public static Vec3i viewToFaceVec(Vec3d viewVector, double length) { //normalize vector so we can work with it better viewVector = viewVector.normalize(); int majorAxis = 0; if(Math.abs(viewVector.yCoord)>=Math.abs(viewVector.xCoord) && Math.abs(viewVector.yCoord)>=Math.abs(viewVector.zCoord)) majorAxis=1; else if(Math.abs(viewVector.zCoord)>=Math.abs(viewVector.xCoord) && Math.abs(viewVector.zCoord)>=Math.abs(viewVector.yCoord)) majorAxis=2; length = Math.round(length); switch(majorAxis) { case 0: return new Vec3i(Math.signum(viewVector.xCoord)*length,0,0); case 1: return new Vec3i(0,Math.signum(viewVector.yCoord)*length,0); case 2: return new Vec3i(0,0,Math.signum(viewVector.zCoord)*length); default: break; } return new Vec3i(1,0,0); }
@Override public void move(MoverType type, double x, double y, double z) { if (this.freezeTime <= 0) { Vec3i oldPos = new Vec3i((int) Math.floor(this.getPosition().getX()), (int) Math.floor(this.getPosition().getY()), (int) Math.floor(this.getPosition().getZ())); super.move(type, x, y, z); Vec3i newPos = new Vec3i((int) Math.floor(this.getPosition().getX()), (int) Math.floor(this.getPosition().getY()), (int) Math.floor(this.getPosition().getZ())); if (!oldPos.equals(newPos)) { if (world.getBlockState(new BlockPos(oldPos)).getBlock() == ModRegistry.FANCY_LIGHT) { world.setBlockToAir(new BlockPos(oldPos)); } if (world.getBlockState(new BlockPos(newPos)).getBlock() == Blocks.AIR) { world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(newPos), ModRegistry.FANCY_LIGHT.getDefaultState()); } } } else { } }
@Override protected void onWorldDraw(float delta, float x, float y, float z) { float mx, my, mz; if (!safeShow) return; if (--safeUpdate < 0) { safeUpdate = 13; reCheckSafe(fix(x), fix(y), fix(z)); } if (safeGhost) GL11.glDisable(GL11.GL_DEPTH_TEST); else GL11.glEnable( GL11.GL_DEPTH_TEST); GL11.glDisable(GL11.GL_TEXTURE_2D); GL11.glDisable(GL11.GL_BLEND); GL11.glDisable(GL11.GL_FOG); GL11.glBegin(GL11.GL_LINES); for (int i = 0; i < safeCur; ++i) { Vec3i pos = safePoses[i]; Color color = safeMarks[i]; GL11.glColor3ub(color.rb,,; mx = pos.getX() - x; my = pos.getY() - y; mz = pos.getZ() - z; GL11.glVertex3f(mx+0.9f,my+0.01f,mz+0.9f); GL11.glVertex3f(mx+0.1f,my+0.01f,mz+0.1f); GL11.glVertex3f(mx+0.9f,my+0.01f,mz+0.1f); GL11.glVertex3f(mx+0.1f,my+0.01f,mz+0.9f); } GL11.glEnd(); }
private void renderModelBrightnessColorQuads(float brightness, float red, float green, float blue, List<BakedQuad> listQuads) { Tessellator tessellator = Tessellator.getInstance(); VertexBuffer vertexbuffer = tessellator.getBuffer(); int i = 0; for (int j = listQuads.size(); i < j; ++i) { BakedQuad bakedquad = (BakedQuad)listQuads.get(i); vertexbuffer.begin(7, DefaultVertexFormats.ITEM); vertexbuffer.addVertexData(bakedquad.getVertexData()); if (bakedquad.hasTintIndex()) { vertexbuffer.putColorRGB_F4(red * brightness, green * brightness, blue * brightness); } else { vertexbuffer.putColorRGB_F4(brightness, brightness, brightness); } Vec3i vec3i = bakedquad.getFace().getDirectionVec(); vertexbuffer.putNormal((float)vec3i.getX(), (float)vec3i.getY(), (float)vec3i.getZ()); tessellator.draw(); } }
public static EnumRockClass getStoneTypeAt(World w, BlockPos at) { if (lastRememberedSeed != w.getSeed()) { rand.setSeed(w.getSeed()); offsetStone = new Vec3i(rand.nextInt(300000) - rand.nextInt(300000), 0, rand.nextInt(300000) - rand.nextInt(300000)); offsetDirt = new Vec3i(rand.nextInt(300000) - rand.nextInt(300000), 0, rand.nextInt(300000) - rand.nextInt(300000)); } BlockPos actual = at.add(offsetStone); try { FeatureProvider provider = ((BiomeProviderExP)w.getBiomeProvider()).featureProvider; return EnumRockClass.values()[Math.abs(provider.getByte(actual, provider.cacheRocks)) % 16]; } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); return EnumRockClass.ANDESITE; } }
public static EnumDirtClass getDirtTypeAt(World w, BlockPos at) { if (lastRememberedSeed != w.getSeed()) { rand.setSeed(w.getSeed()); offsetStone = new Vec3i(rand.nextInt(300000) - rand.nextInt(300000), 0, rand.nextInt(300000) - rand.nextInt(300000)); offsetDirt = new Vec3i(rand.nextInt(300000) - rand.nextInt(300000), 0, rand.nextInt(300000) - rand.nextInt(300000)); } BlockPos actual = at.add(offsetDirt); try { FeatureProvider provider = ((BiomeProviderExP)w.getBiomeProvider()).featureProvider; return EnumDirtClass.values()[Math.abs(provider.getByte(actual, provider.cacheSoil)) % 16]; } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); return EnumDirtClass.ACRISOL; } }
public Iterable<BlockPos> getAllInBox(BlockPos pos, final EnumFacing facing) { Iterable<BlockPos> searchables = null; pos = pos.add(this.getCoreOffset(facing)); if (facing.getAxis() == Axis.Z) searchables = BlockPos.getAllInBox( pos.subtract(new Vec3i(this.getOffsetX(), this.getOffsetY(), this.getOffsetZ())), pos.add(this.getWidth() - 1 - this.getOffsetX(), this.getHeight() - 1 - this.getOffsetY(), this.getLength() - 1 - this.getOffsetZ())); else searchables = BlockPos.getAllInBox( pos.subtract(new Vec3i(this.getOffsetZ(), this.getOffsetY(), this.getOffsetX())), pos.add(this.getLength() - 1 - this.getOffsetZ(), this.getHeight() - 1 - this.getOffsetY(), this.getWidth() - 1 - this.getOffsetX())); return searchables; }
@Override public boolean shouldExecute() { if (living.getEntityData().getInteger(NBT_KEY_LAST_MEAL) > living.ticksExisted) living.getEntityData().setInteger(NBT_KEY_LAST_MEAL, -Time.DAY); PathNavigate navigate = living.getNavigator(); if (living.getHealth() < living.getMaxHealth() || living.ticksExisted - living.getEntityData().getInteger(NBT_KEY_LAST_MEAL) > Time.DAY) { List<EntityItem> list =, AABBHelper.getAABBFromEntity(living, 32), this); list.sort(this); for (int i = list.size() - 1; i > -1; i--) { EntityItem item = list.get(i); navigate.tryMoveToEntityLiving(item, 1); Path path = navigate.getPath(); if (path != null) { PathPoint point = path.getFinalPathPoint(); if (item.getPosition().distanceSq(new Vec3i(point.x, point.y, point.z)) < 2) { meat = item; return true; } } } } return false; }
/** * Rotates given surface vector around the center of the texture by the given degree. * */ protected static Vec3i rotateFacePerspective(Vec3i vec, Rotation rotation, TextureScale scale) { switch(rotation) { case ROTATE_90: return new Vec3i(vec.getY(), scale.sliceCountMask - vec.getX(), vec.getZ()); case ROTATE_180: return new Vec3i(scale.sliceCountMask - vec.getX(), scale.sliceCountMask - vec.getY(), vec.getZ()); case ROTATE_270: return new Vec3i(scale.sliceCountMask - vec.getY(), vec.getX(), vec.getZ()); case ROTATE_NONE: default: return vec; } }
protected CubicQuadPainter(ModelState modelState, Surface surface, PaintLayer paintLayer) { super(modelState, surface, paintLayer); this.species = modelState.hasSpecies() ? modelState.getSpecies() : 0; int x = modelState.getPosX(); int y = modelState.getPosY(); int z = modelState.getPosZ(); this.pos = new Vec3i(x, y, z); int shift = this.texture.textureScale.power; int speciesBits = species << 16; int xBits = (((y >> shift) & 0xFF) << 8) | ((z >> shift) & 0xFF) | speciesBits; int yBits = (((x >> shift) & 0xFF) << 8) | ((z >> shift) & 0xFF) | speciesBits; int zBits = (((x >> shift) & 0xFF) << 8) | ((y >> shift) & 0xFF) | speciesBits; this.variationHashX = MathHelper.hash(xBits); this.variationHashY = MathHelper.hash(yBits); this.variationHashZ = MathHelper.hash(zBits); }
public int sizeInChunksNear(BlockPos pos, int chunkRadius) { int result = 0; int i = 0; Vec3i offset = Useful.getDistanceSortedCircularOffset(i); while(offset.getY() <= chunkRadius) { result += sizeInChunkAt(pos.add(offset.getX() * 16, 0, offset.getZ() * 16)); offset = Useful.getDistanceSortedCircularOffset(++i); } return result; }
public Iterator<T> existingChunksNear(BlockPos pos, int chunkRadius) { return new AbstractIterator<T>() { private int i = 0; @Override protected T computeNext() { Vec3i offset = Useful.getDistanceSortedCircularOffset(i++); while(offset != null && offset.getY() <= chunkRadius) { T result = getIfExists(pos.add(offset.getX() * 16, 0, offset.getZ() * 16)); if(result != null) return result; offset = Useful.getDistanceSortedCircularOffset(i++); } return (T)this.endOfData(); } }; }
public void setOrigin(int x, int y, int z) { this.origin = new Vec3i(clamp(x), clamp(y), clamp(z)); this.distances = new ArrayList<DistanceRankedVoxel>(getBitsPerAxis() * getBitsPerAxis() * getBitsPerAxis()); this.firstDistanceIndex = 0; for(int i = 0; i < getBitsPerAxis(); i++) { for(int j = 0; j < getBitsPerAxis(); j++) { for(int k = 0; k < getBitsPerAxis(); k++) { DistanceRankedVoxel point = new DistanceRankedVoxel(i, j, k, origin); this.distances.add(point); } } } this.distances.sort(DistanceComparator.INSTANCE); }
public TaskStackArea(World world, UUID wandUUID, BlockPos posOrig, BlockPos endPosRelative, TemplateEnderUtilities template, Area3D area, int blocksPerTick) { this.dimension = world.provider.getDimension(); this.wandUUID = wandUUID; this.posOrig = posOrig; this.sizeAbs = new Vec3i(Math.abs(endPosRelative.getX()) + 1, Math.abs(endPosRelative.getY()) + 1, Math.abs(endPosRelative.getZ()) + 1); this.template = template; this.templateNumBlocks = template.getBlockList().size(); this.area = area; this.blocksPerTick = blocksPerTick; this.currentArea = new Vec3i(-area.getXNeg(), -area.getYNeg(), -area.getZNeg()); if (this.currentArea.getX() == 0 && this.currentArea.getY() == 0 && this.currentArea.getZ() == 0) { this.incrementArea(); } this.currentStartPos = this.getStartPos(); }
@ScriptCallable(returnTypes = ReturnType.TABLE, description = "Get information about the villages this block is inside") public Map<?, ?> getVillages(TileEntityVillageHighlighter vh) { Map<Integer, Object> map = Maps.newHashMap(); int i = 1; for (Village village : vh.getWorld().villageCollection.getVillageList()) { if (village.isBlockPosWithinSqVillageRadius(vh.getPos())) { Map<String, Object> villageMap = Maps.newHashMap(); Vec3i d = village.getCenter().subtract(vh.getPos()); villageMap.put("x", d.getX()); villageMap.put("y", d.getY()); villageMap.put("z", d.getZ()); villageMap.put("doors", village.getNumVillageDoors()); villageMap.put("villagers", village.getNumVillagers()); villageMap.put("radius", village.getVillageRadius()); map.put(i++, villageMap); } } return map; }
@Override protected void init() { safePoses = new Vec3i[SAFE_MAX]; safeMarks = new Color[SAFE_MAX]; safeCur = 0; safeUpdate = 0; safeShow = false; safeGhost = false; }
private void reCheckSafe(int pX, int pY, int pZ) { safeCur = 0; for (int x = pX-optLookupRadius; x <= pX+optLookupRadius; ++x) for (int y = pY-optLookupRadius; y <= pY+optLookupRadius; ++y) for (int z = pZ-optLookupRadius; z <= pZ+optLookupRadius; ++z) { if (couldSpawnHere(x,y,z)) { safePoses[safeCur] = new Vec3i(x,y,z); safeMarks[safeCur] = (optShowWithSun && getSkyLightLevel(x,y,z) > 7) ? optDangerColorSun : optDangerColor; ++safeCur; if (safeCur == SAFE_MAX) return; } } }
public StructureBoundingBox(Vec3i vec1, Vec3i vec2) { this.minX = Math.min(vec1.getX(), vec2.getX()); this.minY = Math.min(vec1.getY(), vec2.getY()); this.minZ = Math.min(vec1.getZ(), vec2.getZ()); this.maxX = Math.max(vec1.getX(), vec2.getX()); this.maxY = Math.max(vec1.getY(), vec2.getY()); this.maxZ = Math.max(vec1.getZ(), vec2.getZ()); }
/** * Offsets the position of pos in the direction of finger and thumb facing by offset amounts, follows the right-hand * rule for cross products (finger, thumb, palm) @return A new BlockPos offset in the facing directions */ protected static BlockPos translateOffset(BlockPos pos, EnumFacing finger, EnumFacing thumb, int palmOffset, int thumbOffset, int fingerOffset) { if (finger != thumb && finger != thumb.getOpposite()) { Vec3i vec3i = new Vec3i(finger.getFrontOffsetX(), finger.getFrontOffsetY(), finger.getFrontOffsetZ()); Vec3i vec3i1 = new Vec3i(thumb.getFrontOffsetX(), thumb.getFrontOffsetY(), thumb.getFrontOffsetZ()); Vec3i vec3i2 = vec3i.crossProduct(vec3i1); return pos.add(vec3i1.getX() * -thumbOffset + vec3i2.getX() * palmOffset + vec3i.getX() * fingerOffset, vec3i1.getY() * -thumbOffset + vec3i2.getY() * palmOffset + vec3i.getY() * fingerOffset, vec3i1.getZ() * -thumbOffset + vec3i2.getZ() * palmOffset + vec3i.getZ() * fingerOffset); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid forwards & up combination"); } }
public static EnumFacing rotate(Matrix4f matrix, EnumFacing facing) { Vec3i dir = facing.getDirectionVec(); Vector4f vec = new Vector4f(dir.getX(), dir.getY(), dir.getZ(), 0); matrix.transform(vec); return EnumFacing.getFacingFromVector(vec.x, vec.y, vec.z); }
public static EnumFacing getFacingFromVertexData(int[] faceData) { Vector3f vector3f = new Vector3f(Float.intBitsToFloat(faceData[0]), Float.intBitsToFloat(faceData[1]), Float.intBitsToFloat(faceData[2])); Vector3f vector3f1 = new Vector3f(Float.intBitsToFloat(faceData[7]), Float.intBitsToFloat(faceData[8]), Float.intBitsToFloat(faceData[9])); Vector3f vector3f2 = new Vector3f(Float.intBitsToFloat(faceData[14]), Float.intBitsToFloat(faceData[15]), Float.intBitsToFloat(faceData[16])); Vector3f vector3f3 = new Vector3f(); Vector3f vector3f4 = new Vector3f(); Vector3f vector3f5 = new Vector3f(); Vector3f.sub(vector3f, vector3f1, vector3f3); Vector3f.sub(vector3f2, vector3f1, vector3f4); Vector3f.cross(vector3f4, vector3f3, vector3f5); float f = (float)Math.sqrt((double)(vector3f5.x * vector3f5.x + vector3f5.y * vector3f5.y + vector3f5.z * vector3f5.z)); vector3f5.x /= f; vector3f5.y /= f; vector3f5.z /= f; EnumFacing enumfacing = null; float f1 = 0.0F; for (EnumFacing enumfacing1 : EnumFacing.values()) { Vec3i vec3i = enumfacing1.getDirectionVec(); Vector3f vector3f6 = new Vector3f((float)vec3i.getX(), (float)vec3i.getY(), (float)vec3i.getZ()); float f2 =, vector3f6); if (f2 >= 0.0F && f2 > f1) { f1 = f2; enumfacing = enumfacing1; } } if (enumfacing == null) { return EnumFacing.UP; } else { return enumfacing; } }
public BlockArray(BlockArray other, Vec3i offset) { for (Map.Entry<BlockPos, BlockInformation> otherEntry : other.pattern.entrySet()) { this.pattern.put(otherEntry.getKey().add(offset), otherEntry.getValue()); } this.min = new Vec3i(other.min.getX(), other.min.getY(), other.min.getZ()); this.max = new Vec3i(other.max.getX(), other.max.getY(), other.max.getZ()); this.size = new Vec3i(other.size.getX(), other.size.getY(), other.size.getZ()); }
@Override public Vec3i getEntityPosition() { if(Config.cacheRuneInfo){ if(entityPos==null){ entityPos = setupEntityPos(); } return entityPos; }else{ return setupEntityPos(); } }
public static EnumFacing getFacingFromVertexData(int[] faceData) { Vector3f vector3f = new Vector3f(Float.intBitsToFloat(faceData[0]), Float.intBitsToFloat(faceData[1]), Float.intBitsToFloat(faceData[2])); Vector3f vector3f1 = new Vector3f(Float.intBitsToFloat(faceData[7]), Float.intBitsToFloat(faceData[8]), Float.intBitsToFloat(faceData[9])); Vector3f vector3f2 = new Vector3f(Float.intBitsToFloat(faceData[14]), Float.intBitsToFloat(faceData[15]), Float.intBitsToFloat(faceData[16])); Vector3f vector3f3 = new Vector3f(); Vector3f vector3f4 = new Vector3f(); Vector3f vector3f5 = new Vector3f(); Vector3f.sub(vector3f, vector3f1, vector3f3); Vector3f.sub(vector3f2, vector3f1, vector3f4); Vector3f.cross(vector3f4, vector3f3, vector3f5); float f = (float)Math.sqrt(vector3f5.x * vector3f5.x + vector3f5.y * vector3f5.y + vector3f5.z * vector3f5.z); vector3f5.x /= f; vector3f5.y /= f; vector3f5.z /= f; EnumFacing enumfacing = null; float f1 = 0.0F; for (EnumFacing enumfacing1 : EnumFacing.values()) { Vec3i vec3i = enumfacing1.getDirectionVec(); Vector3f vector3f6 = new Vector3f(vec3i.getX(), vec3i.getY(), vec3i.getZ()); float f2 =, vector3f6); if (f2 >= 0.0F && f2 > f1) { f1 = f2; enumfacing = enumfacing1; } } if (enumfacing == null) { return EnumFacing.UP; } else { return enumfacing; } }
/** * Create a matrix that rotates around the specified axis by the specified angle. * * @param axis The axis * @param radians The angle in radians * @return The rotation matrix */ public static Matrix3d getRotationMatrix(EnumFacing.Axis axis, double radians) { final Vec3i axisDirectionVector = AXIS_DIRECTION_VECTORS.get(axis); final AxisAngle4d axisAngle = new AxisAngle4d(axisDirectionVector.getX(), axisDirectionVector.getY(), axisDirectionVector.getZ(), radians); final Matrix3d rotationMatrix = new Matrix3d(); rotationMatrix.set(axisAngle); return rotationMatrix; }
public static EntityGroupOfGravesMobSpawnerHelper createSpawnerHelper(World world, StructureBoundingBox boundingBox) { EntityGroupOfGravesMobSpawnerHelper spawnerHelper = new EntityGroupOfGravesMobSpawnerHelper(world); Vec3i center = boundingBox.getLength(); spawnerHelper.setLocationAndAngles(center.getX(), center.getY(), center.getZ(), 0, 0); world.spawnEntity(spawnerHelper); return spawnerHelper; }
public Cell(@Nonnull final Vec3i offset, final int range) { this.offset = offset; final float xV = range - MathStuff.abs(offset.getX()) + 1; final float zV = range - MathStuff.abs(offset.getZ()) + 1; final float candidate = Math.min(xV, zV); this.points = candidate * candidate; this.working = new BlockPos.MutableBlockPos(); }
/** * Attempt to parse the given object as a set of parameters for this handler. * * @param params the parameter block to parse * @return true if the object made sense for this handler; false otherwise. */ @Override public boolean parseParameters(Object params) { if (params == null || !(params instanceof BuildBattleDecorator)) return false; this.params = (BuildBattleDecorator) params; this.sourceBounds = this.params.getGoalStructureBounds(); this.destBounds = this.params.getPlayerStructureBounds(); = new Vec3i(destBounds.getMin().getX() - sourceBounds.getMin().getX(), destBounds.getMin().getY() - sourceBounds.getMin().getY(), destBounds.getMin().getZ() - sourceBounds.getMin().getZ()); this.structureVolume = volumeOfBounds(this.sourceBounds); assert(this.structureVolume == volumeOfBounds(this.destBounds)); this.dest = new ArrayList<IBlockState>(Collections.nCopies(this.structureVolume, (IBlockState)null)); this.source = new ArrayList<IBlockState>(Collections.nCopies(this.structureVolume, (IBlockState)null)); DrawBlockBasedObjectType tickBlock = this.params.getBlockTypeOnCorrectPlacement(); DrawBlockBasedObjectType crossBlock = this.params.getBlockTypeOnIncorrectPlacement(); this.blockTypeOnCorrectPlacement = (tickBlock != null) ? new XMLBlockState(tickBlock.getType(), tickBlock.getColour(), tickBlock.getFace(), tickBlock.getVariant()) : null; this.blockTypeOnIncorrectPlacement = (crossBlock != null) ? new XMLBlockState(crossBlock.getType(), crossBlock.getColour(), crossBlock.getFace(), crossBlock.getVariant()) : null; return true; }
private void shootPlayer(World world, BlockPos pos, Entity ent) { if (!(ent instanceof EntityPlayer)) return; IBlockState state = world.getBlockState(pos); EnumFacing facing = state.getValue(PROPERTY_FACING); Vec3i vec = facing.getDirectionVec(); //double scale = 1.2d; Vec3d motion = new Vec3d(vec.getX()*scale, vec.getY()*scale, vec.getZ()*scale); ent.motionX = adjustScalar(ent.motionX, motion.x); ent.motionY = adjustScalar(ent.motionY, motion.y); ent.motionZ = adjustScalar(ent.motionZ, motion.z); }
public static void floor(World world, int width, int depth, IBlockState block_state, BlockPos pos, EnumFacing facing) { Vec3i front = facing.getDirectionVec(); Vec3i side = facing.rotateY().getDirectionVec(); for (int j = 0; j < width; j++) { BlockPos set = pos.add(side.getX() * j, 0, side.getZ() * j); for (int i = 0; i < depth; i++) { world.setBlockState(set, block_state); set = set.add(front); } } }
public static void wall(World world, int depth, int height, IBlockState block_state, BlockPos pos, EnumFacing facing) { Vec3i front = facing.getDirectionVec(); for (int j = 0; j < height; j++) { BlockPos set = pos.add(0, j, 0); for (int i = 0; i < depth; i++) { world.setBlockState(set, block_state); set = set.add(front); } } }
/** * current Position depends on currently set Coordinates mode, is computed here */ protected void placeBlockAtCurrentPosition(World world, Block b, int meta, int x, int y, int z, StructureBoundingBox box, boolean ignoreBox) { int i1 = this.getXWithOffset(x, z); int j1 = this.getYWithOffset(y); int k1 = this.getZWithOffset(x, z); if (box.isVecInside(new Vec3i(i1, j1, k1)) || ignoreBox) { IBlockState state = b.getStateFromMeta(meta); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(i1, j1, k1), state, 2); } }
public boolean isConnected(World world, BlockPos from, BlockPos to){ Vec3i diff = from.subtract(to); if(diff.getX() * diff.getZ() != 0) return false; return diff.getY() == 0 || !isBlockedDiagonal(world, from, to); }
@Override public BlockPos getNeighborACoordinate(int index) { if (index > Facing.values().length) index = 0; Vec3i coord = Facing.values()[index].getDirectionVec(); return new BlockPos( pos.getX() + coord.getX(), pos.getY() + coord.getY(), pos.getZ() + coord.getZ() ); }
/** * Transform input vector so that x & y correspond with u / v on the given face, with u,v origin at upper left * and z is depth, where positive values represent distance into the face (away from viewer). <br><br> * * Coordinates are start masked to the scale of the texture being used and when we reverse an orthogonalAxis, * we use the texture's sliceMask as the basis so that we remain within the frame of the * texture scale we are using. <br><br> * * Note that the x, y components are for determining min/max UV values. * They should NOT be used to set vertex UV coordinates directly. * All bigtex models should have lockUV = true, which means that * uv coordinates will be derived at time of quad bake by projecting each * vertex onto the plane of the quad's nominal face. * Setting UV coordinates on a quad with lockUV=true has no effect. */ protected static Vec3i getSurfaceVector(Vec3i vec, EnumFacing face, TextureScale scale) { int sliceCountMask = scale.sliceCountMask; int x = vec.getX() & sliceCountMask; int y = vec.getY() & sliceCountMask; int z = vec.getZ() & sliceCountMask; switch(face) { case EAST: return new Vec3i(sliceCountMask - z, sliceCountMask - y, -vec.getX()); case WEST: return new Vec3i(z, sliceCountMask - y, vec.getX()); case NORTH: return new Vec3i(sliceCountMask - x, sliceCountMask - y, vec.getZ()); case SOUTH: return new Vec3i(x, sliceCountMask - y, -vec.getZ()); case DOWN: return new Vec3i(x, sliceCountMask - z, vec.getY()); case UP: default: return new Vec3i(x, z, -vec.getY()); } }
private void setBoreFlowEnabled(boolean enabled) { LavaCells cells = Simulator.instance().lavaSimulator().cells; for(int i = 0; i < BORE_OFFSETS.size(); i++) { Vec3i offset = BORE_OFFSETS.get(i); LavaCell c = cells.getEntryCell(this.pos.getX() + offset.getX(), this.pos.getZ() + offset.getZ()); if(c != null) { c.firstCell().setBoreCell(enabled); } } }