Java 类org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.INodeFileAttributes 实例源码

项目:hadoop-2.6.0-cdh5.4.3    文件   
private void serializeFileDiffList(INodeFile file, OutputStream out)
    throws IOException {
  FileWithSnapshotFeature sf = file.getFileWithSnapshotFeature();
  if (sf != null) {
    List<FileDiff> diffList = sf.getDiffs().asList();
    SnapshotDiffSection.DiffEntry entry = SnapshotDiffSection.DiffEntry
    for (int i = diffList.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
      FileDiff diff = diffList.get(i);
      SnapshotDiffSection.FileDiff.Builder fb = SnapshotDiffSection.FileDiff
      INodeFileAttributes copy = diff.snapshotINode;
      if (copy != null) {
            .setSnapshotCopy(buildINodeFile(copy, parent.getSaverContext()));
项目:FlexMap    文件   
private void serializeFileDiffList(INodeFile file, OutputStream out)
    throws IOException {
  FileWithSnapshotFeature sf = file.getFileWithSnapshotFeature();
  if (sf != null) {
    List<FileDiff> diffList = sf.getDiffs().asList();
    SnapshotDiffSection.DiffEntry entry = SnapshotDiffSection.DiffEntry
    for (int i = diffList.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
      FileDiff diff = diffList.get(i);
      SnapshotDiffSection.FileDiff.Builder fb = SnapshotDiffSection.FileDiff
      INodeFileAttributes copy = diff.snapshotINode;
      if (copy != null) {
            .setSnapshotCopy(buildINodeFile(copy, parent.getSaverContext()));
项目:hadoop-on-lustre2    文件   
private void serializeFileDiffList(INodeFile file, OutputStream out)
    throws IOException {
  FileWithSnapshotFeature sf = file.getFileWithSnapshotFeature();
  if (sf != null) {
    List<FileDiff> diffList = sf.getDiffs().asList();
    SnapshotDiffSection.DiffEntry entry = SnapshotDiffSection.DiffEntry
    for (int i = diffList.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
      FileDiff diff = diffList.get(i);
      SnapshotDiffSection.FileDiff.Builder fb = SnapshotDiffSection.FileDiff
      INodeFileAttributes copy = diff.snapshotINode;
      if (copy != null) {
            .setSnapshotCopy(buildINodeFile(copy, parent.getSaverContext()));
项目:hadoop    文件   
public void saveSelf2Snapshot(int latestSnapshotId, INodeFile iNodeFile,
    INodeFileAttributes snapshotCopy, boolean withBlocks) {
  final FileDiff diff =
      super.saveSelf2Snapshot(latestSnapshotId, iNodeFile, snapshotCopy);
  if(withBlocks)  // Store blocks if this is the first update
项目:hadoop    文件   
boolean changedBetweenSnapshots(INodeFile file, Snapshot from, Snapshot to) {
  int[] diffIndexPair = diffs.changedBetweenSnapshots(from, to);
  if (diffIndexPair == null) {
    return false;
  int earlierDiffIndex = diffIndexPair[0];
  int laterDiffIndex = diffIndexPair[1];

  final List<FileDiff> diffList = diffs.asList();
  final long earlierLength = diffList.get(earlierDiffIndex).getFileSize();
  final long laterLength = laterDiffIndex == diffList.size() ? file
      .computeFileSize(true, false) : diffList.get(laterDiffIndex)
  if (earlierLength != laterLength) { // file length has been changed
    return true;

  INodeFileAttributes earlierAttr = null; // check the metadata
  for (int i = earlierDiffIndex; i < laterDiffIndex; i++) {
    FileDiff diff = diffList.get(i);
    if (diff.snapshotINode != null) {
      earlierAttr = diff.snapshotINode;
  if (earlierAttr == null) { // no meta-change at all, return false
    return false;
  INodeFileAttributes laterAttr = diffs.getSnapshotINode(
      Math.max(Snapshot.getSnapshotId(from), Snapshot.getSnapshotId(to)),
  return !earlierAttr.metadataEquals(laterAttr);
项目:hadoop    文件   
private static FileDiff loadFileDiff(FileDiff posterior, DataInput in,
    FSImageFormat.Loader loader) throws IOException {
  // 1. Read the id of the Snapshot root to identify the Snapshot
  final Snapshot snapshot = loader.getSnapshot(in);

  // 2. Load file size
  final long fileSize = in.readLong();

  // 3. Load snapshotINode 
  final INodeFileAttributes snapshotINode = in.readBoolean()?
      loader.loadINodeFileAttributes(in): null;

  return new FileDiff(snapshot.getId(), snapshotINode, posterior, fileSize);
项目:hadoop    文件   
/** Constructor used by FSImage loading */
FileDiff(int snapshotId, INodeFileAttributes snapshotINode,
    FileDiff posteriorDiff, long fileSize) {
  super(snapshotId, snapshotINode, posteriorDiff);
  this.fileSize = fileSize;
  blocks = null;
项目:hadoop    文件   
private void serializeFileDiffList(INodeFile file, OutputStream out)
    throws IOException {
  FileWithSnapshotFeature sf = file.getFileWithSnapshotFeature();
  if (sf != null) {
    List<FileDiff> diffList = sf.getDiffs().asList();
    SnapshotDiffSection.DiffEntry entry = SnapshotDiffSection.DiffEntry
    for (int i = diffList.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
      FileDiff diff = diffList.get(i);
      SnapshotDiffSection.FileDiff.Builder fb = SnapshotDiffSection.FileDiff
      if(diff.getBlocks() != null) {
        for(Block block : diff.getBlocks()) {
      INodeFileAttributes copy = diff.snapshotINode;
      if (copy != null) {
            .setSnapshotCopy(buildINodeFile(copy, parent.getSaverContext()));
项目:aliyun-oss-hadoop-fs    文件   
public void saveSelf2Snapshot(int latestSnapshotId, INodeFile iNodeFile,
    INodeFileAttributes snapshotCopy, boolean withBlocks) {
  final FileDiff diff =
      super.saveSelf2Snapshot(latestSnapshotId, iNodeFile, snapshotCopy);
  if (withBlocks) {  // Store blocks if this is the first update
    BlockInfo[] blks = iNodeFile.getBlocks();
    assert blks != null;
项目:aliyun-oss-hadoop-fs    文件   
boolean changedBetweenSnapshots(INodeFile file, Snapshot from, Snapshot to) {
  int[] diffIndexPair = diffs.changedBetweenSnapshots(from, to);
  if (diffIndexPair == null) {
    return false;
  int earlierDiffIndex = diffIndexPair[0];
  int laterDiffIndex = diffIndexPair[1];

  final List<FileDiff> diffList = diffs.asList();
  final long earlierLength = diffList.get(earlierDiffIndex).getFileSize();
  final long laterLength = laterDiffIndex == diffList.size() ? file
      .computeFileSize(true, false) : diffList.get(laterDiffIndex)
  if (earlierLength != laterLength) { // file length has been changed
    return true;

  INodeFileAttributes earlierAttr = null; // check the metadata
  for (int i = earlierDiffIndex; i < laterDiffIndex; i++) {
    FileDiff diff = diffList.get(i);
    if (diff.snapshotINode != null) {
      earlierAttr = diff.snapshotINode;
  if (earlierAttr == null) { // no meta-change at all, return false
    return false;
  INodeFileAttributes laterAttr = diffs.getSnapshotINode(
      Math.max(Snapshot.getSnapshotId(from), Snapshot.getSnapshotId(to)),
  return !earlierAttr.metadataEquals(laterAttr);
项目:aliyun-oss-hadoop-fs    文件   
private static FileDiff loadFileDiff(FileDiff posterior, DataInput in,
    FSImageFormat.Loader loader) throws IOException {
  // 1. Read the id of the Snapshot root to identify the Snapshot
  final Snapshot snapshot = loader.getSnapshot(in);

  // 2. Load file size
  final long fileSize = in.readLong();

  // 3. Load snapshotINode 
  final INodeFileAttributes snapshotINode = in.readBoolean()?
      loader.loadINodeFileAttributes(in): null;

  return new FileDiff(snapshot.getId(), snapshotINode, posterior, fileSize);
项目:aliyun-oss-hadoop-fs    文件   
/** Constructor used by FSImage loading */
FileDiff(int snapshotId, INodeFileAttributes snapshotINode,
    FileDiff posteriorDiff, long fileSize) {
  super(snapshotId, snapshotINode, posteriorDiff);
  this.fileSize = fileSize;
  blocks = null;
项目:aliyun-oss-hadoop-fs    文件   
private void serializeFileDiffList(INodeFile file, OutputStream out)
    throws IOException {
  FileWithSnapshotFeature sf = file.getFileWithSnapshotFeature();
  if (sf != null) {
    List<FileDiff> diffList = sf.getDiffs().asList();
    SnapshotDiffSection.DiffEntry entry = SnapshotDiffSection.DiffEntry
    for (int i = diffList.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
      FileDiff diff = diffList.get(i);
      SnapshotDiffSection.FileDiff.Builder fb = SnapshotDiffSection.FileDiff
      if(diff.getBlocks() != null) {
        for(Block block : diff.getBlocks()) {
      INodeFileAttributes copy = diff.snapshotINode;
      if (copy != null) {
            .setSnapshotCopy(buildINodeFile(copy, parent.getSaverContext()));
项目:big-c    文件   
public void saveSelf2Snapshot(int latestSnapshotId, INodeFile iNodeFile,
    INodeFileAttributes snapshotCopy, boolean withBlocks) {
  final FileDiff diff =
      super.saveSelf2Snapshot(latestSnapshotId, iNodeFile, snapshotCopy);
  if(withBlocks)  // Store blocks if this is the first update
项目:big-c    文件   
boolean changedBetweenSnapshots(INodeFile file, Snapshot from, Snapshot to) {
  int[] diffIndexPair = diffs.changedBetweenSnapshots(from, to);
  if (diffIndexPair == null) {
    return false;
  int earlierDiffIndex = diffIndexPair[0];
  int laterDiffIndex = diffIndexPair[1];

  final List<FileDiff> diffList = diffs.asList();
  final long earlierLength = diffList.get(earlierDiffIndex).getFileSize();
  final long laterLength = laterDiffIndex == diffList.size() ? file
      .computeFileSize(true, false) : diffList.get(laterDiffIndex)
  if (earlierLength != laterLength) { // file length has been changed
    return true;

  INodeFileAttributes earlierAttr = null; // check the metadata
  for (int i = earlierDiffIndex; i < laterDiffIndex; i++) {
    FileDiff diff = diffList.get(i);
    if (diff.snapshotINode != null) {
      earlierAttr = diff.snapshotINode;
  if (earlierAttr == null) { // no meta-change at all, return false
    return false;
  INodeFileAttributes laterAttr = diffs.getSnapshotINode(
      Math.max(Snapshot.getSnapshotId(from), Snapshot.getSnapshotId(to)),
  return !earlierAttr.metadataEquals(laterAttr);
项目:big-c    文件   
private static FileDiff loadFileDiff(FileDiff posterior, DataInput in,
    FSImageFormat.Loader loader) throws IOException {
  // 1. Read the id of the Snapshot root to identify the Snapshot
  final Snapshot snapshot = loader.getSnapshot(in);

  // 2. Load file size
  final long fileSize = in.readLong();

  // 3. Load snapshotINode 
  final INodeFileAttributes snapshotINode = in.readBoolean()?
      loader.loadINodeFileAttributes(in): null;

  return new FileDiff(snapshot.getId(), snapshotINode, posterior, fileSize);
项目:big-c    文件   
/** Constructor used by FSImage loading */
FileDiff(int snapshotId, INodeFileAttributes snapshotINode,
    FileDiff posteriorDiff, long fileSize) {
  super(snapshotId, snapshotINode, posteriorDiff);
  this.fileSize = fileSize;
  blocks = null;
项目:big-c    文件   
private void serializeFileDiffList(INodeFile file, OutputStream out)
    throws IOException {
  FileWithSnapshotFeature sf = file.getFileWithSnapshotFeature();
  if (sf != null) {
    List<FileDiff> diffList = sf.getDiffs().asList();
    SnapshotDiffSection.DiffEntry entry = SnapshotDiffSection.DiffEntry
    for (int i = diffList.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
      FileDiff diff = diffList.get(i);
      SnapshotDiffSection.FileDiff.Builder fb = SnapshotDiffSection.FileDiff
      if(diff.getBlocks() != null) {
        for(Block block : diff.getBlocks()) {
      INodeFileAttributes copy = diff.snapshotINode;
      if (copy != null) {
            .setSnapshotCopy(buildINodeFile(copy, parent.getSaverContext()));
项目:hadoop-2.6.0-cdh5.4.3    文件   
boolean changedBetweenSnapshots(INodeFile file, Snapshot from, Snapshot to) {
  int[] diffIndexPair = diffs.changedBetweenSnapshots(from, to);
  if (diffIndexPair == null) {
    return false;
  int earlierDiffIndex = diffIndexPair[0];
  int laterDiffIndex = diffIndexPair[1];

  final List<FileDiff> diffList = diffs.asList();
  final long earlierLength = diffList.get(earlierDiffIndex).getFileSize();
  final long laterLength = laterDiffIndex == diffList.size() ? file
      .computeFileSize(true, false) : diffList.get(laterDiffIndex)
  if (earlierLength != laterLength) { // file length has been changed
    return true;

  INodeFileAttributes earlierAttr = null; // check the metadata
  for (int i = earlierDiffIndex; i < laterDiffIndex; i++) {
    FileDiff diff = diffList.get(i);
    if (diff.snapshotINode != null) {
      earlierAttr = diff.snapshotINode;
  if (earlierAttr == null) { // no meta-change at all, return false
    return false;
  INodeFileAttributes laterAttr = diffs.getSnapshotINode(
      Math.max(Snapshot.getSnapshotId(from), Snapshot.getSnapshotId(to)),
  return !earlierAttr.metadataEquals(laterAttr);
项目:hadoop-2.6.0-cdh5.4.3    文件   
private static FileDiff loadFileDiff(FileDiff posterior, DataInput in,
    FSImageFormat.Loader loader) throws IOException {
  // 1. Read the id of the Snapshot root to identify the Snapshot
  final Snapshot snapshot = loader.getSnapshot(in);

  // 2. Load file size
  final long fileSize = in.readLong();

  // 3. Load snapshotINode 
  final INodeFileAttributes snapshotINode = in.readBoolean()?
      loader.loadINodeFileAttributes(in): null;

  return new FileDiff(snapshot.getId(), snapshotINode, posterior, fileSize);
项目:hadoop-plus    文件   
private static FileDiff loadFileDiff(FileDiff posterior, DataInput in,
    FSImageFormat.Loader loader) throws IOException {
  // 1. Read the full path of the Snapshot root to identify the Snapshot
  final Snapshot snapshot = loader.getSnapshot(in);

  // 2. Load file size
  final long fileSize = in.readLong();

  // 3. Load snapshotINode 
  final INodeFileAttributes snapshotINode = in.readBoolean()?
      loader.loadINodeFileAttributes(in): null;

  return new FileDiff(snapshot, snapshotINode, posterior, fileSize);
项目:FlexMap    文件   
boolean changedBetweenSnapshots(INodeFile file, Snapshot from, Snapshot to) {
  int[] diffIndexPair = diffs.changedBetweenSnapshots(from, to);
  if (diffIndexPair == null) {
    return false;
  int earlierDiffIndex = diffIndexPair[0];
  int laterDiffIndex = diffIndexPair[1];

  final List<FileDiff> diffList = diffs.asList();
  final long earlierLength = diffList.get(earlierDiffIndex).getFileSize();
  final long laterLength = laterDiffIndex == diffList.size() ? file
      .computeFileSize(true, false) : diffList.get(laterDiffIndex)
  if (earlierLength != laterLength) { // file length has been changed
    return true;

  INodeFileAttributes earlierAttr = null; // check the metadata
  for (int i = earlierDiffIndex; i < laterDiffIndex; i++) {
    FileDiff diff = diffList.get(i);
    if (diff.snapshotINode != null) {
      earlierAttr = diff.snapshotINode;
  if (earlierAttr == null) { // no meta-change at all, return false
    return false;
  INodeFileAttributes laterAttr = diffs.getSnapshotINode(
      Math.max(Snapshot.getSnapshotId(from), Snapshot.getSnapshotId(to)),
  return !earlierAttr.metadataEquals(laterAttr);
项目:FlexMap    文件   
private static FileDiff loadFileDiff(FileDiff posterior, DataInput in,
    FSImageFormat.Loader loader) throws IOException {
  // 1. Read the id of the Snapshot root to identify the Snapshot
  final Snapshot snapshot = loader.getSnapshot(in);

  // 2. Load file size
  final long fileSize = in.readLong();

  // 3. Load snapshotINode 
  final INodeFileAttributes snapshotINode = in.readBoolean()?
      loader.loadINodeFileAttributes(in): null;

  return new FileDiff(snapshot.getId(), snapshotINode, posterior, fileSize);
项目:hadoop-TCP    文件   
private static FileDiff loadFileDiff(FileDiff posterior, DataInput in,
    FSImageFormat.Loader loader) throws IOException {
  // 1. Read the full path of the Snapshot root to identify the Snapshot
  final Snapshot snapshot = loader.getSnapshot(in);

  // 2. Load file size
  final long fileSize = in.readLong();

  // 3. Load snapshotINode 
  final INodeFileAttributes snapshotINode = in.readBoolean()?
      loader.loadINodeFileAttributes(in): null;

  return new FileDiff(snapshot, snapshotINode, posterior, fileSize);
项目:hardfs    文件   
private static FileDiff loadFileDiff(FileDiff posterior, DataInput in,
    FSImageFormat.Loader loader) throws IOException {
  // 1. Read the full path of the Snapshot root to identify the Snapshot
  final Snapshot snapshot = loader.getSnapshot(in);

  // 2. Load file size
  final long fileSize = in.readLong();

  // 3. Load snapshotINode 
  final INodeFileAttributes snapshotINode = in.readBoolean()?
      loader.loadINodeFileAttributes(in): null;

  return new FileDiff(snapshot, snapshotINode, posterior, fileSize);
项目:hadoop-on-lustre2    文件   
private static FileDiff loadFileDiff(FileDiff posterior, DataInput in,
    FSImageFormat.Loader loader) throws IOException {
  // 1. Read the id of the Snapshot root to identify the Snapshot
  final Snapshot snapshot = loader.getSnapshot(in);

  // 2. Load file size
  final long fileSize = in.readLong();

  // 3. Load snapshotINode 
  final INodeFileAttributes snapshotINode = in.readBoolean()?
      loader.loadINodeFileAttributes(in): null;

  return new FileDiff(snapshot.getId(), snapshotINode, posterior, fileSize);
项目:hadoop    文件   
INodeFileAttributes createSnapshotCopy(INodeFile currentINode) {
  return new INodeFileAttributes.SnapshotCopy(currentINode);
项目:aliyun-oss-hadoop-fs    文件   
INodeFileAttributes createSnapshotCopy(INodeFile currentINode) {
  return new INodeFileAttributes.SnapshotCopy(currentINode);
项目:big-c    文件   
INodeFileAttributes createSnapshotCopy(INodeFile currentINode) {
  return new INodeFileAttributes.SnapshotCopy(currentINode);
项目:hadoop-2.6.0-cdh5.4.3    文件   
INodeFileAttributes createSnapshotCopy(INodeFile currentINode) {
  return new INodeFileAttributes.SnapshotCopy(currentINode);
项目:hadoop-2.6.0-cdh5.4.3    文件   
/** Constructor used by FSImage loading */
FileDiff(int snapshotId, INodeFileAttributes snapshotINode,
    FileDiff posteriorDiff, long fileSize) {
  super(snapshotId, snapshotINode, posteriorDiff);
  this.fileSize = fileSize;
项目:hadoop-plus    文件   
public INodeFileAttributes getSnapshotINode(Snapshot snapshot) {
  return diffs.getSnapshotINode(snapshot, this);
项目:hadoop-plus    文件   
/** Constructor used by FSImage loading */
FileDiff(Snapshot snapshot, INodeFileAttributes snapshotINode,
    FileDiff posteriorDiff, long fileSize) {
  super(snapshot, snapshotINode, posteriorDiff);
  this.fileSize = fileSize;
项目:hadoop-plus    文件   
INodeFileAttributes createSnapshotCopy(INodeFile currentINode) {
  return new INodeFileAttributes.SnapshotCopy(currentINode);
项目:hadoop-plus    文件   
public INodeFileAttributes getSnapshotINode(Snapshot snapshot) {
  return diffs.getSnapshotINode(snapshot, this);
项目:FlexMap    文件   
INodeFileAttributes createSnapshotCopy(INodeFile currentINode) {
  return new INodeFileAttributes.SnapshotCopy(currentINode);
项目:FlexMap    文件   
/** Constructor used by FSImage loading */
FileDiff(int snapshotId, INodeFileAttributes snapshotINode,
    FileDiff posteriorDiff, long fileSize) {
  super(snapshotId, snapshotINode, posteriorDiff);
  this.fileSize = fileSize;
项目:hadoop-TCP    文件   
public INodeFileAttributes getSnapshotINode(Snapshot snapshot) {
  return diffs.getSnapshotINode(snapshot, this);
项目:hadoop-TCP    文件   
/** Constructor used by FSImage loading */
FileDiff(Snapshot snapshot, INodeFileAttributes snapshotINode,
    FileDiff posteriorDiff, long fileSize) {
  super(snapshot, snapshotINode, posteriorDiff);
  this.fileSize = fileSize;
项目:hadoop-TCP    文件   
INodeFileAttributes createSnapshotCopy(INodeFile currentINode) {
  return new INodeFileAttributes.SnapshotCopy(currentINode);