private void func_150651_b() { for (int i = 0; i < this.array.size(); ++i) { BlockWire.Rail rail = this.func_150654_a((ChunkPosition)this.array.get(i)); if (rail != null && rail.func_150653_a(this)) { this.array.set(i, new ChunkPosition(rail.chunkCoordX, rail.chunkCoordY, rail.chunkCoordZ)); } else { this.array.remove(i--); } } }
private void func_150651_b() { for (int i = 0; i < this.array.size(); ++i) { RailBase.Rail rail = this.func_150654_a((ChunkPosition)this.array.get(i)); if (rail != null && rail.func_150653_a(this)) { this.array.set(i, new ChunkPosition(rail.chunkCoordX, rail.chunkCoordY, rail.chunkCoordZ)); } else { this.array.remove(i--); } } }
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static INode findNode(Chunk chunk, int x, int y, int z, int range) { Vec3 apiaryPos = Vec3.createVectorHelper(x, y, z); List<TileEntity> tileEntities = new ArrayList<TileEntity>(((Map<ChunkPosition, TileEntity>)chunk.chunkTileEntityMap).values()); Collections.shuffle(tileEntities); for (TileEntity entity : tileEntities) { if (entity instanceof INode) { Vec3 tePos = Vec3.createVectorHelper(entity.xCoord, entity.yCoord, entity.zCoord); Vec3 result = apiaryPos.subtract(tePos); if (result.lengthVector() <= range) { return (INode)entity; } } } return null; }
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static List<INode> findNodesInChunkWithinRange(Chunk chunk, int x, int y, int z, int range) { List<INode> nodes = new ArrayList<INode>(); Vec3 apiaryPos = Vec3.createVectorHelper(x, y, z); List<TileEntity> tileEntities = new ArrayList<TileEntity>(((Map<ChunkPosition, TileEntity>)chunk.chunkTileEntityMap).values()); for (TileEntity entity : tileEntities) { if (entity instanceof INode) { Vec3 tePos = Vec3.createVectorHelper(entity.xCoord, entity.yCoord, entity.zCoord); Vec3 result = apiaryPos.subtract(tePos); if (result.lengthVector() <= range) { nodes.add((INode)entity); } } } return nodes; }
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private boolean searchChunkForBooster(Chunk chunk) { Vec3 apiaryPos = Vec3.createVectorHelper(xCoord, yCoord, zCoord); for (Map.Entry<ChunkPosition, TileEntity> entry : ((Map<ChunkPosition, TileEntity>)chunk.chunkTileEntityMap).entrySet()) { TileEntity entity = entry.getValue(); if (entity instanceof IMagicApiaryAuraProvider) { Vec3 tePos = Vec3.createVectorHelper(entity.xCoord, entity.yCoord, entity.zCoord); Vec3 result = apiaryPos.subtract(tePos); if (result.lengthVector() <= AURAPROVIDER_SEARCH_RADIUS) { saveAuraProviderPosition(entity.xCoord, entity.yCoord, entity.zCoord); this.auraProvider = (IMagicApiaryAuraProvider)entity; return true; } } } return false; }
private IMagicApiaryAuraProvider getAuraProvider(int x, int y, int z) { Chunk chunk = worldObj.getChunkFromBlockCoords(x, z); x %= 16; z %= 16; if (x < 0) { x += 16; } if (z < 0) { z += 16; } ChunkPosition cPos = new ChunkPosition(x, y, z); TileEntity entity = (TileEntity)chunk.chunkTileEntityMap.get(cPos); if (!(entity instanceof IMagicApiaryAuraProvider)) { return null; } return (IMagicApiaryAuraProvider)entity; }
public void doBlockExplosion() { if (!blocksCalculated) { calculateBlockExplosion(); } for (int i = affectedBlockPositions.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { ChunkPosition chunkposition = (ChunkPosition) affectedBlockPositions.get(i); int x = chunkposition.chunkPosX; int y = chunkposition.chunkPosY; int z = chunkposition.chunkPosZ; Block block = worldObj.getBlock(x, y, z); if (block != null) { if (block.canDropFromExplosion(this)) { block.dropBlockAsItemWithChance(worldObj, x, y, z, worldObj.getBlockMetadata(x, y, z), 1F / explosionSize, 0); } worldObj.setBlock(x, y, z, Blocks.air, 0, 3); block.onBlockDestroyedByExplosion(worldObj, x, y, z, this); } } }
@Override public void encodeInto(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, ByteBuf buf) { buf.writeDouble(x); buf.writeDouble(y); buf.writeDouble(z); buf.writeFloat(size); buf.writeBoolean(smallParticles); buf.writeBoolean(bigParticles); int n = blocks.size(); buf.writeInt(n); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { ChunkPosition pos = blocks.get(i); int dx = pos.chunkPosX - (int) x; int dy = pos.chunkPosY - (int) y; int dz = pos.chunkPosZ - (int) z; buf.writeByte(dx); buf.writeByte(dy); buf.writeByte(dz); } }
public void func_150812_a(int p_150812_1_, int p_150812_2_, int p_150812_3_, TileEntity p_150812_4_) { ChunkPosition var5 = new ChunkPosition(p_150812_1_, p_150812_2_, p_150812_3_); p_150812_4_.setWorldObj(this.worldObj); p_150812_4_.field_145851_c = this.xPosition * 16 + p_150812_1_; p_150812_4_.field_145848_d = p_150812_2_; p_150812_4_.field_145849_e = this.zPosition * 16 + p_150812_3_; if (this.func_150810_a(p_150812_1_, p_150812_2_, p_150812_3_) instanceof ITileEntityProvider) { if (this.chunkTileEntityMap.containsKey(var5)) { ((TileEntity)this.chunkTileEntityMap.get(var5)).invalidate(); } p_150812_4_.validate(); this.chunkTileEntityMap.put(var5, p_150812_4_); } }
public ChunkPosition func_147416_a(World p_147416_1_, String p_147416_2_, int p_147416_3_, int p_147416_4_, int p_147416_5_) { if ("Stronghold".equals(p_147416_2_)) { Iterator var6 = this.structureGenerators.iterator(); while (var6.hasNext()) { MapGenStructure var7 = (MapGenStructure); if (var7 instanceof MapGenStronghold) { return var7.func_151545_a(p_147416_1_, p_147416_3_, p_147416_4_, p_147416_5_); } } } return null; }
/** * Reads the raw packet data from the data stream. */ public void readPacketData(PacketBuffer p_148837_1_) throws IOException { this.field_149158_a = (double)p_148837_1_.readFloat(); this.field_149156_b = (double)p_148837_1_.readFloat(); this.field_149157_c = (double)p_148837_1_.readFloat(); this.field_149154_d = p_148837_1_.readFloat(); int var2 = p_148837_1_.readInt(); this.field_149155_e = new ArrayList(var2); int var3 = (int)this.field_149158_a; int var4 = (int)this.field_149156_b; int var5 = (int)this.field_149157_c; for (int var6 = 0; var6 < var2; ++var6) { int var7 = p_148837_1_.readByte() + var3; int var8 = p_148837_1_.readByte() + var4; int var9 = p_148837_1_.readByte() + var5; this.field_149155_e.add(new ChunkPosition(var7, var8, var9)); } this.field_149152_f = p_148837_1_.readFloat(); this.field_149153_g = p_148837_1_.readFloat(); this.field_149159_h = p_148837_1_.readFloat(); }
private void func_150651_b() { for (int var1 = 0; var1 < this.field_150657_g.size(); ++var1) { BlockRailBase.Rail var2 = this.func_150654_a((ChunkPosition)this.field_150657_g.get(var1)); if (var2 != null && var2.func_150653_a(this)) { this.field_150657_g.set(var1, new ChunkPosition(var2.field_150661_c, var2.field_150658_d, var2.field_150659_e)); } else { this.field_150657_g.remove(var1--); } } }
public static Block getBlockAtEntityViewpoint(World p_151460_0_, EntityLivingBase p_151460_1_, float p_151460_2_) { Vec3 var3 = projectViewFromEntity(p_151460_1_, (double)p_151460_2_); ChunkPosition var4 = new ChunkPosition(var3); Block var5 = p_151460_0_.getBlock(var4.field_151329_a, var4.field_151327_b, var4.field_151328_c); if (var5.getMaterial().isLiquid()) { float var6 = BlockLiquid.func_149801_b(p_151460_0_.getBlockMetadata(var4.field_151329_a, var4.field_151327_b, var4.field_151328_c)) - 0.11111111F; float var7 = (float)(var4.field_151327_b + 1) - var6; if (var3.yCoord >= (double)var7) { var5 = p_151460_0_.getBlock(var4.field_151329_a, var4.field_151327_b + 1, var4.field_151328_c); } } return var5; }
@SubscribeEvent public void onDetonate(ExplosionEvent.Detonate event) { World world =; if (world.isRemote) { return; } ProtectedBlocks protectedBlocks = ProtectedBlocks.getProtectedBlocks(world); if (!protectedBlocks.hasProtections()) { return; } List<ChunkPosition> affectedBlocks = event.getAffectedBlocks(); int i = 0; while (i < affectedBlocks.size()) { ChunkPosition block = affectedBlocks.get(i); if (protectedBlocks.isProtected(world, block.chunkPosX, block.chunkPosY, block.chunkPosZ)) { affectedBlocks.remove(i); } else { i++; } } }
@SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") public static void removeTileEntity(World world, int x, int y, int z, boolean removeFromChunk, boolean removeFromWorld) { Chunk chunk = world.getChunkFromChunkCoords(x >> 4, z >> 4); TileEntity te = null; if (chunk != null) { if (removeFromChunk) { te = (TileEntity) chunk.chunkTileEntityMap.remove(new ChunkPosition(x & 15, y, z & 15)); } else { te = (TileEntity) chunk.chunkTileEntityMap.get(new ChunkPosition(x & 15, y, z & 15)); } } if (te != null && removeFromWorld) { Iterator it = world.loadedTileEntityList.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { TileEntity tile = (TileEntity); if (tile == te) it.remove(); } } }
public TileEntity func_76597_e(int p_76597_1_, int p_76597_2_, int p_76597_3_) { ChunkPosition var4 = new ChunkPosition(p_76597_1_, p_76597_2_, p_76597_3_); TileEntity var5 = (TileEntity)this.field_76648_i.get(var4); if(var5 == null) { int var6 = this.func_76610_a(p_76597_1_, p_76597_2_, p_76597_3_); if(var6 <= 0 || !Block.field_71973_m[var6].func_71887_s()) { return null; } if(var5 == null) { var5 = ((ITileEntityProvider)Block.field_71973_m[var6]).func_72274_a(this.field_76637_e); this.field_76637_e.func_72837_a(this.field_76635_g * 16 + p_76597_1_, p_76597_2_, this.field_76647_h * 16 + p_76597_3_, var5); } var5 = (TileEntity)this.field_76648_i.get(var4); } if(var5 != null && var5.func_70320_p()) { this.field_76648_i.remove(var4); return null; } else { return var5; } }
/** * Sets the TileEntity for a given block in this chunk */ public void setChunkBlockTileEntity(int par1, int par2, int par3, TileEntity par4TileEntity) { ChunkPosition chunkposition = new ChunkPosition(par1, par2, par3); par4TileEntity.setWorldObj(this.worldObj); par4TileEntity.xCoord = this.xPosition * 16 + par1; par4TileEntity.yCoord = par2; par4TileEntity.zCoord = this.zPosition * 16 + par3; Block block = Block.blocksList[getBlockID(par1, par2, par3)]; if (block != null && block.hasTileEntity(getBlockMetadata(par1, par2, par3))) { if (this.chunkTileEntityMap.containsKey(chunkposition)) { ((TileEntity)this.chunkTileEntityMap.get(chunkposition)).invalidate(); } par4TileEntity.validate(); this.chunkTileEntityMap.put(chunkposition, par4TileEntity); } }
public void func_73273_a(DataOutput p_73273_1_) throws IOException { p_73273_1_.writeDouble(this.field_73616_a); p_73273_1_.writeDouble(this.field_73614_b); p_73273_1_.writeDouble(this.field_73615_c); p_73273_1_.writeFloat(this.field_73612_d); p_73273_1_.writeInt(this.field_73613_e.size()); int var2 = (int)this.field_73616_a; int var3 = (int)this.field_73614_b; int var4 = (int)this.field_73615_c; Iterator var5 = this.field_73613_e.iterator(); while(var5.hasNext()) { ChunkPosition var6 = (ChunkPosition); int var7 = var6.field_76930_a - var2; int var8 = var6.field_76928_b - var3; int var9 = var6.field_76929_c - var4; p_73273_1_.writeByte(var7); p_73273_1_.writeByte(var8); p_73273_1_.writeByte(var9); } p_73273_1_.writeFloat(this.field_73610_f); p_73273_1_.writeFloat(this.field_73611_g); p_73273_1_.writeFloat(this.field_73617_h); }
private void refreshConnectedTracks() { for (int i = 0; i < this.railChunkPosition.size(); ++i) { BlockBaseRailLogic blockbaseraillogic = this.getRailLogic((ChunkPosition)this.railChunkPosition.get(i)); if (blockbaseraillogic != null && blockbaseraillogic.isRailChunkPositionCorrect(this)) { this.railChunkPosition.set(i, new ChunkPosition(blockbaseraillogic.railX, blockbaseraillogic.railY, blockbaseraillogic.railZ)); } else { this.railChunkPosition.remove(i--); } } }
public void readPacketData(PacketBuffer p_148837_1_) throws IOException { this.field_149158_a = (double)p_148837_1_.readFloat(); this.field_149156_b = (double)p_148837_1_.readFloat(); this.field_149157_c = (double)p_148837_1_.readFloat(); this.field_149154_d = p_148837_1_.readFloat(); int i = p_148837_1_.readInt(); this.field_149155_e = new ArrayList(i); int j = (int)this.field_149158_a; int k = (int)this.field_149156_b; int l = (int)this.field_149157_c; for (int i1 = 0; i1 < i; ++i1) { int j1 = p_148837_1_.readByte() + j; int k1 = p_148837_1_.readByte() + k; int l1 = p_148837_1_.readByte() + l; this.field_149155_e.add(new ChunkPosition(j1, k1, l1)); } this.field_149152_f = p_148837_1_.readFloat(); this.field_149153_g = p_148837_1_.readFloat(); this.field_149159_h = p_148837_1_.readFloat(); }
public static Block getBlockAtEntityViewpoint(World p_151460_0_, EntityLivingBase p_151460_1_, float p_151460_2_) { Vec3 vec3 = projectViewFromEntity(p_151460_1_, (double)p_151460_2_); ChunkPosition chunkposition = new ChunkPosition(vec3); Block block = p_151460_0_.getBlock(chunkposition.chunkPosX, chunkposition.chunkPosY, chunkposition.chunkPosZ); if (block.getMaterial().isLiquid()) { float f1 = BlockLiquid.getLiquidHeightPercent(p_151460_0_.getBlockMetadata(chunkposition.chunkPosX, chunkposition.chunkPosY, chunkposition.chunkPosZ)) - 0.11111111F; float f2 = (float)(chunkposition.chunkPosY + 1) - f1; if (vec3.yCoord >= (double)f2) { block = p_151460_0_.getBlock(chunkposition.chunkPosX, chunkposition.chunkPosY + 1, chunkposition.chunkPosZ); } } return block; }
public void func_150812_a(int p_150812_1_, int p_150812_2_, int p_150812_3_, TileEntity p_150812_4_) { ChunkPosition chunkposition = new ChunkPosition(p_150812_1_, p_150812_2_, p_150812_3_); p_150812_4_.setWorldObj(this.worldObj); p_150812_4_.xCoord = this.xPosition * 16 + p_150812_1_; p_150812_4_.yCoord = p_150812_2_; p_150812_4_.zCoord = this.zPosition * 16 + p_150812_3_; int metadata = getBlockMetadata(p_150812_1_, p_150812_2_, p_150812_3_); if (this.getBlock(p_150812_1_, p_150812_2_, p_150812_3_).hasTileEntity(metadata)) { if (this.chunkTileEntityMap.containsKey(chunkposition)) { ((TileEntity)this.chunkTileEntityMap.get(chunkposition)).invalidate(); } p_150812_4_.validate(); this.chunkTileEntityMap.put(chunkposition, p_150812_4_); } }
/** * Returns the block ID at the current camera location (either air or fluid), taking into account the height of * fluid blocks */ public static int getBlockIdAtEntityViewpoint(World par0World, EntityLivingBase par1EntityLivingBase, float par2) { Vec3 vec3 = projectViewFromEntity(par1EntityLivingBase, (double)par2); ChunkPosition chunkposition = new ChunkPosition(vec3); int i = par0World.getBlockId(chunkposition.x, chunkposition.y, chunkposition.z); if (i != 0 && Block.blocksList[i].blockMaterial.isLiquid()) { float f1 = BlockFluid.getFluidHeightPercent(par0World.getBlockMetadata(chunkposition.x, chunkposition.y, chunkposition.z)) - 0.11111111F; float f2 = (float)(chunkposition.y + 1) - f1; if (vec3.yCoord >= (double)f2) { i = par0World.getBlockId(chunkposition.x, chunkposition.y + 1, chunkposition.z); } } return i; }
/** * Abstract. Reads the raw packet data from the data stream. */ public void readPacketData(DataInput par1DataInput) throws IOException { this.explosionX = par1DataInput.readDouble(); this.explosionY = par1DataInput.readDouble(); this.explosionZ = par1DataInput.readDouble(); this.explosionSize = par1DataInput.readFloat(); int i = par1DataInput.readInt(); this.chunkPositionRecords = new ArrayList(i); int j = (int)this.explosionX; int k = (int)this.explosionY; int l = (int)this.explosionZ; for (int i1 = 0; i1 < i; ++i1) { int j1 = par1DataInput.readByte() + j; int k1 = par1DataInput.readByte() + k; int l1 = par1DataInput.readByte() + l; this.chunkPositionRecords.add(new ChunkPosition(j1, k1, l1)); } this.playerVelocityX = par1DataInput.readFloat(); this.playerVelocityY = par1DataInput.readFloat(); this.playerVelocityZ = par1DataInput.readFloat(); }
/** * Gets the TileEntity for a given block in this chunk */ @Override public TileEntity getTileEntity(int x, int y, int z) { ChunkPosition chunkposition = new ChunkPosition(x, y, z); TileEntity tileentity = chunkTileEntityMap.get(chunkposition); if (tileentity == null) { Block block = getBlock(x, y, z); int meta = getBlockMetadata(x, y, z); if (block == null || !block.hasTileEntity(meta)) { return null; } tileentity = block.createTileEntity(worldObj, meta); setTileEntity(x, y, z, tileentity); tileentity = chunkTileEntityMap.get(chunkposition); } return tileentity; }
public ChunkPosition func_147416_a(World p_147416_1_, String p_147416_2_, int p_147416_3_, int p_147416_4_, int p_147416_5_) { if ("Stronghold".equals(p_147416_2_)) { Iterator iterator = this.structureGenerators.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { MapGenStructure mapgenstructure = (MapGenStructure); if (mapgenstructure instanceof MapGenStronghold) { return mapgenstructure.func_151545_a(p_147416_1_, p_147416_3_, p_147416_4_, p_147416_5_); } } } return null; }
private void func_150651_b() { for (int i = 0; i < this.field_150657_g.size(); ++i) { BlockRailBase.Rail rail = this.func_150654_a((ChunkPosition)this.field_150657_g.get(i)); if (rail != null && rail.func_150653_a(this)) { this.field_150657_g.set(i, new ChunkPosition(rail.field_150661_c, rail.field_150658_d, rail.field_150659_e)); } else { this.field_150657_g.remove(i--); } } }
@Override public void onChunkUpdate() { super.onChunkUpdate(); Collection<ChunkPosition> list = ((MobileChunkServer) ship.getShipChunk()).getSendQueue(); if (firstChunkUpdate) { ship.getCapabilities().spawnSeatEntities(); } else { MsgChunkBlockUpdate msg = new MsgChunkBlockUpdate(ship, list); ArchimedesShipMod.instance.pipeline.sendToAllAround(msg, new TargetPoint(ship.worldObj.provider.dimensionId, ship.posX, ship.posY, ship.posZ, 64D)); } list.clear(); firstChunkUpdate = false; }
@Override public void writeData(final ByteBuf data) throws Exception { data.writeByte(this.positionList.size()); for (final ChunkPosition pos : this.positionList) { data.writeInt(pos.chunkPosX); data.writeByte(pos.chunkPosY); data.writeInt(pos.chunkPosZ); } }
@Override public void readData(final EntityPlayer player, final ByteBuf data) { int n = data.readUnsignedByte(); if (n > 20) { n = 20; } this.positionList = new ArrayList<ChunkPosition>(n); for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { final int x = data.readInt(); final int y = data.readUnsignedByte(); final int z = data.readInt(); this.positionList.add(new ChunkPosition(x, y, z)); } }
@SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) @Override public void doStuffClient() { Minecraft.getMinecraft().thePlayer.closeScreen(); for (final ChunkPosition chunkPosition : this.positionList) { for (int i = 0; i < 20; ++i) { Minecraft.getMinecraft().effectRenderer.addEffect((EntityFX)new ParticlePing(Minecraft.getMinecraft().theWorld, chunkPosition)); } } }
private void setWaypointTo(MapGenStructure mapStructure) { if(mapStructure != null) { ChunkPosition pos = mapStructure.func_151545_a(super.worldObj, (int)super.posX, (int)super.posY, (int)super.posZ); if(pos != null) { super.homeX = (double)pos.chunkPosX; super.homeY = (double)pos.chunkPosY; super.homeZ = (double)pos.chunkPosZ; super.waypoint = Witchery.Items.GENERIC.itemWaystone.createStack(); } } }
@SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") @Override public ChunkPosition findBiomePosition(int par1, int par2, int par3, List par4List, Random par5Random) { final int var6 = par1 - par3 >> 2; final int var7 = par2 - par3 >> 2; final int var8 = par1 + par3 >> 2; final int var10 = var8 - var6 + 1; final int var16 = var6 + 0 % var10 << 2; final int var17 = var7 + 0 / var10 << 2; return new ChunkPosition(var16, 0, var17); }
public ChunkPosition getPlayerLookingAtBlock(EntityPlayerMP player, float reach) { Vec3 vec3d = Vec3.createVectorHelper(player.posX, (player.posY + 1.6200000000000001D) - player.yOffset, player.posZ); Vec3 vec3d1 = player.getLook(1.0F); Vec3 vec3d2 = vec3d.addVector(vec3d1.xCoord * reach, vec3d1.yCoord * reach, vec3d1.zCoord * reach); MovingObjectPosition hit = player.worldObj.rayTraceBlocks(vec3d, vec3d2); if(hit == null || hit.typeOfHit != MovingObjectType.BLOCK) { return null; } return new ChunkPosition(hit.blockX, hit.blockY, hit.blockZ); }
protected ChunkPosition getRandomSpawningPointInChunk(World world, int i, int j) { int k = i + world.rand.nextInt(16); world.getClass(); int l = world.rand.nextInt(128); int i1 = j + world.rand.nextInt(16); return new ChunkPosition(k, l, i1); }
protected BlockWire.Rail func_150654_a(ChunkPosition chunkPosition) { return checkBlockIsMe(, chunkPosition.chunkPosX, chunkPosition.chunkPosY, chunkPosition.chunkPosZ) ? new Rail(, chunkPosition.chunkPosX, chunkPosition.chunkPosY, chunkPosition.chunkPosZ) : ( checkBlockIsMe(, chunkPosition.chunkPosX, chunkPosition.chunkPosY + 1, chunkPosition.chunkPosZ) ? new Rail(, chunkPosition.chunkPosX, chunkPosition.chunkPosY + 1, chunkPosition.chunkPosZ) : ( checkBlockIsMe(, chunkPosition.chunkPosX, chunkPosition.chunkPosY - 1, chunkPosition.chunkPosZ) ? new Rail(, chunkPosition.chunkPosX, chunkPosition.chunkPosY - 1, chunkPosition.chunkPosZ) : null) ); }
private boolean func_150653_a(BlockWire.Rail p_150653_1_) { for (int i = 0; i < this.array.size(); ++i) { ChunkPosition chunkposition = (ChunkPosition)this.array.get(i); if (chunkposition.chunkPosX == p_150653_1_.chunkCoordX && chunkposition.chunkPosZ == p_150653_1_.chunkCoordZ) { return true; } } return false; }
private boolean func_150652_b(int p_150652_1_, int p_150652_2_, int p_150652_3_) { for (int l = 0; l < this.array.size(); ++l) { ChunkPosition chunkposition = (ChunkPosition)this.array.get(l); if (chunkposition.chunkPosX == p_150652_1_ && chunkposition.chunkPosZ == p_150652_3_) { return true; } } return false; }
private boolean func_150647_c(int p_150647_1_, int p_150647_2_, int p_150647_3_) { BlockWire.Rail rail = this.func_150654_a(new ChunkPosition(p_150647_1_, p_150647_2_, p_150647_3_)); if (rail == null) { return false; } else { rail.func_150651_b(); return rail.func_150649_b(this); } }
private boolean func_150653_a(RailBase.Rail p_150653_1_) { for (int i = 0; i < this.array.size(); ++i) { ChunkPosition chunkposition = (ChunkPosition)this.array.get(i); if (chunkposition.chunkPosX == p_150653_1_.chunkCoordX && chunkposition.chunkPosZ == p_150653_1_.chunkCoordZ) { return true; } } return false; }