/** * */ public XlsxBorderInfo(JRLineBox box, LineDirectionEnum direction) { if(direction != null) { setBorder(box.getPen(), DIAGONAL_BORDER); } else { setBorder(box.getTopPen(), TOP_BORDER); borderPadding[TOP_BORDER] = String.valueOf(LengthUtil.twip(box.getTopPadding().intValue())); setBorder(box.getLeftPen(), LEFT_BORDER); borderPadding[LEFT_BORDER] = String.valueOf(LengthUtil.twip(box.getLeftPadding().intValue())); setBorder(box.getBottomPen(), BOTTOM_BORDER); borderPadding[BOTTOM_BORDER] = String.valueOf(LengthUtil.twip(box.getBottomPadding().intValue())); setBorder(box.getRightPen(), RIGHT_BORDER); borderPadding[RIGHT_BORDER] = String.valueOf(LengthUtil.twip(box.getRightPadding().intValue())); } this.direction = direction; }
/** * */ public int getBorder(JRExporterGridCell gridCell, JRXlsAbstractExporter.SheetInfo sheetInfo, LineDirectionEnum direction) { if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(sheetInfo.ignoreCellBackground) || gridCell.getBox() == null) { return -1; } XlsxBorderInfo borderInfo = new XlsxBorderInfo(gridCell.getBox(), direction); Integer borderIndex = borderCache.get(borderInfo.getId()); if (borderIndex == null) { borderIndex = Integer.valueOf(borderCache.size()); export(borderInfo); borderCache.put(borderInfo.getId(), borderIndex); } return borderIndex.intValue(); }
/** * */ private void export(XlsxBorderInfo info) { // if(info.hasBorder()) { write("<border"); if(info.getDirection() != null) { write(info.getDirection().equals(LineDirectionEnum.TOP_DOWN) ? " diagonalDown=\"1\"" : " diagonalUp=\"1\""); } write(">"); exportBorder(info, XlsxBorderInfo.LEFT_BORDER); exportBorder(info, XlsxBorderInfo.RIGHT_BORDER); exportBorder(info, XlsxBorderInfo.TOP_BORDER); exportBorder(info, XlsxBorderInfo.BOTTOM_BORDER); exportBorder(info, XlsxBorderInfo.DIAGONAL_BORDER); write("</border>\n"); } // // write(" <w:tcMar>\n"); // exportPadding(info, BorderInfo.TOP_BORDER); // exportPadding(info, BorderInfo.LEFT_BORDER); // exportPadding(info, BorderInfo.BOTTOM_BORDER); // exportPadding(info, BorderInfo.RIGHT_BORDER); // write(" </w:tcMar>\n"); }
/** * Creates the property descriptors. * * @param desc * the desc */ @Override public void createPropertyDescriptors(List<IPropertyDescriptor> desc, Map<String, Object> defaultsMap) { super.createPropertyDescriptors(desc, defaultsMap); directionD = new JSSEnumPropertyDescriptor(JRBaseLine.PROPERTY_DIRECTION, Messages.MLine_direction, LineDirectionEnum.class, NullEnum.NULL); directionD.setDescription(Messages.MLine_direction_description); directionD.setCategory(Messages.MLine_line_category); desc.add(directionD); /* * fillD = new JSSEnumPropertyDescriptor(JRBaseStyle.PROPERTY_FILL, Messages.common_fill, FillEnum.class, * NullEnum.INHERITED); fillD.setDescription(Messages.MLine_fill_description); desc.add(fillD); */ defaultsMap.put(JRBaseLine.PROPERTY_DIRECTION, EnumHelper.getValue(LineDirectionEnum.TOP_DOWN, 1, true)); defaultsMap.put(JRBaseStyle.PROPERTY_FILL, null); setHelpPrefix(desc, "net.sf.jasperreports.doc/docs/schema.reference.html?cp=0_1#line"); }
@Override public void setDirection(LineDirectionEnum directionValue) { LineDirectionEnum old = this.directionValue; this.directionValue = directionValue; getEventSupport().firePropertyChange(PROPERTY_DIRECTION, old, this.directionValue); }
@SuppressWarnings("deprecation") private void readObject(ObjectInputStream in) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException { in.defaultReadObject(); if (PSEUDO_SERIAL_VERSION_UID < JRConstants.PSEUDO_SERIAL_VERSION_UID_3_7_2) { directionValue = LineDirectionEnum.getByValue(direction); } }
@Override public Object createObject(Attributes atts) { JasperPrint jasperPrint = (JasperPrint)digester.peek(digester.getCount() - 2); JRBasePrintLine line = new JRBasePrintLine(jasperPrint.getDefaultStyleProvider()); LineDirectionEnum direction = LineDirectionEnum.getByName(atts.getValue(JRXmlConstants.ATTRIBUTE_direction)); if (direction != null) { line.setDirection(direction); } return line; }
/** * */ public void writeLine(JRLine line) throws IOException { writer.startElement(JRXmlConstants.ELEMENT_line, getNamespace()); writer.addAttribute(JRXmlConstants.ATTRIBUTE_direction, line.getDirectionValue(), LineDirectionEnum.TOP_DOWN); writeReportElement(line); writeGraphicElement(line); writer.closeElement(); }
@Override public Object createObject(Attributes atts) { JasperDesign jasperDesign = (JasperDesign)digester.peek(digester.getCount() - 2); JRDesignLine line = new JRDesignLine(jasperDesign); LineDirectionEnum direction = LineDirectionEnum.getByName(atts.getValue(JRXmlConstants.ATTRIBUTE_direction)); if (direction != null) { line.setDirection(direction); } return line; }
/** * */ public void writeLine( JRLine line, String lineName) { if(line != null) { write( "JRDesignLine " + lineName + " = new JRDesignLine(jasperDesign);\n"); write( lineName + ".setDirection({0});\n", line.getDirectionValue(), LineDirectionEnum.TOP_DOWN); writeReportElement( line, lineName); writeGraphicElement( line, lineName); flush(); } }
@Override public void setDirection(LineDirectionEnum directionValue) { LineDirectionEnum old = this.directionValue; this.directionValue = directionValue; getEventSupport().firePropertyChange(JRBaseLine.PROPERTY_DIRECTION, old, this.directionValue); }
/** * */ public void exportLine(JRPrintLine line, JRExporterGridCell gridCell) { buildCellHeader(null, gridCell.getColSpan(), gridCell.getRowSpan()); double x1, y1, x2, y2; if (line.getDirectionValue() == LineDirectionEnum.TOP_DOWN) { x1 = 0; y1 = 0; x2 = line.getWidth() - 1; y2 = line.getHeight() - 1; } else { x1 = 0; y1 = line.getHeight() - 1; x2 = line.getWidth() - 1; y2 = 0; } bodyWriter.write("<text:p>"); documentBuilder.insertPageAnchor(this); bodyWriter.write( "<draw:line text:anchor-type=\"paragraph\" " + "draw:style-name=\"" + styleCache.getGraphicStyle(line) + "\" " + "svg:x1=\"" + LengthUtil.inchFloor4Dec(x1) + "in\" " + "svg:y1=\"" + LengthUtil.inchFloor4Dec(y1) + "in\" " + "svg:x2=\"" + LengthUtil.inchFloor4Dec(x2) + "in\" " + "svg:y2=\"" + LengthUtil.inchFloor4Dec(y2) + "in\">" //+ "</draw:line>" + "<text:p/></draw:line>" + "</text:p>" ); buildCellFooter(); }
/** * */ public void exportHeader( JRExporterGridCell gridCell, int rowIndex, int colIndex, int maxColIndex, JRXlsAbstractExporter.SheetInfo sheetInfo, LineDirectionEnum direction ) { exportHeader( gridCell, rowIndex, colIndex, maxColIndex, null, null, null, true, false, false, false, false, RotationEnum.NONE, sheetInfo, direction); }
/** * */ public int getCellStyle( JRExporterGridCell gridCell, String pattern, Locale locale, boolean isWrapText, boolean isHidden, boolean isLocked, boolean isShrinkToFit, boolean isIgnoreTextFormatting, RotationEnum rotation, JRXlsAbstractExporter.SheetInfo sheetInfo, LineDirectionEnum direction ) { XlsxStyleInfo styleInfo = new XlsxStyleInfo( formatHelper.getFormat(pattern) + 1, fontHelper.getFont(gridCell, locale) + 1, borderHelper.getBorder(gridCell, sheetInfo, direction) + 1, gridCell, isWrapText, isHidden, isLocked, isShrinkToFit, isIgnoreTextFormatting, getRotation(rotation), sheetInfo, direction ); Integer styleIndex = styleCache.get(styleInfo.getId()); if (styleIndex == null) { styleIndex = Integer.valueOf(styleCache.size() + 1); exportCellStyle(gridCell, styleInfo, styleIndex, sheetInfo); styleCache.put(styleInfo.getId(), styleIndex); } return styleIndex.intValue(); }
/** * @throws IOException * */ protected void exportLine(JRPrintLine line) throws IOException { xmlWriter.startElement(JRXmlConstants.ELEMENT_line); xmlWriter.addAttribute(JRXmlConstants.ATTRIBUTE_direction, line.getDirectionValue(), LineDirectionEnum.TOP_DOWN); exportReportElement(line); exportGraphicElement(line); xmlWriter.closeElement(); }
@Override public void setPropertyValue(Object id, Object value) { JRDesignLine jrElement = (JRDesignLine) getValue(); if (id.equals(JRBaseLine.PROPERTY_DIRECTION)) jrElement.setDirection((LineDirectionEnum) directionD.getEnumValue(value)); if (id.equals(JRBaseStyle.PROPERTY_FILL)) jrElement.setFill((FillEnum) fillD.getEnumValue(value)); else super.setPropertyValue(id, value); }
@Override public List getTagList() { List tags = new java.util.ArrayList(); tags.add(new Tag(LineDirectionEnum.TOP_DOWN, I18n.getString("Global.Property.TopDown"))); tags.add(new Tag(LineDirectionEnum.BOTTOM_UP, I18n.getString("Global.Property.BottomUp"))); return tags; }
@Override public LineDirectionEnum getDirectionValue() { return directionValue; }
@Override public LineDirectionEnum getDirectionValue() { return this.directionValue; }
@Override public void setDirection(LineDirectionEnum directionValue) { this.directionValue = directionValue; }
@Override protected void exportLine(JRPrintLine line, JRExporterGridCell gridCell, int colIndex, int rowIndex) { short forecolor = getWorkbookColor(line.getLinePen().getLineColor()).getIndex(); int side = BoxStyle.TOP; float ratio = line.getWidth() / line.getHeight(); if (ratio > 1) { if (line.getDirectionValue() == LineDirectionEnum.TOP_DOWN) { side = BoxStyle.TOP; } else { side = BoxStyle.BOTTOM; } } else { if (line.getDirectionValue() == LineDirectionEnum.TOP_DOWN) { side = BoxStyle.LEFT; } else { side = BoxStyle.RIGHT; } } BoxStyle boxStyle = new BoxStyle(side, line.getLinePen()); FillPatternType mode = backgroundMode; short backcolor = whiteIndex; if (!Boolean.TRUE.equals(sheetInfo.ignoreCellBackground) && gridCell.getCellBackcolor() != null) { mode = FillPatternType.SOLID_FOREGROUND; backcolor = getWorkbookColor(gridCell.getCellBackcolor()).getIndex(); } HSSFCellStyle cellStyle = getLoadedCellStyle( mode, backcolor, HorizontalAlignment.LEFT, VerticalAlignment.TOP, (short)0, getLoadedFont(getDefaultFont(), forecolor, null, getLocale()), boxStyle, false, isCellLocked(line), isCellHidden(line), isShrinkToFit(line) ); createMergeRegion(gridCell, colIndex, rowIndex, cellStyle); cell = row.createCell(colIndex); cell.setCellStyle(cellStyle); }
@Override protected void exportLine( JRPrintLine line, JRExporterGridCell gridCell, int colIndex, int rowIndex ) throws JRException { JRLineBox box = new JRBaseLineBox(null); JRPen pen = null; float ratio = line.getWidth() / line.getHeight(); if (ratio > 1) { if (line.getDirectionValue() == LineDirectionEnum.TOP_DOWN) { pen = box.getTopPen(); } else { pen = box.getBottomPen(); } } else { if (line.getDirectionValue() == LineDirectionEnum.TOP_DOWN) { pen = box.getLeftPen(); } else { pen = box.getRightPen(); } } pen.setLineColor(line.getLinePen().getLineColor()); pen.setLineStyle(line.getLinePen().getLineStyleValue()); pen.setLineWidth(line.getLinePen().getLineWidth()); gridCell.setBox(box);//CAUTION: only some exporters set the cell box tableBuilder.buildCellHeader(styleCache.getCellStyle(gridCell), gridCell.getColSpan(), gridCell.getRowSpan()); // double x1, y1, x2, y2; // // if (line.getDirection() == JRLine.DIRECTION_TOP_DOWN) // { // x1 = Utility.translatePixelsToInches(0); // y1 = Utility.translatePixelsToInches(0); // x2 = Utility.translatePixelsToInches(line.getWidth() - 1); // y2 = Utility.translatePixelsToInches(line.getHeight() - 1); // } // else // { // x1 = Utility.translatePixelsToInches(0); // y1 = Utility.translatePixelsToInches(line.getHeight() - 1); // x2 = Utility.translatePixelsToInches(line.getWidth() - 1); // y2 = Utility.translatePixelsToInches(0); // } tempBodyWriter.write("<text:p>"); //FIXMEODS insertPageAnchor(); // tempBodyWriter.write( // "<draw:line text:anchor-type=\"paragraph\" " // + "draw:style-name=\"" + styleCache.getGraphicStyle(line) + "\" " // + "svg:x1=\"" + x1 + "in\" " // + "svg:y1=\"" + y1 + "in\" " // + "svg:x2=\"" + x2 + "in\" " // + "svg:y2=\"" + y2 + "in\">" // //+ "</draw:line>" // + "<text:p/></draw:line>" // ); tempBodyWriter.write("</text:p>"); tableBuilder.buildCellFooter(); }
protected void writeLine(JRPrintLine line, TableCell cell) throws IOException { startCell(line, cell); if(isOblique(line)) { finishStartCell(); int width = line.getWidth(); int height = line.getHeight(); LineDirectionEnum lineDirection = line.getDirectionValue(); int y1 = lineDirection == LineDirectionEnum.BOTTOM_UP ? height : 0; int y2 = lineDirection == LineDirectionEnum.BOTTOM_UP ? 0 : height; writer.write("<svg height=\"" + height + "\" width=\"" + width + "\">"); writer.write("<line x1=\"0\" y1=\"" + y1 +"\" x2=\"" + width + "\" y2=\"" + y2 + "\" "); writeSvgStyle(line); writer.write("\"/></svg>"); } else { StringBuilder styleBuffer = new StringBuilder(); appendElementCellGenericStyle(cell, styleBuffer); appendBackcolorStyle(cell, styleBuffer); String side = null; float ratio = line.getWidth() / line.getHeight(); if (ratio > 1) { if (line.getDirectionValue() == LineDirectionEnum.TOP_DOWN) { side = "top"; } else { side = "bottom"; } } else { if (line.getDirectionValue() == LineDirectionEnum.TOP_DOWN) { side = "left"; } else { side = "right"; } } appendPen( styleBuffer, line.getLinePen(), side ); writeStyle(styleBuffer); finishStartCell(); } endCell(); }
@Override protected void exportLine(JRPrintLine line) throws JRException { String currentColumnName = line.getPropertiesMap().getProperty(JRXlsAbstractMetadataExporter.PROPERTY_COLUMN_NAME); if (currentColumnName != null && currentColumnName.length() > 0) { boolean repeatValue = getPropertiesUtil().getBooleanProperty(line, JRXlsAbstractMetadataExporter.PROPERTY_REPEAT_VALUE, false); setColumnName(currentColumnName); adjustColumnWidth(currentColumnName, line.getWidth(), ((JRXlsExporterNature)nature).getColumnAutoFit(line)); adjustRowHeight(line.getHeight(), ((JRXlsExporterNature)nature).getRowAutoFit(line)); short forecolor = getWorkbookColor(line.getLinePen().getLineColor()).getIndex(); int side = BoxStyle.TOP; float ratio = line.getWidth() / line.getHeight(); if (ratio > 1) { if (line.getDirectionValue() == LineDirectionEnum.TOP_DOWN) { side = BoxStyle.TOP; } else { side = BoxStyle.BOTTOM; } } else { if (line.getDirectionValue() == LineDirectionEnum.TOP_DOWN) { side = BoxStyle.LEFT; } else { side = BoxStyle.RIGHT; } } BoxStyle boxStyle = new BoxStyle(side, line.getLinePen()); FillPatternType mode = backgroundMode; short backcolor = whiteIndex; if (!Boolean.TRUE.equals(sheetInfo.ignoreCellBackground) && line.getBackcolor() != null) { mode = FillPatternType.SOLID_FOREGROUND; backcolor = getWorkbookColor(line.getBackcolor()).getIndex(); } HSSFCellStyle cellStyle = getLoadedCellStyle( mode, backcolor, HorizontalAlignment.LEFT, VerticalAlignment.TOP, (short)0, getLoadedFont(getDefaultFont(), forecolor, null, getLocale()), boxStyle, isCellLocked(line), isCellHidden(line), isShrinkToFit(line) ); addBlankElement(cellStyle, repeatValue, currentColumnName); } }
/** * Draw a line object * @param line JasperReports line object - JRPrintLine * @throws IOException */ protected void exportLine(JRPrintLine line) throws IOException { int x = line.getX() + getOffsetX(); int y = line.getY() + getOffsetY(); int height = line.getHeight(); int width = line.getWidth(); if (width <= 1 || height <= 1) { if (width > 1) { height = 0; } else { width = 0; } } contentWriter.write("{\\shp\\shpbxpage\\shpbypage\\shpwr5\\shpfhdr0\\shpz"); contentWriter.write(String.valueOf(zorder++)); contentWriter.write("\\shpleft"); contentWriter.write(String.valueOf(LengthUtil.twip(x))); contentWriter.write("\\shpright"); contentWriter.write(String.valueOf(LengthUtil.twip(x + width))); contentWriter.write("\\shptop"); contentWriter.write(String.valueOf(LengthUtil.twip(y))); contentWriter.write("\\shpbottom"); contentWriter.write(String.valueOf(LengthUtil.twip(y + height))); contentWriter.write("{\\shpinst"); contentWriter.write("{\\sp{\\sn shapeType}{\\sv 20}}"); exportPen(line.getLinePen()); if (line.getDirectionValue() == LineDirectionEnum.TOP_DOWN) { contentWriter.write("{\\sp{\\sn fFlipV}{\\sv 0}}"); } else { contentWriter.write("{\\sp{\\sn fFlipV}{\\sv 1}}"); } contentWriter.write("}}\n"); }
/** * */ protected void exportLine(DocxTableHelper tableHelper, JRPrintLine line, JRExporterGridCell gridCell) { JRLineBox box = new JRBaseLineBox(null); JRPen pen = null; float ratio = line.getWidth() / line.getHeight(); if (ratio > 1) { if (line.getDirectionValue() == LineDirectionEnum.TOP_DOWN) { pen = box.getTopPen(); } else { pen = box.getBottomPen(); } } else { if (line.getDirectionValue() == LineDirectionEnum.TOP_DOWN) { pen = box.getLeftPen(); } else { pen = box.getRightPen(); } } pen.setLineColor(line.getLinePen().getLineColor()); pen.setLineStyle(line.getLinePen().getLineStyleValue()); pen.setLineWidth(line.getLinePen().getLineWidth()); gridCell.setBox(box);//CAUTION: only some exporters set the cell box tableHelper.getCellHelper().exportHeader(line, gridCell); tableHelper.getParagraphHelper().exportEmptyParagraph(startPage, bookmarkIndex, pageAnchor); if (startPage) { // increment the bookmarkIndex for the first cell in the sheet, due to page anchor creation bookmarkIndex++; } tableHelper.getCellHelper().exportFooter(); }
/** * */ public void exportHeader( JRExporterGridCell gridCell, int rowIndex, int colIndex, int maxColIndex, TextValue textValue, String pattern, Locale locale, boolean isWrapText, boolean isHidden, boolean isLocked, boolean isShrinkToFit, boolean isIgnoreTextFormatting, RotationEnum rotation, JRXlsAbstractExporter.SheetInfo sheetInfo, LineDirectionEnum direction ) { try { if (textValue != null) { textValue.handle(textValueHandler); } else { textValueHandler.handle((StringTextValue)null); } } catch (JRException e) { throw new JRRuntimeException(e); } Integer styleIndex = null; if (gridCell.getType() == JRExporterGridCell.TYPE_OCCUPIED_CELL) { styleIndex = ((ElementGridCell)((OccupiedGridCell)gridCell).getOccupier()).getStyleIndex(); } if (styleIndex == null) { styleIndex = styleHelper.getCellStyle( gridCell, pattern, locale, isWrapText, isHidden, isLocked, isShrinkToFit, isIgnoreTextFormatting, rotation, sheetInfo, direction ); if ( gridCell.getType() == JRExporterGridCell.TYPE_ELEMENT_CELL && gridCell instanceof ElementGridCell ) { ((ElementGridCell)gridCell).setStyleIndex(styleIndex); } } write(" <c r=\"" + JRXlsAbstractExporter.getColumIndexName(colIndex, maxColIndex) + (rowIndex + 1) + "\" s=\"" + styleIndex + "\"" ); String type = textValueHandler.getType(); if (type != null) { write(" t=\"" + type + "\""); } write(">"); }
/** * */ public XlsxStyleInfo( int formatIndex, int fontIndex, int borderIndex, JRExporterGridCell gridCell, boolean isWrapText, boolean isHidden, boolean isLocked, boolean isShrinkToFit, boolean isIgnoreTextFormatting, int rotation, JRXlsAbstractExporter.SheetInfo sheetInfo, LineDirectionEnum direction ) { this.formatIndex = formatIndex; this.fontIndex = isIgnoreTextFormatting ? -1 : fontIndex; this.borderIndex = isIgnoreTextFormatting ? -1 : borderIndex; JRPrintElement element = gridCell.getElement(); if (!isIgnoreTextFormatting) { if (element != null && element.getModeValue() == ModeEnum.OPAQUE) { this.backcolor = JRColorUtil.getColorHexa(element.getBackcolor()); } else if (gridCell.getBackcolor() != null) { this.backcolor = JRColorUtil.getColorHexa(gridCell.getBackcolor()); } } JRTextAlignment align = element instanceof JRTextAlignment ? (JRTextAlignment)element : null; if (align != null) { this.horizontalAlign = getHorizontalAlignment(align.getHorizontalTextAlign(), align.getVerticalTextAlign(), rotation);//FIXMEXLSX use common util this.verticalAlign = getVerticalAlignment(align.getHorizontalTextAlign(), align.getVerticalTextAlign(), rotation);//FIXMEXLSX use common util } this.isWrapText = isShrinkToFit ? false : isWrapText; this.isHidden = isHidden; this.isLocked = isLocked; this.isShrinkToFit = isShrinkToFit; this.rotation = rotation; if(sheetInfo.whitePageBackground != null) { this.whitePageBackground = sheetInfo.whitePageBackground; } if(sheetInfo.ignoreCellBackground != null) { this.ignoreCellBackground = sheetInfo.ignoreCellBackground; } if(sheetInfo.ignoreCellBorder != null) { this.ignoreCellBorder = sheetInfo.ignoreCellBorder; } this.direction = direction; }
@Override protected void exportLine( JRPrintLine line, JRExporterGridCell gridCell, int colIndex, int rowIndex ) throws JRException { JRLineBox box = new JRBaseLineBox(null); JRPen pen = null; LineDirectionEnum direction = null; float ratio = line.getWidth() / line.getHeight(); if (ratio > 1) { if(line.getHeight() > 1) { direction = line.getDirectionValue(); pen = box.getPen(); } else if (line.getDirectionValue() == LineDirectionEnum.TOP_DOWN) { pen = box.getTopPen(); } else { pen = box.getBottomPen(); } } else { if(line.getWidth() > 1) { direction = line.getDirectionValue(); pen = box.getPen(); } else if (line.getDirectionValue() == LineDirectionEnum.TOP_DOWN) { pen = box.getLeftPen(); } else { pen = box.getRightPen(); } } pen.setLineColor(line.getLinePen().getLineColor()); pen.setLineStyle(line.getLinePen().getLineStyleValue()); pen.setLineWidth(line.getLinePen().getLineWidth()); gridCell.setBox(box);//CAUTION: only some exporters set the cell box cellHelper.exportHeader(gridCell, rowIndex, colIndex, maxColumnIndex, sheetInfo, direction); sheetHelper.exportMergedCells(rowIndex, colIndex, maxColumnIndex, gridCell.getRowSpan(), gridCell.getColSpan()); cellHelper.exportFooter(); }
public LineDirectionEnum getDirection() { return this.direction; }
/** * */ public LineDirectionEnum getDirectionValue() { return this.directionValue; }
/** * */ public void setDirection(LineDirectionEnum directionValue) { this.directionValue = directionValue; }
@Override public LineDirectionEnum getDirectionValue() { return ((JRLine)this.parent).getDirectionValue(); }
@Override public void setDirection(LineDirectionEnum direction) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); }
@Override public LineDirectionEnum getDirectionValue() { return ((JRTemplateLine)this.template).getDirectionValue(); }
@Override public void setDirection(LineDirectionEnum direction) { }