/** * Invokes the entities' handleUpdateHealth method which is implemented in LivingBase (hurt/death), * MinecartMobSpawner (spawn delay), FireworkRocket & MinecartTNT (explosion), IronGolem (throwing,...), Witch * (spawn particles), Zombie (villager transformation), Animal (breeding mode particles), Horse (breeding/smoke * particles), Sheep (...), Tameable (...), Villager (particles for breeding mode, angry and happy), Wolf (...) */ public void handleEntityStatus(S19PacketEntityStatus packetIn) { PacketThreadUtil.checkThreadAndEnqueue(packetIn, this, this.gameController); Entity entity = packetIn.getEntity(this.clientWorldController); if (entity != null) { if (packetIn.getOpCode() == 21) { this.gameController.getSoundHandler().playSound(new GuardianSound((EntityGuardian)entity)); } else { entity.handleStatusUpdate(packetIn.getOpCode()); } } }
public static void func_175773_a(GameRules p_175773_0_, String p_175773_1_) { if ("reducedDebugInfo".equals(p_175773_1_)) { byte b0 = (byte)(p_175773_0_.getBoolean(p_175773_1_) ? 22 : 23); for (EntityPlayerMP entityplayermp : MinecraftServer.getServer().getConfigurationManager().func_181057_v()) { entityplayermp.playerNetServerHandler.sendPacket(new S19PacketEntityStatus(entityplayermp, b0)); } } }
/** * Invokes the entities' handleUpdateHealth method which is implemented in * LivingBase (hurt/death), MinecartMobSpawner (spawn delay), FireworkRocket & * MinecartTNT (explosion), IronGolem (throwing,...), Witch (spawn particles), * Zombie (villager transformation), Animal (breeding mode particles), Horse * (breeding/smoke particles), Sheep (...), Tameable (...), Villager (particles * for breeding mode, angry and happy), Wolf (...) */ public void handleEntityStatus(S19PacketEntityStatus packetIn) { PacketThreadUtil.checkThreadAndEnqueue(packetIn, this, this.gameController); Entity entity = packetIn.getEntity(this.clientWorldController); if (entity != null) { if (packetIn.getOpCode() == 21) { this.gameController.getSoundHandler().playSound(new GuardianSound((EntityGuardian) entity)); } else { entity.handleStatusUpdate(packetIn.getOpCode()); } } }
/** * Invokes the entities' handleUpdateHealth method which is implemented in LivingBase (hurt/death), * MinecartMobSpawner (spawn delay), FireworkRocket & MinecartTNT (explosion), IronGolem (throwing,...), Witch * (spawn particles), Zombie (villager transformation), Animal (breeding mode particles), Horse (breeding/smoke * particles), Sheep (...), Tameable (...), Villager (particles for breeding mode, angry and happy), Wolf (...) */ public void handleEntityStatus(S19PacketEntityStatus p_147236_1_) { Entity var2 = p_147236_1_.func_149161_a(this.clientWorldController); if (var2 != null) { var2.handleHealthUpdate(p_147236_1_.func_149160_c()); } }
public void handleEntityStatus(S19PacketEntityStatus p_147236_1_) { Entity entity = p_147236_1_.func_149161_a(this.clientWorldController); if (entity != null) { entity.handleHealthUpdate(p_147236_1_.func_149160_c()); } }
/** * sends a Packet 38 (Entity Status) to all tracked players of that entity */ public void setEntityState(Entity entityIn, byte state) { this.getEntityTracker().func_151248_b(entityIn, new S19PacketEntityStatus(entityIn, state)); }
/** * Used for when item use count runs out, ie: eating completed */ protected void onItemUseFinish() { this.playerNetServerHandler.sendPacket(new S19PacketEntityStatus(this, (byte)9)); super.onItemUseFinish(); }
/** * sends a Packet 38 (Entity Status) to all tracked players of that entity */ public void setEntityState(Entity p_72960_1_, byte p_72960_2_) { this.getEntityTracker().func_151248_b(p_72960_1_, new S19PacketEntityStatus(p_72960_1_, p_72960_2_)); }
/** * sends a Packet 38 (Entity Status) to all tracked players of that entity */ public void setEntityState(Entity par1Entity, byte par2) { this.getEntityTracker().func_151248_b(par1Entity, new S19PacketEntityStatus(par1Entity, par2)); }
public void setEntityState(Entity p_72960_1_, byte p_72960_2_) { this.getEntityTracker().func_151248_b(p_72960_1_, new S19PacketEntityStatus(p_72960_1_, p_72960_2_)); }
protected void onItemUseFinish() { this.playerNetServerHandler.sendPacket(new S19PacketEntityStatus(this, (byte)9)); super.onItemUseFinish(); }
/** * Invokes the entities' handleUpdateHealth method which is implemented in LivingBase (hurt/death), * MinecartMobSpawner (spawn delay), FireworkRocket & MinecartTNT (explosion), IronGolem (throwing,...), Witch * (spawn particles), Zombie (villager transformation), Animal (breeding mode particles), Horse (breeding/smoke * particles), Sheep (...), Tameable (...), Villager (particles for breeding mode, angry and happy), Wolf (...) */ void handleEntityStatus(S19PacketEntityStatus packetIn);
/** * Invokes the entities' handleUpdateHealth method which is implemented in LivingBase (hurt/death), * MinecartMobSpawner (spawn delay), FireworkRocket & MinecartTNT (explosion), IronGolem (throwing,...), Witch * (spawn particles), Zombie (villager transformation), Animal (breeding mode particles), Horse (breeding/smoke * particles), Sheep (...), Tameable (...), Villager (particles for breeding mode, angry and happy), Wolf (...) */ void handleEntityStatus(S19PacketEntityStatus var1);
void handleEntityStatus(S19PacketEntityStatus p_147236_1_);