Java 类org.apache.commons.collections4.Closure 实例源码

项目:HCFCore    文件   
 * Create a new Closure that calls each closure in turn, passing the
 * result into the next closure. The ordering is that of the iterator()
 * method on the collection.
 * @param <E> the type that the closure acts on
 * @param closures  a collection of closures to chain
 * @return the <code>chained</code> closure
 * @throws NullPointerException if the closures collection is null
 * @throws NullPointerException if any closure in the collection is null
public static <E> Closure<E> chainedClosure(final Collection<? extends Closure<? super E>> closures) {
    if (closures == null) {
        throw new NullPointerException("Closure collection must not be null");
    if (closures.size() == 0) {
        return NOPClosure.<E>nopClosure();
    // convert to array like this to guarantee iterator() ordering
    final Closure<? super E>[] cmds = new Closure[closures.size()];
    int i = 0;
    for (final Closure<? super E> closure : closures) {
        cmds[i++] = closure;
    return new ChainedClosure<E>(false, cmds);
项目:HCFCore    文件   
 * Create a new Closure that calls one of the closures depending
 * on the predicates.
 * <p>
 * The Map consists of Predicate keys and Closure values. A closure
 * is called if its matching predicate returns true. Each predicate is evaluated
 * until one returns true. If no predicates evaluate to true, the default
 * closure is called. The default closure is set in the map with a
 * null key. The ordering is that of the iterator() method on the entryset
 * collection of the map.
 * @param <E> the type that the closure acts on
 * @param predicatesAndClosures  a map of predicates to closures
 * @return the <code>switch</code> closure
 * @throws NullPointerException if the map is null
 * @throws NullPointerException if any closure in the map is null
 * @throws ClassCastException  if the map elements are of the wrong type
public static <E> Closure<E> switchClosure(final Map<Predicate<E>, Closure<E>> predicatesAndClosures) {
    if (predicatesAndClosures == null) {
        throw new NullPointerException("The predicate and closure map must not be null");
    // convert to array like this to guarantee iterator() ordering
    final Closure<? super E> defaultClosure = predicatesAndClosures.remove(null);
    final int size = predicatesAndClosures.size();
    if (size == 0) {
        return (Closure<E>) (defaultClosure == null ? NOPClosure.<E>nopClosure() : defaultClosure);
    final Closure<E>[] closures = new Closure[size];
    final Predicate<E>[] preds = new Predicate[size];
    int i = 0;
    for (final Map.Entry<Predicate<E>, Closure<E>> entry : predicatesAndClosures.entrySet()) {
        preds[i] = entry.getKey();
        closures[i] = entry.getValue();
    return new SwitchClosure<E>(false, preds, closures, defaultClosure);
项目:HCFCore    文件   
 * Create a new Closure that calls each closure in turn, passing the
 * result into the next closure. The ordering is that of the iterator()
 * method on the collection.
 * @param <E> the type that the closure acts on
 * @param closures  a collection of closures to chain
 * @return the <code>chained</code> closure
 * @throws NullPointerException if the closures collection is null
 * @throws NullPointerException if any closure in the collection is null
public static <E> Closure<E> chainedClosure(final Collection<? extends Closure<? super E>> closures) {
    if (closures == null) {
        throw new NullPointerException("Closure collection must not be null");
    if (closures.size() == 0) {
        return NOPClosure.<E>nopClosure();
    // convert to array like this to guarantee iterator() ordering
    final Closure<? super E>[] cmds = new Closure[closures.size()];
    int i = 0;
    for (final Closure<? super E> closure : closures) {
        cmds[i++] = closure;
    return new ChainedClosure<E>(false, cmds);
项目:HCFCore    文件   
 * Create a new Closure that calls one of the closures depending
 * on the predicates.
 * <p>
 * The Map consists of Predicate keys and Closure values. A closure
 * is called if its matching predicate returns true. Each predicate is evaluated
 * until one returns true. If no predicates evaluate to true, the default
 * closure is called. The default closure is set in the map with a
 * null key. The ordering is that of the iterator() method on the entryset
 * collection of the map.
 * @param <E> the type that the closure acts on
 * @param predicatesAndClosures  a map of predicates to closures
 * @return the <code>switch</code> closure
 * @throws NullPointerException if the map is null
 * @throws NullPointerException if any closure in the map is null
 * @throws ClassCastException  if the map elements are of the wrong type
public static <E> Closure<E> switchClosure(final Map<Predicate<E>, Closure<E>> predicatesAndClosures) {
    if (predicatesAndClosures == null) {
        throw new NullPointerException("The predicate and closure map must not be null");
    // convert to array like this to guarantee iterator() ordering
    final Closure<? super E> defaultClosure = predicatesAndClosures.remove(null);
    final int size = predicatesAndClosures.size();
    if (size == 0) {
        return (Closure<E>) (defaultClosure == null ? NOPClosure.<E>nopClosure() : defaultClosure);
    final Closure<E>[] closures = new Closure[size];
    final Predicate<E>[] preds = new Predicate[size];
    int i = 0;
    for (final Map.Entry<Predicate<E>, Closure<E>> entry : predicatesAndClosures.entrySet()) {
        preds[i] = entry.getKey();
        closures[i] = entry.getValue();
    return new SwitchClosure<E>(false, preds, closures, defaultClosure);
项目:ruta-ontologies    文件   
 * A tag processor template method which takes as input a closure that is
 * responsible for extracting the information from the tag and saving it to
 * the database. The contents of the closure is called inside the
 * START_DOCUMENT case of the template code.
 * @param parser
 *            a reference to our StAX XMLStreamReader.
 * @param tagProcessor
 *            a reference to the Closure to process the tag.
 * @throws Exception
 *             if one is thrown.
private void processTag(XMLStreamReader parser,
        Closure<XMLStreamReader> tagProcessor) throws Exception {
    int depth = 0;
    int event = parser.getEventType();
    String startTag = formatTag(parser.getName());
    FOR_LOOP: for (;;) {
        switch (event) {
        case XMLStreamConstants.START_ELEMENT:
            String tagName = formatTag(parser.getName());
        case XMLStreamConstants.END_ELEMENT:
            tagName = formatTag(parser.getName());
            if (tagName.equals(startTag) && depth == 0) {
                break FOR_LOOP;
        event =;
项目:HCFCore    文件   
 * Factory method that performs validation.
 * @param <E> the type that the closure acts on
 * @param predicate  predicate to switch on
 * @param trueClosure  closure used if true
 * @param falseClosure  closure used if false
 * @return the <code>if</code> closure
 * @throws NullPointerException if any argument is null
public static <E> Closure<E> ifClosure(final Predicate<? super E> predicate,
                                       final Closure<? super E> trueClosure,
                                       final Closure<? super E> falseClosure) {
    if (predicate == null) {
        throw new NullPointerException("Predicate must not be null");
    if (trueClosure == null || falseClosure == null) {
        throw new NullPointerException("Closures must not be null");
    return new IfClosure<E>(predicate, trueClosure, falseClosure);
项目:HCFCore    文件   
 * Clone the closures to ensure that the internal reference can't be messed with.
 * @param closures  the closures to copy
 * @return the cloned closures
static <E> Closure<E>[] copy(final Closure<? super E>... closures) {
    if (closures == null) {
        return null;
    return (Closure<E>[]) closures.clone();
项目:HCFCore    文件   
 * Validate the closures to ensure that all is well.
 * @param closures  the closures to validate
static void validate(final Closure<?>... closures) {
    if (closures == null) {
        throw new NullPointerException("The closure array must not be null");
    for (int i = 0; i < closures.length; i++) {
        if (closures[i] == null) {
            throw new NullPointerException(
                    "The closure array must not contain a null closure, index " + i + " was null");
项目:HCFCore    文件   
 * Factory method that performs validation.
 * @param <E> the type that the closure acts on
 * @param predicate  the predicate used to evaluate when the loop terminates, not null
 * @param closure  the closure the execute, not null
 * @param doLoop  true to act as a do-while loop, always executing the closure once
 * @return the <code>while</code> closure
 * @throws NullPointerException if the predicate or closure is null
public static <E> Closure<E> whileClosure(final Predicate<? super E> predicate,
                                          final Closure<? super E> closure, final boolean doLoop) {
    if (predicate == null) {
        throw new NullPointerException("Predicate must not be null");
    if (closure == null) {
        throw new NullPointerException("Closure must not be null");
    return new WhileClosure<E>(predicate, closure, doLoop);
项目:HCFCore    文件   
 * Factory method that performs validation and copies the parameter arrays.
 * @param <E> the type that the closure acts on
 * @param predicates  array of predicates, cloned, no nulls
 * @param closures  matching array of closures, cloned, no nulls
 * @param defaultClosure  the closure to use if no match, null means nop
 * @return the <code>chained</code> closure
 * @throws NullPointerException if array is null
 * @throws NullPointerException if any element in the array is null
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the array lengths of predicates and closures do not match
public static <E> Closure<E> switchClosure(final Predicate<? super E>[] predicates,
                                           final Closure<? super E>[] closures,
                                           final Closure<? super E> defaultClosure) {
    if (predicates.length != closures.length) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("The predicate and closure arrays must be the same size");
    if (predicates.length == 0) {
        return (Closure<E>) (defaultClosure == null ? NOPClosure.<E>nopClosure(): defaultClosure);
    return new SwitchClosure<E>(predicates, closures, defaultClosure);
项目:HCFCore    文件   
 * Hidden constructor for the use by the static factory methods.
 * @param clone  if {@code true} the input arguments will be cloned
 * @param predicates  array of predicates, no nulls
 * @param closures  matching array of closures, no nulls
 * @param defaultClosure  the closure to use if no match, null means nop
private SwitchClosure(final boolean clone, final Predicate<? super E>[] predicates,
                      final Closure<? super E>[] closures, final Closure<? super E> defaultClosure) {
    iPredicates = clone ? FunctorUtils.copy(predicates) : predicates;
    iClosures = clone ? FunctorUtils.copy(closures) : closures;
    iDefault = (Closure<? super E>) (defaultClosure == null ? NOPClosure.<E>nopClosure() : defaultClosure);
项目:HCFCore    文件   
 * Factory method that performs validation.
 * @param <E> the type that the closure acts on
 * @param predicate  predicate to switch on
 * @param trueClosure  closure used if true
 * @param falseClosure  closure used if false
 * @return the <code>if</code> closure
 * @throws NullPointerException if any argument is null
public static <E> Closure<E> ifClosure(final Predicate<? super E> predicate,
                                       final Closure<? super E> trueClosure,
                                       final Closure<? super E> falseClosure) {
    if (predicate == null) {
        throw new NullPointerException("Predicate must not be null");
    if (trueClosure == null || falseClosure == null) {
        throw new NullPointerException("Closures must not be null");
    return new IfClosure<E>(predicate, trueClosure, falseClosure);
项目:HCFCore    文件   
 * Clone the closures to ensure that the internal reference can't be messed with.
 * @param closures  the closures to copy
 * @return the cloned closures
static <E> Closure<E>[] copy(final Closure<? super E>... closures) {
    if (closures == null) {
        return null;
    return (Closure<E>[]) closures.clone();
项目:HCFCore    文件   
 * Validate the closures to ensure that all is well.
 * @param closures  the closures to validate
static void validate(final Closure<?>... closures) {
    if (closures == null) {
        throw new NullPointerException("The closure array must not be null");
    for (int i = 0; i < closures.length; i++) {
        if (closures[i] == null) {
            throw new NullPointerException(
                    "The closure array must not contain a null closure, index " + i + " was null");
项目:HCFCore    文件   
 * Factory method that performs validation.
 * @param <E> the type that the closure acts on
 * @param predicate  the predicate used to evaluate when the loop terminates, not null
 * @param closure  the closure the execute, not null
 * @param doLoop  true to act as a do-while loop, always executing the closure once
 * @return the <code>while</code> closure
 * @throws NullPointerException if the predicate or closure is null
public static <E> Closure<E> whileClosure(final Predicate<? super E> predicate,
                                          final Closure<? super E> closure, final boolean doLoop) {
    if (predicate == null) {
        throw new NullPointerException("Predicate must not be null");
    if (closure == null) {
        throw new NullPointerException("Closure must not be null");
    return new WhileClosure<E>(predicate, closure, doLoop);
项目:HCFCore    文件   
 * Factory method that performs validation and copies the parameter arrays.
 * @param <E> the type that the closure acts on
 * @param predicates  array of predicates, cloned, no nulls
 * @param closures  matching array of closures, cloned, no nulls
 * @param defaultClosure  the closure to use if no match, null means nop
 * @return the <code>chained</code> closure
 * @throws NullPointerException if array is null
 * @throws NullPointerException if any element in the array is null
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the array lengths of predicates and closures do not match
public static <E> Closure<E> switchClosure(final Predicate<? super E>[] predicates,
                                           final Closure<? super E>[] closures,
                                           final Closure<? super E> defaultClosure) {
    if (predicates.length != closures.length) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("The predicate and closure arrays must be the same size");
    if (predicates.length == 0) {
        return (Closure<E>) (defaultClosure == null ? NOPClosure.<E>nopClosure(): defaultClosure);
    return new SwitchClosure<E>(predicates, closures, defaultClosure);
项目:HCFCore    文件   
 * Hidden constructor for the use by the static factory methods.
 * @param clone  if {@code true} the input arguments will be cloned
 * @param predicates  array of predicates, no nulls
 * @param closures  matching array of closures, no nulls
 * @param defaultClosure  the closure to use if no match, null means nop
private SwitchClosure(final boolean clone, final Predicate<? super E>[] predicates,
                      final Closure<? super E>[] closures, final Closure<? super E> defaultClosure) {
    iPredicates = clone ? FunctorUtils.copy(predicates) : predicates;
    iClosures = clone ? FunctorUtils.copy(closures) : closures;
    iDefault = (Closure<? super E>) (defaultClosure == null ? NOPClosure.<E>nopClosure() : defaultClosure);
项目:learningJava    文件   
public void test() {
    List<A> aList = new ArrayList<A>();
    A a = new A(1);
    aList.add(new A(2));
    CollectionUtils.forAllDo(aList, new Closure<A>() {
        public void execute(A input) {

项目:sosiefier    文件   
private static <T>Closure<T> generateIOExceptionClosure() {
    return new CatchAndRethrowClosure<T>() {
        protected void executeAndThrow(final T input) throws IOException {
            throw new IOException();
项目:sosiefier    文件   
private static <T>Closure<T> generateNullPointerExceptionClosure() {
    return new CatchAndRethrowClosure<T>() {
        protected void executeAndThrow(final T input) {
            throw new NullPointerException();
项目:sosiefier    文件   
private static <T>Closure<T> generateNoExceptionClosure() {
    return new CatchAndRethrowClosure<T>() {
        protected void executeAndThrow(final T input) {
项目:sosiefier    文件   
public void closureSanityTests() throws Exception {
    fr.inria.diversify.testamplification.logger.Logger.writeTestStart(Thread.currentThread(),this, "closureSanityTests");
    final Closure<?> closure = generateClosure();
项目:jlubricant    文件   
private static Map<Integer, String> inspectTypes() {
    Collection<Field> fields = java.sql.Types.class.getFields() ), (Predicate<? super Field>) new Predicate<Field>() {
        public boolean evaluate(Field f) {

                    return Modifier.isStatic(f.getModifiers())
                            && f.getType().getName().equals("int");

    final HashMap<Integer, String> intToName = new HashMap<Integer, String>( 0 );

    CollectionUtils.forAllDo(fields, (Closure<? super Field>) new Closure<Field>() {

        public void execute(Field arg0) {
            try {
                String name = arg0.getName();
                Integer val;
                val = (Integer)( arg0.get(java.sql.Types.class) );
                intToName.put(val, name );
            } catch (IllegalArgumentException | IllegalAccessException e) {
                // ok, we cannot access it
    return intToName;
项目:HCFCore    文件   
 * Execute a list of closures.
 * @param input  the input object passed to each closure
public void execute(final E input) {
    for (final Closure<? super E> iClosure : iClosures) {
项目:HCFCore    文件   
 * Execute a list of closures.
 * @param input  the input object passed to each closure
public void execute(final E input) {
    for (final Closure<? super E> iClosure : iClosures) {
项目:sosiefier    文件   
protected <T>Closure<T> generateClosure() {
    return CatchAndRethrowClosureTest.generateNoExceptionClosure();
项目:HCFCore    文件   
 * Factory method that performs validation.
 * <p>
 * A null closure or zero count returns the <code>NOPClosure</code>.
 * A count of one returns the specified closure.
 * @param <E> the type that the closure acts on
 * @param count  the number of times to execute the closure
 * @param closure  the closure to execute, not null
 * @return the <code>for</code> closure
public static <E> Closure<E> forClosure(final int count, final Closure<? super E> closure) {
    if (count <= 0 || closure == null) {
        return NOPClosure.<E>nopClosure();
    if (count == 1) {
        return (Closure<E>) closure;
    return new ForClosure<E>(count, closure);
项目:HCFCore    文件   
 * Constructor that performs no validation.
 * Use <code>ifClosure</code> if you want that.
 * @param predicate  predicate to switch on, not null
 * @param trueClosure  closure used if true, not null
 * @param falseClosure  closure used if false, not null
public IfClosure(final Predicate<? super E> predicate, final Closure<? super E> trueClosure,
                 final Closure<? super E> falseClosure) {
    iPredicate = predicate;
    iTrueClosure = trueClosure;
    iFalseClosure = falseClosure;
项目:HCFCore    文件   
 * Factory method that performs validation.
 * <p>
 * A null transformer will return the <code>NOPClosure</code>.
 * @param <E> the type that the closure acts on
 * @param transformer  the transformer to call, null means nop
 * @return the <code>transformer</code> closure
public static <E> Closure<E> transformerClosure(final Transformer<? super E, ?> transformer) {
    if (transformer == null) {
        return NOPClosure.<E>nopClosure();
    return new TransformerClosure<E>(transformer);
项目:HCFCore    文件   
 * Factory method that performs validation and copies the parameter array.
 * @param <E> the type that the closure acts on
 * @param closures  the closures to chain, copied, no nulls
 * @return the <code>chained</code> closure
 * @throws NullPointerException if the closures array is null
 * @throws NullPointerException if any closure in the array is null
public static <E> Closure<E> chainedClosure(final Closure<? super E>... closures) {
    if (closures.length == 0) {
        return NOPClosure.<E>nopClosure();
    return new ChainedClosure<E>(closures);
项目:HCFCore    文件   
 * Constructor that performs no validation.
 * Use <code>whileClosure</code> if you want that.
 * @param predicate  the predicate used to evaluate when the loop terminates, not null
 * @param closure  the closure the execute, not null
 * @param doLoop  true to act as a do-while loop, always executing the closure once
public WhileClosure(final Predicate<? super E> predicate, final Closure<? super E> closure, final boolean doLoop) {
    iPredicate = predicate;
    iClosure = closure;
    iDoLoop = doLoop;
项目:HCFCore    文件   
 * Factory method that performs validation.
 * @param <T>  the type of the object to transform
 * @param closure  the closure to call, not null
 * @return the <code>closure</code> transformer
 * @throws NullPointerException if the closure is null
public static <T> Transformer<T, T> closureTransformer(final Closure<? super T> closure) {
    if (closure == null) {
        throw new NullPointerException("Closure must not be null");
    return new ClosureTransformer<T>(closure);
项目:HCFCore    文件   
 * Factory method that performs validation.
 * <p>
 * A null closure or zero count returns the <code>NOPClosure</code>.
 * A count of one returns the specified closure.
 * @param <E> the type that the closure acts on
 * @param count  the number of times to execute the closure
 * @param closure  the closure to execute, not null
 * @return the <code>for</code> closure
public static <E> Closure<E> forClosure(final int count, final Closure<? super E> closure) {
    if (count <= 0 || closure == null) {
        return NOPClosure.<E>nopClosure();
    if (count == 1) {
        return (Closure<E>) closure;
    return new ForClosure<E>(count, closure);
项目:HCFCore    文件   
 * Constructor that performs no validation.
 * Use <code>ifClosure</code> if you want that.
 * @param predicate  predicate to switch on, not null
 * @param trueClosure  closure used if true, not null
 * @param falseClosure  closure used if false, not null
public IfClosure(final Predicate<? super E> predicate, final Closure<? super E> trueClosure,
                 final Closure<? super E> falseClosure) {
    iPredicate = predicate;
    iTrueClosure = trueClosure;
    iFalseClosure = falseClosure;
项目:HCFCore    文件   
 * Factory method that performs validation.
 * <p>
 * A null transformer will return the <code>NOPClosure</code>.
 * @param <E> the type that the closure acts on
 * @param transformer  the transformer to call, null means nop
 * @return the <code>transformer</code> closure
public static <E> Closure<E> transformerClosure(final Transformer<? super E, ?> transformer) {
    if (transformer == null) {
        return NOPClosure.<E>nopClosure();
    return new TransformerClosure<E>(transformer);
项目:HCFCore    文件   
 * Factory method that performs validation and copies the parameter array.
 * @param <E> the type that the closure acts on
 * @param closures  the closures to chain, copied, no nulls
 * @return the <code>chained</code> closure
 * @throws NullPointerException if the closures array is null
 * @throws NullPointerException if any closure in the array is null
public static <E> Closure<E> chainedClosure(final Closure<? super E>... closures) {
    if (closures.length == 0) {
        return NOPClosure.<E>nopClosure();
    return new ChainedClosure<E>(closures);
项目:HCFCore    文件   
 * Constructor that performs no validation.
 * Use <code>whileClosure</code> if you want that.
 * @param predicate  the predicate used to evaluate when the loop terminates, not null
 * @param closure  the closure the execute, not null
 * @param doLoop  true to act as a do-while loop, always executing the closure once
public WhileClosure(final Predicate<? super E> predicate, final Closure<? super E> closure, final boolean doLoop) {
    iPredicate = predicate;
    iClosure = closure;
    iDoLoop = doLoop;
项目:HCFCore    文件   
 * Factory method that performs validation.
 * @param <T>  the type of the object to transform
 * @param closure  the closure to call, not null
 * @return the <code>closure</code> transformer
 * @throws NullPointerException if the closure is null
public static <T> Transformer<T, T> closureTransformer(final Closure<? super T> closure) {
    if (closure == null) {
        throw new NullPointerException("Closure must not be null");
    return new ClosureTransformer<T>(closure);
项目:HCFCore    文件   
 * Factory returning the singleton instance.
 * @param <E> the type that the closure acts on
 * @return the singleton instance
 * @since 3.1
public static <E> Closure<E> nopClosure() {
    return (Closure<E>) INSTANCE;
项目:HCFCore    文件   
 * Factory returning the singleton instance.
 * @param <E> the type that the closure acts on
 * @return the singleton instance
 * @since 3.1
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked")  // the static instance works for all types
public static <E> Closure<E> exceptionClosure() {
    return (Closure<E>) INSTANCE;