public void processDragonDeath(EntityDragon dragon) { if (dragon.getUniqueID().equals(this.dragonUniqueId)) { this.bossInfo.setPercent(0.0F); this.bossInfo.setVisible(false); this.generatePortal(true); this.spawnNewGateway(); if (!this.previouslyKilled) {, Blocks.DRAGON_EGG.getDefaultState()); } this.previouslyKilled = true; this.dragonKilled = true; } }
/** * Gives the phase a chance to update its status. * Called by dragon's onLivingUpdate. Only used when !worldObj.isRemote. */ public void doLocalUpdate() { ++this.time; if (this.targetLocation == null) { BlockPos blockpos =; this.targetLocation = new Vec3d((double)blockpos.getX(), (double)blockpos.getY(), (double)blockpos.getZ()); } double d0 = this.targetLocation.squareDistanceTo(this.dragon.posX, this.dragon.posY, this.dragon.posZ); if (d0 >= 100.0D && d0 <= 22500.0D && !this.dragon.isCollidedHorizontally && !this.dragon.isCollidedVertically) { this.dragon.setHealth(1.0F); } else { this.dragon.setHealth(0.0F); } }
/** * Gives the phase a chance to update its status. * Called by dragon's onLivingUpdate. Only used when !worldObj.isRemote. */ public void doLocalUpdate() { if (!this.firstTick && this.currentPath != null) { BlockPos blockpos =; double d0 = this.dragon.getDistanceSqToCenter(blockpos); if (d0 > 100.0D) { this.dragon.getPhaseManager().setPhase(PhaseList.HOLDING_PATTERN); } } else { this.firstTick = false; this.findNewTarget(); } }
/** * Gives the phase a chance to update its status. * Called by dragon's onLivingUpdate. Only used when !worldObj.isRemote. */ public void doLocalUpdate() { ++this.time; if (this.targetLocation == null) { BlockPos blockpos = this.dragon.worldObj.getHeight(WorldGenEndPodium.END_PODIUM_LOCATION); this.targetLocation = new Vec3d((double)blockpos.getX(), (double)blockpos.getY(), (double)blockpos.getZ()); } double d0 = this.targetLocation.squareDistanceTo(this.dragon.posX, this.dragon.posY, this.dragon.posZ); if (d0 >= 100.0D && d0 <= 22500.0D && !this.dragon.isCollidedHorizontally && !this.dragon.isCollidedVertically) { this.dragon.setHealth(1.0F); } else { this.dragon.setHealth(0.0F); } }
/** * Gives the phase a chance to update its status. * Called by dragon's onLivingUpdate. Only used when !worldObj.isRemote. */ public void doLocalUpdate() { if (this.firstTick) { this.firstTick = false; this.findNewTarget(); } else { BlockPos blockpos = this.dragon.worldObj.getTopSolidOrLiquidBlock(WorldGenEndPodium.END_PODIUM_LOCATION); double d0 = this.dragon.getDistanceSqToCenter(blockpos); if (d0 > 100.0D) { this.dragon.getPhaseManager().setPhase(PhaseList.HOLDING_PATTERN); } } }
private void generatePortal(boolean active) { WorldGenEndPodium worldgenendpodium = new WorldGenEndPodium(active); if (this.exitPortalLocation == null) { for (this.exitPortalLocation =; == Blocks.BEDROCK && this.exitPortalLocation.getY() >; this.exitPortalLocation = this.exitPortalLocation.down()) { ; } } worldgenendpodium.generate(, new Random(), this.exitPortalLocation); }
private void findNewTarget() { if (this.currentPath == null || this.currentPath.isFinished()) { int i = this.dragon.initPathPoints(); BlockPos blockpos =; EntityPlayer entityplayer =, 128.0D, 128.0D); int j; if (entityplayer != null) { Vec3d vec3d = (new Vec3d(entityplayer.posX, 0.0D, entityplayer.posZ)).normalize(); j = this.dragon.getNearestPpIdx(-vec3d.xCoord * 40.0D, 105.0D, -vec3d.zCoord * 40.0D); } else { j = this.dragon.getNearestPpIdx(40.0D, (double)blockpos.getY(), 0.0D); } PathPoint pathpoint = new PathPoint(blockpos.getX(), blockpos.getY(), blockpos.getZ()); this.currentPath = this.dragon.findPath(i, j, pathpoint); if (this.currentPath != null) { this.currentPath.incrementPathIndex(); } } this.navigateToNextPathNode(); if (this.currentPath != null && this.currentPath.isFinished()) { this.dragon.getPhaseManager().setPhase(PhaseList.LANDING); } }
/** * Gives the phase a chance to update its status. * Called by dragon's onLivingUpdate. Only used when !worldObj.isRemote. */ public void doLocalUpdate() { if (this.targetLocation == null) { this.targetLocation = new Vec3d(; } if (this.targetLocation.squareDistanceTo(this.dragon.posX, this.dragon.posY, this.dragon.posZ) < 1.0D) { ((PhaseSittingFlaming)this.dragon.getPhaseManager().getPhase(PhaseList.SITTING_FLAMING)).resetFlameCount(); this.dragon.getPhaseManager().setPhase(PhaseList.SITTING_SCANNING); } }
public float getHeadPartYOffset(int p_184667_1_, double[] p_184667_2_, double[] p_184667_3_) { IPhase iphase = this.phaseManager.getCurrentPhase(); PhaseList <? extends IPhase > phaselist = iphase.getPhaseList(); double d0; if (phaselist != PhaseList.LANDING && phaselist != PhaseList.TAKEOFF) { if (iphase.getIsStationary()) { d0 = (double)p_184667_1_; } else if (p_184667_1_ == 6) { d0 = 0.0D; } else { d0 = p_184667_3_[1] - p_184667_2_[1]; } } else { BlockPos blockpos =; float f = Math.max(MathHelper.sqrt(this.getDistanceSqToCenter(blockpos)) / 4.0F, 1.0F); d0 = (double)((float)p_184667_1_ / f); } return (float)d0; }
public Vec3d getHeadLookVec(float p_184665_1_) { IPhase iphase = this.phaseManager.getCurrentPhase(); PhaseList <? extends IPhase > phaselist = iphase.getPhaseList(); Vec3d vec3d; if (phaselist != PhaseList.LANDING && phaselist != PhaseList.TAKEOFF) { if (iphase.getIsStationary()) { float f4 = this.rotationPitch; float f5 = 1.5F; this.rotationPitch = -45.0F; vec3d = this.getLook(p_184665_1_); this.rotationPitch = f4; } else { vec3d = this.getLook(p_184665_1_); } } else { BlockPos blockpos =; float f = Math.max(MathHelper.sqrt(this.getDistanceSqToCenter(blockpos)) / 4.0F, 1.0F); float f1 = 6.0F / f; float f2 = this.rotationPitch; float f3 = 1.5F; this.rotationPitch = -f1 * 1.5F * 5.0F; vec3d = this.getLook(p_184665_1_); this.rotationPitch = f2; } return vec3d; }
private void findNewTarget() { if (this.currentPath == null || this.currentPath.isFinished()) { int i = this.dragon.initPathPoints(); BlockPos blockpos = this.dragon.worldObj.getTopSolidOrLiquidBlock(WorldGenEndPodium.END_PODIUM_LOCATION); EntityPlayer entityplayer = this.dragon.worldObj.getNearestAttackablePlayer(blockpos, 128.0D, 128.0D); int j; if (entityplayer != null) { Vec3d vec3d = (new Vec3d(entityplayer.posX, 0.0D, entityplayer.posZ)).normalize(); j = this.dragon.getNearestPpIdx(-vec3d.xCoord * 40.0D, 105.0D, -vec3d.zCoord * 40.0D); } else { j = this.dragon.getNearestPpIdx(40.0D, (double)blockpos.getY(), 0.0D); } PathPoint pathpoint = new PathPoint(blockpos.getX(), blockpos.getY(), blockpos.getZ()); this.currentPath = this.dragon.findPath(i, j, pathpoint); if (this.currentPath != null) { this.currentPath.incrementPathIndex(); } } this.navigateToNextPathNode(); if (this.currentPath != null && this.currentPath.isFinished()) { this.dragon.getPhaseManager().setPhase(PhaseList.LANDING); } }
/** * Gives the phase a chance to update its status. * Called by dragon's onLivingUpdate. Only used when !worldObj.isRemote. */ public void doLocalUpdate() { if (this.targetLocation == null) { this.targetLocation = new Vec3d(this.dragon.worldObj.getTopSolidOrLiquidBlock(WorldGenEndPodium.END_PODIUM_LOCATION)); } if (this.targetLocation.squareDistanceTo(this.dragon.posX, this.dragon.posY, this.dragon.posZ) < 1.0D) { ((PhaseSittingFlaming)this.dragon.getPhaseManager().getPhase(PhaseList.SITTING_FLAMING)).resetFlameCount(); this.dragon.getPhaseManager().setPhase(PhaseList.SITTING_SCANNING); } }
@SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public float getHeadPartYOffset(int p_184667_1_, double[] p_184667_2_, double[] p_184667_3_) { IPhase iphase = this.phaseManager.getCurrentPhase(); PhaseList <? extends IPhase > phaselist = iphase.getPhaseList(); double d0; if (phaselist != PhaseList.LANDING && phaselist != PhaseList.TAKEOFF) { if (iphase.getIsStationary()) { d0 = (double)p_184667_1_; } else if (p_184667_1_ == 6) { d0 = 0.0D; } else { d0 = p_184667_3_[1] - p_184667_2_[1]; } } else { BlockPos blockpos = this.worldObj.getTopSolidOrLiquidBlock(WorldGenEndPodium.END_PODIUM_LOCATION); float f = Math.max(MathHelper.sqrt_double(this.getDistanceSqToCenter(blockpos)) / 4.0F, 1.0F); d0 = (double)((float)p_184667_1_ / f); } return (float)d0; }
public Vec3d getHeadLookVec(float p_184665_1_) { IPhase iphase = this.phaseManager.getCurrentPhase(); PhaseList <? extends IPhase > phaselist = iphase.getPhaseList(); Vec3d vec3d; if (phaselist != PhaseList.LANDING && phaselist != PhaseList.TAKEOFF) { if (iphase.getIsStationary()) { float f4 = this.rotationPitch; float f5 = 1.5F; this.rotationPitch = -45.0F; vec3d = this.getLook(p_184665_1_); this.rotationPitch = f4; } else { vec3d = this.getLook(p_184665_1_); } } else { BlockPos blockpos = this.worldObj.getTopSolidOrLiquidBlock(WorldGenEndPodium.END_PODIUM_LOCATION); float f = Math.max(MathHelper.sqrt_double(this.getDistanceSqToCenter(blockpos)) / 4.0F, 1.0F); float f1 = 6.0F / f; float f2 = this.rotationPitch; float f3 = 1.5F; this.rotationPitch = -f1 * 1.5F * 5.0F; vec3d = this.getLook(p_184665_1_); this.rotationPitch = f2; } return vec3d; }
@Override public String execute(CommandSender sender, String[] params) throws CommandException { Entity entity = getSenderAsEntity(sender.getMinecraftISender(), Entity.class); if (params.length > 0) { if (params[0].equalsIgnoreCase("end")) new WorldGenEndPodium(true).generate(sender.getWorld(), new Random(), new BlockPos(entity)); else if (params[0].equalsIgnoreCase("nether")) new Teleporter((WorldServer); else throw new CommandException("command.spawnportal.unknownPortal", sender); } else throw new CommandException("command.spawnportal.noArgs", sender); return null; }
@Nullable private BlockPattern.PatternHelper findExitPortal() { for (int i = -8; i <= 8; ++i) { for (int j = -8; j <= 8; ++j) { Chunk chunk =, j); for (TileEntity tileentity : chunk.getTileEntityMap().values()) { if (tileentity instanceof TileEntityEndPortal) { BlockPattern.PatternHelper blockpattern$patternhelper = this.portalPattern.match(, tileentity.getPos()); if (blockpattern$patternhelper != null) { BlockPos blockpos = blockpattern$patternhelper.translateOffset(3, 3, 3).getPos(); if (this.exitPortalLocation == null && blockpos.getX() == 0 && blockpos.getZ() == 0) { this.exitPortalLocation = blockpos; } return blockpattern$patternhelper; } } } } } int k =; for (int l = k; l >= 0; --l) { BlockPattern.PatternHelper blockpattern$patternhelper1 = this.portalPattern.match(, new BlockPos(WorldGenEndPodium.END_PODIUM_LOCATION.getX(), l, WorldGenEndPodium.END_PODIUM_LOCATION.getZ())); if (blockpattern$patternhelper1 != null) { if (this.exitPortalLocation == null) { this.exitPortalLocation = blockpattern$patternhelper1.translateOffset(3, 3, 3).getPos(); } return blockpattern$patternhelper1; } } return null; }
private void findNewTarget() { if (this.currentPath != null && this.currentPath.isFinished()) { BlockPos blockpos = BlockPos(WorldGenEndPodium.END_PODIUM_LOCATION)); int i = this.dragon.getFightManager() == null ? 0 : this.dragon.getFightManager().getNumAliveCrystals(); if (this.dragon.getRNG().nextInt(i + 3) == 0) { this.dragon.getPhaseManager().setPhase(PhaseList.LANDING_APPROACH); return; } double d0 = 64.0D; EntityPlayer entityplayer =, d0, d0); if (entityplayer != null) { d0 = entityplayer.getDistanceSqToCenter(blockpos) / 512.0D; } if (entityplayer != null && (this.dragon.getRNG().nextInt(MathHelper.abs((int)d0) + 2) == 0 || this.dragon.getRNG().nextInt(i + 2) == 0)) { this.strafePlayer(entityplayer); return; } } if (this.currentPath == null || this.currentPath.isFinished()) { int j = this.dragon.initPathPoints(); int k = j; if (this.dragon.getRNG().nextInt(8) == 0) { this.clockwise = !this.clockwise; k = j + 6; } if (this.clockwise) { ++k; } else { --k; } if (this.dragon.getFightManager() != null && this.dragon.getFightManager().getNumAliveCrystals() >= 0) { k = k % 12; if (k < 0) { k += 12; } } else { k = k - 12; k = k & 7; k = k + 12; } this.currentPath = this.dragon.findPath(j, k, (PathPoint)null); if (this.currentPath != null) { this.currentPath.incrementPathIndex(); } } this.navigateToNextPathNode(); }
private void findNewTarget() { if (this.currentPath != null && this.currentPath.isFinished()) { BlockPos blockpos = this.dragon.worldObj.getTopSolidOrLiquidBlock(new BlockPos(WorldGenEndPodium.END_PODIUM_LOCATION)); int i = this.dragon.getFightManager() == null ? 0 : this.dragon.getFightManager().getNumAliveCrystals(); if (this.dragon.getRNG().nextInt(i + 3) == 0) { this.dragon.getPhaseManager().setPhase(PhaseList.LANDING_APPROACH); return; } double d0 = 64.0D; EntityPlayer entityplayer = this.dragon.worldObj.getNearestAttackablePlayer(blockpos, d0, d0); if (entityplayer != null) { d0 = entityplayer.getDistanceSqToCenter(blockpos) / 512.0D; } if (entityplayer != null && (this.dragon.getRNG().nextInt(MathHelper.abs_int((int)d0) + 2) == 0 || this.dragon.getRNG().nextInt(i + 2) == 0)) { this.strafePlayer(entityplayer); return; } } if (this.currentPath == null || this.currentPath.isFinished()) { int j = this.dragon.initPathPoints(); int k = j; if (this.dragon.getRNG().nextInt(8) == 0) { this.clockwise = !this.clockwise; k = j + 6; } if (this.clockwise) { ++k; } else { --k; } if (this.dragon.getFightManager() != null && this.dragon.getFightManager().getNumAliveCrystals() >= 0) { k = k % 12; if (k < 0) { k += 12; } } else { k = k - 12; k = k & 7; k = k + 12; } this.currentPath = this.dragon.findPath(j, k, (PathPoint)null); if (this.currentPath != null) { this.currentPath.incrementPathIndex(); } } this.navigateToNextPathNode(); }