public Resource func_110536_a(ResourceLocation p_110536_1_) throws IOException { ResourcePack var2 = null; ResourceLocation var3 = func_110537_b(p_110536_1_); for(int var4 = this.field_110540_a.size() - 1; var4 >= 0; --var4) { ResourcePack var5 = (ResourcePack)this.field_110540_a.get(var4); if(var2 == null && var5.func_110589_b(var3)) { var2 = var5; } if(var5.func_110589_b(p_110536_1_)) { InputStream var6 = null; if(var2 != null) { var6 = var2.func_110590_a(var3); } return new SimpleResource(p_110536_1_, var5.func_110590_a(p_110536_1_), var6, this.field_110539_b); } } throw new FileNotFoundException(p_110536_1_.toString()); }
private void func_135028_a(List p_135028_1_) throws IOException { Iterator var2 = p_135028_1_.iterator(); while(var2.hasNext()) { Resource var3 = (Resource); this.func_135021_a(var3.func_110527_b()); } }
public Resource func_110536_a(ResourceLocation p_110536_1_) throws IOException { ResourceManager var2 = (ResourceManager)this.field_110548_a.get(p_110536_1_.func_110624_b()); if(var2 != null) { return var2.func_110536_a(p_110536_1_); } else { throw new FileNotFoundException(p_110536_1_.toString()); } }
public void func_110551_a(ResourceManager p_110551_1_) throws IOException { InputStream var2 = null; try { Resource var3 = p_110551_1_.func_110536_a(this.field_110568_b); var2 = var3.func_110527_b(); BufferedImage var4 =; boolean var5 = false; boolean var6 = false; if(var3.func_110528_c()) { try { TextureMetadataSection var7 = (TextureMetadataSection)var3.func_110526_a("texture"); if(var7 != null) { var5 = var7.func_110479_a(); var6 = var7.func_110480_b(); } } catch (RuntimeException var11) { Minecraft.func_71410_x().func_98033_al().func_98235_b("Failed reading metadata of: " + this.field_110568_b, var11); } } TextureUtil.func_110989_a(this.func_110552_b(), var4, var5, var6); } finally { if(var2 != null) { var2.close(); } } }
public void loadTexture(ResourceManager par1ResourceManager) throws IOException { InputStream inputstream = null; try { Resource resource = par1ResourceManager.getResource(this.textureLocation); inputstream = resource.getInputStream(); BufferedImage bufferedimage =; boolean flag = false; boolean flag1 = false; if (resource.hasMetadata()) { try { TextureMetadataSection texturemetadatasection = (TextureMetadataSection)resource.getMetadata("texture"); if (texturemetadatasection != null) { flag = texturemetadatasection.getTextureBlur(); flag1 = texturemetadatasection.getTextureClamp(); } } catch (RuntimeException runtimeexception) { Minecraft.getMinecraft().getLogAgent().logWarningException("Failed reading metadata of: " + this.textureLocation, runtimeexception); } } TextureUtil.uploadTextureImageAllocate(this.getGlTextureId(), bufferedimage, flag, flag1); } finally { if (inputstream != null) { inputstream.close(); } } }
public void func_130100_a(Resource p_130100_1_) throws IOException { this.func_130102_n(); InputStream var2 = p_130100_1_.func_110527_b(); AnimationMetadataSection var3 = (AnimationMetadataSection)p_130100_1_.func_110526_a("animation"); BufferedImage var4 =; this.field_130224_d = var4.getHeight(); this.field_130223_c = var4.getWidth(); int[] var5 = new int[this.field_130224_d * this.field_130223_c]; var4.getRGB(0, 0, this.field_130223_c, this.field_130224_d, var5, 0, this.field_130223_c); if(var3 == null) { if(this.field_130224_d != this.field_130223_c) { throw new RuntimeException("broken aspect ratio and not an animation"); } this.field_110976_a.add(var5); } else { int var6 = this.field_130224_d / this.field_130223_c; int var7 = this.field_130223_c; int var8 = this.field_130223_c; this.field_130224_d = this.field_130223_c; int var10; if(var3.func_110473_c() > 0) { Iterator var9 = var3.func_130073_e().iterator(); while(var9.hasNext()) { var10 = ((Integer); if(var10 >= var6) { throw new RuntimeException("invalid frameindex " + var10); } this.func_130099_d(var10); this.field_110976_a.set(var10, func_130101_a(var5, var7, var8, var10)); } this.field_110982_k = var3; } else { ArrayList var11 = Lists.newArrayList(); for(var10 = 0; var10 < var6; ++var10) { this.field_110976_a.add(func_130101_a(var5, var7, var8, var10)); var11.add(new AnimationFrame(var10, -1)); } this.field_110982_k = new AnimationMetadataSection(var11, this.field_130223_c, this.field_130224_d, var3.func_110469_d()); } } }
public void loadSprite(Resource par1Resource) throws IOException { this.resetSprite(); InputStream inputstream = par1Resource.getInputStream(); AnimationMetadataSection animationmetadatasection = (AnimationMetadataSection)par1Resource.getMetadata("animation"); BufferedImage bufferedimage =; this.height = bufferedimage.getHeight(); this.width = bufferedimage.getWidth(); int[] aint = new int[this.height * this.width]; bufferedimage.getRGB(0, 0, this.width, this.height, aint, 0, this.width); if (animationmetadatasection == null) { if (this.height != this.width) { throw new RuntimeException("broken aspect ratio and not an animation"); } this.framesTextureData.add(aint); } else { int i = this.height / this.width; int j = this.width; int k = this.width; this.height = this.width; int l; if (animationmetadatasection.getFrameCount() > 0) { Iterator iterator = animationmetadatasection.getFrameIndexSet().iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { l = ((Integer); if (l >= i) { throw new RuntimeException("invalid frameindex " + l); } this.allocateFrameTextureData(l); this.framesTextureData.set(l, getFrameTextureData(aint, j, k, l)); } this.animationMetadata = animationmetadatasection; } else { ArrayList arraylist = Lists.newArrayList(); for (l = 0; l < i; ++l) { this.framesTextureData.add(getFrameTextureData(aint, j, k, l)); arraylist.add(new AnimationFrame(l, -1)); } this.animationMetadata = new AnimationMetadataSection(arraylist, this.width, this.height, animationmetadatasection.getFrameTime()); } } }
Resource func_110536_a(ResourceLocation var1) throws IOException;