Java 类org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.TestEditLog.AbortSpec 实例源码

项目:hadoop    文件   
 * Test a mixture of inprogress files and finalised. Set up 3 edits 
 * directories and fail the second on the last roll. Verify that reading
 * the transactions, reads from the finalised directories.
public void testInprogressRecoveryMixed() throws IOException {
  File f1 = new File(TestEditLog.TEST_DIR + "/mixtest0");
  File f2 = new File(TestEditLog.TEST_DIR + "/mixtest1");
  File f3 = new File(TestEditLog.TEST_DIR + "/mixtest2");

  List<URI> editUris = ImmutableList.of(f1.toURI(), f2.toURI(), f3.toURI());

  // abort after the 5th roll 
  NNStorage storage = setupEdits(editUris,
                                 5, new AbortSpec(5, 1));
  Iterator<StorageDirectory> dirs = storage.dirIterator(NameNodeDirType.EDITS);
  StorageDirectory sd =;
  FileJournalManager jm = new FileJournalManager(conf, sd, storage);
  assertEquals(6*TXNS_PER_ROLL, getNumberOfTransactions(jm, 1, true, false));

  sd =;
  jm = new FileJournalManager(conf, sd, storage);
  assertEquals(5*TXNS_PER_ROLL + TXNS_PER_FAIL, getNumberOfTransactions(jm, 1,
      true, false));

  sd =;
  jm = new FileJournalManager(conf, sd, storage);
  assertEquals(6*TXNS_PER_ROLL, getNumberOfTransactions(jm, 1, true, false));
项目:hadoop    文件   
public void testFinalizeErrorReportedToNNStorage() throws IOException, InterruptedException {
  File f = new File(TestEditLog.TEST_DIR + "/filejournaltestError");
  // abort after 10th roll
  NNStorage storage = setupEdits(Collections.<URI>singletonList(f.toURI()),
                                 10, new AbortSpec(10, 0));
  StorageDirectory sd = storage.dirIterator(NameNodeDirType.EDITS).next();

  FileJournalManager jm = new FileJournalManager(conf, sd, storage);
  String sdRootPath = sd.getRoot().getAbsolutePath();
  FileUtil.chmod(sdRootPath, "-w", true);
  try {
    jm.finalizeLogSegment(0, 1);
  } finally {
    FileUtil.chmod(sdRootPath, "+w", true);
项目:hadoop    文件   
 * Test that we can read from a stream created by FileJournalManager.
 * Create a single edits directory, failing it on the final roll.
 * Then try loading from the point of the 3rd roll. Verify that we read 
 * the correct number of transactions from this point.
public void testReadFromStream() throws IOException {
  File f = new File(TestEditLog.TEST_DIR + "/readfromstream");
  // abort after 10th roll
  NNStorage storage = setupEdits(Collections.<URI>singletonList(f.toURI()),
                                 10, new AbortSpec(10, 0));
  StorageDirectory sd = storage.dirIterator(NameNodeDirType.EDITS).next();

  FileJournalManager jm = new FileJournalManager(conf, sd, storage);
  long expectedTotalTxnCount = TXNS_PER_ROLL*10 + TXNS_PER_FAIL;
  assertEquals(expectedTotalTxnCount, getNumberOfTransactions(jm, 1,
      true, false));

  long skippedTxns = (3*TXNS_PER_ROLL); // skip first 3 files
  long startingTxId = skippedTxns + 1; 

  long numLoadable = getNumberOfTransactions(jm, startingTxId,
      true, false);
  assertEquals(expectedTotalTxnCount - skippedTxns, numLoadable); 
项目:hadoop    文件   
 * Test that we can load an edits directory with a corrupt inprogress file.
 * The corrupt inprogress file should be moved to the side.
public void testManyLogsWithCorruptInprogress() throws IOException {
  File f = new File(TestEditLog.TEST_DIR + "/manylogswithcorruptinprogress");
  NNStorage storage = setupEdits(Collections.<URI>singletonList(f.toURI()), 10, new AbortSpec(10, 0));
  StorageDirectory sd = storage.dirIterator(NameNodeDirType.EDITS).next();

  File[] files = new File(f, "current").listFiles(new FilenameFilter() {
      public boolean accept(File dir, String name) {
        if (name.startsWith("edits_inprogress")) {
          return true;
        return false;
  assertEquals(files.length, 1);


  FileJournalManager jm = new FileJournalManager(conf, sd, storage);
               getNumberOfTransactions(jm, 1, true, false));
项目:aliyun-oss-hadoop-fs    文件   
 * Test a mixture of inprogress files and finalised. Set up 3 edits 
 * directories and fail the second on the last roll. Verify that reading
 * the transactions, reads from the finalised directories.
public void testInprogressRecoveryMixed() throws IOException {
  File f1 = new File(TestEditLog.TEST_DIR + "/mixtest0");
  File f2 = new File(TestEditLog.TEST_DIR + "/mixtest1");
  File f3 = new File(TestEditLog.TEST_DIR + "/mixtest2");

  List<URI> editUris = ImmutableList.of(f1.toURI(), f2.toURI(), f3.toURI());

  // abort after the 5th roll 
  NNStorage storage = setupEdits(editUris,
                                 5, new AbortSpec(5, 1));
  Iterator<StorageDirectory> dirs = storage.dirIterator(NameNodeDirType.EDITS);
  StorageDirectory sd =;
  FileJournalManager jm = new FileJournalManager(conf, sd, storage);
  assertEquals(6*TXNS_PER_ROLL, getNumberOfTransactions(jm, 1, true, false));

  sd =;
  jm = new FileJournalManager(conf, sd, storage);
  assertEquals(5*TXNS_PER_ROLL + TXNS_PER_FAIL, getNumberOfTransactions(jm, 1,
      true, false));

  sd =;
  jm = new FileJournalManager(conf, sd, storage);
  assertEquals(6*TXNS_PER_ROLL, getNumberOfTransactions(jm, 1, true, false));
项目:aliyun-oss-hadoop-fs    文件   
public void testFinalizeErrorReportedToNNStorage() throws IOException, InterruptedException {
  File f = new File(TestEditLog.TEST_DIR + "/filejournaltestError");
  // abort after 10th roll
  NNStorage storage = setupEdits(Collections.<URI>singletonList(f.toURI()),
                                 10, new AbortSpec(10, 0));
  StorageDirectory sd = storage.dirIterator(NameNodeDirType.EDITS).next();

  FileJournalManager jm = new FileJournalManager(conf, sd, storage);
  String sdRootPath = sd.getRoot().getAbsolutePath();
  FileUtil.chmod(sdRootPath, "-w", true);
  try {
    jm.finalizeLogSegment(0, 1);
  } finally {
    FileUtil.chmod(sdRootPath, "+w", true);
项目:aliyun-oss-hadoop-fs    文件   
 * Test that we can read from a stream created by FileJournalManager.
 * Create a single edits directory, failing it on the final roll.
 * Then try loading from the point of the 3rd roll. Verify that we read 
 * the correct number of transactions from this point.
public void testReadFromStream() throws IOException {
  File f = new File(TestEditLog.TEST_DIR + "/readfromstream");
  // abort after 10th roll
  NNStorage storage = setupEdits(Collections.<URI>singletonList(f.toURI()),
                                 10, new AbortSpec(10, 0));
  StorageDirectory sd = storage.dirIterator(NameNodeDirType.EDITS).next();

  FileJournalManager jm = new FileJournalManager(conf, sd, storage);
  long expectedTotalTxnCount = TXNS_PER_ROLL*10 + TXNS_PER_FAIL;
  assertEquals(expectedTotalTxnCount, getNumberOfTransactions(jm, 1,
      true, false));

  long skippedTxns = (3*TXNS_PER_ROLL); // skip first 3 files
  long startingTxId = skippedTxns + 1; 

  long numLoadable = getNumberOfTransactions(jm, startingTxId,
      true, false);
  assertEquals(expectedTotalTxnCount - skippedTxns, numLoadable); 
项目:aliyun-oss-hadoop-fs    文件   
 * Test that we can load an edits directory with a corrupt inprogress file.
 * The corrupt inprogress file should be moved to the side.
public void testManyLogsWithCorruptInprogress() throws IOException {
  File f = new File(TestEditLog.TEST_DIR + "/manylogswithcorruptinprogress");
  NNStorage storage = setupEdits(Collections.<URI>singletonList(f.toURI()), 10, new AbortSpec(10, 0));
  StorageDirectory sd = storage.dirIterator(NameNodeDirType.EDITS).next();

  File[] files = new File(f, "current").listFiles(new FilenameFilter() {
      public boolean accept(File dir, String name) {
        if (name.startsWith("edits_inprogress")) {
          return true;
        return false;
  assertEquals(files.length, 1);


  FileJournalManager jm = new FileJournalManager(conf, sd, storage);
               getNumberOfTransactions(jm, 1, true, false));
项目:big-c    文件   
 * Test a mixture of inprogress files and finalised. Set up 3 edits 
 * directories and fail the second on the last roll. Verify that reading
 * the transactions, reads from the finalised directories.
public void testInprogressRecoveryMixed() throws IOException {
  File f1 = new File(TestEditLog.TEST_DIR + "/mixtest0");
  File f2 = new File(TestEditLog.TEST_DIR + "/mixtest1");
  File f3 = new File(TestEditLog.TEST_DIR + "/mixtest2");

  List<URI> editUris = ImmutableList.of(f1.toURI(), f2.toURI(), f3.toURI());

  // abort after the 5th roll 
  NNStorage storage = setupEdits(editUris,
                                 5, new AbortSpec(5, 1));
  Iterator<StorageDirectory> dirs = storage.dirIterator(NameNodeDirType.EDITS);
  StorageDirectory sd =;
  FileJournalManager jm = new FileJournalManager(conf, sd, storage);
  assertEquals(6*TXNS_PER_ROLL, getNumberOfTransactions(jm, 1, true, false));

  sd =;
  jm = new FileJournalManager(conf, sd, storage);
  assertEquals(5*TXNS_PER_ROLL + TXNS_PER_FAIL, getNumberOfTransactions(jm, 1,
      true, false));

  sd =;
  jm = new FileJournalManager(conf, sd, storage);
  assertEquals(6*TXNS_PER_ROLL, getNumberOfTransactions(jm, 1, true, false));
项目:big-c    文件   
public void testFinalizeErrorReportedToNNStorage() throws IOException, InterruptedException {
  File f = new File(TestEditLog.TEST_DIR + "/filejournaltestError");
  // abort after 10th roll
  NNStorage storage = setupEdits(Collections.<URI>singletonList(f.toURI()),
                                 10, new AbortSpec(10, 0));
  StorageDirectory sd = storage.dirIterator(NameNodeDirType.EDITS).next();

  FileJournalManager jm = new FileJournalManager(conf, sd, storage);
  String sdRootPath = sd.getRoot().getAbsolutePath();
  FileUtil.chmod(sdRootPath, "-w", true);
  try {
    jm.finalizeLogSegment(0, 1);
  } finally {
    FileUtil.chmod(sdRootPath, "+w", true);
项目:big-c    文件   
 * Test that we can read from a stream created by FileJournalManager.
 * Create a single edits directory, failing it on the final roll.
 * Then try loading from the point of the 3rd roll. Verify that we read 
 * the correct number of transactions from this point.
public void testReadFromStream() throws IOException {
  File f = new File(TestEditLog.TEST_DIR + "/readfromstream");
  // abort after 10th roll
  NNStorage storage = setupEdits(Collections.<URI>singletonList(f.toURI()),
                                 10, new AbortSpec(10, 0));
  StorageDirectory sd = storage.dirIterator(NameNodeDirType.EDITS).next();

  FileJournalManager jm = new FileJournalManager(conf, sd, storage);
  long expectedTotalTxnCount = TXNS_PER_ROLL*10 + TXNS_PER_FAIL;
  assertEquals(expectedTotalTxnCount, getNumberOfTransactions(jm, 1,
      true, false));

  long skippedTxns = (3*TXNS_PER_ROLL); // skip first 3 files
  long startingTxId = skippedTxns + 1; 

  long numLoadable = getNumberOfTransactions(jm, startingTxId,
      true, false);
  assertEquals(expectedTotalTxnCount - skippedTxns, numLoadable); 
项目:big-c    文件   
 * Test that we can load an edits directory with a corrupt inprogress file.
 * The corrupt inprogress file should be moved to the side.
public void testManyLogsWithCorruptInprogress() throws IOException {
  File f = new File(TestEditLog.TEST_DIR + "/manylogswithcorruptinprogress");
  NNStorage storage = setupEdits(Collections.<URI>singletonList(f.toURI()), 10, new AbortSpec(10, 0));
  StorageDirectory sd = storage.dirIterator(NameNodeDirType.EDITS).next();

  File[] files = new File(f, "current").listFiles(new FilenameFilter() {
      public boolean accept(File dir, String name) {
        if (name.startsWith("edits_inprogress")) {
          return true;
        return false;
  assertEquals(files.length, 1);


  FileJournalManager jm = new FileJournalManager(conf, sd, storage);
               getNumberOfTransactions(jm, 1, true, false));
项目:hadoop-2.6.0-cdh5.4.3    文件   
 * Test a mixture of inprogress files and finalised. Set up 3 edits 
 * directories and fail the second on the last roll. Verify that reading
 * the transactions, reads from the finalised directories.
public void testInprogressRecoveryMixed() throws IOException {
  File f1 = new File(TestEditLog.TEST_DIR + "/mixtest0");
  File f2 = new File(TestEditLog.TEST_DIR + "/mixtest1");
  File f3 = new File(TestEditLog.TEST_DIR + "/mixtest2");

  List<URI> editUris = ImmutableList.of(f1.toURI(), f2.toURI(), f3.toURI());

  // abort after the 5th roll 
  NNStorage storage = setupEdits(editUris,
                                 5, new AbortSpec(5, 1));
  Iterator<StorageDirectory> dirs = storage.dirIterator(NameNodeDirType.EDITS);
  StorageDirectory sd =;
  FileJournalManager jm = new FileJournalManager(conf, sd, storage);
  assertEquals(6*TXNS_PER_ROLL, getNumberOfTransactions(jm, 1, true, false));

  sd =;
  jm = new FileJournalManager(conf, sd, storage);
  assertEquals(5*TXNS_PER_ROLL + TXNS_PER_FAIL, getNumberOfTransactions(jm, 1,
      true, false));

  sd =;
  jm = new FileJournalManager(conf, sd, storage);
  assertEquals(6*TXNS_PER_ROLL, getNumberOfTransactions(jm, 1, true, false));
项目:hadoop-2.6.0-cdh5.4.3    文件   
public void testFinalizeErrorReportedToNNStorage() throws IOException, InterruptedException {
  File f = new File(TestEditLog.TEST_DIR + "/filejournaltestError");
  // abort after 10th roll
  NNStorage storage = setupEdits(Collections.<URI>singletonList(f.toURI()),
                                 10, new AbortSpec(10, 0));
  StorageDirectory sd = storage.dirIterator(NameNodeDirType.EDITS).next();

  FileJournalManager jm = new FileJournalManager(conf, sd, storage);
  String sdRootPath = sd.getRoot().getAbsolutePath();
  FileUtil.chmod(sdRootPath, "-w", true);
  try {
    jm.finalizeLogSegment(0, 1);
  } finally {
    FileUtil.chmod(sdRootPath, "+w", true);
项目:hadoop-2.6.0-cdh5.4.3    文件   
 * Test that we can read from a stream created by FileJournalManager.
 * Create a single edits directory, failing it on the final roll.
 * Then try loading from the point of the 3rd roll. Verify that we read 
 * the correct number of transactions from this point.
public void testReadFromStream() throws IOException {
  File f = new File(TestEditLog.TEST_DIR + "/readfromstream");
  // abort after 10th roll
  NNStorage storage = setupEdits(Collections.<URI>singletonList(f.toURI()),
                                 10, new AbortSpec(10, 0));
  StorageDirectory sd = storage.dirIterator(NameNodeDirType.EDITS).next();

  FileJournalManager jm = new FileJournalManager(conf, sd, storage);
  long expectedTotalTxnCount = TXNS_PER_ROLL*10 + TXNS_PER_FAIL;
  assertEquals(expectedTotalTxnCount, getNumberOfTransactions(jm, 1,
      true, false));

  long skippedTxns = (3*TXNS_PER_ROLL); // skip first 3 files
  long startingTxId = skippedTxns + 1; 

  long numLoadable = getNumberOfTransactions(jm, startingTxId,
      true, false);
  assertEquals(expectedTotalTxnCount - skippedTxns, numLoadable); 
项目:hadoop-2.6.0-cdh5.4.3    文件   
 * Test that we can load an edits directory with a corrupt inprogress file.
 * The corrupt inprogress file should be moved to the side.
public void testManyLogsWithCorruptInprogress() throws IOException {
  File f = new File(TestEditLog.TEST_DIR + "/manylogswithcorruptinprogress");
  NNStorage storage = setupEdits(Collections.<URI>singletonList(f.toURI()), 10, new AbortSpec(10, 0));
  StorageDirectory sd = storage.dirIterator(NameNodeDirType.EDITS).next();

  File[] files = new File(f, "current").listFiles(new FilenameFilter() {
      public boolean accept(File dir, String name) {
        if (name.startsWith("edits_inprogress")) {
          return true;
        return false;
  assertEquals(files.length, 1);


  FileJournalManager jm = new FileJournalManager(conf, sd, storage);
               getNumberOfTransactions(jm, 1, true, false));
项目:hadoop-plus    文件   
 * Test a mixture of inprogress files and finalised. Set up 3 edits 
 * directories and fail the second on the last roll. Verify that reading
 * the transactions, reads from the finalised directories.
public void testInprogressRecoveryMixed() throws IOException {
  File f1 = new File(TestEditLog.TEST_DIR + "/mixtest0");
  File f2 = new File(TestEditLog.TEST_DIR + "/mixtest1");
  File f3 = new File(TestEditLog.TEST_DIR + "/mixtest2");

  List<URI> editUris = ImmutableList.of(f1.toURI(), f2.toURI(), f3.toURI());

  // abort after the 5th roll 
  NNStorage storage = setupEdits(editUris,
                                 5, new AbortSpec(5, 1));
  Iterator<StorageDirectory> dirs = storage.dirIterator(NameNodeDirType.EDITS);
  StorageDirectory sd =;
  FileJournalManager jm = new FileJournalManager(conf, sd, storage);
  assertEquals(6*TXNS_PER_ROLL, getNumberOfTransactions(jm, 1, true, false));

  sd =;
  jm = new FileJournalManager(conf, sd, storage);
  assertEquals(5*TXNS_PER_ROLL + TXNS_PER_FAIL, getNumberOfTransactions(jm, 1,
      true, false));

  sd =;
  jm = new FileJournalManager(conf, sd, storage);
  assertEquals(6*TXNS_PER_ROLL, getNumberOfTransactions(jm, 1, true, false));
项目:hadoop-plus    文件   
public void testFinalizeErrorReportedToNNStorage() throws IOException, InterruptedException {
  File f = new File(TestEditLog.TEST_DIR + "/filejournaltestError");
  // abort after 10th roll
  NNStorage storage = setupEdits(Collections.<URI>singletonList(f.toURI()),
                                 10, new AbortSpec(10, 0));
  StorageDirectory sd = storage.dirIterator(NameNodeDirType.EDITS).next();

  FileJournalManager jm = new FileJournalManager(conf, sd, storage);
  String sdRootPath = sd.getRoot().getAbsolutePath();
  FileUtil.chmod(sdRootPath, "-w", true);
  try {
    jm.finalizeLogSegment(0, 1);
  } finally {
    FileUtil.chmod(sdRootPath, "+w", true);
项目:hadoop-plus    文件   
 * Test that we can read from a stream created by FileJournalManager.
 * Create a single edits directory, failing it on the final roll.
 * Then try loading from the point of the 3rd roll. Verify that we read 
 * the correct number of transactions from this point.
public void testReadFromStream() throws IOException {
  File f = new File(TestEditLog.TEST_DIR + "/filejournaltest1");
  // abort after 10th roll
  NNStorage storage = setupEdits(Collections.<URI>singletonList(f.toURI()),
                                 10, new AbortSpec(10, 0));
  StorageDirectory sd = storage.dirIterator(NameNodeDirType.EDITS).next();

  FileJournalManager jm = new FileJournalManager(conf, sd, storage);
  long expectedTotalTxnCount = TXNS_PER_ROLL*10 + TXNS_PER_FAIL;
  assertEquals(expectedTotalTxnCount, getNumberOfTransactions(jm, 1,
      true, false));

  long skippedTxns = (3*TXNS_PER_ROLL); // skip first 3 files
  long startingTxId = skippedTxns + 1; 

  long numLoadable = getNumberOfTransactions(jm, startingTxId,
      true, false);
  assertEquals(expectedTotalTxnCount - skippedTxns, numLoadable); 
项目:hadoop-plus    文件   
 * Test that we can load an edits directory with a corrupt inprogress file.
 * The corrupt inprogress file should be moved to the side.
public void testManyLogsWithCorruptInprogress() throws IOException {
  File f = new File(TestEditLog.TEST_DIR + "/filejournaltest5");
  NNStorage storage = setupEdits(Collections.<URI>singletonList(f.toURI()), 10, new AbortSpec(10, 0));
  StorageDirectory sd = storage.dirIterator(NameNodeDirType.EDITS).next();

  File[] files = new File(f, "current").listFiles(new FilenameFilter() {
      public boolean accept(File dir, String name) {
        if (name.startsWith("edits_inprogress")) {
          return true;
        return false;
  assertEquals(files.length, 1);


  FileJournalManager jm = new FileJournalManager(conf, sd, storage);
               getNumberOfTransactions(jm, 1, true, false));
项目:FlexMap    文件   
 * Test a mixture of inprogress files and finalised. Set up 3 edits 
 * directories and fail the second on the last roll. Verify that reading
 * the transactions, reads from the finalised directories.
public void testInprogressRecoveryMixed() throws IOException {
  File f1 = new File(TestEditLog.TEST_DIR + "/mixtest0");
  File f2 = new File(TestEditLog.TEST_DIR + "/mixtest1");
  File f3 = new File(TestEditLog.TEST_DIR + "/mixtest2");

  List<URI> editUris = ImmutableList.of(f1.toURI(), f2.toURI(), f3.toURI());

  // abort after the 5th roll 
  NNStorage storage = setupEdits(editUris,
                                 5, new AbortSpec(5, 1));
  Iterator<StorageDirectory> dirs = storage.dirIterator(NameNodeDirType.EDITS);
  StorageDirectory sd =;
  FileJournalManager jm = new FileJournalManager(conf, sd, storage);
  assertEquals(6*TXNS_PER_ROLL, getNumberOfTransactions(jm, 1, true, false));

  sd =;
  jm = new FileJournalManager(conf, sd, storage);
  assertEquals(5*TXNS_PER_ROLL + TXNS_PER_FAIL, getNumberOfTransactions(jm, 1,
      true, false));

  sd =;
  jm = new FileJournalManager(conf, sd, storage);
  assertEquals(6*TXNS_PER_ROLL, getNumberOfTransactions(jm, 1, true, false));
项目:FlexMap    文件   
public void testFinalizeErrorReportedToNNStorage() throws IOException, InterruptedException {
  File f = new File(TestEditLog.TEST_DIR + "/filejournaltestError");
  // abort after 10th roll
  NNStorage storage = setupEdits(Collections.<URI>singletonList(f.toURI()),
                                 10, new AbortSpec(10, 0));
  StorageDirectory sd = storage.dirIterator(NameNodeDirType.EDITS).next();

  FileJournalManager jm = new FileJournalManager(conf, sd, storage);
  String sdRootPath = sd.getRoot().getAbsolutePath();
  FileUtil.chmod(sdRootPath, "-w", true);
  try {
    jm.finalizeLogSegment(0, 1);
  } finally {
    FileUtil.chmod(sdRootPath, "+w", true);
项目:FlexMap    文件   
 * Test that we can read from a stream created by FileJournalManager.
 * Create a single edits directory, failing it on the final roll.
 * Then try loading from the point of the 3rd roll. Verify that we read 
 * the correct number of transactions from this point.
public void testReadFromStream() throws IOException {
  File f = new File(TestEditLog.TEST_DIR + "/readfromstream");
  // abort after 10th roll
  NNStorage storage = setupEdits(Collections.<URI>singletonList(f.toURI()),
                                 10, new AbortSpec(10, 0));
  StorageDirectory sd = storage.dirIterator(NameNodeDirType.EDITS).next();

  FileJournalManager jm = new FileJournalManager(conf, sd, storage);
  long expectedTotalTxnCount = TXNS_PER_ROLL*10 + TXNS_PER_FAIL;
  assertEquals(expectedTotalTxnCount, getNumberOfTransactions(jm, 1,
      true, false));

  long skippedTxns = (3*TXNS_PER_ROLL); // skip first 3 files
  long startingTxId = skippedTxns + 1; 

  long numLoadable = getNumberOfTransactions(jm, startingTxId,
      true, false);
  assertEquals(expectedTotalTxnCount - skippedTxns, numLoadable); 
项目:FlexMap    文件   
 * Test that we can load an edits directory with a corrupt inprogress file.
 * The corrupt inprogress file should be moved to the side.
public void testManyLogsWithCorruptInprogress() throws IOException {
  File f = new File(TestEditLog.TEST_DIR + "/manylogswithcorruptinprogress");
  NNStorage storage = setupEdits(Collections.<URI>singletonList(f.toURI()), 10, new AbortSpec(10, 0));
  StorageDirectory sd = storage.dirIterator(NameNodeDirType.EDITS).next();

  File[] files = new File(f, "current").listFiles(new FilenameFilter() {
      public boolean accept(File dir, String name) {
        if (name.startsWith("edits_inprogress")) {
          return true;
        return false;
  assertEquals(files.length, 1);


  FileJournalManager jm = new FileJournalManager(conf, sd, storage);
               getNumberOfTransactions(jm, 1, true, false));
项目:hadoop-TCP    文件   
 * Test a mixture of inprogress files and finalised. Set up 3 edits 
 * directories and fail the second on the last roll. Verify that reading
 * the transactions, reads from the finalised directories.
public void testInprogressRecoveryMixed() throws IOException {
  File f1 = new File(TestEditLog.TEST_DIR + "/mixtest0");
  File f2 = new File(TestEditLog.TEST_DIR + "/mixtest1");
  File f3 = new File(TestEditLog.TEST_DIR + "/mixtest2");

  List<URI> editUris = ImmutableList.of(f1.toURI(), f2.toURI(), f3.toURI());

  // abort after the 5th roll 
  NNStorage storage = setupEdits(editUris,
                                 5, new AbortSpec(5, 1));
  Iterator<StorageDirectory> dirs = storage.dirIterator(NameNodeDirType.EDITS);
  StorageDirectory sd =;
  FileJournalManager jm = new FileJournalManager(conf, sd, storage);
  assertEquals(6*TXNS_PER_ROLL, getNumberOfTransactions(jm, 1, true, false));

  sd =;
  jm = new FileJournalManager(conf, sd, storage);
  assertEquals(5*TXNS_PER_ROLL + TXNS_PER_FAIL, getNumberOfTransactions(jm, 1,
      true, false));

  sd =;
  jm = new FileJournalManager(conf, sd, storage);
  assertEquals(6*TXNS_PER_ROLL, getNumberOfTransactions(jm, 1, true, false));
项目:hadoop-TCP    文件   
public void testFinalizeErrorReportedToNNStorage() throws IOException, InterruptedException {
  File f = new File(TestEditLog.TEST_DIR + "/filejournaltestError");
  // abort after 10th roll
  NNStorage storage = setupEdits(Collections.<URI>singletonList(f.toURI()),
                                 10, new AbortSpec(10, 0));
  StorageDirectory sd = storage.dirIterator(NameNodeDirType.EDITS).next();

  FileJournalManager jm = new FileJournalManager(conf, sd, storage);
  String sdRootPath = sd.getRoot().getAbsolutePath();
  FileUtil.chmod(sdRootPath, "-w", true);
  try {
    jm.finalizeLogSegment(0, 1);
  } finally {
    FileUtil.chmod(sdRootPath, "+w", true);
项目:hadoop-TCP    文件   
 * Test that we can read from a stream created by FileJournalManager.
 * Create a single edits directory, failing it on the final roll.
 * Then try loading from the point of the 3rd roll. Verify that we read 
 * the correct number of transactions from this point.
public void testReadFromStream() throws IOException {
  File f = new File(TestEditLog.TEST_DIR + "/filejournaltest1");
  // abort after 10th roll
  NNStorage storage = setupEdits(Collections.<URI>singletonList(f.toURI()),
                                 10, new AbortSpec(10, 0));
  StorageDirectory sd = storage.dirIterator(NameNodeDirType.EDITS).next();

  FileJournalManager jm = new FileJournalManager(conf, sd, storage);
  long expectedTotalTxnCount = TXNS_PER_ROLL*10 + TXNS_PER_FAIL;
  assertEquals(expectedTotalTxnCount, getNumberOfTransactions(jm, 1,
      true, false));

  long skippedTxns = (3*TXNS_PER_ROLL); // skip first 3 files
  long startingTxId = skippedTxns + 1; 

  long numLoadable = getNumberOfTransactions(jm, startingTxId,
      true, false);
  assertEquals(expectedTotalTxnCount - skippedTxns, numLoadable); 
项目:hadoop-TCP    文件   
 * Test that we can load an edits directory with a corrupt inprogress file.
 * The corrupt inprogress file should be moved to the side.
public void testManyLogsWithCorruptInprogress() throws IOException {
  File f = new File(TestEditLog.TEST_DIR + "/filejournaltest5");
  NNStorage storage = setupEdits(Collections.<URI>singletonList(f.toURI()), 10, new AbortSpec(10, 0));
  StorageDirectory sd = storage.dirIterator(NameNodeDirType.EDITS).next();

  File[] files = new File(f, "current").listFiles(new FilenameFilter() {
      public boolean accept(File dir, String name) {
        if (name.startsWith("edits_inprogress")) {
          return true;
        return false;
  assertEquals(files.length, 1);


  FileJournalManager jm = new FileJournalManager(conf, sd, storage);
               getNumberOfTransactions(jm, 1, true, false));
项目:hardfs    文件   
 * Test a mixture of inprogress files and finalised. Set up 3 edits 
 * directories and fail the second on the last roll. Verify that reading
 * the transactions, reads from the finalised directories.
public void testInprogressRecoveryMixed() throws IOException {
  File f1 = new File(TestEditLog.TEST_DIR + "/mixtest0");
  File f2 = new File(TestEditLog.TEST_DIR + "/mixtest1");
  File f3 = new File(TestEditLog.TEST_DIR + "/mixtest2");

  List<URI> editUris = ImmutableList.of(f1.toURI(), f2.toURI(), f3.toURI());

  // abort after the 5th roll 
  NNStorage storage = setupEdits(editUris,
                                 5, new AbortSpec(5, 1));
  Iterator<StorageDirectory> dirs = storage.dirIterator(NameNodeDirType.EDITS);
  StorageDirectory sd =;
  FileJournalManager jm = new FileJournalManager(conf, sd, storage);
  assertEquals(6*TXNS_PER_ROLL, getNumberOfTransactions(jm, 1, true, false));

  sd =;
  jm = new FileJournalManager(conf, sd, storage);
  assertEquals(5*TXNS_PER_ROLL + TXNS_PER_FAIL, getNumberOfTransactions(jm, 1,
      true, false));

  sd =;
  jm = new FileJournalManager(conf, sd, storage);
  assertEquals(6*TXNS_PER_ROLL, getNumberOfTransactions(jm, 1, true, false));
项目:hardfs    文件   
public void testFinalizeErrorReportedToNNStorage() throws IOException, InterruptedException {
  File f = new File(TestEditLog.TEST_DIR + "/filejournaltestError");
  // abort after 10th roll
  NNStorage storage = setupEdits(Collections.<URI>singletonList(f.toURI()),
                                 10, new AbortSpec(10, 0));
  StorageDirectory sd = storage.dirIterator(NameNodeDirType.EDITS).next();

  FileJournalManager jm = new FileJournalManager(conf, sd, storage);
  String sdRootPath = sd.getRoot().getAbsolutePath();
  FileUtil.chmod(sdRootPath, "-w", true);
  try {
    jm.finalizeLogSegment(0, 1);
  } finally {
    FileUtil.chmod(sdRootPath, "+w", true);
项目:hardfs    文件   
 * Test that we can read from a stream created by FileJournalManager.
 * Create a single edits directory, failing it on the final roll.
 * Then try loading from the point of the 3rd roll. Verify that we read 
 * the correct number of transactions from this point.
public void testReadFromStream() throws IOException {
  File f = new File(TestEditLog.TEST_DIR + "/filejournaltest1");
  // abort after 10th roll
  NNStorage storage = setupEdits(Collections.<URI>singletonList(f.toURI()),
                                 10, new AbortSpec(10, 0));
  StorageDirectory sd = storage.dirIterator(NameNodeDirType.EDITS).next();

  FileJournalManager jm = new FileJournalManager(conf, sd, storage);
  long expectedTotalTxnCount = TXNS_PER_ROLL*10 + TXNS_PER_FAIL;
  assertEquals(expectedTotalTxnCount, getNumberOfTransactions(jm, 1,
      true, false));

  long skippedTxns = (3*TXNS_PER_ROLL); // skip first 3 files
  long startingTxId = skippedTxns + 1; 

  long numLoadable = getNumberOfTransactions(jm, startingTxId,
      true, false);
  assertEquals(expectedTotalTxnCount - skippedTxns, numLoadable); 
项目:hardfs    文件   
 * Test that we can load an edits directory with a corrupt inprogress file.
 * The corrupt inprogress file should be moved to the side.
public void testManyLogsWithCorruptInprogress() throws IOException {
  File f = new File(TestEditLog.TEST_DIR + "/filejournaltest5");
  NNStorage storage = setupEdits(Collections.<URI>singletonList(f.toURI()), 10, new AbortSpec(10, 0));
  StorageDirectory sd = storage.dirIterator(NameNodeDirType.EDITS).next();

  File[] files = new File(f, "current").listFiles(new FilenameFilter() {
      public boolean accept(File dir, String name) {
        if (name.startsWith("edits_inprogress")) {
          return true;
        return false;
  assertEquals(files.length, 1);


  FileJournalManager jm = new FileJournalManager(conf, sd, storage);
               getNumberOfTransactions(jm, 1, true, false));
项目:hadoop-on-lustre2    文件   
 * Test a mixture of inprogress files and finalised. Set up 3 edits 
 * directories and fail the second on the last roll. Verify that reading
 * the transactions, reads from the finalised directories.
public void testInprogressRecoveryMixed() throws IOException {
  File f1 = new File(TestEditLog.TEST_DIR + "/mixtest0");
  File f2 = new File(TestEditLog.TEST_DIR + "/mixtest1");
  File f3 = new File(TestEditLog.TEST_DIR + "/mixtest2");

  List<URI> editUris = ImmutableList.of(f1.toURI(), f2.toURI(), f3.toURI());

  // abort after the 5th roll 
  NNStorage storage = setupEdits(editUris,
                                 5, new AbortSpec(5, 1));
  Iterator<StorageDirectory> dirs = storage.dirIterator(NameNodeDirType.EDITS);
  StorageDirectory sd =;
  FileJournalManager jm = new FileJournalManager(conf, sd, storage);
  assertEquals(6*TXNS_PER_ROLL, getNumberOfTransactions(jm, 1, true, false));

  sd =;
  jm = new FileJournalManager(conf, sd, storage);
  assertEquals(5*TXNS_PER_ROLL + TXNS_PER_FAIL, getNumberOfTransactions(jm, 1,
      true, false));

  sd =;
  jm = new FileJournalManager(conf, sd, storage);
  assertEquals(6*TXNS_PER_ROLL, getNumberOfTransactions(jm, 1, true, false));
项目:hadoop-on-lustre2    文件   
public void testFinalizeErrorReportedToNNStorage() throws IOException, InterruptedException {
  File f = new File(TestEditLog.TEST_DIR + "/filejournaltestError");
  // abort after 10th roll
  NNStorage storage = setupEdits(Collections.<URI>singletonList(f.toURI()),
                                 10, new AbortSpec(10, 0));
  StorageDirectory sd = storage.dirIterator(NameNodeDirType.EDITS).next();

  FileJournalManager jm = new FileJournalManager(conf, sd, storage);
  String sdRootPath = sd.getRoot().getAbsolutePath();
  FileUtil.chmod(sdRootPath, "-w", true);
  try {
    jm.finalizeLogSegment(0, 1);
  } finally {
    FileUtil.chmod(sdRootPath, "+w", true);
项目:hadoop-on-lustre2    文件   
 * Test that we can read from a stream created by FileJournalManager.
 * Create a single edits directory, failing it on the final roll.
 * Then try loading from the point of the 3rd roll. Verify that we read 
 * the correct number of transactions from this point.
public void testReadFromStream() throws IOException {
  File f = new File(TestEditLog.TEST_DIR + "/filejournaltest1");
  // abort after 10th roll
  NNStorage storage = setupEdits(Collections.<URI>singletonList(f.toURI()),
                                 10, new AbortSpec(10, 0));
  StorageDirectory sd = storage.dirIterator(NameNodeDirType.EDITS).next();

  FileJournalManager jm = new FileJournalManager(conf, sd, storage);
  long expectedTotalTxnCount = TXNS_PER_ROLL*10 + TXNS_PER_FAIL;
  assertEquals(expectedTotalTxnCount, getNumberOfTransactions(jm, 1,
      true, false));

  long skippedTxns = (3*TXNS_PER_ROLL); // skip first 3 files
  long startingTxId = skippedTxns + 1; 

  long numLoadable = getNumberOfTransactions(jm, startingTxId,
      true, false);
  assertEquals(expectedTotalTxnCount - skippedTxns, numLoadable); 
项目:hadoop-on-lustre2    文件   
 * Test that we can load an edits directory with a corrupt inprogress file.
 * The corrupt inprogress file should be moved to the side.
public void testManyLogsWithCorruptInprogress() throws IOException {
  File f = new File(TestEditLog.TEST_DIR + "/filejournaltest5");
  NNStorage storage = setupEdits(Collections.<URI>singletonList(f.toURI()), 10, new AbortSpec(10, 0));
  StorageDirectory sd = storage.dirIterator(NameNodeDirType.EDITS).next();

  File[] files = new File(f, "current").listFiles(new FilenameFilter() {
      public boolean accept(File dir, String name) {
        if (name.startsWith("edits_inprogress")) {
          return true;
        return false;
  assertEquals(files.length, 1);


  FileJournalManager jm = new FileJournalManager(conf, sd, storage);
               getNumberOfTransactions(jm, 1, true, false));
项目:hadoop    文件   
 * Test that inprogress files are handled correct. Set up a single
 * edits directory. Fail on after the last roll. Then verify that the 
 * logs have the expected number of transactions.
public void testInprogressRecovery() throws IOException {
  File f = new File(TestEditLog.TEST_DIR + "/inprogressrecovery");
  // abort after the 5th roll 
  NNStorage storage = setupEdits(Collections.<URI>singletonList(f.toURI()),
                                 5, new AbortSpec(5, 0));
  StorageDirectory sd = storage.dirIterator(NameNodeDirType.EDITS).next();

  FileJournalManager jm = new FileJournalManager(conf, sd, storage);
  assertEquals(5*TXNS_PER_ROLL + TXNS_PER_FAIL, 
               getNumberOfTransactions(jm, 1, true, false));
项目:hadoop    文件   
 * Test that FileJournalManager behaves correctly despite inprogress
 * files in all its edit log directories. Set up 3 directories and fail
 * all on the last roll. Verify that the correct number of transaction 
 * are then loaded.
public void testInprogressRecoveryAll() throws IOException {
  File f1 = new File(TestEditLog.TEST_DIR + "/failalltest0");
  File f2 = new File(TestEditLog.TEST_DIR + "/failalltest1");
  File f3 = new File(TestEditLog.TEST_DIR + "/failalltest2");

  List<URI> editUris = ImmutableList.of(f1.toURI(), f2.toURI(), f3.toURI());
  // abort after the 5th roll 
  NNStorage storage = setupEdits(editUris, 5, 
                                 new AbortSpec(5, 0),
                                 new AbortSpec(5, 1),
                                 new AbortSpec(5, 2));
  Iterator<StorageDirectory> dirs = storage.dirIterator(NameNodeDirType.EDITS);
  StorageDirectory sd =;
  FileJournalManager jm = new FileJournalManager(conf, sd, storage);
  assertEquals(5*TXNS_PER_ROLL + TXNS_PER_FAIL, getNumberOfTransactions(jm, 1,
      true, false));

  sd =;
  jm = new FileJournalManager(conf, sd, storage);
  assertEquals(5*TXNS_PER_ROLL + TXNS_PER_FAIL, getNumberOfTransactions(jm, 1,
      true, false));

  sd =;
  jm = new FileJournalManager(conf, sd, storage);
  assertEquals(5*TXNS_PER_ROLL + TXNS_PER_FAIL, getNumberOfTransactions(jm, 1,
      true, false));
项目:aliyun-oss-hadoop-fs    文件   
 * Test that inprogress files are handled correct. Set up a single
 * edits directory. Fail on after the last roll. Then verify that the 
 * logs have the expected number of transactions.
public void testInprogressRecovery() throws IOException {
  File f = new File(TestEditLog.TEST_DIR + "/inprogressrecovery");
  // abort after the 5th roll 
  NNStorage storage = setupEdits(Collections.<URI>singletonList(f.toURI()),
                                 5, new AbortSpec(5, 0));
  StorageDirectory sd = storage.dirIterator(NameNodeDirType.EDITS).next();

  FileJournalManager jm = new FileJournalManager(conf, sd, storage);
  assertEquals(5*TXNS_PER_ROLL + TXNS_PER_FAIL, 
               getNumberOfTransactions(jm, 1, true, false));
项目:aliyun-oss-hadoop-fs    文件   
 * Test that FileJournalManager behaves correctly despite inprogress
 * files in all its edit log directories. Set up 3 directories and fail
 * all on the last roll. Verify that the correct number of transaction 
 * are then loaded.
public void testInprogressRecoveryAll() throws IOException {
  File f1 = new File(TestEditLog.TEST_DIR + "/failalltest0");
  File f2 = new File(TestEditLog.TEST_DIR + "/failalltest1");
  File f3 = new File(TestEditLog.TEST_DIR + "/failalltest2");

  List<URI> editUris = ImmutableList.of(f1.toURI(), f2.toURI(), f3.toURI());
  // abort after the 5th roll 
  NNStorage storage = setupEdits(editUris, 5, 
                                 new AbortSpec(5, 0),
                                 new AbortSpec(5, 1),
                                 new AbortSpec(5, 2));
  Iterator<StorageDirectory> dirs = storage.dirIterator(NameNodeDirType.EDITS);
  StorageDirectory sd =;
  FileJournalManager jm = new FileJournalManager(conf, sd, storage);
  assertEquals(5*TXNS_PER_ROLL + TXNS_PER_FAIL, getNumberOfTransactions(jm, 1,
      true, false));

  sd =;
  jm = new FileJournalManager(conf, sd, storage);
  assertEquals(5*TXNS_PER_ROLL + TXNS_PER_FAIL, getNumberOfTransactions(jm, 1,
      true, false));

  sd =;
  jm = new FileJournalManager(conf, sd, storage);
  assertEquals(5*TXNS_PER_ROLL + TXNS_PER_FAIL, getNumberOfTransactions(jm, 1,
      true, false));