static void spawnCopyEffect(World world, int x, int y, int z, int side, float hx, float hy, float hz, TileEntityStatue statue) {
    world.playSound(x + 0.5, y + 0.5, z + 0.5, "statues:copy", 2.0F, world.rand.nextFloat()*0.4f+0.8f, false);

    for(int i=0;i<8;i++){
        EntityDiggingFX fx = addBlockHitEffects(Minecraft.getMinecraft().theWorld, x, y, z, statue.block, statue.meta, side);
        if(fx==null) return;

        fx.setPosition(x+hx, y+hy, z+hz);
        fx.multipleParticleScaleBy(0.15f + 0.7f * rand.nextFloat());
        fx.multiplyVelocity(0.3f * rand.nextFloat());       
项目:carpentersblocks    文件   
 * Produces block hit particles at coordinates.
public static void addHitEffect(TEBase TE, MovingObjectPosition target, double x, double y, double z, ItemStack itemStack, EffectRenderer effectRenderer)

    EntityDiggingFX particle = new EntityDiggingFX(TE.getWorldObj(), x, y, z, 0.0D, 0.0D, 0.0D, BlockProperties.toBlock(itemStack), itemStack.getItemDamage());
    effectRenderer.addEffect(particle.applyColourMultiplier(target.blockX, target.blockY, target.blockZ).multiplyVelocity(0.2F).multipleParticleScaleBy(0.6F));
项目:Dota2Items    文件   
public FXCycloneRing(World world, double x, double y, double z, float yaw, float pitch, float alpha, EffectRenderer renderer) {
    super(world, x, y, z, 0, 0, 0);
    axis = Vec3.createVectorHelper(0, 1, 0);
    particleGravity = 0;
    this.yaw = yaw;
    this.pitch = pitch;
    ringHeight = ascendVelocity; // starts just a bit off the ground
    baseAngle = 0;
    this.particleAlpha = alpha;

    puffs = new EntityFX[puffsPerRing];
    for (int i = 0; i < puffsPerRing; i++) {
        if (Math.random() < 0.07) {
            // Add *dust* of the block below instead of the smoke puff
            int xInt = MathHelper.floor_double(x);
            int yInt = MathHelper.floor_double(y) - 1;
            int zInt = MathHelper.floor_double(z);
            int blockId = world.getBlockId(xInt, yInt, zInt);
            if (blockId > 0) {
                int metadata = world.getBlockMetadata(xInt, yInt, zInt);
                // The "y + 0.1" below is a workaround for the bug that digging
                // particles stayed on the ground and didn't fly up for some reason.
                puffs[i] = new EntityDiggingFX(world, x + 0.5, y+0.1, z + 0.5, 0, 0, 0, Block.blocksList[blockId], SideHit.TOP, metadata).applyColourMultiplier(xInt, yInt, zInt).multipleParticleScaleBy(0.5f);
        puffs[i] = new ParticleCyclone(world, x + 0.5, y, z + 0.5, 0, 0, 0);
    dAngle = MathUtil._2_PI / ((float) puffs.length);
项目:ForgeMods    文件   
public boolean addDestroyEffects (World world, int x, int y, int z, int meta, EffectRenderer effectRenderer) {
    TileEntityLargePot te = getAttachedPotEntity(world, x, y, z);
    if (te == null || te.getFlowerPotItem() == null)
        return true;

    Block proxy = Block.getBlockFromItem(te.getFlowerPotItem());
    if (proxy == null || proxy == Blocks.air)
        return true;

    try {
        byte count = 4;
        for (int ix = 0; ix < count; ++ix)
            for (int iy = 0; iy < count; ++iy)
                for (int iz = 0; iz < count; ++iz)
                    double xOff = (double)x + ((double)ix + 0.5D) / (double)count;
                    double yOff = (double)y + ((double)iy + 0.5D) / (double)count;
                    double zOff = (double)z + ((double)iz + 0.5D) / (double)count;

                    EntityDiggingFX fx = new EntityDiggingFX(world, xOff, yOff, zOff, xOff - (double) x - 0.5D, yOff - (double) y - 0.5D, zOff - (double) z - 0.5D, this, meta);
                    fx.setParticleIcon(proxy.getIcon(world.rand.nextInt(6), te.getFlowerPotData()));

                    effectRenderer.addEffect(fx.applyColourMultiplier(x, y, z));
    catch (Exception e) {
        FMLLog.log(ModularPots.MOD_ID, Level.WARN, "Exception passing through addDestroyEffects(): " + e.getMessage());

    return true;
项目:ModJam3    文件   
public static boolean addBlockDestroyEffects(World world, int x, int y, int z, int meta, EffectRenderer effectRenderer, Block block, int metadata) {
    byte size = 4;
    for(int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
        for(int j = 0; j < size; j++) {
            for(int k = 0; k < size; k++) {
                double xx = (double) x + ((double) i + 0.5D) / (double) size;
                double yy = (double) y + ((double) j + 0.5D) / (double) size;
                double zz = (double) z + ((double) k + 0.5D) / (double) size;
                effectRenderer.addEffect((new EntityDiggingFX(world, xx, yy, zz, xx - (double) x - 0.5D, yy - (double) y - 0.5D, zz - (double) z - 0.5D, block, metadata)).applyColourMultiplier(x, y, z));
    return true;
项目:ModJam3    文件   
public static boolean addBlockHitEffects(World world, MovingObjectPosition target, EffectRenderer effectRenderer, int metadata) {
    int x = target.blockX;
    int y = target.blockY;
    int z = target.blockZ;
    int sideHit = target.sideHit;
    Block block = Block.blocksList[world.getBlockId(x, y, z)];

    float f = 0.1F;
    double xx = (double) x + world.rand.nextDouble() * (block.getBlockBoundsMaxX() - block.getBlockBoundsMinX() - (double) (f * 2.0F)) + (double) f + block.getBlockBoundsMinX();
    double yy = (double) y + world.rand.nextDouble() * (block.getBlockBoundsMaxY() - block.getBlockBoundsMinY() - (double) (f * 2.0F)) + (double) f + block.getBlockBoundsMinY();
    double zz = (double) z + world.rand.nextDouble() * (block.getBlockBoundsMaxZ() - block.getBlockBoundsMinZ() - (double) (f * 2.0F)) + (double) f + block.getBlockBoundsMinZ();
    if(sideHit == 0) {
        yy = (double) y + block.getBlockBoundsMinY() - (double) f;
    if(sideHit == 1) {
        yy = (double) y + block.getBlockBoundsMaxY() + (double) f;
    if(sideHit == 2) {
        zz = (double) z + block.getBlockBoundsMinZ() - (double) f;
    if(sideHit == 3) {
        zz = (double) z + block.getBlockBoundsMaxZ() + (double) f;
    if(sideHit == 4) {
        xx = (double) x + block.getBlockBoundsMinX() - (double) f;
    if(sideHit == 5) {
        xx = (double) x + block.getBlockBoundsMaxX() + (double) f;
    effectRenderer.addEffect((new EntityDiggingFX(world, xx, yy, zz, 0.0D, 0.0D, 0.0D, block, metadata)).applyColourMultiplier(x, y, z).multiplyVelocity(0.2F).multipleParticleScaleBy(0.6F));
    return true;
项目:Cooking-with-TFC    文件   
   public boolean addDestroyEffects(World world, int x, int y, int z, int meta, EffectRenderer effectRenderer)
    Block block = world.getBlock(x, y, z);
    TileEntity tileentity = world.getTileEntity(x, y, z);

    if (block != null && block == this && tileentity != null && tileentity instanceof TileClayOven)
        TileClayOven te = (TileClayOven)tileentity;
        int buildStage = te.getBuildStage();
        int curingStage = te.getCuringStage();
           byte b0 = 4;

           for (int i1 = 0; i1 < b0; ++i1)
               for (int j1 = 0; j1 < b0; ++j1)
                   for (int k1 = 0; k1 < b0; ++k1)
                       double d0 = (double)x + ((double)i1 + 0.5D) / (double)b0;
                       double d1 = (double)y + ((double)j1 + 0.5D) / (double)b0;
                       double d2 = (double)z + ((double)k1 + 0.5D) / (double)b0;

                       EntityDiggingFX digging = new EntityDiggingFX(world, d0, d1, d2, d0 - (double)x - 0.5D, d1 - (double)y - 0.5D, d2 - (double)z - 0.5D, block, meta);
                       digging.applyColourMultiplier(x, y, z);

                       if(buildStage <= Constants.CHIMNEY && curingStage == 2)
                    else if(buildStage <= Constants.CHIMNEY && curingStage >= 3)
                    else if(buildStage == Constants.INTERIOR && (curingStage == 1 || curingStage == 4))
                    else if(buildStage == Constants.INTERIOR && curingStage == 2)
                    else if(buildStage == Constants.CURED)


       return true;
项目:Cooking-with-TFC    文件   
   public boolean addDestroyEffects(World world, int x, int y, int z, int meta, EffectRenderer effectRenderer)
    Block block = world.getBlock(x, y, z);
    TileEntity tileentity = world.getTileEntity(x, y, z);

    if (block != null && block == this && tileentity != null && tileentity instanceof TileSandwich)
        TileSandwich te = (TileSandwich)tileentity;
        Item toast = (te.getSandwichContents()[0]).getItem();
        byte b0 = 2;

           for (int i1 = 0; i1 < b0; ++i1)
            for (int j1 = 0; j1 < b0; ++j1)
                for (int k1 = 0; k1 < b0; ++k1)
                    double d0 = (double)x + ((double)i1 + 0.5D) / (double)b0;
                       double d1 = (double)y + ((double)j1 + 0.5D) / (double)b0;
                       double d2 = (double)z + ((double)k1 + 0.5D) / (double)b0;

                       EntityDiggingFX digging = new EntityDiggingFX(world, d0, d1, d2, d0 - (double)x - 0.5D, d1 - (double)y - 0.5D, d2 - (double)z - 0.5D, block, meta);
                       digging.applyColourMultiplier(x, y, z);

                       if(toast == TFCItems.barleyBread)
                    else if(toast == TFCItems.cornBread)
                    else if(toast == TFCItems.oatBread)
                    else if(toast == TFCItems.riceBread)
                    else if(toast == TFCItems.ryeBread)

    return true;
项目:Chisel-1.7.2    文件   
public static EntityDiggingFX addBlockHitEffects(World world, int x, int y, int z, int side) {
        Block block = world.getBlock(x, y, z);
        if (block.isAir(world, x, y, z))
            return null;

        EffectRenderer renderer = Minecraft.getMinecraft().effectRenderer;

        float f = 0.1F;
        double d0 = x + rand.nextDouble() * (block.getBlockBoundsMaxX() - block.getBlockBoundsMinX() - f * 2.0F) + f + block.getBlockBoundsMinX();
        double d1 = y + rand.nextDouble() * (block.getBlockBoundsMaxY() - block.getBlockBoundsMinY() - f * 2.0F) + f + block.getBlockBoundsMinY();
        double d2 = z + rand.nextDouble() * (block.getBlockBoundsMaxZ() - block.getBlockBoundsMinZ() - f * 2.0F) + f + block.getBlockBoundsMinZ();

        switch (side) {
        case 0:
            d1 = y + block.getBlockBoundsMinY() - f;
        case 1:
            d1 = y + block.getBlockBoundsMaxY() + f;
        case 2:
            d2 = z + block.getBlockBoundsMinZ() - f;
        case 3:
            d2 = z + block.getBlockBoundsMaxZ() + f;
        case 4:
            d0 = x + block.getBlockBoundsMinX() - f;
        case 5:
            d0 = x + block.getBlockBoundsMaxX() + f;

        EntityDiggingFX res = new EntityDiggingFX(world, d0, d1, d2, 0.0D, 0.0D, 0.0D, block, world.getBlockMetadata(x, y, z), side);
//      res.func_70596_a(x, y, z);
        res.motionX = d0 - (x + 0.5);
        res.motionY = d1 - (y + 0.5);
        res.motionZ = d2 - (z + 0.5);


        return res;
项目:Chisel    文件   
public static EntityDiggingFX addBlockHitEffects(World world, int x, int y, int z, int side) {
        Block block = world.getBlock(x, y, z);
        if (block == null)
            return null;

        EffectRenderer renderer = Minecraft.getMinecraft().effectRenderer;

        float f = 0.1F;
        double d0 = x + rand.nextDouble() * (block.getBlockBoundsMaxX() - block.getBlockBoundsMinX() - f * 2.0F) + f + block.getBlockBoundsMinX();
        double d1 = y + rand.nextDouble() * (block.getBlockBoundsMaxY() - block.getBlockBoundsMinY() - f * 2.0F) + f + block.getBlockBoundsMinY();
        double d2 = z + rand.nextDouble() * (block.getBlockBoundsMaxZ() - block.getBlockBoundsMinZ() - f * 2.0F) + f + block.getBlockBoundsMinZ();

        switch (side) {
            case 0:
                d1 = y + block.getBlockBoundsMinY() - f;
            case 1:
                d1 = y + block.getBlockBoundsMaxY() + f;
            case 2:
                d2 = z + block.getBlockBoundsMinZ() - f;
            case 3:
                d2 = z + block.getBlockBoundsMaxZ() + f;
            case 4:
                d0 = x + block.getBlockBoundsMinX() - f;
            case 5:
                d0 = x + block.getBlockBoundsMaxX() + f;

        EntityDiggingFX res = new EntityDiggingFX(world, d0, d1, d2, 0.0D, 0.0D, 0.0D, block, world.getBlockMetadata(x, y, z), side);
//      res.func_70596_a(x, y, z);
        res.motionX = d0 - (x + 0.5);
        res.motionY = d1 - (y + 0.5);
        res.motionZ = d2 - (z + 0.5);


        return res;
项目:Privatizer    文件   
public boolean addHitEffects(World world, MovingObjectPosition target, EffectRenderer effectRenderer)
    if(world.getBlockMetadata(target.blockX, target.blockY, target.blockZ) == 2 || world.getBlockMetadata(target.blockX, target.blockY, target.blockZ) == 10)
        TileEntity te = world.getTileEntity(target.blockX, target.blockY, target.blockZ);
        if(te instanceof IAdaptableTile)
            IAdaptableTile tileAdaptable = (IAdaptableTile)te;
            if(tileAdaptable.getBlockForTexture() != null)
                float f = 0.1F;
                double d0 = (double)target.blockX + world.rand.nextDouble() * (tileAdaptable.getBlockForTexture().getBlockBoundsMaxX() - tileAdaptable.getBlockForTexture().getBlockBoundsMinX() - (double)(f * 2.0F)) + (double)f + tileAdaptable.getBlockForTexture().getBlockBoundsMinX();
                double d1 = (double)target.blockY + world.rand.nextDouble() * (tileAdaptable.getBlockForTexture().getBlockBoundsMaxY() - tileAdaptable.getBlockForTexture().getBlockBoundsMinY() - (double)(f * 2.0F)) + (double)f + tileAdaptable.getBlockForTexture().getBlockBoundsMinY();
                double d2 = (double)target.blockZ + world.rand.nextDouble() * (tileAdaptable.getBlockForTexture().getBlockBoundsMaxZ() - tileAdaptable.getBlockForTexture().getBlockBoundsMinZ() - (double)(f * 2.0F)) + (double)f + tileAdaptable.getBlockForTexture().getBlockBoundsMinZ();

                if(target.sideHit == 0)
                    d1 = (double)target.blockY + tileAdaptable.getBlockForTexture().getBlockBoundsMinY() - (double)f;

                if(target.sideHit == 1)
                    d1 = (double)target.blockY + tileAdaptable.getBlockForTexture().getBlockBoundsMaxY() + (double)f;

                if(target.sideHit == 2)
                    d2 = (double)target.blockZ + tileAdaptable.getBlockForTexture().getBlockBoundsMinZ() - (double)f;

                if(target.sideHit == 3)
                    d2 = (double)target.blockZ + tileAdaptable.getBlockForTexture().getBlockBoundsMaxZ() + (double)f;

                if(target.sideHit == 4)
                    d0 = (double)target.blockX + tileAdaptable.getBlockForTexture().getBlockBoundsMinX() - (double)f;

                if(target.sideHit == 5)
                    d0 = (double)target.blockX + tileAdaptable.getBlockForTexture().getBlockBoundsMaxX() + (double)f;

                effectRenderer.addEffect((new EntityDiggingFX(world, d0, d1, d2, 0.0D, 0.0D, 0.0D, tileAdaptable.getBlockForTexture(), tileAdaptable.getBlockMetadataForTexture())).applyColourMultiplier(target.blockX, target.blockY, target.blockZ).multiplyVelocity(0.2F).multipleParticleScaleBy(0.6F));
                return true;
    return super.addHitEffects(world, target, effectRenderer);
项目:Chisel-2    文件   
public static EntityDiggingFX addBlockHitEffects(World world, int x, int y, int z, int side) {
    Block block = world.getBlock(x, y, z);
    if (block.isAir(world, x, y, z) || Minecraft.getMinecraft().gameSettings.particleSetting != 0)
        return null;

    EffectRenderer renderer = Minecraft.getMinecraft().effectRenderer;

    float f = 0.1F;
    double d0 = x + rand.nextDouble() * (block.getBlockBoundsMaxX() - block.getBlockBoundsMinX() - f * 2.0F) + f + block.getBlockBoundsMinX();
    double d1 = y + rand.nextDouble() * (block.getBlockBoundsMaxY() - block.getBlockBoundsMinY() - f * 2.0F) + f + block.getBlockBoundsMinY();
    double d2 = z + rand.nextDouble() * (block.getBlockBoundsMaxZ() - block.getBlockBoundsMinZ() - f * 2.0F) + f + block.getBlockBoundsMinZ();

    switch (side) {
    case 0:
        d1 = y + block.getBlockBoundsMinY() - f;
    case 1:
        d1 = y + block.getBlockBoundsMaxY() + f;
    case 2:
        d2 = z + block.getBlockBoundsMinZ() - f;
    case 3:
        d2 = z + block.getBlockBoundsMaxZ() + f;
    case 4:
        d0 = x + block.getBlockBoundsMinX() - f;
    case 5:
        d0 = x + block.getBlockBoundsMaxX() + f;

    EntityDiggingFX res = new EntityDiggingFX(world, d0, d1, d2, 0.0D, 0.0D, 0.0D, block, world.getBlockMetadata(x, y, z), side);
    res.motionX = d0 - (x + 0.5);
    res.motionY = d1 - (y + 0.5);
    res.motionZ = d2 - (z + 0.5);


    return res;
项目:GardenCollection    文件   
public boolean addHitEffects (World worldObj, MovingObjectPosition target, EffectRenderer effectRenderer) {
    TileEntityWoodProxy te = getTileEntity(worldObj, target.blockX, target.blockY, target.blockZ);
    BlockThinLog block = getBlock(worldObj, target.blockX, target.blockY, target.blockZ);

    if (te == null || block == null)
        return false;

    int protoMeta = te.getProtoMeta();
    Block protoBlock = te.getProtoBlock();
    if (protoBlock == null) {
        protoBlock = Blocks.log;
        protoMeta = worldObj.getBlockMetadata(target.blockX, target.blockY, target.blockZ);

    float f = 0.1F;
    double xPos = target.blockX + worldObj.rand.nextDouble() * (block.getBlockBoundsMaxX() - block.getBlockBoundsMinX() - (f * 2.0F)) + f + block.getBlockBoundsMinX();
    double yPos = target.blockY + worldObj.rand.nextDouble() * (block.getBlockBoundsMaxY() - block.getBlockBoundsMinY() - (f * 2.0F)) + f + block.getBlockBoundsMinY();
    double zPos = target.blockZ + worldObj.rand.nextDouble() * (block.getBlockBoundsMaxZ() - block.getBlockBoundsMinZ() - (f * 2.0F)) + f + block.getBlockBoundsMinZ();

    if (target.sideHit == 0)
        yPos = target.blockY + block.getBlockBoundsMinY() - f;
    if (target.sideHit == 1)
        yPos = target.blockY + block.getBlockBoundsMaxY() + f;
    if (target.sideHit == 2)
        zPos = target.blockZ + block.getBlockBoundsMinZ() - f;
    if (target.sideHit == 3)
        zPos = target.blockZ + block.getBlockBoundsMaxZ() + f;
    if (target.sideHit == 4)
        xPos = target.blockX + block.getBlockBoundsMinX() - f;
    if (target.sideHit == 5)
        xPos = target.blockX + block.getBlockBoundsMaxX() + f;

    EntityDiggingFX fx = new EntityDiggingFX(worldObj, xPos, yPos, zPos, 0.0D, 0.0D, 0.0D, block, worldObj.getBlockMetadata(target.blockX, target.blockY, target.blockZ));
    fx.applyColourMultiplier(target.blockX, target.blockY, target.blockZ);
    fx.setParticleIcon(block.getIcon(worldObj.rand.nextInt(6), te.composeMetadata(protoBlock, protoMeta)));


    return true;
项目:GardenCollection    文件   
public boolean addHitEffects (World worldObj, MovingObjectPosition target, EffectRenderer effectRenderer) {
    TileEntityWoodProxy te = getTileEntity(worldObj, target.blockX, target.blockY, target.blockZ);
    BlockThinLogFence block = getBlock(worldObj, target.blockX, target.blockY, target.blockZ);

    if (te == null || block == null)
        return false;

    int protoMeta = te.getProtoMeta();
    Block protoBlock = te.getProtoBlock();
    if (protoBlock == null) {
        protoBlock = Blocks.log;
        protoMeta = worldObj.getBlockMetadata(target.blockX, target.blockY, target.blockZ);

    float f = 0.1F;
    double xPos = target.blockX + worldObj.rand.nextDouble() * (block.getBlockBoundsMaxX() - block.getBlockBoundsMinX() - (f * 2.0F)) + f + block.getBlockBoundsMinX();
    double yPos = target.blockY + worldObj.rand.nextDouble() * (block.getBlockBoundsMaxY() - block.getBlockBoundsMinY() - (f * 2.0F)) + f + block.getBlockBoundsMinY();
    double zPos = target.blockZ + worldObj.rand.nextDouble() * (block.getBlockBoundsMaxZ() - block.getBlockBoundsMinZ() - (f * 2.0F)) + f + block.getBlockBoundsMinZ();

    if (target.sideHit == 0)
        yPos = target.blockY + block.getBlockBoundsMinY() - f;
    if (target.sideHit == 1)
        yPos = target.blockY + block.getBlockBoundsMaxY() + f;
    if (target.sideHit == 2)
        zPos = target.blockZ + block.getBlockBoundsMinZ() - f;
    if (target.sideHit == 3)
        zPos = target.blockZ + block.getBlockBoundsMaxZ() + f;
    if (target.sideHit == 4)
        xPos = target.blockX + block.getBlockBoundsMinX() - f;
    if (target.sideHit == 5)
        xPos = target.blockX + block.getBlockBoundsMaxX() + f;

    EntityDiggingFX fx = new EntityDiggingFX(worldObj, xPos, yPos, zPos, 0.0D, 0.0D, 0.0D, block, worldObj.getBlockMetadata(target.blockX, target.blockY, target.blockZ));
    fx.applyColourMultiplier(target.blockX, target.blockY, target.blockZ);
    fx.setParticleIcon(block.getIcon(worldObj.rand.nextInt(6), te.composeMetadata(protoBlock, protoMeta)));


    return true;
项目:GardenCollection    文件   
public boolean addDestroyEffects (World world, int x, int y, int z, int meta, EffectRenderer effectRenderer) {
    TileEntityGarden te = getGardenEntity(world, x, y, z);
    BlockGarden garden = getGardenBlock(world, x, y, z);
    if (te == null || garden == null)
        return true;

    for (int slot : garden.getSlotProfile().getPlantSlots()) {
        Block block = getPlantBlock(te, slot);
        int blockData = getPlantData(te, slot);
        if (block == null)

        bindSlot(world, x, y, z, te, slot);
        try {
            byte count = 4;
            for (int ix = 0; ix < count; ++ix) {
                for (int iy = 0; iy < count; ++iy) {
                    for (int iz = 0; iz < count; ++iz) {
                        double xOff = (double)x + ((double)ix + 0.5D) / (double)count;
                        double yOff = (double)y + ((double)iy + 0.5D) / (double)count;
                        double zOff = (double)z + ((double)iz + 0.5D) / (double)count;

                        EntityDiggingFX fx = new EntityDiggingFX(world, xOff, yOff, zOff, xOff - (double) x - 0.5D, yOff - (double) y - 0.5D, zOff - (double) z - 0.5D, this, meta);
                        fx.setParticleIcon(block.getIcon(world.rand.nextInt(6), blockData));

                        effectRenderer.addEffect(fx.applyColourMultiplier(x, y, z));
        catch (Exception e) {
        finally {
            unbindSlot(world, x, y, z, te);

    return true;
项目:BlazeLoader    文件   
protected EntityDiggingFX buildDiggingEffect(World w, double x, double y, double z, double vX, double vY, double vZ, IBlockState blockState) {
    return (EntityDiggingFX)(new EntityDiggingFX.Factory()).getEntityFX(EnumParticleTypes.BLOCK_CRACK.getParticleID(), w, x, y, z, vX, vY, vZ, Block.getStateId(blockState));