/** * Callback when the command is invoked */ public void processCommand(ICommandSender sender, String[] args) throws CommandException { if (args.length < 2) { throw new WrongUsageException("commands.tellraw.usage", new Object[0]); } else { EntityPlayer entityplayer = getPlayer(sender, args[0]); String s = buildString(args, 1); try { IChatComponent ichatcomponent = IChatComponent.Serializer.jsonToComponent(s); entityplayer.addChatMessage(ChatComponentProcessor.processComponent(sender, ichatcomponent, entityplayer)); } catch (JsonParseException jsonparseexception) { Throwable throwable = ExceptionUtils.getRootCause(jsonparseexception); throw new SyntaxErrorException("commands.tellraw.jsonException", new Object[] {throwable == null ? "" : throwable.getMessage()}); } } }
protected void func_175779_n(ICommandSender p_175779_1_, String[] p_175779_2_, int p_175779_3_) throws CommandException { Scoreboard scoreboard = this.getScoreboard(); String s = getPlayerName(p_175779_1_, p_175779_2_[p_175779_3_++]); if (s.length() > 40) { throw new SyntaxErrorException("commands.scoreboard.players.name.tooLong", new Object[] {s, Integer.valueOf(40)}); } else { ScoreObjective scoreobjective = this.getObjective(p_175779_2_[p_175779_3_], false); if (scoreobjective.getCriteria() != IScoreObjectiveCriteria.TRIGGER) { throw new CommandException("commands.scoreboard.players.enable.noTrigger", new Object[] {scoreobjective.getName()}); } else { Score score = scoreboard.getValueFromObjective(s, scoreobjective); score.setLocked(false); notifyOperators(p_175779_1_, this, "commands.scoreboard.players.enable.success", new Object[] {scoreobjective.getName(), s}); } } }
/** * Callback when the command is invoked */ public void processCommand(ICommandSender sender, String[] args) throws CommandException { if (args.length == 1 && args[0].length() > 1) { Matcher matcher = CommandBanIp.field_147211_a.matcher(args[0]); if (matcher.matches()) { MinecraftServer.getServer().getConfigurationManager().getBannedIPs().removeEntry(args[0]); notifyOperators(sender, this, "commands.unbanip.success", new Object[] {args[0]}); } else { throw new SyntaxErrorException("commands.unbanip.invalid", new Object[0]); } } else { throw new WrongUsageException("commands.unbanip.usage", new Object[0]); } }
protected void enablePlayerTrigger(ICommandSender sender, String[] p_184914_2_, int p_184914_3_, MinecraftServer server) throws CommandException { Scoreboard scoreboard = this.getScoreboard(server); String s = getPlayerName(server, sender, p_184914_2_[p_184914_3_++]); if (s.length() > 40) { throw new SyntaxErrorException("commands.scoreboard.players.name.tooLong", new Object[] {s, Integer.valueOf(40)}); } else { ScoreObjective scoreobjective = this.convertToObjective(p_184914_2_[p_184914_3_], false, server); if (scoreobjective.getCriteria() != IScoreCriteria.TRIGGER) { throw new CommandException("commands.scoreboard.players.enable.noTrigger", new Object[] {scoreobjective.getName()}); } else { Score score = scoreboard.getOrCreateScore(s, scoreobjective); score.setLocked(false); notifyCommandListener(sender, this, "commands.scoreboard.players.enable.success", new Object[] {scoreobjective.getName(), s}); } } }
/** * Callback for when the command is executed */ public void execute(MinecraftServer server, ICommandSender sender, String[] args) throws CommandException { if (args.length == 1 && args[0].length() > 1) { Matcher matcher = CommandBanIp.IP_PATTERN.matcher(args[0]); if (matcher.matches()) { server.getPlayerList().getBannedIPs().removeEntry(args[0]); notifyCommandListener(sender, this, "commands.unbanip.success", new Object[] {args[0]}); } else { throw new SyntaxErrorException("commands.unbanip.invalid", new Object[0]); } } else { throw new WrongUsageException("commands.unbanip.usage", new Object[0]); } }
@Override public void execute(MinecraftServer server, ICommandSender sender, String[] args) throws CommandException { if (args.length >= 1) { Set<ResourceLocation> set; if (args[0].equals("models")) set = GameRegistry.findRegistry(CSReadedModel.class).getKeys(); else if (args[0].equals("animations")) set = GameRegistry.findRegistry(CSReadedAnim.class).getKeys(); else throw new SyntaxErrorException(); String str = ""; for (ResourceLocation res : set) { if (!str.equals("")) str = str + ", "; str = str + res.toString(); } sender.sendMessage(new TextComponentString(str)); } else throw new WrongUsageException(CommandCSList.usage); }
public int consume_int(String errorText, int min, int max) throws CommandException { String str = consume_string(errorText); try { int l = Integer.parseInt(str); if(l > max) { throw new NumberFormatException("Given value '"+l+"' is higher than maximum value '"+max+"'."); } if(l < min) { throw new NumberFormatException("Given value '"+l+"' is smaller than minimum value '"+min+"'."); } return l; } catch (NumberFormatException e) { throw new SyntaxErrorException(errorText, e); } }
public long consume_long(String errorText, long min, long max) throws CommandException { String str = consume_string(errorText); try { long l = Long.parseLong(str); if(l > max) { throw new NumberFormatException("Given value '"+l+"' is higher than maximum value '"+max+"'."); } if(l < min) { throw new NumberFormatException("Given value '"+l+"' is smaller than minimum value '"+min+"'."); } return l; } catch (NumberFormatException e) { throw new SyntaxErrorException(errorText, e); } }
public float consume_float(String errorText, float min, float max) throws CommandException { String str = consume_string(errorText); try { float l = Float.parseFloat(str); if(l > max) { throw new NumberFormatException("Given value '"+l+"' is higher than maximum value '"+max+"'."); } if(l < min) { throw new NumberFormatException("Given value '"+l+"' is smaller than minimum value '"+min+"'."); } return l; } catch (NumberFormatException e) { throw new SyntaxErrorException(errorText, e); } }
public double consume_double(String errorText, double min, double max) throws CommandException { String str = consume_string(errorText); try { double l = Double.parseDouble(str); if(l > max) { throw new NumberFormatException("Given value '"+l+"' is higher than maximum value '"+max+"'."); } if(l < min) { throw new NumberFormatException("Given value '"+l+"' is smaller than minimum value '"+min+"'."); } return l; } catch (NumberFormatException e) { throw new SyntaxErrorException(errorText, e); } }
public void processCommand(ICommandSender par1ICommandSender, String[] par2ArrayOfStr) { if (par2ArrayOfStr.length < 2) { throw new WrongUsageException("commands.tellraw.usage", new Object[0]); } else { EntityPlayerMP var3 = getPlayer(par1ICommandSender, par2ArrayOfStr[0]); String var4 = func_82360_a(par1ICommandSender, par2ArrayOfStr, 1); try { IChatComponent var5 = IChatComponent.Serializer.func_150699_a(var4); var3.addChatMessage(var5); } catch (JsonParseException var6) { throw new SyntaxErrorException("commands.tellraw.jsonException", new Object[] {ExceptionUtils.getRootCause(var6).getMessage()}); } } }
public void processCommand(ICommandSender par1ICommandSender, String[] par2ArrayOfStr) { if (par2ArrayOfStr.length == 1 && par2ArrayOfStr[0].length() > 1) { Matcher var3 = CommandBanIp.field_147211_a.matcher(par2ArrayOfStr[0]); if (var3.matches()) { MinecraftServer.getServer().getConfigurationManager().getBannedIPs().remove(par2ArrayOfStr[0]); notifyAdmins(par1ICommandSender, "commands.unbanip.success", new Object[] {par2ArrayOfStr[0]}); } else { throw new SyntaxErrorException("commands.unbanip.invalid", new Object[0]); } } else { throw new WrongUsageException("commands.unbanip.usage", new Object[0]); } }
public void processCommand(ICommandSender p_71515_1_, String[] p_71515_2_) { if (p_71515_2_.length < 2) { throw new WrongUsageException("commands.tellraw.usage", new Object[0]); } else { EntityPlayerMP entityplayermp = getPlayer(p_71515_1_, p_71515_2_[0]); String s = func_82360_a(p_71515_1_, p_71515_2_, 1); try { IChatComponent ichatcomponent = IChatComponent.Serializer.func_150699_a(s); entityplayermp.addChatMessage(ichatcomponent); } catch (JsonParseException jsonparseexception) { Throwable throwable = ExceptionUtils.getRootCause(jsonparseexception); throw new SyntaxErrorException("commands.tellraw.jsonException", new Object[] {throwable == null ? "" : throwable.getMessage()}); } } }
public void processCommand(ICommandSender p_71515_1_, String[] p_71515_2_) { if (p_71515_2_.length == 1 && p_71515_2_[0].length() > 1) { Matcher matcher = CommandBanIp.field_147211_a.matcher(p_71515_2_[0]); if (matcher.matches()) { MinecraftServer.getServer().getConfigurationManager().getBannedIPs().func_152684_c(p_71515_2_[0]); func_152373_a(p_71515_1_, this, "commands.unbanip.success", new Object[] {p_71515_2_[0]}); } else { throw new SyntaxErrorException("commands.unbanip.invalid", new Object[0]); } } else { throw new WrongUsageException("commands.unbanip.usage", new Object[0]); } }
@Override public void execute(MinecraftServer server, ICommandSender sender, String[] args) throws CommandException { if (args.length < 1) throw new SyntaxErrorException(); final String subCommand = args[0]; if (subCommand.equals(COMMAND_CLASS)) { if (args.length < 2) throw new SyntaxErrorException(); final String clsName = args[1]; final ClassMeta meta = getMeta(clsName); sender.sendMessage(new TextComponentTranslation("openmodslib.command.class_source", meta.cls.getName(), meta.source())); final ApiInfo api = meta.api; if (api != null) { sender.sendMessage(new TextComponentTranslation("openmodslib.command.api_class", api.api, api.owner, api.version)); } for (Map.Entry<File, Set<String>> e : meta.providerMods.entrySet()) sender.sendMessage(new TextComponentTranslation("openmodslib.command.class_provider", e.getKey().getAbsolutePath(), Joiner.on(',').join(e.getValue()))); } }
protected void func_175781_o(ICommandSender p_175781_1_, String[] p_175781_2_, int p_175781_3_) throws CommandException { Scoreboard scoreboard = this.getScoreboard(); String s = getEntityName(p_175781_1_, p_175781_2_[p_175781_3_++]); if (s.length() > 40) { throw new SyntaxErrorException("commands.scoreboard.players.name.tooLong", new Object[] {s, Integer.valueOf(40)}); } else { ScoreObjective scoreobjective = this.getObjective(p_175781_2_[p_175781_3_++], false); if (!scoreboard.entityHasObjective(s, scoreobjective)) { throw new CommandException("commands.scoreboard.players.test.notFound", new Object[] {scoreobjective.getName(), s}); } else { int i = p_175781_2_[p_175781_3_].equals("*") ? Integer.MIN_VALUE : parseInt(p_175781_2_[p_175781_3_]); ++p_175781_3_; int j = p_175781_3_ < p_175781_2_.length && !p_175781_2_[p_175781_3_].equals("*") ? parseInt(p_175781_2_[p_175781_3_], i) : Integer.MAX_VALUE; Score score = scoreboard.getValueFromObjective(s, scoreobjective); if (score.getScorePoints() >= i && score.getScorePoints() <= j) { notifyOperators(p_175781_1_, this, "commands.scoreboard.players.test.success", new Object[] {Integer.valueOf(score.getScorePoints()), Integer.valueOf(i), Integer.valueOf(j)}); } else { throw new CommandException("commands.scoreboard.players.test.failed", new Object[] {Integer.valueOf(score.getScorePoints()), Integer.valueOf(i), Integer.valueOf(j)}); } } } }
protected void testPlayerScore(ICommandSender sender, String[] p_184907_2_, int p_184907_3_, MinecraftServer server) throws CommandException { Scoreboard scoreboard = this.getScoreboard(server); String s = getEntityName(server, sender, p_184907_2_[p_184907_3_++]); if (s.length() > 40) { throw new SyntaxErrorException("commands.scoreboard.players.name.tooLong", new Object[] {s, Integer.valueOf(40)}); } else { ScoreObjective scoreobjective = this.convertToObjective(p_184907_2_[p_184907_3_++], false, server); if (!scoreboard.entityHasObjective(s, scoreobjective)) { throw new CommandException("commands.scoreboard.players.test.notFound", new Object[] {scoreobjective.getName(), s}); } else { int i = p_184907_2_[p_184907_3_].equals("*") ? Integer.MIN_VALUE : parseInt(p_184907_2_[p_184907_3_]); ++p_184907_3_; int j = p_184907_3_ < p_184907_2_.length && !p_184907_2_[p_184907_3_].equals("*") ? parseInt(p_184907_2_[p_184907_3_], i) : Integer.MAX_VALUE; Score score = scoreboard.getOrCreateScore(s, scoreobjective); if (score.getScorePoints() >= i && score.getScorePoints() <= j) { notifyCommandListener(sender, this, "commands.scoreboard.players.test.success", new Object[] {Integer.valueOf(score.getScorePoints()), Integer.valueOf(i), Integer.valueOf(j)}); } else { throw new CommandException("commands.scoreboard.players.test.failed", new Object[] {Integer.valueOf(score.getScorePoints()), Integer.valueOf(i), Integer.valueOf(j)}); } } } }
@Override public void execute(MinecraftServer server, ICommandSender sender, String[] args) throws CommandException { // check if we have all needed parameters // If not throw a syntax error. if(args.length != 3) { throw new SyntaxErrorException("Syntax: " + getUsage(sender)); } // fetch String str_selector = args[0]; String str_dmgtype = args[1]; String str_dmgamount = args[2]; // parse all parameters List<EntityLivingBase> entities = EntitySelector.matchEntities(sender, str_selector, EntityLivingBase.class); DamageSource damage_type = AttackCommand.getDamageSource(str_dmgtype);//AttackCommand.parseDamageType(str_dmgtype); double damage_amount = CommandBase.parseDouble(str_dmgamount, 0, 1000); // check entities if(entities.size() == 0) { throw new CommandException("No entities found: " + str_selector); } // check damage type if(damage_type == null) { throw new CommandException("Unknown damage type: " + str_dmgtype); } // Attack the entities with the given damage type and amount. for(EntityLivingBase living : entities) { if(living instanceof EntityPlayerMP && ((EntityPlayerMP)living).capabilities.isCreativeMode) { continue; } living.attackEntityFrom(damage_type, (float) damage_amount); } }
public String consume_string(String errorText) throws CommandException { if(outbounds(index)) { throw new SyntaxErrorException(errorText, new RuntimeException("Index out of bounds!")); } else { return arguments[index++]; } }
public int consume_int(String errorText) throws CommandException { String str = consume_string(errorText); try { return Integer.parseInt(str); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { throw new SyntaxErrorException(errorText, e); } }
public int consume_int(String errorText, int max) throws CommandException { String str = consume_string(errorText); try { int l = Integer.parseInt(str); if(l > max) { throw new NumberFormatException("Given value '"+l+"' is higher than maximum value '"+max+"'."); } return l; } catch (NumberFormatException e) { throw new SyntaxErrorException(errorText, e); } }