@BeforeClass public void findAvailablePortNumber() throws Exception { LOGGER.info("BeforeClass called (from: {})", getClass()); this.availablePort = String.valueOf(AvailablePortFinder.getNextAvailable(10000)); LOGGER.info("Found port: {}", this.availablePort); this.main = new Main(); MockRegistry.registerPropertiesInRegistry(this.main); MockRegistry.registerBeansInRegistryBeforeStart(); Properties properties = MockRegistry.findProperties(); properties.put("port", this.availablePort); this.main.addMainListener(new MockMainListener()); this.main.addRouteBuilder(new MockRoute()); this.main.start(); LOGGER.info("Main started: {}", this.main.isStarted()); MockRegistry.registerBeansInRegistryAfterStart(); this.producerTemplate = this.main.getCamelTemplate(); }
@Before public void setUp() throws Exception { this.host = System.getProperty("pgjdbc.test.server", "localhost"); this.port = System.getProperty("pgjdbc.test.port", "5432"); this.database = System.getProperty("pgjdbc.test.db", "event_tests"); this.user = System.getProperty("pgjdbc.test.user", "dphillips"); this.password = System.getProperty("pgjdbc.test.password"); ds = new PGDataSource(); ds.setHost(this.host); ds.setPort(Integer.parseInt(this.port)); ds.setDatabase(this.database); ds.setUser(this.user); if (this.password != null) { ds.setPassword(this.password); } main = new Main(); main.bind("test", ds); main.addRouteBuilder(buildConsumer()); main.addRouteBuilder(buildProducer()); }
public CamelSpringBootApplicationController(final ApplicationContext applicationContext, final CamelContext camelContext) { this.main = new Main() { @Override protected ProducerTemplate findOrCreateCamelTemplate() { return applicationContext.getBean(ProducerTemplate.class); } @Override protected Map<String, CamelContext> getCamelContextMap() { return Collections.singletonMap("camelContext", camelContext); } @Override protected void doStop() throws Exception { LOG.debug("Controller is shutting down CamelContext"); try { super.doStop(); } finally { latch.countDown(); } } }; }
public void boot(String[] args) throws Exception { // create and embed the hazelcast server // (you can use the hazelcast client if you want to connect to external hazelcast server) HazelcastInstance hz = Hazelcast.newHazelcastInstance(); main = new Main(); main.bind("hz", hz); if (args.length == 0) { // route which uses get/put operations main.addRouteBuilder(new CounterRoute("Foo", 8080)); } else { // route which uses atomic counter main.addRouteBuilder(new AtomicCounterRoute("Foo", 8080)); } main.run(); }
public void boot(String[] args) throws Exception { // create and embed the hazelcast server // (you can use the hazelcast client if you want to connect to external hazelcast server) HazelcastInstance hz = Hazelcast.newHazelcastInstance(); main = new Main(); main.bind("hz", hz); if (args.length == 0) { // route which uses get/put operations main.addRouteBuilder(new CounterRoute("Bar", 9090)); } else { // route which uses atomic counter main.addRouteBuilder(new AtomicCounterRoute("Bar", 9090)); } main.run(); }
public void boot() throws Exception { main = new Main(); // create jcache component and configure it JCacheComponent jcache = new JCacheComponent(); // use infinispan jcache.setCachingProvider(JCachingProvider.class.getName()); // load infinispan client (hotrod) configuration from the classpath jcache.setConfigurationUri("hotrod-client.properties"); // register the component to Camel with the name jcache main.bind("jcache", jcache); main.addRouteBuilder(new CounterRoute("Foo", 8888)); main.run(); }
public void boot() throws Exception { main = new Main(); // create jcache component and configure it JCacheComponent jcache = new JCacheComponent(); // use infinispan jcache.setCachingProvider(JCachingProvider.class.getName()); // load infinispan client (hotrod) configuration from the classpath jcache.setConfigurationUri("hotrod-client.properties"); // register the component to Camel with the name jcache main.bind("jcache", jcache); // route which uses get/put operations main.addRouteBuilder(new CounterRoute("Bar", 8889)); main.run(); }
public void boot() throws Exception { // create and embed the hazelcast server // (you can use the hazelcast client if you want to connect to external hazelcast server) HazelcastInstance hz = Hazelcast.newHazelcastInstance(); // setup the hazelcast route policy HazelcastRoutePolicy routePolicy = new HazelcastRoutePolicy(hz); // the lock names must be same in the foo and bar server routePolicy.setLockMapName("myLock"); routePolicy.setLockKey("myLockKey"); routePolicy.setLockValue("myLockValue"); // attempt to grab lock every 5th second routePolicy.setTryLockTimeout(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS); main = new Main(); // bind the hazelcast route policy to the name myPolicy which we refer to from the route main.bind("myPolicy", routePolicy); // add the route and and let the route be named Bar and use a little delay when processing the files main.addRouteBuilder(new FileConsumerRoute("Foo", 100)); main.run(); }
public void boot() throws Exception { // create and embed the hazelcast server // (you can use the hazelcast client if you want to connect to external hazelcast server) HazelcastInstance hz = Hazelcast.newHazelcastInstance(); // setup the hazelcast route policy HazelcastRoutePolicy routePolicy = new HazelcastRoutePolicy(hz); // the lock names must be same in the foo and bar server routePolicy.setLockMapName("myLock"); routePolicy.setLockKey("myLockKey"); routePolicy.setLockValue("myLockValue"); // attempt to grab lock every 5th second routePolicy.setTryLockTimeout(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS); main = new Main(); // bind the hazelcast route policy to the name myPolicy which we refer to from the route main.bind("myPolicy", routePolicy); // add the route and and let the route be named Bar and use a little delay when processing the files main.addRouteBuilder(new FileConsumerRoute("Bar", 100)); main.run(); }
@Inject JdbiExample(ReceiveCommandsAsJsonRoute receiveCommandsRoute, JdbiConsumeCommandsRoute consumeCommandsRoute, JdbiConsumeEventsRoute consumeEventsRoute) throws Exception { main = new Main() ; main.enableHangupSupport(); registry = new SimpleRegistry(); context = new DefaultCamelContext(registry); context.addRoutes(receiveCommandsRoute); context.addRoutes(consumeCommandsRoute); context.addRoutes(consumeEventsRoute); main.getCamelContexts().clear(); main.getCamelContexts().add(context); main.setDuration(-1); main.start(); }
@Inject CmdProducer(CommandsDataSetsRoute datasetRoute) throws Exception { main = new Main() ; main.enableHangupSupport(); registry = new SimpleRegistry(); context = new DefaultCamelContext(registry); populate(); registry.put("createCommandDataset", new CreateCommandDataSet(ids, dataSetSize)); registry.put("increaseCommandDataset", new IncreaseCommandDataSet(ids, dataSetSize)); registry.put("decreaseCommandDataset", new DecreaseCommandDataSet(ids, dataSetSize)); context.addRoutes(datasetRoute); main.getCamelContexts().clear(); main.getCamelContexts().add(context); main.setDuration(-1); main.start(); }
private void boot() throws Exception{ ApplicationContext applicationContext = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("spring-context.xml"); CamelContext camelContext = SpringCamelContext.springCamelContext(applicationContext, false); main = new Main(); main.enableHangupSupport(); camelContext.start(); main.getOrCreateCamelContext(); main.run(); }
public void boot() throws Exception { // setup the hazelcast route policy ConsulRoutePolicy routePolicy = new ConsulRoutePolicy(); // the service names must be same in the foo and bar server routePolicy.setServiceName("myLock"); routePolicy.setTtl(5); main = new Main(); // bind the hazelcast route policy to the name myPolicy which we refer to from the route main.bind("myPolicy", routePolicy); // add the route and and let the route be named Bar and use a little delay when processing the files main.addRouteBuilder(new FileConsumerRoute("Foo", 100)); main.run(); }
public void boot() throws Exception { // setup the hazelcast route policy ConsulRoutePolicy routePolicy = new ConsulRoutePolicy(); // the service names must be same in the foo and bar server routePolicy.setServiceName("myLock"); routePolicy.setTtl(5); main = new Main(); // bind the hazelcast route policy to the name myPolicy which we refer to from the route main.bind("myPolicy", routePolicy); // add the route and and let the route be named Bar and use a little delay when processing the files main.addRouteBuilder(new FileConsumerRoute("Bar", 100)); main.run(); }
public void boot() throws Exception { Properties props = new Properties(); // list of urls for the infinispan server // as we run in domain node we have two servers out of the box, and can therefore include both // that the client can load balance/failover to be highly available props.setProperty("infinispan.client.hotrod.server_list", "localhost:11222;localhost:11372"); // by default, previously existing values for java.util.Map operations // are not returned for remote caches but they are required for the route // policy to work. props.setProperty("infinispan.client.hotrod.force_return_values", "true"); // create remote infinispan cache manager and start it RemoteCacheManager remote = new RemoteCacheManager( new ConfigurationBuilder().withProperties(props).build(), true ); // setup Camel infinispan configuration to use the remote cache manager InfinispanConfiguration ic = new InfinispanConfiguration(); ic.setCacheContainer(remote); // setup the hazelcast route policy InfinispanRoutePolicy routePolicy = new InfinispanRoutePolicy(ic); // the lock names must be same in the foo and bar server routePolicy.setLockMapName("myLock"); routePolicy.setLockKey("myLockKey"); // the lock value identifies the node routePolicy.setLockValue("foo"); main = new Main(); // bind the hazelcast route policy to the name myPolicy which we refer to from the route main.bind("myPolicy", routePolicy); // add the route and and let the route be named Bar and use a little delay when processing the files main.addRouteBuilder(new FileConsumerRoute("Foo", 100)); main.run(); }
public void boot() throws Exception { Properties props = new Properties(); // list of urls for the infinispan server // as we run in domain node we have two servers out of the box, and can therefore include both // that the client can load balance/failover to be highly available props.setProperty("infinispan.client.hotrod.server_list", "localhost:11222;localhost:11372"); // by default, previously existing values for java.util.Map operations // are not returned for remote caches but they are required for the route // policy to work. props.setProperty("infinispan.client.hotrod.force_return_values", "true"); // create remote infinispan cache manager and start it RemoteCacheManager remote = new RemoteCacheManager( new ConfigurationBuilder().withProperties(props).build(), true ); // setup Camel infinispan configuration to use the remote cache manager InfinispanConfiguration ic = new InfinispanConfiguration(); ic.setCacheContainer(remote); // setup the hazelcast route policy InfinispanRoutePolicy routePolicy = new InfinispanRoutePolicy(ic); // the lock names must be same in the foo and bar server routePolicy.setLockMapName("myLock"); routePolicy.setLockKey("myLockKey"); // the lock value identifies the node routePolicy.setLockValue("bar"); main = new Main(); // bind the hazelcast route policy to the name myPolicy which we refer to from the route main.bind("myPolicy", routePolicy); // add the route and and let the route be named Bar and use a little delay when processing the files main.addRouteBuilder(new FileConsumerRoute("Bar", 100)); main.run(); }
public void boot() throws Exception { main = new Main(); // setup quartz component QuartzComponent quartz = new QuartzComponent(); quartz.setPropertiesFile("quartz.properties"); // add the component to Camel main.bind("quartz2", quartz); main.addRouteBuilder(new QuartzRoute("Foo")); main.run(); }
public void boot() throws Exception { main = new Main(); // setup quartz component QuartzComponent quartz = new QuartzComponent(); quartz.setPropertiesFile("quartz.properties"); // add the component to Camel main.bind("quartz2", quartz); // route which uses get/put operations main.addRouteBuilder(new QuartzRoute("Bar")); main.run(); }
public void boot() throws Exception { main = new Main(); // the default zookeeper url is localhost:2181 MasterRoutePolicy master = new MasterRoutePolicy(); master.setZooKeeperUrl("localhost:2181"); master.setGroupName("myGroup"); main.bind("zookeeper-master-policy", master); // add the route and and let the route be named Bar and use a little delay when processing the files main.addRouteBuilder(new FileConsumerRoute("Foo", 200)); main.run(); }
public void boot() throws Exception { main = new Main(); // the default zookeeper url is localhost:2181 MasterRoutePolicy master = new MasterRoutePolicy(); master.setZooKeeperUrl("localhost:2181"); master.setGroupName("myGroup"); main.bind("zookeeper-master-policy", master); // add the route and and let the route be named Bar and use a little delay when processing the files main.addRouteBuilder(new FileConsumerRoute("Bar", 200)); main.run(); }
public void boot() throws Exception { main = new Main(); // the default zookeeper url is localhost:2181 MasterComponent master = new MasterComponent(); master.setZooKeeperUrl("localhost:2181"); main.bind("zookeeper-master", master); // add the route and and let the route be named Bar and use a little delay when processing the files main.addRouteBuilder(new FileConsumerRoute("Foo", 200)); main.run(); }
public void boot() throws Exception { main = new Main(); // the default zookeeper url is localhost:2181 MasterComponent master = new MasterComponent(); master.setZooKeeperUrl("localhost:2181"); main.bind("zookeeper-master", master); // add the route and and let the route be named Bar and use a little delay when processing the files main.addRouteBuilder(new FileConsumerRoute("Bar", 200)); main.run(); }
public void boot() throws Exception { // create and embed the hazelcast server // (you can use the hazelcast client if you want to connect to external hazelcast server) HazelcastInstance hz = Hazelcast.newHazelcastInstance(); // setup the hazelcast idempotent repository which we will use in the route HazelcastIdempotentRepository repo = new HazelcastIdempotentRepository(hz, "camel"); main = new Main(); // bind the hazelcast repository to the name myRepo which we refer to from the route main.bind("myRepo", repo); // add the route and and let the route be named BAR and use a little delay when processing the files main.addRouteBuilder(new FileConsumerRoute("FOO", 100)); main.run(); }
public void boot() throws Exception { // create and embed the hazelcast server // (you can use the hazelcast client if you want to connect to external hazelcast server) HazelcastInstance hz = Hazelcast.newHazelcastInstance(); // setup the hazelcast idempotent repository which we will use in the route HazelcastIdempotentRepository repo = new HazelcastIdempotentRepository(hz, "camel"); main = new Main(); // bind the hazelcast repository to the name myRepo which we refer to from the route main.bind("myRepo", repo); // add the route and and let the route be named BAR and use a little delay when processing the files main.addRouteBuilder(new FileConsumerRoute("BAR", 100)); main.run(); }
public void boot(String port) throws Exception { System.setProperty("port", port); // create a Main instance main = new Main(); // enable hangup support so you can press ctrl + c to terminate the JVM main.enableHangupSupport(); // add routes main.addRouteBuilder(new TimeServiceRouteBuilder()); // run until you terminate the JVM System.out.println(String.format("Starting Camel, using port %s. Use ctrl + c to terminate the JVM.", port)); main.run(); }
public void boot(String port) throws Exception { System.setProperty("port", port); // create a Main instance main = new Main(); // enable hangup support so you can press ctrl + c to terminate the JVM main.enableHangupSupport(); // add routes main.addRouteBuilder(new DateServiceRouteBuilder()); // run until you terminate the JVM System.out.println(String.format("Starting Camel, using port %s. Use ctrl + c to terminate the JVM.", port)); main.run(); }
@Inject HzExample(final HazelcastInstance hazelcastInstance, ReceiveCommandsAsJsonRoute receiveCommandsRoute, HzConsumeCommandsRoute consumeCommandsRoute, HzConsumeEventsRoute consumeEventsRoute ) throws Exception { this.main = new Main() ; this.main.enableHangupSupport(); this.registry = new SimpleRegistry(); this.context = new DefaultCamelContext(registry); context.addRoutes(receiveCommandsRoute); context.addRoutes(consumeCommandsRoute); context.addRoutes(consumeEventsRoute); main.getCamelContexts().clear(); main.getCamelContexts().add(context); main.setDuration(-1); /* Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(new Thread() { public void run() { log.warn("stopping Camel..."); try { context.stop(); } catch (Exception e) { log.error(e.getMessage()); } finally { log.warn("stopping Hazelcast..."); hazelcastInstance.shutdown(); } } });*/ main.start(); log.info("started..."); }
public Main getMain() { return this.main; }
private static void startWithCamelMainWrapper(String[] args) throws Exception { Main main = new Main(); main.enableHangupSupport(); main.addRouteBuilder(new MyRouteBuilder()); main.run(args); }
public void boot() throws Exception { this.main = new Main(); this.main.addRouteBuilder(new CamelRoutes()); main.run(); }
@Test public void moveFileTest() throws Exception { Main main = new Main(); main.addRouteBuilder(new MoreRouterBuilders.SyncIDEAConfig()); main.enableHangupSupport(); main.run(); }
/** * Custom constructor with a reference of the main which is used to store the properties. * * @param mainReference * A reference of the Main object. */ public static void registerPropertiesInRegistry(Main mainReference) { main = mainReference; main.bind(BEAN_META_DATA_PROPERTIES, PropertiesManager.extractMetaData()); main.bind(BEAN_PROPERTIES, PropertiesManager.extractProperties()); }