@Test public void test_template1() throws Exception { // gunit test on line 16 RuleReturnScope rstruct = (RuleReturnScope)execParser("template", "<[]>", 16); Object actual = ((Tree)rstruct.getTree()).toStringTree(); Object expecting = "(EXPR [)"; assertEquals("testing rule template", expecting, actual); }
@Test public void test_template2() throws Exception { // gunit test on line 17 RuleReturnScope rstruct = (RuleReturnScope)execParser("template", "<[a,b]>", 17); Object actual = ((Tree)rstruct.getTree()).toStringTree(); Object expecting = "(EXPR ([ a b))"; assertEquals("testing rule template", expecting, actual); }
public final FastSimpleGenericEdifactDirectXMLParser.tag_return tag() throws RecognitionException { FastSimpleGenericEdifactDirectXMLParser.tag_return retval = new FastSimpleGenericEdifactDirectXMLParser.tag_return(); retval.start = input.LT( 1 ); List<Object> list_i = null; FastSimpleGenericEdifactDirectXMLParser.tag_name_return tag_name3 = null; RuleReturnScope i = null; try { // C:\\workspace-sts\\Kettle trunk - // restruct\\engine\\src\\org\\pentaho\\di\\trans\\steps\\edi2xml\\grammar\\ // FastSimpleGenericEdifactDirectXML.g:108:41: // ( tag_name ( ds i+= tag_index_id )* ) // C:\\workspace-sts\\Kettle trunk - // restruct\\engine\\src\\org\\pentaho\\di\\trans\\steps\\edi2xml\\grammar\\ // FastSimpleGenericEdifactDirectXML.g:108:43: // tag_name ( ds i+= tag_index_id )* pushFollow( FOLLOW_tag_name_in_tag208 ); tag_name3 = tag_name(); state._fsp--; tagIndexes.clear(); // C:\\workspace-sts\\Kettle trunk - // restruct\\engine\\src\\org\\pentaho\\di\\trans\\steps\\edi2xml\\grammar\\ // FastSimpleGenericEdifactDirectXML.g:108:74: // ( ds i+= tag_index_id )* loop7: do { int alt7 = 2; int LA7_0 = input.LA( 1 ); if ( ( LA7_0 == COMPLEX_ELEMENT_ITEM_SEPARATOR ) ) { alt7 = 1; } switch ( alt7 ) { case 1: // C:\\workspace-sts\\Kettle trunk - // restruct\\engine\\src\\org\\pentaho\\di\\trans\\steps\\edi2xml\\grammar\\ // FastSimpleGenericEdifactDirectXML.g:108:75: // ds i+= tag_index_id pushFollow( FOLLOW_ds_in_tag213 ); ds(); state._fsp--; pushFollow( FOLLOW_tag_index_id_in_tag217 ); i = tag_index_id(); state._fsp--; if ( list_i == null ) { list_i = new ArrayList<Object>(); } list_i.add( i.getTemplate() ); break; default: break loop7; } } while ( true ); retval.name = ( tag_name3 != null ? input.toString( tag_name3.start, tag_name3.stop ) : null ).trim(); retval.stop = input.LT( -1 ); } catch ( RecognitionException e ) { // do not try to recover from parse errors, propagate the error instead throw e; } return retval; }