public static void eventFunc_151260_c(ReturnEventInfo<EntityTrackerEntry, Packet> event) { EntityTrackerEntry entry = event.getSource(); if (!entry.trackedEntity.isDead) { S0EPacketSpawnObject packet = null; for (OverrideListener mod : overrideEventClients) { S0EPacketSpawnObject modPacket = mod.onCreateSpawnPacket(entry.trackedEntity, packet != null); if (modPacket != null) packet = modPacket; } if (packet != null) { event.setReturnValue(packet); } } }
/** * Spawns an instance of the objecttype indicated by the packet and sets its position and momentum */ void handleSpawnObject(S0EPacketSpawnObject packetIn);
/** * Spawns an instance of the objecttype indicated by the packet and sets its position and momentum */ void handleSpawnObject(S0EPacketSpawnObject var1);
/** * Creates a spawn packet for the given entity. * * @param entity The entity to create the spawn packet for. * @param isHandled True if another mod has already created a packet for this entity. * @return Return a spawn packet for the given entity, or null if none exists. */ public S0EPacketSpawnObject onCreateSpawnPacket(Entity entity, boolean isHandled);
void handleSpawnObject(S0EPacketSpawnObject p_147235_1_);