public static void showFakeItems(Plugin plugin, Player viewer, Location location, org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack item, int count, Duration duration) { if(count <= 0) return; final EntityPlayer nmsPlayer = ((CraftPlayer) viewer).getHandle(); final int[] entityIds = new int[count]; for(int i = 0; i < count; i++) { final EntityItem entity = new EntityItem(nmsPlayer.getWorld(), location.getX(), location.getY(), location.getZ(), CraftItemStack.asNMSCopy(item)); entity.motX = randomEntityVelocity(); entity.motY = randomEntityVelocity(); entity.motZ = randomEntityVelocity(); sendPacket(viewer, new PacketPlayOutSpawnEntity(entity, ENTITY_TYPE_IDS.get(org.bukkit.entity.Item.class))); sendPacket(viewer, new PacketPlayOutEntityMetadata(entity.getId(), entity.getDataWatcher(), true)); entityIds[i] = entity.getId(); } scheduleEntityDestroy(plugin, viewer.getUniqueId(), duration, entityIds); }
public static Material getMaterialFromStatistic(net.minecraft.server.Statistic statistic) { String statisticString =; String val = statisticString.substring(statisticString.lastIndexOf(".") + 1); Item item = (Item) Item.REGISTRY.get(new MinecraftKey(val)); if (item != null) { return Material.getMaterial(Item.getId(item)); } Block block = (Block) Block.REGISTRY.get(new MinecraftKey(val)); if (block != null) { return Material.getMaterial(Block.getId(block)); } try { return Material.getMaterial(Integer.parseInt(val)); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { return null; } }
private static PlayerEvent getPlayerBucketEvent(boolean isFilling, EntityHuman who, int clickedX, int clickedY, int clickedZ, int clickedFace, ItemStack itemstack, net.minecraft.server.Item item) { Player player = (who == null) ? null : (Player) who.getBukkitEntity(); CraftItemStack itemInHand = CraftItemStack.asNewCraftStack(item); Material bucket = Material.getMaterial(; CraftWorld craftWorld = (CraftWorld) player.getWorld(); CraftServer craftServer = (CraftServer) player.getServer(); Block blockClicked = craftWorld.getBlockAt(clickedX, clickedY, clickedZ); BlockFace blockFace = CraftBlock.notchToBlockFace(clickedFace); PlayerEvent event = null; if (isFilling) { event = new PlayerBucketFillEvent(player, blockClicked, blockFace, bucket, itemInHand); ((PlayerBucketFillEvent) event).setCancelled(!canBuild(craftWorld, player, clickedX, clickedZ)); } else { event = new PlayerBucketEmptyEvent(player, blockClicked, blockFace, bucket, itemInHand); ((PlayerBucketEmptyEvent) event).setCancelled(!canBuild(craftWorld, player, clickedX, clickedZ)); } craftServer.getPluginManager().callEvent(event); return event; }
public static void handleEditBookEvent(EntityPlayer player, ItemStack newBookItem) { int itemInHandIndex = player.inventory.itemInHandIndex; PlayerEditBookEvent editBookEvent = new PlayerEditBookEvent(player.getBukkitEntity(), player.inventory.itemInHandIndex, (BookMeta) CraftItemStack.getItemMeta(player.inventory.getItemInHand()), (BookMeta) CraftItemStack.getItemMeta(newBookItem), ==;; ItemStack itemInHand = player.inventory.getItem(itemInHandIndex); // If they've got the same item in their hand, it'll need to be updated. if ( == { if (!editBookEvent.isCancelled()) { CraftItemStack.setItemMeta(itemInHand, editBookEvent.getNewBookMeta()); if (editBookEvent.isSigning()) { =; } } // Client will have updated its idea of the book item; we need to overwrite that Slot slot = player.activeContainer.a((IInventory) player.inventory, itemInHandIndex); player.playerConnection.sendPacket(new Packet103SetSlot(player.activeContainer.windowId, slot.g, itemInHand)); } }
public static Packet spawnPlayerPacket(int entityId, UUID uuid, Location location, List<DataWatcher.Item<?>> metadata) { return new PacketPlayOutNamedEntitySpawn(entityId, uuid, location.getX(), location.getY(), location.getZ(), encodeAngle(location.getYaw()), encodeAngle(location.getPitch()), metadata); }
/** * Test if the given tool is capable of "efficiently" mining the given block. * * Derived from CraftBlock.itemCausesDrops() */ public static boolean canMineBlock(MaterialData blockMaterial, org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack tool) { if(!blockMaterial.getItemType().isBlock()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Material '" + blockMaterial + "' is not a block"); } net.minecraft.server.Block nmsBlock = CraftMagicNumbers.getBlock(blockMaterial.getItemType()); net.minecraft.server.Item nmsTool = tool == null ? null : CraftMagicNumbers.getItem(tool.getType()); return nmsBlock != null && (nmsBlock.getBlockData().getMaterial().isAlwaysDestroyable() || (nmsTool != null && nmsTool.canDestroySpecialBlock(nmsBlock.getBlockData()))); }
public static void playDeathAnimation(Player player) { EntityPlayer handle = ((CraftPlayer) player).getHandle(); PacketPlayOutEntityMetadata packet = new PacketPlayOutEntityMetadata(handle.getId(), handle.getDataWatcher(), false); // Add/replace health to zero boolean replaced = false; DataWatcher.Item<Float> zeroHealth = new DataWatcher.Item<>(EntityPlayer.class, EntityLiving.HEALTH, 0f); if(packet.b != null) { for(int i = 0; i < packet.b.size(); i++) { DataWatcher.Item<?> item = packet.b.get(i); if(EntityLiving.HEALTH.equals(item.a())) { packet.b.set(i, zeroHealth); replaced = true; } } } if(!replaced) { if(packet.b == null) { packet.b = Collections.singletonList(zeroHealth); } else { packet.b.add(zeroHealth); } } sendPacketToViewers(player, packet); }
public Collection<ItemStack> getDrops() { List<ItemStack> drops = new ArrayList<ItemStack>(); net.minecraft.server.Block block = this.getNMSBlock(); if (block != Blocks.AIR) { byte data = getData(); // based on nms.Block.dropNaturally int count = block.getDropCount(0, chunk.getHandle().world.random); for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) { Item item = block.getDropType(data, chunk.getHandle().world.random, 0); if (item != null) { // Skulls are special, their data is based on the tile entity if (Blocks.SKULL == block) { net.minecraft.server.ItemStack nmsStack = new net.minecraft.server.ItemStack(item, 1, block.getDropData(chunk.getHandle().world, x, y, z)); TileEntitySkull tileentityskull = (TileEntitySkull) chunk.getHandle().world.getTileEntity(x, y, z); if (tileentityskull.getSkullType() == 3 && tileentityskull.getGameProfile() != null) { nmsStack.setTag(new NBTTagCompound()); NBTTagCompound nbttagcompound = new NBTTagCompound(); GameProfileSerializer.serialize(nbttagcompound, tileentityskull.getGameProfile()); nmsStack.getTag().set("SkullOwner", nbttagcompound); } drops.add(CraftItemStack.asBukkitCopy(nmsStack)); // We don't want to drop cocoa blocks, we want to drop cocoa beans. } else if (Blocks.COCOA == block) { int dropAmount = (BlockCocoa.c(data) >= 2 ? 3 : 1); for (int j = 0; j < dropAmount; ++j) { drops.add(new ItemStack(Material.INK_SACK, 1, (short) 3)); } } else { drops.add(new ItemStack(org.bukkit.craftbukkit.util.CraftMagicNumbers.getMaterial(item), 1, (short) block.getDropData(data))); } } } } return drops; }
public static Material getMaterial(Item item) { // TODO: Don't use ID Material material = Material.getMaterial(Item.getId(item)); if (material == null) { return Material.AIR; } return material; }
@Test public void maxDurability() { if (material == Material.AIR) { assertThat((int) material.getMaxDurability(), is(0)); } else if (material.isBlock()){ Item item = CraftMagicNumbers.getItem(material); assertThat((int) material.getMaxDurability(), is(item.getMaxDurability())); } }
@Override public List<String> tabCompleteInternalMaterialName(String token, List<String> completions) { ArrayList<String> results = Lists.newArrayList(); for (MinecraftKey key : (Set<MinecraftKey>)Item.REGISTRY.keySet()) { results.add(key.toString()); } return StringUtil.copyPartialMatches(token, results, completions); }
@Test public void maxDurability() { if (INVALIDATED_MATERIALS.contains(material)) return; if (material == Material.AIR) { assertThat((int) material.getMaxDurability(), is(0)); } else if (material.isBlock()){ Item item = CraftMagicNumbers.getItem(material); assertThat((int) material.getMaxDurability(), is(item.getMaxDurability())); } }
public void setPlaying(Material record) { if (record == null || Item.byId[record.getId()] == null) { record = Material.AIR; jukebox.setRecord(null); } else { jukebox.setRecord(new ItemStack(Item.byId[record.getId()], 1)); } jukebox.update(); if (record == Material.AIR) { world.getHandle().setData(getX(), getY(), getZ(), 0, 3); } else { world.getHandle().setData(getX(), getY(), getZ(), 1, 3); } world.playEffect(getLocation(), Effect.RECORD_PLAY, record.getId()); }
/** * ItemSpawnEvent */ public static ItemSpawnEvent callItemSpawnEvent(EntityItem entityitem) { org.bukkit.entity.Item entity = (org.bukkit.entity.Item) entityitem.getBukkitEntity(); CraftServer craftServer = (CraftServer) entity.getServer(); ItemSpawnEvent event = new ItemSpawnEvent(entity, entity.getLocation()); craftServer.getPluginManager().callEvent(event); return event; }
/** * ItemDespawnEvent */ public static ItemDespawnEvent callItemDespawnEvent(EntityItem entityitem) { org.bukkit.entity.Item entity = (org.bukkit.entity.Item) entityitem.getBukkitEntity(); ItemDespawnEvent event = new ItemDespawnEvent(entity, entity.getLocation()); entity.getServer().getPluginManager().callEvent(event); return event; }
public CraftMapView createMap(World world) { Validate.notNull(world, "World cannot be null"); net.minecraft.server.ItemStack stack = new net.minecraft.server.ItemStack(Item.MAP, 1, -1); WorldMap worldmap = Item.MAP.getSavedMap(stack, ((CraftWorld) world).getHandle()); return worldmap.mapView; }
@Test public void maxDurability() { if (material == Material.AIR) { assertThat((int) material.getMaxDurability(), is(0)); } else { assertThat((int) material.getMaxDurability(), is(Item.byId[material.getId()].getMaxDurability())); } }
@Test public void maxStackSize() { final ItemStack bukkit = new ItemStack(material); final CraftItemStack craft = CraftItemStack.asCraftCopy(bukkit); if (material == Material.AIR) { final int MAX_AIR_STACK = 0 /* Why can't I hold all of these AIR? */; assertThat(material.getMaxStackSize(), is(MAX_AIR_STACK)); assertThat(bukkit.getMaxStackSize(), is(MAX_AIR_STACK)); assertThat(craft.getMaxStackSize(), is(MAX_AIR_STACK)); } else { assertThat(material.getMaxStackSize(), is(Item.byId[material.getId()].getMaxStackSize())); assertThat(bukkit.getMaxStackSize(), is(material.getMaxStackSize())); assertThat(craft.getMaxStackSize(), is(material.getMaxStackSize())); } }
public void UpdateNotificationAndBook(){ Bukkit.getScheduler().runTaskAsynchronously(Cardinal.getInstance(), new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { try { chat = ComponentSerializer.parse(GitUtil.getUpdateMessage(notificationUrl)); ItemStack NMSbook = new ItemStack(Item.getById(387)); try { NBTBase nbtbase = MojangsonParser.parse(ChatColor.translateAlternateColorCodes('`', GitUtil.getUpdateMessage(bookUrl))); NMSbook.setTag((NBTTagCompound) nbtbase); } catch (MojangsonParseException mojangsonparseexception) { Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(mojangsonparseexception.getMessage()); return; } book = CraftItemStack.asBukkitCopy(NMSbook); } catch (IOException ignored) { } } }); }
public static List<DataWatcher.Item<?>> getDamageIndicator(double damage) { Class<EntityArmorStand> cl = EntityArmorStand.class; return Lists.newArrayList( INVISIBLE, // (0) Sets invisible new DataWatcher.Item<>(cl, getDataWatcher(Entity.class, "aA", String.class), "" + ChatColor.RED + ChatColor.BOLD + Math.round(damage / 0.2)), // (2) Custom Name new DataWatcher.Item<>(cl, getDataWatcher(Entity.class, "aB", Boolean.class), true),// (3) Custom Name visible new DataWatcher.Item<>(cl, EntityArmorStand.a, (byte) 0x10)); // (11) Marker Armor Stand }
private static List<DataWatcher.Item<?>> copyEntityMetadata(Entity entity) { final List<DataWatcher.Item<?>> metadata = ((CraftEntity) entity).getHandle().getDataWatcher().c(); DataWatcher.deepCopy(metadata); return metadata; }
public static String getKey(Material material) { MinecraftKey key = Item.REGISTRY.b(CraftMagicNumbers.getItem(material)); return key == null ? null : key.toString(); }
public static @Nullable Material materialByKey(String key) { final Item item = Item.REGISTRY.get(new MinecraftKey(key)); return item == null ? null : CraftMagicNumbers.getMaterial(item); }
@Override public void execute(final Event e) { for (final Block b : blocks.getArray(e)) { Item.INK_SACK.interactWith(CraftItemStack.createNMSItemStack(new ItemStack(Material.INK_SACK, 1, Color.WHITE.getDye())), null, ((CraftWorld) b.getWorld()).getHandle(), b.getX(), b.getY(), b.getZ(), 0, 0, 0, 0); } }
private boolean itemCausesDrops(ItemStack item) { net.minecraft.server.Block block = this.getNMSBlock(); net.minecraft.server.Item itemType = item != null ? net.minecraft.server.Item.getById(item.getTypeId()) : null; return block != null && (block.getMaterial().isAlwaysDestroyable() || (itemType != null && itemType.canDestroySpecialBlock(block))); }