public static CachePoolInfo readCachePoolInfo(DataInput in) throws IOException { String poolName = readString(in); CachePoolInfo info = new CachePoolInfo(poolName); int flags = readInt(in); if ((flags & 0x1) != 0) { info.setOwnerName(readString(in)); } if ((flags & 0x2) != 0) { info.setGroupName(readString(in)); } if ((flags & 0x4) != 0) { info.setMode(; } if ((flags & 0x8) != 0) { info.setLimit(readLong(in)); } if ((flags & 0x10) != 0) { info.setMaxRelativeExpiryMs(readLong(in)); } if ((flags & ~0x1F) != 0) { throw new IOException("Unknown flag in CachePoolInfo: " + flags); } return info; }
public static CachePoolInfo readCachePoolInfo(Stanza st) throws InvalidXmlException { String poolName = st.getValue("POOLNAME"); CachePoolInfo info = new CachePoolInfo(poolName); if (st.hasChildren("OWNERNAME")) { info.setOwnerName(st.getValue("OWNERNAME")); } if (st.hasChildren("GROUPNAME")) { info.setGroupName(st.getValue("GROUPNAME")); } if (st.hasChildren("MODE")) { info.setMode(FSEditLogOp.fsPermissionFromXml(st)); } if (st.hasChildren("LIMIT")) { info.setLimit(Long.parseLong(st.getValue("LIMIT"))); } if (st.hasChildren("MAXRELATIVEEXPIRY")) { info.setMaxRelativeExpiryMs( Long.parseLong(st.getValue("MAXRELATIVEEXPIRY"))); } return info; }
void addCachePool(CachePoolInfo req, boolean logRetryCache) throws IOException { checkOperation(OperationCategory.WRITE); writeLock(); boolean success = false; String poolInfoStr = null; try { checkOperation(OperationCategory.WRITE); if (isInSafeMode()) { throw new SafeModeException( "Cannot add cache pool " + req.getPoolName(), safeMode); } CachePoolInfo info = FSNDNCacheOp.addCachePool(this, cacheManager, req, logRetryCache); poolInfoStr = info.toString(); success = true; } finally { writeUnlock(); logAuditEvent(success, "addCachePool", poolInfoStr, null, null); } getEditLog().logSync(); }
void modifyCachePool(CachePoolInfo req, boolean logRetryCache) throws IOException { checkOperation(OperationCategory.WRITE); writeLock(); boolean success = false; try { checkOperation(OperationCategory.WRITE); if (isInSafeMode()) { throw new SafeModeException( "Cannot modify cache pool " + req.getPoolName(), safeMode); } FSNDNCacheOp.modifyCachePool(this, cacheManager, req, logRetryCache); success = true; } finally { writeUnlock(); String poolNameStr = "{poolName: " + (req == null ? null : req.getPoolName()) + "}"; logAuditEvent(success, "modifyCachePool", poolNameStr, req == null ? null : req.toString(), null); } getEditLog().logSync(); }
/** * Throws an exception if the CachePool does not have enough capacity to * cache the given path at the replication factor. * * @param pool CachePool where the path is being cached * @param path Path that is being cached * @param replication Replication factor of the path * @throws InvalidRequestException if the pool does not have enough capacity */ private void checkLimit(CachePool pool, String path, short replication) throws InvalidRequestException { CacheDirectiveStats stats = computeNeeded(path, replication); if (pool.getLimit() == CachePoolInfo.LIMIT_UNLIMITED) { return; } if (pool.getBytesNeeded() + (stats.getBytesNeeded() * replication) > pool .getLimit()) { throw new InvalidRequestException("Caching path " + path + " of size " + stats.getBytesNeeded() / replication + " bytes at replication " + replication + " would exceed pool " + pool.getPoolName() + "'s remaining capacity of " + (pool.getLimit() - pool.getBytesNeeded()) + " bytes."); } }
/** * Create a cache pool. * * Only the superuser should be able to call this function. * * @param info The info for the cache pool to create. * @return Information about the cache pool we created. */ public CachePoolInfo addCachePool(CachePoolInfo info) throws IOException { assert namesystem.hasWriteLock(); CachePool pool; try { CachePoolInfo.validate(info); String poolName = info.getPoolName(); pool = cachePools.get(poolName); if (pool != null) { throw new InvalidRequestException("Cache pool " + poolName + " already exists."); } pool = CachePool.createFromInfoAndDefaults(info); cachePools.put(pool.getPoolName(), pool); } catch (IOException e) {"addCachePool of " + info + " failed: ", e); throw e; }"addCachePool of {} successful.", info); return pool.getInfo(true); }
/** * Create a new cache pool based on a CachePoolInfo object and the defaults. * We will fill in information that was not supplied according to the * defaults. */ static CachePool createFromInfoAndDefaults(CachePoolInfo info) throws IOException { UserGroupInformation ugi = null; String ownerName = info.getOwnerName(); if (ownerName == null) { ugi = NameNode.getRemoteUser(); ownerName = ugi.getShortUserName(); } String groupName = info.getGroupName(); if (groupName == null) { if (ugi == null) { ugi = NameNode.getRemoteUser(); } groupName = ugi.getPrimaryGroupName(); } FsPermission mode = (info.getMode() == null) ? FsPermission.getCachePoolDefault() : info.getMode(); long limit = info.getLimit() == null ? CachePoolInfo.DEFAULT_LIMIT : info.getLimit(); long maxRelativeExpiry = info.getMaxRelativeExpiryMs() == null ? CachePoolInfo.DEFAULT_MAX_RELATIVE_EXPIRY : info.getMaxRelativeExpiryMs(); return new CachePool(info.getPoolName(), ownerName, groupName, mode, limit, maxRelativeExpiry); }
public static CachePoolInfoProto convert(CachePoolInfo info) { CachePoolInfoProto.Builder builder = CachePoolInfoProto.newBuilder(); builder.setPoolName(info.getPoolName()); if (info.getOwnerName() != null) { builder.setOwnerName(info.getOwnerName()); } if (info.getGroupName() != null) { builder.setGroupName(info.getGroupName()); } if (info.getMode() != null) { builder.setMode(info.getMode().toShort()); } if (info.getLimit() != null) { builder.setLimit(info.getLimit()); } if (info.getMaxRelativeExpiryMs() != null) { builder.setMaxRelativeExpiry(info.getMaxRelativeExpiryMs()); } return; }
public static CachePoolInfo convert (CachePoolInfoProto proto) { // Pool name is a required field, the rest are optional String poolName = checkNotNull(proto.getPoolName()); CachePoolInfo info = new CachePoolInfo(poolName); if (proto.hasOwnerName()) { info.setOwnerName(proto.getOwnerName()); } if (proto.hasGroupName()) { info.setGroupName(proto.getGroupName()); } if (proto.hasMode()) { info.setMode(new FsPermission((short)proto.getMode())); } if (proto.hasLimit()) { info.setLimit(proto.getLimit()); } if (proto.hasMaxRelativeExpiry()) { info.setMaxRelativeExpiryMs(proto.getMaxRelativeExpiry()); } return info; }
/** * Add a list of cache pools, list cache pools, * switch active NN, and list cache pools again. */ @Test (timeout=60000) public void testListCachePools() throws Exception { final int poolCount = 7; HashSet<String> poolNames = new HashSet<String>(poolCount); for (int i=0; i<poolCount; i++) { String poolName = "testListCachePools-" + i; dfs.addCachePool(new CachePoolInfo(poolName)); poolNames.add(poolName); } listCachePools(poolNames, 0); cluster.transitionToStandby(0); cluster.transitionToActive(1); cluster.waitActive(1); listCachePools(poolNames, 1); }
/** * Add a list of cache directives, list cache directives, * switch active NN, and list cache directives again. */ @Test (timeout=60000) public void testListCacheDirectives() throws Exception { final int poolCount = 7; HashSet<String> poolNames = new HashSet<String>(poolCount); Path path = new Path("/p"); for (int i=0; i<poolCount; i++) { String poolName = "testListCacheDirectives-" + i; CacheDirectiveInfo directiveInfo = new CacheDirectiveInfo.Builder().setPool(poolName).setPath(path).build(); dfs.addCachePool(new CachePoolInfo(poolName)); dfs.addCacheDirective(directiveInfo, EnumSet.of(CacheFlag.FORCE)); poolNames.add(poolName); } listCacheDirectives(poolNames, 0); cluster.transitionToStandby(0); cluster.transitionToActive(1); cluster.waitActive(1); listCacheDirectives(poolNames, 1); }
@Test(timeout=60000) public void testExceedsCapacity() throws Exception { // Create a giant file final Path fileName = new Path("/exceeds"); final long fileLen = CACHE_CAPACITY * (NUM_DATANODES*2); int numCachedReplicas = (int) ((CACHE_CAPACITY*NUM_DATANODES)/BLOCK_SIZE); DFSTestUtil.createFile(dfs, fileName, fileLen, (short) NUM_DATANODES, 0xFADED); dfs.addCachePool(new CachePoolInfo("pool")); dfs.addCacheDirective(new CacheDirectiveInfo.Builder().setPool("pool") .setPath(fileName).setReplication((short) 1).build()); waitForCachedBlocks(namenode, -1, numCachedReplicas, "testExceeds:1"); checkPendingCachedEmpty(cluster); Thread.sleep(1000); checkPendingCachedEmpty(cluster); // Try creating a file with giant-sized blocks that exceed cache capacity dfs.delete(fileName, false); DFSTestUtil.createFile(dfs, fileName, 4096, fileLen, CACHE_CAPACITY * 2, (short) 1, 0xFADED); checkPendingCachedEmpty(cluster); Thread.sleep(1000); checkPendingCachedEmpty(cluster); }
public static CachePoolInfo convert (CachePoolInfoProto proto) { // Pool name is a required field, the rest are optional String poolName = Preconditions.checkNotNull(proto.getPoolName()); CachePoolInfo info = new CachePoolInfo(poolName); if (proto.hasOwnerName()) { info.setOwnerName(proto.getOwnerName()); } if (proto.hasGroupName()) { info.setGroupName(proto.getGroupName()); } if (proto.hasMode()) { info.setMode(new FsPermission((short)proto.getMode())); } if (proto.hasLimit()) { info.setLimit(proto.getLimit()); } if (proto.hasMaxRelativeExpiry()) { info.setMaxRelativeExpiryMs(proto.getMaxRelativeExpiry()); } return info; }
void addCachePool(CachePoolInfo req, boolean logRetryCache) throws IOException { writeLock(); boolean success = false; String poolInfoStr = null; try { checkOperation(OperationCategory.WRITE); checkNameNodeSafeMode("Cannot add cache pool" + (req == null ? null : req.getPoolName())); CachePoolInfo info = FSNDNCacheOp.addCachePool(this, cacheManager, req, logRetryCache); poolInfoStr = info.toString(); success = true; } finally { writeUnlock(); logAuditEvent(success, "addCachePool", poolInfoStr, null, null); } getEditLog().logSync(); }
void modifyCachePool(CachePoolInfo req, boolean logRetryCache) throws IOException { writeLock(); boolean success = false; try { checkOperation(OperationCategory.WRITE); checkNameNodeSafeMode("Cannot modify cache pool" + (req == null ? null : req.getPoolName())); FSNDNCacheOp.modifyCachePool(this, cacheManager, req, logRetryCache); success = true; } finally { writeUnlock(); String poolNameStr = "{poolName: " + (req == null ? null : req.getPoolName()) + "}"; logAuditEvent(success, "modifyCachePool", poolNameStr, req == null ? null : req.toString(), null); } getEditLog().logSync(); }
@Override //ClientProtocol public void addCachePool(CachePoolInfo info) throws IOException { checkNNStartup(); namesystem.checkOperation(OperationCategory.WRITE); CacheEntry cacheEntry = RetryCache.waitForCompletion(retryCache); if (cacheEntry != null && cacheEntry.isSuccess()) { return; // Return previous response } boolean success = false; try { namesystem.addCachePool(info, cacheEntry != null); success = true; } finally { RetryCache.setState(cacheEntry, success); } }
@Override // ClientProtocol public void modifyCachePool(CachePoolInfo info) throws IOException { checkNNStartup(); namesystem.checkOperation(OperationCategory.WRITE); CacheEntry cacheEntry = RetryCache.waitForCompletion(retryCache); if (cacheEntry != null && cacheEntry.isSuccess()) { return; // Return previous response } boolean success = false; try { namesystem.modifyCachePool(info, cacheEntry != null); success = true; } finally { RetryCache.setState(cacheEntry, success); } }
@Test(timeout=60000) public void testNoBackingReplica() throws Exception { // Cache all three replicas for a file. final Path filename = new Path("/noback"); final short replication = (short) 3; DFSTestUtil.createFile(dfs, filename, 1, replication, 0x0BAC); dfs.addCachePool(new CachePoolInfo("pool")); dfs.addCacheDirective( new CacheDirectiveInfo.Builder().setPool("pool").setPath(filename) .setReplication(replication).build()); waitForCachedBlocks(namenode, 1, replication, "testNoBackingReplica:1"); // Pause cache reports while we change the replication factor. // This will orphan some cached replicas. DataNodeTestUtils.setCacheReportsDisabledForTests(cluster, true); try { dfs.setReplication(filename, (short) 1); DFSTestUtil.waitForReplication(dfs, filename, (short) 1, 30000); // The cache locations should drop down to 1 even without cache reports. waitForCachedBlocks(namenode, 1, (short) 1, "testNoBackingReplica:2"); } finally { DataNodeTestUtils.setCacheReportsDisabledForTests(cluster, false); } }
public void addCachePool(CachePoolInfo info) throws IOException { checkOpen(); TraceScope scope = Trace.startSpan("addCachePool", traceSampler); try { namenode.addCachePool(info); } catch (RemoteException re) { throw re.unwrapRemoteException(); } finally { scope.close(); } }