/** * Spawns the desired particle and sends the necessary packets to the relevant connected players. */ public void spawnParticle(EnumParticleTypes particleType, boolean longDistance, double xCoord, double yCoord, double zCoord, int numberOfParticles, double xOffset, double yOffset, double zOffset, double particleSpeed, int... p_180505_18_) { Packet packet = new S2APacketParticles(particleType, longDistance, (float)xCoord, (float)yCoord, (float)zCoord, (float)xOffset, (float)yOffset, (float)zOffset, (float)particleSpeed, numberOfParticles, p_180505_18_); for (int i = 0; i < this.playerEntities.size(); ++i) { EntityPlayerMP entityplayermp = (EntityPlayerMP)this.playerEntities.get(i); BlockPos blockpos = entityplayermp.getPosition(); double d0 = blockpos.distanceSq(xCoord, yCoord, zCoord); if (d0 <= 256.0D || longDistance && d0 <= 65536.0D) { entityplayermp.playerNetServerHandler.sendPacket(packet); } } }
public void func_147487_a(String p_147487_1_, double p_147487_2_, double p_147487_4_, double p_147487_6_, int p_147487_8_, double p_147487_9_, double p_147487_11_, double p_147487_13_, double p_147487_15_) { S2APacketParticles s2apacketparticles = new S2APacketParticles(p_147487_1_, (float) p_147487_2_, (float) p_147487_4_, (float) p_147487_6_, (float) p_147487_9_, (float) p_147487_11_, (float) p_147487_13_, (float) p_147487_15_, p_147487_8_); for (int j = 0; j < this.playerEntities.size(); ++j) { EntityPlayerMP entityplayermp = (EntityPlayerMP) this.playerEntities.get(j); ChunkCoordinates chunkcoordinates = entityplayermp.getPlayerCoordinates(); double d7 = p_147487_2_ - (double) chunkcoordinates.posX; double d8 = p_147487_4_ - (double) chunkcoordinates.posY; double d9 = p_147487_6_ - (double) chunkcoordinates.posZ; double d10 = d7 * d7 + d8 * d8 + d9 * d9; if (d10 <= 256.0D) { entityplayermp.playerNetServerHandler.sendPacket(s2apacketparticles); } } }
public void func_147487_a(String p_147487_1_, double p_147487_2_, double p_147487_4_, double p_147487_6_, int p_147487_8_, double p_147487_9_, double p_147487_11_, double p_147487_13_, double p_147487_15_) { S2APacketParticles var17 = new S2APacketParticles(p_147487_1_, (float)p_147487_2_, (float)p_147487_4_, (float)p_147487_6_, (float)p_147487_9_, (float)p_147487_11_, (float)p_147487_13_, (float)p_147487_15_, p_147487_8_); for (int var18 = 0; var18 < this.playerEntities.size(); ++var18) { EntityPlayerMP var19 = (EntityPlayerMP)this.playerEntities.get(var18); ChunkCoordinates var20 = var19.getPlayerCoordinates(); double var21 = p_147487_2_ - (double)var20.posX; double var23 = p_147487_4_ - (double)var20.posY; double var25 = p_147487_6_ - (double)var20.posZ; double var27 = var21 * var21 + var23 * var23 + var25 * var25; if (var27 <= 256.0D) { var19.playerNetServerHandler.sendPacket(var17); } } }
/** * Spawns a specified number of particles at the specified location with a randomized displacement according to * specified bounds */ public void handleParticles(S2APacketParticles p_147289_1_) { if (p_147289_1_.func_149222_k() == 0) { double var2 = (double)(p_147289_1_.func_149227_j() * p_147289_1_.func_149221_g()); double var4 = (double)(p_147289_1_.func_149227_j() * p_147289_1_.func_149224_h()); double var6 = (double)(p_147289_1_.func_149227_j() * p_147289_1_.func_149223_i()); this.clientWorldController.spawnParticle(p_147289_1_.func_149228_c(), p_147289_1_.func_149220_d(), p_147289_1_.func_149226_e(), p_147289_1_.func_149225_f(), var2, var4, var6); } else { for (int var15 = 0; var15 < p_147289_1_.func_149222_k(); ++var15) { double var3 = this.avRandomizer.nextGaussian() * (double)p_147289_1_.func_149221_g(); double var5 = this.avRandomizer.nextGaussian() * (double)p_147289_1_.func_149224_h(); double var7 = this.avRandomizer.nextGaussian() * (double)p_147289_1_.func_149223_i(); double var9 = this.avRandomizer.nextGaussian() * (double)p_147289_1_.func_149227_j(); double var11 = this.avRandomizer.nextGaussian() * (double)p_147289_1_.func_149227_j(); double var13 = this.avRandomizer.nextGaussian() * (double)p_147289_1_.func_149227_j(); this.clientWorldController.spawnParticle(p_147289_1_.func_149228_c(), p_147289_1_.func_149220_d() + var3, p_147289_1_.func_149226_e() + var5, p_147289_1_.func_149225_f() + var7, var9, var11, var13); } } }
public void func_147487_a(String p_147487_1_, double p_147487_2_, double p_147487_4_, double p_147487_6_, int p_147487_8_, double p_147487_9_, double p_147487_11_, double p_147487_13_, double p_147487_15_) { S2APacketParticles s2apacketparticles = new S2APacketParticles(p_147487_1_, (float)p_147487_2_, (float)p_147487_4_, (float)p_147487_6_, (float)p_147487_9_, (float)p_147487_11_, (float)p_147487_13_, (float)p_147487_15_, p_147487_8_); for (int j = 0; j < this.playerEntities.size(); ++j) { EntityPlayerMP entityplayermp = (EntityPlayerMP)this.playerEntities.get(j); ChunkCoordinates chunkcoordinates = entityplayermp.getPlayerCoordinates(); double d7 = p_147487_2_ - (double)chunkcoordinates.posX; double d8 = p_147487_4_ - (double)chunkcoordinates.posY; double d9 = p_147487_6_ - (double)chunkcoordinates.posZ; double d10 = d7 * d7 + d8 * d8 + d9 * d9; if (d10 <= 256.0D) { entityplayermp.playerNetServerHandler.sendPacket(s2apacketparticles); } } }
public void handleParticles(S2APacketParticles p_147289_1_) { if (p_147289_1_.func_149222_k() == 0) { double d0 = (double)(p_147289_1_.func_149227_j() * p_147289_1_.func_149221_g()); double d2 = (double)(p_147289_1_.func_149227_j() * p_147289_1_.func_149224_h()); double d4 = (double)(p_147289_1_.func_149227_j() * p_147289_1_.func_149223_i()); this.clientWorldController.spawnParticle(p_147289_1_.func_149228_c(), p_147289_1_.func_149220_d(), p_147289_1_.func_149226_e(), p_147289_1_.func_149225_f(), d0, d2, d4); } else { for (int i = 0; i < p_147289_1_.func_149222_k(); ++i) { double d1 = this.avRandomizer.nextGaussian() * (double)p_147289_1_.func_149221_g(); double d3 = this.avRandomizer.nextGaussian() * (double)p_147289_1_.func_149224_h(); double d5 = this.avRandomizer.nextGaussian() * (double)p_147289_1_.func_149223_i(); double d6 = this.avRandomizer.nextGaussian() * (double)p_147289_1_.func_149227_j(); double d7 = this.avRandomizer.nextGaussian() * (double)p_147289_1_.func_149227_j(); double d8 = this.avRandomizer.nextGaussian() * (double)p_147289_1_.func_149227_j(); this.clientWorldController.spawnParticle(p_147289_1_.func_149228_c(), p_147289_1_.func_149220_d() + d1, p_147289_1_.func_149226_e() + d3, p_147289_1_.func_149225_f() + d5, d6, d7, d8); } } }
public void spawnParticle(ParticleData particle, World world) { if (particle.getType() == ParticleType.NONE) return; //TODO: Setup a channel for Blazeloader to send/receive custom particles. For now this will only send particles recognized by vanilla minecraft. if (EnumParticleTypes.PARTICLES.containsKey(particle.getType().getId())) { Packet packet = new S2APacketParticles(EnumParticleTypes.getParticleFromId(particle.getType().getId()), particle.getIgnoreDistance(), (float)particle.posX, (float)particle.posY, (float)particle.posZ, 0, 0, 0, (float)particle.getVel().lengthVector(), 1, particle.getArgs()); for (EntityPlayerMP player : (ArrayList<EntityPlayerMP>)(((WorldServer)world).playerEntities)) { BlockPos pos = player.getPosition(); double dist = pos.distanceSq(particle.posX, particle.posY, particle.posZ); if (dist <= particle.getMaxRenderDistance() || particle.getIgnoreDistance() && dist <= 65536.0D) { //BLPacketChannels.sendPacket(player, packet, Channel.PARTICLES); player.playerNetServerHandler.sendPacket(packet); } } } }
/** * Spawns a specified number of particles at the specified location with a * randomized displacement according to specified bounds */ public void handleParticles(S2APacketParticles packetIn) { PacketThreadUtil.checkThreadAndEnqueue(packetIn, this, this.gameController); if (packetIn.getParticleCount() == 0) { double d0 = (double) (packetIn.getParticleSpeed() * packetIn.getXOffset()); double d2 = (double) (packetIn.getParticleSpeed() * packetIn.getYOffset()); double d4 = (double) (packetIn.getParticleSpeed() * packetIn.getZOffset()); try { this.clientWorldController.spawnParticle(packetIn.getParticleType(), packetIn.isLongDistance(), packetIn.getXCoordinate(), packetIn.getYCoordinate(), packetIn.getZCoordinate(), d0, d2, d4, packetIn.getParticleArgs()); } catch (Throwable var17) { logger.warn("Could not spawn particle effect " + packetIn.getParticleType()); } } else { for (int i = 0; i < packetIn.getParticleCount(); ++i) { double d1 = this.avRandomizer.nextGaussian() * (double) packetIn.getXOffset(); double d3 = this.avRandomizer.nextGaussian() * (double) packetIn.getYOffset(); double d5 = this.avRandomizer.nextGaussian() * (double) packetIn.getZOffset(); double d6 = this.avRandomizer.nextGaussian() * (double) packetIn.getParticleSpeed(); double d7 = this.avRandomizer.nextGaussian() * (double) packetIn.getParticleSpeed(); double d8 = this.avRandomizer.nextGaussian() * (double) packetIn.getParticleSpeed(); try { this.clientWorldController.spawnParticle(packetIn.getParticleType(), packetIn.isLongDistance(), packetIn.getXCoordinate() + d1, packetIn.getYCoordinate() + d3, packetIn.getZCoordinate() + d5, d6, d7, d8, packetIn.getParticleArgs()); } catch (Throwable var16) { logger.warn("Could not spawn particle effect " + packetIn.getParticleType()); return; } } } }
private static void emitSmoke(WorldServer world, double x, double y, double z) { S2APacketParticles packet = new S2APacketParticles( "largesmoke", (float) x, (float) y, (float) z, 0f, 0.5f, 0f, 0.0f, 10 ); dispatch(world, packet); }
private static void emitEnder(WorldServer world, double x, double y, double z) { S2APacketParticles packet = new S2APacketParticles( "portal", (float) x, (float) y, (float) z, 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 1.0f, 50 ); dispatch(world, packet); }
/** * Spawns a specified number of particles at the specified location with a randomized displacement according to * specified bounds */ public void handleParticles(S2APacketParticles packetIn) { PacketThreadUtil.checkThreadAndEnqueue(packetIn, this, this.gameController); if (packetIn.getParticleCount() == 0) { double d0 = (double)(packetIn.getParticleSpeed() * packetIn.getXOffset()); double d2 = (double)(packetIn.getParticleSpeed() * packetIn.getYOffset()); double d4 = (double)(packetIn.getParticleSpeed() * packetIn.getZOffset()); try { this.clientWorldController.spawnParticle(packetIn.getParticleType(), packetIn.isLongDistance(), packetIn.getXCoordinate(), packetIn.getYCoordinate(), packetIn.getZCoordinate(), d0, d2, d4, packetIn.getParticleArgs()); } catch (Throwable var17) { logger.warn("Could not spawn particle effect " + packetIn.getParticleType()); } } else { for (int i = 0; i < packetIn.getParticleCount(); ++i) { double d1 = this.avRandomizer.nextGaussian() * (double)packetIn.getXOffset(); double d3 = this.avRandomizer.nextGaussian() * (double)packetIn.getYOffset(); double d5 = this.avRandomizer.nextGaussian() * (double)packetIn.getZOffset(); double d6 = this.avRandomizer.nextGaussian() * (double)packetIn.getParticleSpeed(); double d7 = this.avRandomizer.nextGaussian() * (double)packetIn.getParticleSpeed(); double d8 = this.avRandomizer.nextGaussian() * (double)packetIn.getParticleSpeed(); try { this.clientWorldController.spawnParticle(packetIn.getParticleType(), packetIn.isLongDistance(), packetIn.getXCoordinate() + d1, packetIn.getYCoordinate() + d3, packetIn.getZCoordinate() + d5, d6, d7, d8, packetIn.getParticleArgs()); } catch (Throwable var16) { logger.warn("Could not spawn particle effect " + packetIn.getParticleType()); return; } } } }
private static void dispatch(WorldServer world, S2APacketParticles packet) { for (Object o : world.playerEntities) ((EntityPlayerMP) o).playerNetServerHandler.sendPacket(packet); }
/** * Spawns a specified number of particles at the specified location with a randomized displacement according to * specified bounds */ void handleParticles(S2APacketParticles packetIn);
/** * Spawns a specified number of particles at the specified location with a randomized displacement according to * specified bounds */ void handleParticles(S2APacketParticles var1);
void handleParticles(S2APacketParticles p_147289_1_);