Java 类org.apache.bcel.generic.LocalVariableInstruction 实例源码

项目:cashmere    文件   
void rewriteLocal(InstructionHandle fromH, InstructionHandle toH,
    int oldindex, int newindex) {

InstructionHandle h = fromH;
if (h.getPrev() != null) {
    h = h.getPrev();
    // This instruction should contain the store.
while (h != null && h != toH) {
    Instruction ins = h.getInstruction();
    if (ins instanceof LocalVariableInstruction) {
    LocalVariableInstruction lins = (LocalVariableInstruction) ins;
    if (lins.getIndex() == oldindex) {
    h = h.getNext();
项目:cashmere    文件   
final LocalVariableGen getLocal(MethodGen m, LocalVariableInstruction curr,
    int pos) {
int localNr = curr.getIndex();
LocalVariableGen[] lt = getLocalTable(m);

for (int i = 0; i < lt.length; i++) {
    // Watch out. The first initialization seems not to be included in
    // the range given in the local variable table!

    if (localNr == lt[i].getIndex()) {
    // System.err.println("Looking for local " + localNr
    // + " on position " + pos);
    // System.err.println("found one with range "
    // + lt[i].getStart().getPrev().getPosition() + ", "
    // + lt[i].getEnd().getPosition());

    if (pos >= lt[i].getStart().getPrev().getPosition()
        && pos < (lt[i].getEnd().getPosition())) {
        return lt[i];

return null;
项目:cashmere    文件   
InstructionHandle rewriteStore(MethodGen m, InstructionList il,
    InstructionHandle i, int maxLocals, String localClassName) {
    LocalVariableInstruction curr = (LocalVariableInstruction) (i
    Type type = mtab.getLocalType(m, curr, i.getPosition());
    if (type == null) {
        return i;
    String name = mtab.getLocalName(m, curr, i.getPosition());
    String fieldName = MethodTable.generatedLocalName(type, name);

    i.setInstruction(new ALOAD(maxLocals));
    i = i.getNext();

    if (type.equals(Type.LONG) || type.equals(Type.DOUBLE)) {
        il.insert(i, new DUP_X2());
        il.insert(i, new POP());
    } else {
        il.insert(i, new SWAP());

    i = il.insert(i, ins_f.createFieldAccess(localClassName, fieldName,
        type, Constants.PUTFIELD));
    return i;
项目:cashmere    文件   
InstructionHandle rewriteLoad(MethodGen m, InstructionList il,
    InstructionHandle i, int maxLocals, String localClassName) {
    LocalVariableInstruction curr = (LocalVariableInstruction) (i
    Type type = mtab.getLocalType(m, curr, i.getPosition());
    if (type == null) {
        return i;
    String name = mtab.getLocalName(m, curr, i.getPosition());
    String fieldName = MethodTable.generatedLocalName(type, name);

    i.setInstruction(new ALOAD(maxLocals));
    i = i.getNext();
    i = il.insert(i, ins_f.createFieldAccess(localClassName, fieldName,
        type, Constants.GETFIELD));

    return i;
项目:cashmere    文件   
String getLocalName(MethodGen m, LocalVariableInstruction curr, int pos) {
LocalVariableGen a = getLocal(m, curr, pos);

if (a == null) {
    return null;

return a.getName();
项目:cashmere    文件   
Type getLocalType(MethodGen m, LocalVariableInstruction curr, int pos) {
LocalVariableGen a = getLocal(m, curr, pos);

if (a == null) {
    return null;

return a.getType();
项目:cashmere    文件   
void removeUnusedLocals(Method mOrig, MethodGen m) {
    InstructionList il = m.getInstructionList();
    InstructionHandle[] ins = il.getInstructionHandles();
    for (int i = 0; i < ins.length; i++) {
        Instruction in = ins[i].getInstruction();

        if (in instanceof LocalVariableInstruction) {
            LocalVariableInstruction curr = (LocalVariableInstruction) in;
            if (mtab.getLocal(m, curr, ins[i].getPosition()) != null
                && curr.getIndex() < m.getMaxLocals() - 5
                && !mtab.isLocalUsedInInlet(mOrig, curr.getIndex())) {
                if (curr instanceof IINC) {
                    ins[i].setInstruction(new NOP());
                } else if (curr instanceof LSTORE || curr instanceof DSTORE) {
                    ins[i].setInstruction(new POP2());
                } else if (curr instanceof StoreInstruction) {
                    ins[i].setInstruction(new POP());
                } else if (curr instanceof ALOAD) {
                    ins[i].setInstruction(new ACONST_NULL());
                } else if (curr instanceof FLOAD) {
                    ins[i].setInstruction(new FCONST((float) 0.0));
                } else if (curr instanceof ILOAD) {
                    ins[i].setInstruction(new ICONST(0));
                } else if (curr instanceof DLOAD) {
                    ins[i].setInstruction(new DCONST(0.0));
                } else if (curr instanceof LLOAD) {
                    ins[i].setInstruction(new LCONST(0L));
                } else {
                    System.out.println("unhandled ins in "
                        + "removeUnusedLocals: " + curr);
项目:cashmere    文件   
void shiftLocals(InstructionList il, int shift) {
    InstructionHandle[] ih = il.getInstructionHandles();
    for (int i = 0; i < ih.length; i++) {
        Instruction ins = ih[i].getInstruction();
        if (ins instanceof LocalVariableInstruction) {
            LocalVariableInstruction l = (LocalVariableInstruction) ins;
            l.setIndex(l.getIndex() + shift);

项目:cn1    文件   
private void emitLocalVariableInstruction(Element xml_inst,
        LocalVariableInstruction inst) {
    Type type = inst.getType(cpg);
    xml_inst.setAttribute("type", type.toString());
    xml_inst.setAttribute("index", java.lang.String.valueOf(inst.getIndex()));
    String op = inst.toString();
    int i;
    for (i = 0; i < op.length(); i++) {
        char ch = op.toUpperCase().charAt(i);
        if (ch < 'A' || ch > 'Z')
    op = op.substring(0, i);
项目:findbugs-all-the-bugs    文件   
private void registerInstructionSources() throws DataflowAnalysisException {
    for (Iterator<Location> i = cfg.locationIterator(); i.hasNext();) {
        Location location =;
        Instruction instruction = location.getHandle().getInstruction();
        short opcode = instruction.getOpcode();

        int produces = instruction.produceStack(cpg);
        if (instruction instanceof InvokeInstruction) {
            // Model return value
        } else if (opcode == Constants.GETFIELD || opcode == Constants.GETSTATIC) {
            // Model field loads
        } else if (instruction instanceof LDC) {
            // Model constant values
        } else if (instruction instanceof LDC2_W) {
            // Model constant values
        } else if (instruction instanceof ConstantPushInstruction) {
            // Model constant values
        } else if (instruction instanceof ACONST_NULL) {
            // Model constant values
        } else  if ((produces == 1 || produces == 2) && !(instruction instanceof LocalVariableInstruction) && !(instruction instanceof CHECKCAST)){
            // Model other sources
项目:FindBug-for-Domino-Designer    文件   
private void registerInstructionSources() throws DataflowAnalysisException {
    for (Iterator<Location> i = cfg.locationIterator(); i.hasNext();) {
        Location location =;
        Instruction instruction = location.getHandle().getInstruction();
        short opcode = instruction.getOpcode();

        int produces = instruction.produceStack(cpg);
        if (instruction instanceof InvokeInstruction) {
            // Model return value
        } else if (opcode == Constants.GETFIELD || opcode == Constants.GETSTATIC) {
            // Model field loads
        } else if (instruction instanceof LDC) {
            // Model constant values
        } else if (instruction instanceof LDC2_W) {
            // Model constant values
        } else if (instruction instanceof ConstantPushInstruction) {
            // Model constant values
        } else if (instruction instanceof ACONST_NULL) {
            // Model constant values
        } else  if ((produces == 1 || produces == 2) && !(instruction instanceof LocalVariableInstruction) && !(instruction instanceof CHECKCAST)){
            // Model other sources
项目:VestaClient    文件   
public int[] getAccessedLocalsIndices(){
    //TODO: Implement caching.
    Set acc = new HashSet();
    if (theRET == null && this != TOPLEVEL){
        throw new AssertionViolatedException("This subroutine object must be built up completely before calculating accessed locals.");
    Iterator i = instructions.iterator();
    while (i.hasNext()){
        InstructionHandle ih = (InstructionHandle);
        // RET is not a LocalVariableInstruction in the current version of BCEL.
        if (ih.getInstruction() instanceof LocalVariableInstruction || ih.getInstruction() instanceof RET){
            int idx = ((IndexedInstruction) (ih.getInstruction())).getIndex();
            acc.add(new Integer(idx));
            // LONG? DOUBLE?.
                // LocalVariableInstruction instances are typed without the need to look into
                // the constant pool.
                if (ih.getInstruction() instanceof LocalVariableInstruction){
                    int s = ((LocalVariableInstruction) ih.getInstruction()).getType(null).getSize();
                    if (s==2) {
                              acc.add(new Integer(idx+1));
            catch(RuntimeException re){
                throw new AssertionViolatedException("Oops. BCEL did not like NULL as a ConstantPoolGen object.");

    int[] ret = new int[acc.size()];
    i = acc.iterator();
    int j=-1;
    while (i.hasNext()){
        ret[j] = ((Integer);
    return ret;
项目:VestaClient    文件   
public void visitLocalVariableInstruction( LocalVariableInstruction i ) {
    short opcode = i.getOpcode();
    Type type = i.getType(_cp);
    if (opcode == Constants.IINC) {
        _out.println("il.append(new IINC(" + i.getIndex() + ", " + ((IINC) i).getIncrement()
                + "));");
    } else {
        String kind = (opcode < Constants.ISTORE) ? "Load" : "Store";
        _out.println("il.append(_factory.create" + kind + "(" + BCELifier.printType(type)
                + ", " + i.getIndex() + "));");
项目:eclectic    文件   
public int[] getAccessedLocalsIndices(){
    //TODO: Implement caching.
    final Set<Integer> acc = new HashSet<Integer>();
    if (theRET == null && this != TOPLEVEL){
        throw new AssertionViolatedException("This subroutine object must be built up completely before calculating accessed locals.");
    for (final InstructionHandle ih : instructions) {
        // RET is not a LocalVariableInstruction in the current version of BCEL.
        if (ih.getInstruction() instanceof LocalVariableInstruction || ih.getInstruction() instanceof RET){
            int idx = IndexedInstruction.class.cast(ih.getInstruction()).getIndex();
            // LONG? DOUBLE?.
            try {
                // LocalVariableInstruction instances are typed without the need to look into
                // the constant pool.
                if (ih.getInstruction() instanceof LocalVariableInstruction) {
                    int s = LocalVariableInstruction.class.cast(ih.getInstruction()).getType(null).getSize();
                    if (s == 2) acc.add(idx + 1);
            } catch(final RuntimeException re) {
                throw new AssertionViolatedException("Oops. BCEL did not like NULL as a ConstantPoolGen object.");

    int[] ret = new int[acc.size()];
    int j = 0;
    for (final int v : acc) {
        ret[j++] = v;
    return ret;
项目:eclectic    文件   
public int[] getAccessedLocalsIndices(){
    //TODO: Implement caching.
    final Set<Integer> acc = new HashSet<Integer>();
    if (theRET == null && this != TOPLEVEL){
        throw new AssertionViolatedException("This subroutine object must be built up completely before calculating accessed locals.");
    for (final InstructionHandle ih : instructions) {
        // RET is not a LocalVariableInstruction in the current version of BCEL.
        if (ih.getInstruction() instanceof LocalVariableInstruction || ih.getInstruction() instanceof RET){
            int idx = IndexedInstruction.class.cast(ih.getInstruction()).getIndex();
            // LONG? DOUBLE?.
            try {
                // LocalVariableInstruction instances are typed without the need to look into
                // the constant pool.
                if (ih.getInstruction() instanceof LocalVariableInstruction) {
                    int s = LocalVariableInstruction.class.cast(ih.getInstruction()).getType(null).getSize();
                    if (s == 2) acc.add(idx + 1);
            } catch(final RuntimeException re) {
                throw new AssertionViolatedException("Oops. BCEL did not like NULL as a ConstantPoolGen object.");

    int[] ret = new int[acc.size()];
    int j = 0;
    for (final int v : acc) {
        ret[j++] = v;
    return ret;