Java 类org.apache.catalina.util.MD5Encoder 实例源码

项目:class-guard    文件   
 * Generate a unique token. The token is generated according to the
 * following pattern. NOnceToken = Base64 ( MD5 ( client-IP ":"
 * time-stamp ":" private-key ) ).
 * @param request HTTP Servlet request
protected String generateNonce(Request request) {

    long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis();

    synchronized (lastTimestampLock) {
        if (currentTime > lastTimestamp) {
            lastTimestamp = currentTime;
        } else {
            currentTime = ++lastTimestamp;

    String ipTimeKey =
        request.getRemoteAddr() + ":" + currentTime + ":" + getKey();

    byte[] buffer = ConcurrentMessageDigest.digestMD5(
    String nonce = currentTime + ":" + MD5Encoder.encode(buffer);

    NonceInfo info = new NonceInfo(currentTime, getNonceCountWindowSize());
    synchronized (nonces) {
        nonces.put(nonce, info);

    return nonce;
项目:class-guard    文件   
public Principal authenticate(Realm realm) {
    // Second MD5 digest used to calculate the digest :
    // MD5(Method + ":" + uri)
    String a2 = method + ":" + uri;

    byte[] buffer = ConcurrentMessageDigest.digestMD5(
    String md5a2 = MD5Encoder.encode(buffer);

    return realm.authenticate(userName, response, nonce, nc, cnonce,
            qop, realmName, md5a2);
项目:class-guard    文件   
 * Return the digest associated with given principal's user name.
protected String getDigest(String username, String realmName) {
    if (md5Helper == null) {
        try {
            md5Helper = MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5");
        } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {
            log.error("Couldn't get MD5 digest: ", e);
            throw new IllegalStateException(e.getMessage());

    if (hasMessageDigest()) {
        // Use pre-generated digest
        return getPassword(username);

    String digestValue = username + ":" + realmName + ":"
        + getPassword(username);

    byte[] valueBytes = null;
    try {
        valueBytes = digestValue.getBytes(getDigestCharset());
    } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException uee) {
        log.error("Illegal digestEncoding: " + getDigestEncoding(), uee);
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(uee.getMessage());

    byte[] digest = null;
    // Bugzilla 32137
    synchronized(md5Helper) {
        digest = md5Helper.digest(valueBytes);

    return MD5Encoder.encode(digest);
项目:class-guard    文件   
private String buildDigestResponse(String nonce) {

            String ncString = String.format("%1$08x",
            String cnonce = "cnonce";

            String response = MD5A1 + ":" + nonce + ":" + ncString + ":" +
                    cnonce + ":" + QOP + ":" + MD5A2;

            String md5response = MD5Encoder.encode(
                    ConcurrentMessageDigest.digest("MD5", response.getBytes()));

            StringBuilder auth = new StringBuilder();
            auth.append("Digest username=\"");
            auth.append("\", realm=\"");
            auth.append("\", nonce=\"");
            auth.append("\", uri=\"");
            auth.append(CONTEXT_PATH + URI);
            auth.append("\", opaque=\"");
            auth.append("\", response=\"");
            auth.append(", qop=");
            auth.append(", nc=");
            auth.append(", cnonce=\"");

            return auth.toString();
项目:WBSAirback    文件   
public TesterRunnable(int id, int requestCount) throws Exception {
    this.requestCount = requestCount;

    path = "http://localhost:" + getPort() + CONTEXT_PATH + URI;

    // Make the first request as we need the Digest challenge to obtain
    // the server nonce
    Map<String,List<String>> respHeaders =
            new HashMap<String,List<String>>();
    getUrl(path, new ByteChunk(), respHeaders);

    nonce = TestDigestAuthenticator.getNonce(respHeaders);
    opaque = TestDigestAuthenticator.getOpaque(respHeaders);

    cnonce = "cnonce" + id;

    reqHeaders = new  HashMap<String,List<String>>();
    authHeader = new ArrayList<String>();
    reqHeaders.put(CLIENT_AUTH_HEADER, authHeader);

    digester = MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5");
    encoder = new MD5Encoder();

    String a1 = USER + ":" + REALM + ":" + PWD;
    String a2 = "GET:" + CONTEXT_PATH + URI;

    md5a1 = encoder.encode(digester.digest(a1.getBytes()));
    md5a2 = encoder.encode(digester.digest(a2.getBytes()));
项目:WBSAirback    文件   
private static String digest(String input) throws NoSuchAlgorithmException {
    // This is slow but should be OK as this is only a test
    MessageDigest md5 = MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5");
    MD5Encoder encoder = new MD5Encoder();

    return encoder.encode(md5.digest());
项目:class-guard    文件   
 * Return the Principal associated with the specified username, which
 * matches the digest calculated using the given parameters using the
 * method described in RFC 2069; otherwise return <code>null</code>.
 * @param username Username of the Principal to look up
 * @param clientDigest Digest which has been submitted by the client
 * @param nonce Unique (or supposedly unique) token which has been used
 * for this request
 * @param realm Realm name
 * @param md5a2 Second MD5 digest used to calculate the digest :
 * MD5(Method + ":" + uri)
public Principal authenticate(String username, String clientDigest,
                              String nonce, String nc, String cnonce,
                              String qop, String realm,
                              String md5a2) {

    // In digest auth, digests are always lower case
    String md5a1 = getDigest(username, realm);
    if (md5a1 == null)
        return null;
    md5a1 = md5a1.toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH);
    String serverDigestValue;
    if (qop == null) {
        serverDigestValue = md5a1 + ":" + nonce + ":" + md5a2;
    } else {
        serverDigestValue = md5a1 + ":" + nonce + ":" + nc + ":" +
                cnonce + ":" + qop + ":" + md5a2;

    byte[] valueBytes = null;
    try {
        valueBytes = serverDigestValue.getBytes(getDigestCharset());
    } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException uee) {
        log.error("Illegal digestEncoding: " + getDigestEncoding(), uee);
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(uee.getMessage());

    String serverDigest = null;
    // Bugzilla 32137
    synchronized(md5Helper) {
        serverDigest = MD5Encoder.encode(md5Helper.digest(valueBytes));

    if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
        log.debug("Digest : " + clientDigest + " Username:" + username 
                + " ClientSigest:" + clientDigest + " nonce:" + nonce 
                + " nc:" + nc + " cnonce:" + cnonce + " qop:" + qop 
                + " realm:" + realm + "md5a2:" + md5a2 
                + " Server digest:" + serverDigest);

    if (serverDigest.equals(clientDigest)) {
        return getPrincipal(username);

    return null;
项目:class-guard    文件   
private static String digest(String input) {
    return MD5Encoder.encode(
项目:class-guard    文件   
private static String digest(String input) {
    return MD5Encoder.encode(