/** * Updates the specified entity's position by the specified relative moment and absolute rotation. Note that * subclassing of the packet allows for the specification of a subset of this data (e.g. only rel. position, abs. * rotation or both). */ public void handleEntityMovement(S14PacketEntity packetIn) { PacketThreadUtil.checkThreadAndEnqueue(packetIn, this, this.gameController); Entity entity = packetIn.getEntity(this.clientWorldController); if (entity != null) { entity.serverPosX += packetIn.func_149062_c(); entity.serverPosY += packetIn.func_149061_d(); entity.serverPosZ += packetIn.func_149064_e(); double d0 = (double)entity.serverPosX / 32.0D; double d1 = (double)entity.serverPosY / 32.0D; double d2 = (double)entity.serverPosZ / 32.0D; float f = packetIn.func_149060_h() ? (float)(packetIn.func_149066_f() * 360) / 256.0F : entity.rotationYaw; float f1 = packetIn.func_149060_h() ? (float)(packetIn.func_149063_g() * 360) / 256.0F : entity.rotationPitch; entity.setPositionAndRotation2(d0, d1, d2, f, f1, 3, false); entity.onGround = packetIn.getOnGround(); } }
/** * Updates the specified entity's position by the specified relative moment and * absolute rotation. Note that subclassing of the packet allows for the * specification of a subset of this data (e.g. only rel. position, abs. * rotation or both). */ public void handleEntityMovement(S14PacketEntity packetIn) { PacketThreadUtil.checkThreadAndEnqueue(packetIn, this, this.gameController); Entity entity = packetIn.getEntity(this.clientWorldController); if (entity != null) { entity.serverPosX += packetIn.func_149062_c(); entity.serverPosY += packetIn.func_149061_d(); entity.serverPosZ += packetIn.func_149064_e(); double d0 = (double) entity.serverPosX / 32.0D; double d1 = (double) entity.serverPosY / 32.0D; double d2 = (double) entity.serverPosZ / 32.0D; float f = packetIn.func_149060_h() ? (float) (packetIn.func_149066_f() * 360) / 256.0F : entity.rotationYaw; float f1 = packetIn.func_149060_h() ? (float) (packetIn.func_149063_g() * 360) / 256.0F : entity.rotationPitch; entity.setPositionAndRotation2(d0, d1, d2, f, f1, 3, false); entity.onGround = packetIn.getOnGround(); } }
/** * Updates the specified entity's position by the specified relative moment and absolute rotation. Note that * subclassing of the packet allows for the specification of a subset of this data (e.g. only rel. position, abs. * rotation or both). */ public void handleEntityMovement(S14PacketEntity p_147259_1_) { Entity var2 = p_147259_1_.func_149065_a(this.clientWorldController); if (var2 != null) { var2.serverPosX += p_147259_1_.func_149062_c(); var2.serverPosY += p_147259_1_.func_149061_d(); var2.serverPosZ += p_147259_1_.func_149064_e(); double var3 = (double)var2.serverPosX / 32.0D; double var5 = (double)var2.serverPosY / 32.0D; double var7 = (double)var2.serverPosZ / 32.0D; float var9 = p_147259_1_.func_149060_h() ? (float)(p_147259_1_.func_149066_f() * 360) / 256.0F : var2.rotationYaw; float var10 = p_147259_1_.func_149060_h() ? (float)(p_147259_1_.func_149063_g() * 360) / 256.0F : var2.rotationPitch; var2.setPositionAndRotation2(var3, var5, var7, var9, var10, 3); } }
public void handleEntityMovement(S14PacketEntity p_147259_1_) { Entity entity = p_147259_1_.func_149065_a(this.clientWorldController); if (entity != null) { entity.serverPosX += p_147259_1_.func_149062_c(); entity.serverPosY += p_147259_1_.func_149061_d(); entity.serverPosZ += p_147259_1_.func_149064_e(); double d0 = (double)entity.serverPosX / 32.0D; double d1 = (double)entity.serverPosY / 32.0D; double d2 = (double)entity.serverPosZ / 32.0D; float f = p_147259_1_.func_149060_h() ? (float)(p_147259_1_.func_149066_f() * 360) / 256.0F : entity.rotationYaw; float f1 = p_147259_1_.func_149060_h() ? (float)(p_147259_1_.func_149063_g() * 360) / 256.0F : entity.rotationPitch; entity.setPositionAndRotation2(d0, d1, d2, f, f1, 3); } }
/** * Updates the specified entity's position by the specified relative moment and absolute rotation. Note that * subclassing of the packet allows for the specification of a subset of this data (e.g. only rel. position, abs. * rotation or both). */ void handleEntityMovement(S14PacketEntity packetIn);
/** * Updates the specified entity's position by the specified relative moment and absolute rotation. Note that * subclassing of the packet allows for the specification of a subset of this data (e.g. only rel. position, abs. * rotation or both). */ void handleEntityMovement(S14PacketEntity var1);
void handleEntityMovement(S14PacketEntity p_147259_1_);