public static String checkModList(Map<String,String> listData, Side side) { List<ModContainer> rejects = Lists.newArrayList(); for (Entry<ModContainer, NetworkModHolder> networkMod : NetworkRegistry.INSTANCE.registry().entrySet()) { boolean result = networkMod.getValue().check(listData, side); if (!result) { rejects.add(networkMod.getKey()); } } if (rejects.isEmpty()) { return null; } else {"Rejecting connection %s: %s", side, rejects); return String.format("Mod rejections %s",rejects); } }
/** * Needs to be instantiated somewhere in your mod's loading stage. */ public IGWSupportNotifier() { if (FMLCommonHandler.instance().getSide() == Side.CLIENT && !Loader.isModLoaded("IGWMod")) { File dir = new File(".", "config"); Configuration config = new Configuration(new File(dir, "IGWMod.cfg")); config.load(); if (config.get(Configuration.CATEGORY_GENERAL, "enable_missing_notification", true, "When enabled, this will notify players when IGW-Mod is not installed even though mods add support.").getBoolean()) { ModContainer mc = Loader.instance().activeModContainer(); String modid = mc.getModId(); List<ModContainer> loadedMods = Loader.instance().getActiveModList(); for (ModContainer container : loadedMods) { if (container.getModId().equals(modid)) { supportingMod = container.getName(); MinecraftForge.EVENT_BUS.register(this); ClientCommandHandler.instance.registerCommand(new CommandDownloadIGW()); break; } } }; } }
/** * Draws the screen and all the components in it. */ @Override public void drawScreen(int mouseX, int mouseY, float partialTicks) { this.drawDefaultBackground(); int offset = Math.max(85 - dupes.dupes.size() * 10, 10); this.drawCenteredString(this.fontRendererObj, "Forge Mod Loader has found a problem with your minecraft installation", this.width / 2, offset, 0xFFFFFF); offset+=10; this.drawCenteredString(this.fontRendererObj, "You have mod sources that are duplicate within your system", this.width / 2, offset, 0xFFFFFF); offset+=10; this.drawCenteredString(this.fontRendererObj, "Mod Id : File name", this.width / 2, offset, 0xFFFFFF); offset+=5; for (Entry<ModContainer, File> mc : dupes.dupes.entries()) { offset+=10; this.drawCenteredString(this.fontRendererObj, String.format("%s : %s", mc.getKey().getModId(), mc.getValue().getName()), this.width / 2, offset, 0xEEEEEE); } }
/** * Draws the screen and all the components in it. */ @Override public void drawScreen(int mouseX, int mouseY, float partialTicks) { this.drawDefaultBackground(); int offset = Math.max(85 - (failedList.getVisitedNodes().size() + 3) * 10, 10); this.drawCenteredString(this.fontRendererObj, "Forge Mod Loader has found a problem with your minecraft installation", this.width / 2, offset, 0xFFFFFF); offset+=10; this.drawCenteredString(this.fontRendererObj, "A mod sorting cycle was detected and loading cannot continue", this.width / 2, offset, 0xFFFFFF); offset+=10; this.drawCenteredString(this.fontRendererObj, String.format("The first mod in the cycle is %s", failedList.getFirstBadNode()), this.width / 2, offset, 0xFFFFFF); offset+=10; this.drawCenteredString(this.fontRendererObj, "The remainder of the cycle involves these mods", this.width / 2, offset, 0xFFFFFF); offset+=5; for (ModContainer mc : failedList.getVisitedNodes()) { offset+=10; this.drawCenteredString(this.fontRendererObj, String.format("%s : before: %s, after: %s", mc.toString(), mc.getDependants(), mc.getDependencies()), this.width / 2, offset, 0xEEEEEE); } offset+=20; this.drawCenteredString(this.fontRendererObj, "The file 'ForgeModLoader-client-0.log' contains more information", this.width / 2, offset, 0xFFFFFF); }
/** * INTERNAL Create a new channel pair with the specified name and channel handlers. * This is used internally in forge and FML * * @param container The container to associate the channel with * @param name The name for the channel * @param handlers Some {@link ChannelHandler} for the channel * @return an {@link EnumMap} of the pair of channels. keys are {@link Side}. There will always be two entries. */ public EnumMap<Side,FMLEmbeddedChannel> newChannel(ModContainer container, String name, ChannelHandler... handlers) { if (channels.get(Side.CLIENT).containsKey(name) || channels.get(Side.SERVER).containsKey(name) || name.startsWith("MC|") || name.startsWith("\u0001") || (name.startsWith("FML") && !("FML".equals(container.getModId())))) { throw new RuntimeException("That channel is already registered"); } EnumMap<Side,FMLEmbeddedChannel> result = Maps.newEnumMap(Side.class); for (Side side : Side.values()) { FMLEmbeddedChannel channel = new FMLEmbeddedChannel(container, name, side, handlers); channels.get(side).put(name,channel); result.put(side, channel); } return result; }
@Override public List<ModContainer> discover(ModCandidate candidate, ASMDataTable table) { this.table = table; List<ModContainer> found = Lists.newArrayList(); FMLLog.fine("Examining directory %s for potential mods", candidate.getModContainer().getName()); exploreFileSystem("", candidate.getModContainer(), found, candidate, null); for (ModContainer mc : found) { table.addContainer(mc); } return found; }
public List<ModContainer> explore(ASMDataTable table) { this.table = table; this.mods = sourceType.findMods(this, table); if (!baseModCandidateTypes.isEmpty()) {"Attempting to reparse the mod container %s", getModContainer().getName()); this.mods = sourceType.findMods(this, table); } return this.mods; }
public ASMEventHandler(Object target, Method method, ModContainer owner, boolean isGeneric) throws Exception { this.owner = owner; if (Modifier.isStatic(method.getModifiers())) handler = (IEventListener)createWrapper(method).newInstance(); else handler = (IEventListener)createWrapper(method).getConstructor(Object.class).newInstance(target); subInfo = method.getAnnotation(SubscribeEvent.class); readable = "ASM: " + target + " " + method.getName() + Type.getMethodDescriptor(method); if (isGeneric) { java.lang.reflect.Type type = method.getGenericParameterTypes()[0]; if (type instanceof ParameterizedType) { filter = ((ParameterizedType)type).getActualTypeArguments()[0]; } } }
/** * Prefix the supplied name with the current mod id. * <p/> * If no mod id can be determined, minecraft will be assumed. * The prefix is separated with a colon. * <p/> * If there's already a prefix, it'll be prefixed again if the new prefix * doesn't match the old prefix, as used by vanilla calls to addObject. * * @param name name to prefix. * @return prefixed name. */ private ResourceLocation addPrefix(String name) { int index = name.lastIndexOf(':'); String oldPrefix = index == -1 ? "" : name.substring(0, index); name = index == -1 ? name : name.substring(index + 1); String prefix; ModContainer mc = Loader.instance().activeModContainer(); if (mc != null) { prefix = mc.getModId().toLowerCase(); } else // no mod container, assume minecraft { prefix = "minecraft"; } if (!oldPrefix.equals(prefix) && oldPrefix.length() > 0) { FMLLog.bigWarning("Dangerous alternative prefix %s for name %s, invalid registry invocation/invalid name?", prefix, name); prefix = oldPrefix; } return new ResourceLocation(prefix, name); }
private void doModEntityRegistration(Class<? extends Entity> entityClass, String entityName, int id, Object mod, int trackingRange, int updateFrequency, boolean sendsVelocityUpdates) { ModContainer mc = FMLCommonHandler.instance().findContainerFor(mod); EntityRegistration er = new EntityRegistration(mc, entityClass, entityName, id, trackingRange, updateFrequency, sendsVelocityUpdates); try { entityClassRegistrations.put(entityClass, er); entityNames.put(entityName, mc); if (!EntityList.CLASS_TO_NAME.containsKey(entityClass)) { String entityModName = String.format("%s.%s", mc.getModId(), entityName); EntityList.CLASS_TO_NAME.put(entityClass, entityModName); EntityList.NAME_TO_CLASS.put(entityModName, entityClass); FMLLog.finer("Automatically registered mod %s entity %s as %s", mc.getModId(), entityName, entityModName); } else { FMLLog.fine("Skipping automatic mod %s entity registration for already registered class %s", mc.getModId(), entityClass.getName()); } } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { FMLLog.log(Level.WARN, e, "The mod %s tried to register the entity (name,class) (%s,%s) one or both of which are already registered", mc.getModId(), entityName, entityClass.getName()); return; } entityRegistrations.put(mc, er); }
public final T setRegistryName(String name) { if (getRegistryName() != null) throw new IllegalStateException("Attempted to set registry name with existing registry name! New: " + name + " Old: " + getRegistryName()); int index = name.lastIndexOf(':'); String oldPrefix = index == -1 ? "" : name.substring(0, index); name = index == -1 ? name : name.substring(index + 1); ModContainer mc = Loader.instance().activeModContainer(); String prefix = mc == null || (mc instanceof InjectedModContainer && ((InjectedModContainer)mc).wrappedContainer instanceof FMLContainer) ? "minecraft" : mc.getModId().toLowerCase(); if (!oldPrefix.equals(prefix) && oldPrefix.length() > 0) { FMLLog.bigWarning("Dangerous alternative prefix `%s` for name `%s`, expected `%s` invalid registry invocation/invalid name?", oldPrefix, name, prefix); prefix = oldPrefix; } this.registryName = new ResourceLocation(prefix, name); return (T)this; }
/** * Adds the buttons (and other controls) to the screen in question. Called when the GUI is displayed and when the * window resizes, the buttonList is cleared beforehand. */ @Override public void initGui() { if (!hasCheckedForUpdates) { if (modButton != null) { for (ModContainer mod : Loader.instance().getModList()) { Status status = ForgeVersion.getResult(mod).status; if (status == Status.OUTDATED || status == Status.BETA_OUTDATED) { // TODO: Needs better visualization, maybe stacked icons // drawn in a terrace-like pattern? showNotification = Status.OUTDATED; } } } hasCheckedForUpdates = true; } }
public static Ticket requestPlayerTicket(Object mod, String player, World world, Type type) { ModContainer mc = getContainer(mod); if (mc == null) { FMLLog.log(Level.ERROR, "Failed to locate the container for mod instance %s (%s : %x)", mod, mod.getClass().getName(), System.identityHashCode(mod)); return null; } if (playerTickets.get(player).size()>playerTicketLength) { FMLLog.warning("Unable to assign further chunkloading tickets to player %s (on behalf of mod %s)", player, mc.getModId()); return null; } Ticket ticket = new Ticket(mc.getModId(),type,world,player); playerTickets.put(player, ticket); tickets.get(world).put("Forge", ticket); return ticket; }
public static <T extends Block> T registerBlock(T block, ItemBlock itemBlock, String name) { String finalName = name; String lowerCase = name.toLowerCase(); if (name != lowerCase) { ModLogger.warning("Registering a Block and Item that has a non-lowercase registry name! (" + name + " vs. " + lowerCase + ") setting it to " + lowerCase); finalName = lowerCase; ModContainer mc = Loader.instance().activeModContainer(); String prefix = mc == null || (mc instanceof InjectedModContainer && ((InjectedModContainer) mc).wrappedContainer instanceof FMLContainer) ? "minecraft" : mc.getModId().toLowerCase(); MissingItemHandler.remapItems.put(new ResourceLocation(prefix, name), itemBlock); MissingItemHandler.remapBlocks.put(new ResourceLocation(prefix, name), block); } block.setUnlocalizedName(CrystalMod.prefix(finalName)); block.setRegistryName(CrystalMod.resource(finalName)); GameRegistry.register(block); GameRegistry.register(itemBlock.setRegistryName(CrystalMod.resource(finalName))); REGISTRY.put(finalName, block); return block; }
public static void registerRitual(IRitual ritual, String name) { if(Strings.isNullOrEmpty(name)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Attempted to register a ritual with no name: " + ritual); } if(ritual == null) { throw new NullPointerException("The ritual cannot be null"); } ModContainer mod = Loader.instance().activeModContainer(); if(mod == null) { name = "minecraft:" + name; } else { name = mod.getModId() + ":" + name; } HashBiMap<String, IRitualRecipe> recipes = HashBiMap.create(); NAMED_RITUALS.put(name, ritual); RITUALS_RECIPES.put(ritual, recipes); }
public static IRitual getRitual(String ritual) { if(Strings.isNullOrEmpty(ritual)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Attempted to find a ritual with no name: " + ritual); } if(ritual.indexOf(":") == -1) { ModContainer mod = Loader.instance().activeModContainer(); if(mod == null) { ritual = "minecraft:" + ritual; } else { ritual = mod.getModId() + ":" + ritual; } } return NAMED_RITUALS.get(ritual); }
@Nonnull public List<IResourcePack> findResourcePacks() { final List<ResourcePackRepository.Entry> repo = Minecraft.getMinecraft().getResourcePackRepository() .getRepositoryEntries(); final List<IResourcePack> foundEntries = new ArrayList<IResourcePack>(); foundEntries.add(new DefaultPack()); // Add a default back for mods that are loaded - there may be a default // configuration privided in the archive for (final ModContainer mod : Loader.instance().getActiveModList()) foundEntries.add(new DefaultPack(mod.getModId())); // Look in other resource packs for more configuration data for (final ResourcePackRepository.Entry pack : repo) { DSurround.log().debug("Resource Pack: %s", pack.getResourcePackName()); if (checkCompatible(pack)) { DSurround.log().debug("Found FootstepsRegistry resource pack: %s", pack.getResourcePackName()); foundEntries.add(pack.getResourcePack()); } } return foundEntries; }
public boolean execute(@Nonnull final List<InputStream> resources) { if (!this.init()) return false; for (final ModContainer mod : Loader.instance().getActiveModList()) { runFromArchive(mod.getModId()); } for(final InputStream stream: resources) { try(final InputStreamReader reader = new InputStreamReader(stream)) { runFromStream(reader); } catch (final Throwable t) { DSurround.log().error("Unable to read script from resource pack!", t); } } // Load scripts specified in the configuration final String[] configFiles = ModOptions.externalScriptFiles; for (final String file : configFiles) { runFromDirectory(file); } return true; }
private static void parseModItems() { HashMap<String, ItemStackSet> modSubsets = new HashMap<String, ItemStackSet>(); for (Item item : (Iterable<Item>) Item.itemRegistry) { UniqueIdentifier ident = GameRegistry.findUniqueIdentifierFor(item); if(ident == null) { NEIClientConfig.logger.error("Failed to find identifier for: "+item); continue; } String modId = GameRegistry.findUniqueIdentifierFor(item).modId; itemOwners.put(item, modId); ItemStackSet itemset = modSubsets.get(modId); if(itemset == null) modSubsets.put(modId, itemset = new ItemStackSet()); itemset.with(item); } API.addSubset("Mod.Minecraft", modSubsets.remove("minecraft")); for(Entry<String, ItemStackSet> entry : modSubsets.entrySet()) { ModContainer mc = FMLCommonHandler.instance().findContainerFor(entry.getKey()); if(mc == null) NEIClientConfig.logger.error("Missing container for "+entry.getKey()); else API.addSubset("Mod."+mc.getName(), entry.getValue()); } }
public static String channelName(Object channelKey) { if (channelKey instanceof String) { return (String) channelKey; } if (channelKey instanceof ModContainer) { String s = ((ModContainer) channelKey).getModId(); if (s.length() > 20) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Mod ID (" + s + ") too long for use as channel (20 chars). Use a string identifier"); } return s; } ModContainer mc = FMLCommonHandler.instance().findContainerFor(channelKey); if (mc != null) { return mc.getModId(); } throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid channel: " + channelKey); }
@Unsafe(Unsafe.REFLECT_API) protected void injectLoader() { List<ModContainer> mods = $(Loader.instance(), "mods"); $(Loader.instance(), "mods<", ImmutableList.builder().addAll(mods).add(this).build()); $(Loader.instance(), "namedMods<", Maps.uniqueIndex(mods, ModContainer::getModId)); LoadController modController = $(Loader.instance(), "modController"); Multimap<String, ModState> modStates = $(modController, "modStates"); modStates.put(getModId(), ModState.AVAILABLE); Map<String, String> modNames = $(modController, "modNames"); modNames.put(getModId(), getName()); List<ModContainer> activeModList = $(modController, "activeModList"); activeModList = Lists.newArrayList(activeModList); activeModList.add(this); $(modController, "activeModList<", activeModList); ImmutableMap<String,EventBus> eventChannels = $(modController, "eventChannels"); $(modController, "eventChannels<", ImmutableMap.builder().putAll(eventChannels).put(getModId(), new EventBus()).build()); }
/** Get the name of a mod from its mod ID (non-case sensitive) */ public static String getModNameFromID(String modid) { modid = modid.toLowerCase(); if(modid.equals("minecraft")) return "Minecraft"; if(nameCache.containsKey(modid)) { return nameCache.get(modid); } else { List<ModContainer> modlist = Loader.instance().getModList(); for(ModContainer m : modlist) { if(m.getModId().toLowerCase().equals(modid)) { nameCache.put(modid, m.getName()); return m.getName(); } } return ERROR; } }
@Mod.EventHandler public void init(FMLPreInitializationEvent event) { FzUtil.setCoreParent(event); DocReg.registerGenerator("items", new ItemListViewer()); DocReg.registerGenerator("recipes", new RecipeViewer()); DocReg.registerGenerator("enchants", new EnchantViewer()); DocReg.registerGenerator("treasure", new TreasureViewer()); DocReg.registerGenerator("biomes", new BiomeViewer()); DocReg.registerGenerator("fluids", new FluidViewer()); DocReg.registerGenerator("oredictionary", new OreDictionaryViewer()); DocReg.registerGenerator("mods", new ModDependViewer()); DocReg.registerGenerator("worldgen", new WorldgenViewer()); DocReg.registerGenerator("eventbus", new EventbusViewer()); DocReg.registerGenerator("tesrs", new TesrViewer()); DocReg.registerGenerator("registry", new RegistrationViewer()); if (FMLCommonHandler.instance().getSide() == Side.CLIENT) { Core.loadBus(new DocKeyListener()); } for (ModContainer mod : Loader.instance().getActiveModList()) { DocReg.setVariable("mod:" + mod.getModId(), mod.getName()); } registerCommands(); }
public static String getModName(String modID) { Map<String, ModContainer> mods = Loader.instance().getIndexedModList(); if (mods.containsKey(modID)) { return mods.get(modID).getName(); } if (modNames.containsKey(modID)) return modNames.get(modID); ISignRegistration registration = IntegrationRegistry.getWithTag(modID); if (registration != null) { modNames.put(modID, registration.getModName()); return registration.getModName(); } return "Minecraft"; }
/** * Helper to attach a given object to the mod container event bus. * * @param obj Object to register. */ private void attachToContainerEventBus(Object obj) { ModContainer cnt = Loader.instance().activeModContainer(); log.debug("Attaching [" + obj + "] to event bus for container [" + cnt + "]"); try { FMLModContainer mc = (FMLModContainer)cnt; Field ebf = mc.getClass().getDeclaredField("eventBus"); boolean access = ebf.isAccessible(); ebf.setAccessible(true); EventBus eb = (EventBus)ebf.get(mc); ebf.setAccessible(access); eb.register(obj); } catch (NoSuchFieldException nsfe) { throw new RuntimeException("Pulsar >> Incompatible FML mod container (missing eventBus field) - wrong Forge version?"); } catch (IllegalAccessException iae) { throw new RuntimeException("Pulsar >> Security Manager blocked access to eventBus on mod container. Cannot continue."); } catch (ClassCastException cce) { throw new RuntimeException("Pulsar >> Something in the mod container had the wrong type? " + cce.getMessage()); } }
/** * Needs to be instantiated somewhere in your mod's loading stage. */ public IGWSupportNotifier(){ if(FMLCommonHandler.instance().getSide() == Side.CLIENT && !Loader.isModLoaded("IGWMod")) { File dir = new File(".", "config"); Configuration config = new Configuration(new File(dir, "IGWMod.cfg")); config.load(); if(config.get(Configuration.CATEGORY_GENERAL, "enable_missing_notification", true, "When enabled, this will notify players when IGW-Mod is not installed even though mods add support.").getBoolean()) { ModContainer mc = Loader.instance().activeModContainer(); String modid = mc.getModId(); List<ModContainer> loadedMods = Loader.instance().getActiveModList(); for(ModContainer container : loadedMods) { if(container.getModId().equals(modid)) { supportingMod = container.getName(); MinecraftForge.EVENT_BUS.register(this); ClientCommandHandler.instance.registerCommand(new CommandDownloadIGW()); break; } } }; } }
public static String getModIdForEntity(Class<? extends Entity> entity){ if(reflectionFailed) return "minecraft"; if(entityNames == null) { try { entityNames = (HashMap<String, ModContainer>)ReflectionHelper.findField(EntityRegistry.class, "entityNames").get(EntityRegistry.instance()); } catch(Exception e) { IGWLog.warning("IGW-Mod failed to perform reflection! A result of this is that wiki pages related to Entities will not be found. Report to MineMaarten please!"); e.printStackTrace(); reflectionFailed = true; return "minecraft"; } } EntityRegistration entityReg = EntityRegistry.instance().lookupModSpawn(entity, true); if(entityReg == null) return "minecraft"; ModContainer mod = entityNames.get(entityReg.getEntityName()); if(mod == null) {"Couldn't find the owning mod of the entity " + entityReg.getEntityName() + " even though it's registered through the EntityRegistry!"); return "minecraft"; } else { return mod.getModId().toLowerCase(); } }
private static List<IConfigElement> getConfigElements(GuiScreen parent) { List<IConfigElement> result = new ArrayList<>(); List<ModContainer> modList = Loader.instance().getModList(); for (ModContainer modContainer : modList) { Object mod = modContainer.getMod(); if (mod instanceof IEnderIOAddon) { Configuration configuration = ((IEnderIOAddon) mod).getConfiguration(); if (configuration != null) { List<IConfigElement> list = new ArrayList<>(); for (String section : configuration.getCategoryNames()) { list.add(new ConfigElement(configuration.getCategory(section).setLanguageKey(EnderIO.lang.addPrefix("config." + section)))); } result.add(new DummyCategoryElement(modContainer.getName(), EnderIO.lang.addPrefix("config.title." + modContainer.getModId()), list)); } } } return result; }
protected static String getCurrentMod() { ModContainer container = Loader.instance().activeModContainer(); if (container == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Objects MUST be created inside a mod"); } return container.getModId(); }
/** * Sets the internal Registry instance. * ONLY IC2 CAN DO THIS!!!!!!! */ public static void setInstance(IRotorRegistry i) { ModContainer mc = Loader.instance().activeModContainer(); if (mc == null || !"IC2".equals(mc.getModId())) { throw new IllegalAccessError("Only IC2 can set the instance"); } else { INSTANCE = i; } }
/** * Sets the internal INetworkManager instance. * ONLY IC2 CAN DO THIS!!!!!!! */ public static void setInstance(INetworkManager server, INetworkManager client) { ModContainer mc = Loader.instance().activeModContainer(); if (mc == null || !"IC2".equals(mc.getModId())) { throw new IllegalAccessError(); } serverInstance = server; clientInstance = client; }
/** * Sets the internal IItemAPI instance. * ONLY IC2 CAN DO THIS!!!!!!! */ public static void setInstance(IItemAPI api) { ModContainer mc = Loader.instance().activeModContainer(); if (mc == null || !"IC2".equals(mc.getModId())) { throw new IllegalAccessError("invoked from "+mc); } instance = api; }
@Mod.EventHandler public void preInit(FMLPreInitializationEvent e) { LOG = e.getModLog(); Map<Object, ModContainer> forgeListenerOwners = getForgeListenerOwners(); // Remove CreeperHost ads. forgeListenerOwners.entrySet().stream() .filter(objectModContainerEntry -> objectModContainerEntry.getValue().getModId().equals("creeperhost")) .forEach(objectModContainerEntry -> {"CreeperKiller Removed {} handler from forge, CreeperHost ads will no longer be displayed", objectModContainerEntry.getKey().toString()); MinecraftForge.EVENT_BUS.unregister(objectModContainerEntry.getKey()); } ); }
@Mod.EventHandler public void init(FMLInitializationEvent e) { Map<Object, ModContainer> forgeListenerOwners = getForgeListenerOwners(); // Remove HammerCore ads. forgeListenerOwners.entrySet().stream() .filter(objectModContainerEntry -> objectModContainerEntry.getKey().toString().contains("hammercore.client.RenderGui")) .forEach(objectModContainerEntry -> { // Remove the normal RenderGUI from the forge event bus, then generate a proxy. MinecraftForge.EVENT_BUS.unregister(objectModContainerEntry.getKey()); MinecraftForge.EVENT_BUS.register(HammerKiller.createProxy(objectModContainerEntry.getKey())); }); }
public static Map<Object, ModContainer> getForgeListenerOwners() { try { return ((Map<Object, ModContainer>) FieldUtils.readField(MinecraftForge.EVENT_BUS, "listenerOwners", true)); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return null; }
public static String getModNameFromID(String modid) { String result = "Unknown"; for (ModContainer mod : Loader.instance().getModList()) { if (mod.getModId().equals(modid)) { result = mod.getName(); break; } } return result; }
private static ContentHelper createHelper(CS4Mod mod) { ModContainer container = FMLCommonHandler.instance().findContainerFor(mod); File modDirectory = container.getSource(); return new ContentHelperImpl(container.getModId(), modDirectory); }
/** * @param mods */ public void addSpecialModEntries(ArrayList<ModContainer> mods) { if (optifineContainer!=null) { mods.add(optifineContainer); } }
@Override protected void drawSlot(int idx, int right, int top, int height, Tessellator tess) { ModContainer mc = mods.get(idx); String name = StringUtils.stripControlCodes(mc.getName()); String version = StringUtils.stripControlCodes(mc.getDisplayVersion()); FontRenderer font = this.parent.getFontRenderer(); CheckResult vercheck = ForgeVersion.getResult(mc); if (Loader.instance().getModState(mc) == ModState.DISABLED) { font.drawString(font.trimStringToWidth(name, listWidth - 10), this.left + 3 , top + 2, 0xFF2222); font.drawString(font.trimStringToWidth(version, listWidth - (5 + height)), this.left + 3 , top + 12, 0xFF2222); font.drawString(font.trimStringToWidth("DISABLED", listWidth - 10), this.left + 3 , top + 22, 0xFF2222); } else { font.drawString(font.trimStringToWidth(name, listWidth - 10), this.left + 3 , top + 2, 0xFFFFFF); font.drawString(font.trimStringToWidth(version, listWidth - (5 + height)), this.left + 3 , top + 12, 0xCCCCCC); font.drawString(font.trimStringToWidth(mc.getMetadata() != null ? mc.getMetadata().getChildModCountString() : "Metadata not found", listWidth - 10), this.left + 3 , top + 22, 0xCCCCCC); if (vercheck.status.shouldDraw()) { //TODO: Consider adding more icons for visualization Minecraft.getMinecraft().getTextureManager().bindTexture(VERSION_CHECK_ICONS); GlStateManager.color(1, 1, 1, 1); GlStateManager.pushMatrix(); Gui.drawModalRectWithCustomSizedTexture(right - (height / 2 + 4), top + (height / 2 - 4), vercheck.status.getSheetOffset() * 8, (vercheck.status.isAnimated() && ((System.currentTimeMillis() / 800 & 1)) == 1) ? 8 : 0, 8, 8, 64, 16); GlStateManager.popMatrix(); } } }