private void processAnnotatedType(@Observes ProcessAnnotatedType<?> pat) { if (pat.getAnnotatedType().isAnnotationPresent(Vetoed.class)) { pat.veto(); } if (hasAnnotation(pat.getAnnotatedType(), Converter.class)) { converters.add(pat.getAnnotatedType().getJavaClass()); } if (hasAnnotation(pat.getAnnotatedType(), BeanInject.class, Consume.class, EndpointInject.class, Produce.class, PropertyInject.class)) { camelBeans.add(pat.getAnnotatedType()); } if (hasAnnotation(pat.getAnnotatedType(), Consume.class)) { eagerBeans.add(pat.getAnnotatedType()); } if (hasAnnotation(pat.getAnnotatedType(), ImportResource.class)) { resources.add(pat.getAnnotatedType().getAnnotation(ImportResource.class)); } }
@Consume(uri = "seda:book") public void handleTitle(String title) { Transactional tx = this.getClass().getAnnotation(Transactional.class); if (tx == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Spring annotation-driven should have instrumented this class as @Transactional"); } if (!"NEVER".equals(tx.propagation().name())) { throw new IllegalStateException("Should be NEVER propagation"); } if (!tx.readOnly()) { throw new IllegalStateException("Should be read only"); } if (!title.contains("in Action")) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Not a book title we like"); } producer.sendBody(title); }
@Consume(uri = "activemq:personnel.records") @RecipientList public String[] route(@XPath("/person/city/text()") String city) { if (city.equals("London")) {"Person is from EMEA region"); return new String[] {"file:target/messages/emea/hr_pickup", "file:target/messages/emea/finance_pickup"}; } else {"Person is from AMER region"); return new String[] {"file:target/messages/amer/hr_pickup", "file:target/messages/amer/finance_pickup"}; } }
public void consumerInjection(Method method, Object bean, String beanName) { Consume consume = method.getAnnotation(Consume.class); if (consume != null && matchContext(consume.context())) { LOG.debug("Creating a consumer for: " + consume); subscribeMethod(method, bean, beanName, consume.uri(), consume.ref(),; } }
@Consume(uri = "activemq:queue:foo") public void doSomething(@Header("JMSReplyTo") Destination jmsReplyTo, @Body String body) throws Exception { assertEquals("Hello World", body); String endpointName = "activemq:" + jmsReplyTo.toString(); endpointName = endpointName.replaceAll("//", ":"); tempName = endpointName; latch.countDown(); template.sendBody(tempName, "Bye World"); }
@Consume(uri = "activemq:queue:foo") public void doSomething(@Header("JMSReplyTo") Destination jmsReplyTo, @Body String body) throws Exception { assertEquals("Hello World", body); String endpointName = "activemq:" + jmsReplyTo.toString(); template.sendBody(endpointName, "Bye World"); }
@Consume(uri = "activemq:queue:inbox?concurrentConsumers=10") @RecipientList public String listen(Exchange exchange) { topic.send(exchange); String type = exchange.getIn().getHeader("type", String.class); return "direct:" + type; }
@Consume(uri = "activemq:Test.BindingQueue") public void myMethod(@Headers Map<?, ?> headers, String body) { this.headers = headers; this.body = body; // now lets notify we've completed producer.sendBody("Completed"); }
private boolean shouldDeployDefaultCamelContext(Set<Bean<?>> beans) { return // Is there a Camel bean with the @Default qualifier? // Excluding internal components... .filter(bean -> !bean.getBeanClass().getPackage().equals(getClass().getPackage())) .filter(hasType(CamelContextAware.class).or(hasType(Component.class)) .or(hasType(RouteContainer.class).or(hasType(RoutesBuilder.class)))) .map(Bean::getQualifiers) .flatMap(Set::stream) .filter(isEqual(DEFAULT)) .findAny() .isPresent() // Or a bean with Camel annotations? || concat(, .flatMap(Set::stream) .map(Annotated::getAnnotations) .flatMap(Set::stream) .filter(isAnnotationType(Consume.class).and(a -> ((Consume) a).context().isEmpty()) .or(isAnnotationType(BeanInject.class).and(a -> ((BeanInject) a).context().isEmpty())) .or(isAnnotationType(EndpointInject.class).and(a -> ((EndpointInject) a).context().isEmpty())) .or(isAnnotationType(Produce.class).and(a -> ((Produce) a).context().isEmpty())) .or(isAnnotationType(PropertyInject.class).and(a -> ((PropertyInject) a).context().isEmpty()))) .findAny() .isPresent() // Or an injection point for Camel primitives? || // Excluding internal components... .filter(bean -> !bean.getBeanClass().getPackage().equals(getClass().getPackage())) .map(Bean::getInjectionPoints) .flatMap(Set::stream) .filter(ip -> getRawType(ip.getType()).getName().startsWith("org.apache.camel")) .map(InjectionPoint::getQualifiers) .flatMap(Set::stream) .filter(isAnnotationType(Uri.class).or(isAnnotationType(Mock.class)).or(isEqual(DEFAULT))) .findAny() .isPresent(); }
@Consume(uri = "direct:foo", context = "camel-2") @RecipientList(context = "camel-2") public String[] doSomething(String body) {"Received body: " + body); return new String[]{"mock:foo", "mock:result"}; }
@Consume(uri = "direct:start") public void doSomething(String body) { ObjectHelper.notNull(destination, "destination");"Received body: " + body); destination.sendBody(body); }
@Consume(uri = "direct:start", context = "camel-1") public void doSomething(String body) { ObjectHelper.notNull(destination, "destination");"Received body: " + body); destination.sendBody(body); }
@Consume(uri = "direct:start", context = "camel-2") public void doSomething(String body) { ObjectHelper.notNull(destination, "destination");"Received body: " + body); destination.sendBody(body); }
private boolean shouldDeployDefaultCamelContext(BeanManager manager, Set<SyntheticBean<?>> beans) { // TODO: find a way to 'pre-filter' by refining the bean types passed to the bean manager return concat(manager.getBeans(Object.class, ANY).stream(), // Is there a Camel bean with the @Default qualifier? // Excluding internal components... .filter(bean -> !bean.getBeanClass().getPackage().equals(getClass().getPackage())) .filter(hasType(CamelContextAware.class).or(hasType(Component.class)) .or(hasType(RouteContainer.class).or(hasType(RoutesBuilder.class)))) .map(Bean::getQualifiers) .flatMap(Set::stream) .anyMatch(isEqual(DEFAULT)) // Or a bean with Camel annotations? || concat(, .flatMap(Set::stream) .map(Annotated::getAnnotations) .flatMap(Set::stream) .anyMatch(isAnnotationType(Consume.class).and(a -> ((Consume) a).context().isEmpty()) .or(isAnnotationType(BeanInject.class).and(a -> ((BeanInject) a).context().isEmpty())) .or(isAnnotationType(EndpointInject.class).and(a -> ((EndpointInject) a).context().isEmpty())) .or(isAnnotationType(Produce.class).and(a -> ((Produce) a).context().isEmpty())) .or(isAnnotationType(PropertyInject.class).and(a -> ((PropertyInject) a).context().isEmpty()))) // Or an injection point for Camel primitives? || concat(manager.getBeans(Object.class, ANY).stream(), // Excluding internal components... .filter(bean -> !bean.getBeanClass().getPackage().equals(getClass().getPackage())) .map(Bean::getInjectionPoints) .flatMap(Set::stream) .filter(ip -> getRawType(ip.getType()).getName().startsWith("org.apache.camel")) .map(InjectionPoint::getQualifiers) .flatMap(Set::stream) .anyMatch(isAnnotationType(Uri.class).or(isEqual(DEFAULT))); }
private void addConsumeAnnotation(CtMethod ctMethod, String uri) { MethodInfo methodInfo = ctMethod.getMethodInfo(); ConstPool constPool = methodInfo.getConstPool(); Annotation consume = new Annotation(Consume.class.getName(), constPool); StringMemberValue valueVal = new StringMemberValue(constPool); valueVal.setValue(uri); consume.addMemberValue("uri", valueVal); AnnotationsAttribute attr = new AnnotationsAttribute(constPool, AnnotationsAttribute.visibleTag); attr.addAnnotation(consume); methodInfo.addAttribute(attr); }
@Consume(uri = "direct:start") @RoutingSlip(delimiter = ",") public List<String> routeMe(String body, @Headers Map<String, Object> headers) { ArrayList<String> results = new ArrayList<String>(); Object slip = headers.get("myRoutingSlipHeader"); if (slip != null) { String[] uris = slip.toString().split(","); Collections.addAll(results, uris); } results.add("mock:oneMore"); return results; }
/** * Returns the next endpoint to route a message to or null to finish routing. * This implementation leverages Camel's * <a href="">Bean injection</a> * to pass parts of the Camel Exchange to the method for processing. This can * help the code be easier to maintain as it does not need the extra boilerplate * code for extracting the relative data from the Exchange. * <p></p> * This implementation stores an int property with the message exchange that is * used to drive the routing behavior. This method will be called from multiple * threads, one per message, so storing message specific state as a property is * a good strategy. * * @param body the IN message converted to a String using Camel Bean injection * @param properties the properties map associated with the Camel Exchange * @return next endpoint uri(s) to route to or <tt>null</tt> to finish routing */ @Consume(uri = "direct:start") @DynamicRouter(delimiter = ",") public String routeMe(String body, @ExchangeProperties Map<String, Object> properties) {"Exchange.SLIP_ENDPOINT = {}, invoked = {}", properties.get(Exchange.SLIP_ENDPOINT), properties.get(PROPERTY_NAME_INVOKED)); // Store a property with the message exchange that will drive the routing // decisions of this Dynamic Router implementation. int invoked = 0; Object current = properties.get(PROPERTY_NAME_INVOKED); // property will be null on first call if (current != null) { invoked = Integer.valueOf(current.toString()); } invoked++; properties.put(PROPERTY_NAME_INVOKED, invoked); if (invoked == 1) { return "mock:a"; } else if (invoked == 2) { return "mock:b,mock:c"; } else if (invoked == 3) { return "direct:other"; } else if (invoked == 4) { return "mock:result"; } // no more, so return null return null; }
@Consume(uri = "jms:queue:send") public void send(@Body byte[] vo, @Header("concentratorId") String id) { Channel session = concentratorOnLine.getIoSession(id); if(session == null){ System.out.println("集中器会话中断,无法发送"); return; } session.write(vo); }
@Consume(uri = "jms:queue:com.ymsino.esb.domain?concurrentConsumers=1&maxConcurrentConsumers=30") public Serializable doManagerExecute(@Body Object vo, @Header("method") String method, @Header("beanName") String beanName) throws IllegalArgumentException, IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException { if(!beanName.endsWith("Manager")) return null; Object invokeBean = applicationContext.getBean(beanName); Method[] allMethods = invokeBean.getClass().getMethods(); for(Method itemMethod : allMethods){ if(itemMethod.getName().equals(method)){ Serializable resultObj = (Serializable) itemMethod.invoke(invokeBean, vo); return resultObj; } } return null; }
@Consume(uri = "file:src/data?noop=true") public void onFileSendToQueue(String body, @Header("CamelFileName") String name) {"Incoming file: {}", name); producer.sendBody(body); }
@Consume(uri = "seda:foo") public void consumeSomething(String body) { assertEquals("Hello World", body); template.sendBody("mock:result", body); }
@Consume(uri = "seda:foo") public void consumeSomething(String body, Exchange exchange) { exchange.addOnCompletion(mySynchronization); assertEquals("Hello World", body); template.sendBody("mock:result", body); }
@Consume(uri = "seda:foo") private void consumeSomethingPrivate(String body) { assertEquals("Hello World", body); template.sendBody("mock:result", body); }
@Consume public void onFoo(String input) { bar.sendBody(input); }
@Consume(property = "foo") public void consumeSomething(String body) { assertEquals("Hello World", body); template.sendBody("mock:result", body); }
@Consume() public void foo(String body) { assertEquals("Hello World", body); template.sendBody("mock:result", body); }
@Consume() public void onFoo(String body) { assertEquals("Hello World", body); template.sendBody("mock:result", body); }
@Consume() public void bar(String body) { assertEquals("Hello World", body); template.sendBody("mock:result", body); }
@Consume() public void onBar(String body) { assertEquals("Hello World", body); template.sendBody("mock:result", body); }
public void afterInjection(I injectee, Consume consume, Method method) throws InvocationTargetException, IllegalAccessException { consumerInjection(method, injectee, null); }
@Consume(uri = "direct:start") public void myHandler(String body) { this.body = body; }
@Consume(uri = "direct:myService") public String sayHello(String name) { LOG.debug("Invoked sayHello with: " + name); return "Hello " + name; }
@RecipientList @Consume(uri = "direct:inbound") public List<String> route() { return Arrays.asList("mock:outbound1", "mock:outbound2"); }
@Consume(uri = "seda:inbound") public void consume(@Body String body) { producer.sendBody(body); }
@Consume(ref = "foo") public void doSomething(String body) { destination.sendBody("foo" + body); }
@Consume(ref = "foo") public void doSomething(String body) { destination.sendBody("another" + body); }
@Consume(uri = "direct:start") public String onEcho(String name) { return (String) service.requestBody(name); }
@Consume(uri = "direct:start") public String onEcho(String name) { return service.echo(name); }
@Consume(uri = "direct:myService") @Override public Double sqrt(Double number) { log(number); return Math.sqrt(number); }