Java 类org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.INodeAttributes 实例源码

项目:hadoop    文件   
 * Save SnapshotDiff list for an INodeDirectoryWithSnapshot.
 * @param sNode The directory that the SnapshotDiff list belongs to.
 * @param out The {@link DataOutput} to write.
private static <N extends INode, A extends INodeAttributes, D extends AbstractINodeDiff<N, A, D>>
    void saveINodeDiffs(final AbstractINodeDiffList<N, A, D> diffs,
    final DataOutput out, ReferenceMap referenceMap) throws IOException {
  // Record the diffs in reversed order, so that we can find the correct
  // reference for INodes in the created list when loading the FSImage
  if (diffs == null) {
    out.writeInt(-1); // no diffs
  } else {
    final List<D> list = diffs.asList();
    final int size = list.size();
    for (int i = size - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
      list.get(i).write(out, referenceMap);
项目:aliyun-oss-hadoop-fs    文件   
 * Save SnapshotDiff list for an INodeDirectoryWithSnapshot.
 * @param sNode The directory that the SnapshotDiff list belongs to.
 * @param out The {@link DataOutput} to write.
private static <N extends INode, A extends INodeAttributes, D extends AbstractINodeDiff<N, A, D>>
    void saveINodeDiffs(final AbstractINodeDiffList<N, A, D> diffs,
    final DataOutput out, ReferenceMap referenceMap) throws IOException {
  // Record the diffs in reversed order, so that we can find the correct
  // reference for INodes in the created list when loading the FSImage
  if (diffs == null) {
    out.writeInt(-1); // no diffs
  } else {
    final List<D> list = diffs.asList();
    final int size = list.size();
    for (int i = size - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
      list.get(i).write(out, referenceMap);
项目:big-c    文件   
 * Save SnapshotDiff list for an INodeDirectoryWithSnapshot.
 * @param sNode The directory that the SnapshotDiff list belongs to.
 * @param out The {@link DataOutput} to write.
private static <N extends INode, A extends INodeAttributes, D extends AbstractINodeDiff<N, A, D>>
    void saveINodeDiffs(final AbstractINodeDiffList<N, A, D> diffs,
    final DataOutput out, ReferenceMap referenceMap) throws IOException {
  // Record the diffs in reversed order, so that we can find the correct
  // reference for INodes in the created list when loading the FSImage
  if (diffs == null) {
    out.writeInt(-1); // no diffs
  } else {
    final List<D> list = diffs.asList();
    final int size = list.size();
    for (int i = size - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
      list.get(i).write(out, referenceMap);
项目:hadoop-2.6.0-cdh5.4.3    文件   
 * Save SnapshotDiff list for an INodeDirectoryWithSnapshot.
 * @param sNode The directory that the SnapshotDiff list belongs to.
 * @param out The {@link DataOutput} to write.
private static <N extends INode, A extends INodeAttributes, D extends AbstractINodeDiff<N, A, D>>
    void saveINodeDiffs(final AbstractINodeDiffList<N, A, D> diffs,
    final DataOutput out, ReferenceMap referenceMap) throws IOException {
  // Record the diffs in reversed order, so that we can find the correct
  // reference for INodes in the created list when loading the FSImage
  if (diffs == null) {
    out.writeInt(-1); // no diffs
  } else {
    final List<D> list = diffs.asList();
    final int size = list.size();
    for (int i = size - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
      list.get(i).write(out, referenceMap);
项目:hadoop-plus    文件   
 * Save SnapshotDiff list for an INodeDirectoryWithSnapshot.
 * @param sNode The directory that the SnapshotDiff list belongs to.
 * @param out The {@link DataOutput} to write.
private static <N extends INode, A extends INodeAttributes, D extends AbstractINodeDiff<N, A, D>>
    void saveINodeDiffs(final AbstractINodeDiffList<N, A, D> diffs,
    final DataOutput out, ReferenceMap referenceMap) throws IOException {
  // Record the diffs in reversed order, so that we can find the correct
  // reference for INodes in the created list when loading the FSImage
  if (diffs == null) {
    out.writeInt(-1); // no diffs
  } else {
    final List<D> list = diffs.asList();
    final int size = list.size();
    for (int i = size - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
      list.get(i).write(out, referenceMap);
项目:FlexMap    文件   
 * Save SnapshotDiff list for an INodeDirectoryWithSnapshot.
 * @param sNode The directory that the SnapshotDiff list belongs to.
 * @param out The {@link DataOutput} to write.
private static <N extends INode, A extends INodeAttributes, D extends AbstractINodeDiff<N, A, D>>
    void saveINodeDiffs(final AbstractINodeDiffList<N, A, D> diffs,
    final DataOutput out, ReferenceMap referenceMap) throws IOException {
  // Record the diffs in reversed order, so that we can find the correct
  // reference for INodes in the created list when loading the FSImage
  if (diffs == null) {
    out.writeInt(-1); // no diffs
  } else {
    final List<D> list = diffs.asList();
    final int size = list.size();
    for (int i = size - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
      list.get(i).write(out, referenceMap);
项目:hops    文件   
private Collection<INodeAttributes> findByPrimaryKeys(
    INodeAttributes.Finder qfinder, Object[] params)
    throws StorageCallPreventedException, StorageException {
  final List<INodeCandidatePrimaryKey> inodePks =
      (List<INodeCandidatePrimaryKey>) params[0];
  Collection<INodeAttributes> result = null;
  if (contains(inodePks)) {
    result = get(inodePks);
    hit(qfinder, result, "inodeids", inodePks);
  } else {
    aboutToAccessStorage(qfinder, inodePks);
    result = dataAccess.findAttributesByPkList(inodePks);
    miss(qfinder, result, "inodeids", inodePks);
      for(INodeAttributes iNodeAttributes:result){
        log("read-attributes", "id", iNodeAttributes.getInodeId(), "DSQ", iNodeAttributes.getDsQuota(),"DS", iNodeAttributes.getDiskspace(), "NSQ", iNodeAttributes.getNsQuota(), "NS", iNodeAttributes.getNsCount());

  return result;
项目:hops    文件   
private void updateAttributes(INodeCandidatePrimaryKey trg_param,
    List<INodeCandidatePrimaryKey> toBeDeletedSrcs)
    throws TransactionContextException {
  for (INodeCandidatePrimaryKey src : toBeDeletedSrcs) {
    if (contains(src.getInodeId())) {
      INodeAttributes toBeDeleted = get(src.getInodeId());
      INodeAttributes toBeAdded = clone(toBeDeleted, trg_param.getInodeId());

      if(isLogDebugEnabled()) {
        log("snapshot-maintenance-removed-inode-attribute", "inodeId",

      if(isLogDebugEnabled()) {
        log("snapshot-maintenance-added-inode-attribute", "inodeId",
项目:hadoop-TCP    文件   
 * Save SnapshotDiff list for an INodeDirectoryWithSnapshot.
 * @param sNode The directory that the SnapshotDiff list belongs to.
 * @param out The {@link DataOutput} to write.
private static <N extends INode, A extends INodeAttributes, D extends AbstractINodeDiff<N, A, D>>
    void saveINodeDiffs(final AbstractINodeDiffList<N, A, D> diffs,
    final DataOutput out, ReferenceMap referenceMap) throws IOException {
  // Record the diffs in reversed order, so that we can find the correct
  // reference for INodes in the created list when loading the FSImage
  if (diffs == null) {
    out.writeInt(-1); // no diffs
  } else {
    final List<D> list = diffs.asList();
    final int size = list.size();
    for (int i = size - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
      list.get(i).write(out, referenceMap);
项目:hardfs    文件   
 * Save SnapshotDiff list for an INodeDirectoryWithSnapshot.
 * @param sNode The directory that the SnapshotDiff list belongs to.
 * @param out The {@link DataOutput} to write.
private static <N extends INode, A extends INodeAttributes, D extends AbstractINodeDiff<N, A, D>>
    void saveINodeDiffs(final AbstractINodeDiffList<N, A, D> diffs,
    final DataOutput out, ReferenceMap referenceMap) throws IOException {
  // Record the diffs in reversed order, so that we can find the correct
  // reference for INodes in the created list when loading the FSImage
  if (diffs == null) {
    out.writeInt(-1); // no diffs
  } else {
    final List<D> list = diffs.asList();
    final int size = list.size();
    for (int i = size - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
      list.get(i).write(out, referenceMap);
项目:hops    文件   
public void update(INodeAttributes iNodeAttributes)
    throws TransactionContextException {
  if (iNodeAttributes.getInodeId() != INode.NON_EXISTING_ID) {
      log("updated-attributes", "id", iNodeAttributes.getInodeId(), "DSQ", iNodeAttributes.getDsQuota(),"DS", iNodeAttributes.getDiskspace(), "NSQ", iNodeAttributes.getNsQuota(), "NS", iNodeAttributes.getNsCount());
  } else {
    if(isLogDebugEnabled()) {
      log("updated-attributes -- IGNORED as id is not set");
项目:hops    文件   
public void remove(INodeAttributes iNodeAttributes)
    throws TransactionContextException {
  if(isLogDebugEnabled()) {
    log("removed-attributes", "id", iNodeAttributes.getInodeId());
    for(int i = 0; i < Thread.currentThread().getStackTrace().length;i++){
     System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getStackTrace()[i]) ;
项目:hops    文件   
public INodeAttributes find(FinderType<INodeAttributes> finder,
    Object... params) throws TransactionContextException, StorageException {
  INodeAttributes.Finder qfinder = (INodeAttributes.Finder) finder;
  switch (qfinder) {
    case ByINodeId:
      return findByPrimaryKey(qfinder, params);
  throw new UnsupportedOperationException(UNSUPPORTED_FINDER);
项目:hops    文件   
public Collection<INodeAttributes> findList(
    FinderType<INodeAttributes> finder, Object... params)
    throws TransactionContextException, StorageException {
  INodeAttributes.Finder qfinder = (INodeAttributes.Finder) finder;
  switch (qfinder) {
    case ByINodeIds:
      return findByPrimaryKeys(qfinder, params);
  throw new UnsupportedOperationException(UNSUPPORTED_FINDER);
项目:hops    文件   
public void prepare(TransactionLocks tlm)
    throws TransactionContextException, StorageException {
  Collection<INodeAttributes> modified =
      new ArrayList<>(getModified());
  dataAccess.prepare(modified, getRemoved());
项目:hops    文件   
private INodeAttributes findByPrimaryKey(INodeAttributes.Finder qfinder,
    Object[] params) throws StorageCallPreventedException, StorageException {
  final int inodeId = (Integer) params[0];
  INodeAttributes result = null;
  if (contains(inodeId)) {
    result = get(inodeId);
    hit(qfinder, result, "inodeid", inodeId);
  } else {
    aboutToAccessStorage(qfinder, params);
    result = dataAccess.findAttributesByPk(inodeId);
    gotFromDB(inodeId, result);
    miss(qfinder, result, "inodeid", inodeId, "size", size());
  return result;
项目:hops    文件   
private Collection<INodeAttributes> get(
    List<INodeCandidatePrimaryKey> iNodeCandidatePKs) {
  Collection<INodeAttributes> iNodeAttributeses =
      new ArrayList<>(iNodeCandidatePKs.size());
  for (INodeCandidatePrimaryKey pk : iNodeCandidatePKs) {
  return iNodeAttributeses;
项目:hops    文件   
protected void acquireINodeAttributes()
    throws StorageException, TransactionContextException {
  List<INodeCandidatePrimaryKey> pks =
      new ArrayList<>();
  for (INode inode : getAllResolvedINodes()) {
    if (inode instanceof INodeDirectoryWithQuota) {
      INodeCandidatePrimaryKey pk =
          new INodeCandidatePrimaryKey(inode.getId());
  acquireLockList(DEFAULT_LOCK_TYPE, INodeAttributes.Finder.ByINodeIds, pks);
项目:hops    文件   
public INodeAttributesContext(
    INodeAttributesDataAccess<INodeAttributes> dataAccess) {
  this.dataAccess = dataAccess;
项目:hops    文件   
Integer getKey(INodeAttributes iNodeAttributes) {
  return iNodeAttributes.getInodeId();
项目:hops    文件   
private INodeAttributes clone(INodeAttributes src, int inodeId) {
  return new INodeAttributes(inodeId, src.getNsQuota(), src.getNsCount(),
      src.getDsQuota(), src.getDiskspace());