/** * * This method registers a new granulation type. It works like the <code>EnumHelperClient.addRarity</code> method, but it fires the {@link EventOnGranulationTypeAdded 'OnGranulationTypeAdded' event}. * * @param unlocalizedName | The unlocalized name of the granulation type * @param color | The color of the granulation type * @param localizedName | The localized name of the granulation type * * @return The registered granulation type. * */ public EnumRarity addGranulationType(String unlocalizedName, EnumChatFormatting color, String localizedName) { //Fires the 'OnGranulationTypeAdded' event FMLCommonHandler.instance().bus().post(new EventOnGranulationTypeAdded(unlocalizedName, color, localizedName)); return EnumHelperClient.addRarity(unlocalizedName, color, localizedName); }