public ResultBundle<Map<String, Triple<SpiderInfo, JobKey, Trigger>>> listAllJobs() { Map<String, Triple<SpiderInfo, JobKey, Trigger>> result = new HashMap<>(); for(JobKey key:manager.listAll(QUARTZ_JOB_GROUP_NAME)) { Pair<JobDetail, Trigger> pair = manager.findInfo(key); SpiderInfo info = (SpiderInfo)pair.getLeft().getJobDataMap().get("spiderInfo"); result.put(info.getId(), Triple.of(info, key, pair.getRight())); } return builder.bundle(null, () -> result); }
private JSONArray getAnnotatedSnippetS3(String query, WikipediaInterface wikiApi) throws JSONException, IOException { JSONArray res = new JSONArray(); if (this.annotatedSnippetsAndBoldsS3.containsKey(query)) for (Triple<String, HashSet<Annotation>, HashSet<Mention>> p : this.annotatedSnippetsAndBoldsS3.get(query)) { JSONObject pairJs = new JSONObject(); res.put(pairJs); pairJs.put("snippet", p.getLeft()); JSONArray annotationsJs = new JSONArray(); pairJs.put("parts", annotationsJs); int lastIdx = 0; for (Annotation a : SmaphUtils.sorted(p.getMiddle())) { annotationsJs.put(getTextPartJson(p.getLeft(), lastIdx, a.getPosition(), p.getRight())); JSONObject annotationJs = getTextPartJson(p.getLeft(), a.getPosition(), a.getPosition() + a.getLength(), p.getRight()); annotationsJs.put(annotationJs); annotationJs.put("title", wikiApi.getTitlebyId(a.getConcept())); annotationJs.put("wid", a.getConcept()); annotationJs.put("url", widToUrl(a.getConcept(), wikiApi)); lastIdx = a.getPosition() + a.getLength(); } annotationsJs.put(getTextPartJson(p.getLeft(), lastIdx, p.getLeft().length(), p.getRight())); } return res; }
private JSONArray getEntityFeaturesJson( HashMap<String, List<Triple<Integer, HashMap<String, Double>, Boolean>>> source, String query, WikipediaInterface wikiApi) throws JSONException, IOException { JSONArray res = new JSONArray(); if (source.containsKey(query)) for (Triple<Integer, HashMap<String, Double>, Boolean> p : source .get(query)) { JSONObject pairJs = new JSONObject(); res.put(pairJs); pairJs.put("wid", p.getLeft()); pairJs.put("title", wikiApi.getTitlebyId(p.getLeft())); pairJs.put("url", widToUrl(p.getLeft(), wikiApi)); JSONObject features = new JSONObject(); pairJs.put("features", features); for (String ftrName : SmaphUtils.sorted(p.getMiddle().keySet())) features.put(ftrName, p.getMiddle().get(ftrName)); pairJs.put("accepted", p.getRight()); } return res; }
private JSONArray getSourceSearchResultJson( HashMap<String, List<Triple<Integer, String, Integer>>> source, String query, WikipediaInterface wikiApi) throws JSONException, IOException { JSONArray res = new JSONArray(); if (source.containsKey(query)) for (Triple<Integer, String, Integer> t : source.get(query)) { JSONObject triple = new JSONObject(); res.put(triple); triple.put("rank", t.getLeft()); triple.put("wid", t.getRight()); triple.put("title", t.getRight() >= 0 ? wikiApi.getTitlebyId(t.getRight()) : "---not a wikipedia page---"); triple.put("url", t.getMiddle()); } return res; }
public static Triple<Double, Double, Double> getMinMaxAvg(List<Double> values) { if (values.isEmpty()) return new ImmutableTriple<Double, Double, Double>(0.0, 0.0, 0.0); double minVal = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY; double maxVal = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; double avgVal = 0.0; for (double v : values) { minVal = Math.min(v, minVal); maxVal = Math.max(v, maxVal); avgVal += v / values.size(); } return new ImmutableTriple<Double, Double, Double>(minVal, maxVal, avgVal); }
private static Triple<Double, Double, Double> getBoldsEDCapitalizedWordcount(String query, int rank, List<Pair<String, Integer>> websearchBolds){ double minEdDist = 1.0; double capitalized = 0; double avgNumWords = 0; int boldsCount = 0; for (Pair<String, Integer> p : websearchBolds) if (p.second == rank) { boldsCount++; minEdDist = Math.min(minEdDist, SmaphUtils.getMinEditDist(query, p.first)); if (Character.isUpperCase(p.first.charAt(0))) capitalized++; avgNumWords += p.first.split("\\W+").length; } if (boldsCount != 0) avgNumWords /= boldsCount; return new ImmutableTriple<>(minEdDist, capitalized, avgNumWords); }
private List<Triple<Annotation, AnnotationFeaturePack, Boolean>> getAdvancedARToFtrsAndPresence( String query, QueryInformation qi, HashSet<Annotation> goldStandardAnn, MatchRelation<Annotation> annotationMatch) { List<Triple<Annotation, AnnotationFeaturePack, Boolean>> annAndFtrsAndPresence = new Vector<>(); for (Annotation a : IndividualLinkback.getAnnotations(query, qi.allCandidates(), anchorMaxED, e2a, wikiApi)) { boolean inGold = false; for (Annotation goldAnn : goldStandardAnn) if (annotationMatch.match(goldAnn, a)) { inGold = true; break; } //if (e2a.containsId(a.getConcept())) { AnnotationFeaturePack features = new AnnotationFeaturePack(a, query, qi, wikiApi, wikiToFreeb, e2a); annAndFtrsAndPresence.add(new ImmutableTriple<Annotation, AnnotationFeaturePack, Boolean>(a, features, inGold)); //} else // LOG.warn("No anchors found for id={}", a.getConcept()); } return annAndFtrsAndPresence; }
private List<Triple<HashSet<Annotation>, BindingFeaturePack, Double>> getLBBindingToFtrsAndF1(String query, QueryInformation qi, HashSet<Annotation> goldStandardAnn, MatchRelation<Annotation> match, Set<Tag> acceptedEntities, SmaphDebugger debugger) { Collection<Pair<HashSet<Annotation>, BindingFeaturePack>> bindingAndFeaturePacks = CollectiveLinkBack .getBindingFeaturePacks(query, acceptedEntities, qi, bg, wikiApi, wikiToFreeb, e2a, debugger); List<Triple<HashSet<Annotation>, BindingFeaturePack, Double>> res = new Vector<>(); for (Pair<HashSet<Annotation>, BindingFeaturePack> bindingAndFeaturePack : bindingAndFeaturePacks) { HashSet<Annotation> binding = bindingAndFeaturePack.first; BindingFeaturePack bindingFeatures = bindingAndFeaturePack.second; Metrics<Annotation> m = new Metrics<>(); float f1 = m.getSingleF1(goldStandardAnn, binding, match); res.add(new ImmutableTriple<HashSet<Annotation>, BindingFeaturePack, Double>( binding, bindingFeatures, (double) f1)); } return res; }
public Pair<HashSet<ScoredAnnotation>, Integer> getLBUpperBound2(String query, HashSet<Annotation> goldStandardAnn, BindingGenerator bg, SmaphDebugger debugger) throws Exception { QueryInformation qi = getQueryInformation(query, debugger); List<Triple<HashSet<Annotation>, BindingFeaturePack, Double>> bindingToFtrsAndF1 = getLBBindingToFtrsAndF1( query, qi, goldStandardAnn, new StrongAnnotationMatch( wikiApi), qi.allCandidates(), debugger); HashSet<Annotation> bestBinding = null; double bestF1 = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; for (Triple<HashSet<Annotation>, BindingFeaturePack, Double> bindingAndFtrsAndF1 : bindingToFtrsAndF1) { double f1 = bindingAndFtrsAndF1.getRight(); if (f1 > bestF1) { bestBinding = bindingAndFtrsAndF1.getLeft(); bestF1 = f1; } } HashSet<ScoredAnnotation> bestBindingScored = new HashSet<>(); for (Annotation a: bestBinding) bestBindingScored.add(new ScoredAnnotation(a.getPosition(), a.getLength(), a.getConcept(), 1.0f)); return new Pair<HashSet<ScoredAnnotation>, Integer>(bestBindingScored, bindingToFtrsAndF1.size()); }
public HashSet<ScoredAnnotation> getUpperBoundMentions(String query, HashSet<Annotation> goldStandardAnn, BindingGenerator bg, SmaphDebugger debugger) throws Exception { QueryInformation qi = getQueryInformation(query, debugger); List<Triple<HashSet<Annotation>, BindingFeaturePack, Double>> bindingToFtrsAndF1 = getLBBindingToFtrsAndF1( query, qi, goldStandardAnn, new StrongMentionAnnotationMatch(), qi.allCandidates(), debugger); HashSet<Annotation> bestBinding = null; double bestF1 = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; for (Triple<HashSet<Annotation>, BindingFeaturePack, Double> bindingAndFtrsAndF1 : bindingToFtrsAndF1) { double f1 = bindingAndFtrsAndF1.getRight(); if (f1 > bestF1) { bestBinding = bindingAndFtrsAndF1.getLeft(); bestF1 = f1; } } if (bestBinding == null) return null; HashSet<ScoredAnnotation> bestBindingScored= new HashSet<>(); for (Annotation a : bestBinding) bestBindingScored.add(new ScoredAnnotation(a.getPosition(), a.getLength(), a.getConcept(), 1.0f)); return bestBindingScored; }
private void onPendingTransactionUpdate(TransactionReceipt txReceipt, EthereumListener.PendingTransactionState state, Block block) { byte[] txHash = txReceipt.getTransaction().getHash(); Pair<Long, TransactionResultDTO> removed = remoteTxs.remove(txHash); if (state == EthereumListener.PendingTransactionState.DROPPED) { if (localTxs.remove(txHash) != null) { System.out.println("Dropped due to timeout (matchned: " + (removed != null) + "): " + Hex.toHexString(txHash)); } else { if (remoteTxs.containsKey(txHash)) { System.err.println("Dropped but matching: " + Hex.toHexString(txHash) + ": \n" + txReceipt); } } } else if (state == EthereumListener.PendingTransactionState.NEW_PENDING) { System.out.println("Local: " + Hex.toHexString(txHash)); if (removed == null) { localTxs.put(txHash, Triple.of(System.currentTimeMillis(), txReceipt, state)); } else { System.out.println("Tx matched: " + Hex.toHexString(txHash)); } } checkUnmatched(); }
@Test public void testBlockOnlyIncluded() throws InterruptedException { StandaloneBlockchain bc = new StandaloneBlockchain(); PendingListener l = new PendingListener(); bc.addEthereumListener(l); Triple<TransactionReceipt, EthereumListener.PendingTransactionState, Block> txUpd = null; PendingStateImpl pendingState = (PendingStateImpl) bc.getBlockchain().getPendingState(); ECKey alice = new ECKey(); ECKey bob = new ECKey(); bc.sendEther(bob.getAddress(), convert(100, ETHER)); Block b1 = bc.createBlock(); Transaction tx1 = bc.createTransaction(bob, 0, alice.getAddress(), BigInteger.valueOf(1000000), new byte[0]); bc.submitTransaction(tx1); Block b2 = bc.createBlock(); Block b2_ = bc.createForkBlock(b1); Assert.assertTrue(l.getQueueFor(tx1).isEmpty()); Block b3_ = bc.createForkBlock(b2_); txUpd = l.pollTxUpdate(tx1); Assert.assertEquals(txUpd.getMiddle(), EthereumListener.PendingTransactionState.PENDING); }
public List<Triple<Date,Long,Long>> getTxEth(String address) throws IOException { String s = "https://"+url+"/api" + "?module=account" + "&action=txlist" + "&address=" + address + "&tag=latest" + "&apikey="+apiKey; HttpHeaders headers = new HttpHeaders(); headers.set("User-Agent", options.getUserAgent()); ResponseEntity<String> res =, HttpMethod.GET, new HttpEntity<>(null, headers), String.class); ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper(); TxReturnValue retVal = objectMapper.readValue(res.getBody(), TxReturnValue.class); List<Triple<Date,Long,Long>> ret = new ArrayList<>(); for(TxReturnValue.Result result:retVal.result) { long time = Long.parseLong(result.timeStamp) * 1000; long value = Long.parseLong(result.value); long blocknr = Long.parseLong(result.blockNumber); ret.add(Triple.of(new Date(time), value, blocknr)); } return ret; }
public List<Triple<Date, Long, Long>> getTxBtc(String address) throws ParseException, IOException { String s = "https://" + url + "/api/v1/address/txs/" + address + "?amount_format=string"; HttpHeaders headers = new HttpHeaders(); headers.set("User-Agent", options.getUserAgent()); ResponseEntity<String> res =, HttpMethod.GET, new HttpEntity<>(null, headers), String.class); ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper(); TxReturnValue retVal = objectMapper.readValue(res.getBody(), TxReturnValue.class); List<Triple<Date, Long, Long>> ret = new ArrayList<>(); if ( != { LOG.error("someone payed with over 200 tx, handle manually {}", address); } DateFormat m_ISO8601Local = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'"); for (TxReturnValue.Data.Tx result : { Date time = m_ISO8601Local.parse(result.timeUtc); BigDecimal amount = new BigDecimal(result.amount).multiply(new BigDecimal(100_000_000)); ret.add(Triple.of(time, amount.longValue(), getBlockNr(result.tx))); } return ret; }
private void processApplication(Map<String, Application> appCache, Map.Entry<String, Pair<Set<GrpcHost>, Set<GrpcHost>>> entry) { Triple<String, String, String> appNameServiceVersion = getAppNameServiceVersion(entry.getKey()); Pair<Set<GrpcHost>, Set<GrpcHost>> providerConsumer = entry.getValue(); String appName = appNameServiceVersion.getLeft(); String serviceName = appNameServiceVersion.getMiddle(); String version = appNameServiceVersion.getRight(); Application application = new Application(appName); GrpcService service = new GrpcService(appName, version, serviceName); if (providerConsumer.getLeft() != null) { service.addProviderHosts(providerConsumer.getLeft()); } if (providerConsumer.getRight() != null) { service.addConsumerHosts(providerConsumer.getRight()); } application.addService(service); if (appCache.get(application.getAppName()) == null) { appCache.put(application.getAppName(), application); } else { appCache.get(application.getAppName()).addServices(application.getServices()); } }
@Override public Object run() { RequestContext ctx = RequestContext.getCurrentContext(); HttpServletRequest request = ctx.getRequest(); String auth = request.getHeader("Authorization"); String accessToken = auth.split(" ")[1]; ctx.set("LimitAccess", Boolean.TRUE); try { Triple<Long, String, Long> clientTriple = databaseUserDetailService.loadClientByToken(accessToken); String user = clientTriple.getMiddle(); Long intervalInMills = clientTriple.getLeft(); Long limits = clientTriple.getRight(); if (intervalInMills != null && intervalInMills != 0l && limits != null && limits != 0l) { if (!access(user, intervalInMills, limits)) { ctx.set("LimitAccess", Boolean.FALSE); ctx.setSendZuulResponse(false); ctx.setResponseStatusCode(HttpServletResponse.SC_BAD_REQUEST); ctx.setResponseBody("The times of usage is limited"); } } } catch (Throwable e) { } return null; }
private void setRelativeState(Triple<IBlockState, EnumFacing, NBTTagCompound> data) { BlockPos pos = getPos().offset(getFacingLazy()); IBlockState state = data.getLeft(); EnumFacing from = data.getMiddle(); EnumFacing to = getFacingLazy(); if(state.getBlock().canPlaceBlockAt(world, pos)) { world.setBlockState(pos, getRotationState(state, from, to)); getTile(TileEntity.class, world, pos).ifPresent(tile -> { NBTTagCompound tag = data.getRight(); tag.setInteger("x", pos.getX()); tag.setInteger("y", pos.getY()); tag.setInteger("z", pos.getZ()); tile.readFromNBT(tag); }); } }
@Test public void testBlockOnlyIncluded() throws InterruptedException { StandaloneBlockchain bc = new StandaloneBlockchain(); PendingListener l = new PendingListener(); bc.addEthereumListener(l); Triple<TransactionReceipt, EthereumListener.PendingTransactionState, Block> txUpd = null; PendingStateImpl pendingState = (PendingStateImpl) bc.getBlockchain().getPendingState(); ECKey alice = new ECKey(); ECKey bob = new ECKey(); bc.sendEther(bob.getAddress(), convert(100, ETHER)); Block b1 = bc.createBlock(); Transaction tx1 = bc.createTransaction(bob, 0, alice.getAddress(), BigInteger.valueOf(1000000), new byte[0]); bc.submitTransaction(tx1); Block b2 = bc.createBlock(); Block b2_ = bc.createForkBlock(b1); Assert.assertTrue(l.getQueueFor(tx1).isEmpty()); Block b3_ = bc.createForkBlock(b2_); txUpd = l.pollTxUpdate(tx1); Assert.assertEquals(txUpd.getMiddle(), PENDING); }
/** * Posts a new task for the thread to process. * * @param holder * the result holder in which the measure result will be saved * @param hierarchy * the hierarchy for which the measure is to be computed * @param task * the task to post */ public void postTask( MeasureResultHolder holder, Hierarchy hierarchy, MeasureTask task ) { if ( holder == null ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Holder must not be null!" ); } if ( hierarchy == null ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Hierarchy must not be null!" ); } if ( task == null ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Task must not be null!" ); } Triple<MeasureResultHolder, Hierarchy, MeasureTask> arg = Triple.of( holder, hierarchy, task ); lock.lock(); try { tasks.add( arg ); } finally { lock.unlock(); } taskPosted.broadcast( Pair.of( hierarchy, task ) ); }
private void evaluate() { scoredTest = new ArrayList<>(); // run through all example chunks for(int i = 0; i < featuresTest.size(); i++) { INDArray testData = featuresTest.get(i); INDArray labels = labelsTest.get(i); int nRows = testData.rows(); // go through each example individually for(int j = 0; j < nRows; j++) { INDArray example = testData.getRow(j); int digit = (int)labels.getDouble(j); double score = net.score(new DataSet(example,example)); scoredTest.add(new ImmutableTriple<Double, Integer, INDArray>(new Double(score), new Integer(digit), example)); } } // sort for increasing score Collections.sort(scoredTest, new Comparator<Triple<Double, Integer, INDArray>>() { @Override public int compare(Triple<Double, Integer, INDArray> o1, Triple<Double, Integer, INDArray> o2) { return(o1.getLeft().compareTo(o2.getLeft())); } }); }
@Override public OAuth2Authentication loadAuthentication(String accessToken) throws AuthenticationException, InvalidTokenException { OAuth2Authentication authentication = super.loadAuthentication(accessToken); OAuth2Request request = authentication.getOAuth2Request(); UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken token = UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken.class.cast(authentication.getUserAuthentication()); Map<String, Object> map = Map.class.cast(token.getDetails()); String id = map.getOrDefault("id", "").toString(); Triple<OAuthSource, String, Integer> principal = Triple.of(source, id, null); Object credentials = token.getCredentials(); List<GrantedAuthority> authorities = Lists.newArrayList(token.getAuthorities()); OAuthUser user = this.repository.findBySourceAndId(source, id); if (user != null) { Assert.state(user.getUser() != null); principal = Triple.of(source, id, user.getUser().getId()); authorities.add(new SimpleGrantedAuthority("ROLE_SU")); } token = new UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken(principal, credentials, authorities); token.setDetails(map); return new OAuth2Authentication(request, token); }
public void onApplicationEvent(SessionConnectEvent event) { MessageHeaders headers = event.getMessage().getHeaders(); String sessionId = SimpMessageHeaderAccessor.getSessionId(headers); Principal principal = SimpMessageHeaderAccessor.getUser(headers); if (principal == null) { return; } Assert.state(OAuth2Authentication.class.isInstance(principal)); OAuth2Authentication authentication = OAuth2Authentication.class.cast(principal); Authentication token = authentication.getUserAuthentication(); boolean isSu = this.hasRole(token.getAuthorities(), "ROLE_SU"); if (!isSu) { return; } Triple<OAuthSource, String, Integer> sourceAndId = Triple.class.cast(token.getPrincipal()); Assert.state(sourceAndId.getRight() != null); ActiveWebSocketUser activeUser = new ActiveWebSocketUser(); activeUser.setSessionId(sessionId); activeUser.setConnectTime(; activeUser.setUser(this.userRepository.findOne(sourceAndId.getRight()));; this.messagingTemplate.convertAndSend("/su/connected", Lists.newArrayList(activeUser)); }
@Override public List<BakedQuad> bakeQuads(EnumFacing face, IExtendedBlockState state) { BakingVertexBuffer buffer = BakingVertexBuffer.create(); Triple<Integer, Integer, UVTransformation> worldData = getWorldTransforms(state); CCRenderState ccrs = CCRenderState.instance(); ccrs.reset(); ccrs.startDrawing(0x7, DefaultVertexFormats.ITEM, buffer); models[worldData.getLeft()][worldData.getMiddle()].render(ccrs, worldData.getRight()); buffer.finishDrawing(); List<BakedQuad> quads = buffer.bake(); if (face == null && !shouldCull()) { return quads; } else if (face != null) { return VertexDataUtils.sortFaceData(quads).get(face); } return ImmutableList.of(); }
@Override public List<BakedQuad> bakeItemQuads(EnumFacing face, ItemStack stack) { BakingVertexBuffer buffer = BakingVertexBuffer.create(); Triple<Integer, Integer, UVTransformation> worldData = getItemTransforms(stack); CCRenderState ccrs = CCRenderState.instance(); ccrs.reset(); ccrs.startDrawing(0x7, DefaultVertexFormats.ITEM, buffer); models[worldData.getLeft()][worldData.getMiddle()].render(ccrs, worldData.getRight()); buffer.finishDrawing(); List<BakedQuad> quads = buffer.bake(); if (face == null && !shouldCull()) { return quads; } else if (face != null) { return VertexDataUtils.sortFaceData(quads).get(face); } return ImmutableList.of(); }
public static Pair<RaptureURI, String> calculateURI(String leafTail) { String variant = (leafTail.startsWith(CONTENTDIR)) ? null : extractVariant(leafTail); Triple<String, String, Scheme> trip = extractScheme(leafTail.substring(variantLength(variant))); checkArgument(trip != null, "extraneuous file"); RaptureURI uri = null; switch (trip.getRight()) { case USER: case ENTITLEMENTGROUP: if (trip.getLeft().indexOf("/") == -1) { uri = new RaptureURI(trip.getLeft(), trip.getRight()); } break; default: break; } if (uri == null) { uri = RaptureURI.createFromFullPathWithAttribute(trip.getLeft(), trip.getMiddle(), trip.getRight()); } return new ImmutablePair<RaptureURI, String>(uri, variant); }
/** * Get list of Pull requests that we merged after last tag * * @param repoFullName * @throws HttpException * @throws IOException */ public List<Triple<String, String, String>> getListOfMergedPRs(String repoFullName, String headTag) throws HttpException, IOException { GithubRelease releaseResponse = githubClientWrapper.getLatestRelease(repoFullName); GithubCompareTag compareTagResponse = githubClientWrapper.compareCommitTags(repoFullName, releaseResponse.getTagName(), headTag); Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(MERGE_PULL_REQUEST_MSG_REGEX); List<GithubCommitRecord> commitRecords = compareTagResponse.getCommits(); //Triple <PR#> List<Triple<String, String, String>> prList = new ArrayList<>(); for (GithubCommitRecord commitRecord : commitRecords) { String message = commitRecord.getCommit().getMessage(); Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(message); if (matcher.matches() && matcher.groupCount() == 3) { prList.add(Triple.of(,,; } } return prList; }
/** * repofullname -> ex: Payments-R/paymentapiplatformserv */ public void generateReleaseNotes(String repoFullName, String branch, String releaseVersion) throws HttpException, IOException { /** * get all the commits after last release tag */ List<Triple<String, String, String>> mergedPRs = getListOfMergedPRs(repoFullName, branch); StringBuilder notes = new StringBuilder("## ").append(repoFullName).append(" v") .append(releaseVersion).append("\n### Changes \n"); // Each line of release notes will be of form : <a href = "PR link"> #PR-number </a> Title of PR mergedPRs.forEach( pr -> notes.append("\n* [#").append(pr.getLeft()).append("](").append(githubConfig.getHomepageUrl()) .append(repoFullName).append("/pull/").append(pr.getLeft()).append(") ") .append(pr.getRight())); updateFileInRepo(repoFullName, RELEASE_NOTES_FILE_PATH, notes.toString(), branch); }
/** * Ajoute à la base de donnée l'objet si celui-ci n'y est pas déjà. */ public synchronized void addToDatabase(){ if (! getJobs().containsKey(Triple.of(idUser, server, job)) && level > 0) { getJobs().put(Triple.of(idUser, server, job), this); Connexion connexion = Connexion.getInstance(); Connection connection = connexion.getConnection(); try { PreparedStatement preparedStatement = connection.prepareStatement( "INSERT INTO Job_User(name_job, id_user, server_dofus, level) VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?);"); preparedStatement.setString(1, job.getName()); preparedStatement.setString(2, String.valueOf(idUser)); preparedStatement.setString(3, server.getName()); preparedStatement.setInt(4, level); preparedStatement.executeUpdate(); } catch (SQLException e) { ClientConfig.setSentryContext(ClientConfig.DISCORD().getGuildByID(idUser), ClientConfig.DISCORD().getUserByID(idUser), null,null); LOG.error(e.getMessage()); } } }
private static synchronized Map<Triple<Long, ServerDofus, Job>, JobUser> getJobs(){ if(jobs == null){ jobs = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); Connexion connexion = Connexion.getInstance(); Connection connection = connexion.getConnection(); try { PreparedStatement query = connection.prepareStatement( "SELECT id_user, server_dofus, name_job, level FROM Job_User;"); ResultSet resultSet = query.executeQuery(); while ( { Long idUser = resultSet.getLong("id_user"); ServerDofus server = ServerDofus.getServersMap().get(resultSet.getString("server_dofus")); Job job = Job.getJob(resultSet.getString("name_job")); int level = resultSet.getInt("level"); jobs.put(Triple.of(idUser, server, job), new JobUser(idUser, server, job, level)); } } catch (SQLException e) { ClientConfig.setSentryContext(null, null, null,null); LOG.error(e.getMessage()); } } return jobs; }
/** * For a set of ApiFilters collect by dimension, field and operation, and union their value sets. * * @param filterStream Stream of ApiFilters whose values are to be unioned * * @return A set of filters with the same operations but values unioned */ protected static Set<ApiFilter> unionMergeFilterValues(Stream<ApiFilter> filterStream) { Function<ApiFilter, Triple<Dimension, DimensionField, FilterOperation>> filterGroupingIdentity = filter -> new ImmutableTriple<>(filter.getDimension(), filter.getDimensionField(), filter.getOperation()); Map<Triple<Dimension, DimensionField, FilterOperation>, Set<String>> filterMap = filterStream.collect(Collectors.groupingBy( filterGroupingIdentity::apply, Collectors.mapping( ApiFilter::getValues, Collectors.reducing(Collections.emptySet(), StreamUtils::setMerge) ) )); return filterMap.entrySet().stream() .map(it -> new ApiFilter( it.getKey().getLeft(), it.getKey().getMiddle(), it.getKey().getRight(), it.getValue() )) .collect(Collectors.toSet()); }
/** * Parse the whole list of plugins and check if some are auto-register.<br/> * If yes creates the corresponding {@link PluginConfiguration} instance */ private void createAutoRegisterPluginConfigurations() {"Checking auto-register plugins"); Map<String, Triple<Boolean, IExtension, IPluginDescriptor>> extensionPlugins = getExtensionPlugins(); for (String identifier : extensionPlugins.keySet()) { IPluginDescriptor descriptor = extensionPlugins.get(identifier).getRight(); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Plugin " + identifier + " auto-register : " + descriptor.autoRegister()); } if (descriptor.autoRegister()) { PluginConfiguration pluginConfiguration = PluginConfiguration.find.where().eq("pluginDefinition.identifier", identifier).findUnique(); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Plugin " + identifier + " auto-register with " + (pluginConfiguration == null ? "no plugin configuration (need to create one)" : "an existing plugin configuration")); } if (pluginConfiguration == null) { pluginConfiguration = new PluginConfiguration(); pluginConfiguration.isAutostart = true; = descriptor.getName(); pluginConfiguration.pluginDefinition = PluginDefinition.getPluginDefinitionFromIdentifier(identifier);;"Plugin configuration created for auto-register plugin " + identifier); } } } }
/** * Returns a memoized (caching) version of this {@link TriBooleanToDoubleFunction}. Whenever it is called, the * mapping between the input parameters and the return value is preserved in a cache, making subsequent calls * returning the memoized value instead of computing the return value again. * <p> * Unless the function and therefore the used cache will be garbage-collected, it will keep all memoized values * forever. * * @return A memoized (caching) version of this {@code TriBooleanToDoubleFunction}. * @implSpec This implementation does not allow the input parameters or return value to be {@code null} for the * resulting memoized function, as the cache used internally does not permit {@code null} keys or values. * @implNote The returned memoized function can be safely used concurrently from multiple threads which makes it * thread-safe. */ @Nonnull default TriBooleanToDoubleFunction memoized() { if (isMemoized()) { return this; } else { final Map<Triple<Boolean, Boolean, Boolean>, Double> cache = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); final Object lock = new Object(); return (TriBooleanToDoubleFunction & Memoized) (value1, value2, value3) -> { final double returnValue; synchronized (lock) { returnValue = cache.computeIfAbsent(Triple.of(value1, value2, value3), key -> applyAsDouble(key.getLeft(), key.getMiddle(), key.getRight())); } return returnValue; }; } }
/** * Returns a memoized (caching) version of this {@link ThrowableCharTernaryOperator}. Whenever it is called, the * mapping between the input parameters and the return value is preserved in a cache, making subsequent calls * returning the memoized value instead of computing the return value again. * <p> * Unless the operator and therefore the used cache will be garbage-collected, it will keep all memoized values * forever. * * @return A memoized (caching) version of this {@code ThrowableCharTernaryOperator}. * @implSpec This implementation does not allow the input parameters or return value to be {@code null} for the * resulting memoized operator, as the cache used internally does not permit {@code null} keys or values. * @implNote The returned memoized operator can be safely used concurrently from multiple threads which makes it * thread-safe. */ @Nonnull default ThrowableCharTernaryOperator<X> memoized() { if (isMemoized()) { return this; } else { final Map<Triple<Character, Character, Character>, Character> cache = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); final Object lock = new Object(); return (ThrowableCharTernaryOperator<X> & Memoized) (value1, value2, value3) -> { final char returnValue; synchronized (lock) { returnValue = cache.computeIfAbsent(Triple.of(value1, value2, value3), ThrowableFunction.of( key -> applyAsCharThrows(key.getLeft(), key.getMiddle(), key.getRight()))); } return returnValue; }; } }
/** * Returns a memoized (caching) version of this {@link ThrowableBiObjIntToCharFunction}. Whenever it is called, the * mapping between the input parameters and the return value is preserved in a cache, making subsequent calls * returning the memoized value instead of computing the return value again. * <p> * Unless the function and therefore the used cache will be garbage-collected, it will keep all memoized values * forever. * * @return A memoized (caching) version of this {@code ThrowableBiObjIntToCharFunction}. * @implSpec This implementation does not allow the input parameters or return value to be {@code null} for the * resulting memoized function, as the cache used internally does not permit {@code null} keys or values. * @implNote The returned memoized function can be safely used concurrently from multiple threads which makes it * thread-safe. */ @Nonnull default ThrowableBiObjIntToCharFunction<T, U, X> memoized() { if (isMemoized()) { return this; } else { final Map<Triple<T, U, Integer>, Character> cache = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); final Object lock = new Object(); return (ThrowableBiObjIntToCharFunction<T, U, X> & Memoized) (t, u, value) -> { final char returnValue; synchronized (lock) { returnValue = cache.computeIfAbsent(Triple.of(t, u, value), ThrowableFunction.of( key -> applyAsCharThrows(key.getLeft(), key.getMiddle(), key.getRight()))); } return returnValue; }; } }
/** * Returns a memoized (caching) version of this {@link ThrowableTriByteToShortFunction}. Whenever it is called, the * mapping between the input parameters and the return value is preserved in a cache, making subsequent calls * returning the memoized value instead of computing the return value again. * <p> * Unless the function and therefore the used cache will be garbage-collected, it will keep all memoized values * forever. * * @return A memoized (caching) version of this {@code ThrowableTriByteToShortFunction}. * @implSpec This implementation does not allow the input parameters or return value to be {@code null} for the * resulting memoized function, as the cache used internally does not permit {@code null} keys or values. * @implNote The returned memoized function can be safely used concurrently from multiple threads which makes it * thread-safe. */ @Nonnull default ThrowableTriByteToShortFunction<X> memoized() { if (isMemoized()) { return this; } else { final Map<Triple<Byte, Byte, Byte>, Short> cache = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); final Object lock = new Object(); return (ThrowableTriByteToShortFunction<X> & Memoized) (value1, value2, value3) -> { final short returnValue; synchronized (lock) { returnValue = cache.computeIfAbsent(Triple.of(value1, value2, value3), ThrowableFunction.of( key -> applyAsShortThrows(key.getLeft(), key.getMiddle(), key.getRight()))); } return returnValue; }; } }
/** * Returns a memoized (caching) version of this {@link ThrowableObjBiByteToShortFunction}. Whenever it is called, * the mapping between the input parameters and the return value is preserved in a cache, making subsequent calls * returning the memoized value instead of computing the return value again. * <p> * Unless the function and therefore the used cache will be garbage-collected, it will keep all memoized values * forever. * * @return A memoized (caching) version of this {@code ThrowableObjBiByteToShortFunction}. * @implSpec This implementation does not allow the input parameters or return value to be {@code null} for the * resulting memoized function, as the cache used internally does not permit {@code null} keys or values. * @implNote The returned memoized function can be safely used concurrently from multiple threads which makes it * thread-safe. */ @Nonnull default ThrowableObjBiByteToShortFunction<T, X> memoized() { if (isMemoized()) { return this; } else { final Map<Triple<T, Byte, Byte>, Short> cache = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); final Object lock = new Object(); return (ThrowableObjBiByteToShortFunction<T, X> & Memoized) (t, value1, value2) -> { final short returnValue; synchronized (lock) { returnValue = cache.computeIfAbsent(Triple.of(t, value1, value2), ThrowableFunction.of( key -> applyAsShortThrows(key.getLeft(), key.getMiddle(), key.getRight()))); } return returnValue; }; } }
/** * Returns a memoized (caching) version of this {@link ThrowableBiObjByteToDoubleFunction}. Whenever it is called, * the mapping between the input parameters and the return value is preserved in a cache, making subsequent calls * returning the memoized value instead of computing the return value again. * <p> * Unless the function and therefore the used cache will be garbage-collected, it will keep all memoized values * forever. * * @return A memoized (caching) version of this {@code ThrowableBiObjByteToDoubleFunction}. * @implSpec This implementation does not allow the input parameters or return value to be {@code null} for the * resulting memoized function, as the cache used internally does not permit {@code null} keys or values. * @implNote The returned memoized function can be safely used concurrently from multiple threads which makes it * thread-safe. */ @Nonnull default ThrowableBiObjByteToDoubleFunction<T, U, X> memoized() { if (isMemoized()) { return this; } else { final Map<Triple<T, U, Byte>, Double> cache = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); final Object lock = new Object(); return (ThrowableBiObjByteToDoubleFunction<T, U, X> & Memoized) (t, u, value) -> { final double returnValue; synchronized (lock) { returnValue = cache.computeIfAbsent(Triple.of(t, u, value), ThrowableFunction.of( key -> applyAsDoubleThrows(key.getLeft(), key.getMiddle(), key.getRight()))); } return returnValue; }; } }
/** * Returns a memoized (caching) version of this {@link ShortTernaryOperator}. Whenever it is called, the mapping * between the input parameters and the return value is preserved in a cache, making subsequent calls returning the * memoized value instead of computing the return value again. * <p> * Unless the operator and therefore the used cache will be garbage-collected, it will keep all memoized values * forever. * * @return A memoized (caching) version of this {@code ShortTernaryOperator}. * @implSpec This implementation does not allow the input parameters or return value to be {@code null} for the * resulting memoized operator, as the cache used internally does not permit {@code null} keys or values. * @implNote The returned memoized operator can be safely used concurrently from multiple threads which makes it * thread-safe. */ @Nonnull default ShortTernaryOperator memoized() { if (isMemoized()) { return this; } else { final Map<Triple<Short, Short, Short>, Short> cache = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); final Object lock = new Object(); return (ShortTernaryOperator & Memoized) (value1, value2, value3) -> { final short returnValue; synchronized (lock) { returnValue = cache.computeIfAbsent(Triple.of(value1, value2, value3), key -> applyAsShort(key.getLeft(), key.getMiddle(), key.getRight())); } return returnValue; }; } }
/** * Returns a memoized (caching) version of this {@link ThrowableTriIntToShortFunction}. Whenever it is called, the * mapping between the input parameters and the return value is preserved in a cache, making subsequent calls * returning the memoized value instead of computing the return value again. * <p> * Unless the function and therefore the used cache will be garbage-collected, it will keep all memoized values * forever. * * @return A memoized (caching) version of this {@code ThrowableTriIntToShortFunction}. * @implSpec This implementation does not allow the input parameters or return value to be {@code null} for the * resulting memoized function, as the cache used internally does not permit {@code null} keys or values. * @implNote The returned memoized function can be safely used concurrently from multiple threads which makes it * thread-safe. */ @Nonnull default ThrowableTriIntToShortFunction<X> memoized() { if (isMemoized()) { return this; } else { final Map<Triple<Integer, Integer, Integer>, Short> cache = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); final Object lock = new Object(); return (ThrowableTriIntToShortFunction<X> & Memoized) (value1, value2, value3) -> { final short returnValue; synchronized (lock) { returnValue = cache.computeIfAbsent(Triple.of(value1, value2, value3), ThrowableFunction.of( key -> applyAsShortThrows(key.getLeft(), key.getMiddle(), key.getRight()))); } return returnValue; }; } }