Java 类org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.snapshot.DirectorySnapshottableFeature 实例源码

项目:hadoop    文件   
 * Check if the given INode (or one of its descendants) is snapshottable and
 * already has snapshots.
 * @param target The given INode
 * @param snapshottableDirs The list of directories that are snapshottable
 *                          but do not have snapshots yet
static void checkSnapshot(
    INode target, List<INodeDirectory> snapshottableDirs)
    throws SnapshotException {
  if (target.isDirectory()) {
    INodeDirectory targetDir = target.asDirectory();
    DirectorySnapshottableFeature sf = targetDir
    if (sf != null) {
      if (sf.getNumSnapshots() > 0) {
        String fullPath = targetDir.getFullPathName();
        throw new SnapshotException("The directory " + fullPath
            + " cannot be deleted since " + fullPath
            + " is snapshottable and already has snapshots");
      } else {
        if (snapshottableDirs != null) {
    for (INode child : targetDir.getChildrenList(Snapshot.CURRENT_STATE_ID)) {
      checkSnapshot(child, snapshottableDirs);
项目:aliyun-oss-hadoop-fs    文件   
 * Check if the given INode (or one of its descendants) is snapshottable and
 * already has snapshots.
 * @param target The given INode
 * @param snapshottableDirs The list of directories that are snapshottable
 *                          but do not have snapshots yet
static void checkSnapshot(
    INode target, List<INodeDirectory> snapshottableDirs)
    throws SnapshotException {
  if (target.isDirectory()) {
    INodeDirectory targetDir = target.asDirectory();
    DirectorySnapshottableFeature sf = targetDir
    if (sf != null) {
      if (sf.getNumSnapshots() > 0) {
        String fullPath = targetDir.getFullPathName();
        throw new SnapshotException("The directory " + fullPath
            + " cannot be deleted since " + fullPath
            + " is snapshottable and already has snapshots");
      } else {
        if (snapshottableDirs != null) {
    for (INode child : targetDir.getChildrenList(Snapshot.CURRENT_STATE_ID)) {
      checkSnapshot(child, snapshottableDirs);
项目:big-c    文件   
 * Check if the given INode (or one of its descendants) is snapshottable and
 * already has snapshots.
 * @param target The given INode
 * @param snapshottableDirs The list of directories that are snapshottable
 *                          but do not have snapshots yet
static void checkSnapshot(
    INode target, List<INodeDirectory> snapshottableDirs)
    throws SnapshotException {
  if (target.isDirectory()) {
    INodeDirectory targetDir = target.asDirectory();
    DirectorySnapshottableFeature sf = targetDir
    if (sf != null) {
      if (sf.getNumSnapshots() > 0) {
        String fullPath = targetDir.getFullPathName();
        throw new SnapshotException("The directory " + fullPath
            + " cannot be deleted since " + fullPath
            + " is snapshottable and already has snapshots");
      } else {
        if (snapshottableDirs != null) {
    for (INode child : targetDir.getChildrenList(Snapshot.CURRENT_STATE_ID)) {
      checkSnapshot(child, snapshottableDirs);
项目:hadoop-2.6.0-cdh5.4.3    文件   
 * Check if the given INode (or one of its descendants) is snapshottable and
 * already has snapshots.
 * @param target The given INode
 * @param snapshottableDirs The list of directories that are snapshottable 
 *                          but do not have snapshots yet
private static void checkSnapshot(INode target,
    List<INodeDirectory> snapshottableDirs) throws SnapshotException {
  if (target.isDirectory()) {
    INodeDirectory targetDir = target.asDirectory();
    DirectorySnapshottableFeature sf = targetDir
    if (sf != null) {
      if (sf.getNumSnapshots() > 0) {
        String fullPath = targetDir.getFullPathName();
        throw new SnapshotException("The directory " + fullPath
            + " cannot be deleted since " + fullPath
            + " is snapshottable and already has snapshots");
      } else {
        if (snapshottableDirs != null) {
    for (INode child : targetDir.getChildrenList(Snapshot.CURRENT_STATE_ID)) {
      checkSnapshot(child, snapshottableDirs);
项目:FlexMap    文件   
 * Check if the given INode (or one of its descendants) is snapshottable and
 * already has snapshots.
 * @param target The given INode
 * @param snapshottableDirs The list of directories that are snapshottable 
 *                          but do not have snapshots yet
private static void checkSnapshot(INode target,
    List<INodeDirectory> snapshottableDirs) throws SnapshotException {
  if (target.isDirectory()) {
    INodeDirectory targetDir = target.asDirectory();
    DirectorySnapshottableFeature sf = targetDir
    if (sf != null) {
      if (sf.getNumSnapshots() > 0) {
        String fullPath = targetDir.getFullPathName();
        throw new SnapshotException("The directory " + fullPath
            + " cannot be deleted since " + fullPath
            + " is snapshottable and already has snapshots");
      } else {
        if (snapshottableDirs != null) {
    for (INode child : targetDir.getChildrenList(Snapshot.CURRENT_STATE_ID)) {
      checkSnapshot(child, snapshottableDirs);
项目:hadoop    文件   
 * Get a listing of all the snapshots of a snapshottable directory
private static DirectoryListing getSnapshotsListing(
    FSDirectory fsd, String src, byte[] startAfter)
    throws IOException {
      "%s does not end with %s", src, HdfsConstants.SEPARATOR_DOT_SNAPSHOT_DIR);

  final String dirPath = FSDirectory.normalizePath(src.substring(0,
      src.length() - HdfsConstants.DOT_SNAPSHOT_DIR.length()));

  final INode node = fsd.getINode(dirPath);
  final INodeDirectory dirNode = INodeDirectory.valueOf(node, dirPath);
  final DirectorySnapshottableFeature sf = dirNode.getDirectorySnapshottableFeature();
  if (sf == null) {
    throw new SnapshotException(
        "Directory is not a snapshottable directory: " + dirPath);
  final ReadOnlyList<Snapshot> snapshots = sf.getSnapshotList();
  int skipSize = ReadOnlyList.Util.binarySearch(snapshots, startAfter);
  skipSize = skipSize < 0 ? -skipSize - 1 : skipSize + 1;
  int numOfListing = Math.min(snapshots.size() - skipSize, fsd.getLsLimit());
  final HdfsFileStatus listing[] = new HdfsFileStatus[numOfListing];
  for (int i = 0; i < numOfListing; i++) {
    Snapshot.Root sRoot = snapshots.get(i + skipSize).getRoot();
    listing[i] = createFileStatus(fsd, src, sRoot.getLocalNameBytes(), sRoot,
        BlockStoragePolicySuite.ID_UNSPECIFIED, Snapshot.CURRENT_STATE_ID,
        false, INodesInPath.fromINode(sRoot));
  return new DirectoryListing(
      listing, snapshots.size() - skipSize - numOfListing);
项目:hadoop    文件   
/** add DirectorySnapshottableFeature */
public void addSnapshottableFeature() {
      "this is already snapshottable, this=%s", this);
  DirectoryWithSnapshotFeature s = this.getDirectoryWithSnapshotFeature();
  final DirectorySnapshottableFeature snapshottable =
      new DirectorySnapshottableFeature(s);
  if (s != null) {
项目:hadoop    文件   
/** remove DirectorySnapshottableFeature */
public void removeSnapshottableFeature() {
  DirectorySnapshottableFeature s = getDirectorySnapshottableFeature();
  Preconditions.checkState(s != null,
      "The dir does not have snapshottable feature: this=%s", this);
  if (s.getDiffs().asList().size() > 0) {
    // add a DirectoryWithSnapshotFeature back
    DirectoryWithSnapshotFeature sf = new DirectoryWithSnapshotFeature(
项目:aliyun-oss-hadoop-fs    文件   
 * Get a listing of all the snapshots of a snapshottable directory
private static DirectoryListing getSnapshotsListing(
    FSDirectory fsd, String src, byte[] startAfter)
    throws IOException {
      "%s does not end with %s", src, HdfsConstants.SEPARATOR_DOT_SNAPSHOT_DIR);

  final String dirPath = FSDirectory.normalizePath(src.substring(0,
      src.length() - HdfsConstants.DOT_SNAPSHOT_DIR.length()));

  final INode node = fsd.getINode(dirPath);
  final INodeDirectory dirNode = INodeDirectory.valueOf(node, dirPath);
  final DirectorySnapshottableFeature sf = dirNode.getDirectorySnapshottableFeature();
  if (sf == null) {
    throw new SnapshotException(
        "Directory is not a snapshottable directory: " + dirPath);
  final ReadOnlyList<Snapshot> snapshots = sf.getSnapshotList();
  int skipSize = ReadOnlyList.Util.binarySearch(snapshots, startAfter);
  skipSize = skipSize < 0 ? -skipSize - 1 : skipSize + 1;
  int numOfListing = Math.min(snapshots.size() - skipSize, fsd.getLsLimit());
  final HdfsFileStatus listing[] = new HdfsFileStatus[numOfListing];
  for (int i = 0; i < numOfListing; i++) {
    Snapshot.Root sRoot = snapshots.get(i + skipSize).getRoot();
    INodeAttributes nodeAttrs = getINodeAttributes(
        fsd, src, sRoot.getLocalNameBytes(),
        node, Snapshot.CURRENT_STATE_ID);
    listing[i] = createFileStatus(
        fsd, sRoot.getLocalNameBytes(),
        sRoot, nodeAttrs,
        Snapshot.CURRENT_STATE_ID, false,
  return new DirectoryListing(
      listing, snapshots.size() - skipSize - numOfListing);
项目:aliyun-oss-hadoop-fs    文件   
/** Get a collection of full snapshot paths given file and snapshot dir.
 * @param lsf a list of snapshottable features
 * @param file full path of the file
 * @return collection of full paths of snapshot of the file
static Collection<String> getSnapshotFiles(FSDirectory fsd,
    List<DirectorySnapshottableFeature> lsf,
    String file) throws IOException {
  ArrayList<String> snaps = new ArrayList<>();
  for (DirectorySnapshottableFeature sf : lsf) {
    // for each snapshottable dir e.g. /dir1, /dir2
    final ReadOnlyList<Snapshot> lsnap = sf.getSnapshotList();
    for (Snapshot s : lsnap) {
      // for each snapshot name under snapshottable dir
      // e.g. /dir1/.snapshot/s1, /dir1/.snapshot/s2
      final String dirName = s.getRoot().getRootFullPathName();
      if (!file.startsWith(dirName)) {
        // file not in current snapshot root dir, no need to check other snaps
      String snapname = s.getRoot().getFullPathName();
      if (dirName.equals(Path.SEPARATOR)) { // handle rootDir
        snapname += Path.SEPARATOR;
      snapname += file.substring(file.indexOf(dirName) + dirName.length());
      if (fsd.getFSNamesystem().getFileInfo(snapname, true) != null) {
  return snaps;
项目:aliyun-oss-hadoop-fs    文件   
/** add DirectorySnapshottableFeature */
public void addSnapshottableFeature() {
      "this is already snapshottable, this=%s", this);
  DirectoryWithSnapshotFeature s = this.getDirectoryWithSnapshotFeature();
  final DirectorySnapshottableFeature snapshottable =
      new DirectorySnapshottableFeature(s);
  if (s != null) {
项目:aliyun-oss-hadoop-fs    文件   
/** remove DirectorySnapshottableFeature */
public void removeSnapshottableFeature() {
  DirectorySnapshottableFeature s = getDirectorySnapshottableFeature();
  Preconditions.checkState(s != null,
      "The dir does not have snapshottable feature: this=%s", this);
  if (s.getDiffs().asList().size() > 0) {
    // add a DirectoryWithSnapshotFeature back
    DirectoryWithSnapshotFeature sf = new DirectoryWithSnapshotFeature(
项目:big-c    文件   
 * Get a listing of all the snapshots of a snapshottable directory
private static DirectoryListing getSnapshotsListing(
    FSDirectory fsd, String src, byte[] startAfter)
    throws IOException {
      "%s does not end with %s", src, HdfsConstants.SEPARATOR_DOT_SNAPSHOT_DIR);

  final String dirPath = FSDirectory.normalizePath(src.substring(0,
      src.length() - HdfsConstants.DOT_SNAPSHOT_DIR.length()));

  final INode node = fsd.getINode(dirPath);
  final INodeDirectory dirNode = INodeDirectory.valueOf(node, dirPath);
  final DirectorySnapshottableFeature sf = dirNode.getDirectorySnapshottableFeature();
  if (sf == null) {
    throw new SnapshotException(
        "Directory is not a snapshottable directory: " + dirPath);
  final ReadOnlyList<Snapshot> snapshots = sf.getSnapshotList();
  int skipSize = ReadOnlyList.Util.binarySearch(snapshots, startAfter);
  skipSize = skipSize < 0 ? -skipSize - 1 : skipSize + 1;
  int numOfListing = Math.min(snapshots.size() - skipSize, fsd.getLsLimit());
  final HdfsFileStatus listing[] = new HdfsFileStatus[numOfListing];
  for (int i = 0; i < numOfListing; i++) {
    Snapshot.Root sRoot = snapshots.get(i + skipSize).getRoot();
    listing[i] = createFileStatus(fsd, src, sRoot.getLocalNameBytes(), sRoot,
        BlockStoragePolicySuite.ID_UNSPECIFIED, Snapshot.CURRENT_STATE_ID,
        false, INodesInPath.fromINode(sRoot));
  return new DirectoryListing(
      listing, snapshots.size() - skipSize - numOfListing);
项目:big-c    文件   
/** add DirectorySnapshottableFeature */
public void addSnapshottableFeature() {
      "this is already snapshottable, this=%s", this);
  DirectoryWithSnapshotFeature s = this.getDirectoryWithSnapshotFeature();
  final DirectorySnapshottableFeature snapshottable =
      new DirectorySnapshottableFeature(s);
  if (s != null) {
项目:big-c    文件   
/** remove DirectorySnapshottableFeature */
public void removeSnapshottableFeature() {
  DirectorySnapshottableFeature s = getDirectorySnapshottableFeature();
  Preconditions.checkState(s != null,
      "The dir does not have snapshottable feature: this=%s", this);
  if (s.getDiffs().asList().size() > 0) {
    // add a DirectoryWithSnapshotFeature back
    DirectoryWithSnapshotFeature sf = new DirectoryWithSnapshotFeature(
项目:hadoop-2.6.0-cdh5.4.3    文件   
 * Get a listing of all the snapshots of a snapshottable directory
private DirectoryListing getSnapshotsListing(String src, byte[] startAfter)
    throws UnresolvedLinkException, IOException {
      "%s does not end with %s", src, HdfsConstants.SEPARATOR_DOT_SNAPSHOT_DIR);

  final String dirPath = normalizePath(src.substring(0,
      src.length() - HdfsConstants.DOT_SNAPSHOT_DIR.length()));

  final INode node = this.getINode(dirPath);
  final INodeDirectory dirNode = INodeDirectory.valueOf(node, dirPath);
  final DirectorySnapshottableFeature sf = dirNode.getDirectorySnapshottableFeature();
  if (sf == null) {
    throw new SnapshotException(
        "Directory is not a snapshottable directory: " + dirPath);
  final ReadOnlyList<Snapshot> snapshots = sf.getSnapshotList();
  int skipSize = ReadOnlyList.Util.binarySearch(snapshots, startAfter);
  skipSize = skipSize < 0 ? -skipSize - 1 : skipSize + 1;
  int numOfListing = Math.min(snapshots.size() - skipSize, this.lsLimit);
  final HdfsFileStatus listing[] = new HdfsFileStatus[numOfListing];
  for (int i = 0; i < numOfListing; i++) {
    Root sRoot = snapshots.get(i + skipSize).getRoot();
    listing[i] = createFileStatus(sRoot.getLocalNameBytes(), sRoot,
        BlockStoragePolicySuite.ID_UNSPECIFIED, Snapshot.CURRENT_STATE_ID,
        false, null);
  return new DirectoryListing(
      listing, snapshots.size() - skipSize - numOfListing);
项目:hadoop-2.6.0-cdh5.4.3    文件   
/** add DirectorySnapshottableFeature */
public void addSnapshottableFeature() {
      "this is already snapshottable, this=%s", this);
  DirectoryWithSnapshotFeature s = this.getDirectoryWithSnapshotFeature();
  final DirectorySnapshottableFeature snapshottable =
      new DirectorySnapshottableFeature(s);
  if (s != null) {
项目:hadoop-2.6.0-cdh5.4.3    文件   
/** remove DirectorySnapshottableFeature */
public void removeSnapshottableFeature() {
  DirectorySnapshottableFeature s = getDirectorySnapshottableFeature();
  Preconditions.checkState(s != null,
      "The dir does not have snapshottable feature: this=%s", this);
  if (s.getDiffs().asList().size() > 0) {
    // add a DirectoryWithSnapshotFeature back
    DirectoryWithSnapshotFeature sf = new DirectoryWithSnapshotFeature(
项目:FlexMap    文件   
 * Get a listing of all the snapshots of a snapshottable directory
private DirectoryListing getSnapshotsListing(String src, byte[] startAfter)
    throws UnresolvedLinkException, IOException {
      "%s does not end with %s", src, HdfsConstants.SEPARATOR_DOT_SNAPSHOT_DIR);

  final String dirPath = normalizePath(src.substring(0,
      src.length() - HdfsConstants.DOT_SNAPSHOT_DIR.length()));

  final INode node = this.getINode(dirPath);
  final INodeDirectory dirNode = INodeDirectory.valueOf(node, dirPath);
  final DirectorySnapshottableFeature sf = dirNode.getDirectorySnapshottableFeature();
  if (sf == null) {
    throw new SnapshotException(
        "Directory is not a snapshottable directory: " + dirPath);
  final ReadOnlyList<Snapshot> snapshots = sf.getSnapshotList();
  int skipSize = ReadOnlyList.Util.binarySearch(snapshots, startAfter);
  skipSize = skipSize < 0 ? -skipSize - 1 : skipSize + 1;
  int numOfListing = Math.min(snapshots.size() - skipSize, this.lsLimit);
  final HdfsFileStatus listing[] = new HdfsFileStatus[numOfListing];
  for (int i = 0; i < numOfListing; i++) {
    Root sRoot = snapshots.get(i + skipSize).getRoot();
    listing[i] = createFileStatus(sRoot.getLocalNameBytes(), sRoot,
        BlockStoragePolicySuite.ID_UNSPECIFIED, Snapshot.CURRENT_STATE_ID,
        false, null);
  return new DirectoryListing(
      listing, snapshots.size() - skipSize - numOfListing);
项目:FlexMap    文件   
/** add DirectorySnapshottableFeature */
public void addSnapshottableFeature() {
      "this is already snapshottable, this=%s", this);
  DirectoryWithSnapshotFeature s = this.getDirectoryWithSnapshotFeature();
  final DirectorySnapshottableFeature snapshottable =
      new DirectorySnapshottableFeature(s);
  if (s != null) {
项目:FlexMap    文件   
/** remove DirectorySnapshottableFeature */
public void removeSnapshottableFeature() {
  DirectorySnapshottableFeature s = getDirectorySnapshottableFeature();
  Preconditions.checkState(s != null,
      "The dir does not have snapshottable feature: this=%s", this);
  if (s.getDiffs().asList().size() > 0) {
    // add a DirectoryWithSnapshotFeature back
    DirectoryWithSnapshotFeature sf = new DirectoryWithSnapshotFeature(
项目:hadoop    文件   
public DirectorySnapshottableFeature getDirectorySnapshottableFeature() {
  return getFeature(DirectorySnapshottableFeature.class);
项目:hadoop    文件   
public void dumpTreeRecursively(PrintWriter out, StringBuilder prefix,
    final int snapshot) {
  super.dumpTreeRecursively(out, prefix, snapshot);
  out.print(", childrenSize=" + getChildrenList(snapshot).size());
  final DirectoryWithQuotaFeature q = getDirectoryWithQuotaFeature();
  if (q != null) {
    out.print(", " + q);
  if (this instanceof Snapshot.Root) {
    out.print(", snapshotId=" + snapshot);

  if (prefix.length() >= 2) {
    prefix.setLength(prefix.length() - 2);
    prefix.append("  ");
  dumpTreeRecursively(out, prefix, new Iterable<SnapshotAndINode>() {
    final Iterator<INode> i = getChildrenList(snapshot).iterator();

    public Iterator<SnapshotAndINode> iterator() {
      return new Iterator<SnapshotAndINode>() {
        public boolean hasNext() {
          return i.hasNext();

        public SnapshotAndINode next() {
          return new SnapshotAndINode(snapshot,;

        public void remove() {
          throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

  final DirectorySnapshottableFeature s = getDirectorySnapshottableFeature();
  if (s != null) {
    s.dumpTreeRecursively(this, out, prefix, snapshot);
项目:aliyun-oss-hadoop-fs    文件   
public DirectorySnapshottableFeature getDirectorySnapshottableFeature() {
  return getFeature(DirectorySnapshottableFeature.class);
项目:aliyun-oss-hadoop-fs    文件   
public void dumpTreeRecursively(PrintWriter out, StringBuilder prefix,
    final int snapshot) {
  super.dumpTreeRecursively(out, prefix, snapshot);
  out.print(", childrenSize=" + getChildrenList(snapshot).size());
  final DirectoryWithQuotaFeature q = getDirectoryWithQuotaFeature();
  if (q != null) {
    out.print(", " + q);
  if (this instanceof Snapshot.Root) {
    out.print(", snapshotId=" + snapshot);

  if (prefix.length() >= 2) {
    prefix.setLength(prefix.length() - 2);
    prefix.append("  ");
  dumpTreeRecursively(out, prefix, new Iterable<SnapshotAndINode>() {
    final Iterator<INode> i = getChildrenList(snapshot).iterator();

    public Iterator<SnapshotAndINode> iterator() {
      return new Iterator<SnapshotAndINode>() {
        public boolean hasNext() {
          return i.hasNext();

        public SnapshotAndINode next() {
          return new SnapshotAndINode(snapshot,;

        public void remove() {
          throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

  final DirectorySnapshottableFeature s = getDirectorySnapshottableFeature();
  if (s != null) {
    s.dumpTreeRecursively(this, out, prefix, snapshot);
项目:big-c    文件   
public DirectorySnapshottableFeature getDirectorySnapshottableFeature() {
  return getFeature(DirectorySnapshottableFeature.class);
项目:big-c    文件   
public void dumpTreeRecursively(PrintWriter out, StringBuilder prefix,
    final int snapshot) {
  super.dumpTreeRecursively(out, prefix, snapshot);
  out.print(", childrenSize=" + getChildrenList(snapshot).size());
  final DirectoryWithQuotaFeature q = getDirectoryWithQuotaFeature();
  if (q != null) {
    out.print(", " + q);
  if (this instanceof Snapshot.Root) {
    out.print(", snapshotId=" + snapshot);

  if (prefix.length() >= 2) {
    prefix.setLength(prefix.length() - 2);
    prefix.append("  ");
  dumpTreeRecursively(out, prefix, new Iterable<SnapshotAndINode>() {
    final Iterator<INode> i = getChildrenList(snapshot).iterator();

    public Iterator<SnapshotAndINode> iterator() {
      return new Iterator<SnapshotAndINode>() {
        public boolean hasNext() {
          return i.hasNext();

        public SnapshotAndINode next() {
          return new SnapshotAndINode(snapshot,;

        public void remove() {
          throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

  final DirectorySnapshottableFeature s = getDirectorySnapshottableFeature();
  if (s != null) {
    s.dumpTreeRecursively(this, out, prefix, snapshot);
项目:hadoop-2.6.0-cdh5.4.3    文件   
public DirectorySnapshottableFeature getDirectorySnapshottableFeature() {
  return getFeature(DirectorySnapshottableFeature.class);
项目:hadoop-2.6.0-cdh5.4.3    文件   
public void dumpTreeRecursively(PrintWriter out, StringBuilder prefix,
    final int snapshot) {
  super.dumpTreeRecursively(out, prefix, snapshot);
  out.print(", childrenSize=" + getChildrenList(snapshot).size());
  final DirectoryWithQuotaFeature q = getDirectoryWithQuotaFeature();
  if (q != null) {
    out.print(", " + q);
  if (this instanceof Snapshot.Root) {
    out.print(", snapshotId=" + snapshot);

  if (prefix.length() >= 2) {
    prefix.setLength(prefix.length() - 2);
    prefix.append("  ");
  dumpTreeRecursively(out, prefix, new Iterable<SnapshotAndINode>() {
    final Iterator<INode> i = getChildrenList(snapshot).iterator();

    public Iterator<SnapshotAndINode> iterator() {
      return new Iterator<SnapshotAndINode>() {
        public boolean hasNext() {
          return i.hasNext();

        public SnapshotAndINode next() {
          return new SnapshotAndINode(snapshot,;

        public void remove() {
          throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

  final DirectorySnapshottableFeature s = getDirectorySnapshottableFeature();
  if (s != null) {
    s.dumpTreeRecursively(this, out, prefix, snapshot);
项目:FlexMap    文件   
public DirectorySnapshottableFeature getDirectorySnapshottableFeature() {
  return getFeature(DirectorySnapshottableFeature.class);
项目:FlexMap    文件   
public void dumpTreeRecursively(PrintWriter out, StringBuilder prefix,
    final int snapshot) {
  super.dumpTreeRecursively(out, prefix, snapshot);
  out.print(", childrenSize=" + getChildrenList(snapshot).size());
  final DirectoryWithQuotaFeature q = getDirectoryWithQuotaFeature();
  if (q != null) {
    out.print(", " + q);
  if (this instanceof Snapshot.Root) {
    out.print(", snapshotId=" + snapshot);

  if (prefix.length() >= 2) {
    prefix.setLength(prefix.length() - 2);
    prefix.append("  ");
  dumpTreeRecursively(out, prefix, new Iterable<SnapshotAndINode>() {
    final Iterator<INode> i = getChildrenList(snapshot).iterator();

    public Iterator<SnapshotAndINode> iterator() {
      return new Iterator<SnapshotAndINode>() {
        public boolean hasNext() {
          return i.hasNext();

        public SnapshotAndINode next() {
          return new SnapshotAndINode(snapshot,;

        public void remove() {
          throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

  final DirectorySnapshottableFeature s = getDirectorySnapshottableFeature();
  if (s != null) {
    s.dumpTreeRecursively(this, out, prefix, snapshot);