Java 类org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.snapshot.INodeFileWithSnapshot 实例源码

项目:hadoop-plus    文件   
public INodeFile recordModification(final Snapshot latest,
    final INodeMap inodeMap) throws QuotaExceededException {
  if (isInLatestSnapshot(latest)) {
    INodeFileWithSnapshot newFile = getParent()
        .replaceChild4INodeFileWithSnapshot(this, inodeMap)
        .recordModification(latest, inodeMap);
    return newFile;
  } else {
    return this;
项目:hadoop-plus    文件   
/** Replace a child {@link INodeFile} with an {@link INodeFileWithSnapshot}. */
INodeFileWithSnapshot replaceChild4INodeFileWithSnapshot(
    final INodeFile child, final INodeMap inodeMap) {
  Preconditions.checkArgument(!(child instanceof INodeFileWithSnapshot),
      "Child file is already an INodeFileWithSnapshot, child=" + child);
  final INodeFileWithSnapshot newChild = new INodeFileWithSnapshot(child);
  replaceChildFile(child, newChild, inodeMap);
  return newChild;
项目:hadoop-TCP    文件   
public INodeFile recordModification(final Snapshot latest,
    final INodeMap inodeMap) throws QuotaExceededException {
  if (isInLatestSnapshot(latest)) {
    INodeFileWithSnapshot newFile = getParent()
        .replaceChild4INodeFileWithSnapshot(this, inodeMap)
        .recordModification(latest, inodeMap);
    return newFile;
  } else {
    return this;
项目:hadoop-TCP    文件   
/** Replace a child {@link INodeFile} with an {@link INodeFileWithSnapshot}. */
INodeFileWithSnapshot replaceChild4INodeFileWithSnapshot(
    final INodeFile child, final INodeMap inodeMap) {
  Preconditions.checkArgument(!(child instanceof INodeFileWithSnapshot),
      "Child file is already an INodeFileWithSnapshot, child=" + child);
  final INodeFileWithSnapshot newChild = new INodeFileWithSnapshot(child);
  replaceChildFile(child, newChild, inodeMap);
  return newChild;
项目:hardfs    文件   
public INodeFile recordModification(final Snapshot latest,
    final INodeMap inodeMap) throws QuotaExceededException {
  if (isInLatestSnapshot(latest)) {
    INodeFileWithSnapshot newFile = getParent()
        .replaceChild4INodeFileWithSnapshot(this, inodeMap)
        .recordModification(latest, inodeMap);
    return newFile;
  } else {
    return this;
项目:hardfs    文件   
/** Replace a child {@link INodeFile} with an {@link INodeFileWithSnapshot}. */
INodeFileWithSnapshot replaceChild4INodeFileWithSnapshot(
    final INodeFile child, final INodeMap inodeMap) {
  Preconditions.checkArgument(!(child instanceof INodeFileWithSnapshot),
      "Child file is already an INodeFileWithSnapshot, child=" + child);
  final INodeFileWithSnapshot newChild = new INodeFileWithSnapshot(child);
  replaceChildFile(child, newChild, inodeMap);
  return newChild;
项目:hadoop-plus    文件   
 * Test {@link INodeDirectory#getExistingPathINodes(byte[][], int, boolean)} 
 * for snapshot file.
@Test (timeout=15000)
public void testSnapshotPathINodes() throws Exception {
  // Create a snapshot for the dir, and check the inodes for the path
  // pointing to a snapshot file
  hdfs.createSnapshot(sub1, "s1");
  // The path when accessing the snapshot file of file1 is
  // /TestSnapshot/sub1/.snapshot/s1/file1
  String snapshotPath = sub1.toString() + "/.snapshot/s1/file1";
  String[] names = INode.getPathNames(snapshotPath);
  byte[][] components = INode.getPathComponents(names);
  INodesInPath nodesInPath = INodesInPath.resolve(fsdir.rootDir, components);
  INode[] inodes = nodesInPath.getINodes();
  // Length of inodes should be (components.length - 1), since we will ignore
  // ".snapshot" 
  assertEquals(inodes.length, components.length - 1);
  // SnapshotRootIndex should be 3: {root, Testsnapshot, sub1, s1, file1}
  final Snapshot snapshot = getSnapshot(nodesInPath, "s1");
  assertSnapshot(nodesInPath, true, snapshot, 3);
  // Check the INode for file1 (snapshot file)
  INode snapshotFileNode = inodes[inodes.length - 1]; 
  assertINodeFile(snapshotFileNode, file1);
  assertTrue(snapshotFileNode.getParent() instanceof 

  // Call getExistingPathINodes and request only one INode.
  nodesInPath = INodesInPath.resolve(fsdir.rootDir, components, 1, false);
  inodes = nodesInPath.getINodes();
  assertEquals(inodes.length, 1);
  // The snapshotroot (s1) is not included in inodes. Thus the
  // snapshotRootIndex should be -1.
  assertSnapshot(nodesInPath, true, snapshot, -1);
  // Check the INode for file1 (snapshot file)
  assertINodeFile(nodesInPath.getLastINode(), file1);

  // Call getExistingPathINodes and request 2 INodes.
  nodesInPath = INodesInPath.resolve(fsdir.rootDir, components, 2, false);
  inodes = nodesInPath.getINodes();
  assertEquals(inodes.length, 2);
  // There should be two INodes in inodes: s1 and snapshot of file1. Thus the
  // SnapshotRootIndex should be 0.
  assertSnapshot(nodesInPath, true, snapshot, 0);
  assertINodeFile(nodesInPath.getLastINode(), file1);

  // Resolve the path "/TestSnapshot/sub1/.snapshot"  
  String dotSnapshotPath = sub1.toString() + "/.snapshot";
  names = INode.getPathNames(dotSnapshotPath);
  components = INode.getPathComponents(names);
  nodesInPath = INodesInPath.resolve(fsdir.rootDir, components);
  inodes = nodesInPath.getINodes();
  // The number of INodes returned should be components.length - 1 since we
  // will ignore ".snapshot"
  assertEquals(inodes.length, components.length - 1);

  // No SnapshotRoot dir is included in the resolved inodes  
  assertSnapshot(nodesInPath, true, snapshot, -1);
  // The last INode should be the INode for sub1
  final INode last = nodesInPath.getLastINode();
  assertEquals(last.getFullPathName(), sub1.toString());
  assertFalse(last instanceof INodeFileWithSnapshot);

  String[] invalidPathComponent = {"invalidDir", "foo", ".snapshot", "bar"};
  Path invalidPath = new Path(invalidPathComponent[0]);
  for(int i = 1; i < invalidPathComponent.length; i++) {
    invalidPath = new Path(invalidPath, invalidPathComponent[i]);
    try {
    } catch(FileNotFoundException fnfe) {
      System.out.println("The exception is expected: " + fnfe);
项目:hadoop-plus    文件   
 * Test {@link INodeDirectory#getExistingPathINodes(byte[][], int, boolean)} 
 * for snapshot file while modifying file after snapshot.
@Test (timeout=15000)
public void testSnapshotPathINodesAfterModification() throws Exception {
  //file1 was deleted, create it again.
  DFSTestUtil.createFile(hdfs, file1, 1024, REPLICATION, seed);

  // First check the INode for /TestSnapshot/sub1/file1
  String[] names = INode.getPathNames(file1.toString());
  byte[][] components = INode.getPathComponents(names);
  INodesInPath nodesInPath = INodesInPath.resolve(fsdir.rootDir, components);
  INode[] inodes = nodesInPath.getINodes();
  // The number of inodes should be equal to components.length
  assertEquals(inodes.length, components.length);
  assertSnapshot(nodesInPath, false, s4, -1);

  // The last INode should be associated with file1
  assertEquals(inodes[components.length - 1].getFullPathName(),

  // Create a snapshot for the dir, and check the inodes for the path
  // pointing to a snapshot file
  hdfs.createSnapshot(sub1, "s3");

  // Modify file1
  DFSTestUtil.appendFile(hdfs, file1, "the content for appending");

  // Check the INodes for snapshot of file1
  String snapshotPath = sub1.toString() + "/.snapshot/s3/file1";
  names = INode.getPathNames(snapshotPath);
  components = INode.getPathComponents(names);
  INodesInPath ssNodesInPath = INodesInPath.resolve(fsdir.rootDir, components);
  INode[] ssInodes = ssNodesInPath.getINodes();
  // Length of ssInodes should be (components.length - 1), since we will
  // ignore ".snapshot" 
  assertEquals(ssInodes.length, components.length - 1);
  final Snapshot s3 = getSnapshot(ssNodesInPath, "s3");
  assertSnapshot(ssNodesInPath, true, s3, 3);
  // Check the INode for snapshot of file1
  INode snapshotFileNode = ssInodes[ssInodes.length - 1]; 
  assertEquals(snapshotFileNode.getLocalName(), file1.getName());
  assertTrue(snapshotFileNode instanceof INodeFileWithSnapshot);
  // The modification time of the snapshot INode should be the same with the
  // original INode before modification
  assertEquals(inodes[inodes.length - 1].getModificationTime(),

  // Check the INode for /TestSnapshot/sub1/file1 again
  names = INode.getPathNames(file1.toString());
  components = INode.getPathComponents(names);
  INodesInPath newNodesInPath = INodesInPath.resolve(fsdir.rootDir, components);
  assertSnapshot(newNodesInPath, false, s3, -1);
  INode[] newInodes = newNodesInPath.getINodes();
  // The number of inodes should be equal to components.length
  assertEquals(newInodes.length, components.length);
  // The last INode should be associated with file1
  final int last = components.length - 1;
  assertEquals(newInodes[last].getFullPathName(), file1.toString());
  // The modification time of the INode for file3 should have been changed
      == newInodes[last].getModificationTime());
项目:hadoop-TCP    文件   
 * Test {@link INodeDirectory#getExistingPathINodes(byte[][], int, boolean)} 
 * for snapshot file.
@Test (timeout=15000)
public void testSnapshotPathINodes() throws Exception {
  // Create a snapshot for the dir, and check the inodes for the path
  // pointing to a snapshot file
  hdfs.createSnapshot(sub1, "s1");
  // The path when accessing the snapshot file of file1 is
  // /TestSnapshot/sub1/.snapshot/s1/file1
  String snapshotPath = sub1.toString() + "/.snapshot/s1/file1";
  String[] names = INode.getPathNames(snapshotPath);
  byte[][] components = INode.getPathComponents(names);
  INodesInPath nodesInPath = INodesInPath.resolve(fsdir.rootDir, components);
  INode[] inodes = nodesInPath.getINodes();
  // Length of inodes should be (components.length - 1), since we will ignore
  // ".snapshot" 
  assertEquals(inodes.length, components.length - 1);
  // SnapshotRootIndex should be 3: {root, Testsnapshot, sub1, s1, file1}
  final Snapshot snapshot = getSnapshot(nodesInPath, "s1");
  assertSnapshot(nodesInPath, true, snapshot, 3);
  // Check the INode for file1 (snapshot file)
  INode snapshotFileNode = inodes[inodes.length - 1]; 
  assertINodeFile(snapshotFileNode, file1);
  assertTrue(snapshotFileNode.getParent() instanceof 

  // Call getExistingPathINodes and request only one INode.
  nodesInPath = INodesInPath.resolve(fsdir.rootDir, components, 1, false);
  inodes = nodesInPath.getINodes();
  assertEquals(inodes.length, 1);
  // The snapshotroot (s1) is not included in inodes. Thus the
  // snapshotRootIndex should be -1.
  assertSnapshot(nodesInPath, true, snapshot, -1);
  // Check the INode for file1 (snapshot file)
  assertINodeFile(nodesInPath.getLastINode(), file1);

  // Call getExistingPathINodes and request 2 INodes.
  nodesInPath = INodesInPath.resolve(fsdir.rootDir, components, 2, false);
  inodes = nodesInPath.getINodes();
  assertEquals(inodes.length, 2);
  // There should be two INodes in inodes: s1 and snapshot of file1. Thus the
  // SnapshotRootIndex should be 0.
  assertSnapshot(nodesInPath, true, snapshot, 0);
  assertINodeFile(nodesInPath.getLastINode(), file1);

  // Resolve the path "/TestSnapshot/sub1/.snapshot"  
  String dotSnapshotPath = sub1.toString() + "/.snapshot";
  names = INode.getPathNames(dotSnapshotPath);
  components = INode.getPathComponents(names);
  nodesInPath = INodesInPath.resolve(fsdir.rootDir, components);
  inodes = nodesInPath.getINodes();
  // The number of INodes returned should be components.length - 1 since we
  // will ignore ".snapshot"
  assertEquals(inodes.length, components.length - 1);

  // No SnapshotRoot dir is included in the resolved inodes  
  assertSnapshot(nodesInPath, true, snapshot, -1);
  // The last INode should be the INode for sub1
  final INode last = nodesInPath.getLastINode();
  assertEquals(last.getFullPathName(), sub1.toString());
  assertFalse(last instanceof INodeFileWithSnapshot);

  String[] invalidPathComponent = {"invalidDir", "foo", ".snapshot", "bar"};
  Path invalidPath = new Path(invalidPathComponent[0]);
  for(int i = 1; i < invalidPathComponent.length; i++) {
    invalidPath = new Path(invalidPath, invalidPathComponent[i]);
    try {
    } catch(FileNotFoundException fnfe) {
      System.out.println("The exception is expected: " + fnfe);
项目:hadoop-TCP    文件   
 * Test {@link INodeDirectory#getExistingPathINodes(byte[][], int, boolean)} 
 * for snapshot file while modifying file after snapshot.
@Test (timeout=15000)
public void testSnapshotPathINodesAfterModification() throws Exception {
  //file1 was deleted, create it again.
  DFSTestUtil.createFile(hdfs, file1, 1024, REPLICATION, seed);

  // First check the INode for /TestSnapshot/sub1/file1
  String[] names = INode.getPathNames(file1.toString());
  byte[][] components = INode.getPathComponents(names);
  INodesInPath nodesInPath = INodesInPath.resolve(fsdir.rootDir, components);
  INode[] inodes = nodesInPath.getINodes();
  // The number of inodes should be equal to components.length
  assertEquals(inodes.length, components.length);
  assertSnapshot(nodesInPath, false, s4, -1);

  // The last INode should be associated with file1
  assertEquals(inodes[components.length - 1].getFullPathName(),

  // Create a snapshot for the dir, and check the inodes for the path
  // pointing to a snapshot file
  hdfs.createSnapshot(sub1, "s3");

  // Modify file1
  DFSTestUtil.appendFile(hdfs, file1, "the content for appending");

  // Check the INodes for snapshot of file1
  String snapshotPath = sub1.toString() + "/.snapshot/s3/file1";
  names = INode.getPathNames(snapshotPath);
  components = INode.getPathComponents(names);
  INodesInPath ssNodesInPath = INodesInPath.resolve(fsdir.rootDir, components);
  INode[] ssInodes = ssNodesInPath.getINodes();
  // Length of ssInodes should be (components.length - 1), since we will
  // ignore ".snapshot" 
  assertEquals(ssInodes.length, components.length - 1);
  final Snapshot s3 = getSnapshot(ssNodesInPath, "s3");
  assertSnapshot(ssNodesInPath, true, s3, 3);
  // Check the INode for snapshot of file1
  INode snapshotFileNode = ssInodes[ssInodes.length - 1]; 
  assertEquals(snapshotFileNode.getLocalName(), file1.getName());
  assertTrue(snapshotFileNode instanceof INodeFileWithSnapshot);
  // The modification time of the snapshot INode should be the same with the
  // original INode before modification
  assertEquals(inodes[inodes.length - 1].getModificationTime(),

  // Check the INode for /TestSnapshot/sub1/file1 again
  names = INode.getPathNames(file1.toString());
  components = INode.getPathComponents(names);
  INodesInPath newNodesInPath = INodesInPath.resolve(fsdir.rootDir, components);
  assertSnapshot(newNodesInPath, false, s3, -1);
  INode[] newInodes = newNodesInPath.getINodes();
  // The number of inodes should be equal to components.length
  assertEquals(newInodes.length, components.length);
  // The last INode should be associated with file1
  final int last = components.length - 1;
  assertEquals(newInodes[last].getFullPathName(), file1.toString());
  // The modification time of the INode for file3 should have been changed
      == newInodes[last].getModificationTime());
项目:hardfs    文件   
 * Test {@link INodeDirectory#getExistingPathINodes(byte[][], int, boolean)} 
 * for snapshot file.
@Test (timeout=15000)
public void testSnapshotPathINodes() throws Exception {
  // Create a snapshot for the dir, and check the inodes for the path
  // pointing to a snapshot file
  hdfs.createSnapshot(sub1, "s1");
  // The path when accessing the snapshot file of file1 is
  // /TestSnapshot/sub1/.snapshot/s1/file1
  String snapshotPath = sub1.toString() + "/.snapshot/s1/file1";
  String[] names = INode.getPathNames(snapshotPath);
  byte[][] components = INode.getPathComponents(names);
  INodesInPath nodesInPath = INodesInPath.resolve(fsdir.rootDir, components);
  INode[] inodes = nodesInPath.getINodes();
  // Length of inodes should be (components.length - 1), since we will ignore
  // ".snapshot" 
  assertEquals(inodes.length, components.length - 1);
  // SnapshotRootIndex should be 3: {root, Testsnapshot, sub1, s1, file1}
  final Snapshot snapshot = getSnapshot(nodesInPath, "s1");
  assertSnapshot(nodesInPath, true, snapshot, 3);
  // Check the INode for file1 (snapshot file)
  INode snapshotFileNode = inodes[inodes.length - 1]; 
  assertINodeFile(snapshotFileNode, file1);
  assertTrue(snapshotFileNode.getParent() instanceof 

  // Call getExistingPathINodes and request only one INode.
  nodesInPath = INodesInPath.resolve(fsdir.rootDir, components, 1, false);
  inodes = nodesInPath.getINodes();
  assertEquals(inodes.length, 1);
  // The snapshotroot (s1) is not included in inodes. Thus the
  // snapshotRootIndex should be -1.
  assertSnapshot(nodesInPath, true, snapshot, -1);
  // Check the INode for file1 (snapshot file)
  assertINodeFile(nodesInPath.getLastINode(), file1);

  // Call getExistingPathINodes and request 2 INodes.
  nodesInPath = INodesInPath.resolve(fsdir.rootDir, components, 2, false);
  inodes = nodesInPath.getINodes();
  assertEquals(inodes.length, 2);
  // There should be two INodes in inodes: s1 and snapshot of file1. Thus the
  // SnapshotRootIndex should be 0.
  assertSnapshot(nodesInPath, true, snapshot, 0);
  assertINodeFile(nodesInPath.getLastINode(), file1);

  // Resolve the path "/TestSnapshot/sub1/.snapshot"  
  String dotSnapshotPath = sub1.toString() + "/.snapshot";
  names = INode.getPathNames(dotSnapshotPath);
  components = INode.getPathComponents(names);
  nodesInPath = INodesInPath.resolve(fsdir.rootDir, components);
  inodes = nodesInPath.getINodes();
  // The number of INodes returned should be components.length - 1 since we
  // will ignore ".snapshot"
  assertEquals(inodes.length, components.length - 1);

  // No SnapshotRoot dir is included in the resolved inodes  
  assertSnapshot(nodesInPath, true, snapshot, -1);
  // The last INode should be the INode for sub1
  final INode last = nodesInPath.getLastINode();
  assertEquals(last.getFullPathName(), sub1.toString());
  assertFalse(last instanceof INodeFileWithSnapshot);

  String[] invalidPathComponent = {"invalidDir", "foo", ".snapshot", "bar"};
  Path invalidPath = new Path(invalidPathComponent[0]);
  for(int i = 1; i < invalidPathComponent.length; i++) {
    invalidPath = new Path(invalidPath, invalidPathComponent[i]);
    try {
    } catch(FileNotFoundException fnfe) {
      System.out.println("The exception is expected: " + fnfe);
项目:hardfs    文件   
 * Test {@link INodeDirectory#getExistingPathINodes(byte[][], int, boolean)} 
 * for snapshot file while modifying file after snapshot.
@Test (timeout=15000)
public void testSnapshotPathINodesAfterModification() throws Exception {
  //file1 was deleted, create it again.
  DFSTestUtil.createFile(hdfs, file1, 1024, REPLICATION, seed);

  // First check the INode for /TestSnapshot/sub1/file1
  String[] names = INode.getPathNames(file1.toString());
  byte[][] components = INode.getPathComponents(names);
  INodesInPath nodesInPath = INodesInPath.resolve(fsdir.rootDir, components);
  INode[] inodes = nodesInPath.getINodes();
  // The number of inodes should be equal to components.length
  assertEquals(inodes.length, components.length);
  assertSnapshot(nodesInPath, false, s4, -1);

  // The last INode should be associated with file1
  assertEquals(inodes[components.length - 1].getFullPathName(),

  // Create a snapshot for the dir, and check the inodes for the path
  // pointing to a snapshot file
  hdfs.createSnapshot(sub1, "s3");

  // Modify file1
  DFSTestUtil.appendFile(hdfs, file1, "the content for appending");

  // Check the INodes for snapshot of file1
  String snapshotPath = sub1.toString() + "/.snapshot/s3/file1";
  names = INode.getPathNames(snapshotPath);
  components = INode.getPathComponents(names);
  INodesInPath ssNodesInPath = INodesInPath.resolve(fsdir.rootDir, components);
  INode[] ssInodes = ssNodesInPath.getINodes();
  // Length of ssInodes should be (components.length - 1), since we will
  // ignore ".snapshot" 
  assertEquals(ssInodes.length, components.length - 1);
  final Snapshot s3 = getSnapshot(ssNodesInPath, "s3");
  assertSnapshot(ssNodesInPath, true, s3, 3);
  // Check the INode for snapshot of file1
  INode snapshotFileNode = ssInodes[ssInodes.length - 1]; 
  assertEquals(snapshotFileNode.getLocalName(), file1.getName());
  assertTrue(snapshotFileNode instanceof INodeFileWithSnapshot);
  // The modification time of the snapshot INode should be the same with the
  // original INode before modification
  assertEquals(inodes[inodes.length - 1].getModificationTime(),

  // Check the INode for /TestSnapshot/sub1/file1 again
  names = INode.getPathNames(file1.toString());
  components = INode.getPathComponents(names);
  INodesInPath newNodesInPath = INodesInPath.resolve(fsdir.rootDir, components);
  assertSnapshot(newNodesInPath, false, s3, -1);
  INode[] newInodes = newNodesInPath.getINodes();
  // The number of inodes should be equal to components.length
  assertEquals(newInodes.length, components.length);
  // The last INode should be associated with file1
  final int last = components.length - 1;
  assertEquals(newInodes[last].getFullPathName(), file1.toString());
  // The modification time of the INode for file3 should have been changed
      == newInodes[last].getModificationTime());