public static HttpURL createHttpURL(HttpURL base, String relative) throws URIException { if (base instanceof HttpsURL) { return new HttpsURL((HttpsURL)base, relative); } else { return new HttpURL(base, relative); } }
public static HttpURL createHttpURL(String url) throws URIException { if (url.startsWith("https://")) { return new HttpsURL(url); } else { return new HttpURL(url); } }
/** * Get the HttpURL except for userinfo. * * @return httpURL the http URL. */ public HttpURL getHttpURLExceptForUserInfo() throws URIException { return httpURL instanceof HttpsURL ? new HttpsURL(httpURL.getRawURI()) : new HttpURL(httpURL.getRawURI()); }
private static String getBaseUri(HttpServletRequest req, boolean alwaysSpecifyPort) { URI requestUri = getRequestUri(req); int port = requestUri.getPort(); String scheme = requestUri.getScheme(); if ((port == -1) && alwaysSpecifyPort) { if (scheme.equalsIgnoreCase(new String(HttpURL.DEFAULT_SCHEME))) { port = HttpURL.DEFAULT_PORT; } else if (scheme.equalsIgnoreCase(new String(HttpsURL.DEFAULT_SCHEME))) { port = HttpsURL.DEFAULT_PORT; } } String portString = port == -1 ? "" : ":" + port; return scheme + "://" + requestUri.getHost() + portString; }
private static HttpURL uriToHttpURL(String uri) throws URIException { return uri.startsWith("https") ? new HttpsURL(uri) : new HttpURL(uri); }
/** * @param url file path * @param user user name * @param pass password */ public WebdavFile(URL url, String user, String pass) throws URIException { this(url.getProtocol().equals("https") ? new HttpsURL(user, pass, url.getHost(), url.getPort(), url.getPath()) : new HttpURL(user, pass, url.getHost(), url.getPort(), url.getPath())); }
/** * Set the HttpURL for this WebdavResource. * It must be put an escaped path part of the http URL as an argument. * * @param httpURL The specified HttpURL. * @param additionalPath The added relative path. * @param action The action to decide, which properties to find. * @param depth The depth. * @exception HttpException * @exception IOException * @see #setHttpURL(java.lang.String) * @see #setUserInfo(java.lang.String, java.lang.String) * @see #setPath(java.lang.String) * @see #setDefaultAction(int) */ public void setHttpURL (HttpURL httpURL, String additionalPath, int action, int depth) throws HttpException, IOException { setHttpURL(httpURL instanceof HttpsURL ? new HttpsURL((HttpsURL) httpURL, additionalPath) : new HttpURL(httpURL, additionalPath), action, depth); }
/** * Set the HttpURL for this WebdavResource. * It must be put an escaped path part of the http URL as an argument. * * @param httpURL The specified HttpURL. * @param additionalPath The added relative path. * @param action The action to decide, which properties to find. * @exception HttpException * @exception IOException * @see #setHttpURL(java.lang.String) * @see #setUserInfo(java.lang.String, java.lang.String) * @see #setPath(java.lang.String) * @see #setDefaultAction(int) */ public void setHttpURL (HttpURL httpURL, String additionalPath, int action) throws HttpException, IOException { setHttpURL(httpURL instanceof HttpsURL ? new HttpsURL((HttpsURL) httpURL, additionalPath) : new HttpURL(httpURL, additionalPath), action, defaultDepth); }
/** * Set the HttpURL for this WebdavResource. * * @param httpURL The specified HttpURL. * @param additionalPath The added relative path. * @exception HttpException * @exception IOException * @see #setHttpURL(java.lang.String) * @see #setUserInfo(java.lang.String, java.lang.String) * @see #setPath(java.lang.String) */ public void setHttpURL(HttpURL httpURL, String additionalPath) throws HttpException, IOException { setHttpURL(httpURL instanceof HttpsURL ? new HttpsURL((HttpsURL) httpURL, additionalPath) : new HttpURL(httpURL, additionalPath), defaultAction, defaultDepth); }
/** * Set the HttpURL of this WebdavResource. * It must be put an escaped http URL as an argument. * * @param escapedHttpURL The escaped http URL string. * @exception HttpException * @exception IOException * @see #setHttpURL(HttpURL) * @see #setUserInfo(java.lang.String, java.lang.String) * @see #setPath(java.lang.String) */ public void setHttpURL(String escapedHttpURL) throws HttpException, IOException { setHttpURL(escapedHttpURL.startsWith("https") ? new HttpsURL(escapedHttpURL) : new HttpURL(escapedHttpURL)); }
/** * Creates a specification where the {@link WebDAVConnection} shall go to. * * @param url path string of the Slide (WebDAV) server * @param userName user name for login to the Slide (WebDAV) server * @param password password for login to the Slide (WebDAV) server * @param timeout timeout of the externally controlled transaction * @throws URIException if the given uri is not a valid one */ public WebDAVConnectionSpec(String url, String userName, String password, int timeout) throws URIException { this.httpURL = url.startsWith("https") ? new HttpsURL(url) : new HttpURL(url); this.httpURL.setUserinfo(userName, password); this.timeout = timeout; }