Java 类org.apache.commons.math3.linear.SingularMatrixException 实例源码

项目:CARMA    文件   
public void testNonInvertible() {
     * Overrides the method from parent class, since the default singularity
     * threshold (1e-14) does not trigger the expected exception.
    LinearProblem problem = new LinearProblem(new double[][] {
            {  1, 2, -3 },
            {  2, 1,  3 },
            { -3, 0, -9 }
    }, new double[] { 1, 1, 1 });

    AbstractLeastSquaresOptimizer optimizer = createOptimizer();
    PointVectorValuePair optimum = optimizer.optimize(100, problem,, new double[] { 1, 1, 1 }, new double[] { 0, 0, 0 });
    Assert.assertTrue(FastMath.sqrt( * optimizer.getRMS() > 0.6);

    optimizer.computeCovariances(optimum.getPoint(), 1.5e-14);
项目:CARMA    文件   
public void testNonInvertible() {
     * Overrides the method from parent class, since the default singularity
     * threshold (1e-14) does not trigger the expected exception.
    LinearProblem problem = new LinearProblem(new double[][] {
            {  1, 2, -3 },
            {  2, 1,  3 },
            { -3, 0, -9 }
    }, new double[] { 1, 1, 1 });

    AbstractLeastSquaresOptimizer optimizer = createOptimizer();
    PointVectorValuePair optimum
        = optimizer.optimize(new MaxEval(100),
                             new Weight(new double[] { 1, 1, 1 }),
                             new InitialGuess(new double[] { 0, 0, 0 }));
    Assert.assertTrue(FastMath.sqrt(optimizer.getTargetSize()) * optimizer.getRMS() > 0.6);

    optimizer.computeCovariances(optimum.getPoint(), 1.5e-14);
项目:Infrastructure    文件   
 * This method updates the Kalman-Filter with the last known state/measurement of the observed value.
 * @param xMeasured time step of measurement.  
 * It is measured in full, i.e. as {@link Long}, seconds since midnight, January 1, 1970 UTC.
 * @param yMeasured Current measurement.
 * @return True if the update was successful.
public boolean update(long xMeasured, double yMeasured) {
    boolean success = false;
    try {
        // Call predict(0), if no prediction was made since the last update
        // Reason: The Kalman-Filter needs a predict-update(correct)-cycle.
        if (!predictedSinceUpdate && lastUpdate != Constants.NO_PREDICTION) {

        filter.correct(new double[] {xMeasured, 0, yMeasured, 0 });
        // When an older value is updated/corrected the attributes 'lastUpdated' and 'lastUpdate' do not change.
        if (lastUpdated < xMeasured) {
            lastUpdated = xMeasured;
            lastUpdate = yMeasured;
        success = true;
        predictedSinceUpdate = false;
    } catch (NullArgumentException | DimensionMismatchException | SingularMatrixException e) {
        LogManager.getLogger(Kalman.class).error(e.getMessage(), e);
    return success;
项目:astor    文件   
public void testNonInvertible() {
     * Overrides the method from parent class, since the default singularity
     * threshold (1e-14) does not trigger the expected exception.
    LinearProblem problem = new LinearProblem(new double[][] {
            {  1, 2, -3 },
            {  2, 1,  3 },
            { -3, 0, -9 }
    }, new double[] { 1, 1, 1 });

    AbstractLeastSquaresOptimizer optimizer = createOptimizer();
    PointVectorValuePair optimum = optimizer.optimize(100, problem,, new double[] { 1, 1, 1 }, new double[] { 0, 0, 0 });
    Assert.assertTrue(FastMath.sqrt( * optimizer.getRMS() > 0.6);

    optimizer.computeCovariances(optimum.getPoint(), 1.5e-14);
项目:astor    文件   
public void testNonInvertible() {
     * Overrides the method from parent class, since the default singularity
     * threshold (1e-14) does not trigger the expected exception.
    LinearProblem problem = new LinearProblem(new double[][] {
            {  1, 2, -3 },
            {  2, 1,  3 },
            { -3, 0, -9 }
    }, new double[] { 1, 1, 1 });

    AbstractLeastSquaresOptimizer optimizer = createOptimizer();
    PointVectorValuePair optimum
        = optimizer.optimize(new MaxEval(100),
                             new Weight(new double[] { 1, 1, 1 }),
                             new InitialGuess(new double[] { 0, 0, 0 }));
    Assert.assertTrue(FastMath.sqrt(optimizer.getTargetSize()) * optimizer.getRMS() > 0.6);

    optimizer.computeCovariances(optimum.getPoint(), 1.5e-14);
项目:astor    文件   
public void testNonInvertible() {
     * Overrides the method from parent class, since the default singularity
     * threshold (1e-14) does not trigger the expected exception.
    LinearProblem problem = new LinearProblem(new double[][] {
            {  1, 2, -3 },
            {  2, 1,  3 },
            { -3, 0, -9 }
    }, new double[] { 1, 1, 1 });

    AbstractLeastSquaresOptimizer optimizer = createOptimizer();
    optimizer.optimize(100, problem,, new double[] { 1, 1, 1 }, new double[] { 0, 0, 0 });
    Assert.assertTrue(FastMath.sqrt( * optimizer.getRMS() > 0.6);

项目:astor    文件   
public void testNonInvertible() {
     * Overrides the method from parent class, since the default singularity
     * threshold (1e-14) does not trigger the expected exception.
    LinearProblem problem = new LinearProblem(new double[][] {
            {  1, 2, -3 },
            {  2, 1,  3 },
            { -3, 0, -9 }
    }, new double[] { 1, 1, 1 });

    AbstractLeastSquaresOptimizer optimizer = createOptimizer();
    PointVectorValuePair optimum = optimizer.optimize(100, problem,, new double[] { 1, 1, 1 }, new double[] { 0, 0, 0 });
    Assert.assertTrue(FastMath.sqrt( * optimizer.getRMS() > 0.6);

    optimizer.computeCovariances(optimum.getPoint(), 1.5e-14);
项目:astor    文件   
public void testNonInvertible() {
     * Overrides the method from parent class, since the default singularity
     * threshold (1e-14) does not trigger the expected exception.
    LinearProblem problem = new LinearProblem(new double[][] {
            {  1, 2, -3 },
            {  2, 1,  3 },
            { -3, 0, -9 }
    }, new double[] { 1, 1, 1 });

    AbstractLeastSquaresOptimizer optimizer = createOptimizer();
    PointVectorValuePair optimum
        = optimizer.optimize(new MaxEval(100),
                             new Weight(new double[] { 1, 1, 1 }),
                             new InitialGuess(new double[] { 0, 0, 0 }));
    Assert.assertTrue(FastMath.sqrt(optimizer.getTargetSize()) * optimizer.getRMS() > 0.6);

    optimizer.computeCovariances(optimum.getPoint(), 1.5e-14);
项目:astor    文件   
public void testNonInvertible() {
     * Overrides the method from parent class, since the default singularity
     * threshold (1e-14) does not trigger the expected exception.
    LinearProblem problem = new LinearProblem(new double[][] {
            {  1, 2, -3 },
            {  2, 1,  3 },
            { -3, 0, -9 }
    }, new double[] { 1, 1, 1 });

    AbstractLeastSquaresOptimizer optimizer = createOptimizer();
    PointVectorValuePair optimum = optimizer.optimize(100, problem,, new double[] { 1, 1, 1 }, new double[] { 0, 0, 0 });
    Assert.assertTrue(FastMath.sqrt( * optimizer.getRMS() > 0.6);

    optimizer.computeCovariances(optimum.getPoint(), 1.5e-14);
项目:astor    文件   
public void testNonInvertible() {
     * Overrides the method from parent class, since the default singularity
     * threshold (1e-14) does not trigger the expected exception.
    LinearProblem problem = new LinearProblem(new double[][] {
            {  1, 2, -3 },
            {  2, 1,  3 },
            { -3, 0, -9 }
    }, new double[] { 1, 1, 1 });

    AbstractLeastSquaresOptimizer optimizer = createOptimizer();
    PointVectorValuePair optimum
        = optimizer.optimize(new MaxEval(100),
                             new Weight(new double[] { 1, 1, 1 }),
                             new InitialGuess(new double[] { 0, 0, 0 }));
    Assert.assertTrue(FastMath.sqrt(optimizer.getTargetSize()) * optimizer.getRMS() > 0.6);

    optimizer.computeCovariances(optimum.getPoint(), 1.5e-14);
项目:astor    文件   
public void testNonInvertible() {
     * Overrides the method from parent class, since the default singularity
     * threshold (1e-14) does not trigger the expected exception.
    LinearProblem problem = new LinearProblem(new double[][] {
            {  1, 2, -3 },
            {  2, 1,  3 },
            { -3, 0, -9 }
    }, new double[] { 1, 1, 1 });

    AbstractLeastSquaresOptimizer optimizer = createOptimizer();
    PointVectorValuePair optimum = optimizer.optimize(100, problem,, new double[] { 1, 1, 1 }, new double[] { 0, 0, 0 });
    Assert.assertTrue(FastMath.sqrt( * optimizer.getRMS() > 0.6);

    optimizer.computeCovariances(optimum.getPoint(), 1.5e-14);
项目:astor    文件   
public void testNonInvertible() {
     * Overrides the method from parent class, since the default singularity
     * threshold (1e-14) does not trigger the expected exception.
    LinearProblem problem = new LinearProblem(new double[][] {
            {  1, 2, -3 },
            {  2, 1,  3 },
            { -3, 0, -9 }
    }, new double[] { 1, 1, 1 });

    AbstractLeastSquaresOptimizer optimizer = createOptimizer();
    PointVectorValuePair optimum
        = optimizer.optimize(new MaxEval(100),
                             new Weight(new double[] { 1, 1, 1 }),
                             new InitialGuess(new double[] { 0, 0, 0 }));
    Assert.assertTrue(FastMath.sqrt(optimizer.getTargetSize()) * optimizer.getRMS() > 0.6);

    optimizer.computeCovariances(optimum.getPoint(), 1.5e-14);
项目:trilateration    文件   
private void outputResult() {
    output = new StringBuilder();
    printDoubleArray("expectedPosition: ", expectedPosition);
    printDoubleArray("linear calculatedPosition: ", linearCalculatedPosition.toArray());
    printDoubleArray("non-linear calculatedPosition: ", nonLinearOptimum.getPoint().toArray());
    output.append("numberOfIterations: ").append(nonLinearOptimum.getIterations()).append("\n");
    output.append("numberOfEvaluations: ").append(nonLinearOptimum.getEvaluations()).append("\n");
    try {
        RealVector standardDeviation = nonLinearOptimum.getSigma(0);
        printDoubleArray("standardDeviation: ", standardDeviation.toArray());
        output.append("Norm of deviation: ").append(standardDeviation.getNorm()).append("\n");
        RealMatrix covarianceMatrix = nonLinearOptimum.getCovariances(0);
        output.append("covarianceMatrix: ").append(covarianceMatrix).append("\n");
    } catch (SingularMatrixException e) {

项目:imagingbook-common    文件   
 * @param A a square matrix.
 * @return the inverse of A or null if A is non-square or singular.
public static double[][] inverse(final double[][] A) {
    RealMatrix M = MatrixUtils.createRealMatrix(A);
    if (!M.isSquare())
        return null;
    else {
        double[][] Ai = null;
        try {
            RealMatrix Mi = MatrixUtils.inverse(M); //new LUDecomposition(M).getSolver().getInverse();
            Ai = Mi.getData();
        } catch (SingularMatrixException e) {}
        return Ai;
项目:imagingbook-common    文件   
public static double[] solve(final double[][] A, double[] b) {
    RealMatrix AA = MatrixUtils.createRealMatrix(A);
    RealVector bb = MatrixUtils.createRealVector(b);
    DecompositionSolver solver = new LUDecomposition(AA).getSolver();
    double[] x = null;
    try {
        x = solver.solve(bb).toArray();
    } catch (SingularMatrixException e) {}
    return x;
项目:incubator-hivemall    文件   
public static RealMatrix inverse(@Nonnull final RealMatrix m, final boolean exact)
        throws SingularMatrixException {
    LUDecomposition LU = new LUDecomposition(m);
    DecompositionSolver solver = LU.getSolver();
    final RealMatrix inv;
    if (exact || solver.isNonSingular()) {
        inv = solver.getInverse();
    } else {
        SingularValueDecomposition SVD = new SingularValueDecomposition(m);
        inv = SVD.getSolver().getInverse();
    return inv;
项目:incubator-hivemall    文件   
 * L = A x R
 * @return a matrix A that minimizes A x R - L
public static RealMatrix solve(@Nonnull final RealMatrix L, @Nonnull final RealMatrix R,
        final boolean exact) throws SingularMatrixException {
    LUDecomposition LU = new LUDecomposition(R);
    DecompositionSolver solver = LU.getSolver();
    final RealMatrix A;
    if (exact || solver.isNonSingular()) {
        A = LU.getSolver().solve(L);
    } else {
        SingularValueDecomposition SVD = new SingularValueDecomposition(R);
        A = SVD.getSolver().solve(L);
    return A;
项目:CARMA    文件   
public void testNonInvertible() {
         * Overrides the method from parent class, since the default singularity
         * threshold (1e-14) does not trigger the expected exception.
        LinearProblem problem = new LinearProblem(new double[][] {
                {  1, 2, -3 },
                {  2, 1,  3 },
                { -3, 0, -9 }
        }, new double[] { 1, 1, 1 });

        final Optimum optimum = optimizer.optimize(

        //TODO check that it is a bad fit? Why the extra conditions?
        Assert.assertTrue(FastMath.sqrt(problem.getTarget().length) * optimum.getRMS() > 0.6);


    }catch (SingularMatrixException e){
项目:CARMA    文件   
public void testQRSingular() {
    final RealMatrix a = MatrixUtils.createRealMatrix(new double[][] {
        { 1, 6, 4 }, { 2, 4, -1 }, { -1, 2, 5 }
    final RealVector b = new ArrayRealVector(new double[]{ 5, 6, 1 });
    new QRDecomposition(a, 1.0e-15).getSolver().solve(b);
项目:Rugged    文件   
/** Guess a start line using the last four results.
 * @param n number of cached results available
 * @param target target ground point
 * @return guessed start line
private double guessStartLine(final int n, final Vector3D target) {
    try {

        // assume a linear model of the form: l = ax + by + cz + d
        final RealMatrix m = new Array2DRowRealMatrix(n, 4);
        final RealVector v = new ArrayRealVector(n);
        for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
            m.setEntry(i, 0, cachedResults[i].getTarget().getX());
            m.setEntry(i, 1, cachedResults[i].getTarget().getY());
            m.setEntry(i, 2, cachedResults[i].getTarget().getZ());
            m.setEntry(i, 3, 1.0);
            v.setEntry(i, cachedResults[i].getLine());

        final DecompositionSolver solver = new QRDecomposition(m, Precision.SAFE_MIN).getSolver();
        final RealVector coefficients = solver.solve(v);

        // apply the linear model
        return target.getX() * coefficients.getEntry(0) +
               target.getY() * coefficients.getEntry(1) +
               target.getZ() * coefficients.getEntry(2) +

    } catch (SingularMatrixException sme) {
        // the points are not independent
        return Double.NaN;
项目:gatk-protected    文件   
/** <p>Produces a Gaussian mixture model based on the difference between targets and segment means.</p>
 * <p>Filters targets to populations where more than the minProportion lie in a single segment.</p>
 * <p>Returns null if no pass filtering.  Please note that in these cases,
 * in the rest of this class, we use this to assume that a GMM is not a good model.</p>
 * @param segments  -- segments with segment mean in log2 copy ratio space
 * @param targets -- targets with a log2 copy ratio estimate
 * @param minProportion -- minimum proportion of all targets that a given segment must have in order to be used
 *                      in the evaluation
 * @param numComponents -- number of components to use in the GMM.  Usually, this is 2.
 * @return  never {@code null}.  Fitting result with indications whether it converged or was even attempted.
private MixtureMultivariateNormalFitResult retrieveGaussianMixtureModelForFilteredTargets(final List<ModeledSegment> segments,
                                                                                          final TargetCollection<ReadCountRecord.SingleSampleRecord> targets, double minProportion, int numComponents){

    // For each target in a segment that contains enough targets, normalize the difference against the segment mean
    //  and collapse the filtered targets into the copy ratio estimates.
    final List<Double> filteredTargetsSegDiff = getNumProbeFilteredTargetList(segments, targets, minProportion);

    if (filteredTargetsSegDiff.size() < numComponents) {
        return new MixtureMultivariateNormalFitResult(null, false, false);

    // Assume that Apache Commons wants data points in the first dimension.
    // Note that second dimension of length 2 (instead of 1) is to wrok around funny Apache commons API.
    final double[][] filteredTargetsSegDiff2d = new double[filteredTargetsSegDiff.size()][2];

    // Convert the filtered targets into 2d array (even if second dimension is length 1).  The second dimension is
    //  uncorrelated Gaussian.  This is only to get around funny API in Apache Commons, which will throw an
    //  exception if the length of the second dimension is < 2
    final RandomGenerator rng = RandomGeneratorFactory.createRandomGenerator(new Random(RANDOM_SEED));
    final NormalDistribution nd = new NormalDistribution(rng, 0, .1);
    for (int i = 0; i < filteredTargetsSegDiff.size(); i++) {
        filteredTargetsSegDiff2d[i][0] = filteredTargetsSegDiff.get(i);
        filteredTargetsSegDiff2d[i][1] = nd.sample();

    final MixtureMultivariateNormalDistribution estimateEM0 = MultivariateNormalMixtureExpectationMaximization.estimate(filteredTargetsSegDiff2d, numComponents);
    final MultivariateNormalMixtureExpectationMaximization multivariateNormalMixtureExpectationMaximization = new MultivariateNormalMixtureExpectationMaximization(filteredTargetsSegDiff2d);

    try {;
    } catch (final MaxCountExceededException | ConvergenceException | SingularMatrixException e) {
        // We are done, we cannot make a fitting.  We should return a result that we attempted a fitting, but it
        //  did not converge.  Include the model as it was when the exception was thrown.
        return new MixtureMultivariateNormalFitResult(multivariateNormalMixtureExpectationMaximization.getFittedModel(), false, true);
    return new MixtureMultivariateNormalFitResult(multivariateNormalMixtureExpectationMaximization.getFittedModel(), true, true);
项目:macrobase    文件   
private void updateInverseCovariance() {
    try {
        inverseCov = new LUDecomposition(cov).getSolver().getInverse();
    } catch (SingularMatrixException e) {;
        inverseCov = new SingularValueDecomposition(cov).getSolver().getInverse();
项目:astor    文件   
public void testNonInvertible() {
         * Overrides the method from parent class, since the default singularity
         * threshold (1e-14) does not trigger the expected exception.
        LinearProblem problem = new LinearProblem(new double[][] {
                {  1, 2, -3 },
                {  2, 1,  3 },
                { -3, 0, -9 }
        }, new double[] { 1, 1, 1 });

        final Optimum optimum = optimizer.optimize(

        //TODO check that it is a bad fit? Why the extra conditions?
        Assert.assertTrue(FastMath.sqrt(problem.getTarget().length) * optimum.getRMS() > 0.6);


    }catch (SingularMatrixException e){
项目:astor    文件   
public void testQRSingular() {
    final RealMatrix a = MatrixUtils.createRealMatrix(new double[][] {
        { 1, 6, 4 }, { 2, 4, -1 }, { -1, 2, 5 }
    final RealVector b = new ArrayRealVector(new double[]{ 5, 6, 1 });
    new QRDecomposition(a, 1.0e-15).getSolver().solve(b);
项目:astor    文件   
 * Correct the current state estimate with an actual measurement.
 * @param z
 *            the measurement vector
 * @throws NullArgumentException
 *             if the measurement vector is {@code null}
 * @throws DimensionMismatchException
 *             if the dimension of the measurement vector does not fit
 * @throws SingularMatrixException
 *             if the covariance matrix could not be inverted
public void correct(final RealVector z)
        throws NullArgumentException, DimensionMismatchException, SingularMatrixException {

    // sanity checks
    if (z.getDimension() != measurementMatrix.getRowDimension()) {
        throw new DimensionMismatchException(z.getDimension(),

    // S = H * P(k) - * H' + R
    RealMatrix s = measurementMatrix.multiply(errorCovariance)

    // invert S
    // as the error covariance matrix is a symmetric positive
    // semi-definite matrix, we can use the cholesky decomposition
    DecompositionSolver solver = new CholeskyDecomposition(s).getSolver();
    RealMatrix invertedS = solver.getInverse();

    // Inn = z(k) - H * xHat(k)-
    RealVector innovation = z.subtract(measurementMatrix.operate(stateEstimation));

    // calculate gain matrix
    // K(k) = P(k)- * H' * (H * P(k)- * H' + R)^-1
    // K(k) = P(k)- * H' * S^-1
    RealMatrix kalmanGain = errorCovariance.multiply(measurementMatrixT).multiply(invertedS);

    // update estimate with measurement z(k)
    // xHat(k) = xHat(k)- + K * Inn
    stateEstimation = stateEstimation.add(kalmanGain.operate(innovation));

    // update covariance of prediction error
    // P(k) = (I - K * H) * P(k)-
    RealMatrix identity = MatrixUtils.createRealIdentityMatrix(kalmanGain.getRowDimension());
    errorCovariance = identity.subtract(kalmanGain.multiply(measurementMatrix)).multiply(errorCovariance);
项目:astor    文件   
public void testNonInvertible() {
    QRDecomposition qr =
        new QRDecomposition(MatrixUtils.createRealMatrix(testData3x3Singular));

    final RealMatrix inv = qr.getSolver().getInverse();
项目:astor    文件   
 * Correct the current state estimate with an actual measurement.
 * @param z
 *            the measurement vector
 * @throws NullArgumentException
 *             if the measurement vector is {@code null}
 * @throws DimensionMismatchException
 *             if the dimension of the measurement vector does not fit
 * @throws SingularMatrixException
 *             if the covariance matrix could not be inverted
public void correct(final RealVector z)
        throws NullArgumentException, DimensionMismatchException, SingularMatrixException {

    // sanity checks
    if (z.getDimension() != measurementMatrix.getRowDimension()) {
        throw new DimensionMismatchException(z.getDimension(),

    // S = H * P(k) - * H' + R
    RealMatrix s = measurementMatrix.multiply(errorCovariance)

    // invert S
    // as the error covariance matrix is a symmetric positive
    // semi-definite matrix, we can use the cholesky decomposition
    DecompositionSolver solver = new CholeskyDecomposition(s).getSolver();
    RealMatrix invertedS = solver.getInverse();

    // Inn = z(k) - H * xHat(k)-
    RealVector innovation = z.subtract(measurementMatrix.operate(stateEstimation));

    // calculate gain matrix
    // K(k) = P(k)- * H' * (H * P(k)- * H' + R)^-1
    // K(k) = P(k)- * H' * S^-1
    RealMatrix kalmanGain = errorCovariance.multiply(measurementMatrixT).multiply(invertedS);

    // update estimate with measurement z(k)
    // xHat(k) = xHat(k)- + K * Inn
    stateEstimation = stateEstimation.add(kalmanGain.operate(innovation));

    // update covariance of prediction error
    // P(k) = (I - K * H) * P(k)-
    RealMatrix identity = MatrixUtils.createRealIdentityMatrix(kalmanGain.getRowDimension());
    errorCovariance = identity.subtract(kalmanGain.multiply(measurementMatrix)).multiply(errorCovariance);
项目:astor    文件   
public void testNonInvertible() {
     * Overrides the method from parent class, since the default singularity
     * threshold (1e-14) does not trigger the expected exception.
    LinearProblem problem = new LinearProblem(new double[][] {
            {  1, 2, -3 },
            {  2, 1,  3 },
            { -3, 0, -9 }
    }, new double[] { 1, 1, 1 });

    final LevenbergMarquardtOptimizer optimizer = createOptimizer()
        .withWeight(new DiagonalMatrix(new double[] { 1, 1, 1 }))
        .withStartPoint(new double[] { 0, 0, 0 });

    final double[] optimum = optimizer.optimize().getPoint();
    Assert.assertTrue(FastMath.sqrt(optimizer.getTarget().length) * optimizer.computeRMS(optimum) > 0.6);

    optimizer.computeCovariances(optimum, 1.5e-14);
项目:astor    文件   
 * Correct the current state estimate with an actual measurement.
 * @param z
 *            the measurement vector
 * @throws NullArgumentException
 *             if the measurement vector is {@code null}
 * @throws DimensionMismatchException
 *             if the dimension of the measurement vector does not fit
 * @throws SingularMatrixException
 *             if the covariance matrix could not be inverted
public void correct(final RealVector z)
        throws NullArgumentException, DimensionMismatchException, SingularMatrixException {

    // sanity checks
    if (z.getDimension() != measurementMatrix.getRowDimension()) {
        throw new DimensionMismatchException(z.getDimension(),

    // S = H * P(k) - * H' + R
    RealMatrix s = measurementMatrix.multiply(errorCovariance)

    // invert S
    // as the error covariance matrix is a symmetric positive
    // semi-definite matrix, we can use the cholesky decomposition
    DecompositionSolver solver = new CholeskyDecomposition(s).getSolver();
    RealMatrix invertedS = solver.getInverse();

    // Inn = z(k) - H * xHat(k)-
    RealVector innovation = z.subtract(measurementMatrix.operate(stateEstimation));

    // calculate gain matrix
    // K(k) = P(k)- * H' * (H * P(k)- * H' + R)^-1
    // K(k) = P(k)- * H' * S^-1
    RealMatrix kalmanGain = errorCovariance.multiply(measurementMatrixT).multiply(invertedS);

    // update estimate with measurement z(k)
    // xHat(k) = xHat(k)- + K * Inn
    stateEstimation = stateEstimation.add(kalmanGain.operate(innovation));

    // update covariance of prediction error
    // P(k) = (I - K * H) * P(k)-
    RealMatrix identity = MatrixUtils.createRealIdentityMatrix(kalmanGain.getRowDimension());
    errorCovariance = identity.subtract(kalmanGain.multiply(measurementMatrix)).multiply(errorCovariance);
项目:astor    文件   
public void testNonInvertible() {
     * Overrides the method from parent class, since the default singularity
     * threshold (1e-14) does not trigger the expected exception.
    LinearProblem problem = new LinearProblem(new double[][] {
            {  1, 2, -3 },
            {  2, 1,  3 },
            { -3, 0, -9 }
    }, new double[] { 1, 1, 1 });

    final LevenbergMarquardtOptimizer optimizer = createOptimizer()
        .withWeight(new DiagonalMatrix(new double[] { 1, 1, 1 }))
        .withStartPoint(new double[] { 0, 0, 0 });

    final double[] optimum = optimizer.optimize().getPoint();
    Assert.assertTrue(FastMath.sqrt(optimizer.getTarget().length) * optimizer.computeRMS(optimum) > 0.6);

    optimizer.computeCovariances(optimum, 1.5e-14);
项目:astor    文件   
public void testNonInvertible() {
         * Overrides the method from parent class, since the default singularity
         * threshold (1e-14) does not trigger the expected exception.
        LinearProblem problem = new LinearProblem(new double[][] {
                {  1, 2, -3 },
                {  2, 1,  3 },
                { -3, 0, -9 }
        }, new double[] { 1, 1, 1 });

        final Optimum optimum = optimizer.optimize(

        //TODO check that it is a bad fit? Why the extra conditions?
        Assert.assertTrue(FastMath.sqrt(problem.getTarget().length) * optimum.getRMS() > 0.6);


    }catch (SingularMatrixException e){
项目:astor    文件   
public void testQRSingular() {
    final RealMatrix a = MatrixUtils.createRealMatrix(new double[][] {
        { 1, 6, 4 }, { 2, 4, -1 }, { -1, 2, 5 }
    final RealVector b = new ArrayRealVector(new double[]{ 5, 6, 1 });
    new QRDecomposition(a, 1.0e-15).getSolver().solve(b);
项目:MASPlanes    文件   
 * Returns a sample matrix from this distribution.
 * @return sampled matrix.
public RealMatrix sample() {
    for (int i=0; i<100; i++) {
        try {
            RealMatrix A = sampleWishart();
            RealMatrix result = new LUDecomposition(A).getSolver().getInverse();
            LOG.log(Level.FINE, "Cov = {0}", result);
            return result;
        } catch (SingularMatrixException ex) {
            LOG.finer("Discarding singular matrix generated by the wishart distribution.");
    throw new RuntimeException("Unable to generate inverse wishart samples!");
项目:idylfin    文件   
 * Correct the current state estimate with an actual measurement.
 * @param z
 *            the measurement vector
 * @throws NullArgumentException
 *             if the measurement vector is {@code null}
 * @throws DimensionMismatchException
 *             if the dimension of the measurement vector does not fit
 * @throws SingularMatrixException
 *             if the covariance matrix could not be inverted
public void correct(final RealVector z)
        throws NullArgumentException, DimensionMismatchException, SingularMatrixException {

    // sanity checks
    if (z.getDimension() != measurementMatrix.getRowDimension()) {
        throw new DimensionMismatchException(z.getDimension(),

    // S = H * P(k) - * H' + R
    RealMatrix s = measurementMatrix.multiply(errorCovariance)

    // invert S
    // as the error covariance matrix is a symmetric positive
    // semi-definite matrix, we can use the cholesky decomposition
    DecompositionSolver solver = new CholeskyDecomposition(s).getSolver();
    RealMatrix invertedS = solver.getInverse();

    // Inn = z(k) - H * xHat(k)-
    RealVector innovation = z.subtract(measurementMatrix.operate(stateEstimation));

    // calculate gain matrix
    // K(k) = P(k)- * H' * (H * P(k)- * H' + R)^-1
    // K(k) = P(k)- * H' * S^-1
    RealMatrix kalmanGain = errorCovariance.multiply(measurementMatrixT).multiply(invertedS);

    // update estimate with measurement z(k)
    // xHat(k) = xHat(k)- + K * Inn
    stateEstimation = stateEstimation.add(kalmanGain.operate(innovation));

    // update covariance of prediction error
    // P(k) = (I - K * H) * P(k)-
    RealMatrix identity = MatrixUtils.createRealIdentityMatrix(kalmanGain.getRowDimension());
    errorCovariance = identity.subtract(kalmanGain.multiply(measurementMatrix)).multiply(errorCovariance);
项目:FSensor    文件   
 * Correct the current state estimate with an actual measurement.
 * @param z
 *            the measurement vector
 * @throws NullArgumentException
 *             if the measurement vector is {@code null}
 * @throws DimensionMismatchException
 *             if the dimension of the measurement vector does not fit
 * @throws SingularMatrixException
 *             if the covariance matrix could not be inverted
public void correct(final RealVector z) throws NullArgumentException,
           DimensionMismatchException, SingularMatrixException

    // sanity checks
    if (z.getDimension() != measurementMatrix.getRowDimension())
        throw new DimensionMismatchException(z.getDimension(),

    // S = H * P(k) * H' + R
    RealMatrix s = measurementMatrix.multiply(errorCovariance)

    // Inn = z(k) - H * xHat(k)-
    RealVector innovation = z.subtract(measurementMatrix

    // calculate gain matrix
    // K(k) = P(k)- * H' * (H * P(k)- * H' + R)^-1
    // K(k) = P(k)- * H' * S^-1

    // instead of calculating the inverse of S we can rearrange the formula,
    // and then solve the linear equation A x X = B with A = S', X = K' and
    // B = (H * P)'

    // K(k) * S = P(k)- * H'
    // S' * K(k)' = H * P(k)-'
    RealMatrix kalmanGain = new CholeskyDecomposition(s).getSolver()

    // update estimate with measurement z(k)
    // xHat(k) = xHat(k)- + K * Inn
    stateEstimation = stateEstimation.add(kalmanGain.operate(innovation));

    // update covariance of prediction error
    // P(k) = (I - K * H) * P(k)-
    RealMatrix identity = MatrixUtils.createRealIdentityMatrix(kalmanGain
    errorCovariance = identity.subtract(
项目:incubator-hivemall    文件   
public static RealMatrix inverse(@Nonnull final RealMatrix m) throws SingularMatrixException {
    return inverse(m, true);
项目:incubator-hivemall    文件   
 * L = A x R
 * @return a matrix A that minimizes A x R - L
public static RealMatrix solve(@Nonnull final RealMatrix L, @Nonnull final RealMatrix R)
        throws SingularMatrixException {
    return solve(L, R, true);
项目:SME    文件   
 * Creates a multivariate normal distribution with the given mean vector and
 * covariance matrix.
 * <br/>
 * The number of dimensions is equal to the length of the mean vector
 * and to the number of rows and columns of the covariance matrix.
 * It is frequently written as "p" in formulae.
 * @param rng Random Number Generator.
 * @param means Vector of means.
 * @param covariances Covariance matrix.
 * @throws DimensionMismatchException if the arrays length are
 * inconsistent.
 * @throws SingularMatrixException if the eigenvalue decomposition cannot
 * be performed on the provided covariance matrix.
 * @throws NonPositiveDefiniteMatrixException if any of the eigenvalues is
 * negative.
public MultivariateNormalDistribution(RandomGenerator rng,
                                      final double[] means,
                                      final double[][] covariances)
        throws SingularMatrixException,
               NonPositiveDefiniteMatrixException {
    super(rng, means.length);

    final int dim = means.length;

    if (covariances.length != dim) {
        throw new DimensionMismatchException(covariances.length, dim);

    for (int i = 0; i < dim; i++) {
        if (dim != covariances[i].length) {
            throw new DimensionMismatchException(covariances[i].length, dim);

    this.means = MathArrays.copyOf(means);

    covarianceMatrix = new Array2DRowRealMatrix(covariances);

    // Covariance matrix eigen decomposition.
    final EigenDecomposition covMatDec = new EigenDecomposition(covarianceMatrix);

    // Compute and store the inverse.
    covarianceMatrixInverse = covMatDec.getSolver().getInverse();
    // Compute and store the determinant.
    covarianceMatrixDeterminant = covMatDec.getDeterminant();

    // Eigenvalues of the covariance matrix.
    final double[] covMatEigenvalues = covMatDec.getRealEigenvalues();

    for (int i = 0; i < covMatEigenvalues.length; i++) {
        if (covMatEigenvalues[i] < 0) {
            throw new NonPositiveDefiniteMatrixException(covMatEigenvalues[i], i, 0);

    // Matrix where each column is an eigenvector of the covariance matrix.
    final Array2DRowRealMatrix covMatEigenvectors = new Array2DRowRealMatrix(dim, dim);
    for (int v = 0; v < dim; v++) {
        final double[] evec = covMatDec.getEigenvector(v).toArray();
        covMatEigenvectors.setColumn(v, evec);

    final RealMatrix tmpMatrix = covMatEigenvectors.transpose();

    // Scale each eigenvector by the square root of its eigenvalue.
    for (int row = 0; row < dim; row++) {
        final double factor = FastMath.sqrt(covMatEigenvalues[row]);
        for (int col = 0; col < dim; col++) {
            tmpMatrix.multiplyEntry(row, col, factor);

    samplingMatrix = covMatEigenvectors.multiply(tmpMatrix);
项目:SME    文件   
 * Correct the current state estimate with an actual measurement.
 * @param z
 *            the measurement vector
 * @throws NullArgumentException
 *             if the measurement vector is {@code null}
 * @throws DimensionMismatchException
 *             if the dimension of the measurement vector does not fit
 * @throws SingularMatrixException
 *             if the covariance matrix could not be inverted
public void correct(final RealVector z)
        throws NullArgumentException, DimensionMismatchException, SingularMatrixException {

    // sanity checks
    if (z.getDimension() != measurementMatrix.getRowDimension()) {
        throw new DimensionMismatchException(z.getDimension(),

    // S = H * P(k) * H' + R
    RealMatrix s = measurementMatrix.multiply(errorCovariance)

    // Inn = z(k) - H * xHat(k)-
    RealVector innovation = z.subtract(measurementMatrix.operate(stateEstimation));

    // calculate gain matrix
    // K(k) = P(k)- * H' * (H * P(k)- * H' + R)^-1
    // K(k) = P(k)- * H' * S^-1

    // instead of calculating the inverse of S we can rearrange the formula,
    // and then solve the linear equation A x X = B with A = S', X = K' and B = (H * P)'

    // K(k) * S = P(k)- * H'
    // S' * K(k)' = H * P(k)-'
    RealMatrix kalmanGain = new CholeskyDecomposition(s).getSolver()

    // update estimate with measurement z(k)
    // xHat(k) = xHat(k)- + K * Inn
    stateEstimation = stateEstimation.add(kalmanGain.operate(innovation));

    // update covariance of prediction error
    // P(k) = (I - K * H) * P(k)-
    RealMatrix identity = MatrixUtils.createRealIdentityMatrix(kalmanGain.getRowDimension());
    errorCovariance = identity.subtract(kalmanGain.multiply(measurementMatrix)).multiply(errorCovariance);
项目:GrangerCausality    文件   
     * Suppose y is the target to be checked, x is the impact to be tested, u is the universe
     * of all variables (including y, x and all other time series) and L is the given lag. The
     * question is then:<br>
     * <b>Does x Granger-cause y in the given universe u with the given lag L?</b><br>
     * <br>
     * The H0-test is then the following equation, which'll be solved via OLS:
     * <pre>
     *  y_t     = (y_t-1 ... y_y-L u0_t-1 ... u0_t-L ... un_t-1 ... un_t-L) * (beta_1 ... beta_(n*L))^T + (epsilon_1 ... epsilon_(n*L))^T
     *  ...
     *  y_t-d   = (y_t-d-1 ... y_y-d-L u0_t-d-1 ... u0_t-d-L ... un_t-d-1 ... un_t-d-L) * (beta_1 ... beta_(n*L))^T + (epsilon_1 ... epsilon_(n*L))^T
     *  which translates to 
     *  Y = U(without x) * BETA + EPSILON
     * </pre>
     * The H1-test is then the exact same as H0 but U contains also x.
     * This translates to the following variable names:
     * <ul>
     *   <li>Y => strippedY</li>
     *   <li>X(without x) => laggedH0</li> 
     *   <li>X => laggedH1</li>
     * </ul>
     * @param laggedH0Rows The number of rows in U without x (the laggedH0 matrix). This is the
     * d index in the above defined equation (which can also be called "number of observations").
     * @param strippedY The Y vector that is cut off with the lag size.
     * @param laggedH0 The universe matrix without the x variable whose influence is to be tested.
     * The Matrix is also lagged with the given lag L.
     * @param variablesH0 The number of variables in the universe without the variable x.
     * @param laggedH1 The universe matrix with the x variable. The Matrix is also lagged with the
     * given lag L.
     * @param variablesH1 The number of variables in the universe with the variable x (naturally,
     *                    this should be variablesH0+1).
     * @return The computed GrangerCausalIndicator object, in case of success.
     * Null - If anything went wrong (e.g., the OLS can't compute the parameters due to a
     * SingularMatrixException)
    protected GrangerCausalIndicator performGranger(int laggedH0Rows, double[] strippedY,
            double[][] laggedH0, int variablesH0, double[][] laggedH1, int variablesH1) {
        try {
            OLSMultipleLinearRegression h0 = new OLSMultipleLinearRegression();
            OLSMultipleLinearRegression h1 = new OLSMultipleLinearRegression();
            h0.newSampleData(strippedY, laggedH0);
    //        print(laggedH0);
            h1.newSampleData(strippedY, laggedH1);
    //      print(laggedH1);
            double rs0[] = h0.estimateResiduals();
            double rs1[] = h1.estimateResiduals();
    //        System.out.print("b = {");
    //        for(int i=0; i<b0.length;i++){System.out.print(FORMATTER.format(b0[i])+", ");};
    //        System.out.println();
    //        System.out.print("residuals = {");
    //        for(int i=0; i<rs0.length;i++){System.out.print(FORMATTER.format(rs0[i])+", ");};
    //        System.out.println();
            double RSS0 = sqrSum(rs0);
            double RSS1 = sqrSum(rs1);
            int nbrParametersModel0 = this.lagSize * variablesH0;
            int nbrParametersModel1 = this.lagSize * variablesH1;
            //          (RSS1-RSS2) / (p2-p1)
            // f    = -------------------------
            //              RSS2 / (n-p2)
//          double ftest = ((RSS0 - RSS1)/this.lagSize) / (RSS1 / (laggedH0Rows - 2*this.lagSize - 1));
            double ftest = ((RSS0 - RSS1) / (nbrParametersModel1-nbrParametersModel0))
                    / (RSS1 / (laggedH0Rows-nbrParametersModel1));

    //        System.out.println(RSS0 + " " + RSS1);
    //        System.out.println("F-test " + ftest);

            FDistribution fDist = new FDistribution(this.lagSize, laggedH0Rows-2*this.lagSize-1);
            double pValue = 1.0 - fDist.cumulativeProbability(ftest);
            //        System.out.println("P-value " + pValue);

            return new GrangerCausalIndicator(pValue, CRITICAL_VALUE, this.lagSize);
        } catch(SingularMatrixException smex) {
            return null;