public GuiEnchantmentWrapper( InventoryPlayer inventory, World worldIn, EnchantmentWorker worker, BlockPos pos) { super(inventory, worldIn, inventory); try { ContainerEnchantment containerWrapper = new ContainerEnchantmentWrapper(inventory, worldIn, worker, pos); inventorySlots = containerWrapper; containerField.set(this, containerWrapper); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { tooltipText[i] = new ArrayList<String>(); } this.worker = worker; this.inventory = inventory; }
/** * This is the main event ticker. It only ticks when the player has an open container so we can rule out other ticks. * The player usually has an open container (the inventory) but we can simple check for that and return. * This also ticks once per player rather than once per World or once per MinecraftServer, so it provides an extra layer of convenience. */ @SubscribeEvent public void playerHasContainerOpen(PlayerOpenContainerEvent event){ UUID uuid = event.getEntityPlayer().getUniqueID(); // If the inventory is not a crafting inventory then clear stuff. if (!(event.getEntityPlayer().openContainer instanceof ContainerEnchantment)){ purgeUUID(uuid); return; } ContainerEnchantment container = (ContainerEnchantment)event.getEntityPlayer().openContainer; if (!tickTimes.containsKey(uuid)){ tickTimes.put(uuid, 0L); } // We set it to zero and immediately increment it so waiting a second // is guaranteed. This is simpler than just setting it to one. tickTimes.put(uuid, tickTimes.get(uuid) + 1L); // We have to check for OnCraftMatrixChanged manually. TableState state = new TableState(container); if (!prevTableStates.containsKey(uuid) || !prevTableStates.get(uuid).equals(state)){ prevTableStates.put(uuid, state); tableUpdated(event.getEntityPlayer()); } // 20 ticks is one second. if (tickTimes.get(uuid) % 20L == 0L){ cycleHint(event.getEntityPlayer()); } }
/** * This cycles the hints once per second. * It might be less than once per second on laggy servers, because it's technically once per 20 ticks. * @param player The player whose tick we must cycle */ private void cycleHint(EntityPlayer player){ UUID uuid = player.getUniqueID(); ContainerEnchantment container = (ContainerEnchantment)player.openContainer; int[][] enchantClues = this.enchantmentClues.get(uuid); int[][] worldClues = this.worldClues.get(uuid); if (enchantClues == null || worldClues == null){ return; } for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++){ int[] currEnchantClues = enchantClues[j]; int[] currWorldClues = worldClues[j]; if (currEnchantClues == null || currWorldClues == null){ return; } container.enchantClue[j] = currEnchantClues[(int)((tickTimes.get(uuid) / 20L) % (long)currEnchantClues.length)]; container.worldClue[j] = currWorldClues[(int)((tickTimes.get(uuid) / 20L) % (long)currWorldClues.length)]; } container.detectAndSendChanges(); }
public void displayGUIEnchantment(int p_71002_1_, int p_71002_2_, int p_71002_3_, String p_71002_4_) { // CraftBukkit start - Inventory open hook Container container = CraftEventFactory.callInventoryOpenEvent(this, new ContainerEnchantment(this.inventory, this.worldObj, p_71002_1_, p_71002_2_, p_71002_3_)); if (container == null) { return; } // CraftBukkit end this.getNextWindowId(); this.playerNetServerHandler.sendPacket(new S2DPacketOpenWindow(this.currentWindowId, 4, p_71002_4_ == null ? "" : p_71002_4_, 9, p_71002_4_ != null)); this.openContainer = container; // CraftBukkit - Use container we passed to event this.openContainer.windowId = this.currentWindowId; this.openContainer.addCraftingToCrafters(this); }
public GuiEnchantment(InventoryPlayer inventory, World worldIn, IWorldNameable p_i45502_3_) { super(new ContainerEnchantment(inventory, worldIn)); this.playerInventory = inventory; this.container = (ContainerEnchantment)this.inventorySlots; this.field_175380_I = p_i45502_3_; }
public GuiEnchantment(InventoryPlayer inventory, World worldIn, IWorldNameable nameable) { super(new ContainerEnchantment(inventory, worldIn)); this.playerInventory = inventory; this.container = (ContainerEnchantment)this.inventorySlots; this.nameable = nameable; }
public void displayGUIEnchantment(int par1, int par2, int par3, String par4Str) { this.getNextWindowId(); this.playerNetServerHandler.sendPacket(new S2DPacketOpenWindow(this.currentWindowId, 4, par4Str == null ? "" : par4Str, 9, par4Str != null)); this.openContainer = new ContainerEnchantment(this.inventory, this.worldObj, par1, par2, par3); this.openContainer.windowId = this.currentWindowId; this.openContainer.addCraftingToCrafters(this); }
/** * If we've detected an update in the craft matrix, we refresh the xp seed as well. * One of the features of this mod is to rerandomize every time, like it used to. * @param player The player whose table was updated */ private void tableUpdated(EntityPlayer player){ UUID uuid = player.getUniqueID(); // This causes a change of the tooltip immediately. tickTimes.put(uuid, 0L); // This causes rerandomization of the XP Seed. player.removeExperienceLevel(0); ContainerEnchantment container = (ContainerEnchantment)player.openContainer; container.xpSeed = player.getXPSeed(); int[][] enchantClues = new int[3][]; int[][] worldClues = new int[3][]; for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) { if (container.enchantLevels[j] > 0) { // func_178148_a, a, getEnchantmentList List<EnchantmentData> list = ThebombzenAPI.invokePrivateMethod(container, ContainerEnchantment.class, new String[]{"getEnchantmentList", "a", "func_178148_a"}, new Class<?>[]{ItemStack.class, int.class, int.class}, container.tableInventory.getStackInSlot(0), j, container.enchantLevels[j]); if (list != null && !list.isEmpty()) { enchantClues[j] = new int[list.size()]; worldClues[j] = new int[list.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++){ EnchantmentData enchantmentdata = list.get(i); enchantClues[j][i] = Enchantment.getEnchantmentID(enchantmentdata.enchantmentobj); worldClues[j][i] = enchantmentdata.enchantmentLevel; } } else { enchantClues[j] = null; worldClues[j] = null; } } } this.enchantmentClues.put(uuid, enchantClues); this.worldClues.put(uuid, worldClues); }
public TableState(ContainerEnchantment container){ System.arraycopy(container.enchantLevels, 0, this.enchantLevels, 0, 3); for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++){ ItemStack stack = container.tableInventory.getStackInSlot(i); if (stack == null){ items[i] = ""; damages[i] = 0; sizes[i] = 0; } else { items[i] = Item.REGISTRY.getNameForObject(stack.getItem()).toString(); damages[i] = stack.getItemDamage(); sizes[i] = stack.stackSize; } } }
public void displayGUIEnchantment(int p_71002_1_, int p_71002_2_, int p_71002_3_, String p_71002_4_) { this.getNextWindowId(); this.playerNetServerHandler.sendPacket(new S2DPacketOpenWindow(this.currentWindowId, 4, p_71002_4_ == null ? "" : p_71002_4_, 9, p_71002_4_ != null)); this.openContainer = new ContainerEnchantment(this.inventory, this.worldObj, p_71002_1_, p_71002_2_, p_71002_3_); this.openContainer.windowId = this.currentWindowId; this.openContainer.addCraftingToCrafters(this); }
public void func_71002_c(int p_71002_1_, int p_71002_2_, int p_71002_3_, String p_71002_4_) { this.func_71117_bO(); this.field_71135_a.func_72567_b(new Packet100OpenWindow(this.field_71139_cq, 4, p_71002_4_ == null?"":p_71002_4_, 9, p_71002_4_ != null)); this.field_71070_bA = new ContainerEnchantment(this.field_71071_by, this.field_70170_p, p_71002_1_, p_71002_2_, p_71002_3_); this.field_71070_bA.field_75152_c = this.field_71139_cq; this.field_71070_bA.func_75132_a(this); }
public void displayGUIEnchantment(int par1, int par2, int par3, String par4Str) { this.incrementWindowID(); this.playerNetServerHandler.sendPacketToPlayer(new Packet100OpenWindow(this.currentWindowId, 4, par4Str == null ? "" : par4Str, 9, par4Str != null)); this.openContainer = new ContainerEnchantment(this.inventory, this.worldObj, par1, par2, par3); this.openContainer.windowId = this.currentWindowId; this.openContainer.addCraftingToCrafters(this); }
public Container createContainer(InventoryPlayer playerInventory, EntityPlayer playerIn) { return new ContainerEnchantment(playerInventory, this.worldObj, this.pos); }
public Container createContainer(InventoryPlayer playerInventory, EntityPlayer playerIn) { return new ContainerEnchantment(playerInventory,, this.pos); }
@Override public String execute(CommandSender sender, String[] params) throws CommandException { EntityPlayerMP player = getSenderAsEntity(sender.getMinecraftISender(), EntityPlayerMP.class); Entity entity = EntityUtils.traceEntity(player, 128D); if (params.length == 0 && entity instanceof AbstractChestHorse) { ((AbstractChestHorse) entity).openGUI(player); } else if (params.length == 0 && entity instanceof EntityVillager) { player.displayVillagerTradeGui((EntityVillager) entity); } else if (params.length == 0 && entity instanceof EntityMinecartContainer) { player.displayGui((EntityMinecartContainer) entity); } else { if (params.length == 0 || params.length > 2) { BlockPos trace; try {trace = params.length > 2 ? getCoordFromParams(sender.getMinecraftISender(), params, 0) : EntityUtils.traceBlock(player, 128D);} catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {throw new CommandException("", sender);} if (trace == null) throw new CommandException("", sender); TileEntity te = sender.getWorld().getTileEntity(trace); Block block = WorldUtils.getBlock(sender.getWorld(), trace); if (te instanceof IInteractionObject) player.displayGui((IInteractionObject) te); else if (te instanceof IInventory) player.displayGUIChest((IInventory) te); else if (block == Blocks.ANVIL) player.displayGui(new BlockAnvil.Anvil(sender.getWorld(), trace)); else if (block == Blocks.CRAFTING_TABLE) player.displayGui(new BlockWorkbench.InterfaceCraftingTable(sender.getWorld(), trace)); else throw new CommandException("", sender); } else if (params.length > 0) { if (params[0].equalsIgnoreCase("enderchest")) player.displayGUIChest(player.getInventoryEnderChest()); else if (params[0].equalsIgnoreCase("enchantment_table") || (params.length > 1 && params[0].equalsIgnoreCase("enchantment") && params[1].equalsIgnoreCase("table"))) { final World w = sender.getWorld(); player.displayGui(new IInteractionObject() { @Override public boolean hasCustomName() {return false;} @Override public String getName() {return "container.enchant";} @Override public ITextComponent getDisplayName() {return new TextComponentTranslation(this.getName());} @Override public String getGuiID() {return "minecraft:enchanting_table";} @Override public Container createContainer(InventoryPlayer playerInventory, EntityPlayer playerIn) { return new ContainerEnchantment(playerInventory, w, BlockPos.ORIGIN); } }); this.allowedInteractions.put(player, player.openContainer); } else if (params[0].equalsIgnoreCase("anvil")) { player.displayGui(new BlockAnvil.Anvil(sender.getWorld(), BlockPos.ORIGIN)); this.allowedInteractions.put(player, player.openContainer); } else if (params[0].equalsIgnoreCase("workbench") || params[0].equalsIgnoreCase("crafting_table") || (params.length > 1 && params[0].equalsIgnoreCase("crafting") && params[1].equalsIgnoreCase("table")) ) { player.displayGui(new BlockWorkbench.InterfaceCraftingTable(sender.getWorld(), BlockPos.ORIGIN)); this.allowedInteractions.put(player, player.openContainer); } else if (params[0].equalsIgnoreCase("furnace") || params[0].equalsIgnoreCase("brewing_stand") || (params.length > 1 && params[0].equalsIgnoreCase("brewing") && params[1].equalsIgnoreCase("stand"))) throw new CommandException("", sender); else throw new CommandException("", sender, params[0]); } else throw new CommandException("command.generic.invalidUsage", sender, this.getCommandName()); } return null; }
public GuiEnchantment(InventoryPlayer par1InventoryPlayer, World par2World, int par3, int par4, int par5, String par6Str) { super(new ContainerEnchantment(par1InventoryPlayer, par2World, par3, par4, par5)); this.field_147075_G = (ContainerEnchantment)this.field_147002_h; this.field_147079_H = par6Str; }
public GuiEnchantment(InventoryPlayer p_i1090_1_, World p_i1090_2_, int p_i1090_3_, int p_i1090_4_, int p_i1090_5_, String p_i1090_6_) { super(new ContainerEnchantment(p_i1090_1_, p_i1090_2_, p_i1090_3_, p_i1090_4_, p_i1090_5_)); this.field_147075_G = (ContainerEnchantment)this.inventorySlots; this.field_147079_H = p_i1090_6_; }
SlotEnchantmentTable(ContainerEnchantment p_i1809_1_, String p_i1809_2_, boolean p_i1809_3_, int p_i1809_4_) { super(p_i1809_2_, p_i1809_3_, p_i1809_4_); this.field_70484_a = p_i1809_1_; }
SlotEnchantment(ContainerEnchantment p_i1810_1_, IInventory p_i1810_2_, int p_i1810_3_, int p_i1810_4_, int p_i1810_5_) { super(p_i1810_2_, p_i1810_3_, p_i1810_4_, p_i1810_5_); this.field_75227_a = p_i1810_1_; }
public GuiEnchantment(InventoryPlayer p_i1090_1_, World p_i1090_2_, int p_i1090_3_, int p_i1090_4_, int p_i1090_5_, String p_i1090_6_) { super(new ContainerEnchantment(p_i1090_1_, p_i1090_2_, p_i1090_3_, p_i1090_4_, p_i1090_5_)); this.field_74215_y = (ContainerEnchantment)this.field_74193_d; this.field_94079_C = p_i1090_6_; }
public GuiEnchantment(InventoryPlayer par1InventoryPlayer, World par2World, int par3, int par4, int par5, String par6Str) { super(new ContainerEnchantment(par1InventoryPlayer, par2World, par3, par4, par5)); this.containerEnchantment = (ContainerEnchantment)this.inventorySlots; this.field_94079_C = par6Str; }